FSI-chap2.xml.bak 92 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <chapter version="5.0" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
  3. xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
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  6. <title>Lesson 2</title>
  7. <informaltable colsep="0" floatstyle="" frame="all" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  8. <tgroup align="center" cols="1">
  9. <tbody>
  10. <row>
  11. <entry>Lesson №2</entry>
  12. </row>
  13. <row>
  14. <entry>GEOGRAPHY</entry>
  15. </row>
  16. <row>
  17. <entry>УРОК № 2</entry>
  18. </row>
  19. <row>
  20. <entry><inlinemediaobject>
  21. <imageobject>
  22. <imagedata fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-1.png"/>
  23. </imageobject>
  24. </inlinemediaobject></entry>
  25. </row>
  26. </tbody>
  27. </tgroup>
  28. </informaltable>
  29. <section>
  30. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Добро пожаловать в Россию</foreignphrase>! Welcome to
  31. Russia!</title>
  32. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  33. >Россия</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> Russia covers more than 6.5 million
  34. square miles or, roughly speaking, an area more than TWICE the size of the United States. The
  35. Ural Mountains divide the country into a European (western) half and an Asian (eastern)
  36. half.</para>
  37. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  38. >Россия</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> Russia covers more than 6.5 million
  39. square miles or, roughly speaking, an area more than TWICE the size of the United States. The
  40. Ural Mountains divide the country into a European (western) half and an Asian (eastern)
  41. half.</para>
  42. <para>To the west, Russia shares borders with Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia. Southern
  43. Russia extends to the Caucasus Mountains, which form the frontier with Georgia and Azerbaijan.
  44. In the east, that portion of Russia known as <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis
  45. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сибирь</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase>
  46. Siberia stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China in the
  47. south.</para>
  48. <para>The southern portion of Russia is composed primarily of flat, treeless plains known as
  49. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  50. >степь</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> steppe. Siberia itself is comprised of
  51. a northern belt of permanently frozen, treeless plains <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis
  52. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тундра</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase>
  53. and, more southerly, vast evergreen forests <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"
  54. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тайга</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase>. The
  55. tundra region has one of the harshest climates known to mankind, with extremely long, cold
  56. winters and brief, often sweltering summers.</para>
  57. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Санкт
  58. Петербург</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> St. Petersburg , founded by
  59. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пётр
  60. Великий</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> Peter the Great on the Gulf of
  61. Finland as a "window to the West", has been nicknamed the "brain" of Russia. This is mostly
  62. due to its "European" look, thanks to a regular, grid-like pattern of city planning.
  63. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  64. >Москва</foreignphrase></emphasis></foreignphrase> Moscow, on the other hand, is often
  65. referred to as the "soul", thanks to its more chaotic growth over the years and a more
  66. "Russian" look.</para>
  67. <para>The climate of Moscow is more continental than that of St. Petersburg, with summer
  68. temperatures averaging in the high 70s. Summers in both cities can be humid (though the level
  69. of humidity there can hardly compare with that of a typical DC summer!), with frequent
  70. thunderstorms that seem to come up without much warning. Winter can begin as early as October,
  71. with the first significant snowfalls in early November. Winter temperatures in Moscow, as in
  72. St. Petersburg, average in the mid-teens. Thanks to the effects of the Neva River and the Gulf
  73. of Finland, winters in St. Petersburg tend to feel more damp than those in Moscow. In general,
  74. the weather in these cities is similar to that in the northeastern U.S.</para>
  75. </section>
  76. <section>
  77. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Россия и карта мира</foreignphrase>.</title>
  78. <section>
  79. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №1.</title>
  80. <para>Russia shares common borders with 14 different countries. They are listed here for you
  81. to read in Russian. After reading this list, see if you can find them on a map. Which of
  82. these are former republics of the Soviet Union?</para>
  83. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  84. <tgroup cols="3">
  85. <tbody>
  86. <row>
  87. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Норвегия</foreignphrase></entry>
  88. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Польша</foreignphrase></entry>
  89. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Казахстан</foreignphrase></entry>
  90. </row>
  91. <row>
  92. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Финляндия</foreignphrase></entry>
  93. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Белоруссия</foreignphrase></entry>
  94. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Китай</foreignphrase></entry>
  95. </row>
  96. <row>
  97. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Эстония</foreignphrase></entry>
  98. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Украина</foreignphrase></entry>
  99. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Монголия</foreignphrase></entry>
  100. </row>
  101. <row>
  102. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Латвия</foreignphrase></entry>
  103. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Грузия</foreignphrase></entry>
  104. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Северная Корея</foreignphrase></entry>
  105. </row>
  106. <row>
  107. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Литва</foreignphrase></entry>
  108. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Азербайджан</foreignphrase></entry>
  109. <entry/>
  110. </row>
  111. </tbody>
  112. </tgroup>
  113. </informaltable>
  114. <para>Russia also borders on several large bodies of water. They are listed below:</para>
  115. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  116. <tgroup cols="2">
  117. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  118. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  119. <tbody>
  120. <row>
  121. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Балтийское море</foreignphrase></entry>
  122. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Северный Ледовитый океан</foreignphrase></entry>
  123. </row>
  124. <row>
  125. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Финский залив</foreignphrase></entry>
  126. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тихий океан</foreignphrase></entry>
  127. </row>
  128. <row>
  129. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Чёрное море</foreignphrase></entry>
  130. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Японское море</foreignphrase></entry>
  131. </row>
  132. <row>
  133. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Азовское море</foreignphrase></entry>
  134. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Охотское море</foreignphrase></entry>
  135. </row>
  136. <row>
  137. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Каспийское море</foreignphrase></entry>
  138. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Берингово море</foreignphrase></entry>
  139. </row>
  140. </tbody>
  141. </tgroup>
  142. </informaltable>
  143. </section>
  144. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  145. <section>
  146. <title>Упражнение №2.</title>
  147. <para>Using the compass points below, tell your instructor where the 14 nations andthe bodies
  148. of water are located:</para>
  149. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  150. <tgroup cols="2">
  151. <tbody>
  152. <row>
  153. <entry>in the north</entry>
  154. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на севере</foreignphrase></entry>
  155. </row>
  156. <row>
  157. <entry>in the south</entry>
  158. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на юге</foreignphrase></entry>
  159. </row>
  160. <row>
  161. <entry>in the west</entry>
  162. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на западе</foreignphrase></entry>
  163. </row>
  164. <row>
  165. <entry>in the east</entry>
  166. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на востоке</foreignphrase></entry>
  167. </row>
  168. </tbody>
  169. </tgroup>
  170. </informaltable>
  171. <mediaobject>
  172. <imageobject>
  173. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-2.png"/>
  174. </imageobject>
  175. </mediaobject>
  176. <para>Russia is divided into a number of distinct areas, based on the geographic features of
  177. each region. Some of the most common of these are:</para>
  178. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  179. <tgroup cols="2">
  180. <tbody>
  181. <row>
  182. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Центральный район</foreignphrase></entry>
  183. <entry>Central (region) Russia</entry>
  184. </row>
  185. <row>
  186. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Урал</foreignphrase></entry>
  187. <entry>Ural Mountains</entry>
  188. </row>
  189. <row>
  190. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поволжье</foreignphrase></entry>
  191. <entry>Volga River Valley</entry>
  192. </row>
  193. <row>
  194. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сибирь</foreignphrase></entry>
  195. <entry>Siberia</entry>
  196. </row>
  197. <row>
  198. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Дальний Восток</foreignphrase></entry>
  199. <entry>Far East</entry>
  200. </row>
  201. </tbody>
  202. </tgroup>
  203. </informaltable>
  204. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  205. <para>The following cities are located in these geographic areas:</para>
  206. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  207. <tgroup cols="3">
  208. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  209. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  210. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  211. <tbody>
  212. <row>
  213. <entry>1</entry>
  214. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Москва в Центральном
  215. районе.</foreignphrase></entry>
  216. <entry>Moscow is in Central Russia.</entry>
  217. </row>
  218. <row>
