FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 01 ORN - Unit 04 - Tape 4P-1.mp3.vtt 23 KB

  2. 00:00.000 --> 00:02.840
  3. Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  4. 00:02.840 --> 00:05.480
  5. Orientation Module Unit 4.
  6. 00:05.480 --> 00:09.040
  7. Production Tape 1.
  8. 00:09.040 --> 00:14.800
  9. On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand a number of questions and answers about where someone is from,
  10. 00:14.800 --> 00:18.200
  11. where someone is now, and where something is located.
  12. 00:18.200 --> 00:22.280
  13. Before you learn how to say these things, let's review your comprehension of them.
  14. 00:22.280 --> 00:26.560
  15. Give an English equivalent for each of the sentences in the following exchanges.
  16. 00:26.560 --> 00:28.120
  17. 1.
  18. 00:28.120 --> 00:32.920
  19. 请问你是哪的人?
  20. 00:32.920 --> 00:33.760
  21. 2.
  22. 00:33.760 --> 00:35.680
  23. Where are you from?
  24. 00:35.680 --> 00:39.680
  25. 我是德州人。
  26. 00:39.680 --> 00:42.280
  27. I'm from Texas.
  28. 00:42.280 --> 00:47.320
  29. 安德森夫人是哪的人?
  30. 00:47.320 --> 00:50.240
  31. Where is Mrs. Anderson from?
  32. 00:50.240 --> 00:55.560
  33. 她也是德州人。
  34. 00:55.560 --> 00:58.360
  35. She's from Texas too.
  36. 00:58.360 --> 01:00.280
  37. 2.
  38. 01:00.280 --> 01:05.960
  39. 请问你老家在哪?
  40. 01:05.960 --> 01:09.400
  41. May I ask, where is your family from?
  42. 01:09.400 --> 01:14.760
  43. 我老家在山东。
  44. 01:14.760 --> 01:19.720
  45. My family is from Shandong.
  46. 01:19.720 --> 01:22.440
  47. 3.
  48. 01:22.440 --> 01:28.800
  49. 她爱人现在在哪?
  50. 01:28.800 --> 01:31.320
  51. Where is his wife now?
  52. 01:31.320 --> 01:37.880
  53. 她爱人现在在加拿大。
  54. 01:37.880 --> 01:41.360
  55. His wife is in Canada now.
  56. 01:41.360 --> 01:43.760
  57. 4.
  58. 01:43.760 --> 01:47.960
  59. 赵同志在这吗?
  60. 01:47.960 --> 01:50.120
  61. Is Kamar Zhao here?
  62. 01:50.120 --> 01:54.040
  63. 赵同志不在这。
  64. 01:54.040 --> 01:56.920
  65. Kamar Zhao isn't here.
  66. 01:56.920 --> 02:01.720
  67. If you had any problems with those sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.
  68. 02:01.720 --> 02:06.520
  69. If you understood them all and were able to give equivalents, you should begin learning how to say them.
  70. 02:06.520 --> 02:08.440
  71. Listen to this first exchange.
  72. 02:08.440 --> 02:11.960
  73. Kamar Liu is talking with Mr. Anderson.
  74. 02:11.960 --> 02:14.160
  75. 请问你是哪的人?
  76. 02:14.160 --> 02:16.320
  77. 我是德州人。
  78. 02:16.320 --> 02:19.160
  79. You'll notice that this exchange is polite in flavor.
  80. 02:19.160 --> 02:24.440
  81. The word 请问, may I ask, is a polite way of starting off when you're asking for information.
  82. 02:24.440 --> 02:26.720
  83. Repeat, may I ask?
  84. 02:26.720 --> 02:29.600
  85. 请问。
  86. 02:29.600 --> 02:32.840
  87. 请问。
  88. 02:32.840 --> 02:36.240
  89. 请问。
  90. 02:36.240 --> 02:40.240
  91. The word 请问 is always used at the beginning of the sentence.
  92. 02:40.240 --> 02:43.480
  93. Repeat, may I ask, where are you from?
  94. 02:43.480 --> 02:49.120
  95. 请问你是哪的人?
  96. 02:49.120 --> 02:54.000
  97. 请问你是哪的人?
