Chapter 9. Lesson 9

Table of Contents

На маши́не по го́роду
Operating a vehicle in Russia
Some rules of the road
When you don't want to drive
Обще́ственный тра́нспорт
Доро́жные зна́ки / Road signs
Упражне́ние №1.
Setting the scene
Диало́г №1
Вариа́нт 1 диало́га №1
Вариа́нт 2 диало́га №1
Упражне́ние №2.
Упражне́ние №3.
Упражне́ние №4.
Упражне́ние №5.
Упражне́ние №6.
Упражне́ние №7.
Beyond the metro
Упражне́ние №8.
Упражне́ние №9.
Упражне́ние №10.
Setting the scene
Диало́г №2
Диало́г №3
Упражне́ние №11.
Упражне́ние №12.
Упражне́ние №13.
Упражне́ние №14.
Упражне́ние №15.
Упражне́ние №16.
Упражне́ние №17.
Упражне́ние №18.
Упражне́ние №19.
Диало́г №4
Упражне́ние №20.
Упражне́ние №21.
Упражне́ние №22.
Упражне́ние №23.
Setting the scene
Диало́г №5
Вариа́нт диало́га №5
Упражне́ние №24.
Упражне́ние №25.
Упражне́ние №26.
Упражне́ние №27.
Упражне́ние №28.
Упражне́ние №29.
Упражне́ние №30.
Упражне́ние №31.
По у́лицам Москвы́
Упражне́ние №32.
Упражне́ние №33.
Диало́г №6
Вариа́нт диало́га №6
Упражне́ние №34.
Упражне́ние №35.
Упражне́ние №36.
Упражне́ние №37.
Упражне́ние №38.
Упражне́ние №39.
Setting the scene
Диало́г №7
Диало́г №8
Диало́г №9
Диало́г №10
Упражне́ние №40.
Упражне́ние №41.
Упражне́ние №42.
Упражне́ние №43.
Упражне́ние №44.
Упражне́ние №45.
Упражне́ние №46.
Упражне́ние №47.
Упражне́ние №48.
Listening Comprehension Exercise
In case you were wondering
Verbs of Motion
"Going" verbs
"Transport" verbs
In case you were wondering
Prefixes and Verbs of Motion
Упражне́ние №48.
Useful words and expressions
Lesson №9
УРОК № 9


It is increasingly difficult to simply hail a cab on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Your best alternative is to order a taxi ahead of time from one of the private companies. Many of these operate out of the major tourist hotels. We've included a few of these companies, their addresses and phones here and the CLO has other listings if you need them.

Many Russians make use of а частник private car. Individuals who own cars will moonlight as taxi drivers, negotiating prices with each fare. You should make use of this resource only if your language skills and knowledge of current prices are good enough to prevent you from being "taken for a ride". Women travelling alone should not use the частники, as well as any individual travelling after dark, or to distant locations in the city.

Payment for any taxi service should be in roubles, unless you are using the services of one of the companies listed here. They will accept credit card

payment in foreign currency, at the current exchange rate. Though prices change quickly, in the summer of 1994 it cost $35.00 for a one-way trip from one of the major tourist hotels to Sheremetevo Airport.

The метро́, авто́бусы, тролле́йбусы и трамва́и subway, buses, trolleybuses and trams make up the public transportation system. The most efficient of these is the metro and all are definitely overcrowded, especially during час пик rush hour, from 7:00am to 10:00am and again from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Most types of transportation operate from 6:00am to 1:00am. Check the CLO for the most up-to-date information on using public transport.