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Eric Streit 1 рік тому

+ 40 - 43

@@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 Personal Welfare Module, Unit 6 Accidents and Difficulties
-1.	Zāogāo! Zěnme ban? Wǒde hùzhào diū le.	Oh, no! What am I going to do? I've lost my passport.
+1.	Zāogāo! Zěnme bàn? Wǒde hùzhào diū le.	Oh, no! What am I going to do? I've lost my passport.
 2.	Wǒ xiǎng nǐ děi dào jǐngchájú qù zhǎo jǐngchá tányitan.	I think you should go to the police station and find a policeman to talk it over with.
@@ -2334,7 +2334,7 @@ Personal Welfare Module, Unit 6 Accidents and Difficulties
 6.	Jīntiān zǎoshang wǒ cái fāxiàn diū le.	I didn't discover I'd lost it until this morning.
-7.	Wǒ xǐwàng néng kuài yìdiǎnr lǐng yíge xīnde.	I hope I can get a new one quickly.
+7.	Wǒ xīwàng néng kuài yìdiǎnr lǐng yíge xīnde.	I hope I can get a new one quickly.
 8.	Yàoburán bù néng kāi chē, bù fāngbian.	Otherwise it will be inconvenient not being able to drive.
@@ -2377,7 +2377,7 @@ fāxiàn: “to discover, to find, to find out”
 Wǒ zài zhèr fāxiànle yige wèntí.	I've discovered a problem here,
-Zhèi shi gāng fāxiànde yìzhǒng xǐnde yào.	This is a new kind of medicinewhich has Just been discovered.
+Zhèi shi gāng fāxiànde yìzhǒng xǐnde yào.	This is a new kind of medicine which has just been discovered.
 The object of fāxiàn may also be a clause:
@@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ Wǒ děi mǎshàng zǒu, yàoburán wǒ jiù wǎn le.	I have to go right away, o
 Wǒ děi zuò fēijī qù, yàoburán jiù tài màn le.	I have to take a plane, otherwise it’ll be too slow.
-zhào xiàng: “to take a picture,” literally, “illuminate-image.” You already learned zhàoxiàngjǐ, “camera,” in WLF Unit 4, Part I. The counter for xiàng “-pictures” is -zhāng (the same one as for tables, sheets of paper and other flat things). Zhào jǐzhāng xiàng thus means “to take a few pictures.” (When NOT using the word xiàng as the object of zhào, however, you should use zhàopiàn or xiàngpiàn for “photograph.”)
+zhào xiàng: “to take a picture,” literally, “illuminate-image.” You already learned zhàoxiàngjī, “camera,” in WLF Unit 4, Part I. The counter for xiàng “-pictures” is -zhāng (the same one as for tables, sheets of paper and other flat things). Zhào jǐzhāng xiàng thus means “to take a few pictures.” (When NOT using the word xiàng as the object of zhào, however, you should use zhàopiàn or xiàngpiàn for “photograph.”)
 Like many verb-object expressions, zhào xiàng has the potential ambiguity of meaning either “to (verb) an (object )” or “to have an (object) (verb)-ed”: “to take a picture” or “to have one's picture taken.” You saw this with several verb-object expressions in Unit 3:
@@ -2423,10 +2423,7 @@ For example, in the case of zhào xiang, a photographer might say Wǒ qù zhào
 The fact that such sentences may mean either of two things rarely causes any misunderstandings in practice. The context almost always makes it perfectly clear which meaning is intended.
-With these verb-object expressions, if you want to specify the person on
-whom the action is performed, you have to use a gěi phrase (you can’t
-make the person the direct object because the verb already has a direct
-object). For example, to say “I’m going to take a picture of you,” say:.
+With these verb-object expressions, if you want to specify the person on whom the action is performed, you have to use a gěi phrase (you can’t make the person the direct object because the verb already has a direct object). For example, to say “I’m going to take a picture of you,” say:
 Wǒ gěi nǐ zhào xiàng.	I’m going to take a picture of you.
@@ -2436,28 +2433,28 @@ Tā tàitai gěi ta jiǎn tóufa.	His wife cuts his hair.
