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  6. <META NAME="description" content="Crevecoeur gives us a rich description of a slice of American social development, the successful expression of individualism and self-sufficiency. Maps: Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket">
  7. <META NAME="keywords" content="Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer, American history, social life, literature">
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  13. <title>Crevecoeur -- Letters from an American Farmer -- Reading Revolutions</title>
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  32. <td BGCOLOR="#666666" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br></td>
  33. </tr>
  34. <tr>
  35. <td BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><blockquote>
  36. <blockquote><blockquote>
  37. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  38. size="-1">J. Hector St. John de Cr</font><font face="Verdana"
  39. size="-1">è</font><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  40. size="-1">vecoeur (1731-1813)&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
  41. Resided in the United
  42. States (1754-1780)<br>
  43. <b>Lettres d'un cultivateur am</b></font><b><font face="Verdana"
  44. size="-1">é</font></b><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  45. size="-1"><b>ricain</b> (1782)<br>
  46. </font><b>Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans l'état de New
  47. York</b> (1801)
  48. <p><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  49. size="-1"><br>
  50. </font><b><font size="2" face="Tahoma">Letters from an American
  51. Farmer</font> </b>
  52. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  53. size="-1"><b>,</b>
  54. 1782</font></p>
  55. </blockquote></blockquote>
  56. </blockquote>
  57. </td>
  58. </tr>
  59. <tr>
  60. <td><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
  61. <blockquote>
  62. <p><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1">The
  63. first English edition of <i>Letters from an American Farmer</i> is shown
  64. below.&nbsp; The frontispiece is followed by the Advertisement, a brief
  65. preface to the edition.&nbsp; It was published in the same year as the
  66. French edition.&nbsp;&nbsp; The handwriting on the frontispiece is from
  67. a previous owner.<br>
  68. &nbsp;</font></p>
  69. <div align="center">
  70. <table border="0" width="80%" id="table1" bgcolor="#000000">
  71. <tr>
  72. <td>
  73. <p align="center">
  74. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3390wl.jpg">
  75. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3390w.jpg" width="284" height="400"></a></td>
  76. <td>
  77. <p align="center">
  78. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3402wl.jpg">
  79. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3402w.jpg" width="276" height="400"></a></td>
  80. </tr>
  81. <tr>
  82. <td>
  83. <p align="center">
  84. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3406wl.jpg">
  85. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3406w.jpg" width="366" height="400"></a></td>
  86. <td>
  87. <p align="center">
  88. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3409.jpg">
  89. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/Crevecoeur3409w.jpg" width="294" height="400" title="Crevecoeur"></a></td>
  90. </tr>
  91. <tr>
  92. <td align="center">
  93. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4320fCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  94. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4320fCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="197" height="400"></a></td>
  95. <td align="center">
  96. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4067bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  97. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4067bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="301" height="400"></a></td>
  98. </tr>
  99. <tr>
  100. <td align="center">
  101. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4077bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  102. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4077bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="400"></a></td>
  103. <td align="center">
  104. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4068bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  105. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4068bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="302" height="400"></a></td>
  106. </tr>
  107. <tr>
  108. <td align="center">
  109. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/crevecoeurw.jpg" width="254" height="349"></td>
  110. <td align="center">
  111. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4071bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  112. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4071bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="400"></a></td>
  113. </tr>
  114. <tr>
  115. <td align="center">
  116. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4076bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  117. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4076bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="400"></a></td>
  118. <td align="center">
  119. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4072bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  120. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4072bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="400"></a></td>
  121. </tr>
  122. <tr>
  123. <td align="center">
  124. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  125. &nbsp;Two foldout maps were included</font><p>
  126. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  127. in the edition on pages 122 and</font></p>
