Pārlūkot izejas kodu

travail sur module rst

Eric Streit 1 gadu atpakaļ

+ 1 - 1

@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ xiūliháng	修理行	repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 yǐngqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 yóu	油	oil, gasoline, fuel	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 zāng	脏	to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-zú		to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+zú		to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 29 - 29

@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-àn		according to
-àn guījù		according to the regulations
+àn		according to
+àn guījù	按規矩	according to the regulations
 bānlái bānqù		to move back and forth
-bǎoguǎn		to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
-bìchú		closet, wall chect
-bìchúli		in the closet
+bǎoguǎn	保管	to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
+bìchú	壁橱	closet, wall chect
+bìchúli	壁橱里	in the closet
 biéde	别的	other
-cǎisè		color, colored
-chōuti		drawer
-chōutīli		in the drawer
-chuáng		bed
+cǎisè	彩色	color, colored
+chōuti	抽屉	drawer
+chōutīli	抽屉里	in the drawer
+chuáng		bed
 dà diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call
 dānrénfáng	单人房	single room
 děng	等	to wait, to wait for
-dēngjī		to register (at a hotel, etc.)
+dēngjī	登记	to register (at a hotel, etc.)
 -de shíhou	-的时候	when
 diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone directory
 duō	多	more (to be much, to be many)
 fángqián	房前	room rental fee
-fàngzai		to put (at, in, on)
+fàngzai	放在	to put (at, in, on)
 fúwùshēng	服务生	attendant
-guīju		regulation
-guīzhòng		to be valuable
+guīju	规矩	regulation
+guīzhòng	规中	to be valuable
 guò	过	to pass
 háishi	还是	still
-jiào		to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
--jiān		(counter for rooms)
-jiù shi		(used for emphasis), this IS
+jiào		to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)
+jiù shi	就是	(used for emphasis), this IS
 kèren	客人	customer
-kōng		to be empty, to be vacant
+kōng		to be empty, to be vacant
 lěng	冷	to be cold
 líkai	离开	to leave, to depart
 méi wènti	没问题	there's no problem
-nuǎnqì		central heating
-shěngde		lest, to avoid
-shìqing		business matter, thing
-shuāngrénfáng		double room
+nuǎnqì	暖气	central heating
+shěngde	省得	lest, to avoid
+shìqing	事情	business matter, thing
+shuāngrénfáng	双人房	double room
 sòngshangqu		to send up
-suàn		to calculate, to figure
-suàn zhàng		to settle an account
-tǎnzi		blanket
+suàn		to calculate, to figure
+suàn zhàng	算帐	to settle an account
+tǎnzi	毯子	blanket
 wènti	问题	question, problem
 yào	要	to want, to take
-yào		to be necessary
-yóulan shǒucè		sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
+yào		to be necessary
+yóulan shǒucè	游览手册	sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
 zài	再	again (used for future actions)
-zhàngfáng		cashier (in a hotel)
+zhàngfáng	账房	cashier (in a hotel)
 zhǎo	找	to find
-zhào		according to
-zhěntou		pillow
+zhào		according to
+zhěntou	枕头	pillow

+ 12 - 12

@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-bìchú		closet
+bìchú	壁橱	closet
 cèsuò	厕所	toilet
-chōuti		drawer
-chuáng		bed
-chuángdānzi		sheets
-chuānghu		window
-chuānghu liénzi		window shades
+chōuti	抽屉	drawer
+chuáng		bed
+chuángdānzi	床单子	sheets
+chuānghu	窗户	window
+chuānghu liénzi		window shades
 diànhuà	电话	telephone
 diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone book
 féizào	肥皂	soap
-jìngzi		mirror
-lěngchījī		air conditioner
-nuǎnqì		heat
-tǎnzi		blanket
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner
+nuǎnqì	暖气	heat
+tǎnzi	毯子	blanket
 wèishēngjǐ	为生计	toilet paper
-(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn		towels
-xǐzǎofáng		bathroom (Taipei)
+(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn	(洗澡)大毛巾	towels
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom (Taipei)
 yàoshi	钥匙	key
 yǐzi	椅子	chair
 zhōng	种	clock

+ 20 - 20

@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-àn		to press
-ānpai		to arrange for
-biǎo (yìzhāng)		form, application
-bīngkuài(r) (yíge)		ice cube
-càidānzi (yizhāng)		menu
+àn		to press
+ānpai	安排	to arrange for
+biǎo (yìzhāng)	表(一张)	form, application
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	冰块(儿)(一个)	ice cube
+càidānzi (yizhāng)	菜单子(一张)	menu
 chī	吃	to eat
-dǎoyóu		tourist guide
-dǎsuan		to plan to
+dǎoyóu	导游	tourist guide
+dǎsuan	打算	to plan to
 děng yīhuǐr	等一会儿	in a while
-dianlíng		a buzzer, an electric bell
+dianlíng	电铃	a buzzer, an electric bell
 ding	订	to reserve
 è	俄	to be hungry
 fánjiān	饭店	room
@@ -21,28 +21,28 @@ jiāogěi	交给	to give to
 kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water (for drinking)
 lèi	累	to be tired
 lěngfēng	冷风	air conditioning
-liáng		to be cool
-lóucèng fúwùtái		the service desk for the floor
+liáng		to be cool
+lóucèng fúwùtái	楼层服务台	the service desk for the floor
 lǚguǎn	炉管	hotel, inn
-ná... lái		to bring to
+ná... lái	拿来	to bring to
 piào (yizhāng)	漂(一张)	ticket
-qǔchulai		to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
+qǔchulai	取出来	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
 rè	热	to be hot
 shuǐxǐ	水洗	to wash, to launder
 sòngdao	送到	to send to, to deliver to
-tì		for, in place of
-tián		to fill out
+tì		for, in place of
+tián		to fill out
 wǎnfàn	完饭	dinner, supper
 xǐ	洗	to wash
 xīcān	西餐	western food
-xíngli		baggage, luggage, suitcases
+xíngli	行李	baggage, luggage, suitcases
 xiūxi	休息	to take a rest, to relax
-yàoshi		if
-yàoshi		key
-yídìng		certainly, definitely
+yàoshi	要是	if
+yàoshi	钥匙	key
+yídìng	一定	certainly, definitely
 yīfu	衣服	clothes
-yǒu shì		to have business
+yǒu shì	有事	to have business
 zǎodiǎn	早点	breakfast (Peking)
 Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food
 zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch
-Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè		China Travel Agency 
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	中国旅行社	China Travel Agency 

+ 45 - 45

@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-bǎ	(object marker)
-bāoguǒ	package
-bǎoxiǎn	to protect by insurance, to insure
-bènshì	this city
--céng	counter for F1oors of buildings
-dǎ diànhuà	to make a phone call, to telephone
-diànbào	telegram
-Diànbào Dàlóu	Telegraph Office
-diànhuà	phone call
-Diànxìnjú	Telegraph Office
--fēng	counter for letter
-fúwùtái	service desk
-guàhào	to register(something)
-guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)	registered letter
-guówài	outside the country, foreign
-guónèi	within the country, domestic
-hǎiyùn	sea mail
-hángkōng	air mail
-hángkōng yōujiǎn	aerogram
--jiàn	counter for matter, affairs
-jiànchá	to inspect examine
-jì	to mail, to send by mail
-lóuxià	downstairs
-míngxìnpiàn	post cards
-píngxìn	regular mail, surface mail
-qíngfàng	fragile(lit, put down lightly)
-shì(yíjiàn)	matter, affair,thing
-tì	in place of (someone), for
-tie	to paste on, to stick
-wàídí	outside the local area
-wàimian	outside
-xiāngzi	box, suitcase, trunk
-xiǎoxīn	to be careful
-xiěshang	to write on (something)
-xìn (yìfēng)	letter
-xìnfēng	envelope
-xìnzhǐ	stationery
-yíqǐ	together, together with
-yóujú 	post office
-yóupiào(yìzhang)	stamp
-yǒu tǒng	mailbox
-post office 	yóuzhèngjú
-zhòngyào	to be important
-zuìhǎo	the best; “it would be best”
-zuìshǎo	at least, at the minimum
+bǎ		(object marker)
+bāoguǒ		package
+bǎoxiǎn		to protect by insurance, to insure
+bènshì		this city
+-céng		counter for F1oors of buildings
+dǎ diànhuà		to make a phone call, to telephone
+diànbào		telegram
+Diànbào Dàlóu		Telegraph Office
+diànhuà		phone call
+Diànxìnjú		Telegraph Office
+-fēng		counter for letter
+fúwùtái		service desk
+guàhào		to register(something)
+guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)		registered letter
+guówài		outside the country, foreign
+guónèi		within the country, domestic
+hǎiyùn		sea mail
+hángkōng		air mail
+hángkōng yōujiǎn		aerogram
+-jiàn		counter for matter, affairs
+jiànchá		to inspect examine
+jì		to mail, to send by mail
+lóuxià		downstairs
+míngxìnpiàn		post cards
+píngxìn		regular mail, surface mail
+qíngfàng		fragile(lit, put down lightly)
+shì(yíjiàn)		matter, affair,thing
+tì		in place of (someone), for
+tie		to paste on, to stick
+wàídí		outside the local area
+wàimian		outside
+xiāngzi		box, suitcase, trunk
+xiǎoxīn		to be careful
+xiěshang		to write on (something)
+xìn (yìfēng)		letter
+xìnfēng		envelope
+xìnzhǐ		stationery
+yíqǐ		together, together with
+yóujú 		post office
+yóupiào(yìzhang)		stamp
+yǒu tǒng		mailbox
+post office 		yóuzhèngjú
+zhòngyào		to be important
+zuìhǎo		the best; “it would be best”
+zuìshǎo		at least, at the minimum

