FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 03 - Tape 1.mp3.txt 12 KB

  1. Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Society Module Unit 3, Tape 1.
  2. In this unit, you'll learn to discuss some concepts of the traditional and modern Chinese family.
  3. Here's the first exchange. Listen.
  4. How is it that your older sisters become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
  5. 你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?
  6. There's nothing strange about that.
  7. She started studying political science this year.
  8. 这没有什么奇怪。她今年开始学政治学了。
  9. To be interested and enthusiastic.
  10. 热心.热心.
  11. Repeat. To become interested and enthusiastic.
  12. 热心起来.热心起来.
  13. Repeat. How is it that your older sisters become so interested
  14. and enthusiastic about political questions now?
  15. 你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?
  16. 你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?
  17. Repeat. To be strange.
  18. 奇怪.奇怪.
  19. Repeat. There's nothing strange about that.
  20. She started studying political science this year.
  21. 这没有什么奇怪。她今年开始学政治学了。
  22. 这没有什么奇怪。她今年开始学政治学了。
  23. Now answer the question yourself.
  24. How is it that your older sisters become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
  25. Say, there's nothing strange about that.
  26. She started studying political science this year.
  27. 你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?
  28. 这没有什么奇怪。她今年开始学政治学了。
  29. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  30. Why aren't you eating?
  31. 你怎么不吃了?
  32. My stomach is uncomfortable. I can't eat anymore.
  33. 我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。
  34. I'll go get you some soup then.
  35. 那我给你弄点汤来。
  36. Repeat. To be uncomfortable.
  37. To feel bad. To feel unhappy.
  38. 难受.难受.
  39. Can't eat.吃不下去.吃不下去.
  40. Repeat. My stomach is uncomfortable.
  41. I can't eat anymore.
  42. 我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。
  43. 我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。
  44. Now repeat. To do, to make.
  45. 弄.弄.
  46. Repeat. I'll go get you some soup then.
  47. 那我给你弄点汤来。
  48. Now answer the question. Why aren't you eating?
  49. Say, my stomach is uncomfortable. I can't eat anymore.
  50. You'll get a reply.
  51. 你怎么不吃了?
  52. 我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。
  53. 那我给你弄点汤来。
  54. Listen to the next exchange.
  55. I'm going to look for Xiao Li.
  56. I'm going to look for Xiao Lan to have a chat.
  57. 我去找小兰聊天。
  58. Don't go. She works hard all day and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
  59. 你别去了。
  60. 她一天到晚用功,没时间陪你聊天。
  61. Repeat. To chat.
  62. 聊天。聊天。
  63. Repeat. I'm going to look for Xiao Lan to have a chat.
  64. 我去找小兰聊天。
  65. 我去找小兰聊天。
  66. Repeat. All day long.
  67. 一天到晚。一天到晚。
  68. Repeat. To be hard working.
  69. 用功。用功。
  70. Repeat. Don't go.
  71. She works hard all day and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
  72. 你别去了。她一天到晚用功,没时间陪你聊天。
  73. 你别去了。她一天到晚用功,没时间陪你聊天。
  74. Now listen to the sentence.
  75. I'm going to go look for Xiao Lan to have a chat.
  76. Answer it yourself.
  77. Don't go. She works hard all day and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
  78. 我去找小兰聊天。
  79. 你别去了。她一天到晚用功,没时间陪你聊天。
  80. Here's another pronunciation for to chat.
  81. 聊天。聊天。
  82. Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
  83. Test yourself.
  84. To be interested and enthusiastic.
  85. 热心.
  86. To become interested and enthusiastic.
  87. 热心起来.
  88. To be strange.
  89. 奇怪.
  90. To be uncomfortable, to feel bad, to feel unhappy.
  91. 难受.
  92. To do, to fool with.
  93. 弄.
  94. To eat.
  95. 吃下去.
  96. To chat.
  97. 聊天.
  98. Or聊天.
  99. All day long.
  100. 一天到晚.
  101. To be hard working.
  102. 用功.
  103. Now here's the next exchange.
  104. Listen.
  105. Hasn't the Wang family's Xiao Lan ever had a boyfriend?
  106. 王家小兰,从来没有男朋友吗?
  107. She's only 19 years old and busy studying.
  108. She hasn't thought of these things yet.
  109. 她才19岁,王的念书,还没有想到这些事儿呢?
