Wait a bit. (a minute, a second)
等 一 下 儿 。
Deng3 yi2xia4r.
Rest a second. (a minute, a bit)
休 息 一 下 儿
Xiu1xi yi2xia4r.
Don't worry about me! (dan1xin1 includes the concept "worry about", 为 in a dirctional preposition - for, on behalf of. 替 ti4 is also used in this construction with the same meaning as 为.)
别 为 我 担 心 !
Bie2 wei4 wo3 dan1xin1!
I'm afraid, unfortunately (Used to open a sentence with regret.)
恐 怕
I agree. (When someone asks you if you wish something "Ni3 yuan4yi..." you respond "Wo3 yuan4yi." You just use the auxiliary verb to indicate agreement or assent -- or disagreement for that matter.)
我 愿 意 。
Wo3 yuan4yi.
Agreed! (Phrase said when you have worked out a time, deal, or other item of mutual interest.)
说 定 了 !
Shuo1ding4 le!
That's all! (used as the English is used - after questions such as What else did you eat/buy/see? Do you want anything else? -- intonation can indicate disappointment, disgust (TOO Little), surprise, etc.)
就 这 些 !
Jiu4 zhe4 xie1!
That's not allowed. No!
不 行 !
Bu4 xing2!
All right! OK!
好 的 !
Hao3 de.
How annoying!
真 讨 厌 !
Zhen1 tao3yan4!
OK, Good enough -- stop arguing... (can be used to say OK, or to give in during an argument)
好 了
hao3 le
Seeing is believing. (literal -- a hundred hearings not as a sight)
百 闻 不 如 一 见 。
Bai3 wen2 bu4 ru2 yi2jian4.
I believe you.
我 相 信 你 的 话 。
Wo3 xiang1xin4 ni3 de hua4.
I don't believe it. (short version of xiang3xin4)
我 不 信 。
Wo3 bu2 xin4.
I don't believe it. (in both languages, this expresses surprise about the previous statement or situation.)
我 不 相 信 。
Wo3 bu4 xiang1xin4.
Beyond that I can't think of anything else to say.
除 此 以 外 我 没 什 么 可 说 的 了 。
Chu2ci3yi3wai4 wo3 mei2 shen2me ke3 shuo1 de4 le.
Beyond that I can't think of anything else.
除 此 以 外 我 想 不 起 来 什 么 了 。
Chu2ci3yi3wai4 wo3 xiang3 bu4 qi3lai2 shen2me le.
No wonder!
怪 不 得
guai4bu4 de
I'm bored to death.
我 烦 死 了 。
Wo3 fan2 si3 le.
I'm very bored.
我 很 烦 。
Wo3 hen3 fan2.
None of your business.
不 关 你 的 事 儿 。
Bu4 guan1 ni3 de shi4r.
Not up to much.
不 怎 么 样 。
Bu4 zen3meyang4.
Be careful! / Take care! / Look out!
当 心 !
Whatever you do, be careful. (a little formal -- see xiao3xin1 de)
千 万 小 心 。
Qian1wan4 xiao3xin1.
Certainly. Definitely.
一 定 !
to make an extra effort, Go!, Come on!, Get the lead out! (used to cheer somebody on)
加 油
Take your choice.
随 你 选 择 。
Sui2 ni3 xuan3ze2.
Come in!
快 进 来 !
Kuai4 jin4lai2!
恭 喜 了 。
Gong1xi3 le.
You can count on me.
我 随 叫 随 到 。
Wo3 sui2 jiao4 sui2 dao4.
Too crowded!
太 挤 了 !
Tai4 ji3 le.
Totally disgusting! (Not a polite thing to say -- de2xing2 德 行 also means moral integrity -- with the second tone on xing2 -- use in reference to administrators or others who violate their integrity -- general phrase see fan3gan3.)
都 一 个 德 行 !
Dou1 yi2ge4 de2xing!
Totally disgusting! (Nice colloquial thing to say -- very expressive without dipping into profanity.)
实 在 令 人 反 感 。
Shi2zai4 ling4ren2 fan3gan3.
Don't drop that!
别 把 那 个 打 了 !