  219. <entry>2</entry>
  220. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Екатеринбург на Урале</foreignphrase></entry>
  221. <entry>Yekaterinburg is in the Urals.</entry>
  222. </row>
  223. <row>
  224. <entry>3</entry>
  225. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Волгоград в Поволжье.</foreignphrase></entry>
  226. <entry>Volgograd is in the Volga River Valley.</entry>
  227. </row>
  228. <row>
  229. <entry>4</entry>
  230. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Новосибирск в Сибири.</foreignphrase></entry>
  231. <entry>Novosibirsk is in Siberia.</entry>
  232. </row>
  233. <row>
  234. <entry>5</entry>
  235. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Владивосток на Дальнем
  236. Востоке.</foreignphrase></entry>
  237. <entry>Vladivostok is in the Far East.</entry>
  238. </row>
  239. </tbody>
  240. </tgroup>
  241. </informaltable>
  242. <para>See if you can locate these cities on the map shown here.</para>
  243. <mediaobject>
  244. <imageobject>
  245. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-3.png" width="15cm"/>
  246. </imageobject>
  247. </mediaobject>
  248. <para>After August 1991, the names of many Russian cities were changed:</para>
  249. <para><informaltable pgwide="1">
  250. <tgroup cols="2">
  251. <thead>
  252. <row>
  253. <entry>Present</entry>
  254. <entry>Former</entry>
  255. </row>
  256. </thead>
  257. <tbody>
  258. <row>
  259. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Санкт-Петербург</foreignphrase></entry>
  260. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ленинград</foreignphrase></entry>
  261. </row>
  262. <row>
  263. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нижний Новгород</foreignphrase></entry>
  264. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Горький</foreignphrase></entry>
  265. </row>
  266. <row>
  267. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Екатеринбург</foreignphrase></entry>
  268. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Свердловск</foreignphrase></entry>
  269. </row>
  270. <row>
  271. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тверь</foreignphrase></entry>
  272. <entry>Калинин</entry>
  273. </row>
  274. <row>
  275. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сергиев Посад</foreignphrase></entry>
  276. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Заго́рск</foreignphrase></entry>
  277. </row>
  278. </tbody>
  279. </tgroup>
  280. </informaltable></para>
  281. <para>The same is true of numerous locations and landmarks in Moscow and other Russian
  282. cities:<informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  283. <tgroup cols="2">
  284. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  285. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  286. <thead>
  287. <row>
  288. <entry>Present</entry>
  289. <entry>Former</entry>
  290. </row>
  291. </thead>
  292. <tbody>
  293. <row>
  294. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тверская</foreignphrase></entry>
  295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">улица Горького</foreignphrase></entry>
  296. </row>
  297. <row>
  298. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Новинский бульвар</foreignphrase></entry>
  299. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">улица Чайковского</foreignphrase></entry>
  300. </row>
  301. <row>
  302. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Театральная площадь</foreignphrase></entry>
  303. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">площадь Свердлова</foreignphrase></entry>
  304. </row>
  305. <row>
  306. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Лубянская площадь</foreignphrase></entry>
  307. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">площадь Дзержинского</foreignphrase></entry>
  308. </row>
  309. <row>
  310. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Манежная площадь</foreignphrase></entry>
  311. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">площадь 50-летия Октября</foreignphrase></entry>
  312. </row>
  313. </tbody>
  314. </tgroup>
  315. </informaltable></para>
  316. <para>But "Red Square" is still Red Square!</para>
  317. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Красная
  318. площадь</foreignphrase></emphasis> has been called <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  319. xml:lang="ru">Красная</foreignphrase></emphasis> (red) since the second half of the 17th
  320. century. The square was constructed towards the end of the 15th century (around the time of
  321. Columbus' discovery of America) when Tsar Ivan the Great <emphasis role="bold"
  322. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иван Великий</foreignphrase></emphasis> was building the
  323. magnificent cathedrals of the Kremlin <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  324. >Кремль</foreignphrase></emphasis>, that walled fortress which was the heart of the
  325. city's defenses. Every major city in Russia would have had a kremlin, but the Moscow one is
  326. by far the most famous.</para>
  327. <para>The square was first called <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  328. >Торг</foreignphrase></emphasis> (Trading Place) and was the site for some very lively
  329. commerce. Later, in the 16th century, it became known as<emphasis role="bold">
  330. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Троицкая</foreignphrase></emphasis> (Trinity Square) in honor
  331. of the Trinity Cathedral which stood at the southern end of the square. In 1571 the square
  332. was renamed <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  333. >Пожар</foreignphrase></emphasis> (The Fire) after the great fire of that year. Finally,
  334. the square was named <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  335. >Красная</foreignphrase></emphasis> when it was cleared of all the trading stalls at the
  336. end of the 17th century. At that time the word <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  337. xml:lang="ru">красный</foreignphrase>
  338. </emphasis>(red) meant <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  339. >красивый</foreignphrase></emphasis> (beautiful), and had nothing to do with the red
  340. brick of the Kremlin wall which runs along one of its sides.</para>
  341. <mediaobject>
  342. <imageobject>
  343. <imagedata fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-4.png" width="13cm"/>
  344. </imageobject>
  345. </mediaobject>
  346. </section>
  347. <section>
  348. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №3.</title>
  349. <para>Listen to the sentences your instructor will read aloud and write down in English any
  350. place names you recognize</para>
  351. <para>1. ____________________</para>
  352. <para>2. ____________________</para>
  353. <para>3. ____________________</para>
  354. <para>4. ____________________</para>
  355. <para>5. ____________________</para>
  356. <para>6. ____________________</para>
  357. <para>7. ____________________</para>
  358. </section>
  359. <section>
  360. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №4.</title>
  361. <para>Listen to the statements your instructor will read aloud and indicate whether they are
  362. true (T) or false (F)<informaltable frame="void">
  363. <col width="33%"/>
  364. <col width="33%"/>
  365. <col width="33%"/>
  366. <tbody>
  367. <tr>
  368. <td>1. ____________________</td>
  369. <td>4. ____________________</td>
  370. <td>7. ____________________</td>
  371. </tr>
  372. <tr>
  373. <td>2. ____________________</td>
  374. <td>5. ____________________</td>
  375. <td/>
  376. </tr>
  377. <tr>
  378. <td>3. ____________________</td>
  379. <td>6. ____________________</td>
  380. <td/>
  381. </tr>
  382. </tbody>
  383. </informaltable></para>
  384. </section>
  385. <section>
  386. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №5.</title>
  387. <para>Practice writing place names in Russian as your instructor reads them aloud. He/she will
  388. read each one twice and then will write them on the board so that you can check your
  389. work.</para>
  390. <para>1. ____________________</para>
  391. <para>2. ____________________</para>
  392. <para>3.. ____________________</para>
  393. <para>4. ____________________</para>
  394. <para>5. ____________________</para>
  395. <para>6. ____________________</para>
  396. <para>7. ____________________</para>
  397. </section>
  398. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  399. <section>
  400. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №6.</title>
  401. <para>Answer the following questions according to the model.</para>
  402. <informaltable width="100%">
  403. <col width="4cm"/>
  404. <col width="1*"/>
  405. <tr valign="top">
  406. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Instructor:</td>
  407. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Москва - столица
  408. России</foreignphrase>?</td>
  409. </tr>
  410. <tr valign="top">
  411. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Student:</td>
  412. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, Москва - столица
  413. России.</foreignphrase></td>
  414. </tr>
  415. </informaltable>
  416. <orderedlist>
  417. <listitem>
  418. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Осло - столица Норвегии?</foreignphrase></para>
  419. </listitem>
  420. <listitem>
  421. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Хельсинки - столица Финляндии?</foreignphrase></para>
  422. </listitem>
  423. <listitem>
  424. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Париж - столица Франции?</foreignphrase></para>
  425. </listitem>
  426. <listitem>
  427. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Бонн - столица Германии?</foreignphrase></para>
  428. </listitem>
  429. <listitem>
  430. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Варшава - столица Польши</foreignphrase>?</para>
  431. </listitem>
  432. <listitem>
  433. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Оттава - столица Канады?</foreignphrase></para>
  434. </listitem>
  435. <listitem>
  436. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вашингтон - столица Америки?</foreignphrase></para>
  437. </listitem>
  438. <listitem>
  439. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Лондон - столица Англии?</foreignphrase></para>
  440. </listitem>
  441. <listitem>
  442. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мадрид - столица Испании?</foreignphrase></para>
  443. </listitem>
  444. <listitem>
  445. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Рим - столица Италии?</foreignphrase></para>
  446. </listitem>
  447. </orderedlist>
  448. </section>
  449. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  450. <section>
  451. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №7.</title>
  452. <para>Answer the questions truthfully, according to the models:</para>
  453. <informaltable colsep="0" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  454. <tgroup cols="2">
  455. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="4cm"/>
  456. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  457. <tbody>
  458. <row>
