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  6. <title>Lesson 9</title>
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  9. <tbody>
  10. <row>
  11. <entry>Lesson №9</entry>
  12. </row>
  13. <row>
  14. <entry>TRANSPORTATION</entry>
  15. </row>
  16. <row>
  17. <entry>УРОК № 9</entry>
  18. </row>
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  29. <section>
  30. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На маши́не по го́роду</foreignphrase></title>
  31. <section>
  32. <title>Operating a vehicle in Russia</title>
  33. <para>Many of you may decide to take your car with you to Moscow, St. Petersburg or to one of
  34. the other posts in the Former Soviet Union. While the following information specifically
  35. concerns Moscow, much of it will be relevant for other cities as well. Our thanks to the OBC
  36. at NFATC for providing us with this information.</para>
  37. <para>The Office of Vehicle Registration in the GSO (AmEmb Moscow, x5899) can assist you in
  38. obtaining the necessary insurance, a Russian driver's license and in registering your
  39. vehicle (whether you bring it in with you, or purchase it locally). The CLO in AmEmb Moscow
  40. is also a good source of information about insurance from both Russian and foreign
  41. companies. Be forewarned: these are lengthy and complicated processes.</para>
  42. <para>The ГАИ (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Госуда́рственная
  43. автоинспе́кция</foreignphrase></emphasis>) are the Russian traffic cops (not to be
  44. confused with the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  45. >мили́ция</foreignphrase></emphasis> police).</para>
  46. </section>
  47. <section>
  48. <title>Some rules of the road</title>
  49. <para>Always wear your seat belt. Not only is this a good safety practice, but you may be
  50. pulled over by a traffic cop and fined if you're not wearing one.</para>
  51. <para>The speed limit in the city is 60 kph (35 mph). Speed limits outside the city vary from
  52. 90-120 kph (55-65 mph).</para>
  53. <para>There is no "right turn on red". Look for turn signs at all intersections which will
  54. indicate which turns are permitted. Left turns at many intersections are forbidden, causing
  55. you to do a complicated maneuver which involves going through the intersection, turning left
  56. and doubling back (making а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  57. >разворо́т</foreignphrase></emphasis>) to make a right turn where you need it.</para>
  58. <para>Horns are rarely used as signals. If any type of warning is needed, drivers may flash
  59. their headlights.</para>
  60. <para>If your car is involved in an accident, do not attempt to move it until the traffic cops
  61. have come to write up a report. The CLO has a file entitled "Orientation: Driving in Moscow"
  62. with more information on this.</para>
  63. </section>
  64. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  65. <section>
  66. <title>When you don't want to drive</title>
  67. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  68. >Такси́</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  69. <para>It is increasingly difficult to simply hail a cab on the streets of Moscow and St.
  70. Petersburg. Your best alternative is to order a taxi ahead of time from one of the private
  71. companies. Many of these operate out of the major tourist hotels. We've included a few of
  72. these companies, their addresses and phones here and the CLO has other listings if you need
  73. them.</para>
  74. <para>Many Russians make use of а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  75. >частник</foreignphrase></emphasis> private car. Individuals who own cars will moonlight
  76. as taxi drivers, negotiating prices with each fare. You should make use of this resource
  77. only if your language skills and knowledge of current prices are good enough to prevent you
  78. from being "taken for a ride". Women travelling alone should not use the <emphasis
  79. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">частники</foreignphrase></emphasis>, as well as
  80. any individual travelling after dark, or to distant locations in the city.</para>
  81. <para>Payment for any taxi service should be in roubles, unless you are using the services of
  82. one of the companies listed here. They will accept credit card</para>
  83. <para>payment in foreign currency, at the current exchange rate. Though prices change quickly,
  84. in the summer of 1994 it cost $35.00 for a one-way trip from one of the major tourist hotels
  85. to Sheremetevo Airport.</para>
  86. <orderedlist>
  87. <listitem>
  88. <para>Intourtrans</para>
  89. <para>24-hour service</para>
  90. <para>tel. 941-84-90</para>
  91. <para>cash (roubles) or credit cards</para>
  92. </listitem>
  93. <listitem>
  94. <para>Statistica</para>
  95. <para>tel. 945-34-12</para>
  96. <para>hours: 7:00am-5:00pm</para>
  97. <para>cash only</para>
  98. </listitem>
  99. <listitem>
  100. <para>Hertz Rent-A-Car</para>
  101. <para>tel. 284-43-91</para>
  102. <para>hours: 9:00am-7:00pm</para>
  103. <para>credit cards only</para>
  104. </listitem>
  105. <listitem>
  106. <para>Rasco Taxi Service (Radisson Hotel)</para>
  107. <para>tel. 941-84-90</para>
  108. <para>hours: 7:00am-11:00pm</para>
  109. <para>cash or credit cards</para>
  110. </listitem>
  111. <listitem>
  112. <para>Autosun (Penta Hotel)</para>
  113. <para>tel. 971-61-01 X2532</para>
  114. <para>hours: 7:30am-12:30am</para>
  115. <para>cash or credit cards</para>
  116. </listitem>
  117. <listitem>
  118. <para>Class Company</para>
  119. <para>tel. 199-74-14</para>
  120. <para>hours: 8:00am-10:00pm</para>
  121. <para>cash only</para>
  122. <para>hourly rates: $12.00-$24.00 (depending on make of car)</para>
  123. </listitem>
  124. <listitem>
  125. <para>Lingva Taxi</para>
  126. <para>tel. 290-63-24 (reservations require 6 hours advance notice)</para>
  127. <para>hours: 7:30am-6:00pm</para>
  128. <para>cash only</para>
  129. <para>hourly rates: $10.00</para>
  130. </listitem>
  131. </orderedlist>
  132. </section>
  133. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  134. <section>
  135. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Обще́ственный тра́нспорт</foreignphrase></title>
  136. <para>The <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  137. >метро́</foreignphrase></emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  138. >авто́бусы</foreignphrase></emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  139. xml:lang="ru">тролле́йбусы и трамва́</foreignphrase></emphasis>и subway, buses,
  140. trolleybuses and trams make up the public transportation system. The most efficient of these
  141. is the metro and all are definitely overcrowded, especially during <emphasis role="bold"
  142. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">час пик</foreignphrase></emphasis> rush hour, from 7:00am
  143. to 10:00am and again from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Most types of transportation operate from 6:00am
  144. to 1:00am. Check the CLO for the most up-to-date information on using public
  145. transport.</para>
  146. <section>
  147. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Метро́</foreignphrase></title>
  148. <para>The metro operates on а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  149. >жето́н</foreignphrase></emphasis> token system. You may purchase tokens at the
  150. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ка́сса</foreignphrase></emphasis> at
  151. most stations. If you plan on using the metro regularly, you may want to consider а
  152. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">проездно́й</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  153. or <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">еди́ный
  154. биле́т</foreignphrase></emphasis> monthly pass. The former is for unlimited travel on
  155. the metro, buses or trolleybuses (choose your type) only and the latter is good for
  156. unlimited travel on all types of transportation. Metro stations are well marked (in
  157. Cyrillic only in Russia), and there is a recording which announces the next station as
  158. you're pulling out, and that station as the train is pulling in.</para>
  159. <para>Be careful when entering and exiting any metro station with escalators. They move much
  160. more quickly than the ones in the DC metro.</para>
  161. </section>
  162. <section>
  163. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Авто́бусы, тролле́йбусы,
  164. трамва́и</foreignphrase></title>
  165. <para>These operate on а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  166. >тало́н</foreignphrase></emphasis> paper ticket system. You'll purchase a <emphasis
  167. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">кни́жечка</foreignphrase></emphasis> booklet of
  168. 10 tickets from the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  169. >води́тель</foreignphrase></emphasis> driver, or at а <emphasis role="bold"
  170. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">кио́ск</foreignphrase></emphasis>. You'll tear off a
  171. single ticket and validate it for every trip you make. There are no transfers, and a
  172. validated ticket is good only for one trip.</para>
  173. <para>Buses and trolleybuses have multiple doors and it is common practice to board through
  174. the back door and exit from the front. Don't be surprised, however, to see this
  175. "etiquette" often ignored.</para>
  176. </section>
  177. <section>
  178. <title>Advice for the pedestrian</title>
  179. <para>Remember: anything with four wheels beats anything on two feet! Always be alert to the
  180. fact that drivers have little respect for pedestrians and it will be your job to watch out
  181. for them. Use caution when crossing in above-ground crosswalks; always use the <emphasis
  182. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">подзе́мный перехо́д</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  183. underground crosswalk when one is available.</para>
  184. <para>Keep in mind that these underground crosswalks are places for street musicians,
  185. beggars and pickpockets to congregate. While these crosswalks lessen the danger of you
  186. being hit by a car, they pose certain dangers in themselves. Be alert! Be careful!</para>
  187. </section>
  188. </section>
  189. </section>
  190. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  191. <section>
  192. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Доро́жные зна́ки</foreignphrase> / Road signs</title>
  193. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  194. <tgroup cols="2">
  195. <tbody>
  196. <row>
  197. <entry>
  198. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">предупрежда́ющие зна́ки</foreignphrase></para>
  199. </entry>
  200. <entry>
  201. <para>warning signs (triangular with orange red border, yellow background and black
  202. figures); warn of possibly dangerous conditions or conditions simply to be aware
  203. of</para>
  204. </entry>
  205. </row>
  206. <row>
  207. <entry>
  208. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">запреща́ющие зна́ки</foreignphrase></para>
  209. </entry>
  210. <entry>
  211. <para>prohibiting signs (round; most use the same colors as warning signs); describe
  212. what you CANNOT do</para>
  213. </entry>
  214. </row>
  215. <row>
  216. <entry>
  217. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">предпи́сывающие зна́ки </foreignphrase></para>
  218. </entry>
  219. <entry>
  220. <para>limiting signs (blue backgrounds and white figures); describe the only way in
  221. which something may be done</para>
  222. <para>informational signs (square</para>
  223. </entry>
  224. </row>
  225. <row>
  226. <entry>
  227. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">указа́тельные зна́ки</foreignphrase></para>
  228. </entry>
  229. <entry>
  230. <para>with blue background); describe what may be done, or what facilities are
  231. available</para>
  232. </entry>
  233. </row>
  234. </tbody>
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  252. <mediaobject>
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  257. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  258. <section>
  259. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №1.</title>
  260. <para>You may see some of these signs as you're driving through Russia. Ask another motorist
  261. or a passerby (played by your instructor) what any of these signs mean. Use the model given
  262. here:</para>
  263. <informalexample>
  264. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что означа́ет э́тот знак?</foreignphrase></para>
  265. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он означа́ет, что...</foreignphrase></para>
  266. </informalexample>
  267. <mediaobject>
  268. <imageobject>
  269. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-7.png" width="15cm"/>
  270. </imageobject>
  271. </mediaobject>
  272. </section>
  273. </section>
  274. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  275. <section>
  276. <title>Setting the scene</title>
  277. <para>The American is in his/her hotel which is near the metro station «<emphasis role="bold"
  278. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Октя́брьская</foreignphrase></emphasis>» and needs to get to
  279. the Embassy. He's/she's asking the desk clerk for directions.</para>
  280. <para>Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to
  281. understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then
  282. listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also
  283. responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the
  284. appropriate manner.</para>
  285. <section>
  286. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №1</title>
  287. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  288. <tgroup cols="3">
  289. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
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  291. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  292. <thead>
  293. <row>
  294. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">КАК
  295. ДОЕ́ХАТЬ ДО..</foreignphrase></entry>
  296. </row>
  297. </thead>
  298. <tbody>
  299. <row>
  300. <entry>A.</entry>
  301. <entry>
  302. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожалуйста, как дое́хать до
  303. америка́нского посо́льства?</foreignphrase></para>
  304. </entry>
  305. <entry>
  306. <para>Could you please tell me how to get to the American Embassy?</para>
  307. </entry>
  308. </row>
  309. <row>
  310. <entry>P.</entry>
  311. <entry>
  312. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы хоти́те е́хать на
  313. метро́?</foreignphrase></para>
  314. </entry>
  315. <entry>
  316. <para>Do you want to take the metro?</para>
  317. </entry>
  318. </row>
  319. <row>
  320. <entry>A.</entry>
  321. <entry>
  322. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, коне́чно.</foreignphrase></para>
  323. </entry>
  324. <entry>
  325. <para>Of course.</para>
  326. </entry>
  327. </row>
  328. <row>
  329. <entry>P.</entry>
  330. <entry>
  331. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать до ста́нции
  332. «Краснопре́сненская». Э́то тре́тья ста́нция. Отту́да вы мо́жете дойти́ пешко́м
  333. до посо́льства.</foreignphrase></para>
  334. </entry>
  335. <entry>
  336. <para>You have to take it to the station called "Krasnopresnenskaya". It's the third
  337. one. From there you can walk to the Embassy.</para>
  338. </entry>
  339. </row>
  340. <row>
  341. <entry>A.</entry>
  342. <entry>
  343. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спаси́бо бо́льшое!</foreignphrase></para>
  344. </entry>
  345. <entry>
  346. <para>Thank you very much.</para>
  347. </entry>
  348. </row>
  349. <row>
  350. <entry>P.</entry>
  351. <entry>
  352. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Не́ за что.</foreignphrase></para>
  353. </entry>
  354. <entry>
  355. <para>Don't mention it.</para>
  356. </entry>
  357. </row>
  358. </tbody>
  359. </tgroup>
  360. </informaltable>
  361. </section>
  362. <section>
  363. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариа́нт 1 диало́га</foreignphrase> №1</title>
  364. <para>The American has just arrived by train from St. Petersburg. He/She's at the <emphasis
  365. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ленингра́дский вокза́л</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  366. (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Метро́
  367. «Комсомо́льская»</foreignphrase></emphasis>) and needs to get to the hotel «<emphasis
  368. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Метропо́ь</foreignphrase></emphasis>».</para>
  369. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  370. <tgroup cols="3">
  371. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  372. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  373. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  374. <tbody>
  375. <row>
  376. <entry>A.</entry>
  377. <entry>
  378. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, пожа́луйста, как дое́хать до
  379. гости́ницы «Метропо́ль»?</foreignphrase></para>
  380. </entry>
  381. <entry>
  382. <para>Excuse me, please. How do I get to the hotel "Metropol"?</para>
  383. </entry>
  384. </row>
  385. <row>
  386. <entry>P.</entry>
  387. <entry>
  388. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Отсю́да о́чень про́сто. Вам ну́жно дое́хать до
  389. ста́нции «Охо́тный ряд». Пото́м пешко́м до гости́ницы.</foreignphrase></para>
  390. </entry>
  391. <entry>
  392. <para>It's easy from here. You need to get to the station called "Okhotny ryad".