+ 31 - 31

@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-bàngōngshì	office
-bié	don’t 
-bú yòng	no need to
-chá 	to look up (information)
-dài	to bring with one, to carry along
-diànhuàbù	phone directory
-fēnjī	telephone extension
-gōngguǎn	residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)
-gōngyòng	public, for public use
-guàshang	to hang up(telephone)
-guò	to pass(some time)
-huí diànhuà 	to return a phone call
-jiē	to connect, to join
-jiēguoqu 	to connect, to put through (phone call)
-liú ge huà	to leave a message
-Měidàsī	Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs
-míngzi	name
-néng	can, to be able
-qīngchu	to be clear
-shāngrén	businessman
-shēng 	sound, voice
-ting	to listen to, to hear
-tīngdong 	to understand (by listening)                    
-Wàijiāobù	Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Wàimàobù	Ministry of Foreign Trade
-wàng  	to forget      
-xiàn	telephone line, wire
-xiéxialai	to write down
-yìhuǐr	a short while, a moment
-zhàn	to occupy a space
-zhǎo	to look for, to find
+bàngōngshì		office
+bié		don’t 
+bú yòng		no need to
+chá 		to look up (information)
+dài		to bring with one, to carry along
+diànhuàbù		phone directory
+fēnjī		telephone extension
+gōngguǎn		residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)
+gōngyòng		public, for public use
+guàshang		to hang up(telephone)
+guò		to pass(some time)
+huí diànhuà 		to return a phone call
+jiē		to connect, to join
+jiēguoqu 		to connect, to put through (phone call)
+liú ge huà		to leave a message
+Měidàsī		Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs
+míngzi		name
+néng		can, to be able
+qīngchu		to be clear
+shāngrén		businessman
+shēng 		sound, voice
+ting		to listen to, to hear
+tīngdong 		to understand (by listening)                    
+Wàijiāobù		Ministry of Foreign Affairs
+Wàimàobù		Ministry of Foreign Trade
+wàng  		to forget      
+xiàn		telephone line, wire
+xiéxialai		to write down
+yìhuǐr		a short while, a moment
+zhàn		to occupy a space
+zhǎo		to look for, to find

