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  7. <table border="1">
  8. <tr><td>
  9. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  10. <p>A! Shi ní ya! Hao Jiǔ bu jiàn! Jīntiān zenme you shíjiān chūlai zouzou?</p></td><td>
  11. <p>Well, it’s you! I haven’t seen you in a long time! How is it you've got time to come out for a walk today</p></td></tr>
  12. <tr><td>
  13. <p>B;</p></td><td>
  14. <p>Yíge zhōngtóu yǐqián, wo cóng xuéxiào gei ni dǎ diànhuà, ní bú zài jiā, gāngcái wo dào zhèli fujìn mai dōngxi, jiù lái kàn-kan. Zhen bú cuò, ní yíjíng huílai le.</p></td><td>
  15. <p>I called you an hour ago from school, but you weren't home. I just came over to this neighborhood to do some shopping, so I stopped by to visit. It's great that you're back already.</p></td></tr>
  16. <tr><td>
  17. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  18. <p>Duìbuqí, wo gāngcái dào péngyou jiā jiè shū qu le.</p></td><td>
  19. <p>Sorry. I just went over to a friend's house to borrow a book.</p></td></tr>
  20. <tr><td>
  21. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  22. <p>Shénme shū? You shi guānyū Zhōngguóde ba?</p></td><td>
  23. <p>What book? More about China, I bet.</p></td></tr>
  24. <tr><td>
  25. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  26. <p>Duì le, you Xiānggǎngde, dàlùde, ye you Táiwānde, dōu shi xiāoshuōr. Ní zuòxia kàn, wo qù gei ni dào bēi chá lai.</p></td><td>
  27. <p>Yes, there are ones from Hong Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, all fiction. Sit down and have a look. I'll go get you a cup of tea.</p></td></tr>
  28. <tr><td>
  29. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  30. <p>Bú yào máfan, shénme hēde dōu xíng.</p></td><td>
  31. <p>Don't go to any trouble. Anything to drink is fine.</p></td></tr>
  32. <tr><td>
  33. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  34. <p>Kěkōukělè, Júzi shuír , háishi pijiu?</p></td><td>
  35. <p>Coke, orange Juice or beer?</p></td></tr>
  36. <tr><td>
  37. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  38. <p>M, júzi shuí ba!</p></td><td>
  39. <p>Um, orange juice.</p></td></tr>
  40. <tr><td>
  41. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  42. <p>Hao, wo māshàng j iù lái, yào bīngkuàir ma?</p></td><td>
  43. <p>Okay, I'll get it right now. Do you want ice cubes?</p></td></tr>
  44. <tr><td>
  45. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  46. <p>Bú yào, xièxie.</p></td><td>
  47. <p>No, thanks.</p></td></tr>
  48. <tr><td>
  49. <p>two</p></td><td colspan="2">
  50. <p>(Lí Ping sits down and leafs through the books, and Tom returns with glasses of orange juice. )</p></td></tr>
  51. <tr><td>
  52. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  53. <p>Tāngmú?.'</p></td><td>
  54. <p>Tom?</p></td></tr>
  55. <tr><td>
  56. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  57. <p>Ng?</p></td><td>
  58. <p>Yeah?</p></td></tr>
  59. <tr><td>
  60. <p>B:</p></td><td>
  61. <p>Zhè sānge dìfangde shū, ní dōu kàn, ní juéde zěnmeyàng?</p></td><td>
  62. <p>Reading books from all three of these places, what do you think?</p></td></tr>
  63. <tr><td>
  64. <p>A:</p></td><td>
  65. <p>Wode gǎnjué bú shi yíjù huà</p></td><td>
  66. <p>I can't explain my feelings in</p></td></tr>
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