  459. <entry>Instructor:</entry>
  460. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Париж - столица Франции?</foreignphrase></entry>
  461. </row>
  462. <row>
  463. <entry>Student:</entry>
  464. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, Париж - столица
  465. Франции.</foreignphrase></entry>
  466. </row>
  467. <row>
  468. <entry>Instructor:</entry>
  469. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Анкара - столица Индии?</foreignphrase></entry>
  470. </row>
  471. <row>
  472. <entry>Student:</entry>
  473. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, Новый Дели - столица
  474. Индии.</foreignphrase></entry>
  475. </row>
  476. </tbody>
  477. </tgroup>
  478. </informaltable>
  479. <orderedlist>
  480. <listitem>
  481. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Токио - столица Китая?</foreignphrase> (<foreignphrase
  482. xml:lang="ru">Пекин</foreignphrase>)</para>
  483. </listitem>
  484. <listitem>
  485. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Манила - столица Филиппин?</foreignphrase></para>
  486. </listitem>
  487. <listitem>
  488. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мадрас - столица Индии?</foreignphrase> (<foreignphrase
  489. xml:lang="ru">Новый Дели</foreignphrase>)</para>
  490. </listitem>
  491. <listitem>
  492. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Анкара - столица Ирана?</foreignphrase> (<foreignphrase
  493. xml:lang="ru">Тегеран</foreignphrase>)</para>
  494. </listitem>
  495. <listitem>
  496. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Лондон - столица Англии?</foreignphrase></para>
  497. </listitem>
  498. <listitem>
  499. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Стокгольм - столица Швеции?</foreignphrase></para>
  500. </listitem>
  501. <listitem>
  502. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Афины - столица Греции?</foreignphrase></para>
  503. </listitem>
  504. <listitem>
  505. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Канберра - столица Австрии?
  506. </foreignphrase>(<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вена</foreignphrase>)</para>
  507. </listitem>
  508. <listitem>
  509. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Каир - столица Египта?</foreignphrase></para>
  510. </listitem>
  511. <listitem>
  512. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Аддис-Абеба - столица Эфиопии?</foreignphrase></para>
  513. </listitem>
  514. <listitem>
  515. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тель-Авив - столица Израиля?</foreignphrase></para>
  516. </listitem>
  517. <listitem>
  518. <para>Р<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">им - столица Итапии?</foreignphrase></para>
  519. </listitem>
  520. <listitem>
  521. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мадрид - столица Португалии?</foreignphrase>
  522. (<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Лиссабон</foreignphrase>)</para>
  523. </listitem>
  524. <listitem>
  525. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Гавана - столица Кубы?</foreignphrase></para>
  526. </listitem>
  527. </orderedlist>
  528. </section>
  529. <section>
  530. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №8: <foreignphrase
  531. xml:lang="ru">какой</foreignphrase>?</title>
  532. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой</foreignphrase>? is the question word which asks:
  533. "Which?". Listen carefully as your instructor asks:</para>
  534. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой город столица
  535. Англии?</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  536. <para>Which city is the capital of England?</para>
  537. <para>You'll answer:</para>
  538. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  539. >Лондон</foreignphrase>.</emphasis></para>
  540. <para>Continue, using the cities and countries given in Exercise 7. See how many you might be
  541. able to add on your own.</para>
  542. </section>
  543. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  544. <section>
  545. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №9: что это?</title>
  546. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что это?</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  547. asks "What is this? What is that?" When answering, you'll begin your answer with
  548. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold">Это</emphasis></foreignphrase>... This
  549. is/That is...</para>
  550. <para>Now your instructor will point to various cities on the map and will ask:</para>
  551. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что это?</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  552. What is this? (pointing to Moscow)</para>
  553. <para>You'll answer by naming the city, using this model:</para>
  554. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold">Это
  555. Москва</emphasis>.</foreignphrase> That is Moscow.</para>
  556. </section>
  557. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  558. <section>
  559. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №10:<foreignphrase
  560. xml:lang="ru"> где?</foreignphrase>
  561. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот</foreignphrase>.</title>
  562. <para>Answer the following questions substituting the appropriate pronoun for the noun.</para>
  563. <informaltable colsep="0" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  564. <tgroup cols="4">
  565. <tbody>
  566. <row>
  567. <entry>Instructor</entry>
  568. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Москва?</foreignphrase></entry>
  569. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Лондон?</foreignphrase></entry>
  570. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Чёрное море?</foreignphrase></entry>
  571. </row>
  572. <row>
  573. <entry>Student</entry>
  574. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот она.</foreignphrase></entry>
  575. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот он.</foreignphrase></entry>
  576. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот оно.</foreignphrase></entry>
  577. </row>
  578. </tbody>
  579. </tgroup>
  580. </informaltable>
  581. <informaltable border="0" frame="void" width="100%">
  582. <col width="1*"/>
  583. <col width="1*"/>
  584. <tr valign="top">
  585. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">A.</emphasis></td>
  586. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">В.</emphasis></td>
  587. </tr>
  588. <tr valign="top">
  589. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Лондон?</foreignphrase></td>
  590. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Прага?</foreignphrase></td>
  591. </tr>
  592. <tr valign="top">
  593. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Париж?</foreignphrase></td>
  594. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Тирана?</foreignphrase></td>
  595. </tr>
  596. <tr valign="top">
  597. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где
  598. Санкт-Петербург?</foreignphrase></td>
  599. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Москва?</foreignphrase></td>
  600. </tr>
  601. <tr valign="top">
  602. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Берлин?</foreignphrase></td>
  603. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где София?</foreignphrase></td>
  604. </tr>
  605. <tr valign="top">
  606. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Мадрид?</foreignphrase></td>
  607. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Варшава?</foreignphrase></td>
  608. </tr>
  609. <tr valign="top">
  610. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Рим?</foreignphrase></td>
  611. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Вена?</foreignphrase></td>
  612. </tr>
  613. <tr valign="top">
  614. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где
  615. Вашингтон?</foreignphrase></td>
  616. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где
  617. Братислава?</foreignphrase></td>
  618. </tr>
  619. <tr valign="top">
  620. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где город
  621. Токио?</foreignphrase></td>
  622. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Ялта?</foreignphrase></td>
  623. </tr>
  624. <tr valign="top">
  625. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где город
  626. Осло?</foreignphrase></td>
  627. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Гаага?</foreignphrase></td>
  628. </tr>
  629. <tr valign="top">
  630. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">С.</emphasis></td>
  631. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">D.</emphasis></td>
  632. </tr>
  633. <tr valign="top">
  634. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Россия?</foreignphrase></td>
  635. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Каспийское
  636. море?</foreignphrase></td>
  637. </tr>
  638. <tr valign="top">
  639. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Канада?</foreignphrase></td>
  640. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Чёрное
  641. море?</foreignphrase></td>
  642. </tr>
  643. <tr valign="top">
  644. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Япония?</foreignphrase></td>
  645. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где озеро
  646. Байкал?</foreignphrase></td>
  647. </tr>
  648. <tr valign="top">
  649. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Эфиопия?</foreignphrase></td>
  650. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где Балтийское
  651. море?</foreignphrase></td>
  652. </tr>
  653. </informaltable>
  654. </section>
  655. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  656. <section>
  657. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №11.</title>
  658. <para>Take a look at the following advertisements. Pick out all words which are familiar to
  659. you. Any guesses as to what the ads are all about? Ask your instructor if you need
  660. help.</para>
  661. <mediaobject>
  662. <imageobject>
  663. <imagedata align="center" condition="" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-5.png"
  664. width="17cm"/>
  665. </imageobject>
  666. </mediaobject>
  667. </section>
  668. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  669. <section>
  670. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №12.</title>
  671. <para/>
  672. <para>Your instructor wants you to show where various places are on the map. He/she will ask
  673. you:</para>
  674. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите</foreignphrase>...</para>
  675. <orderedlist>
  676. <listitem>
  677. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Волгу.</foreignphrase></para>
  678. </listitem>
  679. <listitem>
  680. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Сибирь.</foreignphrase></para>
  681. </listitem>
  682. <listitem>
  683. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Тихий океан.</foreignphrase></para>
  684. </listitem>
  685. <listitem>
  686. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Финский залив.</foreignphrase></para>
  687. </listitem>
  688. <listitem>
  689. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Каспийское море.</foreignphrase></para>