  98. 02:54.000 --> 02:59.200
  99. The answer to this polite question is the same as it would be for the plain question, where are you from?
  100. 02:59.200 --> 03:00.760
  101. Listen。
  102. 03:00.760 --> 03:06.520
  103. 我是德州人。
  104. 03:06.520 --> 03:08.640
  105. Repeat the name for Texas.
  106. 03:08.640 --> 03:11.360
  107. 德州。
  108. 03:11.360 --> 03:14.000
  109. 德州。
  110. 03:14.000 --> 03:16.560
  111. 德州。
  112. 03:16.560 --> 03:19.240
  113. Repeat the reply, I'm from Texas.
  114. 03:19.240 --> 03:23.400
  115. 我是德州人。
  116. 03:23.400 --> 03:26.400
  117. 我是德州人。
  118. 03:26.400 --> 03:28.840
  119. Take the part of the American MP King.
  120. 03:28.840 --> 03:31.560
  121. You're at an official reception for foreign visitors.
  122. 03:31.560 --> 03:33.920
  123. Kamar Liu is asking you a question.
  124. 03:33.920 --> 03:36.440
  125. Say that you're from Texas.
  126. 03:36.440 --> 03:40.840
  127. 请问你是哪的人?
  128. 03:40.840 --> 03:44.240
  129. 我是德州人。
  130. 03:44.240 --> 03:45.920
  131. Again.
  132. 03:45.920 --> 03:49.880
  133. 请问你是哪的人?
  134. 03:49.880 --> 03:53.840
  135. 我是德州人。
  136. 03:53.840 --> 03:57.000
  137. What's the word for Texas?
  138. 03:57.000 --> 03:59.280
  139. 德州。
  140. 03:59.280 --> 04:05.640
  141. How do you say, may I ask, where are you from?
  142. 04:05.640 --> 04:10.800
  143. 请问你是哪的人?
  144. 04:10.800 --> 04:12.520
  145. Let's continue the conversation.
  146. 04:12.520 --> 04:15.360
  147. This time you ask Kamar Liu where she's from.
  148. 04:15.360 --> 04:22.280
  149. You'll get a confirmation to your answer as well as an answer.
  150. 04:22.280 --> 04:25.680
  151. 请问你是哪的人?
  152. 04:25.680 --> 04:30.600
  153. 我是上海人。
  154. 04:30.600 --> 04:32.880
  155. The conversation continues.
  156. 04:32.880 --> 04:34.840
  157. Kamar Liu is asking about your wife.
  158. 04:34.840 --> 04:36.720
  159. Listen。
  160. 04:36.720 --> 04:40.400
  161. 请问安德森夫人是哪的人?
  162. 04:40.400 --> 04:43.880
  163. 她也是德州人。
  164. 04:43.880 --> 04:46.320
  165. Mrs. Anderson is a Texan too.
  166. 04:46.320 --> 04:49.000
  167. Repeat the word for also or too.
  168. 04:49.000 --> 04:51.720
  169. 也。
  170. 04:51.720 --> 04:54.600
  171. 也。
  172. 04:54.600 --> 04:57.640
  173. 也。
  174. 04:57.640 --> 05:01.840
  175. It's important to remember that the adverb 也 goes before the verb.
  176. 05:01.840 --> 05:04.880
  177. Repeat, she's from Texas too.
  178. 05:04.880 --> 05:09.360
  179. 她也是德州人。
  180. 05:09.360 --> 05:13.680
  181. 她也是德州人。
  182. 05:13.680 --> 05:19.960
  183. How do you say, I'm from Texas too?
  184. 05:19.960 --> 05:22.920
  185. 我也是德州人。
  186. 05:22.920 --> 05:26.200
  187. Try answering Kamar Liu's question about Mrs. Anderson.
  188. 05:26.200 --> 05:29.080
  189. Say that she's from Texas too.
  190. 05:29.080 --> 05:33.840
  191. 安德森夫人是哪的人?
  192. 05:33.840 --> 05:36.680
  193. 她也是德州人。
  194. 05:36.680 --> 05:38.080
  195. Again。
  196. 05:38.080 --> 05:42.600
  197. 安德森夫人是哪的人?
