FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 06 MTG - Unit 08 - Tape 8C-1.mp3.tsv 17 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 3160 Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  3. 3160 8320 Meeting module, Unit 8, Comprehension Tape 1.
  4. 8320 11920 The situations on this tape are set in the PRC.
  5. 11920 15120 On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers
  6. 15120 18600 used in politely declining invitations.
  7. 18600 22400 The following conversation involves turning down a formal invitation.
  8. 22400 24560 Listen.
  9. 24560 27800 Hello, this is the protocol department.
  10. 27800 29200 Why?
  11. 29200 34920 这是李斌斯.
  12. 34920 35920 Why?
  13. 35920 39320 这是李斌斯.
  14. 39320 43640 Hello, this is Ambassador Leiden Secretary.
  15. 43640 49880 喂,我是来登大使的秘书.
  16. 49880 54320 喂,我是来登大使的秘书.
  17. 54320 57360 Here's the name of the protocol department.
  18. 57360 61960 李斌斯.
  19. 61960 65360 Here's how you say Ambassador Leiden.
  20. 65360 71160 来登大使.
  21. 71160 73960 And here's the word for secretary.
  22. 73960 78360 秘书.
  23. 78360 81560 Listen to the exchange live.
  24. 81560 85160 Why?这是李斌斯.
  25. 85160 88360 喂,我是来登大使的秘书.
  26. 88360 90360 Again.
  27. 90360 93760 Why?这是李斌斯.
  28. 93760 97760 喂,我是来登大使的秘书.
  29. 97760 99760 Check your comprehension.
  30. 99760 106960 Why?这是李斌斯.
  31. 106960 111160 Hello, this is the protocol department.
  32. 111160 119360 喂,我是来登大使的秘书.
  33. 119360 123760 Hello, this is Ambassador Leiden Secretary.
  34. 123760 126360 The conversation continues.
  35. 126360 129960 The ambassador received your invitation.
  36. 129960 138360 大使接着你们的琴帖了.
  37. 138360 140360 Here's the verb used for receiving a letter
  38. 140360 142360 or a phone call.
  39. 142360 146160 接,接.
  40. 146160 148160 You'll remember that the element着,
  41. 148160 151360 as in 买不着 refers to success
  42. 151360 153260 in obtaining something.
  43. 153260 157660 In this case, success in obtaining invitation.
  44. 157660 160560 Here's the word for invitation.
  45. 160560 164760 琴帖,琴帖.
  46. 164760 167460 Here's the sentence live.
  47. 167460 170760 大使接着你们的琴帖了.
  48. 170760 172560 Again.
  49. 172560 175960 大使接着你们的琴帖了.
  50. 175960 178660 Check your comprehension.
  51. 178660 185260 大使接着你们的琴帖了.
  52. 185260 189460 The ambassador received your invitation.
  53. 189460 192160 The conversation continues.
  54. 192160 195660 Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement,
  55. 195660 198360 they can't come August 9th.
  56. 198360 206160 很可惜,因为他有事,89号不能来.
  57. 206160 211460 很可惜,因为他有事,89号不能来.
  58. 211460 215160 Please inform Mr. Qiao.
  59. 215160 222060 请你转告乔部长.
  60. 222060 224160 I'm very sorry.
  61. 224160 228860 很抱歉,很抱歉.
  62. 228860 233060 Here's how you say unfortunately or what a pity.
  63. 233060 237260 可惜,可惜.
  64. 237260 242460 Here's the verb for to inform or to pass on a message.
  65. 242460 247260 转告,转告.
  66. 247260 250260 Here's the title for the head of a ministry.
  67. 250260 254460 部长,部长.
  68. 254460 258160 And here's the adjectival verb used in apologies to mean
  69. 258160 262660 to be sorry for not fulfilling one's own social responsibilities.
  70. 262660 266660 抱歉,抱歉.
  71. 266660 269460 Listen to the remarks live.
  72. 269460 274360 很可惜,因为他有事,89号不能来.
  73. 274360 278160 请你转告乔部长,很抱歉.
  74. 278160 279960 Again.
