FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 4-6 - Tape 1.mp3.vtt 9.4 KB

  2. 00:00.000 --> 00:04.000
  3. Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  4. 00:04.000 --> 00:09.000
  5. Life in China module, units 4 through 6, review tape 1.
  6. 00:09.000 --> 00:15.000
  7. This tape reviews your comprehension of the reference list sentences in units 4 through 6.
  8. 00:15.000 --> 00:19.000
  9. The speaker will say a sentence in Chinese, and you put it into English.
  10. 00:19.000 --> 00:22.000
  11. Let's begin.
  12. 00:22.000 --> 00:29.000
  13. 姨媽,富石店的服务员送货来了.
  14. 00:29.000 --> 00:34.000
  15. Anti, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.
  16. 00:34.000 --> 00:42.000
  17. 你先去排队,我拿了富石本就来.
  18. 00:42.000 --> 00:49.000
  19. You go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.
  20. 00:49.000 --> 00:58.000
  21. 机场通知我们,因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了.
  22. 00:58.000 --> 01:05.000
  23. The airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of the bad weather.
  24. 01:05.000 --> 01:14.000
  25. 从北京饭店到动物园,要不要坐长途汽车?
  26. 01:14.000 --> 01:18.000
  27. Do I need to take a long distance bus from the Peking Hotel to the zoo?
  28. 01:18.000 --> 01:23.000
  29. 不用,坐五轨电车就行了.
  30. 01:23.000 --> 01:26.000
  31. No, you can go by trolley bus.
  32. 01:26.000 --> 01:37.000
  33. 我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边将早一点通火车.
  34. 01:37.000 --> 01:44.000
  35. I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.
  36. 01:44.000 --> 01:54.000
  37. 可不是嘛,到那个时候,大家探亲可就方便多了。
  38. 01:54.000 --> 01:55.000
  39. Yes indeed.
  40. 01:55.000 --> 02:00.000
  41. When that time comes, it'll be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
  42. 02:00.000 --> 02:05.000
  43. 你又去那个菜市场买东西了?
  44. 02:05.000 --> 02:08.000
  45. Did you go to that market again to buy things?
  46. 02:08.000 --> 02:18.000
  47. 我喜欢那个菜市场,他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。
  48. 02:18.000 --> 02:24.000
  49. I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good. They're really friendly.
  50. 02:24.000 --> 02:30.000
  51. 这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满的了。
  52. 02:30.000 --> 02:35.000
  53. Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
  54. 02:35.000 --> 02:46.000
  55. 你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动,是太忙了。
  56. 02:46.000 --> 02:53.000
  57. You want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
  58. 02:53.000 --> 02:56.000
  59. 他唱歌真好听。
  60. 02:56.000 --> 02:59.000
  61. She sings songs really beautifully.
  62. 02:59.000 --> 03:07.000
  63. 你总是搞错,那不是歌,那是地方戏。
  64. 03:07.000 --> 03:12.000
  65. You always mistake them. That's not a song, that's local opera.
  66. 03:12.000 --> 03:21.000
  67. 你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四小时,有什么原因吗?
  68. 03:21.000 --> 03:27.000
  69. Is there some reason why you're so fond of exercising and why you're working out three or four hours a day?
  70. 03:27.000 --> 03:33.000
  71. 我要参加明年春天的运动会。
  72. 03:33.000 --> 03:37.000
  73. I want to enter the sports meet next spring.
  74. 03:37.000 --> 03:42.000
  75. 中国现在有远洋轮船吗?
  76. 03:42.000 --> 03:46.000
  77. Does China have ocean-going steamships now?
  78. 03:46.000 --> 03:55.000
  79. 有,早就有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。
  80. 03:55.000 --> 04:02.000
  81. Yes, China has had ocean-going freighters and ocean-going passenger steamships for a long time.
  82. 04:02.000 --> 04:07.000
  83. 我想上街去买点东西。
  84. 04:07.000 --> 04:11.000
  85. I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
  86. 04:11.000 --> 04:21.000
  87. 您这么大年纪,不要上街了。富士店会把货物送来的。
  88. 04:21.000 --> 04:24.000
  89. Actually, someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping.
  90. 04:24.000 --> 04:28.000
  91. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
  92. 04:28.000 --> 04:37.000
  93. 一个高中学生,看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?
  94. 04:37.000 --> 04:43.000
  95. Will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Beijing?
  96. 04:43.000 --> 04:50.000
  97. 大多数高中学生都能看懂。
  98. 04:50.000 --> 04:55.000
  99. The great majority of senior high school students will be able to understand it.
  100. 04:55.000 --> 05:03.000
  101. 他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。
  102. 05:03.000 --> 05:07.000
  103. His recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
  104. 05:07.000 --> 05:13.000
  105. 最近两年,他提高得很快。
  106. 05:13.000 --> 05:17.000
  107. Yes, in the last two years, his work has improved rapidly.
  108. 05:17.000 --> 05:20.000
  109. 真为他高兴。
  110. 05:20.000 --> 05:23.000
  111. I'm really happy for him.
  112. 05:23.000 --> 05:27.000
  113. 你明天晚上去打球吗?
  114. 05:27.000 --> 05:30.000
  115. Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
  116. 05:30.000 --> 05:38.000
  117. 不,我要陪我师父去看芭蕾舞。
  118. 05:38.000 --> 05:42.000
  119. No, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.
  120. 05:42.000 --> 05:50.000
  121. 这个月,你怎么买月票了?骑车不是很好吗?