Bie2 ba3 na4ge4 da3 le.
Let's drop the subject. (literally - Let's not talk on this topic.)
我 们 别 再 谈 这 个 问 题 了 。
Wo3men bie2 zai4 tan2 zhe4ge4 wen4ti2 le.
Either is OK!
都 行 !
Dou1 xing2!
I hope everything will go well.
我 希 望 诸 事 如 意 。
Wo3 xi1huang4 zhi1shi4 ru2yi4.
You're excellent!
你 真 棒 !
Ni3 zhen1 bang4!
excellent, good, fine, strong (colloquial - oral usage)
Excellent! (oral usage)
棒 极 了
Bang4ji2 le!
There are no exceptions!
没 有 例 外 !
Mei2you3 li4wai4!
You can go too far, can't you? (when someone pushes too close to the rules, or makes jokes that go too far, or that you can take too many chances)
你 会 不 会 太 过 分 了 ?
Ni3 hui4 bu2 hui4 tai4 guo4fen4 le?
Excuse me.
劳 驾
Please, let me explain.
请 让 我 解 释 。
Qing3 rang4 wo3 jie3shi4.
Famous last words! What a pack of nonsense! Utter nonsense!
简 直 一 派 胡 言 !
Jian3zhi2 yi2 pai4 hu2yan4!
It's fine.; It's OK.
挺 好 的
Ting3 hao3 de.
Fine. (If you have been ill but are now better, and your friend asks you how you are, you would say this.)
没 事 儿 。
Mei2 shi4r.
Have you finished it? (refers to whatever is being discussed. Zhe4ge4 is not used in this way, use na4ge4.)
你 做 完 那 个 了 吗 ?
Ni3 zuo4 wan2 na4 ge4 le ma?
I finished!
我 做 好 了 !
Wo3 zuo4 hao3 le!
I finished doing it.
我 做 完 了 。
Wo3 zuo4 wan2 le.
out of the frying pan, into the fire (literally -- avoid the pit, fall into the well)
避 坑 落 井
bi4keng1 luo4jing3
You go first.
你 先 走 。
Ni3 xian1 zou3.
I don't really deserve it; you flatter me (literally - I don't dare to be worthy)
不 敢 当
you flatter me
过 奖
as far as I'm concerned..., for me... (substitute any person or pronoun for the wo3)
对 我 来 说
dui4 wo3 lai2shuo1
No parking! (see also rang4 让 -- let, permit -- when used in the negative it means 'not allowed')
禁 止 停 车 。
Jin4zhi3 ting2 che1.
Forget it. I don't want to argue about it anymore.
拉 倒 吧 ! 我 不 想 和 你 吵 了 。
La1dao3 ba. Wo3 bu4 xiang3 he2 ni3 chao3 le.
I clean forgot about it. (literally -- I early tossed that matter to the back of the brain.)
我 早 把 那 事 儿 扔 到 脑 后 了 。
Wo3 zao3 ba3 na4 shi4r reng1 dao4 nao3 hou4 le.
I forgot to do my assignment.
我 忘 了 写 作 业 。
Wo3 wang4 le xie3 zuo4ye4.
Forget it...
算 了 。 。 。
Suan4 le...
A funny thing happened to me yesterday...
昨 天 发 生 了 一 件 可 笑 的 事 。 。 。
Zuo2tian1 fa1sheng1 le yi2 jian4 ke3xiao4 de shi4.
I've studied and studied, but I still don't get it.
我 学 了 一 遍 又 一 遍 , 但 是 我 还 是 不 懂 。
Wo3 xue2 le yi2 bian4 you4 yi2 bian4, dan4shi4 wo3 hai2shi bu4 dong3.
I don't get the point of all this.
我 不 懂 所 有 这 些 是 什 么 目 的 。
Wo3 bu4 dong3 suo3you3 zhe4xie1 shi4 shen2me mu4di.
Don't give up. (use this when facing frustration -- when you are studying and something is difficult to understand -- like Chinese!)
不 要 放 弃 !
Bu2 yao4 fang4qi4.
There you go again...
又 来 了 !
You4 lai2 le!
Gotta go!
得 走 了 !
Dei3 zou3 le!