  393. Then you can walk to the hotel.</para>
  394. </entry>
  395. </row>
  396. <row>
  397. <entry>A.</entry>
  398. <entry>
  399. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Охо́тный ряд»? Э́то кака́я
  400. ста́нция?</foreignphrase></para>
  401. </entry>
  402. <entry>
  403. <para>"Okhotny ryad"? Which station is that?</para>
  404. </entry>
  405. </row>
  406. <row>
  407. <entry>P.</entry>
  408. <entry>
  409. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Э́то тре́тья ста́нция.</foreignphrase></para>
  410. </entry>
  411. <entry>
  412. <para>It's the third one.</para>
  413. </entry>
  414. </row>
  415. <row>
  416. <entry>A.</entry>
  417. <entry>
  418. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поня́тно. Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></para>
  419. </entry>
  420. <entry>
  421. <para>Got it. Thanks.</para>
  422. </entry>
  423. </row>
  424. <row>
  425. <entry>P.</entry>
  426. <entry>
  427. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></para>
  428. </entry>
  429. <entry>
  430. <para>Don't mention it.</para>
  431. </entry>
  432. </row>
  433. </tbody>
  434. </tgroup>
  435. </informaltable>
  436. </section>
  437. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  438. <section>
  439. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариа́нт 2 диало́га</foreignphrase> №1</title>
  440. <para>The American has left the Embassy, is at metro «<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  441. xml:lang="ru">Краснопре́сненская</foreignphrase></emphasis>» and would like to get out
  442. to the "flea market" at <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Изма́йловский
  443. парк</foreignphrase></emphasis>.</para>
  444. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  445. <tgroup cols="3">
  446. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  447. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  448. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  449. <tbody>
  450. <row>
  451. <entry>A.</entry>
  452. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, как дое́хать
  453. до ста́нций «Изма́йловскии парк»?</foreignphrase></entry>
  454. <entry>Could you please tell me how to get to "Izmailovsky Park"?</entry>
  455. </row>
  456. <row>
  457. <entry>P.</entry>
  458. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать по «Кольцу́» до
  459. ста́нции «Ку́рская» и там сде́лать переса́дку.</foreignphrase></entry>
  460. <entry>You need to take the "Ring" line to station "Kurskaya" and transfer [to another
  461. line] there.</entry>
  462. </row>
  463. <row>
  464. <entry>A.</entry>
  465. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спаси́бо. А пото́м?</foreignphrase></entry>
  466. <entry>Thanks. And then what?</entry>
  467. </row>
  468. <row>
  469. <entry>P.</entry>
  470. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А пото́м до ста́нции «Изма́йловский
  471. парк.»</foreignphrase></entry>
  472. <entry>Then take it to "Izmailovsky Park"</entry>
  473. </row>
  474. </tbody>
  475. </tgroup>
  476. </informaltable>
  477. </section>
  478. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  479. <section>
  480. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №2.</title>
  481. <para>Using the map of the Moscow metro, practice reading aloud the station</para>
  482. <mediaobject>
  483. <imageobject>
  484. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-8.png" width="15cm"/>
  485. </imageobject>
  486. </mediaobject>
  487. </section>
  488. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  489. <section>
  490. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №3.</title>
  491. <para>Your instructor will point to a station on the map and ask you:</para>
  492. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Э́то кака́я
  493. станция?</foreignphrase></emphasis> You should answer by saying:</para>
  494. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Эт́о
  495. ста́нция..</foreignphrase></emphasis>.[insert station name].</para>
  496. </section>
  497. <section>
  498. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №4.</title>
  499. <para>Create dialogs of your own, using the ones given above as models. Have your instructor
  500. play the role of the Russian. Use some of the following phrases:</para>
  501. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  502. <tgroup cols="2">
  503. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="10cm"/>
  504. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  505. <tbody>
  506. <row>
  507. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, как дое́хать до
  508. ста́нции</foreignphrase></entry>
  509. <entry>
  510. <para>
  511. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Университе́т»?</foreignphrase>
  512. </para>
  513. <para>
  514. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Аэропо́рт»?</foreignphrase>
  515. </para>
  516. <para>
  517. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Ботани́ческий сад»?</foreignphrase>
  518. </para>
  519. <para>
  520. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Речно́й вокза́л»?</foreignphrase>
  521. </para>
  522. <para>
  523. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Коло́менское»?</foreignphrase>
  524. </para>
  525. <para>
  526. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Тага́нская»?</foreignphrase>
  527. </para>
  528. </entry>
  529. </row>
  530. <row>
  531. <entry/>
  532. <entry/>
  533. </row>
  534. <row>
  535. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, пожа́луйста, как дое́хать до
  536. гости́ницы</foreignphrase></entry>
  537. <entry>
  538. <para>
  539. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Славя́нская»?</foreignphrase>
  540. </para>
  541. <para>
  542. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Национа́ль»? </foreignphrase>
  543. </para>
  544. <para>
  545. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Интури́ст»?</foreignphrase>
  546. </para>
  547. <para>
  548. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Пе́нта»?</foreignphrase>
  549. </para>
  550. </entry>
  551. </row>
  552. </tbody>
  553. </tgroup>
  554. </informaltable>
  555. </section>
  556. <section>
  557. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №5.</title>
  558. <para>You are interpreting for one of your classmates who does not speak Russian. Ask your
  559. instructor how to get to the metro stations listed here, if you are beginning from
  560. «<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  561. >Краснопре́сненская</foreignphrase></emphasis>». Use the following model:</para>
  562. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, как дое́хать до ста́нции
  563. ?</foreignphrase></para>
  564. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  565. <tgroup cols="4">
  566. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.01cm"/>
  567. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  568. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  569. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  570. <tbody>
  571. <row>
  572. <entry>
  573. <para>1.</para>
  574. </entry>
  575. <entry>
  576. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Изма́йловский парк»</foreignphrase></para>
  577. </entry>
  578. <entry>
  579. <para>4.</para>
  580. </entry>
  581. <entry>
  582. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Белору́сская»</foreignphrase></para>
  583. </entry>
  584. </row>
  585. <row>
  586. <entry>
  587. <para>2.</para>
  588. </entry>
  589. <entry>
  590. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Тверска́я»</foreignphrase></para>
  591. </entry>
  592. <entry>
  593. <para>5.</para>
  594. </entry>
  595. <entry>
  596. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Парк культу́ры»</foreignphrase></para>
  597. </entry>
  598. </row>
  599. <row>
  600. <entry>
  601. <para>3.</para>
  602. </entry>
  603. <entry>
  604. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Ю́го-за́падная»</foreignphrase></para>
  605. </entry>
  606. <entry>
  607. <para>6.</para>
  608. </entry>
  609. <entry>
  610. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Соко́льники»</foreignphrase></para>
  611. </entry>
  612. </row>
  613. </tbody>
  614. </tgroup>
  615. </informaltable>
  616. </section>
  617. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  618. <section>
  619. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №6.</title>
  620. <informalexample>
  621. <para>Translate the following into English:</para>
  622. <orderedlist>
  623. <listitem>
  624. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать до ста́нции «Парк культу́ры» и
  625. сде́лать переса́дку на «Кольцеву́ю ли́нию».</foreignphrase></para>
  626. </listitem>
  627. <listitem>
  628. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать до ста́нции «Ку́рская» и сде́лать
  629. переса́дку на «Арба́тско-Покро́вскую ли́нию».</foreignphrase></para>
  630. </listitem>
  631. <listitem>
  632. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать до ста́нции «Баррика́дная».
  633. Отту́да вы мо́жете дойти́ до посо́льства пешко́м.</foreignphrase></para>
  634. </listitem>
  635. <listitem>
  636. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно дое́хать до ста́нции «ВДНХ». Отту́да вы
  637. мо́жете дойти́ до Ботани́ческого са́да пешко́м.</foreignphrase></para>
  638. </listitem>
  639. </orderedlist>
  640. </informalexample>
  641. </section>
  642. <section>
  643. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №7.</title>
  644. <para>Translate the following into Russian:</para>
  645. <orderedlist>
  646. <listitem>
  647. <para>Please tell me how to get to the American Embassy.</para>
  648. </listitem>
  649. <listitem>
  650. <para>Of course.</para>
  651. </listitem>
  652. <listitem>
  653. <para>Thanks a lot.</para>
  654. </listitem>
  655. <listitem>
  656. <para>Which station is that?</para>
  657. </listitem>
  658. <listitem>
  659. <para>Got it.</para>
  660. </listitem>
  661. <listitem>
  662. <para>And then what?</para>
  663. </listitem>
  664. </orderedlist>
  665. </section>
  666. </section>
  667. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  668. <section>
  669. <title>Beyond the metro</title>
  670. <para>There will be times when you'll choose another form of transportation besides the metro.
  671. The following phrases will come in handy.</para>
  672. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  673. <tgroup cols="2">
  674. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="3cm"/>
  675. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  676. <tbody>
  677. <row>
  678. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">е́хать на</foreignphrase></entry>
  679. <entry>
  680. <para>
  681. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">авто́бусе</foreignphrase>
  682. </para>
  683. <para>
  684. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тролле́йбусе</foreignphrase>
  685. </para>
  686. <para>
  687. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">трамва́е</foreignphrase>
  688. </para>
  689. <para>
  690. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">маши́не</foreignphrase>
  691. </para>
  692. <para>
  693. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">такси́</foreignphrase>́́́ </para>
  694. <para>
  695. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">метро́</foreignphrase>
  696. </para>
  697. </entry>
  698. </row>
  699. </tbody>
  700. </tgroup>
  701. </informaltable>
  702. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  703. <tgroup cols="2">
  704. <tbody>
  705. <row>
  706. <entry>
  707. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я е́ду на авто́бусе. </foreignphrase></para>
  708. </entry>
  709. <entry>I'm taking the bus.</entry>
  710. </row>
  711. <row>
  712. <entry>
  713. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ты е́дешь на тролле́йбусе. </foreignphrase></para>
  714. </entry>
  715. <entry>You're taking the trolley.</entry>
  716. </row>
  717. <row>
  718. <entry>
  719. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он е́дет на трамва́е. </foreignphrase></para>
  720. </entry>
  721. <entry>He's taking the tram.</entry>
  722. </row>
  723. <row>
  724. <entry>
  725. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она́ е́дет на маши́не. </foreignphrase></para>
  726. </entry>
  727. <entry>She's taking a car.</entry>
  728. </row>
  729. <row>
  730. <entry>
  731. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы е́дем на такси́. </foreignphrase></para>
  732. </entry>
  733. <entry>We're taking a taxi.</entry>
  734. </row>
  735. <row>
  736. <entry>
  737. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы е́дете на метро́. </foreignphrase></para>
  738. </entry>
  739. <entry>You're taking the metro.</entry>
  740. </row>
  741. <row>
  742. <entry>
  743. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они́ е́дут на микроавто́бусе.
