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  36. <td NOWRAP="1" bgcolor="#330099">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1"><font color="#CCCC00">Norwood Builder Dictionary</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></font></td>
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  39. <center><font face="Verdana"><font size=-2><a href="../norwoodwav/n1.wav">THE
  40. STRAND MAGAZINE</a></font></font>
  41. <br><font face="Verdana"><font size=-2><a href="../norwoodwav/n1.wav">Vol.
  42. 26 NOVEMBER, 1903</a></font></font>
  43. <br><font face="Verdana"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/n2.wav">THE
  44. RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES</a></font></font>
  45. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/n3.wav">By
  46. ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE</a></font></font>
  47. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/n4.wav">II.
  48. -- The Adventure of the Norwood Builder</a></font></font></center>
  49. <blockquote><a href="../norwoodwav/1normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/1normula.wav">Section
  50. I</a></font></font></font>
  51. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC">
  52. <ul>
  53. <li>Norwood</li>
  54. <ul>proper name of a place</ul>
  55. <li>malignant</li>
  56. <ul>evil, bad, actively trying
  57. to do harm</ul>
  58. <li>tremors</li>
  59. <ul>shakes, small uncontrolled
  60. movements of the hands</ul>
  61. <li>spider</li>
  62. <ul>eight legged insect, undesirable
  63. insect</ul>
  64. <li>web</li>
  65. <ul>where the spider lives and
  66. traps food</ul>
  67. <li>foul</li>
  68. <ul>dirty, smelly, and implies
  69. evil -- a foul odor, a foul deed</ul>
  70. <li>assault</li>
  71. <ul>attack, hit with intent
  72. to hurt</ul>
  73. <li>an outrage</li>
  74. <ul>violation of rules of society beyond the expected</ul>
  75. <li>practice</li>
  76. <ul>in this case refers to the
  77. legal or medical profession, you practice law (to work as a lawyer) and have a practice (law or medical business) -- implies
  78. you have an office, a set of clients, and a standing or status in the community</ul>
  79. <li>Baker Street</li>
  80. <ul>An actual street in London,
  81. however 22 Baker Street was never a residence. It is presently a bank.</ul>
  82. <li>averse</li>
  83. <ul>one who avoids -- "he is
  84. not averse" means he would NOT avoid something and in fact would probably
  85. like it. The term is usually used in the negative to imply willingness
  86. to do something.</ul>
  87. <li>stringent</li>
  88. <ul>strict</ul>
  89. <li>prohibition</li>
  90. <ul>rule against something</ul>
  91. <li>whimisical</li>
  92. <ul>something that has a random
  93. nature, is slightly humorous, is not harmful, and is changeable</ul>
  94. <li>disheveled</li>
  95. <ul>untidy, disarranged, implies
  96. that you just went through something that messed up your clothes and hair</ul>
  97. <li>palpitating</li>
  98. <ul>rapid pounding -- the heart
  99. beating quickly</ul>
  100. <li>symptoms</li>
  101. <ul>physical signs of illness</ul>
  102. <li>sedative</li>
  103. <ul>pill to make you sleep</ul>
  104. <li>solicitor</li>
  105. <ul>type of lawyer in England, the solicitor does not go into court to speak before the judge, that is another specialty called a barrister</ul>
  106. <li>Freemason</li>
  107. <ul>member of a club (for males), used
  108. to establish social, business, and political ties and sometimes to engage in charitable works -- Freemasons are famous for having secret handshakes, rites, and other ceremonies to identify fellow members</ul>
  109. <li>asthmatic</li>
  110. <ul>someone who has allergies
  111. which make it difficult to breathe</ul>
  112. <li>deductions</li>
  113. <ul>conclusions drawn from evidence
  114. -- Sherlock Holmes is famous for making deductions -- always accurate,
  115. of course.</ul>
  116. <li>watch-charm</li>
  117. <ul>from the days when watches
  118. were carried in pockets. They were attached by a light chain to the clothing
  119. and often a small pieces of decorative jewelry hung from the chain -- this
  120. was a watch-charm. It usually had some symbol engraved on it -- your school, club, church, or your initials.</ul>
  121. </ul>
  122. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img11top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img11top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img11top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  123. <a href="../norwoodwav/2normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/2normula.wav">Section