  110. Repeat ever, always.
  111. 从来,从来.
  112. Hasn't the Wang family's Xiao Lan ever had a boyfriend?
  113. 王家小兰,从来没有男朋友吗?
  114. 王家小兰,从来没有男朋友吗?
  115. Repeat to think of.
  116. 想到.
  117. 想到.
  118. Repeat, she's only 19 years old and busy studying.
  119. She hasn't thought of these things yet.
  120. 她才19岁,王的念书,还没想到这些事儿呢?
  121. 她才19岁,王的念书,还没想到这些事儿呢?
  122. Now listen to the question.
  123. Hasn't the Wang family's Xiao Lan ever had a boyfriend?
  124. And answer it yourself.
  125. She's only 19 years old and busy studying. She hasn't thought of these things yet.
  126. 王家小兰,从来没有男朋友吗?
  127. 她才19岁,王的念书,还没想到这些事儿呢?
  128. Now listen to the next sentence.
  129. My youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old,
  130. but now she's grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
  131. 我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了.
  132. Repeat to cry.
  133. 哭,哭.
  134. Repeat doesn't cry anymore.
  135. 不再哭了,不再哭了.
  136. Repeat to grow up.
  137. 长大,长大.
  138. Repeat.
  139. My youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old,
  140. but now she's grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
  141. 我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了.
  142. 我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了.
  143. Now listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
  144. Those who are parents shouldn't regard males as superior to females.
  145. 做父母的不应该种男青女。
  146. Right, and those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
  147. 对,做孩子的也应该孝顺父母.
  148. Repeat to be, to act as.
  149. 做,做。
  150. Repeat male chauvinism.
  151. 种男青女,种男青女。
  152. Repeat.
  153. Those who are parents shouldn't regard males as superior to females.
  154. 做父母的不应该种男青女。
  155. 做父母的不应该种男青女。
  156. Repeat to be filial, filial piety.
  157. 孝顺,孝顺。
  158. Repeat.
  159. Right, and those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
  160. 对,做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。
  161. 对,做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。
  162. Now listen to the sentence.
  163. Those who are parents shouldn't regard males as superior to females.
  164. And answer it yourself, say,
  165. Right, and those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
  166. 做父母的不应该种男青女。
  167. 对,做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。
  168. Now here's a review of the vocabulary in the second set of three sentences in the reference list.
  169. Test yourself.
  170. ever, always。
  171. 从来。
  172. to think of。
  173. 想到。
  174. to cry。
  175. to cry。
  176. to grow up。
  177. 长大。
  178. to be, to act as。
  179. 做。
  180. male chauvinism。
  181. 种男青女。
  182. to be filial, filial piety。
  183. 孝顺。
  184. Listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
  185. Is your younger brother at home during the day?
  186. 你弟弟白天在家吗?
  187. No, wait until the evening and then call him.
  188. 不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。
  189. Repeat daytime.
  190. 白天。白天。
  191. Repeat, is your younger brother at home during the day?
  192. 你弟弟白天在家吗?
  193. 你弟弟白天在家吗?
  194. Now repeat, wait until.
  195. 等到。
  196. 等到。
  197. Repeat, no, wait until the evening and then call him.
  198. 不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。
  199. Listen to the sentence.
  200. Is your younger brother at home during the day?
  201. And answer it yourself.
  202. Say, no, wait until the evening and then call him.
  203. 你弟弟白天在家吗?
  204. 不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。
  205. Repeat, no, wait until the evening and then call him.
  206. Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
  207. Didn't the Chinese ever stress equality between men and women?
  208. 中国人从来不讲男女平等吗?
  209. As for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decades.
  210. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  211. Repeat, never.
  212. 从来不。
  213. Repeat, too stressed to pay attention to.
  214. 讲,讲。
  215. Repeat, didn't the Chinese ever stress equality between men and women?
  216. 中国人从来不讲男女平等吗?
  217. Repeat, too stressed to pay attention to.
  218. 说到,说到。
  219. Repeat, as for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decades.
  220. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  221. Repeat, as for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decades.
  222. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  223. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  224. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  225. 听了这个问题,
  226. 认了中国人从来不讲男女平等吗?
  227. 中国人从来不讲男女平等吗?
  228. 說到男女平等,那是最近幾十年的新觀念。
  229. 大家聽有什麼好?