  744. </foreignphrase></para>
  745. </entry>
  746. <entry>They're taking the van.</entry>
  747. </row>
  748. <row>
  749. <entry align="left">
  750. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Туда́ мо́жно дое́хать на метро́ и́ли на
  751. авто́бусе.</foreignphrase></para>
  752. </entry>
  753. <entry>You can get there by metro or by bus.</entry>
  754. </row>
  755. <row>
  756. <entry align="left">
  757. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Туда́ мо́жно дое́хать на тролле́йбусе и́ли на
  758. трамва́е.</foreignphrase></para>
  759. </entry>
  760. <entry>You can get there by trolley or by tram.</entry>
  761. </row>
  762. </tbody>
  763. </tgroup>
  764. </informaltable>
  765. <section>
  766. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №8.</title>
  767. <para>Your instructor will ask you what form of transportation you prefer to use.</para>
  768. <para>Answer, using the following models, first in the affirmative:</para>
  769. <informalexample>
  770. <informalexample>
  771. <itemizedlist>
  772. <listitem>
  773. <para>P. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы хоти́те е́хать на
  774. маши́не?</foreignphrase></para>
  775. </listitem>
  776. <listitem>
  777. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, на маши́не.</foreignphrase></para>
  778. </listitem>
  779. </itemizedlist>
  780. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  781. <tgroup cols="10">
  782. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.5cm"/>
  783. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  784. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.5cm"/>
  785. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  786. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.5cm"/>
  787. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  788. <colspec colname="c7" colnum="7" colwidth="0.5cm"/>
  789. <colspec colname="c8" colnum="8" colwidth="1*"/>
  790. <colspec colname="c9" colnum="9" colwidth="0.5cm"/>
  791. <colspec colname="c10" colnum="10" colwidth="1*"/>
  792. <tbody>
  793. <row>
  794. <entry>1.</entry>
  795. <entry>a car</entry>
  796. <entry>2.</entry>
  797. <entry>a bus</entry>
  798. <entry>3.</entry>
  799. <entry>a taxi</entry>
  800. <entry>4.</entry>
  801. <entry>a tram</entry>
  802. <entry>5.</entry>
  803. <entry>the metro</entry>
  804. </row>
  805. </tbody>
  806. </tgroup>
  807. </informaltable>
  808. </informalexample>
  809. </informalexample>
  810. <para>Now answer in the negative, according to the model:<informalexample>
  811. <itemizedlist>
  812. <listitem>
  813. <para>P. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы хоти́те е́хать на
  814. маши́не?</foreignphrase></para>
  815. </listitem>
  816. <listitem>
  817. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, на авто́бусе.</foreignphrase></para>
  818. </listitem>
  819. </itemizedlist>
  820. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  821. <tgroup cols="6">
  822. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  823. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  824. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  825. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  826. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1cm"/>
  827. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  828. <tbody>
  829. <row>
  830. <entry>1.</entry>
  831. <entry>a car (the metro)</entry>
  832. <entry>2.</entry>
  833. <entry>a bus (a car)</entry>
  834. <entry>3.</entry>
  835. <entry>a taxi ( a bus)</entry>
  836. </row>
  837. <row>
  838. <entry>4.</entry>
  839. <entry>a tram (a trolley)</entry>
  840. <entry>5.</entry>
  841. <entry>the metro (a tram)</entry>
  842. <entry/>
  843. <entry/>
  844. </row>
  845. </tbody>
  846. </tgroup>
  847. </informaltable>
  848. </informalexample></para>
  849. </section>
  850. <section>
  851. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №9.</title>
  852. <para>Using the models below, ask what the best possible form of transportation is for you to
  853. use.</para>
  854. <informalexample>
  855. <itemizedlist>
  856. <listitem>
  857. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Туда́ лу́чше е́хать на авто́бусе и́ли на
  858. трамва́е?</foreignphrase></para>
  859. </listitem>
  860. <listitem>
  861. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Лу́чше на трамва́е.</foreignphrase></para>
  862. </listitem>
  863. </itemizedlist>
  864. <orderedlist>
  865. <listitem>
  866. <para>The metro vs a bus</para>
  867. </listitem>
  868. <listitem>
  869. <para>A bus vs a trolley</para>
  870. </listitem>
  871. <listitem>
  872. <para>A car vs the metro</para>
  873. </listitem>
  874. <listitem>
  875. <para>A tram vs a trolley</para>
  876. </listitem>
  877. <listitem>
  878. <para>The metro vs a taxi</para>
  879. </listitem>
  880. </orderedlist>
  881. </informalexample>
  882. </section>
  883. <section>
  884. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №10.</title>
  885. <para>Using a map of the Moscow metro, describe the routes you'll be taking in each of the
  886. scenarios.</para>
  887. <orderedlist>
  888. <listitem>
  889. <para>You went out to «<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  890. >Коло́менское</foreignphrase></emphasis>» by taxi with your friends, but now you'd
  891. like to use the metro to get back. They're staying at the hotel
  892. "Radisson-Slavyanskaya"(<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Meтpó
  893. «Ки́евская»</foreignphrase></emphasis>).</para>
  894. </listitem>
  895. <listitem>
  896. <para>You're with a group of students at МГУ (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  897. xml:lang="ru">метро́ «Университе́т»</foreignphrase></emphasis>) and they want to
  898. show you the Lenin Library (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">метро
  899. «Библиоте́ка им. Ле́нина»</foreignphrase></emphasis>).</para>
  900. </listitem>
  901. <listitem>
  902. <para>You're working late at the Embassy (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  903. xml:lang="ru">метро́ «Краснопре́сненская»</foreignphrase></emphasis>) and won't have
  904. time to go home before the ballet at the Bolshoi (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  905. xml:lang="ru">метро «Охо́тный ряд»</foreignphrase></emphasis>).</para>
  906. </listitem>
  907. <listitem>
  908. <para>You meet your business partner just in on the train from Minsk ( <emphasis
  909. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">метро́
  910. «Белору́сская»</foreignphrase></emphasis>) and you need to get to the exhibit halls at
  911. the All-Russian Exhibition Center (<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  912. >ВВЦ, метро́ «ВДНХ»</foreignphrase></emphasis>).</para>
  913. </listitem>
  914. </orderedlist>
  915. </section>
  916. </section>
  917. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  918. <section>
  919. <title>Setting the scene</title>
  920. <para>The American is in the metro and finds himself/herself in need of assistance.</para>
  921. <para>Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to
  922. understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then
  923. listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also
  924. responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the
  925. appropriate manner.</para>
  926. <section>
  927. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №2</title>
  928. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  929. <tgroup cols="3">
  930. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  931. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  932. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  933. <thead>
  934. <row>
  935. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кака́я
  936. сле́дующая ста́нция</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  937. </row>
  938. </thead>
  939. <tbody>
  940. <row>
  941. <entry>A.</entry>
  942. <entry align="left">
  943. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Извини́те, кака́я сле́дующая
  944. ста́нция?</foreignphrase></para>
  945. </entry>
  946. <entry>
  947. <para>Excuse me, what's the next station?</para>
  948. </entry>
  949. </row>
  950. <row>
  951. <entry>P.</entry>
  952. <entry>
  953. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Бегова́я».</foreignphrase></para>
  954. </entry>
  955. <entry>
  956. <para>"Begovaya".</para>
  957. </entry>
  958. </row>
  959. <row>
  960. <entry>A.</entry>
  961. <entry>
  962. <para>
  963. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А ско́ро бу́дет «Краснопре́сненская»?</foreignphrase>
  964. </para>
  965. </entry>
  966. <entry>
  967. <para>Is "Krasnopresnenskaya" coming up soon?</para>
  968. </entry>
  969. </row>
  970. <row>
  971. <entry>P.</entry>
  972. <entry align="left">
  973. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Краснопре́сненскую» уже́
  974. прое́хали.</foreignphrase></para>
  975. </entry>
  976. <entry>
  977. <para>We already passed "Krasnopresnenskaya".</para>
  978. </entry>
  979. </row>
  980. <row>
  981. <entry>A.</entry>
  982. <entry>
  983. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что же мне де́лать?</foreignphrase></para>
  984. </entry>
  985. <entry>
  986. <para>What should I do?</para>
  987. </entry>
  988. </row>
  989. <row>
  990. <entry>P.</entry>
  991. <entry align="left">
  992. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам на́до вы́йти на сле́дующей ста́нции и е́хать
  993. в обра́тную сто́рону.</foreignphrase></para>
  994. </entry>
  995. <entry>
  996. <para>You need to get off at the next station and go back.</para>
  997. </entry>
  998. </row>
  999. <row>
  1000. <entry>A.</entry>
  1001. <entry>
  1002. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></para>
  1003. </entry>
  1004. <entry>
  1005. <para>Thanks.</para>
  1006. </entry>
  1007. </row>
  1008. </tbody>
  1009. </tgroup>
  1010. </informaltable>
  1011. </section>
  1012. <section>
  1013. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №3</title>
  1014. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  1015. <tgroup cols="3">
  1016. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1017. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  1018. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  1019. <thead>
  1020. <row>
  1021. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы сейча́с
  1022. выхо́дите</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  1023. </row>
  1024. </thead>
  1025. <tbody>
  1026. <row>
  1027. <entry>A.</entry>
  1028. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы сейча́с выхо́дите?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1029. <entry>Are you getting off now?</entry>
  1030. </row>
  1031. <row>
  1032. <entry>P.</entry>
  1033. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Э́то кака́я ста́нция?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1034. <entry>What station is this?</entry>
  1035. </row>
  1036. <row>
  1037. <entry>A.</entry>
  1038. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Кропо́ткинская».</foreignphrase></entry>
  1039. <entry>"Kropotkinskaya".</entry>
  1040. </row>
  1041. <row>
  1042. <entry>P.</entry>
  1043. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, не выхожу́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1044. <entry>No, I'm not.</entry>
  1045. </row>
  1046. <row>
  1047. <entry>A.</entry>
  1048. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тогда́ разреши́те пройти́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1049. <entry>Then let me through.</entry>
  1050. </row>
  1051. <row>
  1052. <entry>P.</entry>
  1053. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1054. <entry>Go ahead.</entry>
  1055. </row>
  1056. <row>
  1057. <entry>A.</entry>
  1058. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1059. <entry>Thanks.</entry>
  1060. </row>
  1061. </tbody>
  1062. </tgroup>
  1063. </informaltable>
  1064. </section>
  1065. <section>
  1066. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №11.</title>
  1067. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  1068. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  1069. </section>
  1070. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1071. <section>
  1072. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №12.</title>
  1073. <informalexample>
  1074. <para>Translate the following into Russian:</para>
  1075. <orderedlist>
  1076. <listitem>
  1077. <para>Excuse me, what's the next station?</para>
  1078. </listitem>
  1079. <listitem>
  1080. <para>Is "Krasnopresnenskaya" coming up soon?</para>
  1081. </listitem>
  1082. <listitem>
  1083. <para>What should I do?</para>
  1084. </listitem>
  1085. <listitem>
  1086. <para>Are you getting off now?</para>
  1087. </listitem>
  1088. <listitem>
  1089. <para>Let me through.</para>
  1090. </listitem>
  1091. </orderedlist>
  1092. </informalexample>
  1093. </section>
  1094. <section>
  1095. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №13.</title>
  1096. <para>In the metro, ask a fellow passenger (played by your instructor) which station is next
  1097. as you travel around the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Кольцева́я
  1098. ли́ния»</foreignphrase></emphasis>. Start at <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1099. xml:lang="ru">«Октя́брьская»</foreignphrase></emphasis> and move clockwise. Use the
  1100. following model:</para>
  1101. <informalexample>
  1102. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Извини́те, кака́я сле́дующая
  1103. ста́нция?</foreignphrase></para>
  1104. </informalexample>
  1105. </section>
  1106. <section>
  1107. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №14.</title>
  1108. <para>Beginning at one of the end stations on any line, move along that line and verify that
  1109. you know which station is coming up next by asking a fellow passenger (your
  1110. instructor):</para>
  1111. <informalexample>
  1112. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, сле́дующая ста́нция «Проспе́кт
  1113. Верна́дского»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1114. </informalexample>
  1115. </section>
  1116. <section>
  1117. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №15.</title>
  1118. <para>You fell asleep on the metro and woke up at an unfamiliar station. Find out where you
  1119. are.</para>
  1120. </section>
  1121. <section>
  1122. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №16.</title>
  1123. <para>You need to get off at the next station. Ask the person in front of you if he/she is
  1124. getting off. If the answer is no, ask him/her to let you through. What should you do if the
  1125. answer is yes?</para>
  1126. </section>
  1127. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1128. <section>
  1129. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №17.</title>
  1130. <para>Using the phrases given here, create your own dialogs.</para>
  1131. <informalexample>
  1132. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Извини́те, кака́я сле́дующая
  1133. ста́нция?</foreignphrase></para>
  1134. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Извини́те, э́то кака́я ста́нция?</foreignphrase></para>
  1135. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Извини́те, сле́дующая ста́нция ?</foreignphrase></para>
  1136. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ско́ро бу́дет ста́нция ?</foreignphrase></para>
  1137. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, вы сейча́с выхо́дите? </foreignphrase></para>
  1138. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы выхо́дите на сле́дующей?</foreignphrase></para>
  1139. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, выхожу́. </foreignphrase></para>
  1140. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, не выхожу́.</foreignphrase></para>
  1141. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Разреши́те пройти́.</foreignphrase></para>
  1142. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> Да́йте пройти́, пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></para>
  1143. </informalexample>
  1144. </section>
  1145. <section>
  1146. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №18.</title>
  1147. <para>You live on <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Ломоно́совский
  1148. проспе́кт»</foreignphrase></emphasis> in the vicinity of МГУ. You commute to work at the
  1149. embassy by metro. Using the metro map, describe the route you take each day. Name the
  1150. stations in order both going and coming.</para>
  1151. </section>
  1152. <section>
  1153. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №19.</title>
  1154. <para>Using the description you prepared for the previous exercise, describe how your route
  1155. home would vary if you decided to stop off at the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1156. xml:lang="ru">Третьяко́вская галлере́я</foreignphrase></emphasis> or wanted to make a
  1157. side trip to <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Изма́йловский
  1158. парк</foreignphrase></emphasis>.</para>
  1159. </section>
  1160. <section>
  1161. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №4</title>
  1162. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  1163. <tgroup cols="3">
  1164. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1165. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  1166. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  1167. <thead>
  1168. <row>
  1169. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1">«<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где здесь
  1170. перехо</foreignphrase>д?»</entry>
  1171. </row>
  1172. </thead>
  1173. <tbody>
  1174. <row>
  1175. <entry>A.</entry>
  1176. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, э́то перехо́д
  1177. на «Кольцеву́ю ли́нию»?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1178. <entry>Excuse me, is this the transfer to the Ring Line?</entry>
  1179. </row>
  1180. <row>
  1181. <entry>P.</entry>
  1182. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, э́то вы́ход в го́род.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1183. <entry>No, this is the exit to the city.</entry>
  1184. </row>
  1185. <row>
  1186. <entry>A.</entry>
