FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 06 - Tape 1.mp3.txt 15 KB

  1. Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Life in China Module Unit 6, Tape 1.
  2. In this unit, you'll learn words and phrases used in talking about the rationing system and buying things in China.
  3. Listen to the first exchange in the reference list.
  4. It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
  5. 今天,都11月3日了,咱们家还没出村东菜呢?
  6. Don't worry, we'll make it in time.
  7. 你当心吧,当不了。
  8. Repeat already.
  9. 都,都.
  10. Repeat to accumulate to store.
  11. 处存,处存.
  12. Every year in the late fall, city residents in North China buy fresh vegetables such as cabbage or potatoes in large quantities
  13. and keep them in a cool place throughout the winter.
  14. Repeat vegetable stored for winter consumption, literally winter vegetable.
  15. 东菜,东菜.
  16. Repeat, it's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
  17. 今天,都11月3日了,咱们家还没出村东菜呢?
  18. It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
  19. 今天,都11月3日了,咱们家还没出村东菜呢?
  20. Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply.
  21. It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
  22. It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
  23. 今天,都11月3日了,咱们家还没出村东菜呢?
  24. 你放心啦,耽误不了.
  25. Repeat to let time slip by, to let an opportunity go by.
  26. 耽误,耽误.
  27. Repeat, don't worry, we'll make it in time.
  28. 你放心吧,耽误不了.
  29. 你放心吧,耽误不了.
  30. Now listen to the statement, and then you give the reply, say, don't worry, we'll make it in time.
  31. 今天,都11月3日了,咱们家还没出村东菜呢?
  32. 你放心吧,耽误不了.
  33. Now listen to the next exchange, did you go to that market again to buy things?
  34. 您又去那个菜市场买东西了?
  35. I like that market, the attitude of the service attendants there is good, they're really friendly.
  36. 我喜欢那个菜市场,他们的服务员菜都好,可和气了.
  37. Repeat, service personnel, attendant.
  38. 无缘,无缘.
  39. Repeat, attitude, manner, approach.
  40. 菜都,菜都.
  41. Repeat, to be friendly.
  42. 和气,和气.
  43. Repeat, I like that market, the attitude of the service attendants there is good.
  44. They're really friendly.
  45. 我喜欢那个菜市场,他们的服务员菜都好,可和气了.
  46. 我喜欢那个菜市场,他们的服务员菜都好,可和气了.
  47. Here's the next exchange.
  48. Listen, is this child a registered resident of the city?
  49. 这个孩子是城市户口吗?
  50. Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
  51. 是,这是她的长期户口.
  52. Repeat, urban resident registration.
  53. 城市户口,城市户口.
  54. Repeat, is this child a registered resident of the city?
  55. 这个孩子是城市户口吗?
  56. 这个孩子是城市户口吗?
  57. Repeat long-term.
  58. 长期,长期.
  59. Repeat, yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
  60. 是,这是她的长期户口.
  61. 是,这是她的长期户口.
  62. Now listen to the question and give the answer yourself.
  63. Say yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
  64. 这个孩子是城市户口吗?
  65. 是,这是她的长期户口.
  66. Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
  67. Test yourself, already.
  68. 都,to accumulate, to store.
  69. 储存,winter vegetables.
  70. 东派,to let time slip by, to let an opportunity go by.
  71. 专务,service personnel attendance.
  72. 服务员,attitude manner approach.
  73. 态度,to be friendly.
  74. 和气,urban resident registration.
  75. 城市户口,long-term.
  76. 长期.
  77. Now here's the next exchange, listen.
  78. How are non-stable food items sold here?
  79. 这儿的负实品怎么卖?
  80. Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
  81. 不少东西还是根据户口供应.
  82. Repeat non-stable food items.
  83. 负实品,负实品.
  84. Repeat,how are non-stable food items sold here?
  85. 这儿的负实品怎么卖?
  86. 这儿的负实品怎么卖?
  87. Repeat according to based upon.
  88. 根据,根据.
  89. Repeat supply to provide to supply.
  90. 供应,供应.
  91. Repeat,many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
  92. 不少东西还是根据户口供应.
  93. 不少东西还是根据户口供应.
  94. Now try answering the question yourself.
  95. Say,many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
  96. 这儿的负实品怎么卖?
  97. 不少东西还是根据户口供应.
  98. Listen to the next exchange.
  99. Your son will have a birthday this month.
  100. He should increase his ration quota again.
  101. 这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了.
  102. That's right.
  103. I should go to the grain and dried bean shop to change his ration quota for him.
  104. 对了,我应该到粮店给他改定量去.
  105. Repeat to increase.
  106. 增加,增加.
  107. Repeat ration quota allowance.
  108. 定量,定量.
  109. Repeat,your son will have a birthday this month.
  110. He should increase his ration quota again.
  111. 这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了.
