فهرست منبع

travail sur Module Optionel Hotel

Eric Streit 1 سال پیش

+ 1617 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+àiren	爱人	spouse		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+àishang	爱上	to fall in love with		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+ài	爱	to love		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+ǎi	矮	to be short (of stature)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+Āndàlüè	安大略	Ontario		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+Āndìngmén	安定门	(a neighborhood in Běijīng)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+āndìng	安定	to be stable/settled/quiet		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+ānpaíhǎo le	安排好了	successfully arranged	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+ānpái	安排	to arrange		8	1	FSI Chinese   
+àn	按	according to 		8	7	FSI Chinese
+à	哦	Oh!		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+a	啊	question Marker		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+bàba	爸爸	father, dad, papa		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+bàba	爸爸	papa, dad, father		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Bādálǐng (Bádàlǐng)	八达岭	mountain northwest of Běijīng, site of a famous section of the Great Wall		8	4	FSI Chinese
+bǎifēn zhī	百分之	percent		8	3	FSI Chinese
+Bǎihuò Dàlóu	百货大楼	name of a department store in Běijīng		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǎihuò gōngsī 	百货公司	department store		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+báitiān	白天	daytime		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bái	白	to be white		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+bànfa	办法	method, way	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+bāng máng	帮忙	to help; help		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+bàngōngshì	办公室	office	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+bāngzhu	帮助	help; to help		7	2	FSI-Chinese      
+bāng	帮	to help	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+bāng	帮	to help		8	5	FSI Chinese
+bànshìchù	办事处	office		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+bànyè	半夜	midnight		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+bàn	办	to handle, to manage, to do	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+bàn	半	half		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+bàn	半	half (followed by a counter or a noun which does not take a counter)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+bān	搬	to move (e.g., furniture) (new house)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+-bān	班	counter for regularly scheduled trips of buses, planes, subways, trains, etc.	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎochí	保持	to keep, to preserve, to maintain		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+bǎohù	保护	to protect		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+bàoqiàn	抱歉	to be sorry	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+bào (yífèn)	报(一份)	newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+bàozhǐ (yífèn)	报纸(一份)	newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+ba	吧	(tone softener)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+-bǎ	把	counter for things vith handles		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǎ	把	(prepositional verb which indicates the direct object)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǎ	把	(prepositional verb which indicates the direct object)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+ba	把	question marker expressing supposition of what answer will be		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+běibian(r)	北边(儿)	north side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+Běidà	北大	Běijīng University		8	2	FSI Chinese   
+běifāng	北方	the north		8	1	FSI Chinese
+Běihǎi Gōngyuán	北海公园	a famous park in Běijīng	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
+-bèi	-倍	time, -fold		8	7	FSI Chinese
+běi	北	north		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	被	passive marker		8	7	FSI Chinese
+běnlái	本来	originally, in the beginning, at first; to begin with, in the first place		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+-běn	-本	volume		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+biànchéng	变成	to turn into, to become		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+biànfàn	便饭	a simple, informal meal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+biànhuà	变化	change		8	5	FSI Chinese
+biānjiāng	边疆	border area; borderland; drontier; frontier region		8	6	FSI Chinese 
+biānjìng	边境	border, frontier		8	5	FSI Chinese    
+-bianr (-bian}	-边 (-边儿)	side, edge (used in place words)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+biàn	变	to change, to become different		7	3	FSI-Chinese 
+biǎoyǎn	表演	to give a demonstration	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+biéde dìfang	别的地方	other places (cf. biěrén, “other people”)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+biěde shíhou	别的时候	other times	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+biéde	别的	other, different	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+bié	别	don’t	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǐjiào	比较	comparatively		8	1	FSI Chinese
+bǐjiǎo	比较	comparatively, relatively	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+bìng	病	to become ill		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+bìyè	毕业	to graduate	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+bǐ (yìzhī)	笔(一支)	pen		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǐ	比 	compared with, than	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+bófù	伯父	uncle (father’s elder brother); term for the father of one’s friend		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+bómǔ	伯母	aunt (wife of father’s elder brother); term for the mother of one’s friend		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+bú bì	不必	not necessary, don’t have to	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+bù/bú 	不	not		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú cuò	不错	not bad, pretty good; that’s right	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+bú dà hǎo mǎi	不大好买	not very easy to buy	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+búdàn...yě	不但...也	not only...but also	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+-bùfen	部分	part, section		8	2	FSI Chinese
+bù guǎn	不管	no matter (what, whether, etc.)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+búguò	不过	however, but	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+bù hǎo yìsi	不好意思	to be embarrassing; to feel embarrassed	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+bú kèqi	不客气	you're velcome		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+bù néng bu	不能不	to have to, must		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bù shǎo	不少	to be quite a lot, to be much, to be many		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+bú shi 	不是	not to be		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+bù tóng	不同	to be different	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+bú xiàng huà	不象话	to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+bú xiè	不谢	don’t mention it	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú yào	不要	don't	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+bù yídìng	不一定	not necessarily; it’s not definite	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+bú yòng	不	no need to	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+bù zěnme	不怎么	not especially, not particularly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+bùzhǎng	部长	minister (of a government organization)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+-bù	-部	(counter for automobiles, machines, etc.)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+-bù	部	(counter for cars and buses)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+cáichǎn	财产	property		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+càidì	菜地	vegetable plot		8	3	FSI Chinese
+cáiliào	材料	material(s)		8	2	FSI Chinese
+càishichǎng	菜市场	market		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+cái	才	only (before an amount)		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+cái	才	only in that case, only under		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+cái	才	then and only then, not until	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+cài	菜	food, cooked dish	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+cānchē	餐车	dining car	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+cānguān	参观	to visit and observe		8	1	FSI Chinese
+cānguān	参观	to visit as an observer	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to attend	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to participate in, to join, to attend	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to participate in, to take part in, to Join, to attend		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+cāntīng	餐厅	dining room; restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+chábēi	茶杯	teacup		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+chābié	差别	difference, disparity		8	2	FSI Chinese
+chàbuduō	差不多	almost, about, approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+Chángchéng	长城	the Great Wall	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+Chángjiāng	長江	Yangtze River		8	7	FSI Chinese
+chángxīn	长新	again, anew, afresh		8	4	FSI Chinese
+chǎng	场	factory, plant		8	6	FSI Chinese
+cháng	长	to be long		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎnliàng	产量	output, yield		8	3	FSI Chinese
+cháodài	朝代	dynasty		8	4	FSI Chinese
+chǎoxǐng	吵醒	to wake (someone) up by being noisy		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo	吵	to be noisy; to disturb by making noise		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+-cháo	-朝	dynasty (bound form)		8	4	FSI Chinese
+cháo	朝	to, towards		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+cháyè	茶叶	tea (literally, "tea leaves")		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+chà	差	to differ; to be inferior, to be poor, to be not up to standard		8	6	FSI Chinese
+chá	茶	tea	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+chēnghu	称呼	to call		8	1	FSI Chinese 
+chénglì	成立	to establish		8	5	FSI Chinese
+chéngshì	城市	city; urban		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+chéng	城	city	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-chéng	成	into		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+chē	车	vehicle, bus, car	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+chībuxiàqù	吃不下去	cannot eat (cannot get down)		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+chībuzháo	吃不找	can’t find (to eat)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+chī fàn	吃饭	to eat, to have a meal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+chī fàn	吃饭	to have a meal	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+chī kǔ	吃哭	to suffer, to undergo hardship		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to eat	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuānguò	穿过	to pass, to cross		8	4	FSI Chinese
+chuántǒng	传统	tradition, traditional		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+chuán	船	boat, ship	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+chū chāi	出差	to go away on business		8	6	FSI Chinese
+chū chāi	出差	to go on a business trip	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+chūfā	出发	to start a journey	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+chū guó	出国	to leave one’s country		8	2	FSI Chinese
+chūkǒu gōngsī	出口公司	export company	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+chūkǒu	出口	to export		8	8	FSI Chinese
+chūlai	出来	to come out		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+chū mén (chū ménr)	出门 (出门儿)	to go out, to go away from home, to go out of town	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+-chūn	-春	the beginning of (a time period)		8	5	FSI Chinese
+chūqu	出去	to go out		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+chūtǔ wénwù zhǎnlǎn	出土文物展览	exhibition of archaeological finds	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+chūxiàn	出现	to appear		8	8	FSI Chinese
+chùzhǎng	处长	division chief	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+chūzū qìchē	出租汽车	taxi (PRC)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+chū	出	to go out, to exit		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+-cì	次	occasion, time	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái bù/méi	从来不/没	never		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái	从来	ever (up till now), always (up till now)		7	3	FSI-Chinese          
+cōngming	聪明	to be intelligent	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+cóngqián	从前	before		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+cóng...(Verb)-qǐ	从。。。起	to start (Verb)ing from...		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+cóng	 从	from		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+Dàahuá Cāntīng	大华餐厅	Great China Restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàbùfen	大部分	mostly		8	1	FSI Chinese
+dǎ dao		to make a phone call to	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàduì	大队	(production) brigade		8	3	FSI Chinese
+dàduōshù(r)	大多数	the great majority		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàfàndiàn	大饭店	hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàgài	大概	probably, approximately	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ (ge) diànhuà	打(个)电话	to make a phone call	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàibiǎotuán	代表团	delegation	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàibiǎotuán	代表团	delegation, mission		8	8	FSI Chinese
+dài biǎo	戴表	to wear a watch		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+dāi huǐr	待会儿	in a while, later		8	8	FSI Chinese
+dàishang	带上	to take along (Beijing)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dài	代	generation (counter); era, (historical) period		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	zone, area, belt		8	1	FSI Chinese
+dàjiā	大家	everybody, everyone	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+dàjiē	大街	boulevard		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàlóu	大楼	building		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàlù	大陆	mainland, continent		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+dàmén(r)	大门	entrance		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàngāo	蛋糕	cake	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+dāngmiàn	当面	in person, face to face	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎng	党	(political) party		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dānrèn	担任	to take on, to assume		8	2	FSI Chinese
+dànshi	但是	but	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+dānxīn	但新	to be worried, to be uneasy		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+dānzi	单子	list; form		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dàolǐ	道理	principle, truth, hows and whys; reason, argument, sense		7	2	FSI-Chinese           
+dào xǐ	道喜	to congratulate	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+dǎoyóu	导游	(tour) guide		8	7	FSI Chinese
+dàozi	稻子	rice; paddy		8	3	FSI Chinese
+dào	倒	to pour (liquid)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+dào	倒	yet, on the contrary, nevertheless		8	7	FSI Chinese
+dào	到	resultative ending used for perception by one of the senses: Jiàndao, kàndao, tīngdao, etc.		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+dào	到	resultative ending used to indicate reaching: xiǎngdao, shuōdao, tándao, etc. , often translated as «about»		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+dào	到	to arrive		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+dào	 到	to, towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+Dàqìng	大庆	a city in HěilSngjiǎng province		8	1	FSI Chinese
+dàrén	大人	adult		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàshiguǎn	大使馆	embassy	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǎsuàn (dǎsuan)	打算	to plan to	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàtīng	大厅	(large) hall		8	8	FSI Chinese
+dǎting	大厅	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+dàxuéshēng	大学生	college student	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+daxüé	大学	university		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ zhàng	打仗	to fight a war, to go to war		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ zì	大字	to type (on a typewriter)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dà	大	to be large		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+dédao	㝵到	to get		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Déguo	德国	Germany		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+-de huà	的话	if; in case; supposing that		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+děi kàn (or yào kàn)	得看(要看)	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+děi	得	must		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+děng dào	等到	to wait until; when, by the time		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+děngyiděng	等一等	to wait a moment		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+děng yíxià	等以下	wait a while; in a little while		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+děngyú	等于	to equal, to be equal to		8	7	FSI Chinese
+děng	等	to vait		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+děng	等	when; by the time; till		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dé	㝵	to get		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Déwén	德文	German language		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+Dézhōu	德州	Texas		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+-de	的	marker of modification		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+-de	—的	possessive Marker		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+-de	的	possessive marker		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà hàomǎ	电话号码	telephone number	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	telephone, phone call	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+diǎnr	点儿	a little, some		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànshàn	电扇	electric fan		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+diànshì	电视	television		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+diǎnxin (yíkuài, yìjīn)	点心 (一块,一斤)	pastry, snack		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànyǐng(r)	电影	movie, film		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+diǎnyīngyuàn	电影院	movie theater		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+-diǎn	-点	counter for hours on the clock		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+-diǎn	点	point		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+dìdi	弟弟	younger brother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìèrtiān	第二天	the next day	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+dìnghǎo le	订好了	to have (been) reserved	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+dìng	定	to draw up (a plan); to agree on; to conclude (a treaty)		8	8	FSI Chinese
+dìng	订	to reserve	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	area, district, region		8	1	FSI Chinese
+dìtǎn (yì zhāng)	地毯 (一张)	rug		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+dìtiě	地铁	subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiedào)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+dìtú (yìzhāng)	地图(一张)	map		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+dìwei	低微	position, status		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+dìxià huǒchē	地下火车	underground train, subway	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+dǐxia	地下	underneath; the underneath		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìxíng	地形	topography, terrain		8	4	FSI Chinese
+dìyícì (dìyícì)	第一次	the first time	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+Dìyī Dàfàndiàn	第一大饭店	First Hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+Dìyī Gōngsī	第一公司	the First Company (department store In Taipei)		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+dìzhǐ	地址	address		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+dì	地	earth, soil; land; fields		8	3	FSI Chinese
+Dōngběi	东北	Manchuria		8	1	FSI Chinese
+dōngbian(r)	东边 (儿)	east aide		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+Dōngdān	东单	a neighborhood in Běijīng		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǒngde	懂得	to understand, to grasp, to know		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+Dōngjīng	东京	Tokyo	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+Dōngmén Cāntīng	东门餐厅	East Gate Restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+dòngwuyuán	动物园	zoo	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+dōngxi	东西	thing		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+dōng	东	east		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+dōu	都	all, both		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+duǎnpiān	短篇	short (stories, articles)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+duìbuqǐ	对不起	I'm sorry		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+duì...shóuxi	对...熟悉	to be familiar with	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+duì	 对	to be correct		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+duì	对	to, towards; with regard to, with respect to	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+dù jià	度假	to spend one’s vacation	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+dúlì	獨立	to be independent; independence		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
+duó dà	多大	how old		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+duōde duō	多得多	much more	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+duó (duō)	多	how...!		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+duó jiǔ	多久	how long		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+duō láo duō dé	多劳多得	more pay for more work		8	8	FSI Chinese
+duōshao hào	多少号	what size (shoe)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+duōshao	多少	how much, how many		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+duōshù(r)	多数	the majority of, most of		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+duó yuǎn	多远	how far		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+-duō	多	over, more than	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+duō	多	to be many	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+Èguo Éguo	俄国	Russia		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+érqiě	而且	furthermore, moreover	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+értóng	儿童	child (formal word)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+érxífu(r) (érxífer)	儿媳妇	daughter-in-law		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+érzi	儿子	son		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+fā chē	发车	to depart (from the first terminal of a train route)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+fādá	发达	to be (highly) developed, to be flourishing, to be prosperous		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Fàguó Fǎguo	法国	France		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+fǎlǜ	法律	law		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fàndiàn	饭店	hotel		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+fángbèi	防备	to take precautions against		8	4	FSI Chinese
+fāngbian 	 方便	to be convenient		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+fāngbian	方便	to be convenient	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+fāngfǎ	方法	method, way, means	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+fàng jià	放假	to closefor a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+fàng jià	放假	to have vacation		8	6	FSI Chinese
+-fāngmiàn (-fāngmian)	方面	aspect, side, area, respect		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+fànguǎnr 	 饭馆儿	restaurant (Běijīng)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+fànguǎnzi	 饭馆子	restaurant (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+fǎngwèn	访问	to visit and meet with		8	1	FSI Chinese
+fàng xīn	放心	to be unworried, to be at ease		8	5	FSI Chinese
+fāngyán	方言	dialect		8	1	FSI Chinese
+fángzi 	 房子	house		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+fàng	放	to put	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+fánróng	繁荣	to be flourishing, to be prosperous , to be booming		8	8	FSI Chinese
+fànwǎn	饭碗	rice bowl		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+fàn zuì	犯罪	to commit a crime		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fàn	犯	to violate, to offend		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fàn	饭	(cooked) rice	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+fāshēng	发生	to happen, to occur		8	7	FSI Chinese
+Fàwén	法文	French language		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+fāxiàn	发见	to discover		8	7	FSI Chinese 
+fāzhǎn	发展	to develop, to expand, to grov		8	3	FSI Chinese
+fázi	法子	method, way (Běijīng)	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+fēicháng	非常	very, extremely, highly	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+fēijīchǎng	飞机场	airport	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+fēijī	飞机	airplane	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+fēi	飞	to fly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+fēngsú	风俗	custom(s)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+fēnkāi	分开	to separate, to split up		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-fèn (r)	-份(儿)	copy		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+-fēn	分	a minute	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-fēn	分	cent		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	to divide (into)  		8	2	FSI Chinese  
