FSI-chap6.xml.bak 57 KB

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  12. <title>Lesson 6</title>
  13. <informaltable colsep="0" floatstyle="" frame="all" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  14. <tgroup align="center" cols="1">
  15. <tbody>
  16. <row>
  17. <entry>Lesson №6</entry>
  18. </row>
  19. <row>
  20. <entry>WHERE DO YOU LIVE?</entry>
  21. </row>
  22. <row>
  23. <entry>УРОК № 6</entry>
  24. </row>
  25. <row>
  26. <entry><inlinemediaobject>
  27. <imageobject>
  28. <imagedata fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons6-8-2.png"/>
  29. </imageobject>
  30. </inlinemediaobject></entry>
  31. </row>
  32. </tbody>
  33. </tgroup>
  34. </informaltable>
  35. <section>
  36. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где вы живёте?</foreignphrase></title>
  37. <para>«<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше</foreignphrase>» as the
  38. Russians say: "There's no place like home". And this is true even if home is in the taiga in
  39. Siberia, down along the Volga or beyond the Ural mountains. Russians in the major metropolitan
  40. areas and the larger cities live in high-rise apartment buildings, whereas those in the rural
  41. areas tend to live in single-family homes. A drive through <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  42. >провинция</foreignphrase> the provinces will reward you with glimpses of those homes which
  43. are usually wooden, single-story and often brightly painted and decorated. Quite a contrast to
  44. the concrete monsters in the major urban areas!</para>
  45. <para>Housing, whether in terms of quality or quantity, has always been a problem in Russia and
  46. continues to be so today. The recent move toward privatization has made it possible for some
  47. Russians to buy their apartments from the government; others must continue to live in
  48. government-owned and subsidized housing. For the foreign buyer, while supply might exceed
  49. demand, real estate prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg proper rival those in cities such as
  50. New York, London and Tokyo. But many Russians still find themselves in situations where
  51. multiple families have individual rooms in a <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  52. >коммуналка</foreignphrase> communal apartment and others must live in cramped quarters with
  53. their extended families.</para>
  54. </section>
  55. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  56. <section>
  57. <title>Setting the scene</title>
  58. <para>A Russian and an American are talking about where they live.</para>
  59. <para>Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to
  60. understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then
  61. listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also
  62. responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the
  63. appropriate manner.</para>
  64. <section>
  65. <title>Диалог №1</title>
  66. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  67. <tgroup cols="3">
  68. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
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  70. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="*"/>
  71. <tbody>
  72. <row>
  73. <entry><para>p.</para></entry>
  74. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Линда, я переехал на новую
  75. квартиру.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  76. <entry><para>Linda, I moved to a new apartment.</para></entry>
  77. </row>
  78. <row>
  79. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  80. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> Поздравляю! А где ваша новая
  81. квартира?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  82. <entry><para> Congratulations! Where is your new apartment?</para></entry>
  83. </row>
  84. <row>
  85. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  86. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Недалеко от станции метро "Проспект
  87. Мира".</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  88. <entry><para>Not far from the Metro Station "Prospect Mira".</para></entry>
  89. </row>
  90. <row>
  91. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  92. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А какой у вас адрес?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  93. <entry><para>What is your address?</para></entry>
  94. </row>
  95. <row>
  96. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  97. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Проспект Мира дом 2, квартира
  98. 5.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  99. <entry><para>2 Prospect Mira, apartment 5.</para></entry>
  100. </row>
  101. </tbody>
  102. </tgroup>
  103. </informaltable>
  104. </section>
  105. <section>
  106. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №1</title>
  107. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  108. <tgroup cols="3">
  109. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
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  111. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="*"/>
  112. <tbody>
  113. <row>
  114. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  115. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Катя, я переехал в новый
  116. дом.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  117. <entry><para>Katya, I moved to a new house.</para></entry>
  118. </row>
  119. <row>
  120. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  121. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поздравляю! А где ваш новый
  122. дом?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  123. <entry><para>Congratulations! Where is your new house?</para></entry>
  124. </row>
  125. <row>
  126. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  127. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Далеко, в новом районе в
  128. Росинке.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  129. <entry><para>It's far away, in a new district; in Rosinka.</para></entry>
  130. </row>
  131. <row>
  132. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  133. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А какой у вас
  134. адрес?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  135. <entry><para>What's your address?</para></entry>
  136. </row>
  137. <row>
  138. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  139. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Росинка 720.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  140. <entry><para>720 Rosinka.</para></entry>
  141. </row>
  142. </tbody>
  143. </tgroup>
  144. </informaltable>
  145. </section>
  146. <section>
  147. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №2</title>