  75. 279960 284760 很可惜,因为他有事,89号不能来.
  76. 284760 288960 请你转告乔部长,很抱歉.
  77. 288960 292060 Check your comprehension.
  78. 292060 304160 很可惜,因为他有事,89号不能来.
  79. 304160 307360 Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement,
  80. 307360 310660 he can't come August 9th.
  81. 310660 316460 请你转告乔部长.
  82. 316460 319860 Please inform Minister Qiao.
  83. 319860 323660 很抱歉.
  84. 323660 327060 I'm very sorry.
  85. 327060 332160 Let's change the scene and listen to a similar conversation live.
  86. 332160 337320 英国新派来了一位大使,我前天介绍了英国大使馆的一个
  87. 337320 342420 琴铁,你也有琴铁吧?
  88. 342420 353020 我也介绍琴铁了,很可惜,我们已经和朋友约好了,到别的地方去。
  89. 353020 359120 我已经请他的秘书转告他,我不能去.
  90. 359120 361020 Again.
  91. 361020 367220 英国新派来了一位大使,我前天介绍了英国大使馆的一个琴铁,
  92. 367220 370620 你也有琴铁吧?
  93. 370620 380720 我也介绍琴铁了,很可惜,我们已经和朋友约好了,到别的地方去。
  94. 380720 386520 我已经请他的秘书转告他,我不能去。
  95. 386520 389720 Check your comprehension.
  96. 389720 397120 英国新派来了一位大使,
  97. 397120 411420 英国新派来了一位大使,我前天介绍了英国大使馆的一个琴铁,
  98. 411420 423820 昨天我接受了一个邀请,你也有琴铁吧?
  99. 423820 427220 I assume you have an invitation too?
  100. 427220 433820 我也介绍琴铁了。
  101. 433820 436520 I received an invitation too.
  102. 436520 450720 很可惜,我们已经和朋友约好了,到别的地方去。
  103. 450720 457020 Unfortunately, we had already arranged with friends to go someplace else.
  104. 457020 470420 我已经请他的秘书转告他,我不能去。
  105. 470420 475620 I already asked the secretary to inform him that I can't go.
  106. 475620 481520 Let's go back and listen to how the receptionist responds to the invitation being turned down.
  107. 481520 485720 We regret that Ambassador Leiden can't come.
  108. 485720 497120 很遗憾,来等大使不能来。
  109. 497120 500920 I'll pass on the message for you.
  110. 500920 509720 我替你转告一下。
  111. 509720 516720 Here's the verb to regret in the sense of regretting that something you had been looking forward to won't happen.
  112. 516720 521220 遗憾,遗憾。
  113. 521220 527620 And here's the prepositional verb for in the sense of substituting for or in the place of someone.
  114. 527620 531420 替。替。
  115. 531420 534620 In the sentence,我替你转告一下。
  116. 534620 541020 The addition of 一下 acts like reduplication of the verb to make the statement more casual.
  117. 541020 544220 Here's the response live.
  118. 544220 547720 很遗憾,来等大使不能来。
  119. 547720 550520 我替你转告一下。
  120. 550520 552620 Again.
  121. 552620 559120 很遗憾,来等大使不能来。我替你转告一下。
  122. 559120 561920 Check your comprehension.
  123. 561920 571120 很遗憾,来等大使不能来。
  124. 571120 575120 We regret that Ambassador Leiden can't come.
  125. 575120 582120 我替你转告一下。
  126. 582120 585920 I'll pass on the message for you.
  127. 585920 593120 Now let's change the scene and listen to another re-conversation live.
  128. 593120 599320 范科长,很遗憾,你下个星期没时间到我们这儿来。
  129. 599320 610520 诺瓦克女士,很抱歉,因为我们部长那天要我去开会,所以我得请陆科长替我去。
  130. 610520 612020 Again.
  131. 612020 617720 范科长,很遗憾,你下个星期没时间到我们这儿来。
  132. 617720 628520 诺瓦克女士,很抱歉,因为我们部长那天要我去开会,所以我得请陆科长替我去。
  133. 628520 631520 Check your comprehension.
