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Eric Streit hai 1 ano
Modificáronse 30 ficheiros con 736 adicións e 1951 borrados
  1. 72 78
  2. 113 0
  3. 0 1617
  4. 0 0
  5. 0 0
  6. 0 0
  7. 0 0
  8. 0 0
  9. 0 0
  10. 0 0
  11. 0 0
  12. 0 0
  13. 0 0
  14. 0 0
  15. 0 0
  16. 0 0
  17. 0 0
  18. 0 0
  19. 0 0
  20. 0 0
  21. 2 2
  22. 112 0
  23. 45 45
  24. 31 31
  25. 5 5
  26. 45 0
  27. 40 0
  28. 52 0
  29. 46 0
  30. 173 173

+ 72 - 78

@@ -1,122 +1,116 @@
-bǎo	爆	to explode	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoyǎng	保养	to have a maintenance checkup	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-bèitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-bōli	原理	glass	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-cā	擦	to wipe	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-chángchang	常常	often	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ	打	to hit	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ qì	打气	to add air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎqìtǒng	打气筒	air pump	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dēng	灯	light lamp	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dìng	订	to order	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gāojí	高级	high grade	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gōngjù	工具	tool	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gōngshēng	公升	liter	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-fādòng	动机	to start, to mobilize	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jíǎnchá	检察	to inspect, to examine, to check	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎndàn	简单	to be simple	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jǐshù gōngren	技术工人	mechanic	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jīyóu	机油	machine oil	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
--liàng	量	counter for vehicles	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-liàng	亮	to light up	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-líng	灵	to be sharp, to be keen	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-língjiàn	零件	parts	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-mǎn	满	to be full	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-máobing	毛病	trouble, flaw, defect	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-piào	漂	ticket, coupon	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-pǔtōng	普通	regular	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-qì	气	air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-qìyóu	汽油	gasoline	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuī	推	to push	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuō	拖	to tow	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuōche	拖车	tow truck	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xíhuǒ	熄火	to stall	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xíūli	修理	to fix, to repair	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiūliháng	修理行	repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǐngqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-yóu	油	oil, gasoline, fuel	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-zāng	脏	to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-zú	足	to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 ànzhào	按照	according to	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoxiǎn	保险	to insure, to be insured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 bǎoxiāngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to insure, to be insured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoyǎng	保养	to have a maintenance checkup	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎo	爆	to explode	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bēitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 biě	瘪	to be dented	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chǔlǐ	处理	to handle, manage	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bōli	原理	glass	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+cā	擦	to wipe	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángchang	常常	often	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 chāo sù	超速	to exceed the speed limit	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē hòutoude chuānghu	车后头的窗戶	rear windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chēhuò	车祸	car accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē mén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chēmén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē qiántoude chuānghu	车前头的窗戶	front windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chēshēn	车身	body of a car	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chētou	车头	car hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chuàng	疮	to bump into, to collide with	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēxiāng	车厢	trunk	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chuànghuài le	疮坏了	damaged	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuàng	疮	to bump into, to collide with	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǔlǐ	处理	to handle, manage	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 chū shi	出事	to have an accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 dà hòutian	大后天	the third day from now	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 dài	带	to carry along with, to bring	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāngníbǎn	挡泥板	fender	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 dānzi	单子	ticket, note	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǎqìtǒng	打气筒	air pump	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ qì	打气	to add air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ	打	to hit	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 dēngjìzhèng	登记证	car registration	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	light lamp	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	lights	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànpíng	电瓶	battery	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dìng	订	to order	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 dòng	动	to move	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fákuǎn	罚款	to fine, to issue a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fādòng	动机	to start, to mobilize	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+fāhuǒ kāiguan	发火开关	ignition	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 fákuǎndān	罚款单	ticket, a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fákuǎn	罚款	to fine, to issue a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshàn pídài	风扇皮带	fan belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 fēngshàn	风扇	fan	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+gāojí	高级	high grade	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 Gōngānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Safety	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngjù	工具	tool	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōngshēng	公升	liter	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 gūjì	估计	to estimate	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jíǎnchá	检察	to inspect, to examine, to check	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndàn	简单	to be simple	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 jǐngchá	检察	police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 jīqi	机器	engine, more literally, “machine”	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǐshù gōngren	技术工人	mechanic	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīyóu	机油	machine oil	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǎba	喇叭	horn	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lēngqì	冷气	air conditioner	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+liàng	亮	to light up	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng	量	counter for vehicles	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 liǎo	憭	to be severe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+língjiàn	零件	parts	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+líng	灵	to be sharp, to be keen	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǔbiǎo	路表	odometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúnpán	轮盤	steering wheel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+mǎn	满	to be full	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+máobing	毛病	trouble, flaw, defect	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 páidǎng	档档	transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páízhào	牌照	license plates	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 páiqìguǎn	排气管	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìkǒng	排气孔	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìxiāoshēngqì	排气消声器	muffler	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páízhào	牌照	license plates	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 pēnqī	喷漆	to spray paint	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+piào	漂	ticket, coupon	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 pídài	皮带	belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+pǔtōng	普通	regular	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qiánjīndǐng	千斤顶	jack	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qìyóu	汽油	gasoline	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qì	气	air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 qī	漆	paint, lacquer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 qǔ	取	to pick up, to get, to fetch	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 rènyuàn	人员	personnel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-sōng	松	to be loose	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu shāchē	手刹车	parking brake	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 shòushāng	受伤	to be injured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shōuyīnjī	收音机	radio	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐxiāng	水箱	radiator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 shuōmíng	说明	explanation	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sōng	松	to be loose	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sùdùbiǎo	速度表	speedometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 tiáozhěng	调整	to adjust	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàijiāo	外交	diplomacy, foreign relations	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+tuī	推	to push	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuōche	拖车	tow truck	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuō	拖	to tow	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 vàijiaoguān	外市关	diplomat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàishì	外市	foreign affairs	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàijiāo	外交	diplomacy, foreign relations	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 wàishì jǐngchá	外市警察	foreign affairs police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外市	foreign affairs	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 wān	弯	to bend	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xíhuǒ	熄火	to stall	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 xiūhǎo	修好	to fix	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiūli	修理	to repair	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-zìdòng	自动	automatic	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoxiǎngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bēitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē hòutoude chuānghu	窗戶	rear windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē mén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē qiántoude chuānghu	车前头的窗戶	front windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chētóu	车头	hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chēxiāng	车厢	trunk	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dāngníbǎn	挡泥板	fender	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànpíng	电瓶	battery	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dēng	灯	lights	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fāhuǒ kāiguan	发火开关	ignition	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fēngshàn pídài	风扇皮带	fan belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-jìngzi	镜子	mirror	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lǎba	喇叭	horn	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lēngqì	冷气	air conditioner	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lǔbiǎo	路表	odometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lúnpán	轮盤	steering wheel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páiqìkǒng	排气孔	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páiqìxiāoshēngqì	排气消声器	muffler	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-qiánjīndǐng	千斤顶	jack	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shǒu shāchē	手刹车	parking brake	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shōuyīnjī	收音机	radio	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shuǐxiāng	水箱	radiator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-sùdùbiǎo	速度表	speedometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiūliháng	修理行	repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíūli	修理	to fix, to repair	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǐngqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 yǐnqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 yóumén	油门	accelerator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 yóuxiáng	油箱	gas tank	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yóu	油	oil, gasoline, fuel	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 yǔshuāzi	雨刷子	windshield wiper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zāng	脏	to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 zìdòng páidǎng	自动排档	automatic transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìdòng	自动	automatic	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 zuò	坐	seat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zú	足	to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+àn guījù	按規矩	according to the regulations
+àn guījù	按规据	according to the regulations
+ānpai	安排	to arrange for
+àn	按	according to
+àn	按	to press
+bānlái bānqù	搬来搬去	to move back and forth
+bǎoguǎn	保管	to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
+biǎo (yìzhāng)	表	form, application
+bìchúli	壁橱里	in the closet
+bìchú	壁橱	closet, wall chect
+biéde	别的	other
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	冰块	ice cube
+càidānzi (yīzhāng)	菜单子	menu
+cǎisè	彩色	color, colored
+cèsuò	厕所	toilet
+chī	吃	to eat
+chōutīli	抽屉里	in the drawer
+chōuti	抽屉	drawer
+chuángdānzi	床单子	sheets
+chuānghu liánzi	窗户帘子	window shades
+chuānghu	窗户	window
+chuáng	床	bed
+dà diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call
+dānrénfáng	单人房	single room
+dǎoyóu	导游	tourist guide
+dǎsuan	打算	to plan to
+dēngjī	登记	to register (at a hotel, etc.)