  690. </listitem>
  691. <listitem>
  692. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Северный Ледовитый
  693. океан.</foreignphrase></para>
  694. </listitem>
  695. <listitem>
  696. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите Чёрное море.</foreignphrase></para>
  697. </listitem>
  698. </orderedlist>
  699. </section>
  700. <section>
  701. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №13.</title>
  702. <para>Read through this list of Russian cities and sort them according to the regions</para>
  703. <para>in the table below. Use the map, or ask your instructor for help.</para>
  704. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иркутск</foreignphrase>, Владивосток, <foreignphrase
  705. xml:lang="ru">Хабаровск</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  706. >Пермь</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Самара</foreignphrase>,
  707. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Челябинск</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  708. >Москва</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Новгород</foreignphrase>,
  709. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Екатеринбург</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  710. >Петропавловск</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Оренбург</foreignphrase>,
  711. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тверь</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  712. >Красноярск</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кострома</foreignphrase>,
  713. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Новосибирск</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  714. >Владимир</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Саратов</foreignphrase>,
  715. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ярославль</foreignphrase>.</para>
  716. <informaltable border="1" frame="box" width="100%">
  717. <col width="30%"/>
  718. <col width="70%"/>
  719. <tr valign="top">
  720. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сибирь</foreignphrase></td>
  721. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"/>
  722. </tr>
  723. <tr valign="top">
  724. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Дальний
  725. Восток</foreignphrase></td>
  726. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"/>
  727. </tr>
  728. <tr valign="top">
  729. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поволжье</foreignphrase></td>
  730. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"/>
  731. </tr>
  732. <tr valign="top">
  733. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Урал</foreignphrase></td>
  734. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"/>
  735. </tr>
  736. <tr valign="top">
  737. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Центральный
  738. район</foreignphrase></td>
  739. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"/>
  740. </tr>
  741. </informaltable>
  742. </section>
  743. <section>
  744. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Климат России. Погода.</foreignphrase></title>
  745. <para/>
  746. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  747. <tgroup cols="2">
  748. <tbody>
  749. <row>
  750. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Россия большая страна.</foreignphrase></entry>
  751. <entry>Russia is a large country.</entry>
  752. </row>
  753. <row>
  754. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Климат России разнообразный:на Крайнем Севере -
  755. арктический.</foreignphrase></entry>
  756. <entry>The climate of Russia is varied:in the Far North - arctic.</entry>
  757. </row>
  758. <row>
  759. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На юге, в Сочи
  760. -субтропический.</foreignphrase></entry>
  761. <entry>In the south, in Sochi - subtropical.</entry>
  762. </row>
  763. <row>
  764. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В европейской части Россиии в Сибири климат
  765. умеренный, континентальный.</foreignphrase></entry>
  766. <entry>In the European part of Russia and in Siberia the climate is moderate,
  767. continental.</entry>
  768. </row>
  769. <row>
  770. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На западе - мягкий,на востоке и северо-востоке
  771. -очень холодный и суровый.</foreignphrase></entry>
  772. <entry>In the west it is mild and in the east and northeast - very cold and
  773. severe.</entry>
  774. </row>
  775. <row>
  776. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На Дальнем Востоке климат
  777. морской.</foreignphrase></entry>
  778. <entry>In the Far East the climate is maritime.</entry>
  779. </row>
  780. </tbody>
  781. </tgroup>
  782. </informaltable>
  783. </section>
  784. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  785. <section>
  786. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №14.</title>
  787. <para>Examine the weather forecasts below and:</para>
  788. <itemizedlist>
  789. <listitem>
  790. <para>a. read the names of the cities and the legend (explanation of symbols).</para>
  791. </listitem>
  792. <listitem>
  793. <para>b. tell where it is sunny <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  794. >солнечно</foreignphrase></emphasis>, overcast <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  795. xml:lang="ru">облачно</foreignphrase></emphasis>, raining <emphasis role="bold">
  796. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">дождь</foreignphrase></emphasis> or snowing <emphasis
  797. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">снег</foreignphrase></emphasis>.</para>
  798. </listitem>
  799. </itemizedlist>
  800. <mediaobject>
  801. <imageobject>
  802. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons2-5-6.png"/>
  803. </imageobject>
  804. </mediaobject>
  805. </section>
  806. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  807. <section>
  808. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Россия и Ближнее Зарубежье.</foreignphrase> Russia and the
  809. Newly Independent States of Eurasia</title>
  810. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  811. <tgroup cols="2">
  812. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="4cm"/>
  813. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  814. <tbody>
  815. <row>
  816. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  817. >Россия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  818. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Москва - столица России.</foreignphrase>
  819. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В России живут русские.</foreignphrase></entry>
  820. </row>
  821. <row>
  822. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  823. >Украина</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  824. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Киев - столица Украины.</foreignphrase>
  825. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Украине живут украинцы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  826. </row>
  827. <row>
  828. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  829. >Латвия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  830. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Рига - столица Латвии. </foreignphrase>
  831. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Латвии живут латыши</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  832. </row>
  833. <row>
  834. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  835. >Литва</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  836. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вильнюс - столица Литвы.</foreignphrase>
  837. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Литве живут литовцы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  838. </row>
  839. <row>
  840. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  841. >Эстония</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  842. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Таллин - столица Эстонии.</foreignphrase>
  843. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Эстонии живут эстонцы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  844. </row>
  845. <row>
  846. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  847. >Молдавия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  848. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кишинёв - столица Молдавии.</foreignphrase>
  849. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Молдавии живут молдаване.</foreignphrase></entry>
  850. </row>
  851. <row>
  852. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  853. >Белоруссия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  854. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Минск - столица Белоруссии.</foreignphrase>
  855. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> В Белоруссии живут белорусы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  856. </row>
  857. <row>
  858. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  859. >Грузия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  860. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тбилиси - столица Грузии.</foreignphrase>
  861. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Грузии живут грузины.</foreignphrase></entry>
  862. </row>
  863. <row>
  864. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  865. >Армения</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  866. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ереван - столица Армении.</foreignphrase>
  867. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Армении живут армяне.</foreignphrase></entry>
  868. </row>
  869. <row>
  870. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  871. >Азербайджан</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  872. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Баку - столица Азербайджана.</foreignphrase>
  873. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Азербайджане живут
  874. азербайджанцы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  875. </row>
  876. <row>
  877. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  878. >Узбекистан</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  879. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ташкент - столица Узбекистана.</foreignphrase>
  880. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Узбекистане живут узбеки.</foreignphrase></entry>
  881. </row>
  882. <row>
  883. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  884. >Казахстан</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  885. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Алма-Ата - столица Казахстана. В Казахстане живут
  886. казахи.</foreignphrase></entry>
  887. </row>
  888. <row>
  889. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  890. >Туркмения</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  891. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ашхабад - столица Туркмении.</foreignphrase>
  892. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Туркмении живут туркмены.</foreignphrase></entry>
  893. </row>
  894. <row>