  1187. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А где здесь перехо́д?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1188. <entry>Then where's the transfer?</entry>
  1189. </row>
  1190. <row>
  1191. <entry>P.</entry>
  1192. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Перехо́д на «Кольцеву́ю ли́нию»
  1193. напра́во.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1194. <entry>The transfer to the Ring Line is to the right</entry>
  1195. </row>
  1196. </tbody>
  1197. </tgroup>
  1198. </informaltable>
  1199. </section>
  1200. <section>
  1201. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №20.</title>
  1202. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  1203. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  1204. </section>
  1205. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1206. <section>
  1207. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №21.</title>
  1208. <informalexample>
  1209. <para>Translate the following into Russian:</para>
  1210. <orderedlist>
  1211. <listitem>
  1212. <para>Is this the transfer to the Ring Line?</para>
  1213. </listitem>
  1214. <listitem>
  1215. <para>Is this the exit to the city?</para>
  1216. </listitem>
  1217. <listitem>
  1218. <para>Where is the transfer to the Ring Line?</para>
  1219. </listitem>
  1220. <listitem>
  1221. <para>The exit to the city is to the right.</para>
  1222. </listitem>
  1223. <listitem>
  1224. <para>This is the transfer to the Ring Line.</para>
  1225. </listitem>
  1226. </orderedlist>
  1227. </informalexample>
  1228. </section>
  1229. <section>
  1230. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №22.</title>
  1231. <para>Choose the correct translation for each sign.</para>
  1232. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  1233. <tgroup cols="3" conformance="">
  1234. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1235. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="4cm"/>
  1236. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  1237. <tbody>
  1238. <row>
  1239. <entry>1.</entry>
  1240. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вход</foreignphrase></entry>
  1241. <entry>
  1242. <itemizedlist>
  1243. <listitem>
  1244. <para>a. exit</para>
  1245. </listitem>
  1246. <listitem>
  1247. <para>b. entrance</para>
  1248. </listitem>
  1249. <listitem>
  1250. <para>с passage</para>
  1251. </listitem>
  1252. </itemizedlist>
  1253. </entry>
  1254. </row>
  1255. <row>
  1256. <entry>2.</entry>
  1257. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы́ход</foreignphrase></entry>
  1258. <entry>
  1259. <itemizedlist>
  1260. <listitem>
  1261. <para>a. exit</para>
  1262. </listitem>
  1263. <listitem>
  1264. <para>b. entrance</para>
  1265. </listitem>
  1266. <listitem>
  1267. <para>c. transfer</para>
  1268. </listitem>
  1269. </itemizedlist>
  1270. </entry>
  1271. </row>
  1272. <row>
  1273. <entry>3.</entry>
  1274. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">перехо́д</foreignphrase></entry>
  1275. <entry>
  1276. <itemizedlist>
  1277. <listitem>
  1278. <para>a. yield</para>
  1279. </listitem>
  1280. <listitem>
  1281. <para>b. crossing</para>
  1282. </listitem>
  1283. <listitem>
  1284. <para>c. stop</para>
  1285. </listitem>
  1286. </itemizedlist>
  1287. </entry>
  1288. </row>
  1289. <row>
  1290. <entry>4.</entry>
  1291. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">переса́дка</foreignphrase></entry>
  1292. <entry>
  1293. <itemizedlist>
  1294. <listitem>
  1295. <para>a. up</para>
  1296. </listitem>
  1297. <listitem>
  1298. <para>b. transfer</para>
  1299. </listitem>
  1300. <listitem>
  1301. <para>c. yield</para>
  1302. </listitem>
  1303. </itemizedlist>
  1304. </entry>
  1305. </row>
  1306. <row>
  1307. <entry>5.</entry>
  1308. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вверх</foreignphrase></entry>
  1309. <entry>
  1310. <itemizedlist>
  1311. <listitem>
  1312. <para>a. up</para>
  1313. </listitem>
  1314. <listitem>
  1315. <para>b. down</para>
  1316. </listitem>
  1317. <listitem>
  1318. <para>c. straight ahead</para>
  1319. </listitem>
  1320. </itemizedlist>
  1321. </entry>
  1322. </row>
  1323. <row>
  1324. <entry>6.</entry>
  1325. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вниз</foreignphrase></entry>
  1326. <entry>
  1327. <itemizedlist>
  1328. <listitem>
  1329. <para>a. up</para>
  1330. </listitem>
  1331. <listitem>
  1332. <para>b. down</para>
  1333. </listitem>
  1334. <listitem>
  1335. <para>c. straight ahead</para>
  1336. </listitem>
  1337. </itemizedlist>
  1338. </entry>
  1339. </row>
  1340. <row>
  1341. <entry>7.</entry>
  1342. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо</foreignphrase></entry>
  1343. <entry>
  1344. <itemizedlist>
  1345. <listitem>
  1346. <para>a. up</para>
  1347. </listitem>
  1348. <listitem>
  1349. <para>b. down</para>
  1350. </listitem>
  1351. <listitem>
  1352. <para>c. straight ahead</para>
  1353. </listitem>
  1354. </itemizedlist>
  1355. </entry>
  1356. </row>
  1357. </tbody>
  1358. </tgroup>
  1359. </informaltable>
  1360. </section>
  1361. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1362. <section>
  1363. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №23.</title>
  1364. <para>Create your own dialogs, using the phrases given here and dialog #4 as a model.</para>
  1365. <informalexample>
  1366. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, э́то перехо́д на</foreignphrase><itemizedlist>
  1367. <listitem>
  1368. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тага́нско-Краснопре́сненскую
  1369. ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1370. </listitem>
  1371. <listitem>
  1372. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Калу́жско-Ри́жскую ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1373. </listitem>
  1374. <listitem>
  1375. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Серпухо́во-Тимиря́зевскую
  1376. ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1377. </listitem>
  1378. </itemizedlist></para>
  1379. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, где здесь перехо́д на </foreignphrase><itemizedlist>
  1380. <listitem>
  1381. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Замоскворе́цкую ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1382. </listitem>
  1383. <listitem>
  1384. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Филёвскую ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1385. </listitem>
  1386. <listitem>
  1387. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кали́нинскую ли́нию?</foreignphrase></para>
  1388. </listitem>
  1389. </itemizedlist></para>
  1390. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Перехо́д</foreignphrase><itemizedlist>
  1391. <listitem>
  1392. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напра́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1393. </listitem>
  1394. <listitem>
  1395. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">нале́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1396. </listitem>
  1397. <listitem>
  1398. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо.</foreignphrase></para>
  1399. </listitem>
  1400. <listitem>
  1401. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вверх по эскалато́ру.</foreignphrase></para>
  1402. </listitem>
  1403. <listitem>
  1404. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вниз по эскалато́ру.</foreignphrase></para>
  1405. </listitem>
  1406. <listitem>
  1407. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">в це́нтре за́ла.</foreignphrase></para>
  1408. </listitem>
  1409. </itemizedlist></para>
  1410. </informalexample>
  1411. </section>
  1412. </section>
  1413. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1414. <section>
  1415. <title>Setting the scene</title>
  1416. <para>The American is in the «<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  1417. >Краснопре́сненская</foreignphrase></emphasis>» metro and now needs to get to the Embassy.
  1418. He/she knows that it's close enough to walk to, but he/she doesn't know in which direction to
  1419. head.</para>
  1420. <para>Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to
  1421. understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then
  1422. listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also
  1423. responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the
  1424. appropriate manner.</para>
  1425. <section>
  1426. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №5</title>
  1427. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  1428. <tgroup cols="2">
  1429. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1"/>
  1430. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2"/>
  1431. <thead>
  1432. <row>
  1433. <entry align="center" nameend="c2" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Как
  1434. дойти́ до америка́нского посо́льства?»</foreignphrase></entry>
  1435. </row>
  1436. </thead>
  1437. <tbody>
  1438. <row>
  1439. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, как дойти́ до
  1440. америка́нского посо́льства?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1441. <entry>Excuse me,how do I get to the American Embassy?</entry>
  1442. </row>
  1443. <row>
  1444. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Э́то о́чень про́сто. Вам на́до вы́йти
  1445. из метро́ на Нови́нский бульва́р и пройти́ два кварта́ла.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1446. <entry>It's very simple. You have to go out of the metro onto Novinsky Bul'var and go
  1447. two blocs.</entry>
  1448. </row>
  1449. <row>
  1450. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В каку́ю сто́рону?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1451. <entry>In which direction?</entry>
  1452. </row>
  1453. <row>
  1454. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Напра́во. Вы уви́дите большо́е жёлтое
  1455. зда́ние с америка́нским фла́гом. Э́то и есть посо́льство.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1456. <entry>Right. You'll see a big yellow building with an American flag. That's the
  1457. Embassy.</entry>
  1458. </row>
  1459. <row>
  1460. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Большо́е спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1461. <entry>Thank you very much.</entry>
  1462. </row>
  1463. <row>
  1464. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Не́ за что.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1465. <entry>Don't mention it.</entry>
  1466. </row>
  1467. </tbody>
  1468. </tgroup>
  1469. </informaltable>
  1470. </section>
  1471. <section>
  1472. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариа́нт диало́га</foreignphrase> №5</title>
  1473. <para>The American has just come out of the «<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  1474. xml:lang="ru">Кропо́ткинская</foreignphrase></emphasis>» metro and needs to get to the
  1475. Canadian Embassy.</para>
  1476. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  1477. <tgroup cols="2">
  1478. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1"/>
  1479. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2"/>
  1480. <thead>
  1481. <row>
  1482. <entry align="center" nameend="c2" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Как
  1483. дойти́ до кана́дского посо́льства?»</foreignphrase></entry>
  1484. </row>
  1485. </thead>
  1486. <tbody>
  1487. <row>
  1488. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы не ска́жите, как дойти́ до
  1489. кана́дского посо́льство?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1490. <entry>Could you tell me how to get to the Canadian Embassy?</entry>
  1491. </row>
  1492. <row>
  1493. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно пройти́ три кварта́ла,
  1494. пото́м поверну́ть напра́во. Там бу́дет кана́дское
  1495. посо́льство.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1496. <entry>You have to go three blocs and then turn right. The Canadian Embassy will be
  1497. right there.</entry>
  1498. </row>
  1499. <row>
  1500. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Зна́чит пря́мо, а пото́м
  1501. нале́во?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1502. <entry>So, straight, and then to the left?</entry>
  1503. </row>
  1504. <row>
  1505. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, нет! Пря́мо, а пото́м
  1506. напра́во.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1507. <entry>No, no, straight and the to the right.</entry>
  1508. </row>
  1509. <row>
  1510. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">По́нял, напра́во.
  1511. Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1512. <entry>I understand, right. Thanks.</entry>
  1513. </row>
  1514. <row>
  1515. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1516. <entry>You're welcome.</entry>
  1517. </row>
  1518. </tbody>
  1519. </tgroup>
  1520. </informaltable>
  1521. </section>
  1522. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1523. <section>
  1524. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №24.</title>
  1525. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  1526. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  1527. </section>
  1528. <section>
  1529. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №25.</title>
  1530. <informalexample>
  1531. <para>Translate the following into Russian.</para>
  1532. <orderedlist>
  1533. <listitem>
  1534. <para>How do I get to the American Embassy?</para>
  1535. </listitem>
  1536. <listitem>
  1537. <para>First I go out of the metro, and then do I go right or left?</para>
  1538. </listitem>
  1539. <listitem>
  1540. <para>(I go) Three blocks and then (turn) left?</para>
  1541. </listitem>
  1542. <listitem>
  1543. <para>I understand, (turn) right.</para>
  1544. </listitem>
  1545. </orderedlist>
  1546. </informalexample>
  1547. </section>
  1548. <section>
  1549. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №26.</title>
  1550. <para>Ask how to get to the various locations listed here. Use the following models:</para>
  1551. <informalexample>
  1552. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, как дойти́ до америка́нского
  1553. посо́льства?</foreignphrase></para>
  1554. <orderedlist>
  1555. <listitem>
  1556. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">кана́дское посо́льство</foreignphrase></para>
  1557. </listitem>
  1558. <listitem>
  1559. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Брита́нское посо́льство</foreignphrase></para>
  1560. </listitem>
  1561. <listitem>
  1562. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">францу́зское посо́льство</foreignphrase></para>
  1563. </listitem>
  1564. <listitem>
  1565. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">неме́цкое посо́льство</foreignphrase></para>
  1566. </listitem>
  1567. </orderedlist>
  1568. </informalexample>
  1569. <informalexample>
  1570. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, как дойти́ до кинотеа́тра
  1571. «Росси́я»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1572. <orderedlist>
  1573. <listitem>
  1574. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">зоопа́рк</foreignphrase></para>
  1575. </listitem>
  1576. <listitem>
  1577. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">магази́н «Сувени́р»</foreignphrase></para>
  1578. </listitem>
  1579. <listitem>
  1580. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">стадио́н</foreignphrase></para>
  1581. </listitem>
  1582. <listitem>
  1583. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вокза́л</foreignphrase></para>
  1584. </listitem>
  1585. </orderedlist>
  1586. </informalexample>
  1587. <informalexample>
  1588. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, как дойти́ до гости́ницы
  1589. «Метропо́ль»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1590. <orderedlist>
  1591. <listitem>
  1592. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">больни́ца</foreignphrase></para>
  1593. </listitem>
  1594. <listitem>
  1595. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы́ставка</foreignphrase></para>
  1596. </listitem>
  1597. <listitem>
  1598. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">шко́ла</foreignphrase></para>
  1599. </listitem>
  1600. <listitem>
  1601. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">галере́я</foreignphrase></para>
  1602. </listitem>
  1603. </orderedlist>
  1604. </informalexample>
  1605. </section>
  1606. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1607. <section>
  1608. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №27.</title>
  1609. <para>Verify that you've correctly understood the directions you were given. Use the following
  1610. model.</para>
  1611. <informalexample>
  1612. <itemizedlist>
  1613. <listitem>
  1614. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Значи́т, снача́ла вы́йти, пото́м
  1615. нале́во?</foreignphrase></para>
  1616. </listitem>
  1617. <listitem>
  1618. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Соверше́нно ве́рно.</foreignphrase></para>
  1619. </listitem>
  1620. </itemizedlist>
  1621. <orderedlist>
  1622. <listitem>
  1623. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">нале́во</foreignphrase></para>
  1624. </listitem>
  1625. <listitem>
  1626. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо</foreignphrase></para>
  1627. </listitem>
  1628. <listitem>
  1629. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напра́во</foreignphrase></para>
  1630. </listitem>
  1631. </orderedlist>
  1632. </informalexample>
  1633. </section>
  1634. <section>
  1635. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №28.</title>
  1636. <para>When you hear you've misunderstood the directions you were given, repeat the corrections
  1637. back. Use the following models:</para>
  1638. <informalexample>
  1639. <itemizedlist>
  1640. <listitem>
  1641. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Значи́т, снача́ла вы́йти, пото́м
  1642. напра́во?</foreignphrase></para>
  1643. </listitem>
  1644. <listitem>
  1645. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, нале́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1646. </listitem>
  1647. <listitem>
  1648. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Хорошо́, по́нял/поняла́.