+děng yīhuǐr	等一会儿	in a while
+děng	等	to wait, to wait for
+-de shíhou	-的时候	when
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone book, telephone directory
+diànhuà	电话	telephone
+diànlíng	电令	a buzzer, an electric bell
+dìng	订	to reserve
+duō	多	more (to be much, to be many)
+è	俄	to be hungry
+fángjiān	房间	room
+fángqián	房钱	room rental fee
+fàngzai	放在	to put (at, in, on)
+fēijī	飞机	airplane
+féizào	肥皂	soap
+fúwùshēng	服务生	attendant
+gānxǐ	干洗	to dry clean
+gàosu	告诉	to tell
+guīju	规矩	regulation
+guīzhòng	贵重	to be valuable
+guò	过	to pass
+háishi	还是	still
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)
+jiāogěi	交给	to give to
+jiào	叫	to call, to summon
+jiào	叫	to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror
+jiù shi	就是 	(used for emphasis), this IS
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water (for drinking)
+kèren	客人	customer
+kōng	空	to be empty, to be vacant
+lèi	累	to be tired
+lěngfēng	冷风	air conditioning
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner
+lěng	冷	to be cold
+liáng	凉	to be cool
+líkai	离开	to leave, to depart
+lóucèng fúwùtái	楼层	the service desk for the floor
+lǚguǎn	旅馆	hotel, inn
+méi wènti	没问题	there's no problem
+ná... lái	拿。。。来	to bring to
+nuǎnqì	暖气	central heating
+nuǎnqì	暖气	heat
+piào (yizhāng)	票	ticket
+qǔchulai	取出来	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
+rè	热	to be hot
+shěngde	省得	lest, to avoid
+shìqing	事情	business matter, thing
+shuāngrénfáng	双人房	double room
+shuǐxǐ	水洗	to wash, to launder
+sòngdao	送到	to send to, to deliver to
+sòngshangqu	送上去	to send up
+suàn zhàng	算帐	to settle an account
+suàn	算	to calculate, to figure
+tǎnzi	毯子	blanket
+tián	填	to fill out
+tì	替	for, in place of
+wǎnfàn	晚饭	dinner, supper
+wèishēnzhǐ	卫生纸	toilet paper
+wènti	问题	question, problem
+xīcān	西餐	western food
+xíngli	行李	baggage, luggage, suitcases
+xiūxi	休息	to take a rest, to relax
+(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn	(洗澡)大毛巾	towels
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房 	bathroom (Taipei)
+xǐ	洗	to wash
+yàoshi	要是	if
+yàoshi	钥匙	key
+yào	要	to be necessary, to want, to take
+yídìng	一定	certainly, definitely
+yīfu	衣服	clothes
+yǐzi	椅子	chair
+yóulan shǒucè	游览手册	sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
+yǒu shì	有时	to have business
+zài	再	again (used for future actions)
+zǎodiǎn	早点	breakfast (Peking)
+zhàngfáng	账房	cashier (in a hotel)
+zhǎo	找	to find
+zhào	照	according to
+zhǎo	赵	to find
+zhěntou	枕头	pillow
+Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food
+zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	中国旅行社	China Travel Agency
+zhōng	种	clock
+zhuōzi	桌子	table

+ 0 - 1617

@@ -1,1617 +0,0 @@
-àiren	爱人	spouse		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-àishang	爱上	to fall in love with		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-ài	爱	to love		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-ǎi	矮	to be short (of stature)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-Āndàlüè	安大略	Ontario		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-Āndìngmén	安定门	(a neighborhood in Běijīng)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-āndìng	安定	to be stable/settled/quiet		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-ānpaíhǎo le	安排好了	successfully arranged	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-ānpái	安排	to arrange		8	1	FSI Chinese   
-àn	按	according to 		8	7	FSI Chinese
-à	哦	Oh!		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-a	啊	question Marker		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-bàba	爸爸	father, dad, papa		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-bàba	爸爸	papa, dad, father		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Bādálǐng (Bádàlǐng)	八达岭	mountain northwest of Běijīng, site of a famous section of the Great Wall		8	4	FSI Chinese
-bǎifēn zhī	百分之	percent		8	3	FSI Chinese
-Bǎihuò Dàlóu	百货大楼	name of a department store in Běijīng		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-bǎihuò gōngsī 	百货公司	department store		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-báitiān	白天	daytime		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-bái	白	to be white		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-bànfa	办法	method, way	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-bāng máng	帮忙	to help; help		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-bàngōngshì	办公室	office	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-bāngzhu	帮助	help; to help		7	2	FSI-Chinese      
-bāng	帮	to help	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-bāng	帮	to help		8	5	FSI Chinese
-bànshìchù	办事处	office		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-bànyè	半夜	midnight		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-bàn	办	to handle, to manage, to do	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-bàn	半	half		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-bàn	半	half (followed by a counter or a noun which does not take a counter)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-bān	搬	to move (e.g., furniture) (new house)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
--bān	班	counter for regularly scheduled trips of buses, planes, subways, trains, etc.	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-bǎochí	保持	to keep, to preserve, to maintain		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-bǎohù	保护	to protect		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-bàoqiàn	抱歉	to be sorry	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-bào (yífèn)	报(一份)	newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-bàozhǐ (yífèn)	报纸(一份)	newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-ba	吧	(tone softener)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
--bǎ	把	counter for things vith handles		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-bǎ	把	(prepositional verb which indicates the direct object)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-bǎ	把	(prepositional verb which indicates the direct object)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-ba	把	question marker expressing supposition of what answer will be		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-běibian(r)	北边(儿)	north side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-Běidà	北大	Běijīng University		8	2	FSI Chinese   
-běifāng	北方	the north		8	1	FSI Chinese
-Běihǎi Gōngyuán	北海公园	a famous park in Běijīng	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
--bèi	-倍	time, -fold		8	7	FSI Chinese
-běi	北	north		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-bèi	被	passive marker		8	7	FSI Chinese
-běnlái	本来	originally, in the beginning, at first; to begin with, in the first place		7	7	FSI-Chinese
--běn	-本	volume		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-biànchéng	变成	to turn into, to become		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-biànfàn	便饭	a simple, informal meal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-biànhuà	变化	change		8	5	FSI Chinese
-biānjiāng	边疆	border area; borderland; drontier; frontier region		8	6	FSI Chinese 
-biānjìng	边境	border, frontier		8	5	FSI Chinese    
--bianr (-bian}	-边 (-边儿)	side, edge (used in place words)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-biàn	变	to change, to become different		7	3	FSI-Chinese 
-biǎoyǎn	表演	to give a demonstration	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-biéde dìfang	别的地方	other places (cf. biěrén, “other people”)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-biěde shíhou	别的时候	other times	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-biéde	别的	other, different	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-bié	别	don’t	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-bǐjiào	比较	comparatively		8	1	FSI Chinese
-bǐjiǎo	比较	comparatively, relatively	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-bìng	病	to become ill		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-bìyè	毕业	to graduate	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-bǐ (yìzhī)	笔(一支)	pen		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-bǐ	比 	compared with, than	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-bófù	伯父	uncle (father’s elder brother); term for the father of one’s friend		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-bómǔ	伯母	aunt (wife of father’s elder brother); term for the mother of one’s friend		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-bú bì	不必	not necessary, don’t have to	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-bù/bú 	不	not		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-bú cuò	不错	not bad, pretty good; that’s right	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-bú dà hǎo mǎi	不大好买	not very easy to buy	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-búdàn...yě	不但...也	not only...but also	6	3	FSI-Chinese
--bùfen	部分	part, section		8	2	FSI Chinese
-bù guǎn	不管	no matter (what, whether, etc.)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-búguò	不过	however, but	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-bù hǎo yìsi	不好意思	to be embarrassing; to feel embarrassed	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-bú kèqi	不客气	you're velcome		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-bù néng bu	不能不	to have to, must		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-bù shǎo	不少	to be quite a lot, to be much, to be many		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-bú shi 	不是	not to be		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-bù tóng	不同	to be different	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-bú xiàng huà	不象话	to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-bú xiè	不谢	don’t mention it	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-bú yào	不要	don't	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-bù yídìng	不一定	not necessarily; it’s not definite	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-bú yòng	不	no need to	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-bù zěnme	不怎么	not especially, not particularly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-bùzhǎng	部长	minister (of a government organization)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
--bù	-部	(counter for automobiles, machines, etc.)		8	7	FSI Chinese
--bù	部	(counter for cars and buses)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-cáichǎn	财产	property		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-càidì	菜地	vegetable plot		8	3	FSI Chinese
-cáiliào	材料	material(s)		8	2	FSI Chinese
-càishichǎng	菜市场	market		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-cái	才	only (before an amount)		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-cái	才	only in that case, only under		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-cái	才	then and only then, not until	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-cài	菜	food, cooked dish	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-cānchē	餐车	dining car	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-cānguān	参观	to visit and observe		8	1	FSI Chinese
-cānguān	参观	to visit as an observer	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-cānjiā	参加	to attend	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-cānjiā	参加	to participate in, to join, to attend	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-cānjiā	参加	to participate in, to take part in, to Join, to attend		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-cāntīng	餐厅	dining room; restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-chábēi	茶杯	teacup		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-chābié	差别	difference, disparity		8	2	FSI Chinese
-chàbuduō	差不多	almost, about, approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-Chángchéng	长城	the Great Wall	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-Chángjiāng	長江	Yangtze River		8	7	FSI Chinese
-chángxīn	长新	again, anew, afresh		8	4	FSI Chinese
-chǎng	场	factory, plant		8	6	FSI Chinese
-cháng	长	to be long		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-chǎnliàng	产量	output, yield		8	3	FSI Chinese
-cháodài	朝代	dynasty		8	4	FSI Chinese
-chǎoxǐng	吵醒	to wake (someone) up by being noisy		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-chǎo	吵	to be noisy; to disturb by making noise		7	8	FSI-Chinese
--cháo	-朝	dynasty (bound form)		8	4	FSI Chinese
-cháo	朝	to, towards		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-cháyè	茶叶	tea (literally, "tea leaves")		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-chà	差	to differ; to be inferior, to be poor, to be not up to standard		8	6	FSI Chinese
-chá	茶	tea	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-chēnghu	称呼	to call		8	1	FSI Chinese 
-chénglì	成立	to establish		8	5	FSI Chinese
-chéngshì	城市	city; urban		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-chéng	城	city	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--chéng	成	into		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-chē	车	vehicle, bus, car	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-chībuxiàqù	吃不下去	cannot eat (cannot get down)		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-chībuzháo	吃不找	can’t find (to eat)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-chī fàn	吃饭	to eat, to have a meal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-chī fàn	吃饭	to have a meal	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-chī kǔ	吃哭	to suffer, to undergo hardship		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-chī	吃	to eat	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-chuānguò	穿过	to pass, to cross		8	4	FSI Chinese
-chuántǒng	传统	tradition, traditional		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-chuán	船	boat, ship	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-chū chāi	出差	to go away on business		8	6	FSI Chinese
-chū chāi	出差	to go on a business trip	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-chūfā	出发	to start a journey	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-chū guó	出国	to leave one’s country		8	2	FSI Chinese
-chūkǒu gōngsī	出口公司	export company	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-chūkǒu	出口	to export		8	8	FSI Chinese
-chūlai	出来	to come out		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-chū mén (chū ménr)	出门 (出门儿)	to go out, to go away from home, to go out of town	5	8	FSI-Chinese
--chūn	-春	the beginning of (a time period)		8	5	FSI Chinese
-chūqu	出去	to go out		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-chūtǔ wénwù zhǎnlǎn	出土文物展览	exhibition of archaeological finds	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-chūxiàn	出现	to appear		8	8	FSI Chinese
-chùzhǎng	处长	division chief	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-chūzū qìchē	出租汽车	taxi (PRC)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-chū	出	to go out, to exit		4	2	FSI-Chinese
--cì	次	occasion, time	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-cónglái bù/méi	从来不/没	never		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-cónglái	从来	ever (up till now), always (up till now)		7	3	FSI-Chinese          
-cōngming	聪明	to be intelligent	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-cóngqián	从前	before		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-cóng...(Verb)-qǐ	从。。。起	to start (Verb)ing from...		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-cóng	 从	from		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-Dàahuá Cāntīng	大华餐厅	Great China Restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-dàbùfen	大部分	mostly		8	1	FSI Chinese
-dǎ dao		to make a phone call to	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-dàduì	大队	(production) brigade		8	3	FSI Chinese
-dàduōshù(r)	大多数	the great majority		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-dàfàndiàn	大饭店	hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-dàgài	大概	probably, approximately	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ (ge) diànhuà	打(个)电话	to make a phone call	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-dàibiǎotuán	代表团	delegation	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-dàibiǎotuán	代表团	delegation, mission		8	8	FSI Chinese
-dài biǎo	戴表	to wear a watch		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-dāi huǐr	待会儿	in a while, later		8	8	FSI Chinese
-dàishang	带上	to take along (Beijing)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-dài	代	generation (counter); era, (historical) period		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-dài	带	zone, area, belt		8	1	FSI Chinese
-dàjiā	大家	everybody, everyone	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-dàjiē	大街	boulevard		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-dàlóu	大楼	building		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-dàlù	大陆	mainland, continent		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-dàmén(r)	大门	entrance		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-dàngāo	蛋糕	cake	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-dāngmiàn	当面	in person, face to face	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎng	党	(political) party		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-dānrèn	担任	to take on, to assume		8	2	FSI Chinese
-dànshi	但是	but	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-dānxīn	但新	to be worried, to be uneasy		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-dānzi	单子	list; form		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-dàolǐ	道理	principle, truth, hows and whys; reason, argument, sense		7	2	FSI-Chinese           
-dào xǐ	道喜	to congratulate	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-dǎoyóu	导游	(tour) guide		8	7	FSI Chinese
-dàozi	稻子	rice; paddy		8	3	FSI Chinese
-dào	倒	to pour (liquid)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-dào	倒	yet, on the contrary, nevertheless		8	7	FSI Chinese