 *Although misunderstandings are rare, they are not impossible. Here is a short exchange illustrating how zhào xiàng might be misunderstood and how the misunderstanding might be cleared up. (For this example you need to know zhàopiàn, “photograph,” and zhàoxiàngguǎn, “photography studio.”)
-A: Wǒ jīntiān zhào xiàng qu le.	Today I went to take pictures / to have my picture taken.
+A: 	Wǒ jīntiān zhào xiàng qu le.	Today I went to take pictures / to have my picture taken.
-B: Zhào shénme? Zhào fēngjǐng ma?	What did you take pictures of? Did you take pictures of scenery?
+B: 	Zhào shénme? Zhào fēngjǐng ma?	What did you take pictures of? Did you take pictures of scenery?
-A: Bú shì a. Yīnwèi wǒ yào lǐng hùzhào, děi yǒu zhàopiàn, suóyi wǒ qù zhàoxiàngguǎn qǐng tamen gěi wo zhào xiàng.	No. I’m going to get a passport and need photographs, so I went to a photo studio and had them take my picture.
+A: 	Bú shì a. Yīnwèi wǒ yào lǐng hùzhào, děi yǒu zhàopiàn, suóyi wǒ qù zhàoxiàngguǎn qǐng tamen gěi wo zhào xiàng.	No. I’m going to get a passport and need photographs, so I went to a photo studio and had them take my picture.
-Here “A” meant by his first sentence “Today I went to have my picture taken.” but “B” understood him to mean œToday I went to take pictures.”
+Here “A” meant by his first sentence “Today I went to have my picture taken.” but “B” understood him to mean Today I went to take pictures.”
 wàishì jǐngchá: “foreign affairs policemen,” those who Heal with foreign nationals.
 A foreign official in Běijǐng talks with a Chinese colleague.
-M: 	Nǐ jǐntiān zěnme lái zenme wan?	How come you are so late today?
+M: 	Nǐ jǐntiān zěnme lái zěnme wǎn?	How come you are so late today?
 F: 	Zhēn zāogāo!	It's Just awful!
 M:	Zěnme le?	What happened?
-F: 	Wǒ bǎ jiàshǐ zhízhào diū le.  Wǒ shi zuò chūzū qìchē láide. 	I’ve lost my driver's license. I had to come by taxi.
+F: 	Wǒ bǎ jiàshǐ zhízhào diū le. Wǒ shi zuò chūzū qìchē láide. 	I’ve lost my driver's license. I had to come by taxi.
 M: 	Zài nǎr diūd'a?	Where did you lose it?
 F: 	Wǒ bù zhīdào. Jǐntiān zǎoshang wǒ cái fāxiàn diū le. Wǒ zěnme bàn? Yào dào jǐngchájú qù ma?   I don't know. I didn't discover I'd lost it until this morning. What am I to do? Should I go to the police station?
 M: 	Wǒ wènyiwèn Gǒng'ánjú zěnme gěi ni lǐng yíge xǐnde. 	I'll ask the Bureau of Public Security how to get you a new one.
-F:	Wǒ xǐwàng néng kuài yidiǎnr. Yàoburán bù néng kāi chē bù fāngbiàn. 	I hope it will be soon. Otherwise it will be' inconvenient not being able to drive.
+F:	Wǒ xīwàng néng kuài yìdiǎnr. Yàoburán bù néng kāi chē bù fāngbiàn. 	I hope it will be soon. Otherwise it will be' inconvenient not being able to drive.
 M: 	Nà nǐ xiān qù zhào xiàng. Wǒ gěi ni wènwen zěnme bàn.	Well, then, you go and get your picture taken. I'll ask for you what you should do.
@@ -2472,7 +2469,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 13.	Tā bèi qìchē zhuàng le.	He was hit by a car.
-14.	Tā qí mōtuǒchē qíde tài kuài le.	He was driving his motorcycle too fast.
+14.	Tā qí mōtuōchē qíde tài kuài le.	He was driving his motorcycle too fast.
 15.	Wǒde tuǐ téngsǐ le!	My leg is hurting me to death!
@@ -2482,7 +2479,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 18.	Wǒde tuǐ dòngbuliǎo, dàgài gútou duàn le.	I can’t move my leg, the bone is probably broken.