  148. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  149. <tgroup cols="3">
  150. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
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  153. <tbody>
  154. <row>
  155. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  156. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Линда, скажите пожалуйста, где
  157. вы сейчас живёте?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  158. <entry><para>Linda, please tell me, where are you living now?</para></entry>
  159. </row>
  160. <row>
  161. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  162. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сейчас я живу в Росинке,
  163. недалеко от Москвы.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  164. <entry><para>I live in Rosinka now, not far from Moscow.</para></entry>
  165. </row>
  166. <row>
  167. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  168. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А где вы жили в
  169. Америке?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  170. <entry><para> And where did you live in America?</para></entry>
  171. </row>
  172. <row>
  173. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  174. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я жила в штате
  175. Мэриленд.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  176. <entry><para>I lived in Maryland.</para></entry>
  177. </row>
  178. <row>
  179. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  180. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы жили в доме или в
  181. квартире?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  182. <entry><para>Did you live in a house or in an apartment?</para></entry>
  183. </row>
  184. <row>
  185. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  186. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я жила в
  187. доме.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  188. <entry><para>I lived in a house.</para></entry>
  189. </row>
  190. </tbody>
  191. </tgroup>
  192. </informaltable>
  193. </section>
  194. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  195. <section>
  196. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №2</title>
  197. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  198. <tgroup cols="3">
  199. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  200. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="*"/>
  201. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="*"/>
  202. <tbody>
  203. <row>
  204. <entry><para>p.</para></entry>
  205. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Марк, скажите пожалуйста, где
  206. вы сейчас живёте?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  207. <entry><para>Mark, tell me please, where do you live now?</para></entry>
  208. </row>
  209. <row>
  210. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  211. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сейчас я живу на Ленинском
  212. проспекте, недалеко от центра города.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  213. <entry><para>I live on Leninski Prospect now, not far from the center of the city (downtown).</para></entry>
  214. </row>
  215. <row>
  216. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  217. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А где вы жили в Америке? Я жил
  218. в Нью-Йорке.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  219. <entry><para>And where did you live in America? I lived in New York.</para></entry>
  220. </row>
  221. <row>
  222. <entry><para>P.</para></entry>
  223. <entry align="left"><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы жили в доме или в
  224. квартире?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  225. <entry><para>Did you live in a house or in an apartment?</para></entry>
  226. </row>
  227. <row>
  228. <entry><para>A.</para></entry>
  229. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я жил в
  230. квартире.</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  231. <entry><para>I lived in an apartment.</para></entry>
  232. </row>
  233. </tbody>
  234. </tgroup>
  235. </informaltable>
  236. </section>
  237. <section>
  238. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №1.</title>
  239. <para>Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from those given
  240. below.</para>
  241. <orderedlist>
  242. <listitem>
  243. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где ваша новая квартира?</foreignphrase></para>
  244. </listitem>
  245. <listitem>
  246. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой у вас адрес?</foreignphrase></para>
  247. </listitem>
  248. <listitem>
  249. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где вы сейчас живёте?</foreignphrase></para>
  250. </listitem>
  251. <listitem>
  252. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А где вы жили в Америке?</foreignphrase></para>
  253. </listitem>
  254. <listitem>
  255. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы жили в квартире или в доме?</foreignphrase></para>
  256. </listitem>
  257. </orderedlist>
  258. <itemizedlist>
  259. <listitem>
  260. <para>a. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я жил в штате Мэриленд.</foreignphrase></para>
  261. </listitem>
  262. <listitem>
  263. <para>b. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сейчас я живу в Росинке.</foreignphrase></para>
  264. </listitem>
  265. <listitem>
  266. <para>c. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Проспект Мира дом 2, квартира
  267. 5.</foreignphrase></para>
  268. </listitem>
  269. <listitem>
  270. <para>d. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В доме.</foreignphrase></para>
  271. </listitem>
  272. <listitem>
  273. <para>e. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Недалеко от станции метро «Проспект
  274. Мира».</foreignphrase></para>
  275. </listitem>
  276. </itemizedlist>
  277. </section>
  278. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  279. <section>
  280. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №2.</title>
  281. <para/>
  282. <itemizedlist>
  283. <listitem>
  284. <para>a. Answer the following question, using the model:</para>
  285. <informalexample>
  286. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Где вы сейчас живёте?</foreignphrase></para>
  287. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Сейчас я живу в Москве.</foreignphrase></para>
  288. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  289. <tgroup cols="4">
  290. <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  291. <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="1*"/>
  292. <colspec colname="C3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  293. <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="1*"/>
  294. <tbody>
  295. <row>