-dào	到	resultative ending used for perception by one of the senses: Jiàndao, kàndao, tīngdao, etc.		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-dào	到	resultative ending used to indicate reaching: xiǎngdao, shuōdao, tándao, etc. , often translated as «about»		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-dào	到	to arrive		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-dào	 到	to, towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-Dàqìng	大庆	a city in HěilSngjiǎng province		8	1	FSI Chinese
-dàrén	大人	adult		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-dàshiguǎn	大使馆	embassy	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-dǎsuàn (dǎsuan)	打算	to plan to	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-dàtīng	大厅	(large) hall		8	8	FSI Chinese
-dǎting	大厅	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-dàxuéshēng	大学生	college student	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-daxüé	大学	university		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ zhàng	打仗	to fight a war, to go to war		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ zì	大字	to type (on a typewriter)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-dà	大	to be large		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-dédao	㝵到	to get		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-Déguo	德国	Germany		1	3	FSI-Chinese
--de huà	的话	if; in case; supposing that		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-děi kàn (or yào kàn)	得看(要看)	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-děi	得	must		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-děng dào	等到	to wait until; when, by the time		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-děngyiděng	等一等	to wait a moment		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-děng yíxià	等以下	wait a while; in a little while		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-děngyú	等于	to equal, to be equal to		8	7	FSI Chinese
-děng	等	to vait		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-děng	等	when; by the time; till		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-dé	㝵	to get		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-Déwén	德文	German language		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-Dézhōu	德州	Texas		1	4	FSI-Chinese
--de	的	marker of modification		3	2	FSI-Chinese
--de	—的	possessive Marker		1	3	FSI-Chinese
--de	的	possessive marker		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànhuà hàomǎ	电话号码	telephone number	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànhuà	电话	telephone, phone call	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-diǎnr	点儿	a little, some		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànshàn	电扇	electric fan		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-diànshì	电视	television		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-diǎnxin (yíkuài, yìjīn)	点心 (一块,一斤)	pastry, snack		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànyǐng(r)	电影	movie, film		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-diǎnyīngyuàn	电影院	movie theater		4	2	FSI-Chinese
--diǎn	-点	counter for hours on the clock		3	6	FSI-Chinese
--diǎn	点	point		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-dìdi	弟弟	younger brother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-dìèrtiān	第二天	the next day	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-dìnghǎo le	订好了	to have (been) reserved	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-dìng	定	to draw up (a plan); to agree on; to conclude (a treaty)		8	8	FSI Chinese
-dìng	订	to reserve	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-dìqū	地区	area, district, region		8	1	FSI Chinese
-dìtǎn (yì zhāng)	地毯 (一张)	rug		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-dìtiě	地铁	subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiedào)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-dìtú (yìzhāng)	地图(一张)	map		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-dìwei	低微	position, status		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-dìxià huǒchē	地下火车	underground train, subway	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-dǐxia	地下	underneath; the underneath		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-dìxíng	地形	topography, terrain		8	4	FSI Chinese
-dìyícì (dìyícì)	第一次	the first time	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-Dìyī Dàfàndiàn	第一大饭店	First Hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-Dìyī Gōngsī	第一公司	the First Company (department store In Taipei)		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-dìzhǐ	地址	address		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-dì	地	earth, soil; land; fields		8	3	FSI Chinese
-Dōngběi	东北	Manchuria		8	1	FSI Chinese
-dōngbian(r)	东边 (儿)	east aide		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-Dōngdān	东单	a neighborhood in Běijīng		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-dǒngde	懂得	to understand, to grasp, to know		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-Dōngjīng	东京	Tokyo	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-Dōngmén Cāntīng	东门餐厅	East Gate Restaurant	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-dòngwuyuán	动物园	zoo	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-dōngxi	东西	thing		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-dōng	东	east		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-dōu	都	all, both		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-duǎnpiān	短篇	short (stories, articles)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-duìbuqǐ	对不起	I'm sorry		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-duì...shóuxi	对...熟悉	to be familiar with	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-duì	 对	to be correct		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-duì	对	to, towards; with regard to, with respect to	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-dù jià	度假	to spend one’s vacation	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-dúlì	獨立	to be independent; independence		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
-duó dà	多大	how old		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-duōde duō	多得多	much more	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-duó (duō)	多	how...!		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-duó jiǔ	多久	how long		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-duō láo duō dé	多劳多得	more pay for more work		8	8	FSI Chinese
-duōshao hào	多少号	what size (shoe)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-duōshao	多少	how much, how many		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-duōshù(r)	多数	the majority of, most of		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-duó yuǎn	多远	how far		4	3	FSI-Chinese
--duō	多	over, more than	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-duō	多	to be many	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-Èguo Éguo	俄国	Russia		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-érqiě	而且	furthermore, moreover	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-értóng	儿童	child (formal word)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-érxífu(r) (érxífer)	儿媳妇	daughter-in-law		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-érzi	儿子	son		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-fā chē	发车	to depart (from the first terminal of a train route)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-fādá	发达	to be (highly) developed, to be flourishing, to be prosperous		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-Fàguó Fǎguo	法国	France		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-fǎlǜ	法律	law		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-fàndiàn	饭店	hotel		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-fángbèi	防备	to take precautions against		8	4	FSI Chinese
-fāngbian 	 方便	to be convenient		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-fāngbian	方便	to be convenient	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-fāngfǎ	方法	method, way, means	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-fàng jià	放假	to closefor a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-fàng jià	放假	to have vacation		8	6	FSI Chinese
--fāngmiàn (-fāngmian)	方面	aspect, side, area, respect		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-fànguǎnr 	 饭馆儿	restaurant (Běijīng)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-fànguǎnzi	 饭馆子	restaurant (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-fǎngwèn	访问	to visit and meet with		8	1	FSI Chinese
-fàng xīn	放心	to be unworried, to be at ease		8	5	FSI Chinese
-fāngyán	方言	dialect		8	1	FSI Chinese
-fángzi 	 房子	house		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-fàng	放	to put	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-fánróng	繁荣	to be flourishing, to be prosperous , to be booming		8	8	FSI Chinese
-fànwǎn	饭碗	rice bowl		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-fàn zuì	犯罪	to commit a crime		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-fàn	犯	to violate, to offend		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-fàn	饭	(cooked) rice	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-fāshēng	发生	to happen, to occur		8	7	FSI Chinese
-Fàwén	法文	French language		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-fāxiàn	发见	to discover		8	7	FSI Chinese 
-fāzhǎn	发展	to develop, to expand, to grov		8	3	FSI Chinese
-fázi	法子	method, way (Běijīng)	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-fēicháng	非常	very, extremely, highly	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-fēijīchǎng	飞机场	airport	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-fēijī	飞机	airplane	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-fēi	飞	to fly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-fēngsú	风俗	custom(s)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-fēnkāi	分开	to separate, to split up		7	6	FSI-Chinese
--fèn (r)	-份(儿)	copy		3	1	FSI-Chinese
--fēn	分	a minute	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--fēn	分	cent		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-fēn	分	to divide (into)  		8	2	FSI Chinese  
-fēn	分	to divide, to separate, to split		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-Fújiàn	福建	a province in south China		8	8	FSI Chinese
-fùjìn	附近	area, vicinity		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-fùmǔ	父母	parents		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind		7	2	FSI-Chinese           
-fùqin	父亲	father		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-fúqi	福气	blessings, good fortune		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-fūren	夫人	Lady, Madame, Mrs., wife (of a high ranking person)		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-fùzá (fǔzá)	复杂	to be complicated		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gǎibiàn	改变	to change		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-gǎi dào	改到	to change to	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-gǎi	改	to change	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-gài	盖	to build (buildings); to cover		8	4	FSI Chinese
-gāi	该	should, ought to; to be someone’s turn to		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnbuhuílái		can’t make it back in time	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnbushàng	赶不上	won't be able to catch (a plane, train, etc.)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-gànbu	干部	cadre		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-gànbu	干部	cadre		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gāngcái	刚才	just now, a short time ago	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-gāngtiě	钢铁	iron and steel		8	7	FSI Chinese
-gāng	刚	only a short while ago, just	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnjué	感觉	feeling, sensation, to feel, to perceive		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-gànmá	干吗	to do what; (colloquial) why on earth, what for		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnshàng(lái)	赶上	to catch up		8	7	FSI Chinese
-gànshenme	干什么	to do what; (colloquial) why on earth, what for		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnxiè	感谢	to be thankful, to be grateful		8	5	FSI Chinese
-gǎocuò	搞错	to do wrong; to be wrong (mistaken)		8	7	FSI Chinese
-gàosong	告诵	to tell, to inform	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-gàosu	告诉	to tell, to inform	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-gāoxìng	高兴	to be happy		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-gǎo	搞	to do		8	1	FSI Chinese
-gāo	高	to be tall		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-gēge	哥哥	older brother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-gěi	给	for		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-gémìng	革命	revolution; to revolt		8	2	FSI Chinese
-gèng	更	even more	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-gēn	跟	and, with, and (in addition to)		2	3	FSI-Chinese
--ge	个	general counter		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-gè-	各-	each, every, various, different		8	5	FSI Chinese
-gé	隔	to separate, to divide off	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-Gòngchǎndǎng	共产党	the Communist Party		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-gōngchǎng	工厂	factory	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-gōngchǎng	工厂	factory, mill, plant, works		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gōngchéngshī	工程师	engineer		8	5	FSI Chinese
-gōngdiàn	宫殿	palace		8	4	FSI Chinese
-gōngfu	功夫	free time, spare time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-gōnggòng qìchē	公共汽车	public bus (local)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-gōnglǐ	公里	kilometer	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-Gōnglùjú	公路局	Bureau of Highways (Taiwan)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-gōnglù	公路	highway		8	7	FSI Chinese
-gōngren	工人	worker		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gōngshāngyè	工商业	industry and commerce		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-gōngshè	公社	commune		8	3	FSI Chinese
-gōngsī	公司	company		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-gōngxiāo hézuòshè	供销合作社	supply and marketing cooperative		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-gōngyè	工业	industry		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-gōngyìpǐn	工艺品	handicrafts		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-gōngyuánhòu	公元后	A.D.		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gōngyuánqián	公元前	B.C.		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gōngyuán	公元	the common era; Á.D.		8	6	FSI Chinese
-gōngyuán	公园	park		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-gōngzī	工资	wages		8	8	FSI Chinese
-gōngzuòzhě	工作者	worker		8	4	FSI Chinese
-gōngzuò	工作	to work		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-gòu	够	to be enough		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-gòu	够	to be enough	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-guǎi	拐	to turn		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-guǎngchǎng	广场	(public) square		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Guǎngdōng	广东	province in south China		8	5	FSI Chinese
-guǎnggào	广告	advertisement		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-Guǎngjiāohuì	广交会	Guàngzhōu (Canton) Trade Fair		8	8	FSI Chinese
-Guǎngxī	广西	a province in south China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-Guǎngzhōu	广州	(name of a city in the PRC—Canton)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-guān mén	关门	to close (for the business day); to close down, to go out of business		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-guānniàn	观念	concept, idea, notion		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
-guānxīn	关心	to be concerned about, to care about		8	5	FSI Chinese
-guānxi	关系	relation, relationship, connection	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-guǎn X jiào Y	冠 X 叫 Y	to call X Y		8	3	FSI Chinese
-guānyú	关于	as to, with regard to, concerning, about		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-guān	关	to close		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-guǎn	管	to take care of; to mind, to bother about		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
-gǔdài	古代	ancient times, antiquity		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Gùgōng	故宫	Former Imperial Palace 		8	4	FSI Chinese
-guīju	规矩	rules of proper behavior, social etiquette, manners; rule (of a   community or organization),      established practice, custom		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-Guìlín	桂林	a city in Gulngxī province		8	1	FSI Chinese
-guīmó	规模	scale, scope, dimensions		8	8	FSI Chinese
-guìxìng	贵姓	honorable name		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-Guìzhōu	贵州	a province of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-guì	贵	to be expensive		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-Guóbīn Dàfàndiàn	国宾大饭店	Ambassador Hotel		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-guójiā	国家	country, state, nation; national		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-guòle lùkǒur	过了路口儿	having passed the intersection		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-guòqù	过去	the past		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-guòqu	过去	to pass		7	8	FSI-Chinese
--guo	—过	experiential marker		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-gùshi	故事	story		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-hái bù yídìng 	 还不一定	not yet certain		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-hǎigǎng	海港	harbor, seaport		8	8	FSI Chinese
-hái hǎo	还好	fairly good/well	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-hǎijǖn	海军	navy		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-háishi	还是	it would be better		8	7	FSI Chinese
-háishi	还是	or		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-háishi	还是	still	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-hǎiwān	海湾	bay; gulf		8	5	FSI Chinese
