FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 06 MTG - Unit 05 - Tape 5C-1.mp3.txt 12 KB

  1. Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  2. Meeting module, Unit 5, Comprehension Tape 1.
  3. The situations on this tape are set in the PRC.
  4. On this tape, you'll learn questions and answers used in leaving a message
  5. and in changing the date of a meeting.
  6. The phone is ringing at the switchboard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  7. Listen to the conversation.
  8. Hello?
  9. Why?
  10. Hello?Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
  11. 喂,是外交部吗?
  12. 喂,是外交部吗?
  13. I want to speak to Department Chief Lin.
  14. 我要找林司长说话。
  15. 我要找林司长说话。
  16. Here's how you say Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  17. 外交部
  18. And here's the title Department Chief.
  19. 司长
  20. You'll remember that the verb 找 means to look for.
  21. Literally, the foreigner wants to look for Director Lin to speak to him.
  22. Here's the exchange live.
  23. Why?
  24. 喂,是外交部吗?
  25. 我要找林司长说话。
  26. Again?
  27. Why?
  28. 喂,是外交部吗?
  29. 我要找林司长说话。
  30. Check your comprehension.
  31. Why?
  32. Hello?
  33. 喂,是外交部吗?
  34. Hello?Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
  35. 我要找林司长说话。
  36. I want to speak to Department Chief Lin.
  37. The conversation continues.
  38. Who is this?
  39. 您是哪儿啊?
  40. 您是哪儿啊?
  41. My name is LeClaire.
  42. 我姓乐科莱尔.
  43. I'm the French Commercial Economic Officer.
  44. 我是法国商务经济官.
  45. Wait a moment.
  46. I'll see if he's here or not.
  47. 你等一等,我给你看看他在不在.
  48. 你等一等,我给你看看他在不在.
  49. The question 你是哪儿啊?
  50. Ask the question who is this in the sense of what institution do you represent?
  51. Here's the PRC pronunciation of the name France.
  52. 法国.
  53. You'll remember that the alternate pronunciation was 法国 with a falling tone.
  54. Here's the word for commercial business.
  55. 商务.
  56. And here's how you say economic officer.
  57. 经济官.
  58. 经济官.
  59. The element 官 means government or military official.
  60. Notice that the verb 在 can be used without a place word after it to mean to be in the office, to be at work, or to be in the building.
  61. Here's the exchange live.
  62. 您是哪儿啊?
  63. 我姓乐克莱尔.
  64. 我是法国商务经济官.
  65. 您等一等,我给你看看他在不在.
  66. Again.
  67. 您是哪儿啊?
  68. 我姓乐克莱尔.
  69. 我是法国商务经济官.
  70. 你等一等,我给你看看他在不在.
  71. Check your comprehension.
  72. 您是哪儿啊?
  73. Who is this?
  74. 我姓乐克莱尔.
  75. My name is LeClaire.
  76. 我是法国商务经济官.
  77. I'm the French commercial economic officer.
  78. 您等一等,我给你看看他在不在.
  79. Wait a moment.
  80. I'll see if he's here or not.
  81. The operator has now come back to the phone.
  82. Listen.
  83. Hello, he's not here at the moment.
  84. Why?他这会儿不在.
  85. Why?他这会儿不在.
  86. Do you want to leave a message?
  87. 您要留个话吗?
  88. Here's how you say at this moment.
  89. 这会儿,这会儿.
  90. And here's the expression to leave a message or to leave a word.
  91. 留个话,留个话.
  92. Listen to the remarks live.
  93. 喂,他这会儿不在,您要留个话吗?
  94. Again.
  95. 喂,他这会儿不在,您要留个话吗?
  96. Check your comprehension.
  97. 喂,他这会儿不在.
  98. Hello, he's not here at the moment.
  99. 您要留个话吗?
  100. Do you want to leave a message?
  101. The conversation continues.
  102. When he comes back, please ask him to give me a phone call.
  103. 老家,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话.
  104. 老家,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话.
  105. Alright, please tell me your phone number.
  106. 好,请您把您的电话号码告诉我.
  107. 好,请您把您的电话号码告诉我.
  108. I'll write it down.
  109. 我写下来.
  110. My phone is 521-331.
  111. 我的电话是521-331.
  112. 我的电话是521-331.
  113. Notice that the word 老家 can be translated please.
  114. Here's the word for number in the sense of identification number.
  115. 号码,号码.
  116. And here's how you say to write down.
  117. 写下来,写下来.
  118. In Beijing, the number one is pronounced 腰 when used as part of an identification number.
  119. Listen to the exchange live.
  120. 老家,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话.
  121. 好,请您把您的电话号码告诉我,我写下来.
  122. 我的电话是521-331.
  123. Again.
  124. 老家,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话.
  125. 好,请您把您的电话号码告诉我,我写下来.
  126. 我的电话是521-331.
  127. Just a comprehension.
  128. 老家,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话.
  129. When he comes back, please ask him to give me a phone call.
  130. 好,请您把您的电话号码告诉我.