-19.	Qǐng ni mǎshàng gěi yǐyuàn dǎ diànhuà.	Please call the hospital immediately.
+19.	Qǐng ni mǎshàng gěi yīyuàn dǎ diànhuà.	Please call the hospital immediately.
 20.	Bié zhāojí.	Don’t get upset.
@@ -2496,7 +2493,7 @@ REFERENCE NOTES FOR PART II
 shéi: “someone” The question word shéi “who” can also be used to mean “someone.”
-bèi: This is the prepositional verb which indicates the doer of the action, similar to the English “by” in passive sentences. In sentences with bèi it is the subject (tā in sentence 12) which received the action and the object of bèi (qǐchē in sentence 12) which did the action.
+bèi: This is the prepositional verb which indicates the doer of the action, similar to the English “by” in passive sentences. In sentences with bèi, it is the subject (tā in sentence 12) which received the action and the object of bèi (qǐchē in sentence 12) which did the action.
 Wǒde zìdiǎn bèi xuésheng názǒu le. 	My dictionary was taken by a student.
@@ -2504,17 +2501,17 @@ Tā bèi rén dǎsǐ le. 	He was beaten to death by someone. (dǎsǐ is literall
 Bèi has a special characteristic other prepositional verbs do not share: it can occur WITHOUT AN OBJECT. Its passive meaning is still evident in the rest of the sentence:
-Wǒde xǐn qìchē bèi zhuàng le.	My new car was hit.
+Wǒde xīn qìchē bèi zhuàng le.	My new car was hit.
 Wǒde yǔsān bèi názǒu le.	My umbrella was taken.
 qí: “to ride/drive by straddling” While zuò is the verb “to ride” down, qí is the verb “to ride” used generally - and specifically when sitting with horses, motorcycles and bicycles.
-téngsǐ le: “to hurt a lot,” literally to hurt to death (figuratively speaking)”
+téngsǐ le: “to hurt a lot,” literally to hurt to death (figuratively speaking)”
 liú xuě: “to bleed,” literally “to flow blood”; Xuě is also pronounced xiě and xuè.
-tai: “to lift or carry (by two or more persons)”
+tái: “to lift or carry (by two or more persons)”
 Qǐng bǎ zhèige zhuōzi táijìnlái.	Please carry this table in (with me or someone else).
@@ -2522,13 +2519,13 @@ Qǐng bǎ zhèi liǎngjiàn dà xíngli táishang chē qu.	Please carry (with me
 Bǎ diànshì táixià 1óu lai.	Bring the television downstairs with me.
-dong: “to move (either oneself or something else)”
+dòng: “to move (either oneself or something else)”
 Bié dòng!	Don’t move.
 Xiān bú yào dòng ta.	Let’s not move him just yet.
-Dong can also mean “to touch” something, so Bié dong can also mean “Don’t touch it.”
+Dòng can also mean “to touch” something, so Bié dong can also mean “Don’t touch it.”
 dòngbuliǎo: “unable to move” The endings -deliǎo “able” and -buliǎo  “unable” are used with action verbs to show the result of the action.
@@ -2544,7 +2541,7 @@ dǎ diànhuà: “to make a phone call,” literally “to hit electric-speech.
 Nǐ gěi shéi dǎ diànhuà? 	Who are you calling?
-Lao Wáng yòu gěi ni dǎ diàn huà le.	Lao Wáng called you again,
+Lǎo Wáng yòu gěi ni dǎ diàn huà le.	Lao Wáng called you again,
 The noun diànhuà by itself can mean either “telephone” or “telephone call.”
@@ -2556,7 +2553,7 @@ Sometimes you can use diànhuà where English would have “telephone number”:
 Nǐde diànhuà shi duōshao?	What is your telephone number?
-zhǎojí: “to get upset, to get excited with worry, to feel anxious”
+zhāojí: “to get upset, to get excited with worry, to feel anxious”
 Nǐ tài zhāojí. Wǒmen zhèr méiyou shénme wèntí. 	You’re too anxious/worried. We don’t have any problems here.