-háizi	孩子	children, child		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-hái	还	also, additionally		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-hái	还	fairly, passably		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-hái	还	still, yet		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Hángzhōu	杭州	a city in Zhèjiang Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Hangchow	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-Hàn-Rì zìdiǎn	汉日字典	Chinese-Japanese dictionary		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-Hàn-Yīng zìdiǎn	汉-英字典	Chinese-English dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-Hànyǔ	汉语	the Chinese language		8	6	FSI Chinese
-hǎochù	好处	benefit, advantage		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-hǎode duō	好得多	much better	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-hǎohāor	好好儿	well; properly; thoroughly		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-hǎojíle	好极了	to be wonderful, to be great	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-hǎo jiǔ	好久	a long time	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-hǎokàn	好看	to be beautiful, to be nice looking		3	3	FSI-Chinese
--hǎo le	好了	to be satisfactorily completed 	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-hàomǎ(r)	号码(儿)	number	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-hǎowán	好玩	to “be fun (lit. , “good for relaxing”)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-hǎoxiàng	好象	to seem as if		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-hǎoxiē	好些	a good many, a lot	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-hàozhāo (hàozhào)	号召	to to call, to appeal		8	7	FSI Chinese
--hào	—号	number (in address)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-hǎo	好	to be better		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-hǎo	好	to be fine, to be well, ok, good		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-hébì	何必	why is it necessary (to)	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-Hēilóngjiāng	黑龙江	province in northeast China		8	5	FSI Chinese
-hēiyè	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-hēi	黑	to be black		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-hěn	很	very		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-hèn	恨	to hate, to loathe, to detest (a)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-hépíng	和平	peace; to be peaceful		8	6	FSI Chinese
-héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be appropriate, to fit	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-hézuò	合作	to cooperate; cooperation		8	8	FSI Chinese
-hé	和	and	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-hē	喝	to drink	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-Hóngwèibīng	红卫兵	Red Guard; the Red Guards		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-hóng	红	to be red		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-hòulài	后来	later	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-hòulái	后来	later, afterwards		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-hòunián (hòunian)	后年		the year after next	2	5	FSI-Chinese
-hòutiān (hòutian)	后天	the day after tomorrow		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-Huáběi	华北	north of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-huá chuán	划船	to row a boat	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-Huáměi Kāfēitīng 	 华美咖啡厅	Huáměi Coffeehouse (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-Huánán	华南	south of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-Huángshān	黃山	a mountain in Ānhuī province		8	1	FSI Chinese
-huáng	黄	to be yellow, to te brown		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-huānsònghuì	欢送会	farewell/sendoff meeting or party		8	8	FSI Chinese
-huānsòng	欢送	to see off, to send off		8	8	FSI Chinese
-huānyíng	欢迎	to welcome	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-huàn	换 	to change, to exchange		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-huāpíng	花瓶	vase		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-huār kāile	花儿开了	the flowers have bloomed (literally, “opened”)	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huà(r) (yìzhāng)	画儿 (一张)	a painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-Huáshèngdùn Yóubào	华盛顿邮报	the Washington Post		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-Huáshèngdùn	华盛顿	Washington		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-huàxué	化学	chemistry		3	1	FSI-Chinese
--huà	-化	-ize		8	3	FSI Chinese
-huà	画	to paint	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-huà	话	language, words		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-huíbulái	回不来	to be unable to get back	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-huídelái	回得来	to be able to get back in time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-huí guó	回国	to return to one’s native country	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huí jiā	回家	to return home	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huìkèshì (huìkèshǐ)	会客室	reception room	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-huì kè 	会客	to receive guests	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-huílai	回来	to come back	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huíqu	回去	to return to one’s native country, to go back	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huítóu jiàn	回头见	See you later!		8	1	FSI Chinese
-huì	会	might, be likely, will		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-huì	会	to know how to, can		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-huì	会	will	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--huí	-回	counter for shi, matter		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-huí	回	to return to, to go back to	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-huǒchēzhàn	火车站	train station	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-huǒchē	火车	train	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-huòshi	或是	or	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-huòzhě (huòzhe)	或者	or	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-huó	活	to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-hùxiāng	互相	mutually		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-hùzhào	护照	passport	5	6	FSI-Chinese
--hù	-户	household, family		8	3	FSI Chinese
-jiāgōng	加工	to process, to finish (a product)		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jiākuài	加快	to speed up		8	2	FSI Chinese
-jiāli	家里	family		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Jiānádà	加拿大	Canada		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎndān	简单	to be simple		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎng huà	讲话	to speak, to talk; a speech	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-jiānglái	将来	in the future	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎng	讲	to discuss (something), to talk about (something)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎng	讲	to stress, to pay attention to, to be particular about		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-jiānmiàn	见面	to meet someone, to see someone	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiànshè	建设	to construct, build; construction, reconstruction		8	3	FSI Chinese
-jiànzhù (zhú, zhu)	建筑	to build, to construct; structure		8	4	FSI Chinese
--jiàn	件	(counter for items or articles such as suitcases and clothing)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
--jiàn	件	(counter for matters, business, affairs)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-jiàn	见	to meet		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiàn	见	to meet, to see	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-jiāoliú	交流	to exchange; exchange		8	6	FSI Chinese
-jiāoqū	郊区	suburbs	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiāoqū	郊区	suburbs, outskirts		8	3	FSI Chinese
-jiàoshī	教师	teacher		8	2	FSI Chinese
-jiàoshòu	教授	professor	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiāo shū	教书	to teach	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-jiàotáng	教堂	church, cathedral		8	4	FSI Chinese
-jiāotōng	交通	traffic; transportation; travel		8	6	FSI Chinese
-jiāoyìhuì	交易会	trade fair		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jiàoyuán	教员	teacher	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-Jiàoyubù	教育部	Ministry of Education	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiàoyu	教育	to educate; education		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-jiào	叫	to be called, named		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-jiāo	叫	to hand over, to give		8	6	FSI Chinese
--jiào	教	religion, church (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-jiàqian	价钱	price		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jiārù	加入	to join		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiāshǔ	家属	family members, (family) dependents		8	7	FSI Chinese
-jiātíng	家庭	family		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-Jiāzhōu	加州	California		1	3	FSI-Chinese
--jiā	-家	counter for families		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiā	家	home, house		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-jībenshang	基本上	basically, on the whole, by and large		8	2	FSI Chinese 
-jìchéngchē	计程车	taxi (Taipei)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-jìde	记得	to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-jǐdiǎn zhōng	几点钟	what hour, what time		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiēdàishì (jiēdàishī)	接待室	waiting room	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-jièdao	借到	to successfully borrow		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiēdào	接到	to receive	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-jiěfàngjūn	解放军	(People’s) Liberation Army, P.L.A.		8	6	FSI Chinese
-jiěfàng	解放	to liberate, to emancipate;liberation		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiéhūn (jiēhūn)	结婚	to get married		7	2	FSI-Chinese        
-jiéhūn	结婚	to get married, to be married		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiějie	姐姐	older sister		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-jiēji	阶级	(social) class		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jiěmèi	姐妹	sisters		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-jièshao	介绍	to introduce	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-jièyì	介意	to mind, to take offense		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiè	借	to borrow; to lend		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiē	姐	to receive (mail, messages, guests, phone calls)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-jiē	接	to meet/pick up/get (someone)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-jiē	街	street		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-jǐge	几个	how many		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-jǐge	几个	several		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-jǐhào	几号	what day of the month?		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-jìhua	计划	to plan to	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-jīhui	机会	opportunity, chance	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-jíjímángmáng	急急忙忙	in a big hurry		7	6	FSI-Chinese
--jíle	极了	extremely, awfully	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-jǐlù chē	几路车	what number bus	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-jímáng	急忙	to be hasty, to be hurried		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-jìnbù	进步	to progress; progress		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-jìnchūkǒu	进出口	import-export		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jīngguo 	 经过	by vay of, via		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-jīngguò	经过	to go through, to experience		8	2	FSI Chinese
-jīngjibù	经济部	Ministry of Economics	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-jīngjiguān	经济官	economics officer	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-jīngji tèqū	经济特区	special economic zone (SEZ)		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jīngjixüé	经济学	economics		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-jīnglǐ	经理	manager	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-jīngxīdào	京西稻	a kind of rice plant		8	3	FSI Chinese
-jīngxüé	经学	Confucian classics		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-jìnkǒu	进口	to import		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jìnliàng	尽量	to exert all one’s effort, to do one’s best to	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-jīnnián (jīnnian)	今年	this year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-jīnshǔ	金属	metal		8	5	FSI Chinese
-jīntiān (jīntian)	今天	today		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-jìnxíng	进行	to carry on, to conduct; to be		8	7	FSI Chinese
-jǐnzhāng	紧张	to be nervous, to be tense		8	7	FSI Chinese
-jìn	尽	the past..., the last...		8	5	FSI Chinese
--jīn	斤	catty (1.1 pound)		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-jǐn	紧	to be tight		8	7	FSI Chinese
-jìn	近	to be close, to be near		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-jìn	进	to enter	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-jìshu	技术	technology; technical      		8	2	FSI Chinese       
-jǐsuì	几岁	how old		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Jiùjīnshān	旧金山	San Francisco		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiùshi...yě...	就是。。。也。。。	even (if)...		8	7	FSI Chinese
-jiǔyǎng	久仰	glad to meet you	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-jiù	就	immediately (with reference to time)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-jiù	就	only, just		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-jiù	就	right, exactly (with reference to space)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiù	 就	then		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiù	旧	to be old, to be used, to be worn		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-jīxièhuà	机械化	to mechanize		8	3	FSI Chinese
-jǐyüè	几月	what month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-jízhōng	集中	to concentrate, to centralize		8	8	FSI Chinese
-jǐ-	几	a few		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-jǐ-	几-	how many		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-jí	急	to be anxious	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-jǐ	挤	to be crowded		8	4	FSI Chinese
--jí	-级	level, rank, grade, stage, degree		8	8	FSI Chinese
-juéding	决定	to decide	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-juédìng	决定	to decide		8	4	FSI Chinese
-jǖnguān	军官	military officier		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-jǖnrén	军人	military person		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-jūnshì yǎnxí	军事演习	military maneuvers	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-jùyijù	聚一聚	to get together	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-júzi	橘子	oranges, tangerines		3	2	FSI-Chinese
--jù	句	sentence; counter for sentences or utterances, often followed by huà, "speech"		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-jù	聚	to assemble	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-kāfēitīng	 咖啡厅	coffeehouse		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-kāi huì	开会	to attend a meeting	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-kāi huì	开会	to attend a meeting/conference	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-kāi mén	开门	to open (for the business day); to open for business		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-kāishǐ	开始	to start, to begin		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-kāiwán huì	开完会	to finish a meeting	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-kāi xué	 开学	school starts (literally, “open school”)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-kāi	开	to drive (a vehicle)	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-kāi	开	to leave	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-kāi	开	to open		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-kànbuqǐ	看不起	to look down on, to scorn, to despise		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-kàndao	看到	to see		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-kànfa	看法	opinion, view	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-kànkan	看看	to read, to look at, to visit, to look at		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-kànkan	看看	to see, to look around, to sight-see, to visit	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-kànzhe	看着	(followed by a verb) as one sees fit, as one deems reasonable		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-kàn	看	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-kàn	看	to think (express an opinion)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-kǎolǜ	考虑	to consider, to think about		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-kǎoshì	考试	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz, exam, test		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-kǎo	考	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-kào	靠	to depend on, to rely on; to lean against; to be near, to be next to		7	2	FSI-Chinese        
-kěnéng	可能	maybe	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-kěshi	可是	but		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-kěshi	可是	but		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-kěxī	可惜	unfortunately, what a pity	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-kēxué	科学	science 		8	2	FSI Chinese
-kéyi	可以	may, can, to be permitted		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-kēzhǎng	科长	section chief	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-kě	可	indeed, certainly		8	4	FSI Chinese