  122. 05:50.000 --> 05:55.000
  123. How come you bought a monthly ticket this month? Isn't riding a bicycle good?
  124. 05:55.000 --> 06:03.000
  125. 每天上班,得过两个桥,真累。
  126. 06:03.000 --> 06:06.000
  127. Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges.
  128. 06:06.000 --> 06:08.000
  129. It's really tiring.
  130. 06:08.000 --> 06:18.000
  131. 红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便。
  132. 06:18.000 --> 06:21.000
  133. And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever.
  134. 06:21.000 --> 06:25.000
  135. So it's still more convenient to take a public bus.
  136. 06:25.000 --> 06:37.000
  137. 上个星期,我们富士店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家都愿意买。
  138. 06:37.000 --> 06:41.000
  139. Last week, the fish supplied by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh.
  140. 06:41.000 --> 06:44.000
  141. Every family wanted to buy some.
  142. 06:44.000 --> 06:52.000
  143. 今天下午,我们的教学讨论会不开了。
  144. 06:52.000 --> 06:56.000
  145. Our teaching discussion session isn't meeting this afternoon.
  146. 06:56.000 --> 07:03.000
  147. 好急了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
  148. 07:03.000 --> 07:07.000
  149. Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.
  150. 07:07.000 --> 07:13.000
  151. 这个公司的产品相当便宜。
  152. 07:13.000 --> 07:25.000
  153. 将来,生产搞得更好,价钱会更便宜。
  154. 07:25.000 --> 07:30.000
  155. 将来,产品会更便宜。
  156. 07:30.000 --> 07:38.000
  157. 周总理十分关怀,我们大学的教学工作。
  158. 07:38.000 --> 07:43.000
  159. Premiere Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.
  160. 07:43.000 --> 07:51.000
  161. 这个惊喜值得看,今天你想不想去。
  162. 07:51.000 --> 07:56.000
  163. This peaking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
  164. 07:56.000 --> 08:06.000
  165. 今天晚上,电视节目转播电影,咱们明天看惊喜吧。
  166. 08:06.000 --> 08:14.000
  167. 今天晚上,电视节目转播电影,咱们明天看惊喜吧。
  168. 08:14.000 --> 08:20.000
  169. 这个孩子是城市户口吗?
  170. 08:20.000 --> 08:28.000
  171. 是,这是她的长期户口。
  172. 08:28.000 --> 08:32.000
  173. 是的,这是她的长期户口。
  174. 08:32.000 --> 08:50.000
  175. 这次出门,又过长江,又过黄河,有意思急了。
  176. 08:50.000 --> 09:01.000
  177. 这个月,你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。
  178. 09:01.000 --> 09:17.000
  179. 对了,我应该到粮店给他改定量去。
  180. 09:17.000 --> 09:30.000
  181. 除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?
  182. 09:30.000 --> 09:52.000
  183. 广大干部觉得,要提高自己的思想水平,就必须经常学习。
  184. 09:52.000 --> 10:03.000
  185. 对孩子增加定量的手续怎么办?
  186. 10:03.000 --> 10:21.000
  187. 到粮店去,服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在两本上写上新的定量。
  188. 10:21.000 --> 10:46.000
  189. 公人的粮油定量,是不是比干部的定量高?
  190. 10:46.000 --> 11:04.000
  191. 对,干部的粮食定量比公人的低,油的定量是一样的。
  192. 11:04.000 --> 11:15.000
  193. 听说,你要到边疆出差去了。
  194. 11:15.000 --> 11:30.000
  195. 对了,为了这次出远门,这两天忙得不得了。
  196. 11:30.000 --> 11:44.000
  197. 今天都11月3号了,咱们家还没储存东菜呢。
  198. 11:44.000 --> 11:51.000
  199. 放心吧,耽误不了。
  200. 11:51.000 --> 12:03.000
  201. 这次你出门办公室,准备怎么走啊?
  202. 12:03.000 --> 12:15.000
  203. 坐飞机,下午到中国民航买机票。
  204. 12:15.000 --> 12:22.000
  205. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?
  206. 12:22.000 --> 12:32.000
  207. 喜欢。一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。
  208. 12:32.000 --> 12:50.000
  209. 对了,一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑自行车。
  210. 12:50.000 --> 13:10.000
  211. 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑自行车。
  212. 13:10.000 --> 13:20.000
  213. 阿姨,今天有什么新闻呢?
  214. 13:20.000 --> 13:31.000
  215. 我听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了。
  216. 13:31.000 --> 13:49.000
  217. 好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。
  218. 13:49.000 --> 13:57.000
  219. 这儿的副食品怎么卖?
  220. 13:57.000 --> 14:08.000
  221. 不少东西,还是根据户口供应。
  222. 14:08.000 --> 14:18.000
  223. 昨天,她和谁到医合员去了?
  224. 14:18.000 --> 14:24.000
  225. 那是她私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。
  226. 14:24.000 --> 14:35.000
  227. 你除了爱打听棒球以外,还喜欢什么?
  228. 14:35.000 --> 14:45.000
  229. 喜欢篮球,我还参加了学校的篮球队。
  230. 14:45.000 --> 15:09.000
  231. 为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末,我们要开一个音乐会。
  232. 15:09.000 --> 15:15.000
  233. 真不坏,我也参加。
  234. 15:15.000 --> 15:32.000
  235. 听说,粮店都是根据两本,发粮票的。
  236. 15:32.000 --> 15:38.000
  237. 你有没有法子?把这件事儿给我讲一讲。
  238. 15:38.000 --> 16:00.000
  239. 你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。
  240. 16:00.000 --> 16:11.000
  241. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。