  198. 05:42.600 --> 05:46.360
  199. 她也是德州人。
  200. 05:46.360 --> 05:50.120
  201. What's the word for California?
  202. 05:50.120 --> 05:51.920
  203. 加州。
  204. 05:51.920 --> 05:57.000
  205. How do you say, he's from California?
  206. 05:57.000 --> 05:59.800
  207. 她是加州人。
  208. 05:59.800 --> 06:04.240
  209. What's the word for also or too?
  210. 06:04.240 --> 06:06.000
  211. 也。
  212. 06:06.000 --> 06:12.080
  213. How do you say, she's from California too?
  214. 06:12.080 --> 06:16.000
  215. 她也是加州人。
  216. 06:16.000 --> 06:21.680
  217. You may have noticed that Mrs. Anderson was not called 安太太 in the question as you might have expected.
  218. 06:21.680 --> 06:24.320
  219. Listen again.
  220. 06:24.320 --> 06:27.000
  221. 安德森夫人是哪的人?
  222. 06:27.000 --> 06:30.000
  223. 她也是德州人。
  224. 06:30.000 --> 06:34.840
  225. In the People's Republic of China, the word 夫人 is used as a title for married women.
  226. 06:34.840 --> 06:39.360
  227. Unlike the word 太太, the word 夫人 does not double as the word for wife.
  228. 06:39.360 --> 06:42.080
  229. Repeat the word for Mrs. or Madam.
  230. 06:42.080 --> 06:45.000
  231. 夫人。
  232. 06:45.000 --> 06:48.000
  233. 夫人。
  234. 06:48.000 --> 06:50.320
  235. 夫人。
  236. 06:50.320 --> 06:53.280
  237. For the remainder of this tape, assume that we're in Peking.
  238. 06:53.280 --> 06:58.240
  239. This means that whenever you hear the title Mrs., the appropriate equivalent is 夫人。
  240. 06:58.240 --> 07:00.720
  241. Repeat Mrs. Anderson.
  242. 07:00.720 --> 07:05.080
  243. 安德森夫人。
  244. 07:05.080 --> 07:09.320
  245. 安德森夫人。
  246. 07:09.320 --> 07:12.360
  247. 安德森夫人。
  248. 07:12.360 --> 07:22.240
  249. Another point to make note of is that in the PRC, foreign surnames are given multi-syllabic equivalents instead of the monosyllabic surnames the Chinese themselves have.
  250. 07:22.240 --> 07:30.960
  251. How do you say, Mrs. Anderson is also a Texan?
  252. 07:30.960 --> 07:36.920
  253. 安德森夫人也是德州人。
  254. 07:36.920 --> 07:42.640
  255. Just as 太太 is no longer used in the PRC to mean Mrs., neither is it used to mean wife.
  256. 07:42.640 --> 07:46.800
  257. By the same token,先生 is no longer used to mean husband.
  258. 07:46.800 --> 07:51.080
  259. The word that is now used 爱人 can be neither husband or wife.
  260. 07:51.080 --> 07:52.720
  261. Listen.
  262. 07:52.720 --> 07:54.760
  263. 她是英国人吗?
  264. 07:54.760 --> 07:56.000
  265. 不是。
  266. 07:56.000 --> 07:57.560
  267. 她不是英国人。
  268. 07:57.560 --> 07:59.320
  269. 她爱人呢?