  296. <entry><para>1.</para></entry>
  297. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  298. >Алма-Ата</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  299. <entry>6.</entry>
  300. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  301. >Екатеринбург</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  302. </row>
  303. <row>
  304. <entry><para>2.</para></entry>
  305. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Рига</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  306. <entry>7.</entry>
  307. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  308. >Владивосток</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  309. </row>
  310. <row>
  311. <entry><para>3.</para></entry>
  312. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Киев</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  313. <entry>8.</entry>
  314. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ташкент</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  315. </row>
  316. <row>
  317. <entry><para>4.</para></entry>
  318. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ереван</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  319. <entry>9.</entry>
  320. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  321. >Петербург</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  322. </row>
  323. <row>
  324. <entry><para>5.</para></entry>
  325. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Минск</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  326. <entry>10.</entry>
  327. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тбилиси</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  328. </row>
  329. </tbody>
  330. </tgroup>
  331. </informaltable>
  332. </informalexample>
  333. </listitem>
  334. <listitem>
  335. <para>b. Answer the following question, using the model:</para>
  336. <informalexample>
  337. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-А где вы жили в Америке? (В каком
  338. штате?)</foreignphrase></para>
  339. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-В Америке я жил(а) в
  340. Нью-Йорке.</foreignphrase></para>
  341. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  342. <tgroup cols="4">
  343. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  344. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  345. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  346. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  347. <tbody>
  348. <row>
  349. <entry><para>1.</para></entry>
  350. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  351. >Мэриленд</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  352. <entry>6.</entry>
  353. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Флорида</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  354. </row>
  355. <row>
  356. <entry><para>2.</para></entry>
  357. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  358. >Вашингтон</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  359. <entry>7.</entry>
  360. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Невада</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  361. </row>
  362. <row>
  363. <entry><para>3.</para></entry>
  364. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Техас</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  365. <entry>8.</entry>
  366. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Монтана</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  367. </row>
  368. <row>
  369. <entry><para>4.</para></entry>
  370. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мичиган</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  371. <entry>9.</entry>
  372. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Айова</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  373. </row>
  374. <row>
  375. <entry><para>5.</para></entry>
  376. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мэн</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  377. <entry>10.</entry>
  378. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Индиана</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  379. </row>
  380. </tbody>
  381. </tgroup>
  382. </informaltable>
  383. </informalexample>
  384. </listitem>
  385. </itemizedlist>
  386. </section>
  387. <section>
  388. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №3.</title>
  389. <para>Translate the following into Russian:</para>
  390. <orderedlist>
  391. <listitem>
  392. <para>Where do you live?</para>
  393. </listitem>
  394. <listitem>
  395. <para>I live in Moscow?</para>
  396. </listitem>
  397. <listitem>
  398. <para>Where did you live?</para>
  399. </listitem>
  400. <listitem>
  401. <para>I lived in America.</para>
  402. </listitem>
  403. <listitem>
  404. <para>What's your address?</para>
  405. </listitem>
  406. <listitem>
  407. <para>Washington is a beautiful city.</para>
  408. </listitem>
  409. <listitem>
  410. <para>New York is a big city.</para>
  411. </listitem>
  412. <listitem>
  413. <para>Congratulations!</para>
  414. </listitem>
  415. <listitem>
  416. <para>Do you live in a house or an apartment? 10.1 live in an apartment.</para>
  417. </listitem>
  418. </orderedlist>
  419. </section>
  420. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  421. <section>
  422. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №4.</title>
  423. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  424. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  425. </section>
  426. <section>
  427. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №5.</title>
  428. <para>Listen and repeat as the numbers from 20-100 are read on the tape.</para>
  429. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  430. <tgroup align="center" cols="8">
  431. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  432. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="*"/>
  433. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  434. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="*"/>
  435. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1cm"/>
  436. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="*"/>
  437. <colspec colname="c7" colnum="7" colwidth="1cm"/>
  438. <colspec colname="c8" colnum="8" colwidth="*"/>
  439. <tbody>
  440. <row>
  441. <entry>20</entry>
  442. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">двадцать</foreignphrase></entry>
  443. <entry>30</entry>
  444. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тридцать</foreignphrase></entry>
  445. <entry>40</entry>
  446. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сорок</foreignphrase></entry>
  447. <entry>50</entry>
  448. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пятьдесят</foreignphrase></entry>
  449. </row>
  450. <row>
  451. <entry>60</entry>