  128. <p>
  129. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  130. 160.&nbsp; They are shown below.</font></td>
  131. <td align="center">
  132. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4075bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  133. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4075bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="298" height="400"></a></td>
  134. </tr>
  135. <tr>
  136. <td align="center">
  137. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4080bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  138. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4080bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="225" title="Map of Martha's Vineyard"></a></td>
  139. <td align="center">
  140. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4082bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  141. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4082bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="225" title="Detail Map of Martha's Vineyard"></a></td>
  142. </tr>
  143. <tr>
  144. <td align="center">
  145. &nbsp;</td>
  146. <td align="center">
  147. &nbsp;</td>
  148. </tr>
  149. <tr>
  150. <td align="center">
  151. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4085bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  152. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4085bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="225" title="Detail Map of Martha's Vineyard"></a></td>
  153. <td align="center">
  154. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  155. Map of Martha's Vineyard upper left, with </font>
  156. <p>
  157. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  158. details of the same map upper </font></p>
  159. <p>
  160. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  161. right and to the left.&nbsp; Nantucket below with </font>
  162. </p>
  163. <p>
  164. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  165. description and location key</font></p>
  166. <p>
  167. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">
  168. to the lower left.</font></td>
  169. </tr>
  170. <tr>
  171. <td align="center">
  172. &nbsp;</td>
  173. <td align="center">
  174. &nbsp;</td>
  175. </tr>
  176. <tr>
  177. <td align="center">
  178. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4091bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  179. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4091bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="400" title="Map of Nantucket"></a></td>
  180. <td align="center">
  181. <a href="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4088bCrevecoeur_wl.jpg">
  182. <img border="0" src="pictures/Crevecoeur_book/4088bCrevecoeur_w.jpg" width="300" height="225" title="Map of Nantucket"></a></td>
  183. </tr>
  184. <tr>
  185. <td colspan="2" align="center">
  186. <font color="#FFFFFF">
  187. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1">
  188. The enlargements of the book are sufficient for easy reading
  189. -- they will be a slow download on a modem.&nbsp; The
  190. photographs of the books by Cr</font><font face="Verdana"
  191. size="-1">è</font><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1">vecoeur
  192. may be used freely on non-commercial sites (no
  193. advertisements) and for educational purposes.&nbsp; Please provide a link to this page for copyright.</font></font></td>
  194. </tr>
  195. </table>
  196. </div>
  197. <p><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  198. size="-1">
  199. <br>
  200. &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
  201. </font></p>
  202. </blockquote>
  203. </td>
  204. </tr>
  205. <tr>
  206. <td BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><blockquote>
  207. <blockquote><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  208. size="-1"><b>Further
  209. Resources:</b><br>
  210. <br>
  211. The text of <span
  212. style="text-decoration: underline;">
  213. <a href=""><i>
  214. Letters from an American Farmer</i></a>.</span>&nbsp; 1782 from
  215. University of Virginia (Cr</font><font face="Verdana"
  216. size="-1">è</font><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  217. size="-1">vecoeur image shown above from this site)<br>
  218. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br>
  219. </span>The text of <i><a href="">
  220. Letters from an American Farmer</a> </i>-- 1782 from Project
  221. Gutenberg<br>
  222. <br>
  223. The text of&nbsp; <i>
  224. <a href="">
  225. Letters from an American Farmer</a></i>
  226. -- 1904 from the Library of Congress in facsimile of 1904 Fox, Duffield edition</font><p>
  227. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  228. size="-1">Browse other works in <a href="">
  229. &quot;American Notes:&nbsp; Travels in America 1750-1920&quot;</a>, an
  230. exhibition of the Library of Congress.<br><br><br>Brief
  231. <a href="">
  232. critical summary</a> of Cr</font><font face="Verdana"
  233. size="-1">è</font><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  234. size="-1">vecoeur's work by Doreen Alvarez Saar.</font></p>
  235. <p><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1">
  236. <a href="">D. H.
  237. Lawrence on Franklin and Cr</a></font><font face="Verdana"
  238. size="-1">è</font><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="-1"><a href="">vecoeur</a>
  239. from D. Campbell<br><br><br><br><br><br>&nbsp;(c) Marilyn Shea, 2005<br>&nbsp;University of Maine at Farmington<br>
  240. </font></p>
  241. </blockquote>
  242. </blockquote></td>
  243. </tr>
  244. <tr>
  245. <td BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0">&nbsp;</td>
  246. </tr>
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