FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Unit 02 - Tape 2C-1.mp3.txt 13 KB

  1. standard Chinese, a modular approach, directions module, unit two, comprehension tape one.
  2. This unit is set in the PRC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers about how things are located relative to each other.
  3. For this tape, you'll need to consult the map sheet opposite the reference list in your workbook.
  4. In Peking, movie and theater tickets are distributed to citizens through their place of work or their street committees.
  5. Diplomatic personnel request tickets through Chinese members of their staff.
  6. Mr. Bauer requested a movie ticket two weeks ago and has just been given one for tonight's performance at the Dongdan Movie Theater.
  7. Mr. Bauer is living at the Peking Hotel while he waits for an apartment to become available.
  8. Look at display one on your map sheet and listen as he talks to the clerk in the hotel about getting to the theater.
  9. Is the Dongdan Movie Theater in this area?
  10. Dongdan Movie Theater,是不是在这附近?
  11. Yes, it's in this area.
  12. 是,在这附近。
  13. Here's the word for area or vicinity.
  14. 附近。
  15. And here's how you say, in this area.
  16. 这附近。
  17. The phrase 这附近 is a possessive noun phrase in Chinese.
  18. Literally, here's vicinity.
  19. The possessive marker 这 is commonly omitted in phrases of relative location.
  20. Here's the word for movie theater.
  21. 电影院。
  22. Listen to the name of the section of Peking where the movie theater is located.
  23. 东丹。
  24. Listen to the exchange live.
  25. 东丹电影院,是不是在这附近?
  26. 是,在这附近。
  27. Again.
  28. 东丹电影院,是不是在这附近?
  29. 是,在这附近。
  30. Check your comprehension.
  31. 东丹电影院,是不是在这附近?
  32. Is the Dong Dan movie theater in this area?
  33. 是,在这附近。
  34. Yes, it's in this area.
  35. Now listen to a similar conversation.
  36. Do you know whether there's a bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?
  37. 你知道电影院附近有没有银行?
  38. 你知道电影院附近有没有银行?
  39. To ask do you know about a choice type question,
  40. Chinese usually just puts the words 你知道 in front of it.
  41. A sentence with the words 你知道
  42. followed by a choice type question
  43. has the form of a statement, but the effect of a question.
  44. The choice type question 电影院附近有没有银行?
  45. starts with a place as topic, followed by the verb 有。
  46. You've heard sentences like this before,
  47. as in 你这里有英文爸吗?
  48. Listen to the sentence live.
  49. 你知道电影院附近有没有银行?
  50. Again.
  51. 你知道电影院附近有没有银行?
  52. Check your comprehension.
  53. 你知道电影院附近有没有银行?
  54. Do you know whether there's a bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?
  55. Now listen to another question about the bank.
  56. Do you know what time the bank closes?
  57. 你知道不知道银行什么时候关门?
  58. 你知道不知道银行什么时候关门?
  59. To ask do you know about a question word question,
  60. you either start with the words 你知道
  61. and end with the marker 马,
  62. or as here, start with the words 你知道不知道。
  63. Listen to the sentence live.
  64. 你知道不知道银行什么时候关门?Again.
  65. 你知道不知道银行什么时候关门?Check your comprehension.
  66. 你知道不知道银行什么时候关门?
  67. Do you know what time the bank closes?
  68. Let's go back to Mr. Bauer's conversation in the hotel.
  69. The clerk has just told him that the Dong Dan movie theater is in that area.
  70. How do I get there from here?
  71. 从这儿到那儿去什么走?
  72. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.
  73. 出了这个饭店往东走。
  74. Here's the verb for to go out of.
  75. 出,出,and here's the word for east.
  76. 东,东。
  77. In Peking, directions are given in terms of points of the compass instead of left and right.
  78. Notice that the word jege in the exchange is toneless and is translated as the.
  79. The words for this and that are both translated by the English word the when toneless.
  80. Listen to the exchange live.
  81. 从这儿到那儿去怎么走?
  82. 出了这个饭店往东走。
  83. Again.
  84. 从这儿到那儿去怎么走?
  85. 出了这个饭店往东走。
  86. Check your comprehension.
  87. 从这儿到那儿去怎么走?
  88. How do I get there from here?
  89. 出了这个饭店往东走。
  90. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.
  91. The clerk continues with the directions.
  92. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dongdong market.
  93. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  94. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  95. On the south side is the Dongdong park.
  96. 南边是东丹公园。
  97. 南边是东丹公园。
  98. Here are the words for south and north.
  99. 南 北 南 北
  100. And here's the element that means side.
  101. 边 边
  102. The words 南 and 北 by themselves are names of directions,
  103. as in phrases like 往北走,go to the north.
  104. When the element 北 is added to the name of a direction,
  105. the compound is the name of a place,
  106. such as 北边,the north side, or 内边,that side.