  452. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">шестьдесят</foreignphrase></entry>
  453. <entry>70</entry>
  454. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">семьдесят</foreignphrase></entry>
  455. <entry>80</entry>
  456. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">восемьдесят</foreignphrase></entry>
  457. <entry>90</entry>
  458. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">девяносто</foreignphrase></entry>
  459. </row>
  460. <row>
  461. <entry>100</entry>
  462. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сто</foreignphrase></entry>
  463. <entry/>
  464. <entry/>
  465. <entry/>
  466. <entry/>
  467. <entry/>
  468. <entry/>
  469. </row>
  470. </tbody>
  471. </tgroup>
  472. </informaltable>
  473. </section>
  474. <section>
  475. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №6.</title>
  476. <para>Your instructor will count by tens from 20 to 100 a number of times. Each time he/she
  477. will skip a number. Which one was it?</para>
  478. </section>
  479. <section>
  480. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №7.</title>
  481. <para>Listen and follow along in your books as the following series of numbers are read on the
  482. tape. Now listen again, with your books closed. Repeat after the speaker:</para>
  483. <para>a. 100--50--20--40-30-60--90--70</para>
  484. <para>b. 70--90--60--30--40-20-50--100</para>
  485. <para>с. 40-20-30--10- 50--70--90-60</para>
  486. <para>d. Look at the pictures and count.</para>
  487. <mediaobject>
  488. <imageobject>
  489. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons6-8-3.png" width="14cm"/>
  490. </imageobject>
  491. </mediaobject>
  492. </section>
  493. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  494. <section>
  495. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №8.</title>
  496. <para>Using the list of addresses given here, act out one of the dialogs with your
  497. instructor.</para>
  498. <orderedlist>
  499. <listitem>
  500. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Американское посольство, Новинский бульвар
  501. 19/23</foreignphrase></para>
  502. </listitem>
  503. <listitem>
  504. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ул. Большая Ордынка 50</foreignphrase></para>
  505. </listitem>
  506. <listitem>
  507. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Донская ул. 18/7</foreignphrase></para>
  508. </listitem>
  509. <listitem>
  510. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кутузовский проспект 7/4, корпус
  511. 2</foreignphrase></para>
  512. </listitem>
  513. <listitem>
  514. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Крутицкий вал 3, корпус 2</foreignphrase></para>
  515. </listitem>
  516. <listitem>
  517. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ленинский проспект 93, корпус 2, подъезд
  518. 3</foreignphrase></para>
  519. </listitem>
  520. <listitem>
  521. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ломоносовский проспект 38</foreignphrase></para>
  522. </listitem>
  523. <listitem>
  524. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Серпуховский вал 8</foreignphrase></para>
  525. </listitem>
  526. <listitem>
  527. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ул. Вавилова 83</foreignphrase></para>
  528. </listitem>
  529. </orderedlist>
  530. </section>
  531. <section>
  532. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №9.</title>
  533. <para>Your instructor will read several Moscow addresses aloud. Write them down in English and
  534. then find them on a map of Moscow. Now listen again as your instructor reads the list once
  535. more. This time write down the addresses in Russian.</para>
  536. </section>
  537. <section>
  538. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №10.</title>
  539. <para>Ask your classmates where they live now and where they used to live.</para>
  540. </section>
  541. <section>
  542. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №11.</title>
  543. <para>Ask your instructor where he/she lived in the Former Soviet Union.</para>
  544. </section>
  545. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  546. <section>
  547. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №12.</title>
  548. <para>Look at the picture and tell which cities <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иван Иванович</foreignphrase>
  549. and his wife <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Варвара Петровна</foreignphrase> (the owners of these suitcases)
  550. have visited. Use the model:</para>
  551. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они были в Ростове.</foreignphrase></para>
  552. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они были в Одессе.</foreignphrase></para>
  553. <mediaobject>
  554. <imageobject>
  555. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons6-8-4.png" width="14cm"/>
  556. </imageobject>
  557. </mediaobject>
  558. </section>
  559. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  560. <section>
  561. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №13.</title>
  562. <para>While on vacation, you made a number of new friends. Did you remember to get their
  563. addresses? Good! Read them aloud, telling your classmates where each of them lives by using
  564. the model:</para>
  565. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" rowsep="0">
  566. <tgroup cols="2">
  567. <tbody>
  568. <row>
  569. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это мой знакомый Иван</foreignphrase></entry>
  570. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он живёт в Москве.</foreignphrase></entry>
  571. </row>
  572. <row>
  573. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это моя знакомая Мария.</foreignphrase></entry>
  574. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она живёт в Киеве.</foreignphrase></entry>
  575. </row>
  576. </tbody>
  577. </tgroup>
  578. </informaltable>
  579. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  580. <tgroup cols="3">
  581. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  582. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="4cm"/>
  583. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  584. <tbody>
  585. <row>
  586. <entry><para>1.</para></entry>
  587. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иван</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  588. <entry><para>
  589. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Москва</foreignphrase>
  590. </para>
  591. <para>
  592. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тверской бульвар 10, квартира 15</foreignphrase>
  593. </para></entry>
  594. </row>
  595. <row>
  596. <entry><para>2.</para></entry>
  597. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Николай</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  598. <entry><para>