  270. 07:59.320 --> 08:02.920
  271. 她爱人也不是英国人。
  272. 08:02.920 --> 08:06.600
  273. The word for spouse 爱人 is the verb to love.
  274. 08:06.600 --> 08:10.680
  275. I with a falling tone followed by the word for person.
  276. 08:10.680 --> 08:13.520
  277. Repeat the word for wife or husband.
  278. 08:13.520 --> 08:15.440
  279. 爱人。
  280. 08:15.440 --> 08:17.440
  281. 爱人。
  282. 08:17.440 --> 08:20.320
  283. 爱人。
  284. 08:20.320 --> 08:23.960
  285. Notice that in the word 爱人,the second syllable has the neutral tone.
  286. 08:23.960 --> 08:27.960
  287. Repeat the phrase that can mean either his wife or her husband.
  288. 08:27.960 --> 08:30.960
  289. 她爱人。
  290. 08:30.960 --> 08:34.120
  291. 她爱人。
  292. 08:34.120 --> 08:37.200
  293. 她爱人。
  294. 08:37.200 --> 08:44.600
  295. Notice that 她,which can mean he or she, is used here to mean his or hers, without anything changed or added to it.
  296. 08:44.600 --> 08:48.680
  297. Now repeat the sentence, his wife is in English either.
  298. 08:48.680 --> 08:54.400
  299. 她爱人也不是英国人。
  300. 08:54.400 --> 08:58.440
  301. 她爱人也不是英国人。
  302. 08:58.440 --> 09:03.640
  303. You'll notice that the adverb 也 also still goes before the verb, although not directly.
  304. 09:03.640 --> 09:06.280
  305. The negative adverb 不, intervenes.
  306. 09:06.280 --> 09:12.440
  307. How do you say his wife is in English either?
  308. 09:12.440 --> 09:16.280
  309. 她爱人也不是英国人。
  310. 09:16.280 --> 09:20.840
  311. How do you say I'm not a Texan?
  312. 09:20.840 --> 09:23.960
  313. 我不是德州人。
  314. 09:23.960 --> 09:29.280
  315. How do you say I'm not a Texan either?
  316. 09:29.280 --> 09:34.440
  317. 我也不是德州人。
  318. 09:34.440 --> 09:39.280
  319. What's the word for husband or wife in the PRC?
  320. 09:39.280 --> 09:41.280
  321. 爱人。
  322. 09:41.280 --> 09:47.840
  323. How do you say his wife is in English either?
  324. 09:47.840 --> 09:52.080
  325. 她爱人也不是英国人。
  326. 09:52.080 --> 09:54.920
  327. Now you take the part of Mr. Anderson in Peking.
  328. 09:54.920 --> 09:58.800
  329. You're at a reception talking with Cameron Huang, who is interested in England.
  330. 09:58.800 --> 10:04.000
  331. You're being asked about some fellow visitors, but you know they're not from England.
  332. 10:04.000 --> 10:08.840
  333. 他是英国人吗?
  334. 10:08.840 --> 10:12.000
  335. 不是,他不是英国人。
  336. 10:12.000 --> 10:17.000
  337. 他爱人呢?
  338. 10:17.000 --> 10:23.120
  339. 他爱人也不是英国人。
  340. 10:23.120 --> 10:25.080
  341. Try it again.
  342. 10:25.080 --> 10:29.600
  343. 他是英国人吗?
  344. 10:29.600 --> 10:32.960
  345. 不是,他不是英国人。
  346. 10:32.960 --> 10:38.000
  347. 他爱人呢?
  348. 10:38.000 --> 10:42.360
  349. 他爱人也不是英国人。
  350. 10:42.360 --> 10:49.160
  351. Now let's eavesdrop as Mr. Martin, the Canadian representative talks with Cameron Zhao at the same reception.
  352. 10:49.160 --> 10:52.160
  353. 赵同志,你是哪儿的人?
  354. 10:52.160 --> 10:54.040
  355. 我是青岛人。
  356. 10:54.040 --> 10:56.240
  357. 青岛在哪儿?
  358. 10:56.240 --> 10:58.640
  359. 青岛在山东。
  360. 10:58.640 --> 11:03.640
  361. 青岛 is a beautifully situated city, as well as one of the best seaports in China.
  362. 11:03.640 --> 11:05.800
  363. Repeat,青岛。
  364. 11:05.800 --> 11:09.160
  365. 青岛。
  366. 11:09.160 --> 11:12.440
  367. 青岛。
  368. 11:12.440 --> 11:16.400
  369. 青岛。
  370. 11:16.400 --> 11:19.000
  371. Let's listen to the last two lines again.
  372. 11:19.000 --> 11:20.680
  373. 青岛在哪儿?
  374. 11:20.680 --> 11:23.680
  375. 青岛在山东。
  376. 11:23.680 --> 11:26.520
  377. The word,哪儿, with a low tone means where.
  378. 11:26.520 --> 11:27.960
  379. Repeat,where?
  380. 11:27.960 --> 11:30.680
  381. 哪儿。
  382. 11:30.680 --> 11:33.440
  383. 哪儿。
  384. 11:33.440 --> 11:35.880
  385. 哪儿。
  386. 11:35.880 --> 11:40.360
  387. Since we're interested in location here, the verb,在, to be at, in or on is used.
  388. 11:40.360 --> 11:41.960
  389. Try repeating it.
  390. 11:41.960 --> 11:44.680
  391. 在。
  392. 11:44.680 --> 11:47.440
  393. 在。
  394. 11:47.440 --> 11:50.240
  395. 在。
  396. 11:50.240 --> 11:52.880
  397. As with the question words, who or what?
  398. 11:52.880 --> 11:56.200
  399. The question word,哪儿, follows the verb at the end of the sentence.
  400. 11:56.200 --> 11:58.960
  401. Repeat,where is Qingdao?
  402. 11:58.960 --> 12:02.800
  403. 青岛在哪儿?