  134. 631520 647020 范科长,很遗憾,你下个星期没时间到我们这儿来。
  135. 647020 653020 Section 3 fun, I very much regret that you don't have time to come over here next week.
  136. 653020 661020 诺瓦克女士,很抱歉。
  137. 661020 664520 I'm very sorry, Ms. Novak.
  138. 664520 682620 因为我们部长那天要我去开会,所以我得请陆科长替我去。
  139. 682620 689620 Because our minister wants me to go to a meeting that day, I have to ask Section Chief Lu to go for me.
  140. 689620 696920 In the following conversation, a group of Canadian students is trying to set up a joint trip with a group of Chinese students.
  141. 696920 701420 Listen as Ms. Gordon approaches the leader of the Chinese group.
  142. 701420 707420 马铭李,a few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall Saturday for an outing.
  143. 707420 715220 马铭李,我们几个同学星期六计划到长城去玩。
  144. 715220 721520 马铭李,我们几个同学星期六计划到长城去玩。
  145. 721520 728820 Here's the word for fellow student,同学,同学。
  146. 728820 735920 And here's the name for the Great Wall,长城,长城。
  147. 735920 743320 Literally, the word 长 means long,and the word 城 means city, or city wall.
  148. 743320 746720 Here are the questions live.
  149. 746720 752420 马铭李,我们几个同学星期六计划到长城去玩。
  150. 752420 755220 你们能不能一起去?
  151. 755220 762820 Again,马铭李,我们几个同学星期六计划到长城去玩。
  152. 762820 765620 你们能不能一起去?
  153. 765620 768520 Track your comprehension.
  154. 768520 784220 马铭李,我们几个同学星期六计划到长城去玩。
  155. 784220 790420 马铭李,a few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall Saturday for an outing.
  156. 790420 796220 你们能不能一起去?
  157. 796220 798420 Can you go with us?
  158. 798420 801720 The conversation continues.
  159. 801720 804520 We really couldn't make that.
  160. 804520 810820 真不巧。
  161. 810820 815020 We have a previous engagement that day. We have no way of going.
  162. 815020 827420 那天我们有事,没办法去。
  163. 827420 831620 Here's the word for timely or opportune.
  164. 831620 836020 巧。
  165. 836020 841020 Here's how you say, there's no way or it can't be helped.
  166. 841020 845320 没办法。
  167. 845320 851120 By itself, the word 办法 means method or way.
  168. 851120 854820 Here's the reply live.
  169. 854820 859820 真不巧。那天我们有事,没办法去。
  170. 859820 861720 Again.
  171. 861720 867820 真不巧。那天我们有事,没办法去。
  172. 867820 869820 Track your comprehension.
  173. 869820 875220 真不巧。
  174. 875220 877820 We really couldn't make that.
  175. 877820 889820 那天我们有事,没办法去。
  176. 889820 895320 We have a previous engagement that day. We have no way of going.
  177. 895320 902520 An invitation from someone you don't know very well might be refused more politely. Listen.
  178. 902520 907120 I hope that later we'll again find a chance to get together.
  179. 907120 916420 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  180. 916420 922120 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  181. 922120 929120 Here's the verb to get together, to gather or to assemble.
  182. 929120 934120 聚。
  183. 934120 937120 Here's the exchange live.
  184. 937120 940620 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  185. 940620 944120 好啊。Again.
  186. 944120 947620 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  187. 947620 952120 好啊。Check your comprehension.
  188. 952120 963620 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  189. 963620 968620 I hope that later we'll again find a chance to get together.
  190. 968620 971620 好啊。
  191. 971620 974120 Fun.
  192. 974120 981120 Let's change the scene and listen to another short conversation reviewing the material just covered.
  193. 981120 985620 朱子强,我还没去过长城呢。
  194. 985620 993620 这个星期天我要约几个同学到长城去玩,你能不能跟我们一起去?
  195. 993620 1007120 对不起,那天真不巧,我已经跟别人约好了,有几个朋友在一起聚聚,没办法去谢谢。
  196. 1007120 1012620 Again,朱子强,我还没去过长城呢。
  197. 1012620 1019620 这个星期天我要约几个同学到长城去玩,你能不能跟我们一起去?