+ 325 - 543

@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ tángcù	sweet and sour
 Tángcù Báicài	Sweet and Sour Cabbage            
 -wèi	counter for persons (polite)      
 wèizi	seat, place                       
-xiāng	 to be fragrant
+xiāng	to be fragrant
 xiāngcài	Chinese parsley
 xiāngyóu	sesame oil
 xiǎofèi	tip, gratuity        
@@ -1034,715 +1034,497 @@ Restaurant Module, Unit 4
-1. Wō dǎsuan zhèige Xīngqīliù wǎnshang liùdiǎn zhōng ding yìzhuō xí.
+1.	Wō dǎsuan zhèige Xīngqīliù wǎnshang liùdiǎn zhōng dìng yìzhuō xí.	I’d like to arrange a (one table) dinner party for this Saturday evening at six o'clock.
-2. Wō xiǎng zài nimen nàli qing liǎngzhuō kè.
+2.	Wǒ xiǎng zài nǐmen nàli qǐng liǎngzhuō kè.	I'd like to have two tables of guests at your place.
-3. Nī yào duōshao qiánde biāozhǔn?
+3.	Nǐ yào duōshao qiánde biāozhǔn?	What price level would you like?
-b. Nī kàn duōshao qián yíge rén héshì ne?
+4.	Nǐ kàn duōshao qián yíge rén héshì ne?	What price per person do you think would be suitable?
-5. Wōmen qlngde kèren duōbàn shi Zhōngguo rén.
+5.	Wǒmen qǐngde kèren duōbàn shi Zhōngguo rén.	Most of the guests that we invited are Chinese.
-6. Cài shi nī zìjī diǎn ne hǎishi ràng women pěi ne?
+6.	Cài shi nǐ zìjī diǎn ne háishi ràng wǒmen pěi ne?	Will you choose the dishes yourself or have us select them?
-7. Sìge lěngpǎn, liùdào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiáncài, zǎnmeyàng?
+7.	Sìge lěngpǎn, liùdào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiáncài, zěnmeyàng?	How about four cold dishes, six main courses, one soup, and one dessert?
-8. Jiǔ del lìngwài suàn.
+8.	Jiǔ deǐ lìngwài suàn.	The liquor is figured separately.
-9. Ěméi Canting
+9.	Ěméi Cāntīng	The Omei Restaurant. (A restaurant in Taipei.)
-10. Xiàge Xingqitiān shi v<5 xiānshengde shēngri..
+10.	Xiàge Xīngqītiān shi wǒ xiānshengde shēngri.	Next Sunday is my husband’s birthday.
-11. Fēngzèyuàn.
-I’d like to arrange a (one table) dinner party for this Saturday evening at six o'clock.
-I'd like to have two tables of guests at your place.
-What price level would you like?
-What price per person do you think would be suitable?
-Most of the guests that we invited are Chinese.
-Will you choose the dishes yourself or have us select them?
-How about four cold dishes, six main courses, one soup, and one dessert?
-The liquor is figured separately.
-The Omei Restaurant. (A restaurant in Taipei.)
-Next Sunday is my husband’s birthday.
-(The name of a restaurant in Peking.)
+11.	Fēngzéyuàn.	(The name of a restaurant in Peking.)
-ding yìzhuō xí; ’To arrange a formal dinner', more literally 'to make arrangements for a one table banquet’. The counter for xí, 'a feast or banquet', is -zhuō, 'table'.
+dìng yìzhuō xí; “To arrange a formal dinner”, more literally “to make arrangements for a one table banquet”. The counter for xí, “a feast or banquet”, is -zhuō, “table”.
-duōshao qiánde biāozhún: 'What price level'. Biāozhún literally means 'standard'. Duōshao qiánde biāozhun could also be translated more literally as 'a standard costing how much', where duōshao qián 'how much does it cost?' modifies biāozhun, 'standard'.' You will also hear duōshao qián biāozhúnde, with the marker de placed at the end of the phrase. In this case the whole phrase 'what price level' modifies the noun jiúxí, 'banquet', which has been left out of the sentence because it is understood.
+duōshao qiánde biāozhǔn: “What price level”. Biāozhún literally means “standard”. Duōshao qiánde biāozhǔn could also be translated more literally as “a standard costing how much”, where duōshao qián “how much does it cost?” modifies biāozhǔn, “standard'.” You will also hear duōshao qián biāozhǔnde, with the marker de placed at the end of the phrase. In this case the whole phrase “what price level” modifies the noun jiǔxí, “banquet”, which has been left out of the sentence because it is understood.
 kè: This word for guest is interchangeable with kèren.
-duōbàn: 'Most of...'. Duōbàn is a noun and is used in the subject position.
+duōbàn: “Most of...”. Duōbàn is a noun and is used in the subject position.
-Tāmen duōbàn dōu bú qù. Most of them are not going.
+Tāmen duōbàn dōu bú qù.	Most of them are not going.
-Duōbàn shi niàn Zhōngwén ne. Most of them are studying
+Duōbàn shi niàn Zhōngwén ne.	Most of them are studying Chinese.
+ràng wǒmen pěi...: “Have us select...”, or more literally “allow us to select...”. The verb pel means “to match”. Dishes are matched to make a formal menu in Chinese.
-ràng wōmen pěi...: 'Have us select...', or more literally 'allow us to select...'. The verb pel means 'to match'. Dishes are matched to make a formal menu in Chinese.
-lěngpán: 'Cold dishes' or appetizers start off the menu in a formal Chinese dinner. Four cold dishes followed by six to eight main courses, a soup and a dessert is one type of menu arrangement used for formal dinners. Four cold dishes, four sautéed dishes and four main dishes, soup and dessert in another type of formal menu.
+lěngpán: “Cold dishes” or appetizers start off the menu in a formal Chinese dinner. Four cold dishes followed by six to eight main courses, a soup and a dessert is one type of menu arrangement used for formal dinners. Four cold dishes, four sautéed dishes and four main dishes, soup and dessert in another type of formal menu.
 Cold dishes are usually prepared so as to be pleasing to the eye as well as the palate. Cold cooked meats and vegetables are arranged in colorful designs.
-jiú: Literally, this means 'liquor'. It is a term referring to any kind of alcoholic beverage from light beers and wine to hard liquor.
-Ěméi Cāntlng; This is the name of a restaurant offering Szechwan style cuisine. Omei (fimái) is the name of a mountain range running through Szechwan.
+jiǔ: Literally, this means “liquor”. It is a term referring to any kind of alcoholic beverage from light beers and wine to hard liquor.
+Ěméi Cāntīng; This is the name of a restaurant offering Szechwan style cuisine. Omei (fimái) is the name of a mountain range running through Szechwan.
 A conversation on the telephone.
-M: Wèi!
-F: Wèi! Shi Fēngzéyuán ma?
-M: Shi a! Nín n&r a?
-F: Wō xìng Huál Tè.
-M: Ou, Huái Tè Nushì.
-F: Wō dǎsuan zhèige Xīngqīliù wànshang liùdiSn zhōng ding yìzhuō xí.
-M: Duōshǎowèi ne?
-F: Shíge rén.
-M: Nín yào duōshao qiánde biāozhún?
-F: Nl kàn duōshao qián yíge rén héshì ne?
+M:	Wèi!	Hello!
-M: Wōmen yōu shíèrkuài qián biǎozhǔnde, yōu shíwǔkuài qián biǎozhǔnde, yè yōu èrshikuài qián biǎozhǔnde. Hái yōu gèng guide.
+F: Wèi! Shi Fēngzéyuán ma?	Hello! Is this the Fengzeyuan?
-F: Ou, wō xiāng shíwǔkuài qián biāozhiínde jiù xíng le.
+M:	Shi a! Nín nǎr a?	Yes. Who is this?
-M: Cài shi nín ziji diǎn ne háishi ràng wōmen pài ne?
+F:	Wǒ xìng Huái Tè.		My name is White.
-F: Wō bú tài dōng. Nímen gōi wo pèi ba.
+M:	Ōu, Huái Tè Nushì.	Oh, Ms. White.
+F: 	Wǒ dǎsuan zhèige Xīngqīliù wǎnshang liùdiǎn zhōng dìng yìzhuō xí.	I'd like to arrange a (one table) dinner party for this Saturday evening at six o'clock.
-Hello! Is this the Fengzeyuan?
+M:	Duōshǎowèi ne?	How many people?
-Yes. Who is this?
+F:	Shíge rén.	Ten people.
-My name is White.
+M:	Nín yào duōshao qiánde biāozhǔn?	What price level would you like?
-Oh, Ms. White.
+F:	Nǐ kàn duōshao qián yíge rén héshì ne?	What price per person do you think would be suitable?
-I'd like to arrange a (one table) dinner party for this Saturday evening at six o'clock.
+M:	Wǒmen yǒu shíèrkuài qián biāozhǔnde, yǒu shíwǔkuài qián biāozhǔnde, yè yǒu èrshikuài qián biāozhǔnde. Hái yǒu gèng guìde.	We have a 012 standard, a 015 standard and a 020 standard. There are also more expensive ones.
-How many people?
+F:	Ōu, wǒ xiāng shíwǔkuài qián biāozhǔnde jiù xíng le.	Oh, I think the 015 standard will be all right.
-Ten people.
+M:	Cài shi nín zìjǐ diǎn ne háishi ràng wǒmen pèi ne?	Will you choose the dishes yourself or have us select them?
-What price level would you like?
+F:	Wǒ bú tài dǒng. Nǐmen gěi wo pèi ba.	I don't know too much about it. You select them for me.