  895. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  896. >Таджикистан</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  897. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Душанбе - столица Таджикистана.</foreignphrase>
  898. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Таджикистане живут таджики.</foreignphrase></entry>
  899. </row>
  900. <row>
  901. <entry><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  902. >Киргизия</foreignphrase></emphasis></entry>
  903. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Бишкек - столица Киргизии.</foreignphrase>
  904. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Киргизии живут киргизы.</foreignphrase></entry>
  905. </row>
  906. </tbody>
  907. </tgroup>
  908. </informaltable>
  909. </section>
  910. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  911. <section>
  912. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №15.</title>
  913. <para>Fill in the blanks, orally.</para>
  914. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  915. <col width="1.06*"/>
  916. <col width="1.0*"/>
  917. <tr valign="top">
  918. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">1. ____________________</td>
  919. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  920. Белоруссии.</foreignphrase></td>
  921. </tr>
  922. <tr valign="top">
  923. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">2. ____________________</td>
  924. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  925. Грузии.</foreignphrase></td>
  926. </tr>
  927. <tr valign="top">
  928. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">3. ____________________</td>
  929. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  930. Киргизии.</foreignphrase></td>
  931. </tr>
  932. <tr valign="top">
  933. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">4. ____________________</td>
  934. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  935. Туркмении.</foreignphrase></td>
  936. </tr>
  937. <tr valign="top">
  938. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">5. ____________________</td>
  939. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  940. Литвы.</foreignphrase></td>
  941. </tr>
  942. <tr valign="top">
  943. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">6. ____________________</td>
  944. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  945. Украины.</foreignphrase></td>
  946. </tr>
  947. <tr valign="top">
  948. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">7. ____________________</td>
  949. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица
  950. Узбекистана.</foreignphrase></td>
  951. </tr>
  952. </informaltable>
  953. </section>
  954. <section>
  955. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №16.</title>
  956. <para>Fill in the blanks, orally.</para>
  957. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  958. <col width="1*"/>
  959. <col width="1*"/>
  960. <tbody>
  961. <tr valign="top">
  962. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">1. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Армении
  963. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  964. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  965. </tr>
  966. </tbody>
  967. <tbody>
  968. <tr valign="top">
  969. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">2. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Азербайджане
  970. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  971. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  972. </tr>
  973. <tr valign="top">
  974. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">3. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Молдавии
  975. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  976. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  977. </tr>
  978. </tbody>
  979. <tbody>
  980. <tr valign="top">
  981. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">4. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Эстонии
  982. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  983. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  984. </tr>
  985. </tbody>
  986. <tbody>
  987. <tr valign="top">
  988. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">5. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Таджикистане
  989. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  990. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  991. </tr>
  992. <tr valign="top">
  993. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">6. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Казахстане
  994. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  995. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  996. </tr>
  997. </tbody>
  998. <tbody>
  999. <tr align="left" valign="top">
  1000. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">7. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Латвии
  1001. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  1002. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">____________________</td>
  1003. </tr>
  1004. </tbody>
  1005. </informaltable>
  1006. </section>
  1007. <section>
  1008. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №17.</title>
  1009. <para>Answer the following questions according the models:</para>
  1010. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1011. <col width="4cm"/>
  1012. <col width="1*"/>
  1013. <tr valign="top">
  1014. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">Instructor:</td>
  1015. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Таджики живут в
  1016. Таджикистане?</foreignphrase></td>
  1017. </tr>
  1018. <tr valign="top">
  1019. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Student:</td>
  1020. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, они живут в
  1021. Таджикистане.</foreignphrase></td>
  1022. </tr>
  1023. <tr valign="top">
  1024. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">Instructor:</td>
  1025. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Эстонцы живут в
  1026. Латвии?</foreignphrase></td>
  1027. </tr>
  1028. <tr valign="top">
  1029. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Student:</td>
  1030. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, они живут в
  1031. Эстонии.</foreignphrase></td>
  1032. </tr>
  1033. </informaltable>
  1034. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1035. <col width="1.0cm"/>
  1036. <col width="1.0*"/>
  1037. <col width="1.02*"/>
  1038. <tr valign="top">
  1039. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">1.</td>
  1040. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Русские живут в
  1041. России?</foreignphrase></td>
  1042. <td>____________________</td>
  1043. </tr>
  1044. <tr valign="top">
  1045. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">2.</td>
  1046. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Грузины живут в
  1047. Грузии?</foreignphrase></td>
  1048. <td>____________________</td>
  1049. </tr>
  1050. <tr valign="top">
  1051. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">3.</td>
  1052. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Казахи живут в
  1053. Казахстане?</foreignphrase></td>
  1054. <td>____________________</td>
  1055. </tr>
  1056. <tr valign="top">
  1057. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">4.</td>
  1058. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Молдаване живут в
  1059. Белоруссии?</foreignphrase></td>
  1060. <td>____________________</td>
  1061. </tr>
  1062. <tr valign="top">
  1063. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">5.</td>
  1064. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Узбеки живут в
  1065. Латвии?</foreignphrase></td>
  1066. <td>____________________</td>
  1067. </tr>
  1068. <tr valign="top">
  1069. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">6.</td>
  1070. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Туркмены живут в
  1071. Киргизии?</foreignphrase></td>
  1072. <td>____________________</td>
  1073. </tr>
  1074. <tr valign="top">
  1075. <td align="right" colspan="1" rowspan="1">7.</td>
  1076. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Азербайджанцы живут в
  1077. Литве?</foreignphrase></td>
  1078. <td>____________________</td>
  1079. </tr>
  1080. </informaltable>
  1081. <para>Of course, as you well know, the Newly Independent States are home to many
  1082. nationalities. The above exercise, and the ones following, in no way suggest that these new
  1083. countries have entirely homogeneous populations.</para>
  1084. </section>
  1085. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1086. <section>
  1087. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №18.</title>
  1088. <para>Using the map, indicate the home countries of the given nationalities.</para>
  1089. <orderedlist>
  1090. <listitem>
  1091. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут украинцы.</foreignphrase></para>
  1092. </listitem>
  1093. <listitem>
  1094. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут узбеки.</foreignphrase></para>
  1095. </listitem>
  1096. <listitem>
  1097. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут армяне.</foreignphrase></para>
  1098. </listitem>
  1099. <listitem>
  1100. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут русские.</foreignphrase></para>
  1101. </listitem>
  1102. <listitem>
  1103. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут белорусы.</foreignphrase></para>
  1104. </listitem>
  1105. <listitem>
  1106. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите где живут литовцы.</foreignphrase></para>
  1107. </listitem>
  1108. </orderedlist>
  1109. </section>
  1110. <section>
  1111. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №19.</title>
  1112. <para>Using the map, indicate the capitals of the following countries:</para>
  1113. <orderedlist>
  1114. <listitem>
  1115. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу Казахстана.</foreignphrase></para>
  1116. </listitem>
  1117. <listitem>
  1118. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу Молдавии.</foreignphrase></para>
  1119. </listitem>
  1120. <listitem>
  1121. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу Туркмении.</foreignphrase></para>
  1122. </listitem>
  1123. <listitem>
  1124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу Украины.</foreignphrase></para>
  1125. </listitem>
  1126. <listitem>
  1127. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу России.</foreignphrase></para>
  1128. </listitem>
  1129. <listitem>
  1130. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите столицу Армении.</foreignphrase></para>
  1131. </listitem>
  1132. </orderedlist>
  1133. </section>
  1134. <section>
  1135. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №20.</title>
  1136. <para/>
  1137. <para>Listen to the following statements your instructor will read aloud. Indicate whether
  1138. they are true (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1139. >правильно</foreignphrase></emphasis>) or false (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1140. xml:lang="ru">неправильно</foreignphrase></emphasis>):</para>
  1141. <orderedlist>
  1142. <listitem>
