About · Above · According to · Across · After · Against · Along · Along with · Among · Around · At · Because of · Before · Behind · Below · Beneath · Beside · Besides · Between · Beyond · But · By · Concerning · Down · Due to · During · Except · Except for · For · From · In · Inside · Instead of · Into · Like · Minus · Near · Of · Off · On · Onto · Outside · Over · Past · Per · Since · Than · Through · To · Toward · Under · Unlike · Until · Upon · Up · With · Within · Without


because of, on account of, according to (order), using, with, taking, from a point on; to use...as  (often when you see this it is an auxiliary or suffix to the verb adding a sense of action - but not translated)


Zhang MengLiu XiaoyunLi ZhenChu PinganGao Mingjiang

Because of the flood, he didn't go to school. 

因 为 发 洪 水 , 他 没 上 学 。

Yin1wei2 fa1 hong2shui3, ta1 mei2 shang4xue2.

Zhang MengLiu XiaoyunLi ZhenChu PinganGao Mingjiang

"Plum blossoms bloom because of the cold of winter"  (A line of a Chinese poem tells people they should learn from the flowers that in spite of difficulties, they can do anything if they try.)

“ 梅 花 香 自 苦 寒 来 。 ”

"Mei2hua1 xiang1 zi4 ku3han2 lai2."

Zhang MengZhang LiLi ZhenShu ChangSun Gang

from, via, owing/due to, by, through, because of, makes following verb passive - by 


Zhang MengWang JunZhang XiaoweiZhang LiLiu JinzheZhu Mengxi

for, to, for the sake of, because of 


Liu Yu RongZhang MengLi ZhenLi Yu ZhengLi Si
Because of · 1

Because of the weather, the door is warped. 

因 为 天 气 的 缘 故 , 门 变 形 了 。

Yin1wei2 tian1qi4 de yuan2gu4, men2 bian4xing2 le.

Feng XieCheng HongDu FengLiu WeihongGu Zheng

Last Update: July 2012
©  Marilyn Shea 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012