  124. II</a></font></font></font>
  125. <ul>
  126. <li>gaol</li>
  127. <ul>place where criminals are kept -- (jail = American spelling)</ul>
  128. <li>Lower Norwood</li>
  129. <ul>place name</ul>
  130. <li>builder</li>
  131. <ul>one who contructs houses
  132. and other buildings -- in this case implies the owner of the company</ul>
  133. <li>arson</li>
  134. <ul>setting a fire on purpose</ul>
  135. <li>clue</li>
  136. <ul>something which leads to
  137. the solution of a question, puzzle or mystery. Usually it is physical like
  138. a finger print, but it can be that something is missing that ought to be
  139. there</ul>
  140. <li>infallibly</li>
  141. <ul>without fail</ul>
  142. <li>apprehension</li>
  143. <ul>fear, uneasiness</ul>
  144. <li>perpetrator</li>
  145. <ul>person who commits a crime</ul>
  146. <li>vigorous</li>
  147. <ul>strong</ul>
  148. <li>suburb</li>
  149. <ul>a town outside a city in
  150. which most people work in the city but live in the suburb</ul>
  151. <li>eccentric</li>
  152. <ul>unpredictable, unusual habits,
  153. not normal</ul>
  154. <li>conflagation</li>
  155. <ul>large fire which burns wildly</ul>
  156. </ul>
  157. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img10top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img10top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img10top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  158. <a href="../norwoodwav/3normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/3normula.wav">Section
  159. III</a></font></font></font>
  160. <ul>
  161. <li>warrant</li>
  162. <ul>legal paper which grants
  163. the police permission to do something -- search a place, arrest a person...
  164. The police must have clues, called evidence which point to the suspicion
  165. of a crime.</ul>
  166. <li>sinister</li>
  167. <ul>evil</ul>
  168. <li>French windows</li>
  169. <ul>doors with windows from
  170. top to bottom, which substitute for windows -- but you can go out through
  171. them usually into a garden or onto a lawn.</ul>
  172. <li>charred remains</li>
  173. <ul>implies that a deceased
  174. body was found -- "remains" used as a synonym for body</ul>
  175. <li>ignited</li>
  176. <ul>a fire was set</ul>
  177. <li>sagacity</li>
  178. <ul>wisdom, cleverness</ul>
  179. <li>Scotland Yard</li>
  180. <ul>the offices of the central
  181. police which became the name of the organization in common speach</ul>
  182. <li>City office</li>
  183. <ul>the "City" is the area of
  184. London concerned with business and commerce</ul>
  185. <li>London Bridge Station</li>
  186. <ul>a train station</ul>
  187. <li>ghastly</li>
  188. <ul>pale, having little color,
  189. a variation on the word 'ghost'</ul>
  190. <li>despair</li>
  191. <ul>having no hope</ul>
  192. <li>will</li>
  193. <ul>in this context a legal
  194. document telling who gets your money and stuff after you die</ul>
  195. </ul>
  196. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img9top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img9top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img9top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  197. <a href="../norwoodwav/4normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/4normula.wav">
  198. Section IV</a></font></font></font>
  199. <ul>
  200. <li>ferret</li>
  201. <ul>an animal which is disliked
  202. because it sneaks into chicken houses to steal eggs</ul>
  203. <li>stammer</li>
  204. <ul>to have a hard time talking
  205. -- you start words several times before you can say them</ul>
  206. <li>building leases, title-deeds,
  207. mortgages...</li>
  208. <ul>legal documents -- all stand
  209. for money or property</ul>
  210. <li>humour</li>
  211. <ul>mood</ul>
  212. <li>frugal</li>
  213. <ul>cheap</ul>
  214. <li>Blackheath</li>
  215. <ul>another suburb of London</ul>
  216. <li>Anerley Arms</li>
  217. <ul>a hotel or inn</ul>
  218. <li>enigmatic</li>
  219. <ul>difficult to interpret,
  220. the meaning is hidden or conflicting -- an enigmatic smile is one which
  221. could mean several things at the same time</ul>
  222. <li>impenetrable</li>
  223. <ul>unable to be understood</ul>
  224. <li>four-wheeler</li>
  225. <ul>a horse-drawn carriage which
  226. has four wheels -- implies that it is fairly large</ul>