+fēn	分	to divide, to separate, to split		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+Fújiàn	福建	a province in south China		8	8	FSI Chinese
+fùjìn	附近	area, vicinity		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+fùmǔ	父母	parents		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind		7	2	FSI-Chinese           
+fùqin	父亲	father		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+fúqi	福气	blessings, good fortune		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+fūren	夫人	Lady, Madame, Mrs., wife (of a high ranking person)		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+fùzá (fǔzá)	复杂	to be complicated		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gǎibiàn	改变	to change		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎi dào	改到	to change to	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎi	改	to change	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+gài	盖	to build (buildings); to cover		8	4	FSI Chinese
+gāi	该	should, ought to; to be someone’s turn to		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnbuhuílái		can’t make it back in time	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnbushàng	赶不上	won't be able to catch (a plane, train, etc.)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+gànbu	干部	cadre		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gànbu	干部	cadre		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gāngcái	刚才	just now, a short time ago	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+gāngtiě	钢铁	iron and steel		8	7	FSI Chinese
+gāng	刚	only a short while ago, just	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnjué	感觉	feeling, sensation, to feel, to perceive		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+gànmá	干吗	to do what; (colloquial) why on earth, what for		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnshàng(lái)	赶上	to catch up		8	7	FSI Chinese
+gànshenme	干什么	to do what; (colloquial) why on earth, what for		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnxiè	感谢	to be thankful, to be grateful		8	5	FSI Chinese
+gǎocuò	搞错	to do wrong; to be wrong (mistaken)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+gàosong	告诵	to tell, to inform	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+gàosu	告诉	to tell, to inform	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+gāoxìng	高兴	to be happy		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo	搞	to do		8	1	FSI Chinese
+gāo	高	to be tall		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+gēge	哥哥	older brother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+gěi	给	for		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+gémìng	革命	revolution; to revolt		8	2	FSI Chinese
+gèng	更	even more	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+gēn	跟	and, with, and (in addition to)		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+-ge	个	general counter		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+gè-	各-	each, every, various, different		8	5	FSI Chinese
+gé	隔	to separate, to divide off	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+Gòngchǎndǎng	共产党	the Communist Party		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngchǎng	工厂	factory	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+gōngchǎng	工厂	factory, mill, plant, works		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gōngchéngshī	工程师	engineer		8	5	FSI Chinese
+gōngdiàn	宫殿	palace		8	4	FSI Chinese
+gōngfu	功夫	free time, spare time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōnggòng qìchē	公共汽车	public bus (local)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōnglǐ	公里	kilometer	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+Gōnglùjú	公路局	Bureau of Highways (Taiwan)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōnglù	公路	highway		8	7	FSI Chinese
+gōngren	工人	worker		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gōngshāngyè	工商业	industry and commerce		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+gōngshè	公社	commune		8	3	FSI Chinese
+gōngsī	公司	company		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngxiāo hézuòshè	供销合作社	supply and marketing cooperative		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyè	工业	industry		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyìpǐn	工艺品	handicrafts		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyuánhòu	公元后	A.D.		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gōngyuánqián	公元前	B.C.		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gōngyuán	公元	the common era; Á.D.		8	6	FSI Chinese
+gōngyuán	公园	park		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzī	工资	wages		8	8	FSI Chinese
+gōngzuòzhě	工作者	worker		8	4	FSI Chinese
+gōngzuò	工作	to work		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+gòu	够	to be enough		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+gòu	够	to be enough	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+guǎi	拐	to turn		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+guǎngchǎng	广场	(public) square		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Guǎngdōng	广东	province in south China		8	5	FSI Chinese
+guǎnggào	广告	advertisement		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Guǎngjiāohuì	广交会	Guàngzhōu (Canton) Trade Fair		8	8	FSI Chinese
+Guǎngxī	广西	a province in south China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+Guǎngzhōu	广州	(name of a city in the PRC—Canton)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+guān mén	关门	to close (for the business day); to close down, to go out of business		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+guānniàn	观念	concept, idea, notion		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
+guānxīn	关心	to be concerned about, to care about		8	5	FSI Chinese
+guānxi	关系	relation, relationship, connection	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+guǎn X jiào Y	冠 X 叫 Y	to call X Y		8	3	FSI Chinese
+guānyú	关于	as to, with regard to, concerning, about		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+guān	关	to close		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+guǎn	管	to take care of; to mind, to bother about		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
+gǔdài	古代	ancient times, antiquity		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Gùgōng	故宫	Former Imperial Palace 		8	4	FSI Chinese
+guīju	规矩	rules of proper behavior, social etiquette, manners; rule (of a   community or organization),      established practice, custom		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Guìlín	桂林	a city in Gulngxī province		8	1	FSI Chinese
+guīmó	规模	scale, scope, dimensions		8	8	FSI Chinese
+guìxìng	贵姓	honorable name		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+Guìzhōu	贵州	a province of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+guì	贵	to be expensive		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn	国宾大饭店	Ambassador Hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+guójiā	国家	country, state, nation; national		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+guòle lùkǒur	过了路口儿	having passed the intersection		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+guòqù	过去	the past		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+guòqu	过去	to pass		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+-guo	—过	experiential marker		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+gùshi	故事	story		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+hái bù yídìng 	 还不一定	not yet certain		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎigǎng	海港	harbor, seaport		8	8	FSI Chinese
+hái hǎo	还好	fairly good/well	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+hǎijǖn	海军	navy		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+háishi	还是	it would be better		8	7	FSI Chinese
+háishi	还是	or		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+háishi	还是	still	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+hǎiwān	海湾	bay; gulf		8	5	FSI Chinese
+háizi	孩子	children, child		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+hái	还	also, additionally		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+hái	还	fairly, passably		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+hái	还	still, yet		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Hángzhōu	杭州	a city in Zhèjiang Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Hangchow	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+Hàn-Rì zìdiǎn	汉日字典	Chinese-Japanese dictionary		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+Hàn-Yīng zìdiǎn	汉-英字典	Chinese-English dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+Hànyǔ	汉语	the Chinese language		8	6	FSI Chinese
+hǎochù	好处	benefit, advantage		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+hǎode duō	好得多	much better	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+hǎohāor	好好儿	well; properly; thoroughly		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+hǎojíle	好极了	to be wonderful, to be great	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+hǎo jiǔ	好久	a long time	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+hǎokàn	好看	to be beautiful, to be nice looking		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+-hǎo le	好了	to be satisfactorily completed 	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+hàomǎ(r)	号码(儿)	number	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+hǎowán	好玩	to “be fun (lit. , “good for relaxing”)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiàng	好象	to seem as if		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiē	好些	a good many, a lot	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+hàozhāo (hàozhào)	号召	to to call, to appeal		8	7	FSI Chinese
+-hào	—号	number (in address)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+hǎo	好	to be better		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+hǎo	好	to be fine, to be well, ok, good		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+hébì	何必	why is it necessary (to)	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+Hēilóngjiāng	黑龙江	province in northeast China		8	5	FSI Chinese
+hēiyè	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+hēi	黑	to be black		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+hěn	很	very		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+hèn	恨	to hate, to loathe, to detest (a)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+hépíng	和平	peace; to be peaceful		8	6	FSI Chinese
+héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be appropriate, to fit	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+hézuò	合作	to cooperate; cooperation		8	8	FSI Chinese
+hé	和	and	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+Hóngwèibīng	红卫兵	Red Guard; the Red Guards		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+hóng	红	to be red		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+hòulài	后来	later	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+hòulái	后来	later, afterwards		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+hòunián (hòunian)	后年		the year after next	2	5	FSI-Chinese
+hòutiān (hòutian)	后天	the day after tomorrow		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+Huáběi	华北	north of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+huá chuán	划船	to row a boat	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+Huáměi Kāfēitīng 	 华美咖啡厅	Huáměi Coffeehouse (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+Huánán	华南	south of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+Huángshān	黃山	a mountain in Ānhuī province		8	1	FSI Chinese
+huáng	黄	to be yellow, to te brown		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+huānsònghuì	欢送会	farewell/sendoff meeting or party		8	8	FSI Chinese
+huānsòng	欢送	to see off, to send off		8	8	FSI Chinese
+huānyíng	欢迎	to welcome	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+huàn	换 	to change, to exchange		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+huāpíng	花瓶	vase		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+huār kāile	花儿开了	the flowers have bloomed (literally, “opened”)	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huà(r) (yìzhāng)	画儿 (一张)	a painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+Huáshèngdùn Yóubào	华盛顿邮报	the Washington Post		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Huáshèngdùn	华盛顿	Washington		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+huàxué	化学	chemistry		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+-huà	-化	-ize		8	3	FSI Chinese
+huà	画	to paint	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+huà	话	language, words		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+huíbulái	回不来	to be unable to get back	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+huídelái	回得来	to be able to get back in time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+huí guó	回国	to return to one’s native country	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huí jiā	回家	to return home	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huìkèshì (huìkèshǐ)	会客室	reception room	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+huì kè 	会客	to receive guests	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+huílai	回来	to come back	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huíqu	回去	to return to one’s native country, to go back	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huítóu jiàn	回头见	See you later!		8	1	FSI Chinese
+huì	会	might, be likely, will		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+huì	会	to know how to, can		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+huì	会	will	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-huí	-回	counter for shi, matter		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+huí	回	to return to, to go back to	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+huǒchēzhàn	火车站	train station	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+huǒchē	火车	train	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+huòshi	或是	or	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+huòzhě (huòzhe)	或者	or	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+huó	活	to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+hùxiāng	互相	mutually		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+hùzhào	护照	passport	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+-hù	-户	household, family		8	3	FSI Chinese
+jiāgōng	加工	to process, to finish (a product)		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jiākuài	加快	to speed up		8	2	FSI Chinese
+jiāli	家里	family		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Jiānádà	加拿大	Canada		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndān	简单	to be simple		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎng huà	讲话	to speak, to talk; a speech	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiānglái	将来	in the future	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎng	讲	to discuss (something), to talk about (something)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎng	讲	to stress, to pay attention to, to be particular about		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiānmiàn	见面	to meet someone, to see someone	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiànshè	建设	to construct, build; construction, reconstruction		8	3	FSI Chinese
+jiànzhù (zhú, zhu)	建筑	to build, to construct; structure		8	4	FSI Chinese
+-jiàn	件	(counter for items or articles such as suitcases and clothing)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	件	(counter for matters, business, affairs)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiàn	见	to meet		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiàn	见	to meet, to see	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+jiāoliú	交流	to exchange; exchange		8	6	FSI Chinese
+jiāoqū	郊区	suburbs	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiāoqū	郊区	suburbs, outskirts		8	3	FSI Chinese
+jiàoshī	教师	teacher		8	2	FSI Chinese
+jiàoshòu	教授	professor	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiāo shū	教书	to teach	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiàotáng	教堂	church, cathedral		8	4	FSI Chinese
+jiāotōng	交通	traffic; transportation; travel		8	6	FSI Chinese
+jiāoyìhuì	交易会	trade fair		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jiàoyuán	教员	teacher	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+Jiàoyubù	教育部	Ministry of Education	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiàoyu	教育	to educate; education		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to be called, named		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiāo	叫	to hand over, to give		8	6	FSI Chinese
+-jiào	教	religion, church (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+jiàqian	价钱	price		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jiārù	加入	to join		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiāshǔ	家属	family members, (family) dependents		8	7	FSI Chinese
+jiātíng	家庭	family		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+Jiāzhōu	加州	California		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+-jiā	-家	counter for families		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiā	家	home, house		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+jībenshang	基本上	basically, on the whole, by and large		8	2	FSI Chinese 
+jìchéngchē	计程车	taxi (Taipei)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìde	记得	to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+jǐdiǎn zhōng	几点钟	what hour, what time		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiēdàishì (jiēdàishī)	接待室	waiting room	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+jièdao	借到	to successfully borrow		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiēdào	接到	to receive	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+jiěfàngjūn	解放军	(People’s) Liberation Army, P.L.A.		8	6	FSI Chinese
+jiěfàng	解放	to liberate, to emancipate;liberation		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiéhūn (jiēhūn)	结婚	to get married		7	2	FSI-Chinese        
+jiéhūn	结婚	to get married, to be married		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiějie	姐姐	older sister		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiēji	阶级	(social) class		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jiěmèi	姐妹	sisters		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+jièshao	介绍	to introduce	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+jièyì	介意	to mind, to take offense		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiè	借	to borrow; to lend		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiē	姐	to receive (mail, messages, guests, phone calls)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+jiē	接	to meet/pick up/get (someone)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiē	街	street		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǐge	几个	how many		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐge	几个	several		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐhào	几号	what day of the month?		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+jìhua	计划	to plan to	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+jīhui	机会	opportunity, chance	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+jíjímángmáng	急急忙忙	in a big hurry		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-jíle	极了	extremely, awfully	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐlù chē	几路车	what number bus	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+jímáng	急忙	to be hasty, to be hurried		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jìnbù	进步	to progress; progress		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jìnchūkǒu	进出口	import-export		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jīngguo 	 经过	by vay of, via		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīngguò	经过	to go through, to experience		8	2	FSI Chinese
+jīngjibù	经济部	Ministry of Economics	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+jīngjiguān	经济官	economics officer	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+jīngji tèqū	经济特区	special economic zone (SEZ)		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jīngjixüé	经济学	economics		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+jīnglǐ	经理	manager	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+jīngxīdào	京西稻	a kind of rice plant		8	3	FSI Chinese
+jīngxüé	经学	Confucian classics		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+jìnkǒu	进口	to import		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jìnliàng	尽量	to exert all one’s effort, to do one’s best to	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+jīnnián (jīnnian)	今年	this year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+jīnshǔ	金属	metal		8	5	FSI Chinese
+jīntiān (jīntian)	今天	today		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+jìnxíng	进行	to carry on, to conduct; to be		8	7	FSI Chinese
+jǐnzhāng	紧张	to be nervous, to be tense		8	7	FSI Chinese
+jìn	尽	the past..., the last...		8	5	FSI Chinese
+-jīn	斤	catty (1.1 pound)		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǐn	紧	to be tight		8	7	FSI Chinese
+jìn	近	to be close, to be near		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìn	进	to enter	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+jìshu	技术	technology; technical      		8	2	FSI Chinese       
+jǐsuì	几岁	how old		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Jiùjīnshān	旧金山	San Francisco		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiùshi...yě...	就是。。。也。。。	even (if)...		8	7	FSI Chinese
+jiǔyǎng	久仰	glad to meet you	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiù	就	immediately (with reference to time)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiù	就	only, just		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiù	就	right, exactly (with reference to space)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiù	 就	then		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiù	旧	to be old, to be used, to be worn		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+jīxièhuà	机械化	to mechanize		8	3	FSI Chinese
+jǐyüè	几月	what month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+jízhōng	集中	to concentrate, to centralize		8	8	FSI Chinese
+jǐ-	几	a few		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐ-	几-	how many		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+jí	急	to be anxious	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐ	挤	to be crowded		8	4	FSI Chinese
+-jí	-级	level, rank, grade, stage, degree		8	8	FSI Chinese
+juéding	决定	to decide	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+juédìng	决定	to decide		8	4	FSI Chinese
+jǖnguān	军官	military officier		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+jǖnrén	军人	military person		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+jūnshì yǎnxí	军事演习	military maneuvers	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+jùyijù	聚一聚	to get together	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+júzi	橘子	oranges, tangerines		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+-jù	句	sentence; counter for sentences or utterances, often followed by huà, "speech"		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jù	聚	to assemble	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+kāfēitīng	 咖啡厅	coffeehouse		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāi huì	开会	to attend a meeting	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+kāi huì	开会	to attend a meeting/conference	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+kāi mén	开门	to open (for the business day); to open for business		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+kāishǐ	开始	to start, to begin		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+kāiwán huì	开完会	to finish a meeting	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+kāi xué	 开学	school starts (literally, “open school”)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāi	开	to drive (a vehicle)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+kāi	开	to leave	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+kāi	开	to open		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+kànbuqǐ	看不起	to look down on, to scorn, to despise		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+kàndao	看到	to see		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+kànfa	看法	opinion, view	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+kànkan	看看	to read, to look at, to visit, to look at		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+kànkan	看看	to see, to look around, to sight-see, to visit	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+kànzhe	看着	(followed by a verb) as one sees fit, as one deems reasonable		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kàn	看	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kàn	看	to think (express an opinion)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+kǎolǜ	考虑	to consider, to think about		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǎoshì	考试	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz, exam, test		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	考	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kào	靠	to depend on, to rely on; to lean against; to be near, to be next to		7	2	FSI-Chinese        
