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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:pls="http://www.w3.org/2005/01/pronunciation-lexicon" xmlns:ssml="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><head><title>Chapter 9. Lesson 9</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docbook-epub.css"/><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.2"/><link rel="prev" href="ch08s14.xhtml" title="Useful words and expressions"/><link rel="next" href="ch09s02.xhtml" title="Доро́жные зна́ки / Road signs"/></head><body><header/><section xml:lang="" class="chapter" title="Chapter 9. Lesson 9" epub:type="chapter" id="d0e34446"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">Chapter 9. Lesson 9</h1></div></div></div><div class="informaltable"><table style="border-collapse: collapse; border-top: 1px solid ; border-bottom: 1px solid ; border-left: 1px solid ; border-right: 1px solid ; "><colgroup><col/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center; ">Lesson №9</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; ">TRANSPORTATION</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; ">УРОК № 9</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; "><span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="Images/0002.png"/></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><section class="section" title="На маши́не по го́роду" epub:type="subchapter" id="d0e34466"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">На маши́не по го́роду</em></span></h2></div></div></div><section class="section" title="Operating a vehicle in Russia" epub:type="division" id="d0e34470"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">Operating a vehicle in Russia</h3></div></div></div><p>Many of you may decide to take your car with you to Moscow, St. Petersburg or to one of
- the other posts in the Former Soviet Union. While the following information specifically
- concerns Moscow, much of it will be relevant for other cities as well. Our thanks to the OBC
- at NFATC for providing us with this information.</p><p>The Office of Vehicle Registration in the GSO (AmEmb Moscow, x5899) can assist you in
- obtaining the necessary insurance, a Russian driver's license and in registering your
- vehicle (whether you bring it in with you, or purchase it locally). The CLO in AmEmb Moscow
- is also a good source of information about insurance from both Russian and foreign
- companies. Be forewarned: these are lengthy and complicated processes.</p><p>The ГАИ (<span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">Госуда́рственная
- автоинспе́кция</em></span></strong></span>) are the Russian traffic cops (not to be
- confused with the <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">мили́ция</em></span></strong></span> police).</p></section><section class="section" title="Some rules of the road" epub:type="division" id="d0e34487"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">Some rules of the road</h3></div></div></div><p>Always wear your seat belt. Not only is this a good safety practice, but you may be
- pulled over by a traffic cop and fined if you're not wearing one.</p><p>The speed limit in the city is 60 kph (35 mph). Speed limits outside the city vary from
- 90-120 kph (55-65 mph).</p><p>There is no "right turn on red". Look for turn signs at all intersections which will
- indicate which turns are permitted. Left turns at many intersections are forbidden, causing
- you to do a complicated maneuver which involves going through the intersection, turning left
- and doubling back (making а <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">разворо́т</em></span></strong></span>) to make a right turn where you need it.</p><p>Horns are rarely used as signals. If any type of warning is needed, drivers may flash
- their headlights.</p><p>If your car is involved in an accident, do not attempt to move it until the traffic cops
- have come to write up a report. The CLO has a file entitled "Orientation: Driving in Moscow"
- with more information on this.</p></section><section class="section" title="When you don't want to drive" epub:type="division" id="d0e34505"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">When you don't want to drive</h3></div></div></div><p><span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">Такси́</em></span></strong></span></p><p>It is increasingly difficult to simply hail a cab on the streets of Moscow and St.
