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+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 4, Tape 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn more words and phrases used when talking about leisure activities, including sports and arts.
+Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
+Will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?
+The great majority of senior high school students will be able to understand it.
+Repeat senior high school.
+Repeat educational television.
+Repeat, will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?
+Repeat, regional opera.
+Repeat, you always mistake them, that's not a song, that's local opera.
+Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
+Repeat, our teaching discussion session isn't meeting this afternoon. 今天下午,我们的教学讨论会不开了。
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply. Our teaching discussion session isn't meeting this afternoon.
+Repeat, can, to be able to. 能够,能够
+Repeat, volleyball. 排球,排球
+Repeat, competition, match, game. 比赛,比赛
+Repeat, great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
+Now you try giving the reply yourself. Say, great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this part of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Senior high school. 高中
+Educational television. 电视教学
+To sing songs. 唱歌
+Regional opera. 地方戏
+Discussion session. 讨论会
+Can, to be able to. 能够
+Volleyball. 排球
+Competition, match, game. 比赛
+Now here's the next exchange. Listen. His recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Yes, in the last two years his work has improved rapidly.
+I'm really happy for him. 真为他高兴。
+Repeat, work or art, works.
+作品 作品
+Repeat, to be deep, heartily. 深
+Repeat, his recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Now you say the sentence, you'll get a reply. His recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Now listen to the next exchange. Do you often study in addition to your work?
+A great number of cadre members feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.
+Repeat, do you often study in addition to your work?
+Now ask the question yourself, you'll get a reply. Do you often study in addition to your work?
+Repeat, to be vast, to be broad, a vast number of
+Repeat, thought, way of thinking
+Repeat, must, need to
+Repeat, a great number of cadre members feel that to raise their own level of thought, they must study often.
+Now listen to the next exchange. Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening? 你明天晚上去打球吗?
+No, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet. 不,我要陪我师父去看芭蕾舞。
+Repeat, to play ball.
+Repeat, are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
+Now ask the question yourself to get a reply. Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
+Repeat, master worker, a person highly skilled in something.
+Repeat, ballet.
+Repeat, no, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.
+Now you answer the question yourself. Answer, no, I'm going with my teacher to see a ballet.
+Now here's the review of the vocabulary items from this section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Work of art, works.
+To be deep, heartily.
+To be vast, to be broad, a vast number of.
+Thought, way of thinking.
+Must, need to.
+To play ball.
+Master worker, a person highly skilled in something.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen.
+In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Great, I'll go too.
+Repeat, to be satisfied, to be content, to satisfy.
+Repeat, concert.
+Repeat, in order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply. In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Repeat, to be bad.
+Repeat, great, I'll go too.
+Now you give the reply. Say, great, I'll go too.
+Listen to the next exchange. What else do you like besides ping pong?
+I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Repeat, ping pong.
+Repeat, what else do you like besides ping pong?
+Now ask the question yourself and get a reply. What else do you like to do besides ping pong?
+Repeat, basketball.
+Repeat, basketball, ping pong.
+Repeat, I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Now you try answering the question yourself. Say, I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Auntie, what news is there today?
+I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Repeat, maternal great aunt.
+Repeat, news.
+Repeat, auntie, what news is there today?
+Now you ask the question yourself to get a reply.
+Auntie, what news is there today?
+Repeat, music group, music company, band.
+Repeat, I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Now answer the question yourself.
+Say, I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
+Test yourself.
+To be satisfied, to be content, to satisfy.
+To be bad
+Basketball team
+Maternal great aunt
+Music company, music group, band
+Now use the next exchange. Listen.
+You're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+Repeat always.
+Repeat to study.
+Repeat, you're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
+You're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+Repeat international.
+Repeat, OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+Now you give the reply, saying, OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+You want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
+Repeat, to be filled up, set of time.
+Repeat, your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply. Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
+Repeat, play, drama, opera.
+戏 戏
+Repeat, body, group, organization.
+团体 团体
+Repeat, you want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
+Now listen to the next exchange. This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+As for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Repeat, Peking opera.
+Repeat, to have merit, to be worthy of.
+Repeat, this Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+Now you ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply. This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+Repeat, relayed movies, to relay a movie.
+Repeat, as for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Now you answer the question yourself. Say, as for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary items from this last section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+to study
+to be filled up instead of time
+play drama opera
+body group organization
+Peking opera
+to have merit, to be worthy of
+to relay a movie