-.What price per person do you think would be suitable?
+M:	Eng, hǎo ba. Wǒmen gěi nin peì. ... Yíge dà lěngpán, bádào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiáncài.	Mun, okay. We'll select for you. One large cold platter, eight main courses, one soup, and one dessert.
-We have a 012 standard, a 015 standard and a 020 standard. There are also more expensive ones.
-Oh, I think the 015 standard will be all right.
-Will you choose the dishes yourself or have us select them?
-I don't know too much about it. You select them for me.
-M: Sag, hǎo ba. Women gěi nin pel. ... Yíge dà lēngpǎn, bǎdào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiǎncài.
-F: Hǎo.
-M: Ou, nīmen hē Jiǔ ma?
-F: Hē, keshi hēde bú tài duō.
-M: Jiǔ dēi lìngwài suàn.
-F: Ou, nà mēi wènti.
-M: Hǎo. Jiù zhènme ban ba.
-F: Hǎo. Xièxie ni.
-Mun, okay. We'll select for you. One large cold platter, eight main courses, one soup, and one dessert.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
-Oh, will you be drinking something (alcoholic)?
+M:	Ōu, nǐmen hē jiǔ ma?	Oh, will you be drinking something (alcoholic)?
-Yes, but we won't be drinking too much.
+F:	Hē, kěshi hēde bú tài duō.	Yes, but we won't be drinking too much.
-The liquor is figured additionally.
+M:	Jiǔ děi lìngwài suàn.	The liquor is figured additionally.
-Oh, that's no problem.
+F:	Ōu, nà mēi wènti.	Oh, that's no problem.
-Okay. Then let's do it that way.
+M:	Hǎo. Jiù zhènme bàn ba.	Okay. Then let's do it that way.
-Good. Thank you.
+F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Good. Thank you.
-Ni yào duōshao qián biāozhǔnde?: In restaurants in Peking, dinners for a group of people can be arranged on a price per person basis. The restaurants often have several standard priced menus to choose from.
+Nǐ yào duōshao qián biāozhǔnde?: In restaurants in Peking, dinners for a group of people can be arranged on a price per person basis. The restaurants often have several standard priced menus to choose from.
 Yíge dà lěngpǎn: One large cold platter instead of several smaller cold dishes may be used in making up the menu for a dinner. One large cold platter, eight main courses, a soup and a dessert is another type of menu for a dinner.
-12.	Hóngshāo Yúahì	Red-cooked Shark's Fin
-13.	Xiāngsū. 	Fragrant Crispy Duck
-14.	Gānshāo Mtngxiā	Dry-cooked Jumbo Shrimp Szechuan Style
-15.	Fùgui Ji	Beggar's Chicken
-16.	Tángcù Yù	Sweet and Sour Fish
-17.	Mìzhi Huotui	Ham in Honey Sauce
-18.	Dōnggua Zhong	Winter Melon Soup served in the Carved Melon Shell
-19.	Babǎo Fàn	Eight Jewel Rice
-20.	Xìngrén DÒufu	Almond Pudding
+12.	Hóngshāo Yúchì	Red-cooked Shark's Fin
+13.	Xiāngsū. Yā	Fragrant Crispy Duck
+14.	Gānshāo Míngxiā	Dry-cooked Jumbo Shrimp Szechuan Style
+15.	Fùguì Jī	Beggar's Chicken
+16.	Tángcù Yú	Sweet and Sour Fish
+17.	Mìzhī Huǒtuǐ	Ham in Honey Sauce
+18.	Dōnggua Zhōng	Winter Melon Soup served in the Carved Melon Shell
+19.	Bābǎo Fàn	Eight Jewel Rice
+20.	Xìngrén Dòufu	Almond Pudding
-Hongshāo Yuchì: Shark’s Fin is considered a delicacy by the Chinese because it is rare, nutritious and has a smooth, chewy texture when cooked. Some people think that it is best prepared in the red-cooked style.
+Hóngshāo Yúchì: Shark’s Fin is considered a delicacy by the Chinese because it is rare, nutritious and has a smooth, chewy texture when cooked. Some people think that it is best prepared in the red-cooked style.
 Xiāngsū Yā: Fragrant Crispy Duck is marinated and steamed with onions, wine, ginger, pepper and anise, then deep fried quickly for a crispy result. This method of preparing duck is an example of southern style cooking.
-Fùguì JI: 'Beggar’s Chicken* is a whole chicken wrapped in wet clay, then roasted until very tender. It is said that this method of preparation was first used by beggars. Originally this dish was called Jiǎohua JI, literally 'Beggar's Chicken'; but as the dish became popular among the upper class, the name changed to Fùguì JI, literally 'Riches and Honor Chicken'.
+Fùguì Jī: “Beggar’s Chicken” is a whole chicken wrapped in wet clay, then roasted until very tender. It is said that this method of preparation was first used by beggars. Originally this dish was called Jiǎohua Jī, literally “Beggar's Chicken”; but as the dish became popular among the upper class, the name changed to Fùguì Jī, literally “Riches and Honor Chicken”.
-Dōnggua Zhong: Winter melon, mushrooms, and ham go into this soup. On festive occasions the melon shell is carved with decorations, such as dragons, and used as a bowl for serving the soup. This is a Cantonese specialty.
-Xìngrěn DÒufu: This is translated here as 'Almond Pudding'. Because Xìngrén D§ufu, with its light consistency, is somewhere between a pudding and a gelatin, 'Almond Gelatin’ would also be a fitting translation of the name.
+Dōnggua Zhōng: Winter melon, mushrooms, and ham go into this soup. On festive occasions the melon shell is carved with decorations, such as dragons, and used as a bowl for serving the soup. This is a Cantonese specialty.
-Babǎo Fan: 'Eight Jewel Rice'. This is sweet sticky rice (ndmìY with preserved fruits. The rice is shaped into a mound and decorated with some of the preserved fruit.
+Xìngrěn Dòufu: This is translated here as “Almond Pudding”. Because Xìngrén Dòufu, with its light consistency, is somewhere between a pudding and a gelatin, “Almond Gelatin” would also be a fitting translation of the name.
+Bābǎo Fàn: “Eight Jewel Rice”. This is sweet sticky rice (nòmǐ) with preserved fruits. The rice is shaped into a mound and decorated with some of the preserved fruit.
 An American woman calls a restaurant in Táiběi.
-M: Wèi. Éméi Canting.
-F: Wèi. Wō shi Bái Tìitai. Xiàge Xīngqītiān shi wō xiānshengde shēngrì.
-Wō xiāng zài nimen nàli qing liāngzhuō kè.
-M: Hāo, hSo.
-F: Wōmen yōu èrshige rén. Wō yào ding liangzhuo cài. Nī kàn děi duōshao qián?
-M: Zuì shSo děi vǔqiān kuài yìzhuō. Nl shi Měiguo rén ma?
-F: Shi. Wō shi Měiguo rén.
-M: Nl qīngde kèren ne?
+M:	Wèi. Éméi Cāntīng.	Hello. Omei Restaurant.
-F: Duōbàn shi Zhōngguo rén.
+F:	Wèi. Wǒ shi Bái Tàitai. Xiàge Xīngqītiān shi wǒ xiānshengde shēngrì. Wǒ xiǎng zài nǐmen nàli qìng liāngzhuō kè.	This is Mrs. White. Next Sunday is my husband's birthday. I'd like to invite two tables of guests at your place.
-M: Hao. Wō xiāngyixiang zěnme gěi ni pèi cài. ... Eng. Yíge dà lěngpán, liùdào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiāncài, zěnmeyàng?
+M:	Hāo, hǎo.	Good, good.
-F: Eng. Hāo! Hāo! Nl gěi wo shuōshuō liùdào cài shi shénme cài.
+F:	Wǒmen yǒu èrshige rén. Wǒ yào dìng liǎngzhuo cài. Nǐ kàn děi duōshao qián?	There will be twenty of us. I'd like to reserve two tables and order some dishes. How much do you think it will cost?
-M: Nimen xihuan chi làde, shi bu shi?
+M:	Zuì shǎo děi wǔqiān kuài yìzhuō. Nǐ shi Měiguo rén ma?	At least five thousand dollars a table. Are you an American?
-F: Duì. Wōmen xihuan chī làde.
+F:	Shì. Wǒ shi Měiguo rén.	Yes, I'm an American.
-Hello. Omei Restaurant.
+M:	Nǐ qǐngde kèren ne?	And the people you've invited?
-This is Mrs. White. Next Sunday is my husband's birthday. I'd like to invite two tables of guests at your place.
+F:	Duōbàn shi Zhōngguo rén.	Most of them are Chinese.
-Good, good.
+M:	Hǎo. Wǒ xiāngyixiang zěnme gěi ni pèi cài. ... Èng. Yíge dà lěngpán, liùdào cài, yíge tāng, yíge tiāncài, zěnmeyàng?	Okay. Let me think how I'll choose the dishes for you. ... Mmn. How about one large cold dish, six main dishes, one soup, and one dessert?
-There will be twenty of us. I'd like to reserve two tables and order some dishes. How much do you think it will cost?
+F:	Èng. Hǎo! Hǎo! Nǐ gěi wo shuōshuō liùdào cài shi shénme cài.	Mmn. Good. Good. Tell me a bit about what the six main course are.
-At least five thousand dollars a table. Are you an American?
+M:	Nǐmen xǐhuan chī làde, shì bu shi?	You like to eat hot dishes, don't you?
-Yes, I'm an American.
+F:	Duì. Wǒmen xǐhuan chī làde.	That's right. We like to eat hot dishes.
-And the people you've invited?
-Most of them are Chinese.