  1649. Нале́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1650. </listitem>
  1651. </itemizedlist>
  1652. <orderedlist>
  1653. <listitem>
  1654. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напра́во (нале́во)</foreignphrase></para>
  1655. </listitem>
  1656. <listitem>
  1657. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">нале́во(пря́мо)</foreignphrase></para>
  1658. </listitem>
  1659. <listitem>
  1660. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо (напра́во)</foreignphrase></para>
  1661. </listitem>
  1662. </orderedlist>
  1663. </informalexample>
  1664. <informalexample>
  1665. <itemizedlist>
  1666. <listitem>
  1667. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Снача́ла вверх по эскала́тору, пото́м
  1668. напра́во?</foreignphrase></para>
  1669. </listitem>
  1670. <listitem>
  1671. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, нале́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1672. </listitem>
  1673. <listitem>
  1674. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Поня́тно. Нале́во.</foreignphrase></para>
  1675. </listitem>
  1676. </itemizedlist>
  1677. <orderedlist>
  1678. <listitem>
  1679. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">нале́во (напра́во)</foreignphrase></para>
  1680. </listitem>
  1681. <listitem>
  1682. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напра́во (пря́мо)</foreignphrase></para>
  1683. </listitem>
  1684. <listitem>
  1685. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо (нале́во)</foreignphrase></para>
  1686. </listitem>
  1687. </orderedlist>
  1688. </informalexample>
  1689. </section>
  1690. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1691. <section>
  1692. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №29.</title>
  1693. <informalexample>
  1694. <para>Translate the following into English.</para>
  1695. <orderedlist>
  1696. <listitem>
  1697. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, где магази́н
  1698. «Сувени́р»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1699. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Э́то недалеко́, на проспе́кте
  1700. Верна́дского.</foreignphrase></para>
  1701. </listitem>
  1702. <listitem>
  1703. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, где киноте́атр
  1704. «Октя́брь»</foreignphrase></para>
  1705. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Извини́те, я не зна́ю, я не
  1706. москви́ч.</foreignphrase></para>
  1707. </listitem>
  1708. <listitem>
  1709. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Молодо́й челове́к, ско́ро бу́дет ста́нция
  1710. «Университе́т»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1711. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-«Университе́т» уже́
  1712. прое́хали.</foreignphrase></para>
  1713. </listitem>
  1714. <listitem>
  1715. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы выхо́дите на сле́дующей
  1716. ста́нции?</foreignphrase></para>
  1717. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-А кака́я сле́дующая?</foreignphrase></para>
  1718. </listitem>
  1719. </orderedlist>
  1720. </informalexample>
  1721. </section>
  1722. <section>
  1723. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №30.</title>
  1724. <para>Match the correct responses to the appropriate questions.</para>
  1725. <informalexample>
  1726. <orderedlist>
  1727. <listitem>
  1728. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Де́вушка, ско́ро бу́дет ста́нция «Кузне́цкий
  1729. мост»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1730. </listitem>
  1731. <listitem>
  1732. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, где кинотеа́тр
  1733. «Уда́рник»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1734. </listitem>
  1735. <listitem>
  1736. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы выхо́дите на сле́дующей
  1737. ста́нции?</foreignphrase></para>
  1738. </listitem>
  1739. <listitem>
  1740. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, где магази́н
  1741. «Пода́рки»?</foreignphrase></para>
  1742. </listitem>
  1743. </orderedlist>
  1744. <orderedlist>
  1745. <listitem>
  1746. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Э́то недалеко́, на Тверско́й
  1747. у́лице.</foreignphrase></para>
  1748. </listitem>
  1749. <listitem>
  1750. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А кака́я сле́дующая?</foreignphrase></para>
  1751. </listitem>
  1752. <listitem>
  1753. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я не зна́ю, я не москви́ч.</foreignphrase></para>
  1754. </listitem>
  1755. <listitem>
  1756. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Кузне́цкий мост» уже́
  1757. прое́хали.</foreignphrase></para>
  1758. </listitem>
  1759. </orderedlist>
  1760. </informalexample>
  1761. </section>
  1762. <section>
  1763. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №31.</title>
  1764. <para>Follow the directions your instructor will read aloud.</para>
  1765. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  1766. <tgroup cols="4">
  1767. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1768. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  1769. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  1770. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  1771. <tbody>
  1772. <row>
  1773. <entry>1.</entry>
  1774. <entry>
  1775. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те пря́мо!</foreignphrase></para>
  1776. </entry>
  1777. <entry>2.</entry>
  1778. <entry>
  1779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Дойди́те до две́ри!</foreignphrase></para>
  1780. </entry>
  1781. </row>
  1782. <row>
  1783. <entry/>
  1784. <entry>
  1785. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те напра́во!</foreignphrase></para>
  1786. </entry>
  1787. <entry/>
  1788. <entry>
  1789. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы́йдите из кла́сса!</foreignphrase></para>
  1790. </entry>
  1791. </row>
  1792. <row>
  1793. <entry/>
  1794. <entry>
  1795. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те нале́во!</foreignphrase></para>
  1796. </entry>
  1797. <entry/>
  1798. <entry>
  1799. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пройди́те по коридо́ру!</foreignphrase></para>
  1800. </entry>
  1801. </row>
  1802. <row>
  1803. <entry/>
  1804. <entry>
  1805. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те вниз по ле́стнице!</foreignphrase></para>
  1806. </entry>
  1807. <entry/>
  1808. <entry>
  1809. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Зайди́те в ко́мнату!</foreignphrase></para>
  1810. </entry>
  1811. </row>
  1812. <row>
  1813. <entry/>
  1814. <entry>
  1815. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те вверх по ле́стнице!</foreignphrase></para>
  1816. </entry>
  1817. <entry/>
  1818. <entry>
  1819. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Подойди́те к столу́!</foreignphrase></para>
  1820. </entry>
  1821. </row>
  1822. <row>
  1823. <entry/>
  1824. <entry>
  1825. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те сюда́!</foreignphrase></para>
  1826. </entry>
  1827. <entry/>
  1828. <entry>
  1829. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Подойди́те ко мне!</foreignphrase></para>
  1830. </entry>
  1831. </row>
  1832. <row>
  1833. <entry/>
  1834. <entry>
  1835. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Иди́те туда́!</foreignphrase></para>
  1836. </entry>
  1837. <entry/>
  1838. <entry>
  1839. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Отойди́те от меня́!</foreignphrase></para>
  1840. </entry>
  1841. </row>
  1842. </tbody>
  1843. </tgroup>
  1844. </informaltable>
  1845. </section>
  1846. </section>
  1847. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1848. <section>
  1849. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">По у́лицам Москвы́</foreignphrase></title>
  1850. <para>Here are some phrases you will find useful in creating your own dialogs.</para>
  1851. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  1852. <tgroup cols="3">
  1853. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="4cm"/>
  1854. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  1855. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="4cm"/>
  1856. <tbody>
  1857. <row>
  1858. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где здесь</foreignphrase></entry>
  1859. <entry>
  1860. <para>
  1861. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тверска́я у́лица?</foreignphrase>
  1862. </para>
  1863. <para>
  1864. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">у́лица Лубя́нка?</foreignphrase>
  1865. </para>
  1866. <para>
  1867. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">у́лица Вави́лова?</foreignphrase>
  1868. </para>
  1869. </entry>
  1870. <entry>Where is....?</entry>
  1871. </row>
  1872. <row>
  1873. <entry/>
  1874. <entry/>
  1875. <entry/>
  1876. </row>
  1877. <row>
  1878. <entry/>
  1879. <entry>
  1880. <para>
  1881. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кра́сная пло́щадь?</foreignphrase>
  1882. </para>
  1883. <para>
  1884. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мане́жная пло́щадь?</foreignphrase>
  1885. </para>
  1886. <para>
  1887. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Третьяко́вская галлере́я?</foreignphrase>
  1888. </para>
  1889. </entry>
  1890. <entry/>
  1891. </row>
  1892. <row>
  1893. <entry/>
  1894. <entry/>
  1895. <entry/>
  1896. </row>
  1897. <row>
  1898. <entry/>
  1899. <entry>
  1900. <para>
  1901. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Театра́льный проспе́кт?</foreignphrase>
  1902. </para>
  1903. <para>
  1904. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Куту́зовский проспе́кт?</foreignphrase>
  1905. </para>
  1906. <para>
  1907. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ле́нинский проспе́кт?</foreignphrase>
  1908. </para>
  1909. </entry>
  1910. <entry/>
  1911. </row>
  1912. <row>
  1913. <entry/>
  1914. <entry/>
  1915. <entry/>
  1916. </row>
  1917. <row>
  1918. <entry/>
  1919. <entry>
  1920. <para>
  1921. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Центра́льний ры́нок?</foreignphrase>
  1922. </para>
  1923. <para>
  1924. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кремль?</foreignphrase>
  1925. </para>
  1926. <para>
  1927. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ГУМ? </foreignphrase>
  1928. </para>
  1929. <para>
  1930. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Большо́й теа́тр?</foreignphrase>
  1931. </para>
  1932. </entry>
  1933. <entry/>
  1934. </row>
  1935. </tbody>
  1936. </tgroup>
  1937. </informaltable>
  1938. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До Центра́льного ры́нка далеко́? -Нет, он совсе́м
  1939. бли́зко.</foreignphrase></para>
  1940. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До ГУ́Ма далеко́? -Нет, он совсе́м
  1941. бли́зко.</foreignphrase></para>
  1942. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До Большо́го теа́тра далеко́? -Нет, он совсе́м
  1943. бли́зко.</foreignphrase></para>
  1944. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До Кра́сной пло́щади далеко́? -Нет, она
  1945. ря́дом.</foreignphrase></para>
  1946. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До у́лицы Вави́лова далеко́? -Нет, она́
  1947. ря́дом.</foreignphrase></para>
  1948. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">До Третьяко́вской галере́и далеко́? -Нет, она́
  1949. ря́дом.</foreignphrase></para>
  1950. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1951. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="all" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  1952. <tgroup cols="3">
  1953. <tbody>
  1954. <row rowsep="1">
  1955. <entry>
  1956. <para>
  1957. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно идти</foreignphrase> ́</para>
  1958. <para>You have to go</para>
  1959. </entry>
  1960. <entry>
  1961. <para>
  1962. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пря́мо.</foreignphrase>
  1963. </para>
  1964. <para>
  1965. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пря́мо и че́рез перехо́д. </foreignphrase>
  1966. </para>
  1967. <para>
  1968. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пря́мо два кварта́ла.</foreignphrase>
  1969. </para>
  1970. </entry>
  1971. <entry>
  1972. <para>Straight. </para>
  1973. <para>Straight and through the crosswalk.</para>
  1974. <para>Straight two blocs.</para>
  1975. </entry>
  1976. </row>
  1977. <row rowsep="1">
  1978. <entry>
  1979. <para>
  1980. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно поверну́ть</foreignphrase>
  1981. </para>
  1982. <para>You have to turn/go</para>
  1983. </entry>
  1984. <entry>
  1985. <para>
  1986. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нале́во. </foreignphrase>
  1987. </para>
  1988. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Напра́во</foreignphrase>. </para>
  1989. <para>
  1990. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Напра́во на углу́. </foreignphrase>
  1991. </para>
  1992. <para>
  1993. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">За́ углом.</foreignphrase>
  1994. </para>
  1995. </entry>
  1996. <entry>
  1997. <para>Left. </para>
  1998. <para>Right. </para>
  1999. <para>Right at the corner. </para>
  2000. <para>Around the corner.</para>
  2001. </entry>
  2002. </row>
  2003. </tbody>
  2004. </tgroup>
  2005. </informaltable>
  2006. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  2007. <tgroup cols="2">
  2008. <tbody>
  2009. <row>
  2010. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я иду́ в гастроно́м.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2011. <entry>I'm going to the grocery store.</entry>
  2012. </row>
  2013. <row>
  2014. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ты идёшь в кафете́рий.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2015. <entry>You're going to the cafeteria.</entry>
  2016. </row>
  2017. <row>
  2018. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он идёт в посо́льство.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2019. <entry>He's going to the embassy.</entry>
  2020. </row>
  2021. <row>
  2022. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она́ идёт в министе́рство.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2023. <entry>She's going to the ministry.</entry>
  2024. </row>
  2025. <row>
  2026. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы идём в кино́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2027. <entry>We're going to the movies.</entry>
  2028. </row>
  2029. <row>
  2030. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы идёте в библиоте́ку.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2031. <entry>You're going to the library.</entry>
  2032. </row>
  2033. <row>
  2034. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они́ иду́т в шко́лу.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2035. <entry>They're going to school.</entry>
  2036. </row>
  2037. </tbody>
  2038. </tgroup>
  2039. </informaltable>
  2040. <section>
  2041. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №32.</title>
  2042. <para>Match the following signs with their English translations.</para>
  2043. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  2044. <tgroup cols="4">
  2045. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2046. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2047. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2048. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  2049. <tbody>
  2050. <row>
  2051. <entry>1.</entry>
  2052. <entry>
  2053. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вход</foreignphrase></para>
  2054. </entry>
  2055. <entry>
  2056. <para>а.</para>
  2057. </entry>
  2058. <entry>
  2059. <para>crosswalk</para>
  2060. </entry>
  2061. </row>
  2062. <row>
  2063. <entry>2.</entry>
  2064. <entry>