  107. Here's the word for market.
  108. 菜市场
  109. Here's the word for park.
  110. Literally,public garden.
  111. 公园
  112. Notice that the topic words 北边 and 南边
  113. are translated by prepositional phrases in English.
  114. On the north side and on the south side.
  115. Here's the exchange line.
  116. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  117. 南边是东丹公园。
  118. Again,到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  119. 南边是东丹公园。
  120. Check your comprehension.
  121. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  122. When you reach the second intersection,
  123. on the north side is the 东丹market.
  124. 南边是东丹公园。
  125. On the south side is the 东丹park.
  126. The conversation continues.
  127. The movie theater is just on the west side of the 东丹market.
  128. 定影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  129. 定影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  130. Here's the word for west side.
  131. 西边。
  132. From now on, we'll translate the word 旧 as just to avoid confusion with the direction name right.
  133. Listen to the sentence live.
  134. 定影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  135. Again,定影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  136. Check your comprehension.
  137. 定影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  138. The movie theater is just on the west side of the 东丹market.
  139. Now look at display two on your map sheet.
  140. Here's a live conversation between friends reviewing what you've had so far.
  141. 你家在一个公园的附近,是不是?
  142. 对了。
  143. 从这儿到你家去,怎么走?
  144. 出了这个电影院,往北走。
  145. 到了第三个路口,再往东走。
  146. 北边是一个公园,我家就在南边。
  147. Again.
  148. 你家在一个公园的附近,是不是?
  149. 对了。
  150. 从这儿到你家去,怎么走?
  151. 出了这个电影院,往北走。
  152. 到了第三个路口,再往东走。
  153. 北边是一个公园,我家就在南边。
  154. So if you understood what was said.
  155. 你家在一个公园的附近,是不是?
  156. Your house is near a park, isn't it?
  157. 对了。
  158. That's correct.
  159. 从这儿到你家去,怎么走?
  160. How do you go from here to your house?
  161. 出了这个电影院,往北走。
  162. When you've gotten out of the movie theater, you go to the north.
  163. 到了第三个路口,再往东走。
  164. When you've gotten to the third intersection, then go to the east.
  165. 北边是一个公园,
  166. on the north side is a park.
  167. 我家就在南边。
  168. My house is just on the south side.
  169. Now look back at display one on your map sheet.
  170. Mr. Bauer is still talking to the hotel clerk.
  171. Listen, before I go to see the movie,
  172. I'm first going to visit a friend.
  173. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  174. You'll notice that the verb 去, like the verb 来,
  175. may be followed by a phrase expressing the purpose of the action.
  176. 去看电影,go to see a movie.
  177. Here's the word for movie.
  178. 电影,电影,and here's the word for before.
  179. 以前,以前.
  180. 以前,以前.
  181. Notice that in Chinese the word 以前 comes at the end of its phrase.
  182. 去看电影以前,
  183. while in English the word before comes at the beginning.
  184. Before I go to see the movie.
  185. You may also have noticed that in this sentence the word for one 以前 has no tone.
  186. When the word 以前 is toneless,
  187. it corresponds to English 啊 or 啊.
  188. Here's the sentence live.
  189. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  190. Again.
  191. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  192. Check your comprehension.
  193. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  194. Before I go to see the movie,
  195. I'm first going to visit a friend.
  196. The conversation continues.
  197. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  198. 饭店里边,有没有卖糖的?
  199. 饭店里边,有没有卖糖的?
  200. Yes, there's a variety shop.
  201. It's over there.
  202. 有,有一个小卖部在那边。
  203. Here's the word translated in, literally inside.
  204. 里边,里边.
  205. Here's the word for candy.
  206. 汤.
  207. The English words of place to buy candy
  208. were translated by the phrase 卖糖的.
  209. Literally, candy selling one.
  210. This expression has the form of an ordinary
  211. modifying phrase used as a noun.
  212. By convention,it's understood as referring
  213. either to a person who sells candy
  214. or, as here, to a place where candy is sold.
  215. Notice that in English,
  216. we usually talk about where we can buy something.
  217. While in Chinese,you usually talk about
  218. where something is sold.
  219. Here's the word translated variety shop.
  220. 小卖部,小卖部.
  221. A variety shop is a small shop
  222. inside another building,
  223. inside a museum or theater, for instance.
  224. Here's the exchange live.
  225. 饭店里边,有没有卖糖的?
  226. 有,有一个小卖部在那边。
  227. Again.
  228. 饭店里边,有没有卖糖的?
  229. 有,有一个小卖部在那边。
  230. Check your comprehension.
  231. 饭店里边,有没有卖糖的?
  232. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  233. 有,有一个小卖部在那边。
  234. Yes, there's a variety shop.
  235. It's over there.
  236. The following four short dialogues
  237. review most of the material introduced on this tape.
  238. Look at display three on your map sheet
  239. and listen to the first conversation.