  198. 1019620 1033620 对不起,那天真不巧,我已经跟别人约好了,有几个朋友在一起聚聚,没办法去谢谢。
  199. 1033620 1041620 So if you understood what we said,朱子强,我还没去过长城呢?
  200. 1041620 1049620 对不起,那天真不巧,我已经跟别人约了,有几个朋友在一起聚聚,没办法去谢谢。
  201. 1049620 1053620 朱子强,我还没去过长城呢。
  202. 1053620 1067620 这个星期天我要约几个同学到长城去玩。
  203. 1067620 1079620 这个星期天我要约几个同学到长城去玩,你能不能跟我们一起去?
  204. 1079620 1090620 对不起,那天真不巧。
  205. 1090620 1101620 I really can't make that.
  206. 1101620 1106620 I've already made arrangements with other people.
  207. 1106620 1118620 有几个朋友在一起聚聚。
  208. 1118620 1122620 There's a group of friends who are going to get together.
  209. 1122620 1129620 没办法去谢谢。
  210. 1129620 1133620 There's no way I can go. Thank you.
  211. 1133620 1138620 The following live conversation reviews all the material introduced on this tape.
  212. 1138620 1143620 You'll hear the conversation twice live and once with pauses in English.
  213. 1143620 1153620 This conversation takes place on the campus of Peking University right before the beginning of a new school year between a Chinese and a Canadian student who had attended together the year before.
  214. 1153620 1157620 Here's the conversation live.
  215. 1157620 1166620 下星期天我们有几个同学计划到长城去玩,想请你和扭顿一起去。
  216. 1166620 1168620 好啊。
  217. 1168620 1174620 我不知道扭顿现在在哪儿,没办法当面和他说。
  218. 1174620 1176620 你能替我转告他一下吗?
  219. 1176620 1178620 可以。
  220. 1178620 1183620 今天下午我看见他的时候告诉他。
  221. 1183620 1186620 今天晚上你有事吗?
  222. 1186620 1190620 咱们去找法国同学聚一聚,好不好?
  223. 1190620 1192620 可惜不巧。
  224. 1192620 1196620 我借到我们大使馆的一个清铁。
  225. 1196620 1199620 今天晚上我得到大使馆去。
  226. 1199620 1207620 大使的秘书还告诉我,乔部长李斌斯的几位同志也来。
  227. 1207620 1213620 我还没见过乔部长呢,这是一个很好的机会。
  228. 1213620 1219620 很遗憾,不能和你一起去找法国同学。
  229. 1219620 1221620 没关系。
  230. 1221620 1223620 Again,
  231. 1223620 1232620 下星期天我们有几个同学计划到长城去玩,想请你和扭顿一起去。
  232. 1232620 1234620 好啊。
  233. 1234620 1240620 我不知道扭顿现在在哪儿,没办法当面和他说。
  234. 1240620 1243620 你能替我转告他一下吗?
  235. 1243620 1248620 可以,今天下午我看见他的时候告诉他。
  236. 1248620 1250620 今天晚上你有事吗?
  237. 1250620 1254620 我们去找法国同学聚一聚,好不好?
  238. 1254620 1256620 可惜不巧。
  239. 1256620 1263620 我借到我们大使馆的一个清铁,今天晚上我得到大使馆去。
  240. 1263620 1271620 大使的秘书还告诉我,乔部长李斌斯的几位同志也来。
  241. 1271620 1277620 我还没见过乔部长呢,这是一个很好的机会。
  242. 1277620 1282620 很遗憾,不能和你一起去找法国同学。
  243. 1282620 1284620 没关系。
  244. 1284620 1288620 Now see if you understood what was said.
  245. 1288620 1301620 下星期天我们有几个同学计划到长城去玩。
  246. 1301620 1307620 Next Sunday a few of our students are planning to go to the Great Wall for an outing.
  247. 1307620 1316620 想请你和扭顿一起去。
  248. 1316620 1319620 We'd like to invite you and Newton to come along.