  2065. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы́ход</foreignphrase></para>
  2066. </entry>
  2067. <entry>
  2068. <para>в.</para>
  2069. </entry>
  2070. <entry>
  2071. <para>taxi stand</para>
  2072. </entry>
  2073. </row>
  2074. <row>
  2075. <entry>3.</entry>
  2076. <entry>
  2077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">перехо́д</foreignphrase></para>
  2078. </entry>
  2079. <entry>
  2080. <para>с.</para>
  2081. </entry>
  2082. <entry>
  2083. <para>don't walk</para>
  2084. </entry>
  2085. </row>
  2086. <row>
  2087. <entry>4.</entry>
  2088. <entry>
  2089. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">прохо́д</foreignphrase></para>
  2090. </entry>
  2091. <entry>
  2092. <para>d.</para>
  2093. </entry>
  2094. <entry>
  2095. <para>entrance</para>
  2096. </entry>
  2097. </row>
  2098. <row>
  2099. <entry>5.</entry>
  2100. <entry>
  2101. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">иди́те!</foreignphrase></para>
  2102. </entry>
  2103. <entry>
  2104. <para>е.</para>
  2105. </entry>
  2106. <entry>
  2107. <para>detour</para>
  2108. </entry>
  2109. </row>
  2110. <row>
  2111. <entry>6.</entry>
  2112. <entry>
  2113. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сто́йте!</foreignphrase></para>
  2114. </entry>
  2115. <entry>
  2116. <para>f.</para>
  2117. </entry>
  2118. <entry>
  2119. <para>passageway</para>
  2120. </entry>
  2121. </row>
  2122. <row>
  2123. <entry>7.</entry>
  2124. <entry>
  2125. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">стоп!</foreignphrase></para>
  2126. </entry>
  2127. <entry>
  2128. <para>g.</para>
  2129. </entry>
  2130. <entry>
  2131. <para>walk</para>
  2132. </entry>
  2133. </row>
  2134. <row>
  2135. <entry>8.</entry>
  2136. <entry>
  2137. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">объе́зд</foreignphrase></para>
  2138. </entry>
  2139. <entry>
  2140. <para>н.</para>
  2141. </entry>
  2142. <entry>
  2143. <para>stop</para>
  2144. </entry>
  2145. </row>
  2146. <row>
  2147. <entry>9.</entry>
  2148. <entry>
  2149. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">стоя́нка такси́</foreignphrase></para>
  2150. </entry>
  2151. <entry>
  2152. <para>i.</para>
  2153. </entry>
  2154. <entry>
  2155. <para>exit</para>
  2156. </entry>
  2157. </row>
  2158. </tbody>
  2159. </tgroup>
  2160. </informaltable>
  2161. </section>
  2162. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2163. <section>
  2164. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №33.</title>
  2165. <para>Match the pictures on the next page with their Russian equivalents given here. Use only
  2166. what you see; don't attempt to read the fine print captions.</para>
  2167. <orderedlist>
  2168. <listitem>
  2169. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">прохо́д закры́т!</foreignphrase></para>
  2170. </listitem>
  2171. <listitem>
  2172. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">стоя́нка такси́</foreignphrase></para>
  2173. </listitem>
  2174. <listitem>
  2175. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">подзе́мный пешехо́дный перехо́д</foreignphrase></para>
  2176. </listitem>
  2177. <listitem>
  2178. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ме́сто для разворо́та</foreignphrase></para>
  2179. </listitem>
  2180. <listitem>
  2181. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">остано́вка авто́буса</foreignphrase></para>
  2182. </listitem>
  2183. <listitem>
  2184. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пешехо́дный перехо́д</foreignphrase></para>
  2185. </listitem>
  2186. <listitem>
  2187. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">остано́вка трамва́я</foreignphrase></para>
  2188. </listitem>
  2189. <listitem>
  2190. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ме́сто стоя́нки</foreignphrase></para>
  2191. </listitem>
  2192. </orderedlist>
  2193. <mediaobject>
  2194. <imageobject>
  2195. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-9.png" width="15cm"/>
  2196. </imageobject>
  2197. </mediaobject>
  2198. </section>
  2199. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2200. <section>
  2201. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №6</title>
  2202. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  2203. <tgroup cols="3">
  2204. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2205. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2206. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2207. <thead>
  2208. <row>
  2209. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На
  2210. остано́вке авто́буса</foreignphrase></entry>
  2211. </row>
  2212. </thead>
  2213. <tbody>
  2214. <row>
  2215. <entry>A.</entry>
  2216. <entry align="left">
  2217. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы не зна́ете, како́й авто́бус идёт в
  2218. центр?</foreignphrase></para>
  2219. </entry>
  2220. <entry>
  2221. <para>Do you know, which bus goes downtown?</para>
  2222. </entry>
  2223. </row>
  2224. <row>
  2225. <entry>P.</entry>
  2226. <entry>
  2227. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">А куда́ и́менно?</foreignphrase></para>
  2228. </entry>
  2229. <entry>
  2230. <para>Where exactly?</para>
  2231. </entry>
  2232. </row>
  2233. <row>
  2234. <entry>A.</entry>
  2235. <entry>
  2236. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я е́ду в Большо́й теа́тр.</foreignphrase></para>
  2237. </entry>
  2238. <entry>
  2239. <para>I'm going to the Bolshoy Theater.</para>
  2240. </entry>
  2241. </row>
  2242. <row>
  2243. <entry>P.</entry>
  2244. <entry align="left">
  2245. <para>
  2246. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно сесть на авто́бус</foreignphrase>
  2247. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">но́мер 122 и дое́хать до остано́вки «Большо́й
  2248. теа́тр».</foreignphrase>
  2249. </para>
  2250. </entry>
  2251. <entry>
  2252. <para>You need to take bus #122 to the stop marked "Bolshoy Teatr"</para>
  2253. </entry>
  2254. </row>
  2255. <row>
  2256. <entry>A.</entry>
  2257. <entry>
  2258. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></para>
  2259. </entry>
  2260. <entry>
  2261. <para>Thank you.</para>
  2262. </entry>
  2263. </row>
  2264. <row>
  2265. <entry>P.</entry>
  2266. <entry>
  2267. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Не́ за что.</foreignphrase></para>
  2268. </entry>
  2269. <entry>
  2270. <para>Don't mention it.</para>
  2271. </entry>
  2272. </row>
  2273. </tbody>
  2274. </tgroup>
  2275. </informaltable>
  2276. </section>
  2277. <section>
  2278. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариа́нт диало́га</foreignphrase> №6</title>
  2279. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  2280. <tgroup cols="3">
  2281. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2282. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2283. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2284. <tbody>
  2285. <row>
  2286. <entry>A.</entry>
  2287. <entry align="left">
  2288. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, э́тот авто́бус идёт до ста́нции метро́
  2289. «Аэропор́т»?</foreignphrase></para>
  2290. </entry>
  2291. <entry>
  2292. <para>Excuse me, does this bus go to the metro station "Aeroport"?</para>
  2293. </entry>
  2294. </row>
  2295. <row>
  2296. <entry>P.</entry>
  2297. <entry align="left">
  2298. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет. Вам в другу́ю сто́рону. В́аша остано́вка
  2299. там, напро́тив. Ви́дите?</foreignphrase></para>
  2300. </entry>
  2301. <entry>
  2302. <para>No. You have to go in the opposite direction. Your stop is over there, across
  2303. the street. Do you see it?</para>
  2304. </entry>
  2305. </row>
  2306. <row>
  2307. <entry>A.</entry>
  2308. <entry>
  2309. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, ви́жу. Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></para>
  2310. </entry>
  2311. <entry>
  2312. <para>Yes, I do. Thank you.</para>
  2313. </entry>
  2314. </row>
  2315. <row>
  2316. <entry>P.</entry>
  2317. <entry>
  2318. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></para>
  2319. </entry>
  2320. <entry>
  2321. <para>Don't mention it.</para>
  2322. </entry>
  2323. </row>
  2324. </tbody>
  2325. </tgroup>
  2326. </informaltable>
  2327. </section>
  2328. <section>
  2329. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №34.</title>
  2330. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  2331. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  2332. </section>
  2333. <section>
  2334. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №35.</title>
  2335. <informalexample>
  2336. <para>Translate into Russian:</para>
  2337. <orderedlist>
  2338. <listitem>
  2339. <para>Which bus goes downtown?</para>
  2340. </listitem>
  2341. <listitem>
  2342. <para>Does bus #122 go downtown?</para>
  2343. </listitem>
  2344. <listitem>
  2345. <para>I am going to the Bolshoy Theater.</para>
  2346. </listitem>
  2347. <listitem>
  2348. <para>I am going to the museum.</para>
  2349. </listitem>
  2350. <listitem>
  2351. <para>Is my stop over there?</para>
  2352. </listitem>
  2353. <listitem>
  2354. <para>I see (it). Thanks.</para>
  2355. </listitem>
  2356. <listitem>
  2357. <para>I don't see it. Where is it?.</para>
  2358. </listitem>
  2359. <listitem>
  2360. <para>Do I have to go in the opposite direction?</para>
  2361. </listitem>
  2362. </orderedlist>
  2363. </informalexample>
  2364. </section>
  2365. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2366. <section>
  2367. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №36.</title>
  2368. <para>Using the model below, find out if a bus goes to the following metro stations:</para>
  2369. <informalexample>
  2370. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Этот авто́бус идёт до ста́нции метро́
  2371. «Смоле́нская»?</foreignphrase></para>
  2372. <orderedlist>
  2373. <listitem>
  2374. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Цветно́й бульва́р»</foreignphrase></para>
  2375. </listitem>
  2376. <listitem>
  2377. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Со́кол»</foreignphrase></para>
  2378. </listitem>
  2379. <listitem>
  2380. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Кра́сные воро́та»</foreignphrase></para>
  2381. </listitem>
  2382. <listitem>
  2383. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Фили́»</foreignphrase></para>
  2384. </listitem>
  2385. <listitem>
  2386. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Вы́хино»</foreignphrase></para>
  2387. </listitem>
  2388. <listitem>
  2389. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Отра́дное»</foreignphrase></para>
  2390. </listitem>
  2391. </orderedlist>
  2392. </informalexample>
  2393. </section>
  2394. <section>
  2395. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №37.</title>
  2396. <para>Using the model below, find out which bus goes to the following metro stations:</para>
  2397. <informalexample>
  2398. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Како́й авто́бус идёт до ста́нции метро́
  2399. «Смоле́нская»?</foreignphrase></para>
  2400. <orderedlist>
  2401. <listitem>
  2402. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Академи́ческая»</foreignphrase></para>
  2403. </listitem>
  2404. <listitem>
  2405. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Красносе́льская»</foreignphrase></para>
  2406. </listitem>
  2407. <listitem>
  2408. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Цари́цино»</foreignphrase></para>
  2409. </listitem>
  2410. <listitem>
  2411. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Шоссе́ Энтузиа́стов»</foreignphrase></para>
  2412. </listitem>
  2413. <listitem>
  2414. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Кита́й-Го́род»</foreignphrase></para>
  2415. </listitem>
  2416. <listitem>
  2417. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Нахи́мовский проспе́кт»</foreignphrase></para>
  2418. </listitem>
  2419. </orderedlist>
  2420. </informalexample>
  2421. </section>
  2422. <section>
  2423. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №38.</title>
  2424. <para>Think of appropriate questions for the following situations:</para>
  2425. <orderedlist>
  2426. <listitem>
  2427. <para>You are at a bus stop but do not know if the bus you need stops there.</para>
  2428. </listitem>
  2429. <listitem>
  2430. <para>You are standing at a bus stop. Bus №115 is approaching. You are not sure if that's
  2431. the bus you need to get to the American Embassy.</para>
  2432. </listitem>
  2433. <listitem>
  2434. <para>You'd like to get to the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  2435. >Пу́шкинский музе́й</foreignphrase></emphasis>, but you don't know which bus goes
  2436. there.</para>
  2437. </listitem>
  2438. <listitem>
  2439. <para>You are at a bus stop when you see a bus approaching. Ask a fellow passenger where
  2440. that bus is headed.</para>
  2441. </listitem>
  2442. </orderedlist>
  2443. </section>
  2444. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2445. <section>
  2446. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №39.</title>
  2447. <para>Even though the area pictured on this page has changed slightly (the site of the Moscow
  2448. Municipal Pool is now the location of the rebuilt Church of Christ the Savior), you can
  2449. still map out a nice stroll for a summer evening. Take a look at the map on the next page
  2450. and do the same.</para>
  2451. <mediaobject>
  2452. <imageobject>
  2453. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-10.png"/>
  2454. </imageobject>
  2455. </mediaobject>
  2456. <mediaobject>
  2457. <imageobject>
  2458. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-11.png"/>
  2459. </imageobject>
  2460. </mediaobject>
  2461. </section>
  2462. </section>
  2463. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2464. <section>
  2465. <title>Setting the scene</title>
  2466. <para>The American is on the bus for the first time. She/ hе is learning what a good bus rider
  2467. needs to do. She/ hе needs, first of all, to buy а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  2468. xml:lang="ru">кни́жечка</foreignphrase></emphasis> booklet of tickets from the <emphasis
  2469. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">води́тель</foreignphrase></emphasis> driver, who
  2470. sells them only at the stops. Then she/he needs to validate one of the <emphasis role="bold"
  2471. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">талоны</foreignphrase></emphasis> tickets on the <emphasis
  2472. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">компо́стер</foreignphrase></emphasis> ticket punch
  2473. to avoid paying а <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  2474. >штраф</foreignphrase></emphasis> fine. If she/he is not standing close enough to the punch
  2475. to do it, she/he should pass the ticket along by saying <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  2476. xml:lang="ru">Переда́йте, пожа́луйста</foreignphrase></emphasis>.</para>
  2477. <section>
  2478. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №7</title>
  2479. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  2480. <tgroup cols="3">
  2481. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2482. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2483. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2484. <thead>
  2485. <row>
  2486. <entry align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В
  2487. авто́бусе «Тало́ны продаю́тся то́лько на остано́вках!»</foreignphrase></entry>
  2488. </row>
  2489. </thead>
  2490. <tbody>
  2491. <row>
  2492. <entry>A.</entry>
  2493. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, у вас есть
  2494. кни́жечки?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2495. <entry>Excuse me, do you have any tickets?</entry>
  2496. </row>
  2497. <row>