  404. 12:02.800 --> 12:06.240
  405. 青岛在哪儿?
  406. 12:06.240 --> 12:11.000
  407. In the answer to the question, the question word,哪儿, is replaced with new information.
  408. 12:11.000 --> 12:13.640
  409. Repeat,青岛 is in Shandong.
  410. 12:13.640 --> 12:18.200
  411. 青岛在山东。
  412. 12:18.200 --> 12:22.360
  413. 青岛在山东。
  414. 12:22.360 --> 12:25.720
  415. What's the word for where?
  416. 12:25.720 --> 12:27.760
  417. 哪儿。
  418. 12:27.760 --> 12:32.960
  419. How do you say,where is Qingdao?
  420. 12:32.960 --> 12:35.840
  421. 青岛在哪儿?
  422. 12:35.840 --> 12:41.840
  423. How do you say,青岛 is in Shandong?
  424. 12:41.840 --> 12:46.200
  425. 青岛在山东。
  426. 12:46.200 --> 12:47.920
  427. Listen to a similar exchange.
  428. 12:47.920 --> 12:50.800
  429. Mr. Martin could have phrased his question like this.
  430. 12:50.800 --> 12:54.160
  431. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  432. 12:54.160 --> 12:57.120
  433. 我老家在山东。
  434. 12:57.120 --> 12:59.600
  435. Repeat the word for original home.
  436. 12:59.600 --> 13:03.000
  437. 老家。
  438. 13:03.000 --> 13:06.400
  439. 老家。
  440. 13:06.400 --> 13:09.320
  441. 老家。
  442. 13:09.320 --> 13:11.920
  443. The sentence,你老家在哪儿?
  444. 13:11.920 --> 13:14.800
  445. is translated as,where is your family from?
  446. 13:14.800 --> 13:18.600
  447. Literally,it would be something like,where is your original home?
  448. 13:18.600 --> 13:22.240
  449. Repeat,may I ask,where is your family from?
  450. 13:22.240 --> 13:28.400
  451. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  452. 13:28.400 --> 13:32.720
  453. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  454. 13:32.720 --> 13:36.400
  455. Try it again,ask,may I ask,where is your family from?
  456. 13:36.400 --> 13:42.600
  457. This time you get a reply,as well as a confirmation.
  458. 13:42.600 --> 13:45.840
  459. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  460. 13:45.840 --> 13:49.400
  461. 我老家在山东。
  462. 13:49.400 --> 13:52.600
  463. Repeat,my family comes from Shandong?
  464. 13:52.600 --> 13:58.080
  465. 我老家在山东。
  466. 13:58.080 --> 14:02.600
  467. 我老家在山东。
  468. 14:02.600 --> 14:08.800
  469. How do you say,my family is from Texas?
  470. 14:08.800 --> 14:12.600
  471. 我老家在德州。
  472. 14:12.600 --> 14:16.200
  473. What's the word for also?
  474. 14:16.200 --> 14:18.600
  475. 也。
  476. 14:18.600 --> 14:25.600
  477. How do you say,my family is from Texas too?
  478. 14:25.600 --> 14:29.480
  479. 我老家也在德州。
  480. 14:29.480 --> 14:33.080
  481. At the reception now,Mr.Anderson is talking with Ka Rai Huang.
  482. 14:33.080 --> 14:34.880
  483. Listen.
  484. 14:34.880 --> 14:37.000
  485. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  486. 14:37.000 --> 14:38.960
  487. 我老家在德州。
  488. 14:38.960 --> 14:41.640
  489. 你爱人呢?他老家在哪儿?
  490. 14:41.640 --> 14:45.000
  491. 他老家也在德州。
  492. 14:45.000 --> 14:46.280
  493. Now you try it.
  494. 14:46.280 --> 14:48.360
  495. Answer Ka Rai Huang's questions.
  496. 14:48.360 --> 14:52.960
  497. Tell her that your family comes from Texas,as does your spouse's.
  498. 14:52.960 --> 14:58.080
  499. 请问,你老家在哪儿?
  500. 14:58.080 --> 15:00.720
  501. 我老家在德州。
  502. 15:00.720 --> 15:06.720
  503. 你爱人呢?他老家在哪儿?