  131. All right, please tell me your phone number.
  132. 我写下来.
  133. I'll write it down.
  134. 我的电话是521-331.
  135. My phone is 521-331.
  136. Now let's change the scene and listen in on another phone conversation live.
  137. 喂.
  138. 喂,是外交户吗?
  139. 是.
  140. 我是加拿大大使馆的乔治达菲.
  141. 我要找袖司长说话.
  142. 对不起,袖司长这会儿不在,他开会呢.
  143. 您要留个话吗?
  144. 请他开完了会给我打个电话.
  145. 我的电话号码是521-475.
  146. 好,我写下来.
  147. Again.
  148. 喂,是外交部吗?
  149. 是.
  150. 我是加拿大大使馆的乔治达菲.
  151. 我要找袖司长说话.
  152. 对不起,袖司长这会儿不在,他开会呢.
  153. 您要留个话吗?
  154. 请他开完了会给我打个电话.
  155. 我的电话号码是521-475.
  156. 好,我写下来.
  157. 您要留个话吗?
  158. 您要留个话吗?
  159. 喂,是外交部吗?
  160. Hello, is this the ministry of foreign affairs?
  161. 是.
  162. Yes.
  163. 我是加拿大大使馆的乔治达菲.
  164. I'm George Duffy from the Canadian Embassy.
  165. 我要找秀司长说话。
  166. I want to speak to the department chief,秀。
  167. 对不起,秀司长这会儿不在。
  168. I'm sorry, department chief 秀 isn't here at the moment.
  169. 他开会呢?
  170. He's at a meeting.
  171. 你要留个话吗?
  172. Do you want to leave a message?
  173. 请他开完了会,给我打个电话。
  174. Ask him to call me back when he's finished with his meeting.
  175. 我的电话号码是521-475.
  176. 好,我写下来。
  177. Alright, I'll write it down.
  178. You'll remember that when Mr. Clare called department chief Lin, he wasn't there.
  179. Later in the day, he calls her back.
  180. Listen to part of their conversation.
  181. I'm sorry, when you called me just now, I wasn't in.
  182. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。
  183. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。
  184. Here's the word for just now or a short while ago.
  185. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。
  186. 你有事吗?
  187. 是啊,again.
  188. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。
  189. 你有事吗?
  190. 是啊,check your comprehension.
  191. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。
  192. I'm sorry, when you called me just now, I wasn't in.
  193. 你有事吗?
  194. Can I help you with something?
  195. 是啊,yes you can.
  196. The conversation continues.
  197. The other day, I made an appointment with you to go to your office at 10 tomorrow for a talk.
  198. 我那天跟您约好了,明天10点到您办公室去谈谈。
  199. Here's how you say, the other day,那天,那天。
  200. Here's how you say, successfully agreed on a time,约好了,约好了。
  201. And here's the word for office, literally, manage business room.
  202. 约好了,约好了。And here's the word for office, literally, manage business room.
  203. 办公室,办公室.
  204. Listen to the second slide.
  205. 我那天跟您约好了,明天10点到您办公室去谈谈。
  206. Again.
  207. 我那天跟您约好了,明天10点到您办公室去谈谈。
  208. Check your comprehension.
  209. 我那天跟您约好了,明天10点到您办公室去谈谈。
  210. The other day, I made an appointment with you to go to your office at 10 tomorrow for a talk.
  211. The conversation continues.
  212. Because I have an urgent piece of business tomorrow morning,
  213. I want to ask you whether we can change it to the afternoon.
  214. 因为我明天早上有一件要紧的事,
  215. 所以想问您能不能改到下午。
  216. 因为我明天早上有一件要紧的事,
  217. 所以想问您能不能改到下午。
  218. Here's the word for urgent or important.
  219. 要紧。
  220. 要紧。
  221. Here's the word for therefore.
  222. 所以。
  223. 所以。
  224. And here's the verb to change or to alter.
  225. 改。
  226. 改。
  227. Notice that the Chinese word soi is not actually translated in English.
  228. When the first part of an English sentence starts with the word because,
  229. it's usually considered redundant to start the second part with the word therefore.
  230. In Chinese, however, the word soi usually is used after a clause beginning with the word yinwei.
  231. Here's the sentence line.
  232. 因为我明天早上有一件要紧的事,
  233. 所以想问您能不能改到下午。
  234. Again。
  235. 因为我明天早上有一件要紧的事,
  236. 所以想问您能不能改到下午。
  237. Check your comprehension.
  238. 因为我明天早上有一件要紧的事,
  239. 所以想问您能不能改到下午。
  240. Because I have an urgent piece of business tomorrow morning,
  241. I want to ask you whether we can change it to the afternoon.
  242. Here's how this conversation ends.
  243. 下午什么时候?
  244. 下午什么时候?
  245. 您看下午三四点怎么样?
  246. 对您方便不方便?
  247. 四点比三点好。
  248. 我三点钟比开会。
  249. 好吧,那明天四点钟见。
  250. 好,我四点钟等你。
  251. Now let's change the scene.
  252. The following conversation takes place between two Chinese employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  253. Here it is live.