@@ -2594,7 +2591,7 @@ B:	Liúle zhème duō xuě, zhēn zāogāo! Xiànzài zěnme bàn ne? Wǒmen xi
 C:	Ào, wǒde tuī dòngbuliǎo, dàgài gútou duàn le.	Oh, I can't move my leg. It's probably broken.
-A:	Wǒ xiǎng zuìhǎo xiān bú yào dòng ta, wǒ zài zhèr, nǐ qù dǎ diànhuà jiào liàng jiùhùchē lai, zài dǎ ge diànhuà jiào jǐngchá lái.	I think it would be best not to move him for the time being. I'll stay here. You call for an ambulance, and then call for the police to come.
+A:	Wǒ xiǎng zuìhǎo xiān bú yào dòng ta, wǒ zài zhèr, nǐ qù dǎ diànhuà jiào liàng jiùhùchē lái, zài dǎ ge diànhuà jiào jǐngchá lái.	I think it would be best not to move him for the time being. I'll stay here. You call for an ambulance, and then call for the police to come.
 *He’s not calling for his mother; this is a moan.
@@ -2611,7 +2608,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 26.	Yǐhòu nǐ yào xiǎoxīn.	From now on you must be careful.
 27.	Nǐmen bù kéyi zài zhèli yóuyǒng.	You can't swim here.
 28.	Nǐmen zài zhèli yóuyǒng yǒu wéixiǎn.	It's dangerous for you to swim here.
-29.	Wǒ bú shi gùyì jìnlaide. 	I didn't enter here !the restricted areai on purpose.
+29.	Wǒ bú shi gùyì jìnlaide. 	I didn't enter here [the restricted area] on purpose.
 30.	Ràng wo kànkan nǐde hùzhào.	Let me see your passport.
 31.	Zhèli shi jūnshì dìqū.  	This is a military area here.
 32. 	Zhànzhu!  	Halt!
@@ -2621,13 +2618,13 @@ REFERENCE NOTES ON PART III
 páizi: “sign, poster, plate,” also a “brand name, trademark”
 Nǐ mǎide shi shénme páizide zhàoxiàngjī? 	What brand of camera did you buy?
-Nèige hóng páizishang xiède shi shénme? 	What is written on that red sign ?
+Nèige hóng páizishang xiěde shi shénme? 	What is written on that red sign ?
 zhùyì: “to pay attention to, to take notice of”
-Wǒ méi zhùyì tā shi gēn shéi zǒude.œ                               I didn't notice who he left with.
+Wǒ méi zhùyì tā shi gēn shéi zǒude.	I didn't notice who he left with.
-Zhùyì diǎnr!                      Please pay a little more attention!
+Zhùyì diǎnr!	Please pay a little more attention!
 kéyi bù kéyi: “cannot” Of the three uxiliary verbs néng, huì and kéyi, kéyi is the one to use when the “can”  or “cannot” is due to someone granting or withholding permission.
@@ -2639,7 +2636,7 @@ Wǒ yóuyǒng yóude bú tài hǎo.	I don't swim too well.
 wéixiǎn: “to be dangerous, to be perilous” Also pronounced wēixiǎn.
-Zài Táiběi qí mōtuōchē tài wéixiǎn le.It's too dangerous to ride a motorcyle in Taipei.
+Zài Táiběi qí mōtuōchē tài wéixiǎn le	.It's too dangerous to ride a motorcyle in Taipei.
 Tā bú pà wéixiǎn, tā shénme dōu yào zuò.	He's not afraid of danger. He'll do anything.
@@ -2653,7 +2650,7 @@ ràng: “to let, to allow, to cause (someone to do something).” This is a pre
 Tā bú ràng wǒ zǒu.	She won't let me leave.
-Nǐ zěnme kéyi ràng tā zenme bù gāoxìng?	How could you make her so unhappyI
+Nǐ zěnme kéyi ràng tā zènme bù gāoxìng?	How could you make her so unhappyI
@@ -2661,7 +2658,7 @@ A Canadian man (M) has Just entered an area in Běijīng prohibited to foreigner
 F: Hài! Zhànzhu!	Hey! Halt!
-M: Shénme shir?	What's the matter?
+M: Shénme shìr?	What's the matter?