  504. 15:06.720 --> 15:10.800
  505. 他老家也在德州。
  506. 15:10.800 --> 15:14.040
  507. Later,comrade Zhao is talking with another foreign visitor.
  508. 15:14.040 --> 15:15.560
  509. Listen.
  510. 15:15.560 --> 15:20.120
  511. 赵同志,你老家在河北吗?
  512. 15:20.120 --> 15:22.480
  513. 我老家不在河北。
  514. 15:22.480 --> 15:24.640
  515. 我老家在山东。
  516. 15:24.640 --> 15:26.120
  517. Repeat,不在。
  518. 15:26.120 --> 15:31.040
  519. Remember that the tone of 不 changes to rising before the falling tone of 在。
  520. 15:31.040 --> 15:34.360
  521. 不在。
  522. 15:34.360 --> 15:37.600
  523. 不在。
  524. 15:37.600 --> 15:40.440
  525. 不在。
  526. 15:40.440 --> 15:44.600
  527. Repeat, my family doesn't come from 河北。
  528. 15:44.600 --> 15:50.880
  529. 我老家不在河北。
  530. 15:50.880 --> 15:54.800
  531. 我老家不在河北。
  532. 15:54.800 --> 15:58.920
  533. How do you say California?
  534. 15:58.920 --> 16:02.680
  535. 加州。
  536. 16:02.680 --> 16:08.560
  537. How do you say my family doesn't come from California?
  538. 16:08.560 --> 16:11.960
  539. 我老家不在加州。
  540. 16:11.960 --> 16:13.720
  541. Answer the following question.
  542. 16:13.720 --> 16:16.480
  543. Tell your friend that your family doesn't come from California.
  544. 16:16.480 --> 16:19.040
  545. They come from Texas.
  546. 16:19.040 --> 16:26.840
  547. 你老家在加州吗?
  548. 16:26.840 --> 16:29.040
  549. 我老家不在加州。
  550. 16:29.040 --> 16:32.000
  551. 我老家在德州。
  552. 16:32.000 --> 16:38.520
  553. Again,你老家在加州吗?
  554. 16:38.520 --> 16:42.080
  555. 我老家不在加州。
  556. 16:42.080 --> 16:44.160
  557. 我老家在德州。
  558. 16:44.160 --> 16:52.600
  559. Now that you've learned to ask where a place is, let's move on to talking about where a nearby person or thing is located.
  560. 16:52.600 --> 16:56.160
  561. Back at the reception, Mr. Martin is looking for someone. Listen.
  562. 16:56.160 --> 16:57.920
  563. 陈同志在哪儿?
  564. 16:57.920 --> 17:00.320
  565. 他在哪儿。
  566. 17:00.320 --> 17:04.440
  567. The word 哪儿 with a falling tone means there.
  568. 17:04.440 --> 17:08.520
  569. As with the words for which and that, naga naga.
  570. 17:08.520 --> 17:13.880
  571. The only difference between the word for where 哪儿 and there 哪儿 is the tone.
  572. 17:13.880 --> 17:24.800
  573. Notice that both question words which and where 哪儿 have the low tone, while that and there 哪儿 have the falling tone. Repeat there.
  574. 17:24.800 --> 17:32.040
  575. 哪儿。
  576. 17:32.040 --> 17:40.840
  577. When Comrade Zhao says 他在哪儿,she means he's right over there and she's probably pointing at him. Repeat, he's over there.
  578. 17:40.840 --> 17:44.200
  579. 他在哪儿。
  580. 17:44.200 --> 17:50.200
  581. 他在哪儿。
  582. 17:50.200 --> 17:55.120
  583. What is the word for where? 哪儿。
  584. 17:55.120 --> 18:01.720
  585. How do you ask where is he? 他在哪儿?
  586. 18:01.720 --> 18:09.720
  587. How do you say he's over there? 他在哪儿?
  588. 18:09.720 --> 18:18.360
  589. Now you're back at the reception. Comrade Chen, with whom you were just talking, is now on the other side of the room. Try answering the next question.
  590. 18:18.360 --> 18:22.920
  591. 陈世民同志在哪儿?
  592. 18:22.920 --> 18:25.240
  593. 他在哪儿。
  594. 18:25.240 --> 18:30.840
  595. Try it again. try it again. 陈世民同志在哪儿?
  596. 18:30.840 --> 18:33.400
  597. 他在哪儿。
  598. 18:33.400 --> 18:39.320
  599. What's the word for where? 哪儿。
  600. 18:39.320 --> 18:45.000
  601. What's the word for there? 哪儿。
  602. 18:45.000 --> 18:54.280
  603. At the reception, Mr. Martin is still discussing Qing Dao. Now he and Comrade Zhao are looking at a map. Listen. 青岛在哪儿?