  227. <li>beseeching</li>
  228. <ul>begging</ul>
  229. <li>points</li>
  230. <ul>places where rails connect
  231. -- these joins tend to be very rough and bumpy</ul>
  232. <li>corroborates</li>
  233. <ul>agrees with</ul>
  234. <li>haphazard</li>
  235. <ul>sloppy, with no plan</ul>
  236. </ul>
  237. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img8top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img8top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img8top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  238. <a href="../norwoodwav/5normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/5normula.wav">
  239. Section V</a></font></font></font>
  240. <ul>
  241. <li>obvious</li>
  242. <ul>very easily seen</ul>
  243. <li>trifle</li>
  244. <ul>very small and unimportant
  245. object or matter -- you can say "It is only a trifle" to mean that it does
  246. not matter.</ul>
  247. <li>tramp</li>
  248. <ul>someone who travels from
  249. place to place to find work -- odd-jobs -- has no regular place to live
  250. and no regular source of income -- the 19th century version of the homeless.</ul>
  251. <li>congenial</li>
  252. <ul>pleasureable, agreeable</ul>
  253. <li>for the matter of that</li>
  254. <ul>we now say "for that matter"
  255. -- it means that you are talking about the same logic or condition -- "why
  256. should the body be burnt" is the "matter" or subject -- could also say
  257. "on that topic" or "in regards to that"</ul>
  258. <li>negotiate</li>
  259. <ul>stock or bond certificates
  260. have to be signed to be turned into money -- to negotiate, to cash -- use
  261. the word negotiate in this situation because the amount of cash you would
  262. get will vary depending on the market conditions -- therefore the tramp
  263. could not cash them because he could not sign them</ul>
  264. <li>frock-coat</li>
  265. <ul>an old-fashioned long coat
  266. with a wide skirt</ul>
  267. <li>prospect</li>
  268. <ul>future view or sight of
  269. danger or other condition -- based on present evidence -- "his prospects
  270. aren't good" means that he doesn't have much of a future.</ul>
  271. </ul>
  272. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img7top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img7top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img7top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  273. <a href="../norwoodwav/6normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/6normula.wav">
  274. Section VI</a></font></font></font>
  275. <ul>
  276. <li>haggard</li>
  277. <ul>unattractively tired, showing
  278. signs of lots of work and a lack of sleep/food</ul>
  279. <li>right track</li>
  280. <ul>means that you are thinking
  281. in the right direction -- expression comes from trains where you have to
  282. stand by the right track in order to go in the proper direction.</ul>
  283. <li>black-guard</li>
  284. <ul>someone who will betray
  285. you, who will lie, steal and cheat</ul>
  286. <li>predispose</li>
  287. <ul>create a feeling or emotion
  288. before the people meet -- can also refer to positive feelings -- "Having
  289. read his book I was predisposed to like him before I met him"</ul>
  290. <li>suitor</li>
  291. <ul>boyfriend</ul>
  292. <li>aviary</li>
  293. <ul>a place where birds are
  294. kept -- a room sized cage</ul>
  295. <li>villa</li>
  296. <ul>a rather large house, usually
  297. with gates on the driveway</ul>
  298. <li>staring</li>
  299. <ul>used to make the house seem
  300. aggressive and dangerous</ul>
  301. <li>laurel-clumped lawn</li>
  302. <ul>laurel bushes and scattered
  303. across the yard in groups -- the author created the adjective to give a
  304. feeling of discomfort and formality</ul>
  305. <li>treasure-trove</li>
  306. <ul>a group of valuable objects</ul>
  307. </ul>
  308. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img6top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img6top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img6top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  309. <a href="../norwoodwav/7normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/7normula.wav">
  310. Section VII</a></font></font></font>
  311. <ul>
  312. <li>drawn every cover</li>
  313. <ul>means he looked into and
  314. under every hidden place -- he drew the cover back...</ul>
  315. <li>pick up scent</li>
  316. <ul>find a clue, get an idea