Get out of here! (Can either be said after a joke, much as the English is used -- or to tell someone, usually a child, to go away for a bit and wait until you are ready to talk.)
一 边 儿 去 !
Yi4 bian1r qu4!
Not bad!
不 错 !
Bu2 cuo4!
Gotta go. (This is what is said in the similar context. Gotta go could be translated literally as "bi4xu1 zou3 le" 必 须 -- but no one says that.)
不 聊 了 。
Bu4 liao2 le.
That's great!
那 好 极 了 !
Na4 hao3 ji2 le!
Guess what!
你 猜 怎 么 样 !
Ni3 cai1 zen3meyang4!
You'll never guess what!
你 怎 么 也 猜 不 到 。。。
Ni3 zen3me ye3 cai1bu2dao4...
Too difficult! (Too hard!)
太 难 了 !
Tai4 nan2 le!
no harm, might as well, it won't hurt to
不 妨
I have a headache. (see tou2teng2)
我 头 痛 。
Wo3 tou2tong4.
I can't hear clearly.
我 听 不 清 楚 。
Wo3 ting1 bu4 qing1chu.
Please do me a favor! (literal: please help take away busy-ness -- xia4 in this instance means take away or off)
请 帮 下 忙 !
Qing3 bang1 xia4 mang2.
Help yourself
自 己 拿 。
Zi4ji3 na2.
My dog ate my homework.
我 的 狗 吃 了 我 的 作 业 。
Wo3 de gou3 chi1 le wo3 de zuo4ye4.
by hook or by crook
千 方 百 计
qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4
What an idea!
多 怪 的 想 法 !
Duo1 guai4 de xiang3fa3!
I think it's interesting.
我 倒 觉 得 挺 好 的 。
Wo3 dao3jue2de ting3hao3 de.
interesting (you3 yi4si de shu1 -- an interesting book -- used as an adjective -- can also be used as a verb object)
有 意 思
you3 yi4si
I don't know at all.
我 根 本 不 知 道 !
Wo3 gen1ben3 bu4 zhi1dao4.
How do you know?
你 怎 么 知 道 的 ?
Ni3 zen3me zhi1dao4 de?
as far as I know, so far as I know, for all I know
就 我 所 知
jiu4 wo3 suo3 zhi1
好 极 了 !
Hao3 ji2le!
It doesn't matter. (you3 is understood after mei2 - standard response to an apology - dui4 bu qi3)
没 关 系 。
Mei2 guan1xi.
probably, possibly, maybe (listed in the order that they are normally used, they can be interchanged but ke3neng2 is most frequent -- for a joke, to say maaayyybeee you say all three in Chinese)
可 能 、 也 许 、 大 概
ke3neng2 / ye3xu3 / da4gai4
I mean to say...
我 的 意 思 是 说 。 。 。
Wo3 de yi4si shi4 shuo2...
I don't understand what you mean.
我 不 懂 你 的 意 思 。
Wo3 bu4 dong3 ni3 de yi4si.
What a mess!
一 团 乱 麻 !
Yi4 tuan2 luan4 ma2!
糟 得 很 !
Zao1 de hen3!
a total mess, at sixes and sevens
乱 七 八 糟
Never mind!
不 要 紧 !
Bu2 yao4jin3!
You're wrong.
你 错 了 。
Ni3 cuo4 le.
Never mind, I didn't need it anyway.
拉 倒 , 我 根 本 不 需 要 它 。
La1dao3, wo3 gen1ben3 bu4 xu1yao4 ta1.
What's new with you?
最 近 你 怎 么 样 ?
Zui4jin4 ni3 zen3meyang4?
What's the good news?
什 么 好 消 息 ?
Shen2me hao3 xiao1xin1?
Can't do it! No way!
不 可 能 !
Bu4 ke3 neng2!
Too noisy!
太 吵 了 !
Tai4 chao3 le!
太 闹 了 !
Tai4 nao4 le!
That's a bunch of nonsense. (a different measure word -- pile versus bunch, but the same meaning as ours)
一 堆 废 话 !
Yi4 dui1 fei4 hua4!
It's nothing. (used when someone is trying to compliment you)
哪 里 。
Of course!