  599. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ташкент</foreignphrase>
  600. </para>
  601. <para>
  602. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ул. Дружбы 19, квартира 20</foreignphrase>
  603. </para></entry>
  604. </row>
  605. <row>
  606. <entry><para>3.</para></entry>
  607. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Александр</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  608. <entry><para>
  609. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Санкт-Петербург</foreignphrase>
  610. </para>
  611. <para>
  612. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Невский проспект 22, квартира 15</foreignphrase>
  613. </para></entry>
  614. </row>
  615. <row>
  616. <entry><para>4.</para></entry>
  617. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Григорий</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  618. <entry><para>
  619. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кострома</foreignphrase>
  620. </para>
  621. <para>
  622. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ул. Малая Садовая 9, квартира 10</foreignphrase>
  623. </para></entry>
  624. </row>
  625. <row>
  626. <entry><para>5.</para></entry>
  627. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мария</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  628. <entry><para>
  629. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Киев</foreignphrase>
  630. </para>
  631. <para>
  632. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ул. Богатырская 4, квартира 55</foreignphrase>
  633. </para></entry>
  634. </row>
  635. <row>
  636. <entry><para>6.</para></entry>
  637. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Наташа</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  638. <entry><para>
  639. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Минск</foreignphrase>
  640. </para>
  641. <para>
  642. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Рыбный переулок 30, квартира 2</foreignphrase>
  643. </para></entry>
  644. </row>
  645. <row>
  646. <entry><para>7.</para></entry>
  647. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ольга</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  648. <entry><para>
  649. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Бишкек</foreignphrase>
  650. </para>
  651. <para>
  652. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Большой Козловский проспект 12,</foreignphrase>
  653. </para>
  654. <para>
  655. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">квартира 49</foreignphrase>
  656. </para></entry>
  657. </row>
  658. </tbody>
  659. </tgroup>
  660. </informaltable>
  661. </section>
  662. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  663. <section>
  664. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №14.</title>
  665. <para>While in Moscow, you mailed several business and personal letters. They were returned to
  666. you because you made mistakes in addressing them. Take a look at the envelopes, find your
  667. mistakes and correct them.</para>
  668. <mediaobject>
  669. <imageobject>
  670. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons6-8-5.png" width="14cm"/>
  671. </imageobject>
  672. </mediaobject>
  673. </section>
  674. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  675. <section>
  676. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №15.</title>
  677. <para>Choose the most appropriate answers to the following questions:</para>
  678. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  679. <tgroup cols="3">
  680. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  681. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  682. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  683. <tbody>
  684. <row>
  685. <entry><para>1.</para></entry>
  686. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где вы
  687. живёте?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  688. <entry><para>
  689. <itemizedlist>
  690. <listitem>
  691. <para>a. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спасибо, хорошо.</foreignphrase></para>
  692. </listitem>
  693. <listitem>
  694. <para>b. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я живу в штате
  695. Вирджиния.</foreignphrase></para>
  696. </listitem>
  697. <listitem>
  698. <para>c. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В институте в
  699. Арлингтоне.</foreignphrase></para>
  700. </listitem>
  701. </itemizedlist>
  702. </para></entry>
  703. </row>
  704. <row>
  705. <entry><para>2.</para></entry>
  706. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В каком городе вы
  707. жили?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  708. <entry align="left"><para>
  709. <itemizedlist>
  710. <listitem>
  711. <para>a. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Мэриленде.</foreignphrase></para>
  712. </listitem>
  713. <listitem>
  714. <para>b. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Государственном
  715. департаменте.</foreignphrase></para>
  716. </listitem>
  717. <listitem>
  718. <para>c. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В Балтиморе.</foreignphrase></para>
  719. </listitem>
  720. </itemizedlist>
  721. </para></entry>
  722. </row>
  723. <row>
  724. <entry><para>3.</para></entry>
  725. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой у вас
  726. дом?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  727. <entry><para>
  728. <itemizedlist>
  729. <listitem>
  730. <para>a. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Неплохо, а у вас?</foreignphrase></para>
  731. </listitem>
  732. <listitem>
  733. <para>b. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Конечно, спасибо.</foreignphrase></para>
  734. </listitem>
  735. <listitem>
  736. <para>c. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Новый и красивый.</foreignphrase></para>
  737. </listitem>
  738. </itemizedlist>
  739. </para></entry>
  740. </row>
  741. <row>
  742. <entry><para>4.</para></entry>
  743. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что есть на вашей
  744. улице?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  745. <entry><para>
  746. <itemizedlist>
  747. <listitem>
  748. <para>a. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Магазины, библиотека, банк, кинотеатр и
  749. школа.</foreignphrase></para>
  750. </listitem>
  751. <listitem>
  752. <para>b. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Метро направо за
  753. углом.</foreignphrase></para>
  754. </listitem>
  755. <listitem>
  756. <para>c. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это недалеко, два
  757. квартала.</foreignphrase></para>
  758. </listitem>
  759. </itemizedlist>
  760. </para></entry>
  761. </row>
  762. </tbody>
  763. </tgroup>
  764. </informaltable>
  765. </section>