+kěnéng	可能	maybe	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+kěshi	可是	but		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+kěshi	可是	but		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+kěxī	可惜	unfortunately, what a pity	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+kēxué	科学	science 		8	2	FSI Chinese
+kéyi	可以	may, can, to be permitted		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+kēzhǎng	科长	section chief	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+kě	可	indeed, certainly		8	4	FSI Chinese
+kè	课	class		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+kōngjǖn	空军	Air Force		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+kǒngpà	恐怕	to be afraid that (something is or is not the case)	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+kòng(r)	空儿	free time, spare time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+kōngshǒu	空手	empty handed		8	8	FSI Chinese
+-kǒu	-口	counter for people		8	3	FSI Chinese
+kuài yào	快要	will soon		8	7	FSI Chinese
+-kuài	-块	dollar (in contexte)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+-kuài	块	piece (counter)		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+kuài	快	soon	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+kuài	快	to be fast	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+kuàngqū	矿区	mining region		8	5	FSI Chinese
+kū	哭	to cry		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+láibují	来不及	can’t make it in time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+láidejí	来得及	can make it in time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+láilai-wǎngwǎng	来来往往	coming and going	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+...(lái) shuō	。。。(说)	...speaking		8	5	FSI Chinese
+...lái	。。。来	for the past...(amount of time)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+lái	来	to come		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+lái	来	to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to join in (a game, etc.)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+lái	来	used before a verb to express that something will be done		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+lán	蓝	to be blue		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+láodònglì	劳动力	labor force, labor; ablebodied person		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+láodòng mófàn	劳动模范	model worker	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+láodòng	劳动	to do manual labor	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+láodòng	劳动	to labor		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+láojià	劳驾	excuse me		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǎojiā	老家	“original home”		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+láolì	劳力	labor force, labor		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Lǎo (name)	老	Old (name) [familiar nickname for an older person among close friends]	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoshi	老是	always, all the time	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+lǎo	老	to be old	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+-lèi	-类	category		8	2	FSI Chinese
+le	了	combined le: new-situation and completion marker		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+lián...dōu/yě...	连。。。 都/也。。。	even...		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+liǎngcì	两次	two times, twice	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+liǎngsān-	两三	two or three	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+liángshi	粮食	grain, cereals		8	3	FSI Chinese
+liǎng-	两	two		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+liàng	亮	to be light, to be bright		8	6	FSI Chinese
+liánxì	联系	to contact		8	1	FSI Chinese
+lián...(yě)	连...也	even...(also)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+liǎojiě	了解	to understand		8	1	FSI Chinese
+liáo tiān(r)	聊天(儿)	to chat		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+liáo	聊	to chat		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǐbianr (lǐbian)	里边儿 (里边)	inside		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+Lǐbīnsī	礼宾司	Protocol Department (PRC)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+lí jìng	离境	to leave a country or place		8	1	FSI Chinese
+líkǎi	离开	to leave	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+lìliàng (lìliang)	力量	power, force, strength		8	5	FSI Chinese
+lǐmào	礼貌	manners, politeness		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+lǐngdǎo	领导	to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+língshiguǎn	领事馆	consulate	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+líng	零	zero		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+lìshǐ	历史	history		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+liú(ge)huà(r)	留(个)话(儿)	to leave a message	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíng	流行	to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
+liúxuéshēng	留学生	studyabroad students		8	2	FSI Chinese   
+liú	留	to leave, to keep, to save	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+-lǐ	-哩	li. a unit of length (1/2 km.)		8	4	FSI Chinese
+lí	里	from, apart from		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+-li	里	in (locational ending)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǐ	里	inside, in		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+lóushàng	楼上	upstairs	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+lóuxià	楼下	downstairs	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+luànqībāzāo	乱七八糟	in a mess, in confusion, indisorder; miscellaneous, jumbled, all thrown in together		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+luàn	乱	to be in disorder, to be chaotic, to be in a mess; indiscriminately, recklessly,arbitrarily, any old way		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+lùběi	路北	the north side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+lùdōng	路东	the east side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǚguǎn	旅馆	in years hotel	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+lùjǖn	陆军	army		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+lùkǒu(r) 	 路口	intersection		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+lùnán	路南	the south side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǜshī	律师	lawyer, attorney		8	8	FSI Chinese
+lǚxíngshè	旅行社	travel service, travel agency		8	1	FSI Chinese
+lǚxíngtuán	旅行团	tour group		8	1	FSI Chinese  
+lǚxíngzhèng	旅行证	travel permit	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+lǚxíng zhīpiào (yìzhāng)	旅行支票(一张)	traveler's check		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǚxíng	旅行	travel		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+lùxī	路西	the west side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǜ	绿	to be green		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+lù	路	road		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+máfan ni	麻烦你	sorry to bother you		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+mǎi cài	买菜	to buy groceries	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎimai	买卖	business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+màiwán le	卖完了	to be sold out	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎi	买	to buy		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+mài	卖	to sell		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+mámahūhū	马马虎虎	so-so, fair		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+māma	妈妈	mamma, mom, mother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+máng	忙	to be busy	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+mànmānr	慢慢儿	slowly; gradually, by and by; taking one's time; in all details		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+màn	慢	to be slow	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+màoyi	贸易	trade		8	8	FSI Chinese
+-máo	毛	dime		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+mǎshàng	马上	immediately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+ma	吗	question marker at the end of the sentence		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+ma	嘛	marker of obviousness of reasoning		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+ma	嘛	marker of pause or hypothesis		8	5	FSI Chinese
+méi bànfa	没办法	there’s no way out, it can’t be helped	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+Měidàsī	美大司	Department of American and Oceanic Affairs	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+méi guānxi	没关系	it doesn’t matter	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+Měiguó Guójì Jiāoliú Zǒngshǔ	美国国际交流总署	U.S. International Communications Agency		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+Měiguó Guówùyüàn	美国国务院	U.S. Department of State		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+Měiguó Yínháng	美国银行	Bank of America		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+Měiguo	美国	America, United States		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi jiéhūn	没结婚	not to be married		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+Měijīn	美金	United States currency		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+mèimei	妹妹	younger sister		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi shénme	门	door		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+méitàn	煤炭	coal		8	5	FSI Chinese
+méi wèntí	没问题	(there’s) no problem	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+méi yìsi	没意思	to be uninteresting, to be boring; to be pointless, to be meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
+méiyou...nàme/zhème	没有...那么/怎么	is not as...as...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+méi(yǒu) yìsi	没(有)意思	to be uninteresting	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+mèiyou	没有	not to have, there is not		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+měi-	每	every, each	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+méi	没	not, not to have		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+měi	美	to be beautiful		8	6	FSI Chinese
+me (ma)	么	pause marker		8	6	FSI Chinese
+-men	们	plural suffix		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+miànji	面积	(surface) area		8	3	FSI Chinese
+míngbai	明白	to understand, to be clear on, to comprehend; to be clear, to be obvious		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Míng Bào	明报	Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Míngcháo 	明朝 	name of a dynasty, 1368-1644		8	4	FSI Chinese
+míngnián (míngnian)	明年	next year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+míngtiān (míngtian)	明天	tomorrow		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+míngzi	名字	given name, full name		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+Mínzú Fàndiàn	民族饭店	Nationalities Hotel		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+mínzú	民族	ethnic group, nation		8	1	FSI Chinese     
+mìshū	秘书	secretary, executive assistant	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+mótuōchē	摩托车	motorcycle	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+mǔchǎn	亩产	per-mu yield		8	3	FSI Chinese
+mùdi	目的	reason, objective, purpose	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+mùqián	目前	at present		8	2	FSI Chinese
+mǔqin	母亲	mother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+-mǔ	亩	mu, a unit of area		8	3	FSI Chinese
+náchuqu	拿出去	to take (something) out	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+nàge	那个	that (one)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+nǎinai	奶奶	grandmother (on father’s side)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+náli	哪里	where		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+nàli	那里	there		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+nàme	那么	so, to that extent, in that way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+nàme	那么	well, then, in that case	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+nánbian(r)	南边而 (南边)	south side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+nánbù	南部	the southern part (of the island), the south	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+nánfāng	南方	the south		8	1	FSI Chinese
+nánháizi	男孩子	boy		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+nánkàn	难看	to be ugly		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+nánnǚ	男女	men and women, male-female		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+nánshòu	难受	to be uncomfortable; to feel bad,to feel unhappy		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nántīng	难听	to be unpleasant to hear; to sound bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+nán	南	south		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+nán-	男-	male		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+nán	难	to be difficult		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+nàr (nèr)	那儿	there		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+nǎr	哪儿	where?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+náshanglai	拿上来	to bring up	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+náshangqu	拿上去	to take up	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+náxialai	拿下来	to bring down	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+náxiaqu	拿下去	to take down	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+ná	拿	to pick up, to hold, to take	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+nà-	那—	that		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+nà	那	well, then		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèidì	内地	interior (of a country)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+něige?	哪个?	which?		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+nèige	那个	that		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+něiguo	哪国	which country?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+Nèiměng	内蒙	Inner Mongolia		8	1	FSI Chinese 
+něinián	哪年?	which year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+něitiān	哪天	what day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+nèitiān	那天	the other day	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+něiwei	哪位?	which one (person)?		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+nèiwèi	那位	that one (person)		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+nèixie	那些	those		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+něi-	哪—	which?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+něi-	哪—?	which		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+néng	能	can; to be able to	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+ne	呢	question marker		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+niándài	年代	decade of a century		8	5	FSI Chinese
+niánji	年纪	age		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+niánnián (niánnian)	年年	every year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+niánqīng	年轻	to be young		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+niàn (shū)	念书	to study		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+niàn	年	to be ponounced, to be read as		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+nǐmen	你们	you (plural)		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Niǔ Yüē	纽约	New York		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+nǐ	你	you 	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-45.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+nóngcūn	农村	country, rural area; rural;village		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+nònglai	弄来	to get and bring		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngmín	农民	peasant		8	6	FSI Chinese
+nòng (nèng)	弄	to do; to fool with; to get		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngyè	农业	agriculture		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+nǚér	女儿	daughter		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+nǚháizi	女孩子	girl		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+nǔlì	努力	to make great efforts, to try hard to exert oneself		8	2	FSI Chinese
+nǚshì	女士	polite title for a married or unmarried woman) Ms.; Lady		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+nǚ-	女-	female		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Ōuzhōu 	欧洲 	Europe 		8	4	FSI Chinese
+pài dào	派到	to send to	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+páijià	牌价	exchange rate		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+pàilai	派来	to send here	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+pài	派	to send/assign (a person to do something)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+pángbiānr (pángbiān)	旁边儿 (旁边)	beside, next to, alongside of;the side		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+pánziwǎn	盘子碗	dishes		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+pánzi	盘子	plate		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+pǎo	跑	to run	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+péi	陪	to accompany	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+péngyou	朋友	friend		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+piányi	便宜	to be inexpensive, to be cheap		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+piān	片	counter for sheets, articles or pieces of writing		7	2	FSI-Chinese    
+piàoliang	漂亮	to be beautiful	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+piào (yìzhang)	票 (一张)	ticket, coupon	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+piàozi (yìzhāng)	票子(一张)	bills (currency)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+píjiǔ	啤酒	beer		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+píngděng	平等	equality; to be equal (of people)		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+píngguǒ	苹果	apple		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+píngjūn	平均	average, mean		8	3	FSI Chinese
+píngyuán	平原	plain, flatlands		8	3	FSI Chinese
+-píng	瓶	bottle		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+pínmìng	拼命	with all one’s might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk one’s life, to defy death		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
+pinyin	hanzi	English	sound	module	unit	source
+pǔbiàn	普遍	universal, widespread, common		8	2	FSI Chinese
+pǔtōnghuà	普通话	the common (standard) language		8	1	FSI Chinese  
+pǔtōng	普通	regular, ordinary          		8	2	FSI Chinese
+pùzi 	 铺子	store, shop (Běijīng)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+qiángguó	强国	powerful nation, a power		8	5	FSI Chinese
+qiáng	强	to be strong		8	5	FSI Chinese
+Qiánmén	前门	a gate in Běijīng		8	4	FSI Chinese
+qiánnián (qiánnian)	前年	the year before last		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+qiántiān (qiántian)	前天	the day before Yesterday		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+qiānwàn	千万	without fail, be sure to		8	8	FSI Chinese
+qián	钱	money		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+qiǎo	巧	to be timely, to be opportune	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+qìchē	汽车	car, motor vehicle	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+qǐdiǎnzhàn	起点站	station where a train originates (literally, “starting station”)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+qǐfēi	起飞	to take off (airplane)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+qíguài	奇怪	to be strange, to be odd, to be surprising		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-qilai	-起来	resultative ending which indicates starting		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+qǐlai	起来	to get up (in several senses)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+qǐmǎ	起码	at least		8	5	FSI Chinese
+Qíncháo	秦朝	name of a dynasty, 221-207 B.C.		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Qíngbàosī	情报司	Intelligence Bureau (part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+qīngchǔ (-chu)	清楚	to be clear, to be distinct		8	7	FSI Chinese
+Qīngdǎo	青岛	a city name		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+qīng gōngyè	轻工业	light industry		8	5	FSI Chinese
+qǐngjiào	请教	to ask advice, to consult	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+qíngkuàng	情况	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+qǐngtiě (qìngtiē)	请帖	written invitation	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+Qǐngwèn	请问	May I ask?		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+qíngxing	情形	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+qǐng zuo	请坐	please sit down	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+qǐng	清	please		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+qǐng	请	to request, to invite	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+qīng	轻	to be light		8	5	FSI Chinese
+qīnlüè	侵略	to invade; aggression		8	4	FSI Chinese
+qīnzì	亲自	personally, privately	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+qióng	穷	to be poor		8	5	FSI Chinese
+qìshuǐ	汽水	soda, carbonated soft drink		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+qìsi	起司	cheese	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+qítā	其它	other		8	5	FSI Chinese
+quánbù	全部	entire, whole		8	1	FSI Chinese   
+quánguó	全国	the whole country		8	3	FSI Chinese
+quán	全	entirely		8	1	FSI Chinese
+quàn	劝	to advise, to urge, to try to persuade		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+qūbié	区别	difference, distinction         		8	2	FSI Chinese
+qǜnián (qǜnian)	去年	last year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+-qū	-区	area, region, district		8	5	FSI Chinese
+qù	去	to go		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+qù	 去	to go		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to make (someone a certain way)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+ránhòu	 然后	afterwards, after that		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+rènao	热闹	to be lively/bustling/noisy	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+rènde	认得	to recognize, to know	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+rénjia	人家	people; they; he, she; I		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Rénmínbì	人民币 	People's currency (FBC)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+rénmín	人民	the people		8	3	FSI Chinese
+rènshi zì	认识字	to know how to read (literally, “to recognize characters”)	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+rènshi	认识	to recognize, to know	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+rènwéi	认为	to think, to consider, to hold  		8	2	FSI Chinese
+rényuán	人员	personnel, staff		8	7	FSI Chinese
+rén	人	person		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+rén	人	person; body; self		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+rèxínqilai	热心起来	to become enthusiastic and interested		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+rèxīn	热心	to be enthusiastic and interested; to be warmhearted; to be earnest		7	3	FSI-Chinese        
+rè	热	to he hot		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+Rìběn	日本	Japan		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+Rì-Hàn zìdiǎn	日汉字点	Japanese-Chinese dictionary		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+Rìwén	日文	Japanese language		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+róngyi	容易	to be easy		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+rúguǒ (rúguo)	如果	if	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+ruò	弱	to be weak		8	5	FSI Chinese
+rù Tuán	入团	to Join the Communist Youth League (Gòngqingtuán or Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+rù	入	to enter; to Join		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+sàn bù	散步	to take a walk	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+Sānlǐtún	三里屯	(a district in Běijīng where many Foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other countries live)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+shāmò	沙漠	desert		8	6	FSI Chinese
+shāndì	山地	mountainous region, hilly area		8	3	FSI Chinese
+Shāndōng	山东	a province name		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+shàng bān	上班	to go to work, to start work	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngbianr (shàngbian)	上边儿 (上边)	above, the top, the upper part		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+shāngdiàn	 商店	store, shop (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+shàngge yüè	上个月	last month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Shànghǎi	上海	a city name		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+shāngliang	商量	to discuss, to talk over	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāngren	商人	businessman/businesswoman; merchant		8	8	FSI Chinese
+shāngwùguān	商务官	commercial officer	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+shàngwǔ (shàngwu)	上午	forenoon, morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+shāngwù	商务	commercial business	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+shàngxiào	上校	colonel	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+shàng xué	上学	to go to school; to attend school		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shāngyè	商业	commerce, business		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shàng-	上	last, previous (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-shang	上	on (locational ending)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàng	上	to get on	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-shang	上	verb ending indicating starting and continuing		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shānshuī huà(r) (yìzhāng)	山水画儿 (一张)	landscape painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+shānshuǐ	山水	mountains and rivers, scenery with hills and water	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+Shǎnxī	陕西	province in north central China		8	5	FSI Chinese
