因 为 发 洪 水 , 他 没 上 学 。

Because of the flood, he didn't go to school. Yin1wei2 fa1 hong2shui3, ta1 mei2 shang4xue2.

Zhang MengLiu XiaoyunLi ZhenChu PinganGao Mingjiang

from, via, owing/due to, by, through, because of, makes following verb passive - by you2

Zhang MengWang JunZhang XiaoweiZhang LiLiu JinzheZhu Mengxi

for, to, for the sake of, because of wei4

Liu Yu RongZhang MengLi ZhenLi Yu ZhengLi Si

“ 梅 花 香 自 苦 寒 来 。 ”

"Plum blossoms bloom because of the cold of winter" "Mei2hua1 xiang1 zi4 ku3han2 lai2."

Zhang MengZhang LiLi ZhenShu ChangSun Gang

因 为 天 气 的 缘 故 , 门 变 形 了 。

Because of the weather, the door is warped. Yin1wei2 tian1qi4 de yuan2gu4, men2 bian4xing2 le.

Feng XieCheng HongDu FengLiu WeihongGu Zheng

because of, on account of, according to (order), using, with, taking, from a point on; to use...as yi3

Zhang MengLiu XiaoyunLi ZhenChu PinganGao Mingjiang

Last Update: July 2012
©  Marilyn Shea 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012