  254. 陈同志,我那天跟英国大使馆的帕科先生约好了,
  255. 今天十点钟跟他谈谈。
  256. 可是刚才林司长说,他要我到他办公室去开会,
  257. 谈一件要紧的事。
  258. 我现在得去开会。
  259. 所以请您给帕科先生打个电话,
  260. 告诉他我今天没时间和他见面,
  261. 问他改到明天行不行。
  262. Again,
  263. 陈同志,
  264. 我那天跟英国大使馆的帕科先生约好了,
  265. 今天十点钟跟他谈谈。
  266. 可是刚才林司长说,他要我到他办公室去开会,
  267. 谈一件要紧的事。
  268. 我现在得去开会。
  269. 所以请您给帕科先生打个电话,
  270. 告诉他我今天没时间和他见面,
  271. 问他改到明天行不行。
  272. If you understood what we said,
  273. 陈同志,
  274. 我那天跟英国大使馆的帕科先生约好了,
  275. 我现在得去开会。
  276. 我现在得去开会。
  277. 所以请您给帕科先生打个电话,
  278. 告诉他我今天没时间和他见面,
  279. 我现在得去开会。
  280. 所以请您给帕科先生打个电话,
  281. 告诉他我今天没时间和他见面,
  282. 我现在得去开会。
  283. 他要我到他办公室去开会,
  284. 谈一件要紧的事。
  285. But just now,
  286. department chief Lin said he wanted me to go to his office for a meeting
  287. to talk about some urgent business.
  288. 我现在得去开会。
  289. I have to go to the meeting now.
  290. 所以请您给帕科先生打个电话,
  291. 告诉他我今天没时间和他见面,
  292. 问他改到明天行不行。
  293. So please call Mr. Parker,
  294. tell him I don't have time to meet with him today,
  295. and ask him if it would be all right to change to tomorrow.
  296. Here's a longer conversation,
  297. reviewing most of the material introduced on this tape.
  298. You'll hear the conversation twice live.
  299. The conversation will be repeated once live,
  300. and once with pauses and English
  301. at the beginning of the C2 tape.
  302. A translation of the conversation
  303. will also be found in your textbook for this unit.
  304. Listen.
  305. 喂,外交部吗?我找张司长说话。
  306. 哦,张司长不在。他去开会去了。您是哪儿啊?
  307. 我是法国大使馆的商务官卢易斯。
  308. 请问,张司长什么时候回来?
  309. 他没说,您有什么事,要留个话吗?
  310. 是,请您告诉他,
  311. 上星期我们约好了,
  312. 15号下午三点钟见,
  313. 可是刚才我们大使告诉我,
  314. 那天我们有要紧的事,
  315. 所以我想改到17号下午三点钟,
  316. 不知道行不行。
  317. 好,我告诉他给您回电话,
  318. 请问您的电话号码是多少号?
  319. 521331。
  320. 521331。
  321. 对了,这会儿我得去开会,谢谢你。
  322. 不客气。
  323. Again。
  324. 喂,外交部吗?我找张司长说话。
  325. 哦,张司长不在,他去开会去了。
  326. 您是哪儿啊?
  327. 我是法国大使馆的商务官卢易斯。
  328. 请问,张司长什么时候回来?
  329. 他没说,您有什么事,要留个话吗?
  330. 是,请您告诉他,
  331. 上星期我们约好了,
  332. 15号下午三点钟见,
  333. 您的电话号码是多少号?
  334. 521331。
  335. 521331。
  336. 对了,这会儿我得去开会,
  337. 谢谢。
  338. 谢谢。
  339. 谢谢。
  340. 谢谢。
  341. 谢谢。
  342. 谢谢。
  343. 谢谢。
  344. 谢谢。
  345. 对了,这会儿我得去开会,谢谢你。
  346. 不客气。
  347. as a final review,
  348. see if you can translate the following sentences and exchanges from the target list.
  349. Number one,
  350. 林司长这会儿不在。
  351. department chief Lin isn't here at the moment.
  352. 您要留个话吗?
  353. would you like to leave a message?
  354. Number two,
  355. 我那天跟你约好了,
  356. 今天到您办公室去谈谈。
  357. The other day I made an appointment with you to go to your office today for a talk.
  358. 因为我有一件要紧的事,所以不能今天去。
  359. Because I have an urgent piece of business, I can't go today.
  360. 该到明天行不行?
  361. Would it be all right to change it to tomorrow?
  362. Number three,
  363. 我把您的电话号码写下来。
  364. Would it be all right to change it to tomorrow?
  365. I'll write down your phone number.
  366. Number four,
  367. 喂,
  368. Hello,
  369. 喂,是外交部吗?
  370. 我要到林司长说话。
  371. I want to speak to department chief Lin.
  372. 您是哪儿啊?
  373. Who is this?
  374. 我是法国商务经济官。
  375. I'm the French commercial economics officer.
  376. If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.
  377. This is the end of the tape.
  378. End of meeting module, unit five, Comprehension tape one.