+shān	山	hill, mountain	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǎoshù mínzú	少数民族	minority nationality		8	1	FSI Chinese
+shǎoshù	少数	small number, few, minority		8	1	FSI Chinese
+shàoxiào	少校	major ( military title)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǎo	少	to be few	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+shǎ	唼	to be stupid, to be dumb, to be silly, to be naive		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+shā	杀	to kill (in general); to kill(specifically with a knife or knife like instrument); to try to kill		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shèbèi	设备	equipment,.facilities, installation		8	8	FSI Chinese
+shèhuì kēxué	社会科学	social sciences		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shèhuìxué	社会学	sociology	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+shèhuì	社会	society, social		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shéi	谁	who	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-24.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+shēngchǎn	生产	to produce; production		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēnghuó	生活	life	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēnghuó	生活	life; to live; livelihood		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēngyì (shēngyi)	生意	business, trade		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+shēng	生	to be born		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+shěng	省	province		8	4	FSI Chinese
+shénme dìfang	什么地方	where, what place		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+shénme shíhou	什么时候	when		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+shénme	什么	what	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-191.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+shēntǐ	身体	body; health		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Shēnzhèn	深圳	a city in GuIngdSng province		8	1	FSI Chinese
+shèyuán	社员	commune member		8	7	FSI Chinese
+shìbīng	事兵	enlisted man		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+shì de	是的	emphatic agreement		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+Shìde	是的	Yes, that’s so.		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+shíjiān	时间	time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+shìjièshang	世界上	in the world, in the whole world		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shìjièxìng	世界性	worldwide		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Shìjiè Yínháng	世界银行	World Bank	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+shìjiè	世界	world		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shìliàng (zhí, zhi)	质量	quality		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shìqing (yíjiàn)	事情 (意见)	matter, business, affair	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+Shísānlíng	十三陵	Ming Tombs (literally, “Thirteen Tombs”)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+Shísānlíng	十三陵	the Thirteen Tombs (Ming Tombs)		8	4	FSI Chinese
+shítáng	食堂	mess hall, dining room		8	7	FSI Chinese
+shíxiàn	实现	to realize		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shíxíng	实行	to practice, to carry out, to put into effect, to implement		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shì (yíjiàn)	事 (意见)	matter, business, affair	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+shíyóu	石油	petroleum, oil		8	1	FSI Chinese      
+shízài	實在	really; to be real		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǐ	使	to cause, to enable (followed by a verb)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shì	是	to be	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-70.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+shì	是	yes, that’s so.		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+shǒubiǎo	手表	wristwatch		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+shōudao	收到	to receive	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+shǒudū	首都	capital 		8	4	FSI Chinese
+shòu jiàoyu	受教育	to receive an education		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shōurù	收入	income, earnings		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shōushi	收拾	to straighten up; to get one’s things ready		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǒuxiān	首先	first		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shóuxi	熟悉	to be familiar	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+shōuyīnjī	收音机 	radio		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+shōu	受 	to accept, to receive		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu	收	to harvest		8	3	FSI Chinese
+shūcài	蔬菜	vegetable		8	3	FSI Chinese
+shūdiàn	书店	bookstore		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+shūfu	舒服	to be comfortable	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐpíng	水平	level		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shuǐ	水	rivers, lakes (literally, "water")	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūjiàzi	书架子	bookcase		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǔjià	暑假	summer vacation		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shùliang	数量	number, amount		8	2	FSI Chinese
+shuōbuqīngchu	说不清楚	can't explain clearly		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuōdao	说道	to speak of; as for		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+shuōfǎ	说法	way of saying a thing; statement, version, argument		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shuōhǎo le	说好了	to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+shuō huà	说话	to speak	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuō (huà)	说话	to speak, to talk		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+shùxué	数学	mathematics		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+shū (yìběn)	书(一本)	book		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+Sichuān	四川	province in southwest China		8	5	FSI Chinese
+Sìge Xiàndàihuà	四个现代化	the Four Modernizations    		8	2	FSI Chinese
+Sìjìqīng	四季青	a commune in Běijīng suburbs		8	3	FSI Chinese
+sījī	司机	driver of a hired vehicle	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+Sì Shū	四书	the Four Books (Dàxué, Zhōngyōng, Lúnyǔ, Mèngzǐ)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+sīzhǎng	司长	department chief	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+sǐ	死	to die		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+sòng gěi	送给	to give	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+sòngxíng	送行	to see (someone) off, to wish (someone) a good trip; to give a going-away party		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+sòng	送	to see someone off, to escort someone to a train station, airport, bus depot, or pier	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+suàn le	算了	forget it, let’s drop the matter,let it go at that; come off it, come on		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
+suàn	祘	to be considered, to count as		8	5	FSI Chinese
+sùdu	速度	speed, pace      		8	2	FSI Chinese
+suíbiàn	随便	to be informal/casual; as you like, as you wish, whatever suits you, “according to convenience”	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+suírǎn (suīrán)...kěshi...	虽然...可是...	although, even though...(still)...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+-suì	岁	year (of age)		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+sūnnǚ	孙女	granddaughter (through one’s son)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+sūnzi	孙子	grandson (through one’s son)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+suǒyǐ (suóyi)	所以 (所以)	therefore, so	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+suǒyǒude...dōu	所有的。。。都	all		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+sùshè	宿舍	living quarters; dormitory		8	7	FSI Chinese
+Sūzhōu	苏州	a city in Jiāngsū Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Soochow	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+Táibì	台北	Taiwan currency (NT$)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+Tāidà	台大	Táiwān University	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+tài hǎo le!	太好了!	wonderful!	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+tàitai	太太	Mrs.; wife, married woman, lady	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-309.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+Táiwān Yínháng	台湾银行	Bank of Taiwan		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+-tái	-台	counter for machines		8	3	FSI Chinese
+tài	太	too (excessive)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+tāmen	他们	they, them		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+-táng	堂	(counter for class periods)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+táng	糖	candy, sugar		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+-tàng	趟	(counter for bus trips, train trips, etc.)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+tán	谈	to chat, to talk about	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+tǎolùn	讨论	to discuss		8	6	FSI Chinese
+tā	他,她,它	he, she, it	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-121.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+tèbié	特别	especially	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+tèdiǎn	特点	distinctive trait, characteristic		8	3	FSI Chinese
+tèkuài	特快	express train	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+téng	疼	to be (very) fond of, to be attached to, to dote on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+Tiān’ānmén 	天门 	the Gate of Heavenly Peace		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Tiānjīn	天津	municipality southeast of Běijīng		8	5	FSI Chinese
+tiān liàng	天亮	daybreak, dawn; to become light		8	6	FSI Chinese
+Tiān Tán 	天坛	the Temple of Heaven		8	4	FSI Chinese 
+tiāntiān	天天	every day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+-tiān	天	day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+tiáojiàn	条件	condition		8	2	FSI Chinese
+tiáoyuē	条约	treaty		8	8	FSI Chinese
+tíchulai	提出来	to bring up		8	2	FSI Chinese
+tiělù	铁路	railroad		8	7	FSI Chinese
+tígāo	提高	to raise  		8	2	FSI Chinese
+tímu (tímù)	题目	topic, subject; title; (test) question, problem		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tīngbudǒng	听不懂	cannot understand	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+tīngdechūlái	聼得出来	to be able to recognize what something is from the sound 	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tīngdedǒng	听得懂	can understand	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+tīng diànhuà	聼电话	to answer the phone	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+tīngshuō	听说	to hear that	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+tíng	停	to stop, to park	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+tīng	听	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tì	替	substituting for, in place of	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóngjū	同居	to cohabit; cohabitation		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+tóngshì	同事	fellow worker, colleague	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóngxuéhuì	同学会	alumni association (literally, “fellow-student group”)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóngxué	同学	classmate	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóngyì	同意	to agree	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+tóngyì	同意	to agree, to consent; agreement, consent		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tǒngyī	统一	to unite, to unify		8	6	FSI Chinese
+tóngzhì	同志	comrade	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-369.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+tōngzhī	同志	(written) announcement, notification	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóu-	头	first (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuánzhǎng	团长	head of the delegation	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+-tuán	团	group, society		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+Tuán	团	the (Communist Youth) League		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+tǔdì	土地	land		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+tuōlājī	拖拉机	tractor		8	3	FSI Chinese
+túpiàn	图片	picture, photograph		8	3	FSI Chinese
+túshūguǎn	图书馆	library	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+Tz!	啧!	Tsk (clicking sound with several different uses: disappointment, admiration, hesitation, etc.)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+(V V) kàn	(V V)看	try and (V), (V) and see how it is		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+wàibianr (wàibian)	外边儿 (外边)	outside		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàiguo rén	外国人	foreigner (non-Chinese)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàiguó	外国	foreign, abroad	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàizǔfù	外祖父	maternal grandfather		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+wàizǔmǔ	外祖母	maternal grandmother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnfàn	晚饭	supper, dinner	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+Wāngfǔjǐng Dàjiē	王赴京大街	Wāngfǔjǐng Boulevard (Běijīng)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàngji	忘记	to forget	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+wàng (wǎng)	 往	to, towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+wàng	忘	to forget	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnhuì	晚会	evening party; evening of entertainment		8	8	FSI Chinese
+Wànlǐ Chángchéng 	万里长城	the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Li		8	4	FSI Chinese
+wánquán	完全	completely	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnshang (wǎnshàng)	晚上	evening		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+wán (wánr)	玩 (玩儿)	to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+-wán	完	to be finished (occurs in compound  verbs of result)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+wǎn	晚	to be late	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+wǎn	碗	bowl		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+wèile	为了	in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèishénme	为什么	why	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+Wéiwúěr	维吾尔	the Uygur (Uighur) nationality		8	6	FSI Chinese
+-wèi	位	polite counter for people		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+wéi	喂	hello (telephone greeting)	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	尉	place, position (rank)		8	5	FSI Chinese
+wénhuà	文化	culture		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+wèntí	问题	problem, question	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+wénxüé	文学	literature		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+wénzhāng	文章	article, essay; prose (writing) style		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+wénzì	文字	writing, script		8	6	FSI Chinese
+wǒmen	我们	we, us		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+wǒ	我	I	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-56.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+Wǔguānchù	武官处	défense attache office		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+wǔjiào	午觉	noontime nap		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+wūzi (yìjiān)	屋子 (一间)	room	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+xià bān	下班	to get off from work, to leave work	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàbianr (xiàbian)	下边儿 (下边)	below, under; the bottom, the lower part		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+xià chē	下车	to get off the bus; “Out, please!”	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiàge yüè	下个月	next month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngdāng	相当	quite, pretty, considerably		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎngdào	想到	to think of		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎngfa	想法	idea, opinion	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+Xiānggǎng	香港	Hong Kong		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎnghǎo le	想好了	to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎngqilai	想起来	to think of, to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxìn	相信	to believe (in); to trust, to be convinced (that)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+xiǎngyixiǎng	想一想	to think it over		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiàng	像	to be like, to resemble; like; such as		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàng	 向	towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiang	向	towards; from	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to think that, to want to, would you like to		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to think, to think that		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to want to		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiānjìn	先进	to be advanced		8	3	FSI Chinese
+xiānsheng	先生	Mr., sir, husband, teacher	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-267.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiànzài	现在	now		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiānzhi	限制	to restrict, to limit; restriction, limitation		8	8	FSI Chinese
+xiān	先	ahead of time, beforehand	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiān 	 先	first; ahead of time		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāofèipǐn	消费品	consumer goods		8	8	FSI Chinese
+xiǎohaízi	小孩子	child		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoháizi	小孩子	child		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎojiě (xiǎojie)	小姐	Miss, lady, daughter (polite)	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-329.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiàolǜ	效率	efficiency		8	8	FSI Chinese
+xiǎomàibù	小卖部	variety shop		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiāomiè	消灭	to eliminate, to abolish, to exterminate, to wipe out		8	7	FSI Chinese
+xiǎo (name)	小	Little (name) [familiar form of name among friends]	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo péngyou	小朋友	little friend; kids		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoshí	小时	hour	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiàoshùn	孝顺	to he filial; filial obedience		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoshuō	小说	fiction, novel		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāoxi	消息	news		8	8	FSI Chinese
+xiǎoxué	小学	elementary school		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo yìsi	小意思	a token of appreciation	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo	小	to be small		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+xià qí	下棋	to play chess		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-xiaqu	下去	down (directional ending used for eating or drinking down)		7	3	FSI-Chinese          
+-xiaqu	下去	resultative ending which indicates continuing an action		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
+xiàwǔ (xiàwu)	下午	afternoon		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+xià-	下	next (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià	下	to get off	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+-xià	-下	under		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+Xīběi	西北	northvest		8	1	FSI Chinese
+xībian(r)	西边(儿)	west side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+Xīcān	西餐	Western food	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+Xīdān	西单	(a district in Běijīng)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+xī dú	吸毒	to take drugs		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xiěxiàlái	写下来	to write down	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+xièxie tāde yāoqǐng	谢谢他的邀请	to thank him for his invitation	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+-xie (-xiē)	些	counter for an indefinite plural number of things		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+xièxie	谢谢	thank you		1	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiē	些	several, some	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiě	写	to write		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+xíguàn	习惯	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+xǐhuan	喜欢	to like		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+Xīmēndīng	西门町	an area of Taipei	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíngli (yíjiàn)	行李	luggage, suitcase	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīèr	星期二	Tuesday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīngqījǐ	星期几	what day of the week		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīliù	星期六	Saturday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīsān	星期三	Wednesday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīsì	星期四	Thursday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqītiān, Xīngqīrì	星期天,星期日	Sunday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīwǔ	星期五	Friday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+Xīngqīyī	星期一	Monday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīngqī	星期	week		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+xìngqu	兴趣	interest		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xìng	姓	to be surnamed	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-211.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
+-xìng	-性	nature, -ness, -ibility		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xíng	行	to be all right		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+Xǐnhuá Shūdiàn	新华书店	New China Bookstore (Běijīng)		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+Xīnjiāng	新疆	an autonomous region of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+xīnkǔ	辛苦	to be hard work; to be toilsome, to be arduous; to work hard, to go through hardships, to go to great trouble		8	3	FSI Chinese
+xīnshǎng	欣赏	to appreciate/enjoy/admire		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnwén	新闻	news		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīn	心	heart; mind		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xīn	新	to be new		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiōngdì jiěmèi	兄弟姐妹	brothers and sisters		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiōngdì	兄弟	brothers		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+xióngmāo	熊猫	panda	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiū jià	休假	to take a vacation	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+xiūxi	休息	to rest, to relax	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+xiū	修	to build, to construct (roads, reservoirs, etc.); to repair; to trim, prune 		8	4	FSI Chinese 
+xīwàng (xīwang)	希望	to hope	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīwàng (xīwang)	希望	to hope, to wish to	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ yīshang	洗衣裳	to to wash clothes	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+xī	西	west		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+xuǎn	选	to choose		8	7	FSI Chinese
+xǔduō	许多	many, much		8	5	FSI Chinese
+(-)xuéqī	学期	semester, term (of school)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xüéshēng (xüésheng)	学生	student		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+xuéxiào	 学校	school		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+xüéxí (xüéxi)	学习	to study, to learn (PRC)		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+xué yī	学医	to study medicine		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xuézhě	学者	scholar		8	1	FSI Chinese
+xüé	学	to study		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+xùmuyè	畜牧业	livestock farming, animal husbandry		8	6	FSI Chinese
+-yàng	-样	kind (bound form)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yánhǎi	沿海	along the coast, coastal		8	5	FSI Chinese
+yānhuo	烟火	fireworks display	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+yánjiūshēng	研究生	graduate student		8	2	FSI Chinese
+yánjiū (yánjiu,yánjiù)	研究	to study (in detail), to do research on; research		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yánjiuyuàn	研究院	graduate school	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+yánjiu	研究	to study, to do research	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+yánsè	颜色	color		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+yànzhe	沿着	along(side)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yánzhòng	严重	to be serious, to be grave		8	8	FSI Chinese
+yàobushi...jiù shi...	要不是..就是..	if it’s not...then it will be...	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+yàojǐn	要紧	to be important, to be urgent	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào kàn (or děi kàn)	要看(得看)	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yàoshi	要是	if	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+yāo	幺	one (telephone pronunciation)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	must, to have to; to take (a certain amount of time)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	to want		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	will, going to	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+Yàzhōu (Yǎzhōu)	亚洲	Asia		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yěcān	野餐	picnic	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo	。。。也好,。。。也好	whether...or...; both...and...		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yě jiù	也就	accordingly, correspondingly, so		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yèli	夜里	night		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+yěxǔ	也许	perhaps, maybe	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+yéye	爷爷	grandfather (on the father’s side)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yèyú	业余	spare time, after hours, amateur		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yě	也	also, too, either		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+yìběn zìdiǎn	一本字典	one dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìbiān(r)... yìbiān(r)...	一边(儿)。。。 一边(儿)	doing... while doing...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíbùfen	一部分	a part, a portion; some		8	2	FSI Chinese