  112. Repeat,a shop which sells grains and dried beans.
  113. 粮店,粮店.
  114. Repeat,that's right.
  115. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
  116. 对了,我应该到粮店给他改定量去.
  117. 对了,我应该到粮店给他改定量去.
  118. Now you replied to the first sentence.
  119. Say,that's right.
  120. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
  121. 这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了.
  122. 对了,我应该到粮店给他改定量去.
  123. Now listen to the next exchange.
  124. What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
  125. 给孩子增加定量的手续怎么办?
  126. You go to the grain and dried beans store,
  127. and after the attendant looks at the child's age and his birth date in his resident registration,
  128. he writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
  129. 到粮店去,服务员看了户口上孩子的年龄和生日,
  130. 就会在两本上写上新的定量.
  131. Repeat procedures for maladies.
  132. 手续,手续.
  133. Repeat,what are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
  134. 给孩子增加定量的手续怎么办?
  135. 给孩子增加定量的手续怎么办?
  136. Now you ask the question yourself, you get a reply.
  137. What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
  138. 给孩子增加定量的手续怎么办?
  139. 到粮店去,服务员看了户口上孩子的年龄和生日,
  140. 就会在两本上写上新的定量.
  141. Repeat age,年龄,年龄.
  142. Repeat ration booklet for grains and dried beans.
  143. 两本,两本.
  144. Practice this reply in two parts.
  145. Here's the first half.
  146. You go to the grain and dried beans store,
  147. and after the attendant looks at the child's age and birth date in his resident registration.
  148. 到粮店去,服务员看了户口上孩子的年龄和生日。
  149. 到粮店去,服务员看了户口上孩子的年龄和生日。
  150. Now here's the second half.
  151. He writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
  152. 就会在两本上写上新的定量。
  153. 就会在两本上写上新的定量。
  154. Now here's the review of the vocabulary you just learned.
  155. Test yourself.
  156. Non-stable food items.
  157. 副食品.
  158. According to, based upon.
  159. 手续.
  160. Supply to supply to provide.
  161. 供应.
  162. To increase.
  163. 登家.
  164. Ration quota allowance.
  165. 定量.
  166. A shop which sells grains and dried beans.
  167. 粮店.
  168. Procedures for melody.
  169. 手续.
  170. Age.
  171. 年龄.
  172. Ration booklet for grains and dried beans.
  173. 两本.
  174. Now listen to the next exchange on the reference list.
  175. I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
  176. 听说,粮店,都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  177. Is there some way you could explain this to me?
  178. 你有没有法子把这件事给我讲一讲?
  179. Repeat to issue.
  180. 发.
  181. 发.
  182. Repeat ration ticket for grains and dried beans.
  183. 粮票.
  184. 粮票.
  185. Repeat.
  186. I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
  187. 听说,粮店都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  188. I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration ticket according to the ration booklet.
  189. 听说,粮店都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  190. Repeat method way.
  191. 法子.
  192. 法子.
  193. Repeat.
  194. Is there some way you could explain this to me?
  195. 你有没有法子把这件事给我讲一讲?
  196. Is there some way you could explain this to me?
  197. 你有没有法子把这件事给我讲一讲?
  198. Is there some way you could explain this to me?
  199. 听说,粮店都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  200. Is there some way you could explain this to me?
  201. 听说,粮店都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  202. 你有没有法子把这件事给我讲一讲?
  203. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  204. Is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
  205. 工人的粮有定量,是不是比干部的定量高?
  206. The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers.
  207. The oil ration quota is the same.
  208. 对,干部的粮是定量比工人的低。
  209. 油的定量是一样的。
  210. Repeat grain food supplies.
  211. 粮,粮,Repeat oil.
  212. 油,油,Repeat.
  213. Is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
  214. 工人的粮有定量,是不是比干部的定量高?
  215. 工人的粮有定量,是不是比干部的定量高?
  216. Repeat to be low.
  217. 低,低,Repeat.
  218. The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers.
  219. The oil ration quota is the same.
  220. 对,干部的粮是定量比工人的低。
  221. 油的定量是一样的。
  222. 对,干部的粮是定量比工人的低。
  223. 油的定量是一样的。
  224. Now you try answering the question, say,
  225. The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers.
  226. The oil ration quota is the same.
  227. 工人的粮有定量,是不是比干部的定量高?