- Petersburg. Your best alternative is to order a taxi ahead of time from one of the private
- companies. Many of these operate out of the major tourist hotels. We've included a few of
- these companies, their addresses and phones here and the CLO has other listings if you need
- them.</p><p>Many Russians make use of а <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">частник</em></span></strong></span> private car. Individuals who own cars will moonlight
- as taxi drivers, negotiating prices with each fare. You should make use of this resource
- only if your language skills and knowledge of current prices are good enough to prevent you
- from being "taken for a ride". Women travelling alone should not use the <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">частники</em></span></strong></span>, as well as
- any individual travelling after dark, or to distant locations in the city.</p><p>Payment for any taxi service should be in roubles, unless you are using the services of
- one of the companies listed here. They will accept credit card</p><p>payment in foreign currency, at the current exchange rate. Though prices change quickly,
- in the summer of 1994 it cost $35.00 for a one-way trip from one of the major tourist hotels
- to Sheremetevo Airport.</p><div class="orderedlist" epub:type="list"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Intourtrans</p><p>24-hour service</p><p>tel. 941-84-90</p><p>cash (roubles) or credit cards</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Statistica</p><p>tel. 945-34-12</p><p>hours: 7:00am-5:00pm</p><p>cash only</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Hertz Rent-A-Car</p><p>tel. 284-43-91</p><p>hours: 9:00am-7:00pm</p><p>credit cards only</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Rasco Taxi Service (Radisson Hotel)</p><p>tel. 941-84-90</p><p>hours: 7:00am-11:00pm</p><p>cash or credit cards</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Autosun (Penta Hotel)</p><p>tel. 971-61-01 X2532</p><p>hours: 7:30am-12:30am</p><p>cash or credit cards</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Class Company</p><p>tel. 199-74-14</p><p>hours: 8:00am-10:00pm</p><p>cash only</p><p>hourly rates: $12.00-$24.00 (depending on make of car)</p></li><li class="listitem" epub:type="list-item"><p>Lingva Taxi</p><p>tel. 290-63-24 (reservations require 6 hours advance notice)</p><p>hours: 7:30am-6:00pm</p><p>cash only</p><p>hourly rates: $10.00</p></li></ol></div></section><section class="section" title="Обще́ственный тра́нспорт" epub:type="division" id="d0e34597"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">Обще́ственный тра́нспорт</em></span></h3></div></div></div><p>The <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">метро́</em></span></strong></span>, <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">авто́бусы</em></span></strong></span>, <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">тролле́йбусы и трамва́</em></span></strong></span>и subway, buses,
- trolleybuses and trams make up the public transportation system. The most efficient of these
- is the metro and all are definitely overcrowded, especially during <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">час пик</em></span></strong></span> rush hour, from 7:00am
- to 10:00am and again from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Most types of transportation operate from 6:00am
- to 1:00am. Check the CLO for the most up-to-date information on using public
- transport.</p><section class="section" title="Метро́" epub:type="division" id="d0e34619"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">Метро́</em></span></h4></div></div></div><p>The metro operates on а <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">жето́н</em></span></strong></span> token system. You may purchase tokens at the
- <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">ка́сса</em></span></strong></span> at
- most stations. If you plan on using the metro regularly, you may want to consider а
- <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">проездно́й</em></span></strong></span>
- or <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">еди́ный
- биле́т</em></span></strong></span> monthly pass. The former is for unlimited travel on
- the metro, buses or trolleybuses (choose your type) only and the latter is good for
- unlimited travel on all types of transportation. Metro stations are well marked (in
- Cyrillic only in Russia), and there is a recording which announces the next station as
- you're pulling out, and that station as the train is pulling in.</p><p>Be careful when entering and exiting any metro station with escalators. They move much
- more quickly than the ones in the DC metro.</p></section><section class="section" title="Авто́бусы, тролле́йбусы, трамва́и" epub:type="division" id="d0e34643"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">Авто́бусы, тролле́йбусы,
- трамва́и</em></span></h4></div></div></div><p>These operate on а <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">тало́н</em></span></strong></span> paper ticket system. You'll purchase a <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">кни́жечка</em></span></strong></span> booklet of
- 10 tickets from the <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">води́тель</em></span></strong></span> driver, or at а <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">кио́ск</em></span></strong></span>. You'll tear off a
- single ticket and validate it for every trip you make. There are no transfers, and a
- validated ticket is good only for one trip.</p><p>Buses and trolleybuses have multiple doors and it is common practice to board through
- the back door and exit from the front. Don't be surprised, however, to see this
- "etiquette" often ignored.</p></section><section class="section" title="Advice for the pedestrian" epub:type="division" id="d0e34667"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">Advice for the pedestrian</h4></div></div></div><p>Remember: anything with four wheels beats anything on two feet! Always be alert to the
- fact that drivers have little respect for pedestrians and it will be your job to watch out
- for them. Use caution when crossing in above-ground crosswalks; always use the <span class="bold"><strong><span xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="ru" class="foreignphrase">подзе́мный перехо́д</em></span></strong></span>
- underground crosswalk when one is available.</p><p>Keep in mind that these underground crosswalks are places for street musicians,
- beggars and pickpockets to congregate. While these crosswalks lessen the danger of you
- being hit by a car, they pose certain dangers in themselves. Be alert! Be careful!</p></section></section></section></section><footer/></body></html>