  1143. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Киргизии живут киргизы?</foreignphrase></para>
  1144. </listitem>
  1145. <listitem>
  1146. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Таджики живут в Таджикистане?</foreignphrase></para>
  1147. </listitem>
  1148. <listitem>
  1149. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Узбекистане живут узбеки?</foreignphrase></para>
  1150. </listitem>
  1151. <listitem>
  1152. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Русские живут в Азербайджане?</foreignphrase></para>
  1153. </listitem>
  1154. <listitem>
  1155. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Эстонии живут казахи?</foreignphrase></para>
  1156. </listitem>
  1157. <listitem>
  1158. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Латыши живут в Латвии?</foreignphrase></para>
  1159. </listitem>
  1160. </orderedlist>
  1161. </section>
  1162. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1163. <section>
  1164. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №21.</title>
  1165. <para>Match the countries with their capitals.</para>
  1166. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1167. <col width="1*"/>
  1168. <col width="1*"/>
  1169. <tr valign="top">
  1170. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Эстония</foreignphrase></td>
  1171. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ереван</foreignphrase></td>
  1172. </tr>
  1173. <tr valign="top">
  1174. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Таджикистан</foreignphrase></td>
  1175. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Рига</foreignphrase></td>
  1176. </tr>
  1177. <tr valign="top">
  1178. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Россия</foreignphrase></td>
  1179. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Минск</foreignphrase></td>
  1180. </tr>
  1181. <tr valign="top">
  1182. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Казахстан</foreignphrase></td>
  1183. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тбилиси</foreignphrase></td>
  1184. </tr>
  1185. <tr valign="top">
  1186. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Литва</foreignphrase></td>
  1187. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Бишкек</foreignphrase></td>
  1188. </tr>
  1189. <tr valign="top">
  1190. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Грузия</foreignphrase></td>
  1191. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Киев</foreignphrase></td>
  1192. </tr>
  1193. <tr valign="top">
  1194. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Туркмения</foreignphrase></td>
  1195. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вильнюс</foreignphrase></td>
  1196. </tr>
  1197. <tr valign="top">
  1198. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Молдавия</td>
  1199. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Москва</foreignphrase></td>
  1200. </tr>
  1201. <tr valign="top">
  1202. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Латвия</foreignphrase></td>
  1203. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Душанбе</foreignphrase></td>
  1204. </tr>
  1205. <tr valign="top">
  1206. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Узбекистан</foreignphrase></td>
  1207. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ашхабад</foreignphrase></td>
  1208. </tr>
  1209. <tr valign="top">
  1210. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Армения</foreignphrase></td>
  1211. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кишинёв</foreignphrase></td>
  1212. </tr>
  1213. <tr valign="top">
  1214. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Украина</foreignphrase></td>
  1215. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Таллин</foreignphrase></td>
  1216. </tr>
  1217. <tr valign="top">
  1218. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Азербайджан</foreignphrase></td>
  1219. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Баку</foreignphrase></td>
  1220. </tr>
  1221. <tr valign="top">
  1222. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Белоруссия</foreignphrase></td>
  1223. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Алма-ата</foreignphrase></td>
  1224. </tr>
  1225. <tr valign="top">
  1226. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Киргизия</foreignphrase></td>
  1227. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ташкент</foreignphrase></td>
  1228. </tr>
  1229. </informaltable>
  1230. </section>
  1231. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1232. <section>
  1233. <title>In case you were wondering</title>
  1234. <section>
  1235. <title>A. Cases</title>
  1236. <para/>
  1237. <para>Russian is an <emphasis role="italic">inflected </emphasis>language which simply means
  1238. that nouns (and their modifiers) will change their shape to indicate a change of function
  1239. within the sentence. A noun may function as a <emphasis role="bold">subject</emphasis>, an
  1240. <emphasis role="bold">indirect object</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">direct
  1241. object</emphasis> or the <emphasis role="bold">object of a preposition</emphasis>. In
  1242. each instance it will change its ending to inform you of its particular role.</para>
  1243. <para>Each of these functions is indicated by a set of endings (1 each for each of the
  1244. genders and 1 for plural), which are grouped into CASES:</para>
  1245. <informaltable width="100%">
  1246. <col width="40%"/>
  1247. <col width="60%"/>
  1248. <tr valign="top">
  1249. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">1. Nominative</td>
  1250. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">names the subject (who? what?)</td>
  1251. </tr>
  1252. <tr valign="top">
  1253. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">2. Genitive</td>
  1254. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">shows possession (whose?)</td>
  1255. </tr>
  1256. <tr valign="top">
  1257. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">3. Dative</td>
  1258. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">indicates the indirect object, recipient of the action (to
  1259. whom? to what?)</td>
  1260. </tr>
  1261. <tr valign="top">
  1262. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">4. Accusative</td>
  1263. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">indicates the direct object (whom? what?)</td>
  1264. </tr>
  1265. <tr valign="top">
  1266. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">5. Instrumental</td>
  1267. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">indicates instrument or means; or accompaniment (how? with
  1268. what? with whom?)</td>
  1269. </tr>
  1270. <tr valign="top">
  1271. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">6. Locative/Prepositional</td>
  1272. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">shows location (where?); indicates the object of the
  1273. preposition (about whom? about what?)</td>
  1274. </tr>
  1275. </informaltable>
  1276. </section>
  1277. <section>
  1278. <title>B. Gender of Russian nouns</title>
  1279. <para>All Russian nouns belong to one of three <emphasis role="italic">grammatical
  1280. </emphasis><emphasis role="bold">genders: </emphasis><emphasis role="bold">masculine,
  1281. neuter </emphasis>or <emphasis role="bold">feminine. </emphasis>Do not confuse <emphasis
  1282. role="bold">gender </emphasis>with <emphasis role="bold">sex; </emphasis>the word for
  1283. table in Russian is a <emphasis role="bold">masculine gender </emphasis>noun, but there's
  1284. nothing <emphasis role="italic">male </emphasis>about the object; book in Russian is a
  1285. <emphasis role="bold">feminine gender </emphasis>noun, but there's nothing inherently
  1286. <emphasis role="italic">female </emphasis>about it. However, nouns referring to male
  1287. beings will (usually) be masculine gender; those referring to female beings will be
  1288. feminine gender.</para>
  1289. <para>In most cases, the gender of the noun can be determined by its ending. The table below
  1290. illustrates this:</para>
  1291. <informaltable border="1" width="100%">
  1292. <col width="1*"/>
  1293. <col width="1*"/>
  1294. <col width="1*"/>
  1295. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1296. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">MASCULINE</emphasis></td>
  1297. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">NEUTER</emphasis></td>
  1298. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold">FEMININE</emphasis></td>
  1299. </tr>
  1300. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1301. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">end in a consonant or<emphasis role="bold"
  1302. >-b</emphasis></td>
  1303. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">end in -<emphasis role="bold">о</emphasis> or -<emphasis
  1304. role="bold">е</emphasis></td>
  1305. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">end in -<emphasis role="bold">а</emphasis>, -<emphasis
  1306. role="bold">я</emphasis> or -<emphasis role="bold">ь</emphasis></td>
  1307. </tr>
  1308. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1309. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1310. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">паспорт</foreignphrase>
  1311. </para>
  1312. <para>
  1313. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">автомобиль</foreignphrase>
  1314. </para>
  1315. <para>
  1316. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">портфель</foreignphrase>
  1317. </para></td>
  1318. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1319. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">озеро</foreignphrase>
  1320. </para>
  1321. <para>
  1322. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">море</foreignphrase>
  1323. </para>
  1324. <para>
  1325. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пальто</foreignphrase>
  1326. </para></td>
  1327. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1328. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">виза</foreignphrase>
  1329. </para>
  1330. <para>
  1331. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">фамилия</foreignphrase>
  1332. </para>
  1333. <para>
  1334. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сибирь</foreignphrase>
  1335. </para></td>
  1336. </tr>
  1337. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1338. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1339. >он</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1340. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1341. >оно</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1342. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1343. >она</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1344. </tr>
  1345. </informaltable>
  1346. </section>
  1347. <section>
  1348. <title>C. Adjectives.</title>
  1349. <para>Adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number and case. This means
  1350. that when a singular feminine noun is in the nominative case (the subject of the
  1351. sentence), the adjective that describes that noun must be nominative, singular, feminine.