-kè	课	class		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-kōngjǖn	空军	Air Force		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-kǒngpà	恐怕	to be afraid that (something is or is not the case)	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-kòng(r)	空儿	free time, spare time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-kōngshǒu	空手	empty handed		8	8	FSI Chinese
--kǒu	-口	counter for people		8	3	FSI Chinese
-kuài yào	快要	will soon		8	7	FSI Chinese
--kuài	-块	dollar (in contexte)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
--kuài	块	piece (counter)		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-kuài	快	soon	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-kuài	快	to be fast	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-kuàngqū	矿区	mining region		8	5	FSI Chinese
-kū	哭	to cry		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-láibují	来不及	can’t make it in time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-láidejí	来得及	can make it in time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-láilai-wǎngwǎng	来来往往	coming and going	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-...(lái) shuō	。。。(说)	...speaking		8	5	FSI Chinese
-...lái	。。。来	for the past...(amount of time)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-lái	来	to come		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-lái	来	to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to join in (a game, etc.)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-lái	来	used before a verb to express that something will be done		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-lán	蓝	to be blue		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-láodònglì	劳动力	labor force, labor; ablebodied person		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-láodòng mófàn	劳动模范	model worker	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-láodòng	劳动	to do manual labor	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-láodòng	劳动	to labor		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-láojià	劳驾	excuse me		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǎojiā	老家	“original home”		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-láolì	劳力	labor force, labor		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-Lǎo (name)	老	Old (name) [familiar nickname for an older person among close friends]	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǎoshi	老是	always, all the time	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-lǎo	老	to be old	5	7	FSI-Chinese
--lèi	-类	category		8	2	FSI Chinese
-le	了	combined le: new-situation and completion marker		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-lián...dōu/yě...	连。。。 都/也。。。	even...		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-liǎngcì	两次	two times, twice	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-liǎngsān-	两三	two or three	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-liángshi	粮食	grain, cereals		8	3	FSI Chinese
-liǎng-	两	two		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-liàng	亮	to be light, to be bright		8	6	FSI Chinese
-liánxì	联系	to contact		8	1	FSI Chinese
-lián...(yě)	连...也	even...(also)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-liǎojiě	了解	to understand		8	1	FSI Chinese
-liáo tiān(r)	聊天(儿)	to chat		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-liáo	聊	to chat		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǐbianr (lǐbian)	里边儿 (里边)	inside		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-Lǐbīnsī	礼宾司	Protocol Department (PRC)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-lí jìng	离境	to leave a country or place		8	1	FSI Chinese
-líkǎi	离开	to leave	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-lìliàng (lìliang)	力量	power, force, strength		8	5	FSI Chinese
-lǐmào	礼貌	manners, politeness		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-lǐngdǎo	领导	to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-língshiguǎn	领事馆	consulate	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-líng	零	zero		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-lìshǐ	历史	history		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-liú(ge)huà(r)	留(个)话(儿)	to leave a message	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-liúxíng	流行	to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
-liúxuéshēng	留学生	studyabroad students		8	2	FSI Chinese   
-liú	留	to leave, to keep, to save	6	5	FSI-Chinese
--lǐ	-哩	li. a unit of length (1/2 km.)		8	4	FSI Chinese
-lí	里	from, apart from		4	3	FSI-Chinese
--li	里	in (locational ending)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-lǐ	里	inside, in		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-lóushàng	楼上	upstairs	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-lóuxià	楼下	downstairs	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-luànqībāzāo	乱七八糟	in a mess, in confusion, indisorder; miscellaneous, jumbled, all thrown in together		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-luàn	乱	to be in disorder, to be chaotic, to be in a mess; indiscriminately, recklessly,arbitrarily, any old way		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-lùběi	路北	the north side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-lùdōng	路东	the east side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǚguǎn	旅馆	in years hotel	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-lùjǖn	陆军	army		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-lùkǒu(r) 	 路口	intersection		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-lùnán	路南	the south side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǜshī	律师	lawyer, attorney		8	8	FSI Chinese
-lǚxíngshè	旅行社	travel service, travel agency		8	1	FSI Chinese
-lǚxíngtuán	旅行团	tour group		8	1	FSI Chinese  
-lǚxíngzhèng	旅行证	travel permit	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-lǚxíng zhīpiào (yìzhāng)	旅行支票(一张)	traveler's check		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-lǚxíng	旅行	travel		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-lùxī	路西	the west side of the street		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-lǜ	绿	to be green		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-lù	路	road		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-máfan ni	麻烦你	sorry to bother you		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-mǎi cài	买菜	to buy groceries	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-mǎimai	买卖	business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-màiwán le	卖完了	to be sold out	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-mǎi	买	to buy		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-mài	卖	to sell		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-mámahūhū	马马虎虎	so-so, fair		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-māma	妈妈	mamma, mom, mother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-máng	忙	to be busy	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-mànmānr	慢慢儿	slowly; gradually, by and by; taking one's time; in all details		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-màn	慢	to be slow	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-màoyi	贸易	trade		8	8	FSI Chinese
--máo	毛	dime		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-mǎshàng	马上	immediately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-ma	吗	question marker at the end of the sentence		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-ma	嘛	marker of obviousness of reasoning		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-ma	嘛	marker of pause or hypothesis		8	5	FSI Chinese
-méi bànfa	没办法	there’s no way out, it can’t be helped	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-Měidàsī	美大司	Department of American and Oceanic Affairs	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-méi guānxi	没关系	it doesn’t matter	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-Měiguó Guójì Jiāoliú Zǒngshǔ	美国国际交流总署	U.S. International Communications Agency		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-Měiguó Guówùyüàn	美国国务院	U.S. Department of State		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-Měiguó Yínháng	美国银行	Bank of America		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-Měiguo	美国	America, United States		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-méi jiéhūn	没结婚	not to be married		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-Měijīn	美金	United States currency		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-mèimei	妹妹	younger sister		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-méi shénme	门	door		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-méitàn	煤炭	coal		8	5	FSI Chinese
-méi wèntí	没问题	(there’s) no problem	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-méi yìsi	没意思	to be uninteresting, to be boring; to be pointless, to be meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
-méiyou...nàme/zhème	没有...那么/怎么	is not as...as...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-méi(yǒu) yìsi	没(有)意思	to be uninteresting	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-mèiyou	没有	not to have, there is not		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-měi-	每	every, each	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-méi	没	not, not to have		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-měi	美	to be beautiful		8	6	FSI Chinese
-me (ma)	么	pause marker		8	6	FSI Chinese
--men	们	plural suffix		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-miànji	面积	(surface) area		8	3	FSI Chinese
-míngbai	明白	to understand, to be clear on, to comprehend; to be clear, to be obvious		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-Míng Bào	明报	Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-Míngcháo 	明朝 	name of a dynasty, 1368-1644		8	4	FSI Chinese
-míngnián (míngnian)	明年	next year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-míngtiān (míngtian)	明天	tomorrow		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-míngzi	名字	given name, full name		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-Mínzú Fàndiàn	民族饭店	Nationalities Hotel		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-mínzú	民族	ethnic group, nation		8	1	FSI Chinese     
-mìshū	秘书	secretary, executive assistant	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-mótuōchē	摩托车	motorcycle	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-mǔchǎn	亩产	per-mu yield		8	3	FSI Chinese
-mùdi	目的	reason, objective, purpose	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-mùqián	目前	at present		8	2	FSI Chinese
-mǔqin	母亲	mother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
--mǔ	亩	mu, a unit of area		8	3	FSI Chinese
-náchuqu	拿出去	to take (something) out	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-nàge	那个	that (one)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-nǎinai	奶奶	grandmother (on father’s side)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-náli	哪里	where		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-nàli	那里	there		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-nàme	那么	so, to that extent, in that way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-nàme	那么	well, then, in that case	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-nánbian(r)	南边而 (南边)	south side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-nánbù	南部	the southern part (of the island), the south	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-nánfāng	南方	the south		8	1	FSI Chinese
-nánháizi	男孩子	boy		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-nánkàn	难看	to be ugly		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-nánnǚ	男女	men and women, male-female		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-nánshòu	难受	to be uncomfortable; to feel bad,to feel unhappy		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-nántīng	难听	to be unpleasant to hear; to sound bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-nán	南	south		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-nán-	男-	male		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-nán	难	to be difficult		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-nàr (nèr)	那儿	there		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-nǎr	哪儿	where?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-náshanglai	拿上来	to bring up	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-náshangqu	拿上去	to take up	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-náxialai	拿下来	to bring down	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-náxiaqu	拿下去	to take down	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-ná	拿	to pick up, to hold, to take	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-nà-	那—	that		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-nà	那	well, then		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-nèidì	内地	interior (of a country)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-něige?	哪个?	which?		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-nèige	那个	that		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-něiguo	哪国	which country?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-Nèiměng	内蒙	Inner Mongolia		8	1	FSI Chinese 
-něinián	哪年?	which year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-něitiān	哪天	what day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-nèitiān	那天	the other day	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-něiwei	哪位?	which one (person)?		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-nèiwèi	那位	that one (person)		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-nèixie	那些	those		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-něi-	哪—	which?		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-něi-	哪—?	which		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-néng	能	can; to be able to	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-ne	呢	question marker		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-niándài	年代	decade of a century		8	5	FSI Chinese
-niánji	年纪	age		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-niánnián (niánnian)	年年	every year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-niánqīng	年轻	to be young		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-niàn (shū)	念书	to study		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-niàn	年	to be ponounced, to be read as		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-nǐmen	你们	you (plural)		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Niǔ Yüē	纽约	New York		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-nǐ	你	you 	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-45.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-nóngcūn	农村	country, rural area; rural;village		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-nònglai	弄来	to get and bring		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-nóngmín	农民	peasant		8	6	FSI Chinese
-nòng (nèng)	弄	to do; to fool with; to get		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-nóngyè	农业	agriculture		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-nǚér	女儿	daughter		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-nǚháizi	女孩子	girl		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-nǔlì	努力	to make great efforts, to try hard to exert oneself		8	2	FSI Chinese
-nǚshì	女士	polite title for a married or unmarried woman) Ms.; Lady		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-nǚ-	女-	female		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Ōuzhōu 	欧洲 	Europe 		8	4	FSI Chinese
-pài dào	派到	to send to	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-páijià	牌价	exchange rate		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-pàilai	派来	to send here	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-pài	派	to send/assign (a person to do something)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-pángbiānr (pángbiān)	旁边儿 (旁边)	beside, next to, alongside of;the side		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-pánziwǎn	盘子碗	dishes		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-pánzi	盘子	plate		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-pǎo	跑	to run	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-péi	陪	to accompany	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-péngyou	朋友	friend		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-piányi	便宜	to be inexpensive, to be cheap		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-piān	片	counter for sheets, articles or pieces of writing		7	2	FSI-Chinese    
-piàoliang	漂亮	to be beautiful	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-piào (yìzhang)	票 (一张)	ticket, coupon	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-piàozi (yìzhāng)	票子(一张)	bills (currency)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-píjiǔ	啤酒	beer		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-píngděng	平等	equality; to be equal (of people)		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-píngguǒ	苹果	apple		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-píngjūn	平均	average, mean		8	3	FSI Chinese
-píngyuán	平原	plain, flatlands		8	3	FSI Chinese
--píng	瓶	bottle		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-pínmìng	拼命	with all one’s might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk one’s life, to defy death		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
-pinyin	hanzi	English	sound	module	unit	source
-pǔbiàn	普遍	universal, widespread, common		8	2	FSI Chinese
-pǔtōnghuà	普通话	the common (standard) language		8	1	FSI Chinese  
-pǔtōng	普通	regular, ordinary          		8	2	FSI Chinese
-pùzi 	 铺子	store, shop (Běijīng)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-qiángguó	强国	powerful nation, a power		8	5	FSI Chinese
-qiáng	强	to be strong		8	5	FSI Chinese
-Qiánmén	前门	a gate in Běijīng		8	4	FSI Chinese
-qiánnián (qiánnian)	前年	the year before last		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-qiántiān (qiántian)	前天	the day before Yesterday		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-qiānwàn	千万	without fail, be sure to		8	8	FSI Chinese