  604. 18:54.280 --> 19:10.200
  605. 青岛在这儿。 The word for here, 这儿, has a falling tone like the word 哪儿. Repeat here. 这儿。
  606. 19:10.200 --> 19:20.200
  607. Imagine that you're pointing to the map. Repeat, 青岛 is here. 青岛在这儿。
  608. 19:20.200 --> 19:32.680
  609. 青岛在这儿。 Try answering the question yourself. Point out where Qing Dao is. 青岛在哪儿?
  610. 19:32.680 --> 19:40.120
  611. 青岛在这儿。 Again. 青岛在哪儿?
  612. 19:40.120 --> 19:48.200
  613. 青岛在这儿。 Now let's listen as Mr. Anderson joins Mr. Martin and Comrade Zhao at the map. 现在我们听听Mr. Anderson joins Mr. Martin and Comrade Zhao at the map.
  614. 19:48.200 --> 19:55.080
  615. Mr. Anderson is talking to Comrade Zhao. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗?
  616. 19:55.080 --> 20:02.200
  617. 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。 你爱人?
  618. 20:02.200 --> 20:10.280
  619. 他老家不在山东,他老家在河北。 Now you take the part of Mr. Anderson in the conversation. Pointing on the map, ask Comrade Zhao if her family comes from here. Then ask about her husband's family. 现在你拿到Mr. Anderson in the conversation.
  620. 20:10.280 --> 20:22.280
  621. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗? 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。
  622. 20:22.280 --> 20:32.280
  623. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗? 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。 你爱人呢?
  624. 20:32.280 --> 20:42.280
  625. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗? 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。
  626. 20:42.280 --> 20:52.280
  627. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗? 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。
  628. 20:52.280 --> 21:02.280
  629. 诶,赵同志,你老家在这儿吗? 我老家不在这儿,我老家在那儿,在山东。
  630. 21:02.280 --> 21:09.280
  631. 诶,你爱人呢? 他老家不在山东,他老家在河北。
  632. 21:12.280 --> 21:19.280
  633. Now let's talk about people again. Since people move and travel a lot, you ask where someone is now. Listen.
  634. 21:19.280 --> 21:21.280
  635. 你爱人现在在哪儿?
  636. 21:21.280 --> 21:24.280
  637. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  638. 21:24.280 --> 21:27.280
  639. repeat the word for now
  640. 21:27.280 --> 21:28.280
  641. 现在
  642. 21:29.280 --> 21:31.280
  643. 现在
  644. 21:33.280 --> 21:34.280
  645. 现在
  646. 21:36.280 --> 21:37.280
  647. notice that in this sentence
  648. 21:37.280 --> 21:38.280
  649. 现在
  650. 21:38.280 --> 21:39.280
  651. goes before the verb
  652. 21:39.280 --> 21:41.280
  653. behaving like other averages you had
  654. 21:41.280 --> 21:43.280
  655. such as yeah, also
  656. 21:43.280 --> 21:44.280
  657. listen to the sentence
  658. 21:44.280 --> 21:46.280
  659. my spouse is in Canada now
  660. 21:46.280 --> 21:50.280
  661. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  662. 21:52.280 --> 21:54.280
  663. unlike other country names you've learned
  664. 21:54.280 --> 21:57.280
  665. the word for Canada does not have a shortened form
  666. 21:57.280 --> 21:59.280
  667. repeat the name Canada
  668. 21:59.280 --> 22:00.280
  669. 加拿大
  670. 22:02.280 --> 22:03.280
  671. 加拿大
  672. 22:05.280 --> 22:06.280
  673. 加拿大
  674. 22:08.280 --> 22:09.280
  675. repeat the sentence
  676. 22:09.280 --> 22:11.280
  677. my spouse is in Canada now
  678. 22:11.280 --> 22:17.280
  679. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  680. 22:17.280 --> 22:21.280
  681. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  682. 22:22.280 --> 22:24.280
  683. what's the word for now?
  684. 22:26.280 --> 22:27.280
  685. 现在
  686. 22:28.280 --> 22:29.280
  687. how do you say
  688. 22:29.280 --> 22:31.280
  689. my spouse is in Canada now?