  1352. Since the noun and adjective do not necessarily stand together in the sentence, agreement
  1353. is especially important. Agreement in the nominative may look like this:</para>
  1354. <informaltable border="1" width="100%">
  1355. <col width="1*"/>
  1356. <col width="1*"/>
  1357. <col width="1*"/>
  1358. <tr valign="top">
  1359. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1360. xml:lang="ru">OН</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1361. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1362. xml:lang="ru">ОНО</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1363. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1364. xml:lang="ru">ОНА</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1365. </tr>
  1366. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1367. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1368. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новый дом</foreignphrase>
  1369. </para>
  1370. <para>
  1371. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">хороший студент</foreignphrase>
  1372. </para></td>
  1373. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1374. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новое здание </foreignphrase>
  1375. </para>
  1376. <para>
  1377. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">хорошее вино</foreignphrase>
  1378. </para></td>
  1379. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1380. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новая квартира </foreignphrase>
  1381. </para>
  1382. <para>
  1383. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">хорошая студентка</foreignphrase>
  1384. </para></td>
  1385. </tr>
  1386. </informaltable>
  1387. <informaltable border="1" width="100%">
  1388. <col width="1*"/>
  1389. <col width="1*"/>
  1390. <col width="1*"/>
  1391. <tr valign="top">
  1392. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1393. xml:lang="ru">ОНИ</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1394. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1395. xml:lang="ru">ОНИ</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1396. <td align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1"><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1397. xml:lang="ru">ОНИ</foreignphrase></emphasis></td>
  1398. </tr>
  1399. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1400. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1401. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новые дома</foreignphrase>
  1402. </para>
  1403. <para>
  1404. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">а хорошие студенты</foreignphrase>
  1405. </para></td>
  1406. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1407. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новые здания</foreignphrase>
  1408. </para>
  1409. <para>
  1410. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> хорошие вина</foreignphrase>
  1411. </para></td>
  1412. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><para>
  1413. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новые квартиры</foreignphrase>
  1414. </para>
  1415. <para>
  1416. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> хорошие студентки</foreignphrase>
  1417. </para></td>
  1418. </tr>
  1419. </informaltable>
  1420. </section>
  1421. <section>
  1422. <title>D. Personal pronouns.</title>
  1423. <para/>
  1424. <para>Russian uses pronouns in much the same way English does; they take the place of, or
  1425. refer back to nouns. The table below shows the correspondence between Russian and English
  1426. pronouns:</para>
  1427. <informalexample>
  1428. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1429. <col width="3cm"/>
  1430. <col width="1*"/>
  1431. <tr valign="top">
  1432. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я</foreignphrase></td>
  1433. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">I</td>
  1434. </tr>
  1435. <tr valign="top">
  1436. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты</foreignphrase></td>
  1437. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">you (sing, and informal)</td>
  1438. </tr>
  1439. <tr valign="top">
  1440. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1441. >он</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1442. >она</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">оно</foreignphrase></td>
  1443. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">he/she/it</td>
  1444. </tr>
  1445. <tr valign="top">
  1446. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">мы</foreignphrase></td>
  1447. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">we</td>
  1448. </tr>
  1449. <tr valign="top">
  1450. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы</foreignphrase></td>
  1451. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">you (pi. and formal)</td>
  1452. </tr>
  1453. <tr valign="top">
  1454. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они</foreignphrase></td>
  1455. <td align="left" colspan="1" rowspan="1">they</td>
  1456. </tr>
  1457. </informaltable>
  1458. </informalexample>
  1459. <para>As you can see by this table, Russian has two pronouns for the second person you.
  1460. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ты</foreignphrase></emphasis> is
  1461. informal and singular; <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1462. >вы</foreignphrase></emphasis> is formal and/or plural. (See the comments on <emphasis
  1463. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты</foreignphrase></emphasis> and<emphasis
  1464. role="bold">
  1465. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы</foreignphrase></emphasis> in Lesson 3).</para>
  1466. <para>As in English, Russian pronouns change form as their function changes in the sentence.
  1467. Take a look at the following sentences:</para>
  1468. <para><emphasis role="bold">I know you.</emphasis></para>
  1469. <para><emphasis role="bold">You know me. </emphasis></para>
  1470. <para>I changes to me when it switches from the role of subject to the role of
  1471. object.</para>
  1472. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я знаю
  1473. вас.</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  1474. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы знаете
  1475. меня.</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  1476. </section>
  1477. <section>
  1478. <title>E. вот</title>
  1479. <para><emphasis role="bold">Вот </emphasis>is used in Russian in the sense of "Here is..."
  1480. when pointing to something or someone. For example:</para>
  1481. <informalexample>
  1482. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1483. <col width="1*"/>
  1484. <col width="1*"/>
  1485. <tr valign="top">
  1486. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Где
  1487. багаж?</foreignphrase></td>
  1488. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Where's the luggage?</td>
  1489. </tr>
  1490. <tr valign="top">
  1491. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Вот он.</foreignphrase></td>
  1492. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Неге it is.</td>
  1493. </tr>
  1494. <tr valign="top">
  1495. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Где
  1496. Линда?</foreignphrase></td>
  1497. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Where's Linda?</td>
  1498. </tr>
  1499. <tr valign="top">
  1500. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Вот
  1501. она.</foreignphrase></td>
  1502. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Here she is.</td>
  1503. </tr>
  1504. </informaltable>
  1505. </informalexample>
  1506. </section>
  1507. <section>
  1508. <title>F. Why do verbs have different forms?</title>
  1509. <para/>
  1510. <para>The verb<emphasis role="bold">
  1511. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">жить</foreignphrase></emphasis> [to live] appears in two
  1512. forms in this lesson: <emphasis role="bold">(<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1513. >он</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">она</foreignphrase>)
  1514. </emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">живёт</foreignphrase>
  1515. </emphasis>and <emphasis role="bold">(<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он</foreignphrase>и)
  1516. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">живут</foreignphrase>. </emphasis>Verbs in Russian, as in
  1517. English, agree with their subjects in terms of person (I, you, he/she, we, they) and
  1518. number (He <emphasis role="italic">lives, </emphasis>vs They <emphasis role="italic"
  1519. >live.). </emphasis>The two forms indicated here are for a singular subject and a plural
  1520. subject, respectively.</para>
  1521. <para><informalexample>
  1522. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1523. <col width="1*"/>
  1524. <col width="1*"/>
  1525. <tr valign="top">
  1526. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он живёт в
  1527. Москве.</foreignphrase></td>
  1528. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Не lives in Moscow.</td>
  1529. </tr>
  1530. <tr valign="top">
  1531. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она живёт в
  1532. Киеве.</foreignphrase></td>
  1533. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">She lives in Kiev.</td>
  1534. </tr>
  1535. <tr valign="top">
  1536. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они живут в
  1537. Америке.</foreignphrase></td>
  1538. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">They live in America.</td>
  1539. </tr>
  1540. <tr valign="top">
  1541. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кто живёт в
  1542. Украине?</foreignphrase></td>
  1543. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Who lives in Ukraine?</td>
  1544. </tr>
  1545. <tr valign="top">
  1546. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Украине живут
  1547. украинцы.</foreignphrase></td>
  1548. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">Ukrainians live in Ukraine.</td>
  1549. </tr>
  1550. </informaltable>
  1551. </informalexample></para>
  1552. </section>
  1553. <section>
  1554. <title>G. The verb жить (present tense)</title>
  1555. <para>Here is the verb <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1556. >жить</foreignphrase>
  1557. </emphasis>in all forms of the present tense:</para>
  1558. <informalexample>
  1559. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1560. <col width="4cm"/>
  1561. <col width="4cm"/>
  1562. <tr align="center">