  249. 1319620 1321620 好啊。
  250. 1321620 1323620 Fine.
  251. 1323620 1330620 我不知道扭顿现在在哪儿。
  252. 1330620 1333620 I don't know where Newton is now.
  253. 1333620 1342620 没办法当面和他说。
  254. 1342620 1346620 I don't have any way to speak to him in person.
  255. 1346620 1354620 你能替我转告他一下吗?
  256. 1354620 1357620 Can you pass all the message to him for me?
  257. 1357620 1359620 可以。
  258. 1359620 1361620 Sure.
  259. 1361620 1370620 今天下午我看见他的时候告诉他。
  260. 1370620 1374620 I'll tell him when I see him this afternoon.
  261. 1374620 1379620 今天晚上你有事吗?
  262. 1379620 1382620 Are you busy tonight?
  263. 1382620 1391620 我们去找法国同学聚一聚好不好。
  264. 1391620 1395620 Let's go find the French students and get together okay?
  265. 1395620 1402620 可惜不巧。
  266. 1402620 1406620 What a pity, I can't make that.
  267. 1406620 1414620 接着我们大使馆的一个清铁。
  268. 1414620 1418620 I've received an invitation from our embassy.
  269. 1418620 1426620 今天晚上我得到大使馆去。
  270. 1426620 1429620 I have to go to the embassy tonight.
  271. 1429620 1446620 大使的秘书还告诉我,乔部长,李斌斯的几位同志也来。
  272. 1446620 1454620 The ambassador secretary also told me that Minister Qiao and a few comrades from the protocol department are coming too.
  273. 1454620 1461620 没见过乔部长呢。
  274. 1461620 1464620 I haven't met Minister Qiao yet.
  275. 1464620 1471620 这是一个很好的机会。
  276. 1471620 1475620 This is a very good opportunity.
  277. 1475620 1486620 可惜不能和您一起去找法国同学。
  278. 1486620 1491620 I really regret that I can't go with you to find the French students.
  279. 1491620 1495620 没关系。
  280. 1495620 1498620 That doesn't matter.
  281. 1498620 1504620 As a final review, see if you can translate the following sentences and exchanges from the target list.
  282. 1504620 1507620 Number one.
  283. 1507620 1513620 很遗憾他不能来。
  284. 1513620 1516620 We regret that he can't come.
  285. 1516620 1523620 我替你转告一下。
  286. 1523620 1526620 I'll pass on the message for you.
  287. 1526620 1528620 Number two.
  288. 1528620 1535620 大使接着你们的琴铁了。
  289. 1535620 1538620 The ambassador received your invitation.
  290. 1538620 1550620 很可惜因为他有事,89号不能来。
  291. 1550620 1556620 Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement, he can't come on August 9th.
  292. 1556620 1562620 请你转告乔部长。
  293. 1562620 1564620 Please inform Minister Qiao.
  294. 1564620 1567620 很抱歉。
  295. 1567620 1570620 I'm very sorry.
  296. 1570620 1572620 Number three.
  297. 1572620 1579620 喂,这是离边司。
  298. 1579620 1583620 Hello, this is the protocol department.
  299. 1583620 1590620 喂,我是来登大使的秘书。
  300. 1590620 1594620 Hello, I'm Ambassador Lydon's secretary.
  301. 1594620 1596620 Number four.
  302. 1596620 1605620 希望以后再找机会聚聚吧。
  303. 1605620 1609620 I hope that later we'll again find a chance to get together.
  304. 1609620 1611620 Number five.
  305. 1611620 1619620 真不巧,没办法去。
  306. 1619620 1621620 I really can't make that.
  307. 1621620 1623620 I have no way of going.
  308. 1623620 1626620 Number six.
  309. 1626620 1636620 我们有几个同学计划到长城去玩。
  310. 1636620 1641620 A few of us students are planning to go to the Great Wall for an outing.
  311. 1641620 1645620 If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.
  312. 1645620 1649620 This is the end of the tape.
  313. 1649620 1667620 Number seven module, unit eight, comprehension tape one.