  2498. <entry>P.</entry>
  2499. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Есть.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2500. <entry>Yes, we do.</entry>
  2501. </row>
  2502. <row>
  2503. <entry>A.</entry>
  2504. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ско́лько сто́ит?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2505. <entry>How much (are they)?</entry>
  2506. </row>
  2507. <row>
  2508. <entry>P.</entry>
  2509. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Шесть ты́сяч</foreignphrase></entry>
  2510. <entry>Six thousand (roubles).</entry>
  2511. </row>
  2512. <row>
  2513. <entry>A.</entry>
  2514. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да́йте, пожа́луйста,
  2515. одну́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2516. <entry>Give me a book, please.</entry>
  2517. </row>
  2518. <row>
  2519. <entry>P.</entry>
  2520. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2521. <entry>Here you go.</entry>
  2522. </row>
  2523. </tbody>
  2524. </tgroup>
  2525. </informaltable>
  2526. </section>
  2527. <section>
  2528. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №8</title>
  2529. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  2530. <tgroup cols="3">
  2531. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2532. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2533. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2534. <tbody>
  2535. <row>
  2536. <entry>
  2537. <para>А. </para>
  2538. </entry>
  2539. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Прости́те, где проби́ть
  2540. тало́н?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2541. <entry>
  2542. <para>Pardon me, where do I validate this ticket?</para>
  2543. </entry>
  2544. </row>
  2545. <row>
  2546. <entry>
  2547. <para>Р. </para>
  2548. </entry>
  2549. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вон там компо́стер.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2550. <entry>
  2551. <para>The punch is over there.</para>
  2552. </entry>
  2553. </row>
  2554. <row>
  2555. <entry>
  2556. <para>А. </para>
  2557. </entry>
  2558. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Переда́йте, пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2559. <entry>
  2560. <para>Could you pass (my ticket) over there, please?</para>
  2561. </entry>
  2562. </row>
  2563. </tbody>
  2564. </tgroup>
  2565. </informaltable>
  2566. </section>
  2567. <section>
  2568. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №9</title>
  2569. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  2570. <tgroup cols="3">
  2571. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2572. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2573. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2574. <tbody>
  2575. <row>
  2576. <entry>
  2577. <para>А. </para>
  2578. </entry>
  2579. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы выхо́дите на
  2580. сле́дующей?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2581. <entry>
  2582. <para>Are you getting off now?</para>
  2583. </entry>
  2584. </row>
  2585. <row>
  2586. <entry>
  2587. <para>Р. </para>
  2588. </entry>
  2589. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, не выхожу́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2590. <entry>
  2591. <para>No, I'm not.</para>
  2592. </entry>
  2593. </row>
  2594. <row>
  2595. <entry>
  2596. <para>А. </para>
  2597. </entry>
  2598. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Разрешит́е пройти́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2599. <entry>
  2600. <para>Then let me through, please.</para>
  2601. </entry>
  2602. </row>
  2603. <row>
  2604. <entry>
  2605. <para>Р. </para>
  2606. </entry>
  2607. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пожа́луйста.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2608. <entry>
  2609. <para>Go ahead.</para>
  2610. </entry>
  2611. </row>
  2612. </tbody>
  2613. </tgroup>
  2614. </informaltable>
  2615. </section>
  2616. <section>
  2617. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диало́г</foreignphrase> №10</title>
  2618. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  2619. <tgroup cols="3">
  2620. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1cm"/>
  2621. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  2622. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
  2623. <tbody>
  2624. <row>
  2625. <entry>
  2626. <para>А. </para>
  2627. </entry>
  2628. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Молодо́й челове́к, кака́я сле́дующая
  2629. остано́вка ?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2630. <entry>
  2631. <para>Young man, what's the next stop?</para>
  2632. </entry>
  2633. </row>
  2634. <row>
  2635. <entry>
  2636. <para>Р. </para>
  2637. </entry>
  2638. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Апте́ка».</foreignphrase></entry>
  2639. <entry>
  2640. <para>"Apteka".</para>
  2641. </entry>
  2642. </row>
  2643. <row>
  2644. <entry>
  2645. <para>А. </para>
  2646. </entry>
  2647. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы выхо́дите на
  2648. сле́дующей?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2649. <entry>
  2650. <para>Are you getting off then?</para>
  2651. </entry>
  2652. </row>
  2653. <row>
  2654. <entry>
  2655. <para>Р. </para>
  2656. </entry>
  2657. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да, выхожу́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2658. <entry>
  2659. <para>Yes, I am.</para>
  2660. </entry>
  2661. </row>
  2662. </tbody>
  2663. </tgroup>
  2664. </informaltable>
  2665. </section>
  2666. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2667. <section>
  2668. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №40.</title>
  2669. <para>With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first
  2670. adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.</para>
  2671. </section>
  2672. <section>
  2673. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №41.</title>
  2674. <informalexample>
  2675. <para>Translate the following into Russian:</para>
  2676. <orderedlist>
  2677. <listitem>
  2678. <para>Do you have any (books of) tickets?</para>
  2679. </listitem>
  2680. <listitem>
  2681. <para>How much do they cost?</para>
  2682. </listitem>
  2683. <listitem>
  2684. <para>Give me one, please.</para>
  2685. </listitem>
  2686. <listitem>
  2687. <para>Where do I validate this ticket?</para>
  2688. </listitem>
  2689. <listitem>
  2690. <para>Are you getting off at the next stop?</para>
  2691. </listitem>
  2692. <listitem>
  2693. <para>Let me through, please.</para>
  2694. </listitem>
  2695. </orderedlist>
  2696. </informalexample>
  2697. </section>
  2698. <section>
  2699. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №42.</title>
  2700. <para>Using the model, ask where you may buy the following. Your instructor will answer. Make
  2701. certain you understood correctly and then thank him/her for the information.</para>
  2702. <informalexample>
  2703. <itemizedlist>
  2704. <listitem>
  2705. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где мо́жно купи́ть тало́ны?</foreignphrase></para>
  2706. </listitem>
  2707. <listitem>
  2708. <para>Р. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Тало́ны продаю́тся в
  2709. авто́бусах.</foreignphrase></para>
  2710. </listitem>
  2711. <listitem>
  2712. <para>А. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В авто́бусах? Спаси́бо.</foreignphrase></para>
  2713. </listitem>
  2714. </itemizedlist>
  2715. <orderedlist>
  2716. <listitem>
  2717. <para>a booklet of tickets</para>
  2718. </listitem>
  2719. <listitem>
  2720. <para>a monthly bus pass</para>
  2721. </listitem>
  2722. <listitem>
  2723. <para>tokens for the metro</para>
  2724. </listitem>
  2725. <listitem>
  2726. <para>a monthly pass</para>
  2727. </listitem>
  2728. </orderedlist>
  2729. </informalexample>
  2730. </section>
  2731. <section>
  2732. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №43.</title>
  2733. <para>The bus is in motion and you ask the bus driver if he has booklets of tickets for sale.
  2734. Be prepared for his instructions to wait until the bus stops. At the next stop, ask
  2735. again.</para>
  2736. </section>
  2737. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2738. <section>
  2739. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №44.</title>
  2740. <para>What would you do in the following situations?</para>
  2741. <orderedlist>
  2742. <listitem>
  2743. <para>You're on a crowded bus and your stop is coming up soon.</para>
  2744. </listitem>
  2745. <listitem>
  2746. <para>A fellow passenger wants to know which stop is coming up next, and you're not
  2747. certain.</para>
  2748. </listitem>
  2749. <listitem>
  2750. <para>You just got on the bus and need to validate your ticket, but you don't see the
  2751. punch.</para>
  2752. </listitem>
  2753. <listitem>
  2754. <para>You finally locate the punch, but there are quite a few people between you and
  2755. it.</para>
  2756. </listitem>
  2757. </orderedlist>
  2758. </section>
  2759. <section>
  2760. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №45.</title>
  2761. <para>You've just arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg and are at the train station <emphasis
  2762. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ленингра́дский
  2763. вокза́л</foreignphrase></emphasis>. Get yourself to the hotel <emphasis role="bold"
  2764. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">«Президе́нт Оте́ль»</foreignphrase></emphasis> (<emphasis
  2765. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ста́нция метро́
  2766. «Октя́брьская»</foreignphrase></emphasis>) for a quick rest before setting out to see the
  2767. sights. You want to see:</para>
  2768. <orderedlist>
  2769. <listitem>
  2770. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кра́сная пло́щадь</foreignphrase></para>
  2771. </listitem>
  2772. <listitem>
  2773. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кремль</foreignphrase></para>
  2774. </listitem>
  2775. <listitem>
  2776. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Библиоте́ка им. Ле́нина</foreignphrase></para>
  2777. </listitem>
  2778. <listitem>
  2779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Третьяко́вская галере́я</foreignphrase></para>
  2780. </listitem>
  2781. <listitem>
  2782. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ВВЦ</foreignphrase> (formerly known as <foreignphrase
  2783. xml:lang="ru">ВДНХ</foreignphrase>)</para>
  2784. </listitem>
  2785. <listitem>
  2786. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">МГУ</foreignphrase></para>
  2787. </listitem>
  2788. </orderedlist>
  2789. <para>Ask your instructor how you might get to these places, beginning from your hotel and
  2790. then visiting all sights in the order listed. Ask which form of transportation is best to
  2791. use. Ask the best way to get from one location to another. Role-play with your instructor
  2792. situations in the metro, on a bus, etc.</para>
  2793. </section>
  2794. <section>
  2795. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №46.</title>
  2796. <para>Using a map of any city in the FSU (your instructor will provide one, or you may, if you
  2797. have one of the city, to which you will be posted) and the dialogs you created in the
  2798. previous exercise, choose a location to visit. Decide on a starting point and... GO!</para>
  2799. </section>
  2800. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2801. <section>
  2802. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №47.</title>
  2803. <para>Take a look at the city maps given below. A couple of Moscow metro stations are named
  2804. for these cities. Can you find them on the metro map? Practice reading the names of the
  2805. streets shown here and locating the various hotels and points of interest.</para>
  2806. <mediaobject>
  2807. <imageobject>
  2808. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-12.png" width="15cm"
  2809. />
  2810. </imageobject>
  2811. </mediaobject>
  2812. <mediaobject>
  2813. <imageobject>
  2814. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-13.png" width="15cm"
  2815. />
  2816. </imageobject>
  2817. </mediaobject>
  2818. </section>
  2819. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2820. <section>
  2821. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №48.</title>
  2822. <para>Answer the following question, using the model given here and information from the table
  2823. shown on the next page.</para>
  2824. <informalexample>
  2825. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Ско́лько киломе́тров от Москвы́ до
  2826. Яросла́вля?</foreignphrase></para>
  2827. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">-Две́сти со́рок во́семь (248).</foreignphrase></para>
  2828. </informalexample>
  2829. <itemizedlist>
  2830. <listitem>
  2831. <para>NB:</para>
  2832. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Го́рький is now Ни́жний
  2833. Но́вгород.</foreignphrase></para>
  2834. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кали́нин is now Тверь.</foreignphrase></para>
  2835. </listitem>
  2836. </itemizedlist>
  2837. <mediaobject>
  2838. <imageobject>
  2839. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-14.png" width="15cm"
  2840. />
  2841. </imageobject>
  2842. </mediaobject>
  2843. </section>
  2844. </section>
  2845. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2846. <section>
  2847. <title>Listening Comprehension Exercise</title>
  2848. <para>Listen to the dialog as recorded on the tape. When you are finished, discuss it with your
  2849. classmates. What were you able to understand? Listen to the dialog again to check your
  2850. comprehension. Ask your instructor for help if you need it. Now answer the questions
  2851. below.</para>
  2852. <itemizedlist>
  2853. <listitem>
  2854. <para><emphasis role="bold">A. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or
  2855. FALSE (F):</emphasis></para>
  2856. <orderedlist>
  2857. <listitem>
  2858. <para>Vera is having a party on Saturday.</para>
  2859. </listitem>
  2860. <listitem>
  2861. <para>She's not inviting Igor.</para>
  2862. </listitem>
  2863. <listitem>
  2864. <para>Vera's apartment is on the first floor.</para>
  2865. </listitem>
  2866. <listitem>
  2867. <para>Maureen will not be able to come to the party.</para>
  2868. </listitem>
  2869. <listitem>
  2870. <para>Vera would like her to come at eight.</para>
  2871. </listitem>
  2872. </orderedlist>
  2873. </listitem>
  2874. <listitem>
  2875. <para><emphasis role="bold">B. Answer the following questions:</emphasis></para>
  2876. <orderedlist>
  2877. <listitem>
  2878. <para>Whom else is Vera inviting to her party, besides Maureen?</para>
  2879. </listitem>
  2880. <listitem>
  2881. <para>Could you explain how to get to Vera's house, using the metro?</para>
  2882. </listitem>
  2883. <listitem>
  2884. <para>What are the "landmarks" which Vera gave Maureen to help her find her way?</para>
  2885. </listitem>
  2886. <listitem>
  2887. <para>Could you give Vera's complete address?</para>
  2888. </listitem>
  2889. <listitem>
  2890. <para>What time is the invitation for? Do you think Maureen's decision to come has
  2891. anything to do with the fact that Igor has been invited as well?</para>
  2892. </listitem>
  2893. </orderedlist>
  2894. </listitem>
  2895. </itemizedlist>
  2896. </section>
  2897. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2898. <section>
  2899. <title>In case you were wondering</title>
  2900. <section>
  2901. <title>Verbs of Motion</title>
  2902. <para>When speaking of actions which involve motion, either with or without some form of
  2903. transport, Russian uses a system of verbs commonly referred to as the "verbs of motion".
