Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.csv 5.3 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise u
  2. An American graduate student (A) walks up the stairs in front of the
  3. Biijīng University library. A Chinese graduate student (B), whose arms
  4. are full of books, is trying to open the door with his foot.
  5. - A: Wō lái, wō lái! Déngyidéng, wō lái bang ni kāi men.
  6. - B: Xièxie ni.
  7. - A: Zhè dǒu shi nī Jiède shǔ a?
  8. - B: Shi a! Yōngle liāngge xīngqīde
  9. gōngfu, hào rōngyi cái kànwán le.
  10. A: Bú cud, liāngge xīngqī kàn zhème duō Yīngwén cǎnkāoshǔ, sùdu bú màn
  11. na!
  12. (They enter the door and "B" goes a table. A few minutes later, ”B^(W)
  13. com
  14. I’ll get it, I’ll get it. Wait a second, I’ll open the door for'you.
  15. Thank you.
  16. These are all books you borrowed?
  17. Yeah! It took me long enough to finish reading them—two weeks!
  18. Not bad! To read all these English reference books in two weeks, that's
  19. a pretty good speed!
  20. to return his books. "A" sits down at is over to her.)
  21. - A: Xiǔxi Jīfēn zhǒng zài Jìnqu kàn
  22. shu, hāo bu hāo a?
  23. - B: Hāo. Nèitiān, xìli yánjiǔshěng kāi huì, dàjii dōu rènwéi nī
  24. n-de hān hlo, yS dōu Juéde nīde ZhŌngwén bī gang lái Béidàde
  25. shihou hiode duō le.
  26. A: Késhi wō háishi Juéde xuéxí sùdu tài màn, wǒmen dōu xīwàng néng
  27. Jiākuài sùdu, tígào shuǒ huàde shuīpíng.
  28. Why don't you rest a few minutes before you go in to study, okay?
  29. Okay. The other day when the graduate students in the department held a
  30. meeting, everyone thought that what you said was very good, and we all
  31. felt that your Chinese is much better now than when you first came to
  32. B.U.
  33. But I still feel that our pace of study is tóo slow. We all wish we
  34. could speed up the pace to improve our speaking.
  35. B: Nèitiín nl tíchulaide guXnyú yào liXoJié Zhōngguō ehèhuìde wèntí,
  36. xuéxiào fangmian yídìng huì kXo-lude. KSshi,wō xiXng, nīmen shuǒ
  37. Zhōngwénde Jīhui bù shXo a! Yōu Zhōngguō 1ioshi, yōu Zhōngguō tōngxué,
  38. érqiē nīmende Zhōngwén dōu bú cud le, nīmen wàiguo xuésheng zìjī y? kéyi
  39. shuǒ Zhōngwén ma!
  40. A: Wōmen zìjī zài yìqī shuǒ Yīngwén shi hēn zìránde. Érqié, xué-xiàoli
  41. dōu shi xuésheng hé iXo-shī. Wōmen hēn xīvàng hé shè-huìshangde pútōng
  42. n tányitán.
  43. B: Wōmen zhèixiē xuésheng duōbànr yē dōu shi cōng pǔtōngde Jiǎtíngli
  44. láide ma. Tèbié shi Jīngguō Wénhuà Dà Gémìng yīhòude dàxué-shēng duōbànr
  45. dōu zài shèhuì-3hang gōngzuōguo hēn duō niXn, bījiào liXojiē shèhuìde
  46. qíngkuàng.
  47. A: Ò, zhè hái shi yōu qùbiéde. Shèhuìde qíngkuàng gēn dàxuélīde
  48. qíngkuàng hēn bù yíyàng. Wōmen lái Zhōngguō niàn shǔde wàiguō
  49. liúxuéshēng, yánjiǔshēng, dōu hēn xiing duō liXojiX Zhōngguode qíngxing,
  50. tèbié shi xiXng liXo-Jiē nīmen shíxiànge Xiàndài-huàde qíngkuàng.
  51. B: Dāngrán, dangrán. ZhèiyidiXn wōmen shi qīngchude. Wōmen xiXng tài
  52. duōde shèhuì huōdōng dàgài huì làngfèi nīmen bù shaode shí-Jiān.
  53. A: Ò! Méiyou wèntí, zài Mēiguōde dàxuéli, wōmen bú jiù shi zài xuéxiào
  54. hé túshǔguXnli niàn shǔ, shèhuì shēnghuō shi wōmen zuì zhōngyàode
  55. jiàokěshǔ, yē shi zuì hXode iXoshì.
  56. B: HXode, hXode, wō yídìng he xì-li tinyitan, duō gēi nīmen ǎnpai
  57. yidiXnr cānguān fXngwènde huōdōng.
  58. I’m sure the school will consider the question you brought up about
  59. wanting to learn about Chinese society. But it seems to me you have
  60. plenty of chances to speak Chinese! There are the Chinese teachers, and
  61. your Chinese classmates. Besides, you all speak Chinese very well now.
  62. You foreign students can speak Chinese among yourselves!
  63. It's natural for us to speak English together. Besides, in school it's
  64. all students and teachers. We want very much to converse with ordinary
  65. people in society.
  66. Most of us students are from ordinary families, you know. In particular,
  67. most college students after the Cultural Revolution have worked in
  68. society many years and understand the social situation pretty well.
  69. Oh, there's still-a difference. Society is quite different from the
  70. situation in the university. All of us foreign college and graduate
  71. students who come to China to study want to understand the situation
  72. here, and especially how the accomplishment of the Four Modernizations
  73. is progressing.
  74. Of course, of course. We understand that. But we think that too many
  75. social activities would probably waste a lot of your time.
  76. Oh, that's no problem. In American universities, we don't just study in
  77. school and in the library. Social life is our most important textbook
  78. and our best teacher.
  79. All right, I'll be sure to talk with the department, and set up more
  80. visiting activities for you people.
  81. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
  82. | A:   HXode, xièxie ni. Nl kuài | Good, thank you. Nov you go on in |
  83. | Jìnqu | and study. I won’t take up any |
  84. | | more of your time. Good-bye. |
  85. | niàn ahū ba! Bú zhàn aide | |
  86. | shí-JlSn le. Zàijiàn. | |
  87. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
  88. | B:   Zàijiàn. | Good-bye. |
  89. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+