  690. 22:34.280 --> 22:37.280
  691. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  692. 22:39.280 --> 22:40.280
  693. try answering the next question
  694. 22:40.280 --> 22:43.280
  695. say that your spouse is in Canada now
  696. 22:46.280 --> 22:48.280
  697. 你爱人现在在哪儿?
  698. 22:51.280 --> 22:54.280
  699. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  700. 22:55.280 --> 22:56.280
  701. again
  702. 22:57.280 --> 22:59.280
  703. 你爱人现在在哪儿?
  704. 23:02.280 --> 23:04.280
  705. 我爱人现在在加拿大
  706. 23:04.280 --> 23:07.280
  707. 加拿大
  708. 23:08.280 --> 23:10.280
  709. now let's review what we've covered on this tape
  710. 23:10.280 --> 23:12.280
  711. I'll say an English sentence
  712. 23:12.280 --> 23:14.280
  713. and you put it into Chinese
  714. 23:14.280 --> 23:16.280
  715. the sentences are arranged in exchanges
  716. 23:16.280 --> 23:17.280
  717. let's go
  718. 23:17.280 --> 23:18.280
  719. number one
  720. 23:19.280 --> 23:21.280
  721. where is Mrs.Anderson from?
  722. 23:24.280 --> 23:26.280
  723. Anderson 夫人是哪个人?
  724. 23:28.280 --> 23:30.280
  725. she's from Texas
  726. 23:30.280 --> 23:32.280
  727. 她是德州人
  728. 23:34.280 --> 23:36.280
  729. but I ask where are you from?
  730. 23:38.280 --> 23:40.280
  731. 请问你是哪个人?
  732. 23:42.280 --> 23:44.280
  733. I'm from Texas too
  734. 23:46.280 --> 23:48.280
  735. 我也是德州人
  736. 23:51.280 --> 23:52.280
  737. number two
  738. 23:52.280 --> 23:53.280
  739. is he English?
  740. 23:55.280 --> 23:57.280
  741. 她是英国人吗?
  742. 23:57.280 --> 23:59.280
  743. no he's not English
  744. 24:01.280 --> 24:02.280
  745. 不是
  746. 24:02.280 --> 24:04.280
  747. 她不是英国人
  748. 24:06.280 --> 24:07.280
  749. and his wife?
  750. 24:09.280 --> 24:10.280
  751. 她爱人呢?
  752. 24:11.280 --> 24:13.280
  753. she's not English either
  754. 24:16.280 --> 24:18.280
  755. 她爱人也不是英国人
  756. 24:20.280 --> 24:21.280
  757. where's his wife now?
  758. 24:21.280 --> 24:24.280
  759. 她爱人现在在哪儿?
  760. 24:29.280 --> 24:31.280
  761. she's in Canada now
  762. 24:34.280 --> 24:36.280
  763. 她现在在加拿大
  764. 24:38.280 --> 24:39.280
  765. number three
  766. 24:40.280 --> 24:41.280
  767. where is Qingdao?
  768. 24:43.280 --> 24:45.280
  769. Chingdao在哪儿?
  770. 24:46.280 --> 24:48.280
  771. Chingdao is in Shandong
  772. 24:48.280 --> 24:50.280
  773. Chingdao is in Shandong
  774. 24:52.280 --> 24:54.280
  775. Chingdao在 Shandong
  776. 24:56.280 --> 24:57.280
  777. number four
  778. 24:58.280 --> 25:00.280
  779. my family comes from Texas
  780. 25:02.280 --> 25:04.280
  781. 我老家在德州
  782. 25:06.280 --> 25:09.280
  783. his family comes from Texas too
  784. 25:12.280 --> 25:14.280
  785. 他老家也在德州
  786. 25:14.280 --> 25:17.280
  787. number five
  788. 25:18.280 --> 25:20.280
  789. is Karma Chen here?
  790. 25:22.280 --> 25:24.280
  791. 陈同志在这儿吗?
  792. 25:26.280 --> 25:27.280
  793. he's here
  794. 25:29.280 --> 25:30.280
  795. 他在这儿
  796. 25:35.280 --> 25:37.280
  797. this is the end of the tape
  798. 25:37.280 --> 25:40.280
  799. end of orientation module unit four
  800. 25:40.280 --> 25:44.280
  801. production tape one