-qián	钱	money		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-qiǎo	巧	to be timely, to be opportune	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-qìchē	汽车	car, motor vehicle	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-qǐdiǎnzhàn	起点站	station where a train originates (literally, “starting station”)	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-qǐfēi	起飞	to take off (airplane)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-qíguài	奇怪	to be strange, to be odd, to be surprising		7	3	FSI-Chinese
--qilai	-起来	resultative ending which indicates starting		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-qǐlai	起来	to get up (in several senses)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-qǐmǎ	起码	at least		8	5	FSI Chinese
-Qíncháo	秦朝	name of a dynasty, 221-207 B.C.		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Qíngbàosī	情报司	Intelligence Bureau (part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-qīngchǔ (-chu)	清楚	to be clear, to be distinct		8	7	FSI Chinese
-Qīngdǎo	青岛	a city name		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-qīng gōngyè	轻工业	light industry		8	5	FSI Chinese
-qǐngjiào	请教	to ask advice, to consult	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-qíngkuàng	情况	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-qǐngtiě (qìngtiē)	请帖	written invitation	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-Qǐngwèn	请问	May I ask?		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-qíngxing	情形	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-qǐng zuo	请坐	please sit down	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-qǐng	清	please		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-qǐng	请	to request, to invite	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-qīng	轻	to be light		8	5	FSI Chinese
-qīnlüè	侵略	to invade; aggression		8	4	FSI Chinese
-qīnzì	亲自	personally, privately	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-qióng	穷	to be poor		8	5	FSI Chinese
-qìshuǐ	汽水	soda, carbonated soft drink		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-qìsi	起司	cheese	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-qítā	其它	other		8	5	FSI Chinese
-quánbù	全部	entire, whole		8	1	FSI Chinese   
-quánguó	全国	the whole country		8	3	FSI Chinese
-quán	全	entirely		8	1	FSI Chinese
-quàn	劝	to advise, to urge, to try to persuade		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-qūbié	区别	difference, distinction         		8	2	FSI Chinese
-qǜnián (qǜnian)	去年	last year		2	5	FSI-Chinese
--qū	-区	area, region, district		8	5	FSI Chinese
-qù	去	to go		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-qù	 去	to go		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-ràng	让	to make (someone a certain way)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-ránhòu	 然后	afterwards, after that		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-rènao	热闹	to be lively/bustling/noisy	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-rènde	认得	to recognize, to know	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-rénjia	人家	people; they; he, she; I		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-Rénmínbì	人民币 	People's currency (FBC)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-rénmín	人民	the people		8	3	FSI Chinese
-rènshi zì	认识字	to know how to read (literally, “to recognize characters”)	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-rènshi	认识	to recognize, to know	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-rènwéi	认为	to think, to consider, to hold  		8	2	FSI Chinese
-rényuán	人员	personnel, staff		8	7	FSI Chinese
-rén	人	person		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-rén	人	person; body; self		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-rèxínqilai	热心起来	to become enthusiastic and interested		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-rèxīn	热心	to be enthusiastic and interested; to be warmhearted; to be earnest		7	3	FSI-Chinese        
-rè	热	to he hot		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-Rìběn	日本	Japan		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-Rì-Hàn zìdiǎn	日汉字点	Japanese-Chinese dictionary		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-Rìwén	日文	Japanese language		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-róngyi	容易	to be easy		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-rúguǒ (rúguo)	如果	if	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-ruò	弱	to be weak		8	5	FSI Chinese
-rù Tuán	入团	to Join the Communist Youth League (Gòngqingtuán or Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán)		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-rù	入	to enter; to Join		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-sàn bù	散步	to take a walk	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-Sānlǐtún	三里屯	(a district in Běijīng where many Foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other countries live)	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-shāmò	沙漠	desert		8	6	FSI Chinese
-shāndì	山地	mountainous region, hilly area		8	3	FSI Chinese
-Shāndōng	山东	a province name		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-shàng bān	上班	to go to work, to start work	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-shàngbianr (shàngbian)	上边儿 (上边)	above, the top, the upper part		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-shāngdiàn	 商店	store, shop (Taipei)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-shàngge yüè	上个月	last month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Shànghǎi	上海	a city name		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-shāngliang	商量	to discuss, to talk over	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-shāngren	商人	businessman/businesswoman; merchant		8	8	FSI Chinese
-shāngwùguān	商务官	commercial officer	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-shàngwǔ (shàngwu)	上午	forenoon, morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-shāngwù	商务	commercial business	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-shàngxiào	上校	colonel	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-shàng xué	上学	to go to school; to attend school		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-shāngyè	商业	commerce, business		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-shàng-	上	last, previous (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--shang	上	on (locational ending)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-shàng	上	to get on	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--shang	上	verb ending indicating starting and continuing		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-shānshuī huà(r) (yìzhāng)	山水画儿 (一张)	landscape painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-shānshuǐ	山水	mountains and rivers, scenery with hills and water	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-Shǎnxī	陕西	province in north central China		8	5	FSI Chinese
-shān	山	hill, mountain	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-shǎoshù mínzú	少数民族	minority nationality		8	1	FSI Chinese
-shǎoshù	少数	small number, few, minority		8	1	FSI Chinese
-shàoxiào	少校	major ( military title)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-shǎo	少	to be few	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-shǎ	唼	to be stupid, to be dumb, to be silly, to be naive		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-shā	杀	to kill (in general); to kill(specifically with a knife or knife like instrument); to try to kill		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-shèbèi	设备	equipment,.facilities, installation		8	8	FSI Chinese
-shèhuì kēxué	社会科学	social sciences		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shèhuìxué	社会学	sociology	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-shèhuì	社会	society, social		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-shéi	谁	who	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-24.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-shēngchǎn	生产	to produce; production		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-shēnghuó	生活	life	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-shēnghuó	生活	life; to live; livelihood		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-shēngyì (shēngyi)	生意	business, trade		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-shēng	生	to be born		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-shěng	省	province		8	4	FSI Chinese
-shénme dìfang	什么地方	where, what place		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-shénme shíhou	什么时候	when		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-shénme	什么	what	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-191.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-shēntǐ	身体	body; health		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-Shēnzhèn	深圳	a city in GuIngdSng province		8	1	FSI Chinese
-shèyuán	社员	commune member		8	7	FSI Chinese
-shìbīng	事兵	enlisted man		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-shì de	是的	emphatic agreement		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-Shìde	是的	Yes, that’s so.		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-shíjiān	时间	time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-shìjièshang	世界上	in the world, in the whole world		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-shìjièxìng	世界性	worldwide		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-Shìjiè Yínháng	世界银行	World Bank	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-shìjiè	世界	world		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-shìliàng (zhí, zhi)	质量	quality		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shìqing (yíjiàn)	事情 (意见)	matter, business, affair	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-Shísānlíng	十三陵	Ming Tombs (literally, “Thirteen Tombs”)	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-Shísānlíng	十三陵	the Thirteen Tombs (Ming Tombs)		8	4	FSI Chinese
-shítáng	食堂	mess hall, dining room		8	7	FSI Chinese
-shíxiàn	实现	to realize		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shíxíng	实行	to practice, to carry out, to put into effect, to implement		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-shì (yíjiàn)	事 (意见)	matter, business, affair	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-shíyóu	石油	petroleum, oil		8	1	FSI Chinese      
-shízài	實在	really; to be real		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-shǐ	使	to cause, to enable (followed by a verb)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-shì	是	to be	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-70.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-shì	是	yes, that’s so.		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-shǒubiǎo	手表	wristwatch		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-shōudao	收到	to receive	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-shǒudū	首都	capital 		8	4	FSI Chinese
-shòu jiàoyu	受教育	to receive an education		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-shōurù	收入	income, earnings		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-shōushi	收拾	to straighten up; to get one’s things ready		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-shǒuxiān	首先	first		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shóuxi	熟悉	to be familiar	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-shōuyīnjī	收音机 	radio		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-shōu	受 	to accept, to receive		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-shǒu	收	to harvest		8	3	FSI Chinese
-shūcài	蔬菜	vegetable		8	3	FSI Chinese
-shūdiàn	书店	bookstore		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-shūfu	舒服	to be comfortable	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-shuǐpíng	水平	level		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shuǐ	水	rivers, lakes (literally, "water")	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-shūjiàzi	书架子	bookcase		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-shǔjià	暑假	summer vacation		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-shùliang	数量	number, amount		8	2	FSI Chinese
-shuōbuqīngchu	说不清楚	can't explain clearly		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-shuōdao	说道	to speak of; as for		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-shuōfǎ	说法	way of saying a thing; statement, version, argument		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-shuōhǎo le	说好了	to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-shuō huà	说话	to speak	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-shuō (huà)	说话	to speak, to talk		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-shùxué	数学	mathematics		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-shū (yìběn)	书(一本)	book		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-Sichuān	四川	province in southwest China		8	5	FSI Chinese
-Sìge Xiàndàihuà	四个现代化	the Four Modernizations    		8	2	FSI Chinese
-Sìjìqīng	四季青	a commune in Běijīng suburbs		8	3	FSI Chinese
-sījī	司机	driver of a hired vehicle	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-Sì Shū	四书	the Four Books (Dàxué, Zhōngyōng, Lúnyǔ, Mèngzǐ)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-sīzhǎng	司长	department chief	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-sǐ	死	to die		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-sòng gěi	送给	to give	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-sòngxíng	送行	to see (someone) off, to wish (someone) a good trip; to give a going-away party		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-sòng	送	to see someone off, to escort someone to a train station, airport, bus depot, or pier	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-suàn le	算了	forget it, let’s drop the matter,let it go at that; come off it, come on		7	2	FSI-Chinese   
-suàn	祘	to be considered, to count as		8	5	FSI Chinese
-sùdu	速度	speed, pace      		8	2	FSI Chinese
-suíbiàn	随便	to be informal/casual; as you like, as you wish, whatever suits you, “according to convenience”	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-suírǎn (suīrán)...kěshi...	虽然...可是...	although, even though...(still)...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
--suì	岁	year (of age)		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-sūnnǚ	孙女	granddaughter (through one’s son)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-sūnzi	孙子	grandson (through one’s son)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-suǒyǐ (suóyi)	所以 (所以)	therefore, so	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-suǒyǒude...dōu	所有的。。。都	all		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-sùshè	宿舍	living quarters; dormitory		8	7	FSI Chinese
-Sūzhōu	苏州	a city in Jiāngsū Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Soochow	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-Táibì	台北	Taiwan currency (NT$)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-Tāidà	台大	Táiwān University	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-tài hǎo le!	太好了!	wonderful!	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-tàitai	太太	Mrs.; wife, married woman, lady	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-309.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-Táiwān Yínháng	台湾银行	Bank of Taiwan		2	2	FSI-Chinese
--tái	-台	counter for machines		8	3	FSI Chinese
-tài	太	too (excessive)		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-tāmen	他们	they, them		2	3	FSI-Chinese
--táng	堂	(counter for class periods)		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-táng	糖	candy, sugar		4	2	FSI-Chinese
--tàng	趟	(counter for bus trips, train trips, etc.)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-tán	谈	to chat, to talk about	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-tǎolùn	讨论	to discuss		8	6	FSI Chinese
-tā	他,她,它	he, she, it	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-121.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-tèbié	特别	especially	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-tèdiǎn	特点	distinctive trait, characteristic		8	3	FSI Chinese
-tèkuài	特快	express train	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-téng	疼	to be (very) fond of, to be attached to, to dote on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-Tiān’ānmén 	天门 	the Gate of Heavenly Peace		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Tiānjīn	天津	municipality southeast of Běijīng		8	5	FSI Chinese
-tiān liàng	天亮	daybreak, dawn; to become light		8	6	FSI Chinese
-Tiān Tán 	天坛	the Temple of Heaven		8	4	FSI Chinese 
-tiāntiān	天天	every day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
--tiān	天	day		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-tiáojiàn	条件	condition		8	2	FSI Chinese
-tiáoyuē	条约	treaty		8	8	FSI Chinese
-tíchulai	提出来	to bring up		8	2	FSI Chinese
-tiělù	铁路	railroad		8	7	FSI Chinese
-tígāo	提高	to raise  		8	2	FSI Chinese
-tímu (tímù)	题目	topic, subject; title; (test) question, problem		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-tīngbudǒng	听不懂	cannot understand	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-tīngdechūlái	聼得出来	to be able to recognize what something is from the sound 	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tīngdedǒng	听得懂	can understand	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-tīng diànhuà	聼电话	to answer the phone	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-tīngshuō	听说	to hear that	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-tíng	停	to stop, to park	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-tīng	听	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-tì	替	substituting for, in place of	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tóngjū	同居	to cohabit; cohabitation		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-tóngshì	同事	fellow worker, colleague	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tóngxuéhuì	同学会	alumni association (literally, “fellow-student group”)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tóngxué	同学	classmate	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tóngyì	同意	to agree	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-tóngyì	同意	to agree, to consent; agreement, consent		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-tǒngyī	统一	to unite, to unify		8	6	FSI Chinese
