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cu4liu1 bai2cai4
Chinese cabbage with vinegar
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xiang1gu1 dong1gua1
mushrooms and winter squash
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suan4rong2 dou4miao2
shredded garlic and green bean sprouts
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ma2la4 dou4fu4
hot doufu
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jia1chang2 dou4fu4
home style doufu
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ma2po2 dou4fu
Mapo tofu, doufu, tofu
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fan1qie2 ji1dan4
egg and tomato
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suan4rong2 he2lan2dou4
snow peas with shredded garlic
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qing1 chao3 he2lan2dou4
fresh stir-fried snow peas
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liang2ban4 ku3gua1
cold bitter melon
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hot bean paste with chilies
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shao1su4 shan4si1
cooked vegetables with threads of eel
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hao2you2 sheng1cai4
lettuce cooked in oil
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shao1 shuang1dong1
mushrooms and bamboo shoots
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chao3 si4su4
four vegetables stir-fried
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jian1jiao1 tu3dou4si1
threads of potato with sharp pepper
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xiang1la4 tu3dou4si1
crispy potato slivers
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suan4rong2 tu3dou4si1
threads of potato with shredded garlic
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suan1la4 tu3dou4si1
hot and sour potato threads
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suan4rong2 xi1lan2hua1
cauliflower with shredded garlic
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yao1guo3 xi1qin2
celery and cashews
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xiang1gu1 you2cai4
mushrooms and rape
song1ren2 yu4mi3
corn and pine nuts
http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/topics.html Last Update: January 2012 © Marilyn Shea 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012