-Okay. Let me think how
-I'll choose the dishes for you. ... Mmn. How about one large cold dish, six main dishes, one soup, and one dessert?
-Mmn. Good. Good. Tell me a bit about what the six main course are.
-You like to eat hot dishes, don't you?
-That's right. We like to eat hot dishes.
-M:   Hio. Wō gěi ni pèi Jige là cài. DÌyī, HŌngshāo Yúchì.                      Okay. I'll select some hot dishes for you. First, Red-cooked Shark's Fin.
-Fs   Hio.                                                                       Good.
-M:   Dìèr, Xiāngsū Yi.                                                          Second, Fragrant Crispy Duck.
-F:   H&o.                                                                       Good.
-M:   DÌsān, Gānshāo MÍngxiā.                                                    Third, Dry-cooked Jumbo Shrimp Szechwan Style.
-F:   Hāo.                                                                       Good.
-M:   Dìsì, Fùguì JI.                                                            Fourth, Beggar's Chicken.
-F:   Hào.                                                                       Good.
-M:   Zài lái yíge Tángcù Yú gēn yíge Mìzhī Huōtuì zěnmeyàng?                    And how about a Sweet and Sour Fish and a Ham in Honey Sauce, too?
-F:   Hen háo, hěn hāo. Tāng shi shénme tāng?                                    Very good, very good. >What is the soup?
-M:   Dōnggua Zhong.                                                             Winter Melon Soup served in the carved Melon Shell.
-F:   H8o.                                                                       Good.
-M:   Tiāncài ni kàn yào Básì Píngguo, háiahi Bābāo Fàn, hāishi XÌngrén DÒufu?   For dessert do you think you want Spun Taffy Apples, or Bight Jewel Rice, or Almond Pudding?
-F:   WŌ kàn BǎbSo Fàn hāo yìdiin.                                               I think the Right Jewel Rice would be better.
-M:   Hāo.                                                                       Fine.
+M:	Hǎo. Wǒ gěi ni pèi jige là cài. Dìyī, Hóngshāo Yúchì.	Okay. I'll select some hot dishes for you. First, Red-cooked Shark's Fin.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
+M:	Dìèr, Xiāngsū Yā.	Second, Fragrant Crispy Duck.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
+M:	Dìsān, Gānshāo Míngxiā.	Third, Dry-cooked Jumbo Shrimp Szechwan Style.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
+M:	Dìsì, Fùguì Jī.	Fourth, Beggar's Chicken.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
+M:	Zài lái yíge Tángcù Yú gēn yíge Mìzhī Huǒtuǐ zěnmeyàng? 	And how about a Sweet and Sour Fish and a Ham in Honey Sauce, too?
+F:	Hěn hǎo, hěn hǎo. Tāng shi shénme tāng? 	Very good, very good. What is the soup?
+M:	Dōnggua Zhong. 	Winter Melon Soup served in the carved Melon Shell.
+F:	Hǎo.	Good.
+M:	Tiáncài nǐ kàn yào Básī Píngguo, háishi Bābǎo Fàn, hǎishi Xìngrén Dòufu?	For dessert do you think you want Spun Taffy Apples, or Bight Jewel Rice, or Almond Pudding?
+F:	Wǒ kàn Bābǎo Fàn hǎo yìdiǎn.	I think the Right Jewel Rice would be better.
+M:	Hǎo. 	Fine.
-21. Mādīng Nǔshì, jīntian shi gěi ni sòngxíng.
-22. Nī shi zhǔkè.
-23. Dàjiā dōu qīng zuò.
-2k. Bié jīn gěi wo jiān cài.
-25. Qīng dàjiā dōu gān yìbēi.
-26. Zhù tā shēntī j iànkāng, gōngzuò shùnlì.
-2?. Hái yào zhù ta yílù píngān!
-28. Wǒ bú huì hē jiǔ. Dàjiā dōu suíyì ba.
-29• Zuí Ji
-Ms. Martin, today we bid you farewell.
+21.	 Mǎdīng Nǚshì, jīntian shi gěi ni sòngxíng.	Ms. Martin, today we bid you farewell.
-You are the guest of honor.
+22.	 Nǐ shi zhǔkè.	You are the guest of honor.
-Everyone, please sit down.
+23.	 Dàjiā dōu qǐng zuò.	Everyone, please sit down.
-Don’t just be selecting out food for me.
+24.	 Bié jīn gěi wo jiān cài.	Don’t just be selecting out food for me.
-Let's all drink a glass.
+25.	 Qǐng dàjiā dōu gān yìbēi.	Let's all drink a glass.
-Let's all wish her good health and work that goes well.
+26.	 Zhù tā shēntǐ jiànkāng, gōngzuò shùnlì.	Let's all wish her good health and work that goes well.
-And we also want to wish her a good journey!
+27.	 Hái yào zhù ta yílù píngān!	And we also want to wish her a good journey!
-I'm not much of a drinker. Please everyone, drink as you like.
+28.	 Wǒ bú huì hē jiǔ. Dàjiā dōu suíyì ba.	I'm not much of a drinker. Please everyone, drink as you like.
-Drunken Chicken
+29.	 Zuī jī	Drunken Chicken
 zhǔkè: At a Chinese banquet the guest of honor sits farthest away from the door, the inner-most place in the room. The host sits nearest the door, on the serving side of the table.
-Bié jīn gěi wo jiǎn cài: This expression is often used at dinner parties. It is good hospitality for the host or hostess to serve the guests individually from time to time, picking out tender morsels for them. Fellow guests may also do this for the guest of honor.
+Bié jǐn gěi wo jiǎn cài: This expression is often used at dinner parties. It is good hospitality for the host or hostess to serve the guests individually from time to time, picking out tender morsels for them. Fellow guests may also do this for the guest of honor.
-gān yìbēi: 'Drink a glass', literally 'dry * glass' (meaning 'to make the glass dry by emptying it). Since wine cups are small, the usual toast is Gān bēi!. 'Bottoms up!' For people who don't like to drink too much, the phrase Suíyì, 'As you like', will serve as a reply indicating that the whole cup need not be emptied. See the note on suíyì below.
+gān yìbēi: Drink a glass”, literally “dry a glass” (meaning “o make the glass dry by emptying it”). Since wine cups are small, the usual toast is Gān bēi!. “Bottoms up!” For people who don't like to drink too much, the phrase Suíyì, “As you like”, will serve as a reply indicating that the whole cup need not be emptied. See the note on suíyì below.
-Zuì Ji: ’Drunken Chicken’. The name of this dish comes from the way in which it is prepared. The verb zuì ’to get drunk’, refers to the fact that the chicken is marinated in wine at least over-night. This dish originates with the Shanghai school of cooking. It is served cold.
+Zuì jī: “Drunken Chicken”. The name of this dish comes from the way in which it is prepared. The verb zuì “to get drunk”, refers to the fact that the chicken is marinated in wine at least over-night. This dish originates with the Shanghai school of cooking. It is served cold.
-Wo bú huì hē jiu. Dàjiá dōu suíyì ba.: Chinese drinking etiquette requires that if someone doesn’t want to participate in the full range of drinking activities, he should so indicate early on.
+Wǒ bú huì hē jiǔ. Dàjiā dōu suíyì ba.: Chinese drinking etiquette requires that if someone doesn’t want to participate in the full range of drinking activities, he should so indicate early on.
-M: Hèi! Nīmen dōu lǎi le.
+M:	 Hèi! Nǐmen dōu lái le. Qǐng zuò, qǐg zuò. ... Mǎdīng Nǚshì, jīntian shi gěi ni sòngxíng. Nǐ shi zhǔkè. Qǐng ni zuò zài zhèr.	Hey! You’ve all come. Please sit down, please sit down. Ms. Martin, today we bid you farewell. You are the guest of honor. Please sit here.
-Qing zuò, qing zuò.
+F1:	 Hǎo. Xièxie, xièxie.	Okay, thank you, thank you.
-... Mǎdīng Nushì, jintian shi gěi ni sòngxíng. Nī shi zhǔkè. Qing ni zuò zài zhèr.
+M:	 Dàjiā dōu qǐng zuò.	Everyone please sit down.
-Fl: Hāo. Xièxie, xièxie.
+(After everyone has sat down and chatted for awhile, the co,d dishes and wine are served.)
-M: Dajiā dōu qing zuò.
+M:	 Mǎdīng Nǚshì, nǐ chī diǎr zhèige lěngpán.	Ms. Martin, have some of this cold dish.
-(After everyone has sat down and and wine are served.)
+F1:	 Hǎo, wǒ zìjī lái. ... Eng, zhèige Zuì Jī zuòde zhēn hǎo.	Fine, I'll serve myself. ... Mmn, this Drunken Chicken is made really well.
-M: Mǎdīng Nushì, ni chi diǎr zhèige lěngpán.
+M:	 Yàoshi xǐhuan chī jiù duō chī yìdiǎr.	If you like it then have a little more.
-Fl: Hǎo, wō zìjī lǎi.
+(Here he serves or points to the dish with his chopsticks.)
-... Eng, zhèige Zuì Ji zuòde zhēn hao.
-Hey! You’ve all come. Please sit down, please sit down. Ms. Martin, today we bid you farewell. You are the guest of honor. Please sit here.