  240. 今天,我得去看朋友。
  241. 去以前,我想先买点点心。
  242. 请问,哪儿有卖点心的?
  243. 从这儿往西走。
  244. 南边就有一个小商店。
  245. 他们卖点心。
  246. Again.
  247. 今天,我得去看朋友。
  248. 去以前,我想先买点点心。
  249. 请问,哪儿有卖点心的?
  250. 从这儿往西走。
  251. 南边就有一个小商店。
  252. 他们卖点心。
  253. Check your comprehension.
  254. 今天,我得去看朋友。
  255. Today, I have to go see a friend.
  256. 去以前,我想先买点点心。
  257. Before I go, I'm thinking of first buying some pastries.
  258. 请问,哪儿有卖点心的?
  259. May I ask, where is there a place to buy pastries?
  260. 从这儿往西走,南边就有一个小商店。
  261. From here, you go to the west, and just on the south is a small shop.
  262. 他们卖点心。
  263. They sell pastries.
  264. Now, look at display four on your map sheet.
  265. Here's another live conversation for review.
  266. Listen.
  267. 我要买点糖。
  268. 饭店里边,有没有小卖布?
  269. 有。
  270. 小卖布在什么地方?
  271. 在那儿。
  272. 你一直走,就在左边。
  273. Again。
  274. 我要买点糖。
  275. 饭店里边,有没有小卖布?
  276. 有。
  277. 小卖布在什么地方?
  278. 在那儿。
  279. 你一直走,就在左边。
  280. Check your comprehension.
  281. 我要买点糖。
  282. I want to buy some candy.
  283. 饭店里边,有没有小卖布?
  284. Is there a variety shop in the hotel?
  285. 有。
  286. Yes.
  287. 小卖布在什么地方?
  288. Where is the variety shop?
  289. 你一直走,就在左边。
  290. It's there.
  291. Go straight, and it's just on the left.
  292. The following brief exchange has no display with it.
  293. Listen.
  294. 请问,这个菜市场里边,有没有卖糖的?
  295. 有,在那边。
  296. 在那个卖苹果的右边。
  297. Check your comprehension.
  298. 请问,这个菜市场里边,有没有卖糖的?
  299. 有,在那边。
  300. 在那个卖苹果的右边。
  301. Check your comprehension.
  302. 请问,这个菜市场里边,有没有卖糖的?
  303. May I ask, is there a place to buy candy in this market?
  304. 有,在那边。
  305. Yes, it's over there.
  306. 在那个卖苹果的右边。
  307. It's on the right side of that apple cellar.
  308. Now look at display five on your map sheet.
  309. A Canadian student and his Chinese friend are sitting in a small restaurant near their school.
  310. Listen.
  311. 我明天上午要去看一个朋友。
  312. 去以前我要先去买点点心跟糖。
  313. 这附近有没有卖点心的?
  314. 有,你出了这个饭馆往南走。
  315. 定院的南边有一个商店,他们卖点心。
  316. Again.
  317. 我明天上午要去看一个朋友。
  318. Yes, you can see the picture in the picture.
  319. 是,我明天上午要去看一个朋友。
  320. Yes, I can see the picture in the picture.
  321. Check your comprehension.
  322. It's on the right side of that apple cellar.
  323. Yes, it's over there.
  324. Yes, it's over there.
  325. Yes, it's over there.
  326. Yes, it's over there.
  327. Yes, it's over there.
  328. Yes, it's over there.
  329. 明天早晨,我要去找朋友。
  330. 去以前,我要先去买点点,先跟糖。
  331. 之前我去,我首先想去买点点和糖果。
  332. 这儿附近有没有卖点心的?
  333. 有,你出了这个饭馆,往南走。
  334. Yes, when you've gotten out of this restaurant, you go to the south.
  335. 定院的南边有一个商店。
  336. There's a store to the south of the movie theater.
  337. 他们卖点点点的店。
  338. They sell pastries.
  339. for a final review, see if you can translate the following exchanges from the target list.
  340. Number one.
  341. 从这儿到冬丹店院去,怎么走?
  342. How do I get from here to the Dongdan movie theater?
  343. 除了这个饭店,往东走。
  344. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.
  345. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  346. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dongdan market.
  347. 南边是东丹公园。
  348. On the south side is the Dongdan park.
  349. 定院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  350. The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dongdan market.
  351. Number two.
  352. 饭店里边有没有卖糖的?
  353. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  354. 有,有一个小卖部。
  355. Yes, there's a variety shop.
  356. 在那一边,it's over there.
  357. Number three.
  358. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  359. Before I go to see the movie, I'm first going to visit a friend.
  360. Number four.
  361. 你知道东丹电影院是不是在这附近?
  362. Do you know whether the Dongdan movie theater is in this area?
  363. If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.
  364. This is the end of the tape.
  365. End of directions two, C1.