  2904. These verbs are grouped in a way unique from other verbs and, in many respects, follow their
  2905. own logic and system in terms of usage. The following is a very brief and schematic
  2906. explanation of these verbs. For more detailed information, you should consult any of the
  2907. handbooks on Russian grammar available.</para>
  2908. </section>
  2909. <section>
  2910. <title>"Going" verbs</title>
  2911. <para>There are 3 verbs which convey the message of simply "going":</para>
  2912. <para>These are:<itemizedlist>
  2913. <listitem>
  2914. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ходи́ть</foreignphrase></para>
  2915. </listitem>
  2916. <listitem>
  2917. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">идти́</foreignphrase></para>
  2918. </listitem>
  2919. <listitem>
  2920. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пойти́</foreignphrase></para>
  2921. </listitem>
  2922. </itemizedlist></para>
  2923. <para>To best understand how these are used, study the examples below:</para>
  2924. <orderedlist>
  2925. <listitem>
  2926. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ходи́ть</foreignphrase> (multi-directional,
  2927. indeterminate)</para>
  2928. <informaltable colsep="1" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  2929. <tgroup cols="2">
  2930. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="6cm"/>
  2931. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="*"/>
  2932. <tbody>
  2933. <row>
  2934. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Де́ти хо́дят в шко́лу.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2935. <entry>The children go to school. (They make regular trips there and
  2936. back.)</entry>
  2937. </row>
  2938. <row>
  2939. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Де́ти хо́дят по
  2940. па́рку.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2941. <entry>The children are strolling about the park. (random motion, no goal)</entry>
  2942. </row>
  2943. <row>
  2944. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Де́ти ходи́ли в кино́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2945. <entry>The children went to the movies. (They made one round trip, there and
  2946. back.)</entry>
  2947. </row>
  2948. <row>
  2949. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ребёнок уже́ хо́дит.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2950. <entry>The child is already walking. (He/she can perform the action.)</entry>
  2951. </row>
  2952. </tbody>
  2953. </tgroup>
  2954. </informaltable>
  2955. </listitem>
  2956. <listitem>
  2957. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Идти́</foreignphrase> (uni-directional,
  2958. determinate)</para>
  2959. <informaltable colsep="1" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  2960. <tgroup cols="2">
  2961. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="6cm"/>
  2962. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="*"/>
  2963. <tbody>
  2964. <row>
  2965. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он идёт по у́лице.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2966. <entry>He's going along the street. (action in progress, directed toward a
  2967. goal)</entry>
  2968. </row>
  2969. <row>
  2970. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Когда́ он шёл в магази́н, он
  2971. встре́тил своего́ дру́га.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2972. <entry>While on his way to the store, he met his friend. (goal-directed action in
  2973. progress, "intersected" by a secondary action)</entry>
  2974. </row>
  2975. </tbody>
  2976. </tgroup>
  2977. </informaltable>
  2978. </listitem>
  2979. <listitem>
  2980. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пойти́</foreignphrase> (setting out; future intent to
  2981. go)</para>
  2982. <informaltable colsep="1" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  2983. <tgroup cols="2">
  2984. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="6cm"/>
  2985. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="*"/>
  2986. <tbody>
  2987. <row>
  2988. <entry align="left"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где ва́ша сестра́? Она пошла́ в
  2989. библиоте́ку.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2990. <entry>Where's your sister? She's left for the library.</entry>
  2991. </row>
  2992. <row>
  2993. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">За́втра мы пойдём в
  2994. музе́й.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2995. <entry>Tomorrow we'll go to the museum.</entry>
  2996. </row>
  2997. </tbody>
  2998. </tgroup>
  2999. </informaltable>
  3000. </listitem>
  3001. </orderedlist>
  3002. <para>All these verbs simply convey the meaning of "going" and say nothing about HOW that
  3003. action will be accomplished. If it is necessary to emphasize that you will be "walking", you
  3004. need to add <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пешком</foreignphrase> after the verb.</para>
  3005. <para>For example:</para>
  3006. <informaltable colsep="1" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  3007. <tgroup cols="2">
  3008. <tbody>
  3009. <row>
  3010. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">У́тром де́ти иду́т в шко́лу
  3011. пешко́м.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3012. <entry>The children walk to school in the morning.</entry>
  3013. </row>
  3014. <row>
  3015. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Я люблю́ ходит́ь пешко́м.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3016. <entry>I like to walk</entry>
  3017. </row>
  3018. <row>
  3019. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они́ хотя́т пойти́ в музе́й
  3020. пешко́м.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3021. <entry>They want to walk to the museum.</entry>
  3022. </row>
  3023. </tbody>
  3024. </tgroup>
  3025. </informaltable>
  3026. </section>
  3027. <section>
  3028. <title>"Transport" verbs</title>
  3029. <para>If you are emphasizing that you are using a form of transportation, you will use the
  3030. following verbs:</para>
  3031. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">е́здить</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  3032. (for <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ходи́ть</foreignphrase></emphasis>)
  3033. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">е́хать</foreignphrase></emphasis> (for
  3034. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">идти́</foreignphrase></emphasis>)
  3035. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пое́хать</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  3036. (for <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пойти</foreignphrase></emphasis>́)
  3037. and indicate, if you wish, the form of transport in the following manner:</para>
  3038. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на маши́не</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на
  3039. авто́бусе</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на трамва́е</foreignphrase>,
  3040. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на метро́</foreignphrase>, etc.</para>
  3041. <para><emphasis role="bold">For example</emphasis>:</para>
  3042. <informalexample>
  3043. <informaltable colsep="1" frame="none" pgwide="1" rowsep="0">
  3044. <tgroup cols="2">
  3045. <tbody>
  3046. <row>
  3047. <entry>
  3048. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы е́здили туда́ на маши́не.
  3049. </foreignphrase></para>
  3050. </entry>
  3051. <entry>
  3052. <para>We went there by car. </para>
  3053. </entry>
  3054. </row>
  3055. <row>
  3056. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он лю́бит е́здить на
  3057. метро́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3058. <entry>He likes to take the metro.</entry>
  3059. </row>
  3060. <row>
  3061. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы пое́дем в Москву́ на
  3062. по́езде.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3063. <entry>We'll take the train to Moscow.</entry>
  3064. </row>
  3065. </tbody>
  3066. </tgroup>
  3067. </informaltable>
  3068. </informalexample>
  3069. <para><emphasis role="bold">Note</emphasis>:</para>
  3070. <informalexample>
  3071. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Авто́бус (тролле́йбус, трамва́й, по́езд):
  3072. хо́дит/идёт.</foreignphrase></para>
  3073. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Маши́на: е́здит/е́дет.</foreignphrase></para>
  3074. </informalexample>
  3075. <para><emphasis role="bold">For example:</emphasis></para>
  3076. <informalexample>
  3077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вот идёт наш авто́бус.</foreignphrase></para>
  3078. <para>There goes our bus.</para>
  3079. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы не зна́ете, како́й трамва́й идёт до
  3080. библиоте́ки?</foreignphrase></para>
  3081. <para>Would you happen to know which bus goes to the library?</para>
  3082. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Смотри́те! Вот е́дет маши́на
  3083. президе́нта!</foreignphrase></para>
  3084. <para>Look! There goes the President's car!</para>
  3085. </informalexample>
  3086. </section>
  3087. </section>
  3088. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3089. <section>
  3090. <title>In case you were wondering</title>
  3091. <section>
  3092. <title>Prefixes and Verbs of Motion</title>
  3093. <para>In this lesson, you saw verbs of motion used with various prefixes. These prefixes add
  3094. an extra dimension to the basic meaning of these verbs. The prefixes you will be using most
  3095. often are:</para>
  3096. <itemizedlist>
  3097. <listitem>
  3098. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">до</foreignphrase></emphasis>- to
  3099. get to, get as far as</para>
  3100. <informalexample>
  3101. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Как дойти́ до америка́нского
  3102. посо́льства?</foreignphrase></para>
  3103. <para>How can I get to the American Embassy?</para>
  3104. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы дое́хали до Москвы́.</foreignphrase></para>
  3105. <para>We got as far as Moscow.</para>
  3106. </informalexample>
  3107. </listitem>
  3108. <listitem>
  3109. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы</foreignphrase></emphasis>- to
  3110. go out, to exit, to get off</para>
  3111. <informalexample>
  3112. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно вы́йти из метро́ на Нови́нский
  3113. бульва́р.</foreignphrase></para>
  3114. <para>You need to go out of the subway and onto Novinsky Boulevard.</para>
  3115. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно вы́йти на сле́дующей
  3116. остано́вке.</foreignphrase></para>
  3117. <para>You need to get off at the next stop.</para>
  3118. </informalexample>
  3119. </listitem>
  3120. <listitem>
  3121. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пере</foreignphrase></emphasis>-
  3122. to cross</para>
  3123. <informalexample>
  3124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно перейти́ у́лицу.</foreignphrase></para>
  3125. <para>You need to cross the street.</para>
  3126. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где здесь подзе́мный перехо́д?</foreignphrase></para>
  3127. <para>Where's the underground crosswalk?</para>
  3128. </informalexample>
  3129. </listitem>
  3130. <listitem>
  3131. <para><emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">про</foreignphrase></emphasis>-
  3132. to cover a certain distance</para>
  3133. <informalexample>
  3134. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вам ну́жно пройти́ два кварта́ла. You need to go 2
  3135. blocks.</foreignphrase></para>
  3136. </informalexample>
  3137. </listitem>
  3138. </itemizedlist>
  3139. </section>
  3140. <section>
  3141. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражне́ние</foreignphrase> №48.</title>
  3142. <para>Go back through this lesson and find examples of verbs of motion, both with and without
  3143. prefixes. Explain their usage. With your instructor's help, try using them yourself.</para>
  3144. </section>
  3145. </section>
  3146. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3147. <section>
  3148. <title>Useful words and expressions</title>
  3149. <informaltable pgwide="1">
  3150. <tgroup cols="2">
  3151. <tbody>
  3152. <row>
  3153. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">биле́т</foreignphrase></entry>
  3154. <entry>ticket</entry>
  3155. </row>
  3156. <row>
  3157. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вверх</foreignphrase></entry>
  3158. <entry>up (direction)</entry>
  3159. </row>
  3160. <row>
  3161. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вниз</foreignphrase></entry>
  3162. <entry>down (direction)</entry>
  3163. </row>
  3164. <row>
  3165. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вход</foreignphrase></entry>
  3166. <entry>entrance</entry>
  3167. </row>
  3168. <row>
  3169. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">вы́ход</foreignphrase></entry>
  3170. <entry>exit</entry>
  3171. </row>
  3172. <row>
  3173. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">выходи́ть, вы́йти</foreignphrase></entry>
  3174. <entry>to exit, go out</entry>
  3175. </row>
  3176. <row>
  3177. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">гости́ница</foreignphrase></entry>
  3178. <entry>hotel</entry>
  3179. </row>
  3180. <row>
  3181. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">де́лать</foreignphrase></entry>
  3182. <entry>to do, to make</entry>
  3183. </row>
  3184. <row>
  3185. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">дое́хать до...</foreignphrase></entry>
  3186. <entry>to get to, to get as far as</entry>
  3187. </row>
  3188. <row>
  3189. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">жето́н</foreignphrase></entry>
  3190. <entry>token</entry>
  3191. </row>
  3192. <row>
  3193. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">за́ угол (куда́)</foreignphrase></entry>
  3194. <entry>around the corner (direction)</entry>
  3195. </row>
  3196. <row>
  3197. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">за угло́м (где)</foreignphrase></entry>
  3198. <entry>around the corner (location)</entry>
  3199. </row>
  3200. <row>
  3201. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">кварта́л</foreignphrase></entry>
  3202. <entry>block</entry>
  3203. </row>
  3204. <row>
  3205. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">кни́жечка</foreignphrase></entry>
  3206. <entry>booklet</entry>
  3207. </row>
  3208. <row>
  3209. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кольцева́я ли́ния</foreignphrase></entry>
  3210. <entry>Ring Line</entry>
  3211. </row>
  3212. <row>
  3213. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">куда́?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3214. <entry>where? (direction)</entry>
  3215. </row>
  3216. <row>
  3217. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">на углу́</foreignphrase></entry>
  3218. <entry>on the corner</entry>
  3219. </row>
  3220. <row>
  3221. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">нале́во</foreignphrase></entry>
  3222. <entry>to the left, on the left</entry>
  3223. </row>
  3224. <row>
  3225. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напра́во</foreignphrase></entry>
  3226. <entry>to the right, on the right</entry>
  3227. </row>
  3228. <row>
  3229. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">напро́тив</foreignphrase></entry>
  3230. <entry>opposite, across</entry>
  3231. </row>
  3232. <row>
  3233. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">обра́тный</foreignphrase></entry>
  3234. <entry>back, reverse</entry>
  3235. </row>
  3236. <row>
  3237. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">объе́зд</foreignphrase></entry>
  3238. <entry>detour</entry>
  3239. </row>
  3240. <row>
  3241. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">отсю́да</foreignphrase></entry>
  3242. <entry>from here</entry>
  3243. </row>
  3244. <row>
  3245. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">переда́ть</foreignphrase></entry>
  3246. <entry>to pass, hand over</entry>
  3247. </row>
  3248. <row>
  3249. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">переса́дка</foreignphrase></entry>
  3250. <entry>transfer</entry>
  3251. </row>
  3252. <row>
  3253. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">перехо́д</foreignphrase></entry>
  3254. <entry>crosswalk</entry>
  3255. </row>
  3256. <row>
  3257. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пешко́м</foreignphrase></entry>
  3258. <entry>on foot</entry>
  3259. </row>
  3260. <row>
  3261. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">поверну́ть</foreignphrase></entry>
  3262. <entry>to turn</entry>
  3263. </row>
  3264. <row>
  3265. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">подзе́мный перехо́д</foreignphrase></entry>
  3266. <entry>underground passage, crosswalk</entry>
  3267. </row>
  3268. <row>
  3269. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пото́м</foreignphrase></entry>
  3270. <entry>then, after</entry>
  3271. </row>
  3272. <row>
  3273. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">проби́ть</foreignphrase></entry>
  3274. <entry>punch (ticket)</entry>
  3275. </row>
  3276. <row>
  3277. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">прое́хать</foreignphrase></entry>
  3278. <entry>pass, drive through</entry>
  3279. </row>
  3280. <row>
  3281. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">прохо́д</foreignphrase></entry>
  3282. <entry>passage</entry>
  3283. </row>
  3284. <row>
  3285. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">пря́мо</foreignphrase></entry>
  3286. <entry>straight ahead</entry>
  3287. </row>
  3288. <row>
  3289. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ско́ро</foreignphrase></entry>
  3290. <entry>soon</entry>
  3291. </row>
  3292. <row>
  3293. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сле́дующий, ая, ее, ие</foreignphrase></entry>
  3294. <entry>next</entry>
  3295. </row>
  3296. <row>
  3297. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">стоя́нка такси́</foreignphrase></entry>
  3298. <entry>taxi stand</entry>
  3299. </row>
  3300. <row>
  3301. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">тало́н</foreignphrase></entry>
  3302. <entry>ticket</entry>
  3303. </row>
  3304. <row>
  3305. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">туда́</foreignphrase></entry>
  3306. <entry>there</entry>
  3307. </row>
  3308. <row>
  3309. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Как доити́ до ...?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3310. <entry>How do I get to? (on foot)</entry>
  3311. </row>
  3312. <row>
  3313. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Как дое́хать до ...?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3314. <entry>How do I get to? (by car)</entry>
  3315. </row>
  3316. <row>
  3317. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какая следующая станция?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3318. <entry>What's the next station?</entry>
  3319. </row>
  3320. <row>
  3321. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какая следующая остановка?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3322. <entry>What's the next stop?</entry>
  3323. </row>
  3324. <row>
  3325. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы (сейчас) выходите?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3326. <entry>Are you getting off?</entry>
  3327. </row>
  3328. <row>
  3329. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Разреши́те пройти́.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3330. <entry>Please let me through.</entry>
  3331. </row>
  3332. <row>
  3333. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Не́ за что.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3334. <entry>Don't mention it?</entry>
  3335. </row>
  3336. </tbody>
  3337. </tgroup>
  3338. </informaltable>
  3339. <mediaobject>
  3340. <imageobject>
  3341. <imagedata align="center" fileref="Images/FsiRussianFast-Lessons9-11-15.png" width="15cm"/>
  3342. </imageobject>
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  3354. </section>
  3355. </chapter>