-Okay, thank you, thank you.
-Everyone please sit down.
-chatted for awhile* the col,d dishes
-M: Yàoshi xihuan chī jiù duō chī yìdiǎr.
-(Here he serves or points to the
-Fl: Hǎo.
-Ms. Martin, have some of this cold dish.
-Fine, I'll serve myself. ... Mmn, this Drunken Chicken is made really well.
-If you like it then have a little more.
-dish with his chopsticks.)
-All right.
+F1:	 Hǎo.	All right.
 (Ms. Martin turns to Section Chief Wang who is sitting next to her and has just given her a little bit of one of the dishes.)
-Fl: Wǎng Kēzhǎng! Nī yě chī a! Section Chief Wang. You Bié jīn gěi wo jiān cài. eat too! Don't just be
-selecting out food for me.
-F2: Hāo. Wō chī, wō chī.
-M: Jīntian wSmen gěi Madīng Nushì sòngxíng. Qīng dàjiā dōu gān yìbēi! Zhù tā shēntī jiànkāng, gōngzuò shùnlì.
-F2: Hái yào zhù tā yílù píngān!
+F1:	 Wáng Kēzhǎng! Nǐ yě chī a!  Bié jǐn gěi wo jiān cài.	 Section Chief Wang. You eat too! Don't just be selecting out food for me.
-Fl: Xièxie Lī Chùzhāng^ Xièxie Wáng Kēzhang. Xièxie dàjiā. Wō bú huì hē jiǔ. Dàjiā suíyì ba.
+F2:	 Hǎo. Wǒ chī, wǒ chī.	Okay, I’m eating.
-(The hot dishes are now being
+M:	 Jīntian wǒmen gěi Madīng Nǚshì sòngxíng. Qǐng dàjiā dōu gān yìbēi! Zhù tā shēntī jiànkāng, gōngzuò shùnlì.	Today we bid Ms. Martin farewell. Let’s all drink a glass. Let's all wish her good health and work that goes well.
-Okay, I’m eating
+F2:	 Hái yào zhù tā yílù píngān!	And we also want to wish her a good journey!
-Today we bid Ms. Martin farewell. Let’s all drink a glass. Let's all wish her good health and work that goes well.
+F1:	 Xièxie Lǐ Chùzhǎng, Xièxie Wáng Kēzhǎng. Xièxie dàjiā. Wǒ bú huì hē jiǔ. Dàjiā suíyì ba.	Thank you Division Chief Li. Thank you Section Chief Wang. Thank you everyone. I'm not much of a drinker. Everyone drink as you like.
-And we also want to wish her a good journey!
+(The hot dishes are now being served.)
-Thank you Division Chief Li. Thank you Section Chief Wang. Thank you everyone. I'm not much of a drinker. Everyone drink as you like.
+M:	 Dàjiā mànmār chī. Duō chī yìdiǎr.	Everyone take your time. Have a little more.
-M: Dàjiā mànmār chī. Duō chī yìdiār.
-Everyone take your time. Have a little more.
-Most of the entertaining at a Chinese dinner party takes place at the dinner table, although there is some tea drinking and chatting both before and after the meal in other rooms. The dinner is served at a leisurely pace so that each dish may be savored and talked about. A good dish is appreciated for its appearance as much as its taste, texture and aroma. As each dish is eaten, toasts will be made. The host will start off by toasting the guest of honor and then other guests as a group. As the evening progresses he will toast each guest in turn and each guest will probably propose a toast of his own in honor of the host. A strongly flavored liquor (gāoliang jiǔ). a milder rice wine (huíng jiǔ). or beer may be served. Guests usually drink only when toasting. If you'd like to take a drink of something you either propose a toast or catch someon's eye and silently toast each other.
-tnanmAr ehī In sentences expressing commands or requests, an adjectival verb describing manner precedes the main verb.
-Kuài yìdiār kāi! Drive a little faster!
+Most of the entertaining at a Chinese dinner party takes place at the dinner table, although there is some tea drinking and chatting both before and after the meal in other rooms. The dinner is served at a leisurely pace so that each dish may be savored and talked about. A good dish is appreciated for its appearance as much as its taste, texture and aroma. As each dish is eaten, toasts will be made. The host will start off by toasting the guest of honor and then other guests as a group. As the evening progresses he will toast each guest in turn and each guest will probably propose a toast of his own in honor of the host. A strongly flavored liquor (gāoliang jiǔ). a milder rice wine (huáng jiǔ). or beer may be served. Guests usually drink only when toasting. If you'd like to take a drink of something you either propose a toast or catch someon's eye and silently toast each other.
-Kuài lái! Come here quickly!
+mànmār chī In sentences expressing commands or requests, an adjectival verb describing manner precedes the main verb.
-In the sentence, mfrnmār chī. the adjectival verb coming before the main verb, man, is reduplicated with the second syllable changing to a high tone. This also happens in a few other instances.
+Kuài yìdiǎr kāi!	 Drive a little faster!
-Kuàikuārde chī!
+Kuài lái	! Come here quickly!
-HXohārde zud!
+In the sentence, mànmār chī, the adjectival verb coming before the main verb, màn, is reduplicated with the second syllable changing to a high tone. This also happens in a few other instances.
-Quickly eat!
+Kuàikuārde chī!	Quickly eat!
-Do it well!
+Hǎohāode zuò!	Do it well!
-- - -
-30.   Xiànzài rang women dàjiā jìng ta yìbēi.                                                                                                   Now let's all toast her.
-31.   Zhèige Kao Yā nl yě changchang.                                                                                                           You must also taste the Peking Duck
-32.   V3 xiān ná yige báóblng. Ba yā ròu fàngzai zhōngjiān. Zài bā cōng gēn jiàng fang-zai yā ròu shàngtou. Ránhòu jùangilai jiù kéyi ohl le.   I first take a pancake. (Be is separating one pancake.) Take the duck meat and put it in the middle. Then take the scallion and the paste and put it on top. After that, roll it up, and then you can eat it.
-33.   Xūn Ji                                                                                                                                    Smoked Chicken
-3U.   Zhà Xiāqiú                                                                                                                                Deep Fried Shrimp Balls
-- - -
+30. 	  Xiànzài ràng wǒmen dàjiā jìng ta yìbēi.	Now let's all toast her.
+31. 	  Zhèige Kǎo Yā nǐ yě chángchang. 	You must also taste the Peking Duck
+32.	   Wǒ xiān ná yige báóbǐng. Ba yā ròu fàngzai zhōngjiān. Zài bā cōng gēn jiàng fàngzai yā ròu shàngtou. Ránhòu juǎngilai jiù kéyi ohī le. 	  I first take a pancake. (Be is separating one pancake.) Take the duck meat and put it in the middle. Then take the scallion and the paste and put it on top. After that, roll it up, and then you can eat it.
+33.	   Xūn Jī 	Smoked Chicken
+3U. 	  Zhà Xiāqiú 	Balls
-jìng: This is the verb ’to offer (something) respectfully'. It is used here ceremonially in the phrase 'offer her a glass' meaning 'to toast her'.
+jìng: This is the verb “to offer (something) respectfully”. It is used here ceremonially in the phrase “offer her a glass” meaning “to toast her”.
-JuSnqilai: This compound verb is made of Juan. 'to roll', qì, 'to rise, go or come up', and lái 'to come'. Both Peking Duck and Màxu Ròu are eaten rolled up in pancakes.
+Juǎnqilai: This compound verb is made of juǎn. “to roll”, qǐ, “to rise, go or come up”, and lái “to come”. Both Peking Duck and Mùxu Ròu are eaten rolled up in pancakes.
-Xūn Ji: For this dish, chicken is smoked in a vapor from burning tea leaves. This example of Peking cuisine is served as a cold dish or a hot dish.
+Xūn Jī: For this dish, chicken is smoked in a vapor from burning tea leaves. This example of Peking cuisine is served as a cold dish or a hot dish.
-Zhá Xiāqiú: Zhá is the verb 'to deep fry'. This is a Shanghai dish of shredded shrimp shaped into balls and then deep fried.
+Zhá Xiāqiú: Zhá is the verb “to deep fry”. This is a Shanghai dish of shredded shrimp shaped into balls and then deep fried.
-Jiàng: 'Paste'. The paste which is eaten with Peking Duck is tiánmiànjiàng. 'sweet bean paste'.
+jiàng: “Paste”. The paste which is eaten with Peking Duck is tiánmiànjiàng. “sweet bean paste”.
-M: Jīntlan women dàjiā zài zhèli chī fàn shi huānyíng Wèi Xiaójie cong Méiguo dào Táiběi lái gōngzuò. Xīwang tā zài women gongsi gōngzuo shùnlì. ... Xiànzài rang