  317. of what happened -- comes from dogs being used to track people or animals
  318. -- they follow the "scent" to track them down</ul>
  319. <li>sidelong eyes</li>
  320. <ul>the person looks out of
  321. the side of their eyes, keeping their face away from you -- literary sign
  322. that the person is dishonest. In real life, successful dishonest people
  323. look straight at you and appear innocent -- they are called confidence
  324. men because they gain your confidence to sell you something that is false.</ul>
  325. <li>close as wax</li>
  326. <ul>close means silent or secretive
  327. - wax refers to wax statues -- very popular at this time, museums of wax
  328. statues of famous people were established in London and Paris</ul>
  329. <li>paroxysm</li>
  330. <ul>a sudden burst of emotion
  331. -- in this case of certainty that the man is innocent</ul>
  332. <li>Sunday-school</li>
  333. <ul>religious classes held on
  334. Sunday before or after church services -- children who go are a symbol
  335. of innocence -- here it is used to compare his appearance to that of a
  336. boy going to Sunday school.</ul>
  337. <li>broker</li>
  338. <ul>a person who buys and sells
  339. property or stock in companies for individuals</ul>
  340. <li>scrip</li>
  341. <ul>papers which show ownership
  342. to some valuable -- stocks, bonds, etc.</ul>
  343. </ul>
  344. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img5top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img5top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img5top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  345. <a href="../norwoodwav/8normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/8normula.wav">
  346. Section VIII</a></font></font></font>
  347. <ul>
  348. <li>cock-a-doodle</li>
  349. <ul>the sound a rooster makes
  350. -- a crowing sound -- used to imply that the person is bragging loudly
  351. to all the world</ul>
  352. <li>two-edged</li>
  353. <ul>refers to a sword with both
  354. side of the blade sharpened -- it can cut in both directions</ul>
  355. <li>inanition</li>
  356. <ul>hunger</ul>
  357. <li>magnifying glass</li>
  358. <ul>Sherlock Holmes is traditionally
  359. pictured with a magnifying glass -- he used it to find very small things
  360. (clues) that other people missed</ul>
  361. <li>writhing</li>
  362. <ul>a movement which cannot
  363. be controlled but which the person is attempting suppress or stop -- you
  364. can also writhe in pain</ul>
  365. <li>cocksure</li>
  366. <ul>again a reference to roosters
  367. -- a cock is a male bird -- to be cocksure means that you are very, very
  368. confident and you don't mind if the world knows it</ul>
  369. <li>insolence</li>
  370. <ul>lack of respect</ul>
  371. <li>providential</li>
  372. <ul>fortunate, occuring at a
  373. favorable time almost by magic or as a gift of the gods</ul>
  374. <li>wriggle</li>
  375. <ul>another movement of the
  376. body/face -- this one is a quick, sudden, rapid movement -- a child wriggles
  377. in anticipation for a treat or sweet</ul>
  378. <li>equanimity</li>
  379. <ul>evenness, control, balance,
  380. serious and calm manner</ul>
  381. </ul>
  382. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img4top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img4top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img4top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  383. <a href="../norwoodwav/9normula.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/9normula.wav">Section
  384. IV</a></font></font></font>
  385. <ul>
  386. <li>spasm of merriment.</li>
  387. <ul>laughter which makes you
  388. loose control resulting in a giggle, laugh, or snort</ul>
  389. <li>premature</li>
  390. <ul>occuring before something
  391. is ready or finished</ul>
  392. <li>able-bodied</li>
  393. <ul>strong and fit</ul>
  394. <li>outhouse</li>
  395. <ul>any building away from the
  396. house used for storage or special purposes</ul>
  397. <li>marshalled</li>
  398. <ul>led</ul>
  399. <li>conjurer</li>
  400. <ul>magician</ul>
  401. <li>tomfoolery</li>
  402. <ul>nonsense, jokes, pranks,
  403. childish behavior</ul>
  404. <li>chaffed</li>
  405. <ul>teased, in this case the
  406. fact that Lastrade made a point of telling Holmes that he (Lestrade) had
  407. solved the case first</ul>
  408. <li>sun on your side of the hedge</li>
  409. <ul>things going your way, you
  410. have the advantage -- come from farming, where having a sunny field is