+yìdiǎn	一点	a little		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	certainly	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+yìfāngmiàn(r)...,yìfāngmiàn(r)...	一方面(儿)。。。 一方面(儿)。。。	on one hand... , on the other hand...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yífèn (r) bàozhǐ	—份(儿)报纸	one newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíge rén	一个人	singly, alone		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+yíge	一个	a, an		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+yīgòng	一共	altogether		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíhàn	遗憾	to regret (that something desirable will not happen)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+Yíhéyuán (Yì-)	颐和园	the Summer Palace (in Běijīng)		8	4	FSI Chinese
+yǐhòu	以后	after		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǐhòu	以后	afterwards, later on; in the future	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+yìhuǐr	一会儿	a moment	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíjiàn yīshang	一件以上	a piece of clothing		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǐjīng (yǐjing)	已经	already		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+yī...jiù...	一。。。就。。。	as soon as		8	8	FSI Chinese
+yíkuài féizào	一块肥皂	one bar of soap		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+yímiàn(r)... yímiàn(r)...	一面(儿)。。。 一面(儿)。。。	doing... while doing...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yīnggāi	应该	should, ought to, must	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+Yīngguo	英国	England		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+Yīng-Hàn zìdiǎn	英-汉字典	English-Chinese dictionay		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíng le	赢了	I(’ve) won		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+Yīngwén	英文	English		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+yínháng	银行	bank		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīnwei	因为	because	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+yǐqián	以前	before		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǐqián	以前	before, in the past	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+yìqǐ	一起	together, along with	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+yǐshàng	以上	above, over (an amount)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yìshuāng píxié	一双皮鞋	a pair of leather shoes	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+yìshu	艺术	art		8	4	FSI Chinese
+Yīsīlánjiào	伊斯兰教	the Islamic religion, Islam		8	6	FSI Chinese
+yī tiān dào wǎn	一天到晚	all day long		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǐwéi	以为	to think (mistakenly), to assume		8	1	FSI Chinese
+yíxià	一下	a short amount of time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǐxià	以下	under (an amount)		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yìxiē	一些	some, several, a few	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+yīxué	医学	medical science, medicine		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yíyàng	一样	to be alike/equal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhāng zhǐ	一张纸	one piece of paper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhǐ bǐ	一支笔	one pen		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhí	一直	all along, continuously, all the time (up until a certain point)		7	2	FSI-Chinese  
+yìzhí	 一直	straight		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǐzu (yìbǎ)	一族(一把)	chair		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+-yì	亿	hundred million		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǐ-	以-	used, before direction words to mark direction with reference to a point		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yī	医	medical science, medicine (used in phrases like xué yī)		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
+yònggōng	用功	to be industrious, to be hardworking (in one’s studies)		7	3	FSI-Chinese   
+yònggōng	用工           to be hardworking	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu bànfa, (duì...)	有办法,(对。。。)	to be able to deal with (something)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòubianr (yòubian)	右边儿 (右边)	right side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu dàoli	有道理	to make sense		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒude shīhou	有的时候	sometimes		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu(de) shíhou	有(的)时候	sometimes	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒude	有的	some		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+yòuéryuǎn	幼儿园	kindergarten	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+yòuéryuán	幼儿园	kindergarten		8	7	FSI Chinese
+yǒu gōngfu	有功夫	to have free time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu guānxi	有关系	to relate, to have a bearing on, to matter	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu guīju	有规矩	to have manners, to he proper		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu hǎochù	有好处	to be beneficial, to be good (for)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yòu hǎo yòu piányi	又好又便宜	both good and inexpensive	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+yóu huà	油画	oil painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu kòng(r)	有空儿	to have free time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóulǎn	游览	to sightsee, to tour, to visit 		8	4	FSI Chinese
+yǒu lǐmào	有礼貌	to he well mannered, to he polite		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒumíngde dìfang	有名的地方	famous place	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu míng	又名	to be famous	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu qián	有钱	to he rich		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu shíhou (yǒu shihou)	有时候	sometimes	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu xiào	有效	to be effective; to be valid		7	7	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu xìngqu	有兴趣	to be interested		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yánjiū	有研究	to have done research on; to know a lot about		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+Yǒuyí Shāndiàn	友货商店 	Friendship Department Store (in Běijīng)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yìsi	有意思	(with completed actions) to be interesting	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful	6	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yóuyǒng	游泳	to swim	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+yòu...yòu...	又...又..	both...and...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+yóuyuánhuì	游园会	carnival	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+Yóuzhèngjǘ	邮政局	post office		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	又	again	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	又	also		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	又	anyway; after all (used in questions and negative statements)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	 右	right (direction)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu	有	to have, there is		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+yuánlái	原来	original, former; originally, formerly; (expresses finding out the true situation)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuányīn	原因	reason, cause		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+yuànyi	愿以	to wish, would like, to want to; to be willing to		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuǎn	远	to be far		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+yuèchū	月初	the beginning of the month	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+yuèdǐ	月底	the end of the month	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+yuēhǎole	约好了	to have (successfully) made arrangements, to have made an appointment	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+yuè lái yuè...	越来越	more and more..., increasingly...		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yuètái	月台	train platform	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+yuè...yuè...	越。。。越。。。	the more...the more...		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+Yúnnán	云南	a province of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
+yùnqi	运气	luck		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yùn	运	to transport, to ship		8	8	FSI Chinese
+yǔsǎn	雨伞	umbrella		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǔyánxué	语言学	linguistics		8	1	FSI Chinese
+yúyán	于言	language		8	1	FSI Chinese
+Yúyuán	渝园	Szechuan Garden	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+zàijiàn	再见	good-bye		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+...zài shuō	。。。在说	...and then ve’ll see about it		8	1	FSI Chinese
+zài	再	again (with uncompleted actions)	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+zài	 再	then (in commands)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+zài	在	in the midst of (marker of ongoing action)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
+zài	在	to be in/at/one		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+zài	在	to be in/at/on (prepositional verb)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+zánmen	咱们	we (specifically includes the listener)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zaǒchen (zǎochén)	早晨	early morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+zǎofǎn	早饭	breakfast	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+zǎohūn	早婚	early marriage; child marriage; to marry as a child, to marry early		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zǎoshang (zǎoshàng)	早上	morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+zǎo	早	good morning		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǎo	早	to be early		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+zǎo	早	to be early	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+zázhì (yìběn)	杂志(一本)	magazine		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+zěnmeyàng	怎么样	to be how, how is __?		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+zěnme (yì)huí shì	怎()么回事	what's it all about		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zěnme	怎么	how		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+zènme	怎么	so, to this extent, in this way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎngdà	长大	to grow up		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhàngfu	丈夫	husband		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+-zhāng	-张	(counter for flat things, tables, paper, pictures, etc ...)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎng	长	to grow		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎnlǎnguǎn	展览馆	exhibition hall	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎnlǎn	展览	exhibition	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎnlǎn	展览	to exhibit	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàntái	站台	train platform	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhànzhēng	战争	war		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zhàn	占	to occupy, to take up		8	1	FSI Chinese
+zhàn	站	a stop, a station	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhāodài	招待	to be hospitable to	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhàogu	照顾	to take care of	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhàogu	照顾	to take of; care		7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎo	找	to give change		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhège	这个	this (one)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhèicì	这次	this time	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zheìge yüè	这个月	this month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
+zheìge	这个	this		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhèihuìr	这会儿	this moment, at the moment (Běijing)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhèiwèi	这位	this one (person)		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhèixie	这些	these		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhèi yíxiàzi	这一下子	after this, as a result of this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhèi-	这	this		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+Zhèjiāng (Zhéjiāng)	浙江	province in eastern China,		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zhèli	这里	here		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhème huí shì	这么回事	like this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhème (yì)huí shì	这()么回事	like this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhème	这么	so, to this extent, in this way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngcè	政策	policy		7	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngfǔ	政府	government     		7	6	FSI-Chinese     
+zhěnggè(r)	整个	whole, entire		8	2	FSI Chinese
+zhènghǎo(r)	正好	it just so happens that, to happen to, as it happens; Just in time, Just right, Just enough		7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhèng hǎo	正好	just right	6	3	FSI-Chinese
+Zhèng hǎo.	正好	Right on time.	5	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngzhi xuéxí	政治学习	political study session	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngzhixüé	政治学	political science		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+zhengzhi	政治	politics, political affairs; political		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhèng	正	just, precisely, right       		7	5	FSI-Chinese                                  
+zhēn	真	really		3	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhèr	这儿	here		1	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhè-	这	this		2	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhídáchē	直达车	direct bus, nonstop bus	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhīdao 	 知道	to know		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhígōng	职工	staff and workers; worker or staff member		8	7	FSI Chinese
+zhǐ hǎo	只好	can only, to have to, to he forced to		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiào	支票	a check (e.g. banker's or personal)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhīshi	知识	knowledge		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǐ (yìzhāng)	纸(一张)	paper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhìzàochǎng	制造厂	manufacturing plant, factory		8	7	FSI Chinese
+zhìzào	制造	to manufacture		8	7	FSI Chinese
+zhǐ	只	only		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+-zhǐ	-支	(counter for straight, sitcklike objects)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhí	直	directly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngdiǎn	重点	focal point, emphasis; key		8	2	FSI Chinese
+Zhōngdōng	中东	the Middle East		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+Zhōngguo	中国	China		1	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngjiānr (zhōngjiànr) (zhōngjiān)	中间二 (中间)	the middle, the space in between		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhòng nán qīng nǚ	重男轻女	to regard males as superior to females		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngtóu	钟头	hour	5	5	FSI-Chinese
+Zhōngwén	中文	Chinese		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngwǔ (zhōngwu)	中午	noon		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngxīn	中心	center, heart, core, hub		8	5	FSI Chinese
+zhóngxué	中学	middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǒngzú	种族	race		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zhōng	中	o'clock		3	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhòng	种	to plant		8	3	FSI Chinese
+zhòng	重	to be heavy		8	5	FSI Chinese
+zhōng	钟 	clock		3	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhōukān	周刊	weekly publication, weekly, magazine, a "weekly"		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhuǎngào	转告	to pass on a message, to inform	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhuānjiā	专家	specialist, expert		8	3	FSI Chinese
+zhuàn qián	赚钱	to earn money, to make money		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhuānyèhuà	专业化	to specialize; specialization		8	3	FSI Chinese
+zhuānyè	专业	special line/field/discipline		8	3	FSI Chinese
+zhuǎn	转	to turn		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔchí jiéhūn	主持结婚	to preside at a marriage ceremony (i.e., to give the bride away)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔnbèi	准备	to prepare, to get ready	5	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhuōzi (yìzhāng)	桌子	table		3	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔrèn	主任	director	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhùxialai	住下来	to move and stay (in a place), to settle down		7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔyào	主要	main, mainly		8	1	FSI Chinese
+-zhǔyì	-主义	ism, principle (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zhù 	住	to live somewhere		2	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhù	住	to stay, to live		2	1	FSI-Chinese
+zìdiǎn (yìběn)	字典(一本)	dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	oneself (“myself,” “yourself,” etc.)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
+zìrán kēxué	自然科学	natural sciences		8	2	FSI Chinese
+zìrán	自然	nature; natural		8	2	FSI Chinese
+zìyóu	宁死	freedom; to be free		7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zīyuán	资源	(natural) resources		8	5	FSI Chinese
+zìzhìqū	自治区	autonomous region		8	6	FSI Chinese
+zì	字	character		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+zǒngde lái shuō	总的来说	                  generally speaking, on the whole		8	5	FSI Chinese
+zǒng jīnglǐ	总经理	general manager (chief executive officer)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
+zǒng	总	always; inevitably, without exception, after all, in any case		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǒu ba	走吧	let’s go	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǒu dào	走到	to walk to		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+zǒuzhe	走着	walking		4	3	FSI-Chinese
+zǒuzou	走走	to take a walk		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+zǒu	 走	to go		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǒu	走	to leave		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+zǔfù	祖父	paternal grandfather		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuìhǎo	最好	it would be best that		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuì hǎo	最好	it would be best to	5	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuìhòu	最后	last, final (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìjìn	最近	recently	5	8	FSI-Chinese
+zuìjìn	最近	recently; soon		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zǔmǔ	祖母	paternal grandmother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒbianr (zuǒbian)	左边儿 (左边)	left side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò dao	坐到	to ride to	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò fan	做饭	to cook	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuòfa	做法	way of doing things, method, practice	6	6	FSI-Chinese
+zuòguò	坐过	to ride past	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuòhǎo le	做好了	to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finished	5	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuò mǎimai	做买卖	to do business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò mǎimai	做买卖	to do business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò shì	做事	to work		2	8	FSI-Chinese
+zuótiān	昨天	Yesterday		2	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuòxia	坐下	to sit down		7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuòyè	作业	homework	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒyōu	左右	approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	作	to be, to act as		7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	做	to do		2	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuo	坐	to sit	6	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒ	 左	left (direction)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǔzhi	組織	to organize, to form		8	3	FSI Chinese
+-zú	-族	nationality (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
+一杯	yìbēi	a cup of		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+上	shàng	to go up		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+上楼	shàng lóu	to go, to come upstairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+下	xià	to go down		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+下楼	xià lóu	to go/come downstairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+中山北路	Zhōngshān Běilù	Zhōngshān North Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+事	shì	matter, affair, business		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+几楼	jǐlóu	what floor		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+别人	biéren	another person, another else		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+到	-dào	route, path		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+前	qián	front, ahead		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+剪头	lǐfǎ	to cut hair		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+剪头地方	lǐfǎde dìfang	a place where hair is cut		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+办公室	bàngōngshì	office		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+南京东路	Nánjīng Dōnglù	Nánjīng East Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+南京西路	Nánjīng Xīlù	Nánjīng West Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+厕所	cèsuǒ	toilet, rest room		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+后	hòu	back		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+后边 (后边儿)	hòubian (hòubianr)	the back side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+哪个	nǎge	which?		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+哪个	nǎ-	which?		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+哪边 (哪边儿)	nǎbian (něibianr)	which way, which side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+回	huí	the opposite direction		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+地下	dìxià	underground		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+地下行人道	dìxià xíngrén dào	pedestrian underground walkway		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+坐	zuò	to ride (prepositional word)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+大概	dàgài	probably		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+大门	dàmén(r)	gate		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+天桥	tiānqiáo	pedestrian overpass		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+对面 (对面儿)	duìmiàn (duìmiànr)	the side facing; across from, opposite, facing		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+巷	xiàng	lane		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+-市	-tou	end (occurs in place words)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+弄	lòng	alley		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+弄	nòng	alley (Táiwān)		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+忘	wàng	to forget		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+找	zhǎo	to look for		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+搬家	bān jiā	to move one's residence		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+断	-duàn	section, bloc		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+-条	-tiáo	counter for long, winding things		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+桥	qiáo	bridge		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+-楼	-lóu	floor, story of the building		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+楼梯	lóutī	staircase, stairway, stairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+汽车站	qìchēzhàn	bus stop	5	2	FSI-Chinese
+洗手间	xǐshǒujiān	washroom		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+电梯	diàntī	elevator		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+看见	kànjian	to see		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+胡同(胡同儿)	hútong (hútòngr)	a narrow street, a lane (Běijīng)		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+行人	xíngrén	pedestrian		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+要是	yàoshi	if		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+走廊	zǒuláng	corridor		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+走过了	zǒuguò le	to have walked past		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+走错了	zǒucuò le	to have gone the wrong way		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+过	guò	to cross, to pass		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+近	jìn	to enter		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+这边(这边儿)	zhèbian (zhèibianr)	this way, this side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+那边 (那边儿)	nàbian (nèibianr)	that way, that side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+错	cuò	to make a mistake, to be wrong		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+门口(儿)	ménkǒu(r)	doorway, gateway, entrance		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+门(门儿)	mén(r)	gate, door		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+问	wèn	to ask		4	5	FSI-Chinese
+-面(儿)	-mian(r)	surface (occurs in place words)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
+餐厅	cāntīng	dining room		4	4	FSI-Chinese

تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 527 - 527

+ 340 - 558

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ STANDARD CHINESE A Modular Approach
--   • Restaurant
+• Restaurant
--   • Hotel
+• Hotel
--   • Post Office and Telephone
+• Post Office and Telephone
--   • Car
+• Car
@@ -194,45 +194,45 @@ Objectives for the Hotel Module
 Unit 1: Part I
--   Part II
+Part II
--   Part III
+Part III
--   Part IV
+Part IV
 Unit Vocabulary List
 Unit 2: Part I
--   Part II
+Part II
--   Part III
+Part III
--   Part TV....
+Part TV....
--   Unit Vocabulary List .•••••••••••••••••
+Unit Vocabulary List .•••••••••••••••••
--   Things in a Hotel Room .......... .......
+Things in a Hotel Room .......... .......
 Objectives for the Post Office and Telephone Module
 Unit 1: Part I
--   Part II
+Part II
--   Part III
+Part III
--   Part IV
+Part IV
 Unit Vocabulary List
 Unit 2: Part I
--   Part II
+Part II
--   Part III
+Part III
--   Part IV
+Part IV
 Unit Vocabulary List
@@ -297,474 +297,256 @@ Objectives
-The purpose of the Hotel Module (HTL) is to provide you with the
-linguistic skills you need to be able to stay in a hotel and enjoy its
+The purpose of the Hotel Module (HTL) is to provide you with the linguistic skills you need to be able to stay in a hotel and enjoy its services.
-Before starting the? Hotel Module, you shouldhave at least*‘ completed
-the Money Module. The Hotel’Module may,’ of course, be‘^(T)-* done at
-any later point in the course.                             **'
+Before starting the? Hotel Module, you should have at least completed
+the Money Module. The Hotel Module may, of course, be done at
+any later point in the course.
-_(F\               A)                                       ^(Z) AZ V
-                      « A* /W* A Vf t/rt * Art                        *
-A*                            9A.
 When you have finished this module you should be able to:
--   1. Ask to reserve a room. Specify whether it will be a single or
-    double, with or without air conditioning, with or without heat.
--   2. Ask about room rates.
+Ask to reserve a room. Specify whether it will be a single or double, with or without air conditioning, with or without heat.
--   3. Understand questions about whether you want a television in your
-    room, whether you need valuables stored, whether you want a guide.
+Ask about room rates.
--   U. Find out whether Western or Chinese food is served in the hotel
-    restaurant.
+Understand questions about whether you want a television in your room, whether you need valuables stored, whether you want a guide.
+Find out whether Western or Chinese food is served in the hotel restaurant.
--   5. Find out what hours meals are served in the hotel dining room.
+Find out what hours meals are served in the hotel dining room.
--   6. Ask your room attendent for additional blankets or pillows.
+Ask your room attendent for additional blankets or pillows.
--   7. Ask to have clothes laundered or cleaned.
+Ask to have clothes laundered or cleaned.
--   8. Ask for tourist guidebooks.
+Ask for tourist guidebooks.
--   9. Ask for the bill and settle your account.
+Ask for the bill and settle your account.
 Hotel Module, Unit 1
-  ---- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-  1.   Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lūxíngshède.                   I'm from the China Travel Service.
-  2.   Women dào luguan qù ba.                        Let's go to the hotel.
-  3.   Wǒ gěi nín ding le yige fángjiān.              I've reserved a room for you.
-  U.   Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biSo.            Please fill out this form.
-  5.   Ninde zingli dōu quchulai le ba?               Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
-  6.   Ni xiān xiūxi xiūxi, deng yihuir wo zài lai.   You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
-  7.   yàoshi                                         key
-  ---- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
+1.	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lūxíngshède.		I'm from the China Travel Service.
+2.	Women dào luguan qù ba.		Let's go to the hotel.
+3.	Wǒ gěi nín ding le yige fángjiān.		I've reserved a room for you.
+U.	Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biSo.		Please fill out this form.
+5.	Ninde zingli dōu quchulai le ba?		Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
+6.	Ni xiān xiūxi xiūxi, deng yihuir wo zài lai.		You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
+7.	yàoshi     key
-luguǎn; This word is used to refer to small inns and hotel. However, it
-is not used in the names of hotels.
+lǚguǎn; This word is used to refer to small inns and hotel. However, it is not used in the names of hotels.
--   A: Nǐ zhù liiguan ma?
+A: Nǐ zhù lǚguan ma?
--   B: Shi, wǒ zhùzai Běijīng Fàndiàn.
+B: Shì, wǒ zhùzai Běijīng Fàndiàn.
-qǔchulai: This is a compound verb meaning ’to fetch', 'to get', 'to pick
+qǔchulai: This is a compound verb meaning “to fetch”, “to get”, “to pick up”.
-xiūxi xiuxi: You've seen one syllable verbs reduplicated, like kànkan
-and děngyideng. Here you see a two syllable verb reduplicated. The
-effect is the same. It makes the action more tentative, casual. 'Rest a
-little bit'.
+xiūxi xiuxi: You've seen one syllable verbs reduplicated, like kànkan and děngyideng. Here you see a two syllable verb reduplicated. The effect is the same. It makes the action more tentative, casual. “Rest a little bit”.
-A conversation between an American businessman, Mr. White (Huáitè), and
-the guide meeting him at Peking’s Capital Airport:
+A conversation between an American businessman, Mr. White (Huáitè), and the guide meeting him at Peking’s Capital Airport:
-Fy: Nín shi Huáitè Xiānsheng ba.
-M: Shi. Nin shi ?
-Fj_: Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǔxíngshède. Wo xìng Wang. Nínde xíngli dōu
-qǔchulai le ba?
-You must be Mr. White.
-M:   Dōu qǔchulai le. Jiù zài
+F1:	Nín shi Huáitè Xiānsheng ba.	You must be Mr. White.
+M:	Shì. Nín shi ?	That’s right. You are?
+F1:	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshède. Wǒ xìng Wáng. Nínde xíngli dōu qǔchulai le ba?	I’m from the China Travel Service. My name is Wang. Have you claimed all your baggage?
+M:	Dōu qǔchulai le. Jiù zài zhèr.	I've gotten all of it. It’s right here.
 After clearing customs:
-Fj_: Hǎo le. Women dào lǔguǎn qù ba. Wǒ gěi nín zài Beijing Fàndiàn
-dingle yíge fángjiān.
+F1:	Hǎo le. Wǒmen dào lǚguǎn qù ba. Wǒ gěi nín zài Běijīng Fàndiàn dìngle yíge fángjiān.	Fine. Let’s go to the hotel. I've reserved a room for you at the Peking Hotel.
 At the hotel:
-Fg: Qíng nín tiányitian zhèi-zhāng biǎo. Nínde fángjiān zài jiǔlōu j
-iǔbáilíngsān hào. Zhèi shi nín fángjiānde yàoshi.
-M:   Xièxie ni.
+F2:	Qíng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biǎo. Nínde fángjiān zài jiǔlōu jiǔbáilíngsān hào. Zhèi shi nín fángjiānde yàoshi.	Please fill out this form. Your room is on the ninth floor, Number 903. Here's the key for your room.
+M:	Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
 At the room:
-F₁: Nín xiān xiūxi xiūxi, děng yìhuīr wo zài lai.
-M:   Hǎo. Yìhuìr jiàn.
-That’s right. You are?
-I’m from the China Travel
+F1:	Nín xiān xiūxi xiūxi, děng yìhuīr wǒ zài lái.	You rest a bit first and I’ll come back after a little while.
+M:	Hǎo. Yìhuìr jiàn.	Fine. See you in a little while.
-Service. My name is Wang.
-Have you claimed all your baggage?
-I've gotten all of it.
-It’s right here.
-Fine. Let’s go to the hotel. I've reserved a room for you at the Peking
-Please fill out this form. Your room is on the ninth floor, Number 903.
-Here's the key for your room.
-Thank you.
-You rest a bit first and I’ll come back after a little while.
-Fine. See you in a little while.
-It is the policy in the PRC that most visitors be accompanied by a
-bilingual guide throughout most of their trip. The traveler is met,
-either by a local party representative, or by some other person
-responsible for his safety and travel arrangements.
+It is the policy in the PRC that most visitors be accompanied by a bilingual guide throughout most of their trip. The traveler is met, either by a local party representative, or by some other person responsible for his safety and travel arrangements.
-  ----- ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  8.    Canting you Zhōngcān, yě you Xícán.            The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
-  9.    Zǎodian shi cóng qīdiǎn dào Jiǔdiǎn.           Breakfast is from seven to nine.
-  10.   Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng Jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?   Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
-  11.   Mn è_ le ba.                                   I expect you're hungry.
-  12.   Nin yàoshi you shi kéyi an diànlíng jiào wo.   If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.
-  13.   lóucèng ftjwùtái                               service desk for the floor
-  ----- ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-yàoshi; 'If*.
-adverb. It can appear before the verb in the zuotian, míngnian.
-Yàoshi tā bú qù, yě bū qù.
-Nǐ yàoshi jīntian wǎhshang niàn shū, women míngtiàn wǎnshang qù kàn
-Jintian tā měi chi zǎodian.
-Wo míngtiàn bù lǎi shàng kè.
+8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě you Xícān.	The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
+9.	Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào jiǔdiǎn.	Breakfast is from seven to nine.
+10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?	Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
+11.	Nín è le ba.	I expect you're hungry.
+12.	Nín yàoshi yǒu shì kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wo.	If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.	
+13.	lóucéng fúwùtái	service desk for the floor
-The word yàoshi is what is called a movable before or after the subject,
-but in any case sentence. This is also true of word£ like
+yàoshi; “If”. The word yàoshi is what is called a movable before or after the subject, but in any case before the verb in the sentence. This is also true of word like  zuotian, míngnian.
-If he doesn’t go, we won’t go either.
+Yàoshi tā bú qù, yě bū qù, wǒmen yě bú qù.	If he doesn’t go, we won’t go either.
+Nǐ yàoshi jīntian wǎhshang niàn shū, wǒmen míngtiàn wǎnshang qù kàn diànyǐng.	If you study tonight, we'll go to a movie tomorrow night.
+Jīntian tā méi chī zǎodian.	He didn’t eat breakfast today.
+Wǒ míngtiàn bù lái shàng kè.	I’m not coming to class tomorrow.
-If you study tonight, we'll go to a movie tomorrow ni ght.
+diànlíng: “Electric bell”. This word can refer to a buzzer or a bell.
-He didn’t eat breakfast today.
-I’m not coming to class tomorrow
-diànlíng: 'Electric bell’. This word can refer to a buzzer
-or a. bell.
-è_: 'To be hungry'. In the sentence, Nín è le ba., the state verb è_
-occurs with the marker le for new situations. The result is a phrase
-meaning 'you've become hungry, I suppose' or 'you're hungry now, I
-suppose.' The verb indicates what the state is and the marker le
-indicates that the state is new.
+è: '“To be hungry”. In the sentence, Nín è le ba., the state verb è occurs with the marker le for new situations. The result is a phrase meaning “you've become hungry, I suppose” or “you're hungry now, I suppose.” The verb indicates what the state is and the marker le indicates that the state is new.
-A conversation between Miss Smith, hotel attendant who has just taken
-M: Shīmìsī Nushì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nin è le ba. Women
-zhèr you canting.
-F: Canting zài jīlóu?
-M: Zai yīlóu. You Zhōngcān, you Xīcān.
-F: Wǎnfàn shi cóng jīdiǎn dào jīdiǎn?
-M: Wanfàn shi cong xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn ban. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn
-dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn.
-F: Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni.
-M: Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nin you shi kěyi àn diànlíng jiào wo. Wo
-jiù zài lóucéng fuwùtǎi.
-F:    Hǎo. Xièxie ni.
-a Canadian scholar, and the her to her room at the Peking
-Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We
-have a dining room in this hotel.
-What floor is.the dining room on?
-On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
-What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
+A conversation between Miss Smith, a Canadian scholar, and the hotel attendant who has just taken her to her room at the Peking Hotel.
-Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from
-seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon.
-Fine. Now I see. Thank you.
-The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push
-the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor.
-Fine. Thank you.
+M:	Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting.	Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
+F:	Cāntīng zài jǐlóu?	What floor is the dining room on?
+M:	Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān.	On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
+F:	Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?	What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
+M:	Wǎnfàn shi cóng xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn.	Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon.
+F:	Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Now I see. Thank you.
+M:	Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nín yǒu shi kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wǒ. Wǒ jiù zài lóucéng fúwùtǎi.	The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor.
+F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Thank you.
-  ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
-  1.   Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shanghai qù.                         I'm planning to go to Shanghai.
-  2.   Qing ni ii wǒ ding yige you lěngfēngde fángjiān.   Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
-  3.   Shànghdi xiànzài yidzng hen rè le ba!              Shanghai is certain to be very hot by new!
-  U.   fēi.ji piào                                        airplane ticket
-  5.   ānpai                                              to arrange for
-  6.   dàoyóu                                             a tourist guide
-  7.   gàosu                                              to tell
-  ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
+1.	Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù.	I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi.
+2.	Qǐng ni tì wǒ dìng yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.	Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
+3.	Shànghǎi xiànzài yidìng hěn rè le ba!	Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
+4.	fēijī piào	airplane ticket
+5.	ānpai	to arrange for
+6.	dǎoyóu	a tourist guide
+7.	gàosu	to tell
-tì: This is a prepositional- verb meaning .’.for’, in the sense of ’in
-place of’.
+tì: This is a prepositional verb meaning “for”, in the sense of “in place of”.
-Lǐ Xiānsheng jīntian tì Wang Mr Li is teaching class for Xiānsheng jiao
-shū.                Mr. Wang today.
+Lǐ Xiānsheng jīntian tì Wáng Xiānsheng jiao shū.	Mr Lǐ is teaching class for Mr. Wáng today.
-Shanghai xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba.*: Notice that three adverbs
-precede the verb in this sentence-xianzài, yídìng, hěn. The verb in this
-sentence, rè ’to be hot’, is a state verb. The marker le indicates a new
-situation, a change of state; ’It has become hot’.
+Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba!: Notice that three adverbs precede the verb in this sentence: xianzài, yídìng, hěn. The verb in this sentence, rè “to be hot”, is a state verb. The marker le indicates a new situation, a change of state; “It has become hot”.
-fēiji piào: In the Money Module you saw the word piào used to mean
-’bill’ or ’note’. Here it means ’ticket’.
+fēiji piào: In the Money Module you saw the word piào used to mean “bill” or “note”. Here it means “ticket”.
 A conversation between an American woman and her guide.
-F: Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge XIngqIsān dào Shanghai qù. Qǐng ni tì wo ding yíge
-fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijl piào.
-M: Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?
-F: Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hen rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige
-yíu lengfēngde fǎng.liǎn.
-M: Hǎo.
-F: Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yingwénde
-M: Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.
-F: Xièxie, xièxie.
-Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room
-and buy a plane ticket for me.
-How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
-Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air
-conditioned room.
-Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
-Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it)
-tomorrow morning.
-Thank you very much.
+F:	Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge Xīngqīsān dào Shànghǎi qù. Qǐng ni tì wo dìng yíge fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijī piào.	Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room and buy a plane ticket for me.
+M:	Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?	How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
+F:	Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiǎn.	Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
+M:	Hǎo.	Fine.
+F:	Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yīngwénde dǎoyóu?	Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
+M:	Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.	Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it) tomorrow morning.
+F:	Xièxie, xièxie.	Thank you very much.
-  ---- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
-  1.   WǑ you yǐfu yào xǐ.                               I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
-  2.   Liang kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.             There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
-  3.   Wǒ hen lèi, bù xiǎng dào canting qù chǐ fàn le.   I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
-  U.   Wǒ qù ná yizhāng càidānzi lai.                    I'll go bring a menu.
-  5-   shutxi                                            to wash₃ to launder
-  6.   gānxt                                             to dry clean
-  7.   jiāogěi                                           to give to
-  8.   sòngdao                                           to send to
-  ---- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
+1.	Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
+2.	Liáng kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.	There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
+3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào caāting qù chī fàn le.	I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
+4.	Wǒ qù ná yīzhāng càidānzi lái.	I'll go bring a menu.
+5.	shuǐxǐ	to wash₃ to launder
+6.	gānxǐ	to dry clean
+7.	jiāogěi	to give to
+8.	sòngdao	to send to
-kāishuǐ: This can mean ’boiling water’ or ’boiled water'. Liang kāishuǐ
-means 'boiled water which has been cooled’.
+kāishuǐ: This can mean “boiling water” or “boiled water”. Liang kāishuǐ means “boiled water which has been cooled”.
-Wo bù xiǎng dào canting qù chǐ fan le: the marker le used in this
-indicates a new situation. The speaker has-changed her mind. Usually she
-takes her meals in the dining room, but today she doesn’t want to leave
-her room.
+Wo bù xiǎng dào canting qù chǐ fan le: the marker le used in this indicates a new situation. The speaker has changed her mind. Usually she takes her meals in the dining room, but today she doesn’t want to leave her room.
-shuixǐ: This verb means ’to wash, to launder'. But it is only used in a
-situation where it contrasts with gānxǐ 'to dry clean'. Usually the one
-syllable verb xǐ, ’to wash’, is used.
+shuixǐ: This verb means “to wash, to launder”. But it is only used in a situation where it contrasts with gānxǐ “to dry clean”. Usually the one syllable verb xǐ, “to wash”, is used.
-A conversation between Miss Smith just rung for from her room.
-M: Shímìsī Níishì, nín you shi ma?
-F: Duì le. Wo you yīfu yào xī.
-M: Shi shuīxī háishi gǎnxī?
-F: Dou shi ganxíde.
-M: NÍn jiāogei wo.
-F: Hao. Liang kāishuī měiyou le. QÍng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qīng ná
-yìdiǎr bíngkuàr.
-M: Hao.
-F: Jintian wǎnshang wo hěn lèi, bù xiang dào canting qù chī wanfàn. NÍ
-kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.
-M: Keyi. Wo jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kan ní yào chī shenme.
-and the hotel attendant she has
-Can I do something for you?
-Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
-Is it washing or dry cleaning?
-It’s just dry cleaning.
-You give them to me.
-All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and
-please bring some ice cubes, too.
-All right.
-I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner.
-Can you send it to my room?
-Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu.
-And see what you want to eat.
-Good. Thank you.
-F: Hao. Xièxie.
+A conversation between Miss Smith and the hotel attendant she has just rung for from her room.
+M:	 Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shi ma?	Can I do something for you?
+F:	 Duì le. Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
+M:	 Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxī?	Is it washing or dry cleaning?
+F:	 Dōu shi gānxǐde.	It’s just dry cleaning.
+M:	 Nín jiāogei wo.	You give them to me.
+F:	 Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qǐng ná
+yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.	All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
+M:	 Hǎo.	All right.
+F:	 Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ
+kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.	I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
+M:	 Kéyi. Wǒ jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kàn ní yào chī shénme.	Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu. And see what you want to eat.
+F:	 Hao. Xièxie.	Good. Thank you.
-| an                                | to press                          |
-|                                   |                                   |
-| ānpai                             | to arrange for                    |