当 然 了 !
Dang1ran2 le!
Ok, Ok, that's enough! (Stop, don't say anything more!)
得 了 , 别 说 了 。
De2le, bie2 shuo1 le.
It's OK, It's nothing, No problem!; to have nothing planned, to be alright (Someone asks if you are doing something this afternoon - you say mei2 shi4r! - nothing planned.)
没 事 儿
mei2 shi4r
Out of sight, out of mind.
眼 不 见 , 心 不 烦 。
Yan3 bu2 jian4, xin1 bu4 fan2.
Be patient!
耐 心 点 儿!
Nai4xin1 dian3r!
Pay attention, please!
请 注 意 !
Qing3 zhu4yi4!
I don't agree with you on this point.
在 这 一 点 上 , 我 不 同 意 你 。
Zai4 zhe4 yi4 dian3 shang4, wo3 bu4 tong2yi4 ni3.
好 看 !
Work's going well.
工 作 进 行 地 很 顺 利 。
Gong1zuo4 jin4xing2 de hen3 shun4li4.
Don't stir up trouble. (don't want to provoke trouble)
不 要 在 外 面 惹 麻 烦 。
Bu2 yao4 zai4 wai4mian4 re3 ma2fan.
No joking! Really!
当 真 !
Is this right or wrong? (would refer to an answer on a test -- could be written above a True-False section of questions)
对 还 是 错 ?
Dui4 hai2shi cuo4?
对 吗 ?
Dui4 ma?
So right! (Literally -- Right, right, right! -- used frequently during informal conversations to indicate both that you agree and that you're listening. Can also signal that you want to say something -- as we use "Yeah", "hmmhmm", "So, right.")
对 ! 对 ! 对 !
Dui4! Dui4! Dui4!
Same to you. (after someone says "Congratulations" -- "Happy New Year" or other good wishes)
同 喜 。
Tong2 xi3.
it seems, it looks as if, it looks like
看 样 子
I can do it by myself.
我 可 以 自 己 做 。
Wo3 ke3yi3 zi4ji3 zuo4.
I'm serious!, I'm not joking!
我 是 认 真 的 。
Wo3 shi4 ren4zhen1 de!
Don't be so silly!
别 那 么 傻 !
Bie2 na4me sha3!
I'm so worried.
我 这 么 着 急 。
Wo3 zhe4me zhao2ji2.
No solicitors.
对 不 起 , 谢 绝 推 销 。
Dui4buqi3, xie4jue2 tui1xiao1.
Sorry... sorry; excuse me
对 不 起 。 。 。
I'm starving to death.
我 饿 死 了 。
Wo3 e4 si3 le.
Stop it! Hold it! Enough!
得 了 !
What's so strange about that? (The word "duo" is necessary for this expression -- otherwise, xin1xian1 would mean fresh, novel)
多 新 鲜 呢 !
Duo1 xin1xian1 ne!
I'm stuck! (only used in reference to being unable to think of anything else to say -- either in writing or speech)
我 没 词 儿 了 !
Wo3 mei2 ci2r le!
Don't be so stuck-up. You aren't that great.
别 臭 美 了 ! 你 没 有 那 么 好 !
Bie2 chou4mei3 le. Ni3 mei2 you3 na4me hao3.
In the future I'll try even harder to study.
今 后 我 将 更 加 努 力 学 习 。
Jin1hou4 wo3 jiang1 geng4jia1 nu3li4 xue2xi2.
Boy, am I stupid!; What an idiot I am!; Of all the dumb ass things to say, that takes the cake!
我 实 在 是 蠢 到 家 了 !
Wo3 shi2zai4 shi4 chun3 dao4jia1 le.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
你 怎 么 不 早 说 ?
Ni3 zen3me bu4 zao3 shuo1?
eighty percent or more certain (usually used to express something negative -- a percentage bet that something bad has happened)
八 九 不 离 十
ba1 jiu3 bu4 li2 shi2
What's so terrible?
有 什 么 不 得 了 ?
You3 shen2me bu4de2liao3?
太 棒 了 !
Tai4 bang4 le!
Thank you very much!
非 常 感 谢 !
