vocab-trad.csv 1.1 KB

  1. bān 搬 to move (e.g., furniture) (new house)
  2. bàn 辦 to handle, to manage, to do
  3. cānchē 餐車 dining car
  4. fā chē 發車 to depart (from the first terminal of a train route)
  5. hǎojíle 好極了 to be wonderful, to be great
  6. hé 和 and
  7. hùzhào 護照 passport
  8. jí 急 to be anxious
  9. jiēdàishì (jiēdàishī) 接待室 waiting room
  10. -jíle 極了 extremely, awfully
  11. kāi 開 to leave
  12. kuài 快 soon
  13. lǚxíngzhèng 旅行證 travel permit
  14. ná 拿 to pick up, to hold, to take
  15. náshanglai 拿上來 to bring up
  16. náshangqu 拿上去 to take up
  17. náxialai 拿下來 to bring down
  18. náxiaqu 拿下去 to take down
  19. pǎoto run
  20. wǎn 晚 to be late
  21. Xīcān 西餐 Western food
  22. xiūxi 休息 to rest, to relax
  23. yào 要 will, going to
  24. yuètái 月臺 train platform
  25. zǎoto be early
  26. zhàntái 站臺 train platform
  27. Zhōngcān 中餐 Chinese food
  28. zhǔnbèi 準備 to prepare, to get ready
  29. bāng 幫 to help
  30. bú yào 不要 don’t
  31. láilai-wǎngwǎng 來來往往 coming and going
  32. diǎnzhàn 起點站 station where a train originates (literally, “starting station”)
  33. shūfu 舒服 to be comfortable