  766. <section>
  767. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №16.</title>
  768. <para>You've found a lost child (played by your instructor). Ask his/her name, where he/she
  769. lives, etc. Recall that you should address the child as «<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  770. >ты</foreignphrase>». Relate that information to the militiaman (played by your
  771. instructor, whom you'll address as «<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы</foreignphrase>») who
  772. has come to help.</para>
  773. </section>
  774. <section>
  775. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №17.</title>
  776. <para>Ask various instructors in the Russian Section where they live now and where they used
  777. to live in the Former Soviet Union. Remember that you'll be addressing them as
  778. «<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы</foreignphrase>». Come back and tell your classmates what
  779. you found out. Use the models given here:</para>
  780. <informalexample>
  781. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажите, пожалуйста, где вы сейчас
  782. живёте?</foreignphrase></para>
  783. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А где вы раньше жили?</foreignphrase></para>
  784. </informalexample>
  785. </section>
  786. </section>
  787. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  788. <section>
  789. <title>Listening Comprehension Exercise</title>
  790. <para>Listen to the dialog as recorded on the tape. When you are finished, discuss it with your
  791. classmates. What were you able to understand? Listen to the dialog again to check your
  792. comprehension. Ask your instructor for help if you need it. Now answer the questions
  793. below.</para>
  794. <itemizedlist>
  795. <listitem>
  796. <para>A. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):</para>
  797. <orderedlist>
  798. <listitem>
  799. <para>The conversation is between an American and a Russian.</para>
  800. </listitem>
  801. <listitem>
  802. <para>The American lives on compound now.</para>
  803. </listitem>
  804. <listitem>
  805. <para>Maureen had a big apartment.</para>
  806. </listitem>
  807. <listitem>
  808. <para>She moved to Rosinka in March.</para>
  809. </listitem>
  810. <listitem>
  811. <para>There are 3 new grocery stores near Rosinka.</para>
  812. </listitem>
  813. </orderedlist>
  814. </listitem>
  815. <listitem>
  816. <para>B. Answer the following questions:</para>
  817. <orderedlist>
  818. <listitem>
  819. <para>Where does Maureen live now? Where did she used to live?</para>
  820. </listitem>
  821. <listitem>
  822. <para>Why did she move to Rosinka?</para>
  823. </listitem>
  824. <listitem>
  825. <para>What kind of house does she have now?</para>
  826. </listitem>
  827. <listitem>
  828. <para>Does she have any pets? If yes, what and how many?</para>
  829. </listitem>
  830. <listitem>
  831. <para>Does Maureen like music? If yes, does she have a favorite composer?</para>
  832. </listitem>
  833. <listitem>
  834. <para>How does Maureen get to the "Bolshoj theater"?</para>
  835. </listitem>
  836. <listitem>
  837. <para>What do you think Igor's next move will be?</para>
  838. </listitem>
  839. </orderedlist>
  840. </listitem>
  841. </itemizedlist>
  842. </section>
  843. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  844. <section>
  845. <title>In case you were wondering</title>
  846. <section>
  847. <title>The Russian Verb</title>
  848. <para>Compared to the complexity of the English verbal system, the Russian one is quite
  849. simple.</para>
  850. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  851. <tgroup align="center" cols="3">
  852. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="4cm"/>
  853. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  854. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  855. <tbody>
  856. <row>
  857. <entry valign="middle">PAST</entry>
  858. <entry><para>I worked</para>
  859. <para>I did work</para>
  860. <para>I was working</para>
  861. <para>I had worked</para>
  862. <para>I had been working</para></entry>
  863. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я работал</foreignphrase></entry>
  864. </row>
  865. <row>
  866. <entry valign="middle">PRESENT</entry>
  867. <entry><para>I work</para>
  868. <para>I do work</para>
  869. <para>I am working</para>
  870. <para>I have worked</para>
  871. <para>I habe been working</para></entry>
  872. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я работаю</foreignphrase></entry>
  873. </row>
  874. <row>
  875. <entry valign="middle">FUTURE</entry>
  876. <entry><para>I will work</para>
  877. <para>I will be working</para>
  878. <para>I will have worked</para>
  879. <para>I will have been working</para>
  880. <para>I am going to work</para>
  881. <para>I am going to be working</para></entry>
  882. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я буду
  883. работать</foreignphrase></entry>
  884. </row>
  885. </tbody>
  886. </tgroup>
  887. </informaltable>
  888. </section>
  889. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  890. <section>
  891. <title>The Past Tense</title>
  892. <para>Past tense verbs agree with their subjects (which are always in the nominative case) in
  893. gender or number. To form the past tense, take the infinitive
  894. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">работать</foreignphrase>, drop the ending
  895. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-ть</foreignphrase> and add <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-л</foreignphrase>,
  896. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-ла</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-ло</foreignphrase> or
  897. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-ли</foreignphrase>.</para>
  898. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  899. <tgroup align="center" cols="4">
  900. <tbody>
  901. <row>
  902. <entry><para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  903. >Он</foreignphrase></emphasis></para></entry>
  904. <entry><para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  905. >Она</foreignphrase></emphasis></para></entry>
  906. <entry><para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  907. >Оно</foreignphrase></emphasis></para></entry>
  908. <entry><para><emphasis role="bold">Они</emphasis></para></entry>
  909. </row>
  910. <row>
  911. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я работал</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  912. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я работала</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  913. <entry><para/></entry>
  914. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">мы работали</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  915. </row>