+M:	 Jīntan wǒmen dàjiā zài zhèli chī fàn shi huānyíng Wèi Xiaójie cóng Měiguo dào Táiběi lái gōngzuò. Xīwang tā zài wǒmen gōngsi gōngzuo shùnlì. ... Xiànzài ràng wǒmen dàjiā jìng tā yìbēi!	Today we are all here at this banquet to welcome Miss Williams who has come from America to work in Taipei. We hope that her work at our company goes smoothly. ... Now let's all toast her!
-women dàjiā jìng tā yìbēi!
-F: Xièxie, xièxie.
+F:	 Xièxie, xièxie.	Thank you! Thank you!
 (The hot dishes are being served.)
-M: Wèi Xiáojie, zhè shi Kao Yā. Nī zài Meiguo chfguo méiyou?
-F: Méiyou. W3 zài Mèiguo chīguo jicì Zhōngguo fàn, kěshi méi chīguo Kāo Yā.
+M:	 Wèi Xiáojie, zhè shi Kǎo Yā. Nǐ zài Měiguo chīguo méiyou?	Miss Williams, this is Peking Duck. Have you ever eaten this in America?
-Hāo. WS gaosu ni zenme chī.
+F:	 Méiyou. Wǒ zài Měiguo chīguo jicì Zhōngguo fàn, kěshi méi chīguo Kāo Yā.	No. I've eaten Chinese food several times in America, but I've never eaten Peking Roast Duck.
-W8 xiān ná yíge báobīng. Bā yā ròu fàngzai zhōngjiān. Zài bā cōng gēn Jiàng fàngzai yā ròu shàngtou. Ránhòu Juānqilai jiù kéyi chī le.
+M:	 Hāo. Wǒ gàosu ni zěnme chī. Wǒ xiān ná yíge báobǐng. Bǎ yā ròu fàngzai zhōngjiān. Zài bǎ cōng gēn jiàng fàngzai yā ròu shàngtou. Ránhòu juǎnqilai jiù kéyi chī le.	Okay, I'll tell you how>it is eaten. I first take a báobīng and put the duck meat in the middle. Then take a scallion and some paste and put it on top of the duck meat. After that, roll it up, then you can eat it.
-F: Hāo. WS zhldao le.
+F:	 Hāo. Wǒ zhīdao le.	Good, now I've got it.
 (Miss Williams tries it.)
-F: Eng. Zhège Kāo Yā zhēn hāochī.
+F:	 Eng. Zhège Kāo Yā zhēn hǎochī.	Mnn. This Peking Duck is really tasty.
-M: Zhège Xūn Jī gen Zhá Xlāqiú nī yè chángchang.
+M:	 Zhège Xūn Jī gēn Zhá Xāqiú nǐ yè chángchang.	You should try the Smoked Chicken and the Deep Fried Shrimp Balls, too.
-F: Hāo. Hāo. W8 ztjī lái.
-Today we are all here at this banquet to welcome Miss Williams who has come from America to work in Taipei. We hope that her work at our company goes smoothly. ... Now let's all toast her!
-Thank you! Thank you!
-Miss Williams, this is Peking Duck. Have you ever eaten this in America?
-No. I've eaten Chinese food several times in America, but I've never eaten Peking Roast Duck.
-Okay, I'll tell you how>it is eaten. I first take a báobīng and put the duck meat in the middle. Then take a scallion and some paste and put it on top of the duck meat. After that, roll it up, then you can eat it.
-Good, now I've got it.
-Mnn. This Peking Duck is really tasty.
-You should try the Smoked Chicken and the Deep Fried Shrimp Balls, too.
-Good. I'll serve myself.
+F:	 Hǎo. Hǎo. Wǒ zìjǐ lái.	Good. I'll serve myself.
 (After they finish eating.)
-M: Wèi Xiáojie, ni chībǎo le ma?
-F: Chībǎo le.
-M: Jintian wǎnshangde cài ni zuì xīhuan nǎge a?
+M:	 Wèi Xiáojie, ni chībǎo le ma?	Miss Williams, have you eaten your fill?
-F: Mèige cài dōu hǎochī. Kǎshi wō zuì xlhuan Kǎo Yā.
+F:	 Chībǎo le.	Yes.
-M: Òu, nà h&o. Xià yícì wōmen kéyi zài lái zhèli chi Kǎo Yā.
+M:	 Jintian wǎnshangde cài nǐ zuì xǐhuan nǎge a?	Which of tonight's dishes do you like the most?
-F: Hen hǎo. Hen hǎo. Xièxie, xièxie
+F:	 Mèige cài dōu hǎochī. Kěshi wǒ zuì xǐhuan Kǎo Yā.	All the dishes are tasty. But I like the Peking Roast Duck best.
-Miss Williams, have you eaten your fill?
+M:	 Òu, nà hǎo. Xià yícì wǒmen kéyi zài lái zhèli chī Kǎo Yā.	Oh, that's good. We'll have to come here again to eat Peking Roast Duck sometime.
-Which of tonight's dishes do you like the most?
-All the dishes are tasty. But I like the Peking Roast Duck best.
-Oh, that's good. We'll have to come here again to eat Peking Roast Duck sometime.
-Good. Thank you.
+F:	 Hěn hǎo. Hěn hǎo. Xièxie, xièxie.	Good. Thank you.
-Wō zìjī lái: This is a polite way for a guest to respond when the host has been serving him specially.
-Xià yícì women kéyi zài lái zhèli chī Kǎo Yā.: The use of the phrase xià yícì makes it sound as if they are making definite plans about the next time they come to eat here, when in fact they are Just talking generally about some future time. In English, we use 'sometime' rather than 'next time', as in 'We'll have to get together again sometime.'
-            Vocabulary                        
-Bdb&o Fàn biāozhǔn                 Eight Jeuel Rioe level or         
-            standard                          
-chíng                              to taste, to savor                
-dàj iā -dào                        everybody (counter for a course   
-            of a                              
-            meal)                             
-ding yìzhuō xí                     reserve a table for a'dinner      
-            party                             
-Dōnggua Zhbng                      Winter Melon Soup served in the   
-            Carved Melon Shell                
-duōbàn                             most of, the greater part of      
-Emèi Cāntlng                       The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant 
-            in Taipei)                        
-F&ngzéyu&n                         (The name of a reetaurant in      
-            Peking)                           
-Fùguì Ji                           Beggar¹ s Chióken                 
-Gānshdo Mingxià                    Dry-aoóked Jumbo Shrimp ,         
-gān yìbēi                          Sseohuan Style to drink a glass   
-            (lit. to                          
-gōngzuù shùnlì                     make a glass dry) the work that   
-            goes well                         
-héshì RóngehSo Yúohi               to be suitable, to be fitting     
-            Red-oooked Shark's Fin            
-JiSn jlinking jiàng jin Jìng Jiǔ   to select, pick out to be healthy 
-juànqilai                          pastSf bean paste (continually),  
-            only, Just to offer someone       
-            something liquor, wine to roll up 
-x&o is ki (kiren)                  Peking Duok guest(s)              
-iSngp&n lìngvìi                    cold dish in addition to,         
-            additionally                      
-            65                                
-míngxiā Mìzhi Huātui               shrimp                            
-            Ham in Honey Sauce                
-pèi                                to find something to match, to    
-            match things                      
-pel cài                                                              
-            to select dishes for a formal     
-            menu                              
-rang                               to allow, to have someone do      
-            something                         
-shēngrì                            birthday                          
-shēntl jiànkāng shùnlì sòngxíng    good health                       
-            to go well, without difficulty to 
-            see a person off according to     
-            one's wishes                      
-Tángcù Yú tiáncài                  Sueet and Sour Fish dessert       
-Xiāngsū Yā Xlngrèn DÒufu Xūn Ji    Fragrant Crispy Duck              
-            Almond Pudding Smoked Chicken     
-yā                                 duck                              
-yílù píngān                        have a nice trip; bon voyage      
-yú                                 (lit. a safe journey)             
-yúchì                              fish shark's fin                  
-zhù zhǔkè                          to wish (someone something) guest 
-            of honor                          
-Zhá Xiāqiú zhāngjiān Zuì Ji                                          
-            Deep Fried Shrimp Balls           
-            middle                            
-            Drunken Chicken                   
+Wǒ zìjī lái: This is a polite way for a guest to respond when the host has been serving him specially.