-| biSo (yìzhāng) bīngkuài(r) (yíge) | form, application ice cube        |
-| càidānzi (yizhāng) chi            | menu to eat                       |
-| daoyóu dǎsuan dēng ylhulr         | tourist guide                     |
-| dianlíng ding                     |                                   |
-|                                   | to plan to in a while             |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | a buzzer, an electric bell to     |
-|                                   | reserve                           |
-| è                                 | to be hungry                      |
-| fangJiān fēijl                    | room airplane                     |
-| gānxl gàosu                       | to dry clean to tell              |
-| jiao jiāogēi                      | to call, to summon to give to     |
-| kāishui                           | boiled water (for drinking)       |
-| lèi lěngfēng liáng lóucèng        | to be tired air conditioning to   |
-| fuwùtái luguan                    | be cool                           |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | the service desk for the floor    |
-|                                   | hotel, inn                        |
-| ná...lái                          | to bring to                       |
-| piào (yizhāng)                    | ticket                            |
-| qǔchulai                          | to claim (luggage), to pick       |
-|                                   | (something) up, to get            |
-|                                   | (something)                       |
-| rè                                | to be hot                         |
-| shulxl sòngdao                    | to wash, to launder               |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | to send to, to deliver to         |
-| tì tian                           | for, in place of to fill out      |
-| wǎnfàn                            | dinner, supper                    |
-| xǐ Xīcān xingli                   | to wash                           |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | western food baggage, luggage,    |
-|                                   | suitcases                         |
-| xiūxi                             | to take a pest, to relax          |
-| yàoshi yàoshi ytdlng yīfu y&u shi | if key certainly, definitely      |
-|                                   | clothes                           |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | to have business                  |
-| zaodiǎn                           | breakfast (Peking) Chinese food   |
-|                                   | lunch                             |
-| Zhōngcān zhōngfàn                 |                                   |
-|                                   | China Travel Agency               |
-| Zhōngguo Luxíngshè                |                                   |
+àn	to press        
+ānpai	to arrange for  
+biǎo (yìzhāng)	form, application
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	ice cube        
+càidānzi (yizhāng)	menu
+chī	to eat     
+dǎoyóu	tourist guide
+dǎsuan	to plan to
+děng yīhuǐr	in a while
+dianlíng	a buzzer, an electric bell
+ding	to reserve           
+è	to be hungry    
+fángjiān	room
+fēijī	airplane
+gānxǐ	to dry clean
+gàosu	to tell
+jiào	to call, to summon
+jiāogěi	to give to
+kāishuǐ	boiled water (for drinking)       
+lèi	to be tired
+lěngfēng	air conditioning
+liáng	to be cool
+lóucèng fúwùtái	the service desk for the floor
+lǚguǎn	hotel, inn        
+ná... lái	to bring to     
+piào (yizhāng)	ticket          
+qǔchulai	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)     
+rè	to be hot       
+shuǐxǐ	to wash, to launder
+sòngdao	to send to, to deliver to        
+tì	for, in place of
+tián	to fill out
+wǎnfàn	dinner, supper  
+xǐ	to wash 
+xīcān	western food 
+xíngli	baggage, luggage, suitcases        
+xiūxi	to take a rest, to relax 
+yàoshi	if
+yàoshi	key
+yídìng	certainly, definitely
+yīfu	clothes
+yǒu shì	to have business
+zǎodiǎn	breakfast (Peking)
+Zhōngcān	Chinese food
+zhōngfàn	lunch
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	China Travel Agency       
 Hotel Module, Unit 2
--   1. Nǐmen you kōng fángjiān ma?
+1. Nǐmen you kōng fángjiān ma?
--   2. Nín yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?
+2. Nín yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?
--   3. Wǒ yào yìjiān you nuǎnqide f ángj iān.
+3. Wǒ yào yìjiān you nuǎnqide f ángj iān.
 U. Nide xingli wǒ ^iào fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshangqu.
--   5. Wo jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.
+5. Wo jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.
--   6. cǎisède diànshi
+6. cǎisède diànshi
--   7. Ni ohūqude shihou qing gàosu women.
+7. Ni ohūqude shihou qing gàosu women.
 Do you have any vacant rooms?
@@ -798,11 +580,11 @@ jiao: This is the prepositional verb ’to cause (someone to do or be
 something). In the sentences below, gāoxing is the adjectival verb ’to
 be nappy’, snēngqj is the adjectival verb ’to be mad'.
-Tā Jiao wǒ bú gaoxing.             He made me unhappy.
+Tā Jiao wǒ bú gaoxing. He made me unhappy.
-Tā Jiao wo shēngqi.                 He made me angry.
+Tā Jiao wo shēngqi. He made me angry.
-Tā jiao wǒ zuò zhèijiàn shi.       He had me do this.
+Tā jiao wǒ zuò zhèijiàn shi. He had me do this.
 -de shíhou; When this follows any verb, verb phrase or sentence, the
 expressions means ’when somethine was done’.
@@ -904,34 +686,34 @@ Fine. Thank you.
-1. Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn?          What are your rates?
+1. Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn? What are your rates?
 (How are your rates
-|                                   | calculated?)                      |
-| 2. Women xiànzài kèren bu duō.    | We don’t have many guests now.    |
+2. Women xiànzài kèren bu duō.     We don’t have many guests now.    
-| 3. méi wèntí                      | there'8 no problem                |
+3. méi wèntí     there'8 no problem       
-| U. chuàng                         | bed                               |
+U. chuàng        bed    
-| 5. shèngde                        | to avoid _(t) so (something)      |
-|                                   | won't happen.                     |
+5. shèngde       to avoid _(t) so (something)      
+won't happen.   
-| 6. bSnlai bānqu                   | to move back and forth            |
+6. bSnlai bānqu  to move back and forth   
-| 7. hàishi                         | still                             |
+7. hàishi        still           
-| 8. zhào                           | according to                      |
-|                                   |                                   |
-| zhào dānrénde suàn                | to calculate according to the     |
-|                                   | single room rate                  |
+8. zhào          according to    
+zhào dānrénde suàn        to calculate according to the     
+single room rate         
-| 9. deng                           | to wait, wait for                 |
+9. deng          to wait, wait for        
-| 10. dēngjj                        | to register                       |
+10. dēngjj       to register     
@@ -1026,53 +808,53 @@ double. That will save you the trouble of moving back and forth.
 I will still give you the single room rate. After your wife and child
 come, then I’ll figure it according to the double rate. How about it?
-  -------------------------------- ---------------------------------
-  M: Hen hǎo.                      Very good.
-  F: Xiànzài jiù qǐng dēngjì ba.   Now, would you please register.
-  M: Hǎo.                          Fine.
-  -------------------------------- ---------------------------------
+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
+M: Hen hǎo.    Very good.
+F: Xiànzài jiù qǐng dēngjì ba.   Now, would you please register.
+M: Hǎo.        Fine.
+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
-| 1.                    | Zhèi Jiù shi nide     | This is your room.    |
-|                       | fángjiān.             |                       |
+1.   Zhèi Jiù shi nide      This is your room.    
-| 2.                    | Tanzi zài bìchúli     | The blankets are here |
-|                       |                       | in the closet.        |
+2.   Tanzi zài bìchúli      The blankets are here 
+in the closet.        
-| 3.                    | Yíge zhěntou yàoshi   | If one pillow isn’t   |
-|                       | bú gòu gāo, wǒ zài    | high enough, tell me  |
-|                       | gěi ni ná yige.       | and I'll get you      |
-|                       |                       | another.              |
+3.   Yíge zhěntou yàoshi    If one pillow isn’t   
+bú gòu gāo, wǒ zài     high enough, tell me  
+gěi ni ná yige.        and I'll get you      
-| U.                    | Nǐmen zhèli you       | Do you have an        |
-|                       | Yīngwénde youlān      | English tourist       |
-|                       | shouc è ma?           | guidebook?            |
+U.   Nǐmen zhèli you        Do you have an        
+Yīngwénde youlān       English tourist       
+shouc è ma?   guidebook?   
-| 5.                    | V&ng                  | to be cold            |
+5.   V&ng          to be cold   
-| 6.                    | chōutzli              | in the drawer         |
+6.   chōutzli      in the drawer         
-| 7-                    | gei.. .da diànhuà     | to make a telephone   |
-|                       |                       | call                  |
+7         gei.. .da diànhuà      to make a telephone   
-| 8.                    | diànhuàbìl            | telephone directory   |
+8.   diànhuàbìl    telephone directory   
-| 9-                    | guizhònq              | to be valuable        |
-|                       |                       |                       |
-|                       |                       |                   |
-|                       |                       |                       |
-|                       |                       |                       |
-|                       |                       |                     I |
+9         guizhònq      to be valuable        
-| 10.                   | bǎoguan               | to safeguard          |
+10.  bǎoguan       to safeguard 
-| 11.                   | zhansfang.            | cashier               |
+11.  zhansfang.    cashier      
-| 12.                   | biéde                 | other                 |
+12.  biéde         other        
-| 13-                   | shìqing               | business              |
+13        shìqing       business     
@@ -1084,9 +866,9 @@ what follow*. Tn jjù has been translated as ’precisely’, ’exactly’,
 zài: This is the word for ’again’ when talking about future actions.
 CYou is the word for ’again’ when talking about past actions.1
-Qǐng ni zài lai.               Please come again.
+Qǐng ni zài lai. Please come again.
-Bié zài shuo ba.               Don’t say that again.
+Bié zài shuo ba. Don’t say that again.
 In the sentence ...•”5 zài gěi ni ná yige, the conversational
 translation ’I’ll get you another’ masks the true functions of zài in
@@ -1108,9 +890,9 @@ make a phone call' is dǎ diànhuà. To say that a phone call is'made to
 someone in particular, use the prepositional vjrb gěi followed by the
 name, then the phrase dǎ diànhuà.
-Nǐ gěi shéi dǎ diànhuà?            Who are you calling?
+Nǐ gěi shéi dǎ diànhuà? Who are you calling?
-Wǒ zuotian gěi mǔqin dǎ            I called mother yesterday,
+Wǒ zuotian gěi mǔqin dǎ I called mother yesterday,
 diànhuà le.
@@ -1159,7 +941,7 @@ Thank you. One pillow is enough.
 Do you have an English tourist guidebook here?
-Yes. It's in the drawer here.            '
+Yes. It's in the drawer here. '
 Do you have a coffee shop here?
@@ -1196,38 +978,38 @@ Don’t mention it.
-| 1.                                | Qǐng ni gěi women suàn            |
-|                                   |              Please figure up our |
-|                                   | bill                              |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | zhang.                            |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   |                               for |
-|                                   | us.                               |
-| 2.                                | Nǐmen shénme'shíhou líkai         |
-|                                   |           When are you leaving    |
-|                                   | here?                             |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | zhèli?                            |
-| 3.                                | Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián    |
-|                                   |      After 12 o'clock, I'll       |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | yào duo suan yitiān.              |
-|                                   |                have to charge one |
-|                                   | more                              |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | day to your bill.                 |
-| U.                                | an guiju                          |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   |                         according |
-|                                   | to the regulations                |
-| 5-                                | fàngzài                           |
-|                                   |                               to  |
-|                                   | put (at, in on)                   |
+1.      Qǐng ni gěi women suàn   
+Please figure up our 
+2.      Nǐmen shénme'shíhou líkai         
+When are you leaving    
+3.      Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián    
+After 12 o'clock, I'll       
+yào duo suan yitiān.     
+have to charge one 
+day to your bill.        
+U.      an guiju        
+to the regulations       
+5   fàngzài         
+put (at, in on)          
@@ -1294,153 +1076,153 @@ Thank you. Thank you.
-| àn                                | according to                      |
-|                                   |                                   |
-| an guzjù                          | according to the regulations      |
+àn      according to    
+an guzjù         according to the regulations      
-| bānlái bānqù                      | to move back and forth            |
+bānlái bānqù     to move back and forth   
-| bSoguìzn                          | to safeguard, to put in           |
-|                                   | safekeeping                       |
+bSoguìzn         to safeguard, to put in  
-| bìchu                             | closet, wall xhect                |
+bìchu   closet, wall xhect       
-| bìchúli                           | in the closet                     |
+bìchúli          in the closet   
-| biéde                             | other                             |
+biéde   other           
-| cáisè                             | color, colored                    |
+cáisè   color, colored  
-| chōuti                            | drawer                            |
+chōuti           drawer          
-| chōutzli                          | in the drawer                     |
+chōutzli         in the drawer   
-| chuáng                            | bed                               |
+chuáng           bed    
-| da diàrihuà                       | to make a phone call              |
+da diàrihuà      to make a phone call     
-| dānrénfáng                        | single room                       |
+dānrénfáng       single room     
-| d&ng                              | to wait, to wait for              |
+d&ng    to wait, to wait for     
-| dēngjz                            | to register (at a hotel, etc.)    |
+dēngjz           to register (at a hotel, etc.)    
-| -de shihou                        | when                              |
+-de shihou       when   
-| diànhuàbù                         | telephone directory               |
+diànhuàbù        telephone directory      
-| duo                               | more (to be much, to be many)     |
+duo     more (to be much, to be many)     
-| fángqián                          | room rental fee                   |
+fángqián         room rental fee          
-| fàngzai                           | to put (at, in, on) ,             |
+fàngzai          to put (at, in, on) ,    
-| fúwÙBhēng                         | attendant                         |
+fúwÙBhēng        attendant       
-| guiju                             | regulation                        |
+guiju   regulation      
-| guìzhòng                          | to be valuable                    |
+guìzhòng         to be valuable  
-| guò                               | to pass                           |
+guò     to pass         
-| háishi                            | still                             |
+háishi           still           
-| jiao                              | to have someone do something, to  |
-|                                   | tell someóne to do something      |
+jiao    to have someone do something, to  
+tell someóne to do something      
-| -jlan                             | (counter for rooms)               |
+-jlan   (counter for rooms)      
-| jiù shi                           | (used for emphasis), this IS      |
+jiù shi          (used for emphasis), this IS      
-| kèren                             | customer                          |
+kèren   customer        
-| kōng                              | to be empty, to be vacant         |
+kōng    to be empty, to be vacant         
-| lěng                              | to be cold                        |
+lěng    to be cold      
-| líkai                             | to leave, to depart               |
+líkai   to leave, to depart      
-| méi wènti                         | there's no problem                |
+méi wènti        there's no problem       
-| nuǎnqì                            | central heating                   |
+nuǎnqì           central heating          
-| shěngde shìaing shuāngrénfáng     | lest, to avoid                    |
-| sòngshangqu suàn                  |                                   |
-|                                   | business matter, thing double     |
-| suàn zhang                        | room to send up                   |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | to calculate, to figure to settle |
-|                                   | an account                        |
+shěngde shìaing shuāngrénfáng      lest, to avoid  
+sòngshangqu suàn        
+business matter, thing double     
+suàn zhang       room to send up          
+to calculate, to figure to settle 
+an account      
-| tǎnzi                             | blanket                           |
+tǎnzi   blanket         
-| wènti                             | question, problem                 |
+wènti   question, problem        
-| yào yào youlan shoucè             | to Dant, to take                  |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | to be necessary                   |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | sightseeing handbook, tourist     |
-|                                   | guide                             |
+yào yào youlan shoucè     to Dant, to take         
+to be necessary          
+sightseeing handbook, tourist     
-| zài                               | again (used for future actions)   |
+zài     again (used for future actions)   
-| zhàngfdng zhǎo zhào zhěntou       | cashier (in a hotel) to find      |
-|                                   | according to                      |
-|                                   |                                   |
-|                                   | pillow                            |
+zhàngfdng zhǎo zhào zhěntou        cashier (in a hotel) to find      
+according to    
-| bìchú                             | closet                            |
+bìchú   closet          
-| cèsuò                             | toilet'                           |
+cèsuò   toilet'         
-| chōuti                            | drawer                            |
+chōuti           drawer          
-| chuáng                            | bed                               |
+chuáng           bed    
-| chuángdānzi                       | sheets                            |
+chuángdānzi      sheets          
-| chuānghu                          | window                            |
+chuānghu         window          
-| chuānghu liénzi                   | window shades                     |
+chuānghu liénzi  window shades   
-| diànhuà                           | telephone                         |
+diànhuà          telephone       
-| diànhuàbù                         | telephone book                    |
+diànhuàbù        telephone book  
-| féizào                            | soap                              |
+féizào           soap   
-| Jìngzi                            | mirror                            |
+Jìngzi           mirror          
-| iSngchīJ ī                        | air conditioner                   |
+iSngchīJ ī       air conditioner          
-| nuǎnqì                            | heat                              |
+nuǎnqì           heat   
-| tǎnzi                             | blanket                           |
+tǎnzi   blanket         
-| wèishēngjiān                      | bathroom (Peking)                 |
+wèishēngjiān     bathroom (Peking)        
-| wèishēngjr                        | toilet paper                      |
+wèishēngjr       toilet paper    
-| (xǐzǎo) dà màojīn                 | towels                            |
+(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn         towels          
-| xlzǎofáng                         | bathroom (Taipei)                 |
-|                                   |                                   |
-| /                                 |                                   |
+xlzǎofáng        bathroom (Taipei)        
-| yàoshi                            | key                               |
+yàoshi           key    
-| yǐzi                              | chair                             |
+yǐzi    chair           
-| zhōng                             | clock                             |
+zhōng   clock           
-| zhuōzi                            | table                             |
+zhuōzi           table           