  916. <row>
  917. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты работал</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  918. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты работала</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  919. <entry><para/></entry>
  920. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы работали</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  921. </row>
  922. <row>
  923. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он работал</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  924. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">она работала</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  925. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">оно работало</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  926. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они работали</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  927. </row>
  928. </tbody>
  929. </tgroup>
  930. </informaltable>
  931. </section>
  932. <section>
  933. <title>The Present Tense</title>
  934. <para>Present tense verbs agree with their subjects (which are always in the nominative case)
  935. in person and number. There are two conjugation patterns for the present tense. They differ
  936. only by the vowel which is used in the endings:</para>
  937. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  938. <tgroup align="center" cols="2">
  939. <thead>
  940. <row>
  941. <entry>First conjugation</entry>
  942. <entry>Second conjugation</entry>
  943. </row>
  944. </thead>
  945. <tbody>
  946. <row>
  947. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я работаю</foreignphrase></entry>
  948. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я говорю</foreignphrase></entry>
  949. </row>
  950. <row>
  951. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты работаешь</foreignphrase></entry>
  952. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты говоришь</foreignphrase></entry>
  953. </row>
  954. <row>
  955. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он работает</foreignphrase></entry>
  956. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">он говорит</foreignphrase></entry>
  957. </row>
  958. <row>
  959. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">она работает</foreignphrase></entry>
  960. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">она говорит</foreignphrase></entry>
  961. </row>
  962. <row>
  963. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">оно работает</foreignphrase></entry>
  964. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">оно говорит</foreignphrase></entry>
  965. </row>
  966. <row>
  967. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">мы работаем</foreignphrase></entry>
  968. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">мы говорим</foreignphrase></entry>
  969. </row>
  970. <row>
  971. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы работаете</foreignphrase></entry>
  972. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы говорите</foreignphrase></entry>
  973. </row>
  974. <row>
  975. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они работают</foreignphrase></entry>
  976. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">они говорят</foreignphrase></entry>
  977. </row>
  978. </tbody>
  979. </tgroup>
  980. </informaltable>
  981. <para/>
  982. </section>
  983. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  984. <section>
  985. <title>The future tense</title>
  986. <para>There are two ways to form verbs in the future tense:</para>
  987. <orderedlist>
  988. <listitem>
  989. <para>Using a "helping verb" plus the<emphasis role="bold"> imperfective</emphasis>
  990. infinitive:</para>
  991. </listitem>
  992. <listitem>
  993. <para>Conjugating a <emphasis role="bold">perfective</emphasis> infinitive:</para>
  994. </listitem>
  995. </orderedlist>
  996. <para>The terms <emphasis role="bold">imperfective</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold"
  997. >perfective</emphasis> refer to the distinction between 2 verbs whose actual meaning is
  998. the same, but whose focus shifts from viewing the action as process (ongoing in the past,
  999. present or future) to viewing a "limit" having been reached (in the past or future; present
  1000. is precluded). Sometimes this limit is an "end" (a result) and other times it is a
  1001. "beginning". For a more complete explanation of this phenomenon, consult a Russian
  1002. grammar.</para>
  1003. </section>
  1004. </section>
  1005. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1006. <section>
  1007. <title>Useful words and expressions</title>
  1008. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  1009. <tgroup cols="2">
  1010. <tbody>
  1011. <row>
  1012. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">адрес</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1013. <entry><para>address</para></entry>
  1014. </row>
  1015. <row>
  1016. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">бульвар</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1017. <entry><para>boulevard, avenue</para></entry>
  1018. </row>
  1019. <row>
  1020. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">далеко</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1021. <entry><para>far, far away</para></entry>
  1022. </row>
  1023. <row>
  1024. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">дом</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1025. <entry><para>house, home</para></entry>
  1026. </row>
  1027. <row>
  1028. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">квартира</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1029. <entry><para>apartment</para></entry>
  1030. </row>
  1031. <row>
  1032. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">недалеко</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1033. <entry><para>not far, not far away</para></entry>
  1034. </row>
  1035. <row>
  1036. <entry><para>
  1037. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новый</foreignphrase>
  1038. </para>
  1039. <para>
  1040. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">новая, новое, новые</foreignphrase>
  1041. </para></entry>
  1042. <entry><para>new</para></entry>
  1043. </row>
  1044. <row>
  1045. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">переехать</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1046. <entry><para>to move</para></entry>
  1047. </row>
  1048. <row>
  1049. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">переулок</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1050. <entry><para>lane, side street</para></entry>
  1051. </row>
  1052. <row>
  1053. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">проспект</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1054. <entry><para>avenue</para></entry>