+Xià yícì wǒmen kéyi zài lái zhèli chī Kǎo Yā.: The use of the phrase xià yícì makes it sound as if they are making definite plans about the next time they come to eat here, when in fact they are Just talking generally about some future time. In English, we use “sometime” rather than “next time”, as in “We'll have to get together again sometime.”
+Bābǎo Fàn	Eight Level Rice
+biāozhǔn	level or standard        
+cháng	to taste, to savor                
+dàjiā	everybody
+-dào	counter for a course of a meal
+dìng yìzhuō xí	reserve a table for a dinner party     
+Dōnggua Zhōng	Winter Melon Soup served in the Carved Melon Shell  
+duōbàn	most of, the greater part of      
+Emèi Cāntīng	The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant in Taipei)
+Fēngzéyuán	The name of a reetaurant in Peking     
+Fùguì Jī	Beggar's Chicken                 
+Gānshāo Míngxià 	Dry-cooked Jumbo Shrimp, Szechuan Style        
+gān yìbēi 	to drink a glass (lit. to make a glass dry)  
+gōngzuò shùnlì	the work that goes well   
+héshì	to be suitable, to be fitting
+Hóngshǎo Yúchī	Red-oooked Shark's Fins
+jiǎn	to select, pick out
+jiànkāng	to be healthy
+jiàng	paste, bean paste
+jǐn	(continually), only, Just
+jìng	to offer someone something
+jiǔ	liquor, wine     
+juǎnqilai	to roll up                             
+Kǎo Yā	Peking Duck
+kè (kèren)	guest(s)                                 
+lěngpán	cold dish
+lìngwài	in addition to, additionally        
+míngxiā	shrimp
+Mìzhi Huǒtuǐ	Ham in Honey Sauce                                          
+pèi	to find something to match, to match things   
+peì cài	to select dishes for a formal menu    
+ràng	to allow, to have someone do something     
+shēngrì	birthday                          
+shēntǐ jiànkāng	good health 
+shùnlì	to go well, without difficulty
+sòngxíng	to see a person off
+suíyì	according to  one's wishes                                                                
+Tángcù Yú	Sweet and Sour Fish
+tiáncài	dessert
+Xiāngsū Yā	Fragrant Crispy Duck
+Xīngrèn Dòufu	Almond Pudding
+Xūn Jī	Smoked Chicken
+yā	duck                              
+yílù píngān	have a nice trip; bon voyage (lit. a safe journey)     
+yú	fish                                              
+yúchì	shark's fin                  
+zhù	to wish (someone something)
+zhǔkè	guest of honor
+Zhá Xiāqiú	Deep Fried Shrimp Balls
+zhāngjiān	middle
+Zuì Jií      	Drunken Chicken                                   
-Unit Ròu (Meat)
-huotuí    ham          1
-niúrdu    beef         1
-páigu     spare ribs   «.
-yángròu   lamb         3
-zhūrdu    pork         
-JI, Yāzi (Chicken, Duck)
-Jí yā, yāzi   chicken duck               2 U
-Yú Xiā (Fish and Shrimp)   
-bàoyu         abalone                  
-dàxiā         prawn                      ■ *
-huanghuā yú   yellow fish                3
-lóngxiā       lobster                    
-pangxie       crab                       
-xiārén        shrimp                     , 2
-yúuyu         squid                      
-yuchì         shark's fin                ū
-Shuìguo (Fruit)
-fènglí      pineapple (Taiwan)   
-buōluó      pineapple (Mainland) 
-Júzi        tangerine (Taiwan)     *
-Júzi        orange (Mainland)      
-lìzhī       lichee               
-līzi        plum                 
-liǔdīng     orange (Taiwan)        
-mángguo     mango                  
-píngguo     apple                  
-pútao       grape                  
-xiāngjiāo   banana               
-xīgua       watermelon             
--  -
-ftlngcài (Vegetables)
-bái luóbo bāicài bōcài cōng dōnggū dōnggua dōngsǔn dòuyá fānqié húluóbo
-huánggui là Jiao màSr qiézi qlngdòu qīngjiāo qíncài xiāngcài xīhóngshì
-xuSdèu yángcōng yánggū
-gall huājiāo hújiāo Jiang Jièmo suàn yán zhlma
-hāo yóu hóng yóu huāshēng yóu Jiàng yóu là yóu má yóu xiāng yóu
-white radish cabbage 2
-spinach scallion* green onion 3
-dried black mushroom winter melon bamboo shoot bean sprouts
-tomato carrot cucumber red (hot) pepper wood ear, tree fungus eggplant
-green peas green pepper celery Chinese parsley tomato snow pea pods
-onion button mushroom Zuóliao (Spices) curry fragrant (Szechwan) pepper
-black pepper ginger mustard garlic salt sesame seed
-Yóu (Oil)
-oyster sauce red (hot) pepper oil peanut oil soy sauce
-red (hot) pepper oil sesame oil (Taiwan) sesame oil (Mainland)
-Jiàng (Sauces, Pastes)
-douban jiàng tiánmiàn jiàng zhīma  bean paste sweet bean paste       
-jiàng                              sesame paste                      
+Ròu	 (Meat)	Unit
+huǒtuǐ	    ham 	         1
+niúròu	    beef	         1
+páigu	     spare ribs	 -
+yángròu	   lamb	         3
+zhūròu 	   pork	-         
+Jī, Yāzi	 (Chicken, Duck)	
+jī	chicken	2
+yā, yāzi	    duck	               4
+Yú Xiā	 (Fish and Shrimp)	
+bàoyú	         abalone 	-
+dàxiā	         prawn	-
+huánghuā yú	   yellow fish	3
+lóngxiā 	      lobster  	-
+pángxie	       crab	-
+xiārén	        shrimp	2
+yóuyú	         squid	-
+yúchì	         shark's fin	4
+Shuǐguo	 (Fruit)	
+fènglí	      pineapple (Taiwan)	 -  
+buōluó	      pineapple (Mainland)	 -
+júzi	        tangerine (Taiwan)	 -    
+júzi	        orange (Mainland)	  -    
+lìzhī	       lichee	-               
+lǐzi	        plum	 -                
+liǔdīng	     orange (Taiwan)	   -     
+mángguo	     mango 	 -                
+píngguo	     apple	   -               
+pútao	       grape	  -                
+xiāngjiāo	   banana 	   -           
+xīgua 	      watermelon 	  -          
+Qīngcài	 (Vegetables)	
+bái luóbo	white radish 	-
+bāicài	cabbage	2
+bōcài	spinach	-
+ cōng	scallion, green onion	3
+  dōnggū	dried black mushroom	-
+   dōnggua	winter melon	-
+    dōngsǔn	bamboo shoot	-
+     dòuyá	bean sprouts	2
+      fānqié	tomato	-
+       húluóbo	carrot	-
+        huángguā	cucumber	-
+là jiao	red (hot) pepper	-
+ mùěr	wood ear, tree fungus	-
+  qiézi	eggplant	2
+   qīngdòu	green peas	
+    qīngjiāo	green pepper	
+     qíncài	celery	
+      xiāngcài	Chinese parsley	3
+       xīhóngshì	tomato	2
+        xuědòu	snow pea pods	2
+         yángcōng	onion	-
+yánggū	button mushroom	-
+Zuóliao	Spices	
+ gālǐ	curry	-
+  huājiāo	fragrant (Szechwan) pepper	-
+   hújiāo	black pepper	-
+    jiāng	ginger	-
+     jièmo	mustard	-
+      suàn	garlic	-
+       yán	salt	-
+        zhīma	sesame seed	-
+Yóu	        Oil	
+         háo yóu	oyster sauce	-
+          hóng yóu	red (hot) pepper oil	-
+           huāshēng yóu	peanut oil	-
+            jiàng yóu 	soy sauce	-
+            là yóu 		red (hot) pepper oil	-
+            má yóu	 	sesame oil (Taiwan)	-
+            xiāng yóu	sesame oil (Mainland)	-
+Jiàng	 (Sauces, Pastes)	
+douban jiàng	bean paste	-
+ tiánmiàn jiàng 	sweet bean paste	-
+ zhīma jiàng	sesame paste 	-
-            Jiǔ (Liquor)                      
-gāoliáng jiǔ huáng jiu pl jiǔ      gāoliáng win (sorghum) yellow     
-pútáo Jiǔ Shaoxing jiǔ             wine beer grape wine              
-            (a yellow vine made in Shaoxing)  
-Zá Xlàng (Miscellaneous)
-báoblng chá cù dòufu dòufu lǔ dòujiSng fǔnsl
-jldàn kāfēi miàn miànbāo miànfǔn mlfǔn pídàn (Táiwan) sònghuā dàn
-(Mainland) zhàcài
-noodles 3 chicken egg 1 coffee 1
-wheat-flour noodles 1 bread 1 flour
-thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake 3 tea vinegar bean curd fermented bean
-curd soybean milk, soy milk cellophane noodles, bean thread rice flour,
-or rice flour noodles preserved egg preserved egg
-hot pickled cabbage (Szechwan) 3
+            Jiǔ 	(Liquor)	                      
+gāoliáng jiǔ 	gāoliáng win (sorghum)	-
+huáng jiu	yellow wine	-
+ píjiǔ 	beer	-
+pútáo Jiǔ 	grape wine	-
+Shāoxīng jiǔ 	(a yellow vine made in Shaoxing) 	-
+Zá Xiàng	 (Miscellaneous)	
+báobǐng	thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake	3
+ chá 	tea	-
+ cù 	vinegar	3
+ dòufu	bean curd	2
+  dòufu lǔ 	fermented bean curd	3
+  dòujiāng	soybean milk, soy milk	1
+   fǔnsī	cellophane noodles, bean thread noodles	3
+jīdàn	chicken egg	3
+ kāfēi	coffee	1
+  miàn	wheat-flour noodles	1
+   miànbāo	bread	1
+    miànfěn	flour	-
+     mǐfěn 	rice, or rice flour noodles	-
+     pídàn (Táiwan)	preserved egg 	-
+      sònghuā dàn (Mainland)	preserved egg	-
+       zhàcài	hot pickled cabbage (Szechwan)	3