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+1.	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lūxíngshède.		I'm from the China Travel Service.
+2.	Women dào luguan qù ba.		Let's go to the hotel.
+3.	Wǒ gěi nín ding le yige fángjiān.		I've reserved a room for you.
+U.	Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biSo.		Please fill out this form.
+5.	Ninde zingli dōu quchulai le ba?		Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
+6.	Ni xiān xiūxi xiūxi, deng yihuir wo zài lai.		You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
+7.	yàoshi                                         key

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+A conversation between an American businessman, Mr. White (Huáitè), and the guide meeting him at Peking’s Capital Airport:
+F1:	Nín shi Huáitè Xiānsheng ba.	You must be Mr. White.
+M:	Shì. Nín shi ?	That’s right. You are?
+F1:	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshède. Wǒ xìng Wáng. Nínde xíngli dōu qǔchulai le ba?	I’m from the China Travel Service. My name is Wang. Have you claimed all your baggage?
+M:	Dōu qǔchulai le. Jiù zài zhèr.	I've gotten all of it. It’s right here.
+After clearing customs:
+F1:	Hǎo le. Wǒmen dào lǚguǎn qù ba. Wǒ gěi nín zài Běijīng Fàndiàn dìngle yíge fángjiān.	Fine. Let’s go to the hotel. I've reserved a room for you at the Peking Hotel.
+At the hotel:
+F2:	Qíng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biǎo. Nínde fángjiān zài jiǔlōu jiǔbáilíngsān hào. Zhèi shi nín fángjiānde yàoshi.	Please fill out this form. Your room is on the ninth floor, Number 903. Here's the key for your room.
+M:	Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
+At the room:
+F1:	Nín xiān xiūxi xiūxi, děng yìhuīr wǒ zài lái.	You rest a bit first and I’ll come back after a little while.
+M:	Hǎo. Yìhuìr jiàn.	Fine. See you in a little while.

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě you Xícān.	The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
+9.	Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào jiǔdiǎn.	Breakfast is from seven to nine.
+10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?	Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
+11.	Nín è le ba.	    I expect you're hungry.
+12.	Nín yàoshi yǒu shì kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wo.	If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.	
+13.	lóucéng fúwùtái 	service desk for the floor

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+M:	 Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting.	Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
+F:	 Cāntīng zài jǐlóu?	What floor is the dining room on?
+M:	 Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān.	On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
+F:	 Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?	What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
+M:	 Wǎnfàn shi cóng xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn.	Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon.
+F:	 Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Now I see. Thank you.
+M:	 Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nín yǒu shi kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wǒ. Wǒ jiù zài lóucéng fúwùtǎi.	The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor.
+F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Thank you.

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+1.	   Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù.	I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi.
+2.	   Qǐng ni tì wǒ dìng yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.	Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
+3.	   Shànghǎi xiànzài yidìng hěn rè le ba!	Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
+4.	   fēijī piào	airplane ticket
+5.	   ānpai	to arrange for
+6.	   dǎoyóu	a tourist guide
+7.	   gàosu	to tell

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+F:	 Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge Xīngqīsān dào Shànghǎi qù. Qǐng ni tì wo dìng yíge fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijī piào.	Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room and buy a plane ticket for me.
+M:	 Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?	How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
+F:	 Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiǎn.	Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
+M:	 Hǎo.	Fine.
+F:	 Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yīngwénde dǎoyóu?	Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
+M:	 Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.	Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it) tomorrow morning.
+F:	 Xièxie, xièxie.	Thank you very much.

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+1.	Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
+2.	Liáng kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.	There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
+3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào caāting qù chī fàn le.	I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
+4.	Wǒ qù ná yīzhāng càidānzi lái.	I'll go bring a menu.
+5.	shuǐxǐ	to wash₃ to launder
+6.	gānxǐ	to dry clean
+7.	jiāogěi	to give to
+8.	sòngdao	to send to

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+M:	 Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shi ma?	Can I do something for you?
+F:	 Duì le. Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
+M:	 Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxī?	Is it washing or dry cleaning?
+F:	 Dōu shi gānxǐde.	It’s just dry cleaning.
+M:	 Nín jiāogei wo.	You give them to me.
+F:	 Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qǐng ná
+yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.	All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
+M:	 Hǎo.	All right.
+F:	 Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ
+kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.	I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
+M:	 Kéyi. Wǒ jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kàn ní yào chī shénme.	Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu. And see what you want to eat.
+F:	 Hao. Xièxie.	Good. Thank you.

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+àn	to press        
+ānpai	to arrange for  
+biǎo (yìzhāng)	form, application
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	ice cube        
+càidānzi (yizhāng)	menu
+chī	to eat     
+dǎoyóu	tourist guide
+dǎsuan	to plan to
+děng yīhuǐr	in a while
+dianlíng	a buzzer, an electric bell
+ding	to reserve           
+è	to be hungry    
+fángjiān	room
+fēijī	airplane
+gānxǐ	to dry clean
+gàosu	to tell
+jiào	to call, to summon
+jiāogěi	to give to
+kāishuǐ	boiled water (for drinking)       
+lèi	to be tired
+lěngfēng	air conditioning
+liáng	to be cool
+lóucèng fúwùtái	the service desk for the floor
+lǚguǎn	hotel, inn        
+ná... lái	to bring to     
+piào (yizhāng)	ticket          
+qǔchulai	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)     
+rè	to be hot       
+shuǐxǐ	to wash, to launder
+sòngdao	to send to, to deliver to        
+tì	for, in place of
+tián	to fill out
+wǎnfàn	dinner, supper  
+xǐ	to wash 
+xīcān	western food 
+xíngli	baggage, luggage, suitcases        
+xiūxi	to take a rest, to relax 
+yàoshi	if
+yàoshi	key
+yídìng	certainly, definitely
+yīfu	clothes
+yǒu shì	to have business
+zǎodiǎn	breakfast (Peking)
+Zhōngcān	Chinese food
+zhōngfàn	lunch
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	China Travel Agency 

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