  1563. <td align="center" colspan="2" rowspan="1" valign="top"><emphasis role="bold"
  1564. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">жить</foreignphrase> / to live</emphasis></td>
  1565. </tr>
  1566. <tr valign="top">
  1567. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я живу</foreignphrase></td>
  1568. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">мы живём</foreignphrase></td>
  1569. </tr>
  1570. <tr valign="top">
  1571. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты
  1572. живёшь</foreignphrase></td>
  1573. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы
  1574. живёте</foreignphrase></td>
  1575. </tr>
  1576. <tr valign="top">
  1577. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он живёт</foreignphrase></td>
  1578. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они
  1579. живут</foreignphrase></td>
  1580. </tr>
  1581. </informaltable>
  1582. </informalexample>
  1583. </section>
  1584. <section>
  1585. <title>Н. The question word <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какой</foreignphrase></title>
  1586. <para/>
  1587. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой</foreignphrase>,
  1588. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какое</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1589. >какая</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какие</foreignphrase>
  1590. </emphasis>is a question word which asks: «Which?» or «What kind of? ...» It is an
  1591. adjective and will agree in gender, number and case with the word it modifies. The first
  1592. three forms shown here are the masculine, neuter and feminine forms, respectively. The
  1593. fourth is the plural. Compare these forms to those of the adjectives in the table on page
  1594. 29.</para>
  1595. <informaltable width="100%">
  1596. <col width="1*"/>
  1597. <col width="1*"/>
  1598. <col width="1*"/>
  1599. <col width="1*"/>
  1600. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1601. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">OH</foreignphrase></td>
  1602. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">OHO</foreignphrase></td>
  1603. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ОНА</foreignphrase></td>
  1604. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ОНИ</foreignphrase></td>
  1605. </tr>
  1606. <tr align="center" valign="top">
  1607. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какой</foreignphrase></td>
  1608. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какое</foreignphrase></td>
  1609. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какая</foreignphrase></td>
  1610. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какие</foreignphrase></td>
  1611. </tr>
  1612. </informaltable>
  1613. </section>
  1614. <section>
  1615. <title>Nominative Case</title>
  1616. <para>The nominative case is used to indicate the subject of a sentence. It is also used for
  1617. other nouns in the sentence which give more information about the subject. As it is the
  1618. dictionary form for nouns and adjectives, you should memorize nouns and adjectives in
  1619. their nominative case forms.</para>
  1620. <informalexample>
  1621. <informaltable border="0" width="100%">
  1622. <col width="1*"/>
  1623. <col width="1*"/>
  1624. <tr valign="top">
  1625. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я иду в
  1626. театр.</foreignphrase></td>
  1627. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">I am going to the theater.</td>
  1628. </tr>
  1629. <tr valign="top">
  1630. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Книга на
  1631. столе.</foreignphrase></td>
  1632. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">The book is on the table.</td>
  1633. </tr>
  1634. <tr valign="top">
  1635. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот дом.</foreignphrase></td>
  1636. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">There is the house.</td>
  1637. </tr>
  1638. <tr valign="top">
  1639. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это моя
  1640. ручка.</foreignphrase></td>
  1641. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">This is my pen.</td>
  1642. </tr>
  1643. <tr valign="top">
  1644. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мой брат -
  1645. инженер.</foreignphrase></td>
  1646. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">My brother is an engineer.</td>
  1647. </tr>
  1648. <tr align="left">
  1649. <td><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В институте работают американские
  1650. физики.</foreignphrase></td>
  1651. <td>American physicists work in the institute.</td>
  1652. </tr>
  1653. </informaltable>
  1654. </informalexample>
  1655. <para>Because Russian has cases, word order in a sentence is less important than it is in
  1656. English. The subject [that noun plus its modifiers in the nominative case] can come at the
  1657. beginning, in the middle or at the end of the sentence. Knowing the nominative case
  1658. endings for nouns and adjectives will help you find the subject of the sentence more
  1659. quickly.</para>
  1660. <para>Adjectives are linked to their nouns by their endings. The adjective may stand in
  1661. front of, after, or at a distance from the noun it modifies. You can always find the
  1662. adjective which modifies a noun by looking for the one whose ending matches in gender,
  1663. number, and case that of the noun.</para>
  1664. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это Бел<emphasis role="bold">ый</emphasis>
  1665. дом.</foreignphrase></para>
  1666. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она учительниц<emphasis role="bold">а</emphasis>
  1667. хорош<emphasis role="bold">ая</emphasis>, опытн<emphasis role="bold"
  1668. >ая</emphasis>.</foreignphrase></para>
  1669. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Русск<emphasis role="bold">ий</emphasis> язык очень
  1670. интересн<emphasis role="bold">ый</emphasis>, но трудн<emphasis role="bold"
  1671. >ый</emphasis>.</foreignphrase></para>
  1672. </section>
  1673. </section>
  1674. <section>
  1675. <title>Useful words and expressions</title>
  1676. <para/>
  1677. <table pgwide="1">
  1678. <title>Useful words and expressions</title>
  1679. <tgroup cols="2">
  1680. <tbody>
  1681. <row>
  1682. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">в</foreignphrase></entry>
  1683. <entry>in, inside</entry>
  1684. </row>
  1685. <row>
  1686. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">восток; на востоке</foreignphrase></entry>
  1687. <entry>east; in the east</entry>
  1688. </row>
  1689. <row>
  1690. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вот</foreignphrase></entry>
  1691. <entry>here</entry>
  1692. </row>
  1693. <row>
  1694. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1695. <entry>Where?</entry>
  1696. </row>
  1697. <row>
  1698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">город</foreignphrase></entry>
  1699. <entry>city, town</entry>
  1700. </row>
  1701. <row>
  1702. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Добро пожаловать!</foreignphrase></entry>
  1703. <entry>Welcome</entry>
  1704. </row>
  1705. <row>
  1706. <entry><para>
  1707. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">жить</foreignphrase>
  1708. </para>
  1709. <para>(<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я живу</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase
  1710. xml:lang="ru">вы живёте</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они
  1711. живут</foreignphrase>)</para></entry>
  1712. <entry>to live</entry>
  1713. </row>
  1714. <row>
  1715. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">запад</foreignphrase>; <foreignphrase
  1716. xml:lang="ru">на западе</foreignphrase></entry>
  1717. <entry>west; in the west</entry>
  1718. </row>
  1719. <row>
  1720. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какой</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1721. >какое</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1722. >какая</foreignphrase>/<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какие</foreignphrase></entry>
  1723. <entry>what kind of; which; which one(s)</entry>
  1724. </row>
  1725. <row>
  1726. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кто?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1727. <entry>who</entry>
  1728. </row>
  1729. <row>
  1730. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кто это?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1731. <entry>Who is that?</entry>
  1732. </row>
  1733. <row>
  1734. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на</foreignphrase></entry>
  1735. <entry>on; at; in</entry>
  1736. </row>
  1737. <row>
  1738. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1739. >она</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">оно</foreignphrase>,
  1740. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они</foreignphrase></entry>
  1741. <entry>he; she; it; they</entry>
  1742. </row>
  1743. <row>
  1744. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Покажите</foreignphrase>...</entry>
  1745. <entry>Show...</entry>
  1746. </row>
  1747. <row>
  1748. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">погода</foreignphrase></entry>
  1749. <entry>weather</entry>
  1750. </row>
  1751. <row>
  1752. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">север</foreignphrase>; <foreignphrase
  1753. xml:lang="ru">на севере</foreignphrase></entry>
  1754. <entry>north; in the north</entry>
  1755. </row>
  1756. <row>
  1757. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">столица</foreignphrase></entry>
  1758. <entry>capital</entry>
  1759. </row>
  1760. <row>
  1761. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">что</foreignphrase></entry>
  1762. <entry>what</entry>
  1763. </row>
  1764. <row>
  1765. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что это?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1766. <entry>What is that/this</entry>
  1767. </row>
  1768. <row>
  1769. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">это</foreignphrase></entry>
  1770. <entry>this/that</entry>
  1771. </row>
  1772. <row>
  1773. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">юг</foreignphrase>;<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">
  1774. на юге</foreignphrase></entry>
  1775. <entry>south; in the south</entry>
  1776. </row>
  1777. </tbody>
  1778. </tgroup>
  1779. </table>
  1780. </section>
  1781. </section>
  1782. </chapter>