  230. 怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?
  231. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  232. 家庭,家庭。大家聽有什麼好?
  233. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  234. 怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?
  235. 怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?
  236. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  237. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  238. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  239. 大家聽有什麼好?
  240. 怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?
  241. 要是所有的人都像您這樣想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。
  242. 這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  243. 看到了,他們生活得不錯,我老家也變成一個很熱鬧的地方了。
  244. 看到,看到,看到。
  245. 看到,你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  246. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  247. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  248. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  249. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  250. 看到了,他們生活得不錯,我老家也變成一個很熱鬧的地方了。
  251. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  252. 你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?
  253. 看到了,他們生活得不錯,我老家也變成一個很熱鬧的地方了。
  254. 白天
  255. 等到
  256. 從來不
  257. 變成
  258. 家庭
  259. 賺錢
  260. 家庭 to earn money to make money,賺錢,all,所有的,to see, to perceive by looking,看到,100 million,已。
  261. Now, here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. Tom, a graduate student from Georgetown University, and Li Ping, a student from Hong Kong, are now on their China Airlines flight to Hong Kong.
  262. 在飛機上坐了這麼一天,感覺怎麼樣?
  263. 真不舒服,每次坐飛機都像生病一樣,特別是在飛機上換了時間,白天變成了黑夜,黑夜變成了白天,太難受了。
  264. 對了,不舒服的時候,應該喝點冰水,我去給你弄點冰水來,好不好?
  265. 好是好,可是我實在喝不下去了,算了吧,我們聊聊天,也許會好一點。
  266. 再過幾個鐘頭,你就到家了,想家嗎?
  267. 想,在美國兩年了,一天忙到晚,沒有想過家,可是現在想起家來了,你說奇怪不奇怪?
  268. 那沒有什麼奇怪,人嘛,總要有點家庭觀念,特別是中國人,中國人是講孝順的。
  269. 我覺得做父母是很不容易的,孩子應該孝順父母。
  270. 這個想法是你父母教你的嗎?
  271. 不是,是社會教我的,我母親從來不和我談孝順。
  272. 真的?真的?
  273. 我第一次賺錢的時候,才十五歲,回到家裡,就把口袋裡所有的錢都給我母親了。
  274. 還說我以後要孝順媽媽。
  275. 你媽媽怎麼說?
  276. 她哭了,她說我能獨立,能在社會上做個有用的人,就是最好的孝順。
  277. 我給她的錢,她都給我買成書,以後我就更用功了。
  278. 真是一位好媽媽。
  279. 是,我寫信給她,告訴她我要和一位美國朋友一起回來過暑假。
  280. 她很高興,她很歡迎你來。
  281. 對不起,兩位先生,你們要喝點什麼?
  282. 我不大舒服,不要什麼。
  283. 不大舒服,一杯熱茶好不好?
  284. 好的,謝謝你。
  285. 我來一瓶啤酒,你們有沒有Hannick?
  286. 有。
  287. 謝謝。
  288. 不客氣,這位先生,您還要什麼?請告訴我。
  289. 好的,謝謝你。
  290. 我們說到哪兒了?
  291. 對了,你家裡除了你父母和祖母以外,還有什麼人嗎?
  292. 你忘了,我還有一個妹妹在銀行做事的。
  293. 對了,你跟我說過,我怎麼又忘了呢?
  294. 說到我妹妹,就想到我母親。
  295. 你知道,在中國重男輕女的觀念還是有的。
  296. 可是我妹妹是離開大學以後,又在英國念了兩年書才做事的。
  297. 這也要感謝我母親。
  298. 你妹妹現在只做事還是也念著書?
  299. 她只做事。
  300. 不過她很熱心研究大陸的情形,常看很多關於大陸的書。
  301. 她常說,我是中國人,大陸上有十億中國人。
  302. 我怎麼可以不知道他們的生活、工作和學習的情況呢?
  303. 她的話很有道理。
  304. 她有很多大陸來的朋友,你和她談談也會覺得很有意思。
  305. 她對大陸的情形這麼熱心,你母親有什麼看法嗎?
  306. 她常說,孩子長大了,他們要走什麼路,應該自己考慮。
  307. 真好,實在是太好了。
  308. 等到你見到她的時候,一定會喜歡她,也會喜歡我們家的。
  309. 一定。