  411. an advantage</ul>
  412. <li>pomp and ceremony</li>
  413. <ul>refers to very formal occasions
  414. where there are dignified and complex customs</ul>
  415. <li>wizened</li>
  416. <ul>like an apple which has
  417. been left sitting in the sun two weeks -- or like a raisin</ul>
  418. <li>burrow</li>
  419. <ul>the hole where rabbits live</ul>
  420. </ul>
  421. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img3top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img3top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img3top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  422. <a href="../norwoodwav/10normul.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/10normul.wav">Section
  423. X</a></font></font></font>
  424. <ul>
  425. <li>Capital</li>
  426. <ul>old-fashioned slang expression
  427. of pleased approval -- it means that things are going right -- we might
  428. say "right on!" today</ul>
  429. <li>smouldering</li>
  430. <ul>the fire is still smoking
  431. but not actively burning</ul>
  432. <li>whimper</li>
  433. <ul>a small pitiful sound, usually
  434. made in fear</ul>
  435. <li>practical joke</li>
  436. <ul>a joke whick is done usually
  437. to a friend in the spirit of humor -- some are actually funny -- the man
  438. is claiming that his actions were not meant to harm anyone.</ul>
  439. <li>throw dust in the eyes</li>
  440. <ul>to confuse, comes from boxing
  441. when you would throw dust in the eyes of an opponent so he couldn't see
  442. you -- then you could hit him....</ul>
  443. <li>foolscrap</li>
  444. <ul>cheap paper used to write
  445. notes -- implies that the writing is not serious or important</ul>
  446. <li>lath-and-plaster</li>
  447. <ul>a type of construction where
  448. thin boards (lathes) are nailed to beams and then plaster is pushed between
  449. the boards to cover them. The lathes hold the plaster to the wall.</ul>
  450. <li>eaves</li>
  451. <ul>roof</ul>
  452. <li>confederate</li>
  453. <ul>one who helps you</ul>
  454. <li>precious</li>
  455. <ul>a valuable thing or person</ul>
  456. <li>clear as crystal</li>
  457. <ul>expression which compares
  458. the idea to very good glass (crystal) which can be seen through without
  459. distortion and easily because it has no flaws</ul>
  460. </ul>
  461. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img2top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img2top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img2top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  462. <a href="../norwoodwav/11normul.wav"><img SRC="../tingsmbl.gif" BORDER=0 ></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#0000CC"><font size=+1><a href="../norwoodwav/11normul.wav">Section
  463. XI</a></font></font></font>
  464. <ul>
  465. <li>vindictive</li>
  466. <ul>wanting revenge</ul>
  467. <li>rankled</li>
  468. <ul>botherer over a period of
  469. time, an emotion which grows over time such as anger, rankles</ul>
  470. <li>vengeance</li>
  471. <ul>wanting to do something
  472. bad to someone who has (or you think they have) done something bad to you</ul>
  473. <li>speculation</li>
  474. <ul>buying and selling stocks,
  475. bonds, or land when there is a lot of risk</ul>
  476. <li>villainy</li>
  477. <ul>evil, usually criminal</ul>
  478. <li>incessantly</li>
  479. <ul>without stopping, continuously</ul>
  480. <li>befall</li>
  481. <ul>happen</ul>
  482. <li>conspiracy</li>
  483. <ul>secret plan in which a group
  484. of people plan to do something to another group of people -- it usually
  485. implies that the second group of people are not going to be happy about
  486. this plan</ul>
  487. <li>creditor</li>
  488. <ul>person to whom you owe money</ul>
  489. <li>impound</li>
  490. <ul>take control of</ul>
  491. <li>serve your turn</li>
  492. <ul>serve your purposes</ul>
  493. </ul>
  494. </font>
  495. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img1top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img1top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img1top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  496. <hr WIDTH="30%">
  497. <hr WIDTH="60%">
  498. <hr>
  499. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=-2><br>
  500. Last update: September 2001
  501. <br>&copy; Marilyn Shea, 2001</font></font>
  502. <br>
  503. <hr></blockquote>
  504. </body>
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