Fei1chang2 gan3xie4.
Thank you. (used informally to express a bit more pleasure)
谢 谢 啊 !
Xie4xie a1!
Thanks a lot.
多 谢 !
Duo1 xie4!
Well, that's that. (literally -- the game's finished. -- said when something is finished but unsuccessfully -- walking out of an exam if you don't think you did well.)
玩 儿 完 了 !
Wan2r wan2 le!
I'm parched.
我 渴 死 了 。
Wo3 ke3 si3 le.
Are you tired?
你 累 了 吗 ?
Ni3 lei4 le ma?
I'm dead tired.
我 累 死 了 。
Wo3 lei4 si3 le.
trick, trap, dodge; to trick, to trap (This often refers to confidence tricks or traps - mao1r ni4 - the r is there for pronunciation, dictionary entries would usually omit it - but for accurate slang pronunciation, you need it! Allusion to cat's stalk and pounce.)
猫 儿 腻
Don't play tricks on me. (This is pure slang - mao1 is cat, ni4 is greasy, tired of -- greasy cat? slippery customer? May help you remember)
别 跟 我 玩 儿 猫 儿 腻 。
Bie2 gen1 wo3 wan2r mao1rni4!
Sorry to trouble you.
不 好 意 思 , 麻 烦 您 了 。
Bu4hao3yi4si, ma2fan nin2 le.
to give it a try
试 试 看
I don't understand.
我 不 懂 。
Wo3 bu4 dong3.
I'm not sure.
我 不 清 楚 。
Wo3 bu4 qing1chu.
It's up to you! (very polite -- gives the other person the choice -- young couples go back and forth with this expression when they are first dating -- in China too!)
随 你 !
Sui2 ni3!
useless (can be used as exclamation to refer to something someone wants to do -- I will give him some money so he can get an education. Useless! --spoken Chinese)
白 搭
useless, unnecessary (can be used to talk about 'useless' things -- or idiomatically to say 'don't bother, not necessary' -- for instance, if someone is trying to do something nice to make up for a fight -- you can say 'useless' to refuse -- not very polite -- see bu2 yong4)
用 不 着
yong4 bu4 zhao2
Too expensive!
太 贵 了 !
Tai4 gui4 le!
You're wasting your time.
你 在 浪 费 你 的 时 间 。
Ni3 zai4 lang4fei4 ni3 de shi2jian1.
Don't you think it's a waste of time?
你 不 觉 得 浪 费 时 间 吗 ?
Ni3 bu4 jue2de lang4fei4 shi2jian1 ma?
He's wasting your time.
他 在 浪 费 你 的 时 间 。
Ta1 zai4 lang4fei4 ni3 de shi2jian1.
It's nothing. Don't mention it. (very appropriate after Xie4 xie4.)
区 区 小 事 , 何 足 挂 齿 !
Qu1qu1 xiao3 shi4, he2 zu2 gua4chi3.
Why didn't I think of that! (the you3 in mei2 you3 is understood)
我 怎 么 没 想 到 !
Wo3 zen3me mei2 xiang3dao4!
no wonder, that's why
难 怪
No pain, no gain. (literally, no work, no food)
不 劳 动 者 不 得 食 。
Bu4 lao2dong4 zhe3 bu4 de2 shi2.
it works well, it's fine
干 得 不 错
gan4 de bu2 cuo4
Please don't worry.
请 放 心 。
Qing3 fang4xin1.
Don't worry, I'll come back early. (Set your mind at rest..)
你 放 心 , 我 会 早 回 来 的 。
Ni3 fang4xin1, wo3 hui4 zao3 hui2lai2 de.
Don't worry!
别 着 急 !
Bie2 zhao2ji2!
This is the worst!
这 是 最 差 的 !
Zhe4 shi4 zui4cha4 de!
utterly worthless
狗 屎 不 如
gou3shi3 bu4ru2
No problem. (very commonly used after dui4 bu qi3 -- I'm sorry or Excuse me).
Your zipper is open.
你 的 拉 链 开 了 。
Ni3 de la1lian4 kai1 le.
http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/topics.html Last Update: July 2012 © Marilyn Shea 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012