-tóngzhì	同志	comrade	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-369.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-tōngzhī	同志	(written) announcement, notification	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-tóu-	头	first (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuánzhǎng	团长	head of the delegation	6	5	FSI-Chinese
--tuán	团	group, society		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-Tuán	团	the (Communist Youth) League		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-tǔdì	土地	land		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-tuōlājī	拖拉机	tractor		8	3	FSI Chinese
-túpiàn	图片	picture, photograph		8	3	FSI Chinese
-túshūguǎn	图书馆	library	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-Tz!	啧!	Tsk (clicking sound with several different uses: disappointment, admiration, hesitation, etc.)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-(V V) kàn	(V V)看	try and (V), (V) and see how it is		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-wàibianr (wàibian)	外边儿 (外边)	outside		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàiguo rén	外国人	foreigner (non-Chinese)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-wàiguó	外国	foreign, abroad	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-wàizǔfù	外祖父	maternal grandfather		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-wàizǔmǔ	外祖母	maternal grandmother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-wǎnfàn	晚饭	supper, dinner	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-Wāngfǔjǐng Dàjiē	王赴京大街	Wāngfǔjǐng Boulevard (Běijīng)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàngji	忘记	to forget	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-wàng (wǎng)	 往	to, towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-wàng	忘	to forget	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-wǎnhuì	晚会	evening party; evening of entertainment		8	8	FSI Chinese
-Wànlǐ Chángchéng 	万里长城	the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Li		8	4	FSI Chinese
-wánquán	完全	completely	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-wǎnshang (wǎnshàng)	晚上	evening		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-wán (wánr)	玩 (玩儿)	to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself	5	4	FSI-Chinese
--wán	完	to be finished (occurs in compound  verbs of result)	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-wǎn	晚	to be late	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-wǎn	碗	bowl		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-wèile	为了	in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-wèishénme	为什么	why	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-Wéiwúěr	维吾尔	the Uygur (Uighur) nationality		8	6	FSI Chinese
--wèi	位	polite counter for people		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-wéi	喂	hello (telephone greeting)	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-wèi	尉	place, position (rank)		8	5	FSI Chinese
-wénhuà	文化	culture		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-wèntí	问题	problem, question	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-wénxüé	文学	literature		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-wénzhāng	文章	article, essay; prose (writing) style		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-wénzì	文字	writing, script		8	6	FSI Chinese
-wǒmen	我们	we, us		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-wǒ	我	I	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-56.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-Wǔguānchù	武官处	défense attache office		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-wǔjiào	午觉	noontime nap		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-wūzi (yìjiān)	屋子 (一间)	room	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-xià bān	下班	to get off from work, to leave work	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiàbianr (xiàbian)	下边儿 (下边)	below, under; the bottom, the lower part		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-xià chē	下车	to get off the bus; “Out, please!”	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiàge yüè	下个月	next month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-xiāngdāng	相当	quite, pretty, considerably		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎngdào	想到	to think of		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎngfa	想法	idea, opinion	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-Xiānggǎng	香港	Hong Kong		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎnghǎo le	想好了	to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎngqilai	想起来	to think of, to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-xiāngxìn	相信	to believe (in); to trust, to be convinced (that)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-xiǎngyixiǎng	想一想	to think it over		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiàng	像	to be like, to resemble; like; such as		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiàng	 向	towards		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiang	向	towards; from	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎng	想	to think that, to want to, would you like to		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎng	想	to think, to think that		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎng	想	to want to		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiānjìn	先进	to be advanced		8	3	FSI Chinese
-xiānsheng	先生	Mr., sir, husband, teacher	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-267.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiànzài	现在	now		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiānzhi	限制	to restrict, to limit; restriction, limitation		8	8	FSI Chinese
-xiān	先	ahead of time, beforehand	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiān 	 先	first; ahead of time		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiāofèipǐn	消费品	consumer goods		8	8	FSI Chinese
-xiǎohaízi	小孩子	child		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎoháizi	小孩子	child		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎojiě (xiǎojie)	小姐	Miss, lady, daughter (polite)	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-329.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiàolǜ	效率	efficiency		8	8	FSI Chinese
-xiǎomàibù	小卖部	variety shop		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiāomiè	消灭	to eliminate, to abolish, to exterminate, to wipe out		8	7	FSI Chinese
-xiǎo (name)	小	Little (name) [familiar form of name among friends]	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎo péngyou	小朋友	little friend; kids		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎoshí	小时	hour	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-xiàoshùn	孝顺	to he filial; filial obedience		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎoshuō	小说	fiction, novel		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiāoxi	消息	news		8	8	FSI Chinese
-xiǎoxué	小学	elementary school		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎo yìsi	小意思	a token of appreciation	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎo	小	to be small		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-xià qí	下棋	to play chess		7	6	FSI-Chinese
--xiaqu	下去	down (directional ending used for eating or drinking down)		7	3	FSI-Chinese          
--xiaqu	下去	resultative ending which indicates continuing an action		7	2	FSI-Chinese 
-xiàwǔ (xiàwu)	下午	afternoon		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-xià-	下	next (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-xià	下	to get off	5	1	FSI-Chinese
--xià	-下	under		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-Xīběi	西北	northvest		8	1	FSI Chinese
-xībian(r)	西边(儿)	west side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-Xīcān	西餐	Western food	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-Xīdān	西单	(a district in Běijīng)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-xī dú	吸毒	to take drugs		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-xiěxiàlái	写下来	to write down	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-xièxie tāde yāoqǐng	谢谢他的邀请	to thank him for his invitation	6	8	FSI-Chinese
--xie (-xiē)	些	counter for an indefinite plural number of things		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-xièxie	谢谢	thank you		1	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiē	些	several, some	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiě	写	to write		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-xíguàn	习惯	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-xǐhuan	喜欢	to like		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-Xīmēndīng	西门町	an area of Taipei	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-xíngli (yíjiàn)	行李	luggage, suitcase	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīèr	星期二	Tuesday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-xīngqījǐ	星期几	what day of the week		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīliù	星期六	Saturday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīsān	星期三	Wednesday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīsì	星期四	Thursday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqītiān, Xīngqīrì	星期天,星期日	Sunday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīwǔ	星期五	Friday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-Xīngqīyī	星期一	Monday		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-xīngqī	星期	week		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-xìngqu	兴趣	interest		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xìng	姓	to be surnamed	[sound:FSI-Chinese-M1-U1-211.ogg]	1	1	FSI-Chinese
--xìng	-性	nature, -ness, -ibility		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-xíng	行	to be all right		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-Xǐnhuá Shūdiàn	新华书店	New China Bookstore (Běijīng)		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-Xīnjiāng	新疆	an autonomous region of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-xīnkǔ	辛苦	to be hard work; to be toilsome, to be arduous; to work hard, to go through hardships, to go to great trouble		8	3	FSI Chinese
-xīnshǎng	欣赏	to appreciate/enjoy/admire		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xīnwén	新闻	news		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xīn	心	heart; mind		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-xīn	新	to be new		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-xiōngdì jiěmèi	兄弟姐妹	brothers and sisters		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-xiōngdì	兄弟	brothers		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-xióngmāo	熊猫	panda	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiū jià	休假	to take a vacation	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-xiūxi	休息	to rest, to relax	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-xiū	修	to build, to construct (roads, reservoirs, etc.); to repair; to trim, prune 		8	4	FSI Chinese 
-xīwàng (xīwang)	希望	to hope	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-xīwàng (xīwang)	希望	to hope, to wish to	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-xǐ yīshang	洗衣裳	to to wash clothes	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-xī	西	west		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-xuǎn	选	to choose		8	7	FSI Chinese
-xǔduō	许多	many, much		8	5	FSI Chinese
-(-)xuéqī	学期	semester, term (of school)		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-xüéshēng (xüésheng)	学生	student		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-xuéxiào	 学校	school		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-xüéxí (xüéxi)	学习	to study, to learn (PRC)		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-xué yī	学医	to study medicine		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-xuézhě	学者	scholar		8	1	FSI Chinese
-xüé	学	to study		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-xùmuyè	畜牧业	livestock farming, animal husbandry		8	6	FSI Chinese
--yàng	-样	kind (bound form)		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yánhǎi	沿海	along the coast, coastal		8	5	FSI Chinese
-yānhuo	烟火	fireworks display	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-yánjiūshēng	研究生	graduate student		8	2	FSI Chinese
-yánjiū (yánjiu,yánjiù)	研究	to study (in detail), to do research on; research		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-yánjiuyuàn	研究院	graduate school	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-yánjiu	研究	to study, to do research	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-yánsè	颜色	color		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-yànzhe	沿着	along(side)		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yánzhòng	严重	to be serious, to be grave		8	8	FSI Chinese
-yàobushi...jiù shi...	要不是..就是..	if it’s not...then it will be...	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-yàojǐn	要紧	to be important, to be urgent	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-yào kàn (or děi kàn)	要看(得看)	to depend on		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-yàoshi	要是	if	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-yāo	幺	one (telephone pronunciation)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-yào	要	must, to have to; to take (a certain amount of time)	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-yào	要	to want		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-yào	要	will, going to	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-Yàzhōu (Yǎzhōu)	亚洲	Asia		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-yěcān	野餐	picnic	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo	。。。也好,。。。也好	whether...or...; both...and...		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-yě jiù	也就	accordingly, correspondingly, so		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-yèli	夜里	night		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-yěxǔ	也许	perhaps, maybe	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-yéye	爷爷	grandfather (on the father’s side)		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-yèyú	业余	spare time, after hours, amateur		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yě	也	also, too, either		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-yìběn zìdiǎn	一本字典	one dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yìbiān(r)... yìbiān(r)...	一边(儿)。。。 一边(儿)	doing... while doing...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-yíbùfen	一部分	a part, a portion; some		8	2	FSI Chinese
-yìdiǎn	一点	a little		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-yídìng	一定	certainly	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-yìfāngmiàn(r)...,yìfāngmiàn(r)...	一方面(儿)。。。 一方面(儿)。。。	on one hand... , on the other hand...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-yífèn (r) bàozhǐ	—份(儿)报纸	one newspaper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yíge rén	一个人	singly, alone		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-yíge	一个	a, an		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-yīgòng	一共	altogether		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yíhàn	遗憾	to regret (that something desirable will not happen)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-Yíhéyuán (Yì-)	颐和园	the Summer Palace (in Běijīng)		8	4	FSI Chinese
-yǐhòu	以后	after		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǐhòu	以后	afterwards, later on; in the future	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-yìhuǐr	一会儿	a moment	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-yíjiàn yīshang	一件以上	a piece of clothing		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǐjīng (yǐjing)	已经	already		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-yī...jiù...	一。。。就。。。	as soon as		8	8	FSI Chinese
-yíkuài féizào	一块肥皂	one bar of soap		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-yímiàn(r)... yímiàn(r)...	一面(儿)。。。 一面(儿)。。。	doing... while doing...		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-yīnggāi	应该	should, ought to, must	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-Yīngguo	英国	England		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-Yīng-Hàn zìdiǎn	英-汉字典	English-Chinese dictionay		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yíng le	赢了	I(’ve) won		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-Yīngwén	英文	English		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-yínháng	银行	bank		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-yīnwei	因为	because	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-yǐqián	以前	before		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǐqián	以前	before, in the past	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-yìqǐ	一起	together, along with	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-yǐshàng	以上	above, over (an amount)		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yìshuāng píxié	一双皮鞋	a pair of leather shoes	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-yìshu	艺术	art		8	4	FSI Chinese
-Yīsīlánjiào	伊斯兰教	the Islamic religion, Islam		8	6	FSI Chinese
-yī tiān dào wǎn	一天到晚	all day long		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǐwéi	以为	to think (mistakenly), to assume		8	1	FSI Chinese