  228. 对,干部的粮是定量比工人的低。
  229. 油的定量是一样的。
  230. Listen to the next sentence from the reference list.
  231. Last week, the fish supplied by our non-stable food shop was especially fresh.
  232. Every family wanted to buy some.
  233. 上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家都愿意买。
  234. Repeat, a shop itself non-stable food item.
  235. 副食店,副食店。
  236. Repeat, every family.
  237. 家家,家家。
  238. Repeat, last week, the fish supplied by our non-stable food shop was especially fresh.
  239. Every family wanted to buy some.
  240. 上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家都愿意买。
  241. 上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家都愿意买。
  242. Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
  243. I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
  244. 我想上街去买点东西。
  245. Actually, some of your age shouldn't have to go shopping.
  246. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
  247. 其实,您这么大年纪,不要上街了。副食店会把货物送来的。
  248. Repeat, to go downtown to go to the shopping area.
  249. 上街,上街。
  250. Repeat, I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
  251. 我想上街去买点东西。
  252. I want to go to the shopping area to buy some things.
  253. Repeat, actually, as a matter of fact,
  254. 其实,
  255. Repeat, goods, commodity,
  256. 华物,华物。
  257. Repeat, actually, some of your age shouldn't have to go shopping.
  258. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
  259. 其实,您这么大年纪,不要上街了。副食店会把货物送来的。
  260. 其实,您这么大年纪,不要上街了。副食店会把货物送来的。
  261. Now listen to the first sentence and you give the reply.
  262. They actually someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping.
  263. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
  264. 我想上街去买点东西。
  265. 其实,您这么大年纪,不要上街了。副食店会把货物送来的。
  266. Now here's the review of the vocabulary you just learned.
  267. Test yourself to issue
  268. Ration ticket for grains and dried beans
  269. 凉票
  270. Method, way
  271. 发子
  272. Grain, food supply
  273. Oil
  274. To be low
  275. Cop with sells non-stable food items
  276. 副食店
  277. Every family
  278. 家家
  279. To go downtown, to go to the shopping area
  280. 上街
  281. Actually, as a matter of fact
  282. 其实
  283. Goods, commodities
  284. 华物
  285. I'll listen to the next exchange.
  286. Anti, the attendant from the non-stable food store
  287. has brought his goods by.
  288. 一妈,副食店的服务员送话来了。
  289. You go over and stand in line first
  290. and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  291. 你先去排队,我拿了副食板就来。
  292. Attendants from non-stable food stores bring carts of goods to sell at various large apartment buildings or small streets.
  293. This way, the residents only have to run downstairs or down the block
  294. to pick up some needed commodity.
  295. Now repeat, maternal aunt.
  296. 一妈,一妈
  297. Repeat goods, commodity
  298. Anti, the attendant from the non-stable food store
  299. has brought his goods by.
  300. 一妈,副食店的服务员送话来了。
  301. Repeat to line up to form a line.
  302. 排队,排队
  303. Repeat ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  304. 副食板,副食板
  305. Repeat, you go over and stand in line first
  306. and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  307. 副食板,副食板
  308. Repeat, you go over and stand in line first
  309. and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  310. 你先去排队,我拿了副食板就来。
  311. 你先去排队,我拿了副食板就来。
  312. Listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
  313. Say, you go over and stand in line first
  314. and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  315. 一妈,副食店的服务员送货来了。
  316. 你先去排队,我拿了副食板就来。
  317. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  318. This company's products are quite inexpensive.
  319. 这个公司的产品相当便宜。
  320. In the future, when production is even better,
  321. the prices will be even lower.
  322. 将来生产搞得更好,价钱会更便宜。
  323. Repeat, product produced.
  324. 产品,产品。
  325. Repeat, this company's products are quite inexpensive.
  326. 这个公司的产品相当便宜。
  327. 这个公司的产品相当便宜。
  328. Repeat, future.将来,将来。
  329. Repeat, price.价钱,价钱。
  330. Repeat, in the future, when production is even better,
  331. the prices will be even lower.将来生产搞得更好,价钱会更便宜。
  332. 将来生产搞得更好,价钱会更便宜。
  333. Now listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
  334. Say, in the future, when production is even better,
  335. the prices will be even lower.
  336. 这个公司的产品相当便宜。
  337. 将来生产搞得更好,价钱会更便宜。
  338. Now listen to the last sentence from the reference list.
  339. The airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
  340. 飞机场通知我们,因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。
  341. Repeat, unable to leave. It also means unable to walk.
  342. 走不了,走不了。
  343. Repeat, the airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
  344. 飞机场通知我们,因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。
  345. Repeat, the airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
  346. Now here's a review of the vocabulary from the last part of the reference list.
  347. Test yourself.
  348. Maternal Ant.
  349. 仪妈.
  350. Goods, Commodities.
  351. 货.
  352. To line up to form a line.
  353. 排队.
  354. Ration booklet for non-stable food items.
  355. 负实本.
  356. Product, produce.
  357. 产品.
  358. Future.
  359. 将来.
  360. Price.
  361. 价钱.
  362. Unable to leave, unable to walk.
  363. 走不了.
  364. A dialog reviewing all this material is at the beginning of the tape 2 for this unit.
  365. This is the end of the tape.
  366. end of life in china module unit 6 tape 1.