FSI-45-frames.csv 3.0 KB

  1. 1. A: Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng? What has your income been like the past couple of years?
  2. B: Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo. The past couple of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and our income has been all right, too.
  3. 2. A: Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma? I didn’t understand the way he said that. Did you understand it?
  4. B: Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le. No, I didn’t understand it either. Moreover this topic is too hard.
  5. 3. A: Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué. Whether you study romanization or not, you’ll always have to study Chinese characters.
  6. B: Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù. Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
  7. 4. A: Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr. If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.
  8. B: shi xiànzài rénkǒu duō yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù. But now it’s not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
  9. 5. A: Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu? Is that person writing over there her husband?
  10. B: Zhèng shi tā! That’s him all right!
  11. 6. A: Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù?Nàli dōu nàme zāng! What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce? It’s so dirty everywhere!
  12. B: Zhèi yìdiǎn tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shǎo hǎochù. I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.
  13. 7. A: Tā wèishénme zǎohūn? Why did she get married early?
  14. B: Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married.
  15. 8. A: Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu. Most people like freedom.
  16. B: shi, shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu. But not many people can obtain freedom.
  17. 9. Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ. All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.
  18. 10. A: Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú. I’ve heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here.
  19. B: Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn le. Yes. Later, when industry and commerce developed, customs changed, too.
  20. 11. láodòng to labor; labor
  21. 12. láolì labor force, labor
  22. 13. gōngyè industry
  23. 11. shāngyè business, commerce
  24. 15. dàduōshù(r) the great majority
  25. 16. huó to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving
  26. 17 xíguàn habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to
  27. 18. tīng to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)