  1055. </row>
  1056. <row>
  1057. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">район</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1058. <entry><para>district, area</para></entry>
  1059. </row>
  1060. <row>
  1061. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">улица</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1062. <entry><para>street</para></entry>
  1063. </row>
  1064. <row>
  1065. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">штат</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1066. <entry><para>state (in United States)</para></entry>
  1067. </row>
  1068. <row>
  1069. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">я переехал(а)</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1070. <entry><para>I moved</para></entry>
  1071. </row>
  1072. <row>
  1073. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поздравляю!</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1074. <entry><para>Congratulations!</para></entry>
  1075. </row>
  1076. <row>
  1077. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где вы живёте?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1078. <entry><para>Where do you live?</para></entry>
  1079. </row>
  1080. <row>
  1081. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где вы жили?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1082. <entry><para>Where did you live?</para></entry>
  1083. </row>
  1084. <row>
  1085. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой у вас
  1086. адрес?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1087. <entry><para>What is your address?</para></entry>
  1088. </row>
  1089. <row>
  1090. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы живёте в
  1091. доме?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1092. <entry><para>Do you live in a house?</para></entry>
  1093. </row>
  1094. <row>
  1095. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы живёте в
  1096. квартире?</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1097. <entry><para>Do you live in an apartment?</para></entry>
  1098. </row>
  1099. <row>
  1100. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я жил(а) в
  1101. штате...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1102. <entry><para>I lived in the state of...</para></entry>
  1103. </row>
  1104. </tbody>
  1105. </tgroup>
  1106. </informaltable>
  1107. </section>
  1108. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1109. <section>
  1110. <title>Numbers</title>
  1111. <para>Note the way in which compound numbers are formed:</para>
  1112. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  1113. <tgroup cols="2">
  1114. <tbody>
  1115. <row>
  1116. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">двадцать</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1117. <entry><para>twenty</para></entry>
  1118. </row>
  1119. <row>
  1120. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">двадцать один</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1121. <entry><para>twenty-one</para></entry>
  1122. </row>
  1123. <row>
  1124. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">двадцать два...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1125. <entry><para>twenty-two</para></entry>
  1126. </row>
  1127. <row>
  1128. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тридцать</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1129. <entry><para>thirty</para></entry>
  1130. </row>
  1131. <row>
  1132. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тридцать три</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1133. <entry><para>thirty-three</para></entry>
  1134. </row>
  1135. <row>
  1136. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тридцать
  1137. четыре...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1138. <entry><para>thirty-four</para></entry>
  1139. </row>
  1140. <row>
  1141. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сорок</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1142. <entry><para>forty</para></entry>
  1143. </row>
  1144. <row>
  1145. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сорок пять</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1146. <entry><para>forty-five</para></entry>
  1147. </row>
  1148. <row>
  1149. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сорок шесть...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1150. <entry><para>forty-six</para></entry>
  1151. </row>
  1152. <row>
  1153. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пятьдесят</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1154. <entry><para>fifty</para></entry>
  1155. </row>
  1156. <row>
  1157. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пятьдесят семь</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1158. <entry><para>fifty-seven</para></entry>
  1159. </row>
  1160. <row>
  1161. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пятьдесят
  1162. восемь...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1163. <entry><para>fifty-eight</para></entry>
  1164. </row>
  1165. <row>
  1166. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">шестьдесят</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1167. <entry><para>sixty</para></entry>
  1168. </row>
  1169. <row>
  1170. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">шестьдесят
  1171. девять</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1172. <entry><para>sixty-nine</para></entry>
  1173. </row>
  1174. <row>
  1175. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">семьдесят</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1176. <entry><para>seventy</para></entry>
  1177. </row>
  1178. <row>
  1179. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">восемьдесят</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1180. <entry><para>eighty</para></entry>
  1181. </row>
  1182. <row>
  1183. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">девяносто</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1184. <entry><para>ninety</para></entry>
  1185. </row>
  1186. <row>
  1187. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сто</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1188. <entry><para>one hundred</para></entry>
  1189. </row>
  1190. <row>
  1191. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сто один</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1192. <entry><para>one hundred and one</para></entry>
  1193. </row>
  1194. <row>
  1195. <entry><para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сто два...</foreignphrase></para></entry>
  1196. <entry><para>one hundred and two</para></entry>
  1197. </row>
  1198. </tbody>
  1199. </tgroup>
  1200. </informaltable>
  1201. </section>
  1202. </chapter>