This is the digitized version of the corresponding DLI course: a very important topic!

Eric Streit 89e67edf67 ajout du résultat odt 5 سال پیش
Images d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
odt 89e67edf67 ajout du résultat odt 5 سال پیش
out d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
out-old d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
DLI-verb-of-motion.xml d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
DLI-verb-of-motion.xml.bak d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
DLI-verb-of-motion.xpr d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش 3651c297e5 renommage readme 5 سال پیش
dli-Verbs-of-motion.png d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش
dli-Verbs-of-motion.svg d1b93063ff premier commit 5 سال پیش

DLI Russian: Verbs of Motion

A very important and difficult topic in Russian.

THis is the DLI version.