 F: Nǐ méi kànjian zhèige páizi ma?	Didn't you see this sign?
@@ -2691,7 +2688,7 @@ An American woman and her two children are swimming along the beach in Taiwan. A
 M:	Èi! Shànglai! Nǐmen shànglai.	Hey! Come up! Come up here.
-F:	You shénme shì a?	What's the matter?
+F:	Yǒu shénme shì a?	What's the matter?
 M:	Nǐmen bù kéyi zài zhèli yóuyǒng.	You can't swim here.
@@ -2711,7 +2708,7 @@ F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Very well. Thank you.
-xiàcì bú yào zài lai le: “in the future don’t come here again (any more” In addition to meaning “next time,” xiàcì can mean generally “in the future.”
+xiàcì bú yào zài lai le: “in the future don’t come here again (any more).” In addition to meaning “next time,” xiàcì can mean generally “in the future.”
 Unit 6, Vocabulary
@@ -2815,7 +2812,7 @@ skin	pífu
 spine	jílianggǔ
 stomach (belly)	wèi; dùzi 
 tendon	jiàn, jīn (colloquial)
-thigh	dàtuī
+thigh	dàtuǐ
 throat	hóulong
 thumb	mǔzhǐ
 toe	jiǎozhítou, jiǎozhǐ
@@ -2963,12 +2960,12 @@ chūntiān (chūntian)	spring	WLF 1
 dàbiàn	bowel movement	WLF 5
 dàbiàn bù tōng	to be constipated	WLF 5
 dǎ diànhuà	to make a phone call, to telephone	WLF 6
-dài	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc)		WLF 2
+dài	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc)	WLF 2
 dài	to bring, to take with one	WLF U
 dài	to lead, to take	WLF h
 dàifu	doctor	WLF 5
 dǎkāi	to open	WLF 1
-dàyī	overcoat WLF 2
+dàyī	overcoat 	WLF 2
 dī	to be low	WLF 5
 diànhuà	telephone, telephone call	WLF 6
 -dǐng	counter for hats	WLF 2
@@ -3019,7 +3016,7 @@ hú	lake	WLF 1
 huài	to be bad; to go bad, to break	WLF 2
 huānjìng	environment	WLF 1
 húzi	beard OR mustache	WLF 3
-jiākè(r)/jiákè(r)	jacket (cut above waist)	WLF 2
+jiākè(r) / jiákè(r)	jacket (cut above waist)	WLF 2
 jiǎn	to cut (with scissors)	WLF 3
 -jiàn	(counter for articles of clothing)	WLF 2
 jiào	to ask/tell (someone to do something)	WLF 4
@@ -3041,7 +3038,7 @@ kàn bìng	to see a doctor; to see a patient	WLF 5
 késou	to cough	WLF 5
 kètīng	living room	WLF 4
 kōngqì (kōngqi)	air	WLF 1
-kōngqì wūrān	air pollution	WLF 1
+kōngqì wūrǎn	air pollution	WLF 1
 kǒudài	pocket	WLF 4
 kùzi (yìtiáo)	pant s	WLF 2
 lā dùzi	to have diarrhea	WLF 5
@@ -3074,7 +3071,7 @@ mián'ǎo	(Chinese-style) cotton-padded Jacket	WLF 2
 mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)	motorcycle		WLF 6
 nà	then, in that case	WLF 2
 nèikē	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine	WLF 5
-nèikē yishēng	internist, physician	WLF 5
+nèikē yīshēng	internist, physician	WLF 5
 nèikù	underpants	WLF 2
 nèiyī	underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras, etc.); Just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)	WLF 2
 nílóng	nylon	WLF 2
@@ -3210,7 +3207,7 @@ yùyuē	to make an appointment (PRC)	WLF 3
 zāogāo	oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess to be awful WLF 6
 zhào	according to	WLF 
 zhāojí	to get upset, to be anxkous, to be worried	WLF 
-zhzào xiàng	to take a photograph	WLF 
+zhào xiàng	to take a photograph	WLF 
 zhàoxiàngjī	camera	WLF 
 -zhe	(marker of duration for actions and states)	WLF 
 zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	acupuncture and moxibustion	WLF