Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv 3.4 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2
  2. An American tourist (A) talks with the front desk clerk (B) at the
  3. Béijīng Hotel.
  4. - A: Al, duìbuql, lóushàngde fángjiǎn gòu le.
  5. - B: gòu le? Zènme kěnéng ne? WSmen ānpaide háohǎorde.
  6. A:   Shi zhěnde, wòmen zhèige cānguān-
  7. tuán yígòng èrshisánge rén, nimen gāngcíi shuō wSmen quánbù dSu zhù zài
  8. qllòu, yígòng ySu shísìge fáng-Jiān, duì bu dui?
  9. B: Duìbuqī, qlng man yidiànr shuS, jìde le. Déngyidéng, wò lái
  10. kànkan! ò, zài zhèr! Nimen shi yíge Méiguòde ittxíngtuán shi bu shi?
  11. - A: Shì a!
  12. - B: Èrshisánge rén, yígòng kǎi shísìge fángjiǎn, quán zài qllòu. Duì
  13. a! Méi cuò a!
  14. - A: duì! Jiù ySu shíèrge kSng fángjiǎn, ySu liǎngge fángjiǎn hái
  15. ySu rén na!
  16. - B: Hái yòu rén? Zénme hui ne? WS hái yiwéi tǎmen jlntiǎn zǎochen
  17. yljīng cong Shenzhèn jìng le ne! Zénme dào xiànzài hái zhànzhe
  18. wǔzi ne?
  19. A: zhldào, nín zuì hXo xiǎngxiang biéde bànfǎ, kànkan hái yòu méiyou
  20. king fángzi.
  21. B: Biéde kSng fángzi shi yídìng méi-ySu a! WS xiǎn liàojié yíxià
  22. zhèi-liǎngge fángzi wèlshénme dào^xiàn-zài hái méiyou kòngchulal! Ò!
  23. Zhèr ySu yíge tiáozi, shuō tǎmen gǎi zài xiàwù sǎndiǎn zhòng líkǎi
  24. Béijlng. Hǎojíle! Méi wèntí le.
  25. Say, excuse me, there aren’t enough rooms for us upstairs.
  26. There aren’t enough? How is that possible? We made all the arrangements.
  27. It's true. In all there are twenty-three people in our tour group. You
  28. just said that we’re all staying on the seventh floor, in fourteen rooms
  29. altogether, right?
  30. I’m sorry, could you say that more slowly? I don't remember. Wait a
  31. minute, let me have a look. Oh, here it is. You are an American tour
  32. group, aren’t you?
  33. That’s right!
  34. Twenty-three people taking fourteen rooms altogether, all on the seventh
  35. floor. That’s right! There’s no mistake!
  36. No! There are only twelve free rooms. Two of the rooms still have people
  37. in them!
  38. Still have people in them? How could that be? I thought they had left
  39. the country this morning by way of Shěnzhèn! Why are they still
  40. occupying the rooms?
  41. I don't know. You'd better think of some other solution, and see if
  42. there are any other rooms free.
  43. I'm positive there aren’t any other free rooms. First let me try and
  44. find out why those two rooms haven't been vacated yet. Oh! There's a
  45. note here saying that their plans have been changed and that they're
  46. leaving Béi-jlng at three this afternoon. Great! No more problem.
  47. - A: Xiànzài cíi lilngdiln zhǒng,
  48. wǒmen híi děi ding dui Jiú?
  49. - B: Lilngdiln tāmen Jiù děi líkāi fíngjiān, dào fěijlchāng dāi yòng
  50. shlfěn zhǒng ne! Wǒmen gio yíxiàr wèishěng, sānshifān zhǒng ba!
  51. - A: Nàme liàngdiln ban wǒmen Jiù y3u
  52. fángjiān le.
  53. - B: Duì le. Dào canting he bēi kā-fěi, xiūxi yíxià, shíjiān Jiù dào
  54. le.
  55. - A: Hāo, xièxie nín. Hui tǒu Jiàn.
  56. - B: Hui tǒu Jiàn.
  57. It’s only two o’clock now, how much longer do we have to wait?
  58. They’ll have to leave their rooms at two: it takes forty minùtes to get
  59. to the airport! It will be thirty minutes while we clean the rooms.
  60. So we can have the rooms at two-thirty .
  61. Right. Why don’t you go have a cup of coffee in the dining room and rest
  62. a bit, and then it will be time.
  63. Okay. Thank you. See you later.
  64. See you later.