-yíxià	一下	a short amount of time	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǐxià	以下	under (an amount)		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yìxiē	一些	some, several, a few	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-yīxué	医学	medical science, medicine		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-yíyàng	一样	to be alike/equal	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-yìzhāng zhǐ	一张纸	one piece of paper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yìzhǐ bǐ	一支笔	one pen		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-yìzhí	一直	all along, continuously, all the time (up until a certain point)		7	2	FSI-Chinese  
-yìzhí	 一直	straight		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǐzu (yìbǎ)	一族(一把)	chair		3	4	FSI-Chinese
--yì	亿	hundred million		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǐ-	以-	used, before direction words to mark direction with reference to a point		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yī	医	medical science, medicine (used in phrases like xué yī)		7	2	FSI-Chinese          
-yònggōng	用功	to be industrious, to be hardworking (in one’s studies)		7	3	FSI-Chinese   
-yònggōng	用工           to be hardworking	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu bànfa, (duì...)	有办法,(对。。。)	to be able to deal with (something)		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-yòubianr (yòubian)	右边儿 (右边)	right side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu dàoli	有道理	to make sense		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǒude shīhou	有的时候	sometimes		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu(de) shíhou	有(的)时候	sometimes	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǒude	有的	some		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-yòuéryuǎn	幼儿园	kindergarten	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-yòuéryuán	幼儿园	kindergarten		8	7	FSI Chinese
-yǒu gōngfu	有功夫	to have free time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu guānxi	有关系	to relate, to have a bearing on, to matter	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu guīju	有规矩	to have manners, to he proper		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu hǎochù	有好处	to be beneficial, to be good (for)		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-yòu hǎo yòu piányi	又好又便宜	both good and inexpensive	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-yóu huà	油画	oil painting	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu kòng(r)	有空儿	to have free time	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-yóulǎn	游览	to sightsee, to tour, to visit 		8	4	FSI Chinese
-yǒu lǐmào	有礼貌	to he well mannered, to he polite		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-yǒumíngde dìfang	有名的地方	famous place	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu míng	又名	to be famous	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu qián	有钱	to he rich		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu shíhou (yǒu shihou)	有时候	sometimes	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu xiào	有效	to be effective; to be valid		7	7	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu xìngqu	有兴趣	to be interested		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu yánjiū	有研究	to have done research on; to know a lot about		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-Yǒuyí Shāndiàn	友货商店 	Friendship Department Store (in Běijīng)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu yìsi	有意思	(with completed actions) to be interesting	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful	6	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-yóuyǒng	游泳	to swim	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-yòu...yòu...	又...又..	both...and...	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-yóuyuánhuì	游园会	carnival	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-Yóuzhèngjǘ	邮政局	post office		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-yòu	又	again	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-yòu	又	also		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-yòu	又	anyway; after all (used in questions and negative statements)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-yòu	 右	right (direction)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǒu	有	to have, there is		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-yuánlái	原来	original, former; originally, formerly; (expresses finding out the true situation)		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-yuányīn	原因	reason, cause		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-yuànyi	愿以	to wish, would like, to want to; to be willing to		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-yuǎn	远	to be far		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-yuèchū	月初	the beginning of the month	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-yuèdǐ	月底	the end of the month	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-yuēhǎole	约好了	to have (successfully) made arrangements, to have made an appointment	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-yuè lái yuè...	越来越	more and more..., increasingly...		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-yuètái	月台	train platform	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-yuè...yuè...	越。。。越。。。	the more...the more...		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-Yúnnán	云南	a province of China		8	1	FSI Chinese
-yùnqi	运气	luck		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-yùn	运	to transport, to ship		8	8	FSI Chinese
-yǔsǎn	雨伞	umbrella		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-yǔyánxué	语言学	linguistics		8	1	FSI Chinese
-yúyán	于言	language		8	1	FSI Chinese
-Yúyuán	渝园	Szechuan Garden	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-zàijiàn	再见	good-bye		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-...zài shuō	。。。在说	...and then ve’ll see about it		8	1	FSI Chinese
-zài	再	again (with uncompleted actions)	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-zài	 再	then (in commands)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-zài	在	in the midst of (marker of ongoing action)	6	2	FSI-Chinese
-zài	在	to be in/at/one		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-zài	在	to be in/at/on (prepositional verb)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-zánmen	咱们	we (specifically includes the listener)	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zaǒchen (zǎochén)	早晨	early morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-zǎofǎn	早饭	breakfast	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-zǎohūn	早婚	early marriage; child marriage; to marry as a child, to marry early		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-zǎoshang (zǎoshàng)	早上	morning		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-zǎo	早	good morning		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-zǎo	早	to be early		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-zǎo	早	to be early	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-zázhì (yìběn)	杂志(一本)	magazine		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-zěnmeyàng	怎么样	to be how, how is __?		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-zěnme (yì)huí shì	怎()么回事	what's it all about		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-zěnme	怎么	how		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-zènme	怎么	so, to this extent, in this way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎngdà	长大	to grow up		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhàngfu	丈夫	husband		7	5	FSI-Chinese
--zhāng	-张	(counter for flat things, tables, paper, pictures, etc ...)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎng	长	to grow		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎnlǎnguǎn	展览馆	exhibition hall	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎnlǎn	展览	exhibition	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎnlǎn	展览	to exhibit	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhàntái	站台	train platform	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhànzhēng	战争	war		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zhàn	占	to occupy, to take up		8	1	FSI Chinese
-zhàn	站	a stop, a station	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhāodài	招待	to be hospitable to	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhàogu	照顾	to take care of	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhàogu	照顾	to take of; care		7	5	FSI-Chinese
-zhǎo	找	to give change		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhège	这个	this (one)		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhèicì	这次	this time	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zheìge yüè	这个月	this month		2	5	FSI-Chinese
-zheìge	这个	this		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhèihuìr	这会儿	this moment, at the moment (Běijing)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-zhèiwèi	这位	this one (person)		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhèixie	这些	these		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhèi yíxiàzi	这一下子	after this, as a result of this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhèi-	这	this		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-Zhèjiāng (Zhéjiāng)	浙江	province in eastern China,		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zhèli	这里	here		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhème huí shì	这么回事	like this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhème (yì)huí shì	这()么回事	like this		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhème	这么	so, to this extent, in this way	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhèngcè	政策	policy		7	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhèngfǔ	政府	government     		7	6	FSI-Chinese     
-zhěnggè(r)	整个	whole, entire		8	2	FSI Chinese
-zhènghǎo(r)	正好	it just so happens that, to happen to, as it happens; Just in time, Just right, Just enough		7	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhèng hǎo	正好	just right	6	3	FSI-Chinese
-Zhèng hǎo.	正好	Right on time.	5	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhèngzhi xuéxí	政治学习	political study session	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhèngzhixüé	政治学	political science		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-zhengzhi	政治	politics, political affairs; political		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhèng	正	just, precisely, right       		7	5	FSI-Chinese                                  
-zhēn	真	really		3	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhèr	这儿	here		1	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhè-	这	this		2	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhídáchē	直达车	direct bus, nonstop bus	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhīdao 	 知道	to know		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhígōng	职工	staff and workers; worker or staff member		8	7	FSI Chinese
-zhǐ hǎo	只好	can only, to have to, to he forced to		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhīpiào	支票	a check (e.g. banker's or personal)		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-zhīshi	知识	knowledge		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhǐ (yìzhāng)	纸(一张)	paper		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhìzàochǎng	制造厂	manufacturing plant, factory		8	7	FSI Chinese
-zhìzào	制造	to manufacture		8	7	FSI Chinese
-zhǐ	只	only		2	3	FSI-Chinese
--zhǐ	-支	(counter for straight, sitcklike objects)		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-zhí	直	directly	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhòngdiǎn	重点	focal point, emphasis; key		8	2	FSI Chinese
-Zhōngdōng	中东	the Middle East		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-Zhōngguo	中国	China		1	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhōngjiānr (zhōngjiànr) (zhōngjiān)	中间二 (中间)	the middle, the space in between		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhòng nán qīng nǚ	重男轻女	to regard males as superior to females		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhōngtóu	钟头	hour	5	5	FSI-Chinese
-Zhōngwén	中文	Chinese		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-zhōngwǔ (zhōngwu)	中午	noon		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhōngxīn	中心	center, heart, core, hub		8	5	FSI Chinese
-zhóngxué	中学	middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school)		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhǒngzú	种族	race		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zhōng	中	o'clock		3	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhòng	种	to plant		8	3	FSI Chinese
-zhòng	重	to be heavy		8	5	FSI Chinese
-zhōng	钟 	clock		3	5	FSI-Chinese
-zhōukān	周刊	weekly publication, weekly, magazine, a "weekly"		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-zhuǎngào	转告	to pass on a message, to inform	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhuānjiā	专家	specialist, expert		8	3	FSI Chinese
-zhuàn qián	赚钱	to earn money, to make money		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhuānyèhuà	专业化	to specialize; specialization		8	3	FSI Chinese
-zhuānyè	专业	special line/field/discipline		8	3	FSI Chinese
-zhuǎn	转	to turn		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-zhǔchí jiéhūn	主持结婚	to preside at a marriage ceremony (i.e., to give the bride away)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-zhǔnbèi	准备	to prepare, to get ready	5	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhuōzi (yìzhāng)	桌子	table		3	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhǔrèn	主任	director	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-zhùxialai	住下来	to move and stay (in a place), to settle down		7	4	FSI-Chinese
-zhǔyào	主要	main, mainly		8	1	FSI Chinese
--zhǔyì	-主义	ism, principle (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zhù 	住	to live somewhere		2	6	FSI-Chinese
-zhù	住	to stay, to live		2	1	FSI-Chinese
-zìdiǎn (yìběn)	字典(一本)	dictionary		3	1	FSI-Chinese
-zìjǐ	自己	oneself (“myself,” “yourself,” etc.)	6	5	FSI-Chinese
-zìrán kēxué	自然科学	natural sciences		8	2	FSI Chinese
-zìrán	自然	nature; natural		8	2	FSI Chinese
-zìyóu	宁死	freedom; to be free		7	2	FSI-Chinese
-zīyuán	资源	(natural) resources		8	5	FSI Chinese
-zìzhìqū	自治区	autonomous region		8	6	FSI Chinese
-zì	字	character		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-zǒngde lái shuō	总的来说	                  generally speaking, on the whole		8	5	FSI Chinese
-zǒng jīnglǐ	总经理	general manager (chief executive officer)	6	8	FSI-Chinese
-zǒng	总	always; inevitably, without exception, after all, in any case		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-zǒu ba	走吧	let’s go	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-zǒu dào	走到	to walk to		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-zǒuzhe	走着	walking		4	3	FSI-Chinese
-zǒuzou	走走	to take a walk		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-zǒu	 走	to go		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-zǒu	走	to leave		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-zǔfù	祖父	paternal grandfather		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-zuìhǎo	最好	it would be best that		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuì hǎo	最好	it would be best to	5	4	FSI-Chinese
-zuìhòu	最后	last, final (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-zuìjìn	最近	recently	5	8	FSI-Chinese
-zuìjìn	最近	recently; soon		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zǔmǔ	祖母	paternal grandmother		2	3	FSI-Chinese
-zuǒbianr (zuǒbian)	左边儿 (左边)	left side		4	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuò dao	坐到	to ride to	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuò fan	做饭	to cook	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-zuòfa	做法	way of doing things, method, practice	6	6	FSI-Chinese
-zuòguò	坐过	to ride past	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuòhǎo le	做好了	to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finished	5	7	FSI-Chinese
-zuò mǎimai	做买卖	to do business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuò mǎimai	做买卖	to do business		3	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuò shì	做事	to work		2	8	FSI-Chinese
-zuótiān	昨天	Yesterday		2	4	FSI-Chinese
-zuòxia	坐下	to sit down		7	1	FSI-Chinese
-zuòyè	作业	homework	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-zuǒyōu	左右	approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-zuò	作	to be, to act as		7	3	FSI-Chinese
-zuò	做	to do		2	7	FSI-Chinese
-zuo	坐	to sit	6	4	FSI-Chinese
-zuǒ	 左	left (direction)		4	1	FSI-Chinese
-zǔzhi	組織	to organize, to form		8	3	FSI Chinese
--zú	-族	nationality (bound form)		8	6	FSI Chinese
-一杯	yìbēi	a cup of		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-上	shàng	to go up		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-上楼	shàng lóu	to go, to come upstairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-下	xià	to go down		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-下楼	xià lóu	to go/come downstairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-中山北路	Zhōngshān Běilù	Zhōngshān North Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-事	shì	matter, affair, business		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-几楼	jǐlóu	what floor		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-别人	biéren	another person, another else		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-到	-dào	route, path		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-前	qián	front, ahead		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-剪头	lǐfǎ	to cut hair		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-剪头地方	lǐfǎde dìfang	a place where hair is cut		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-办公室	bàngōngshì	office		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-南京东路	Nánjīng Dōnglù	Nánjīng East Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-南京西路	Nánjīng Xīlù	Nánjīng West Road		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-厕所	cèsuǒ	toilet, rest room		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-后	hòu	back		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-后边 (后边儿)	hòubian (hòubianr)	the back side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-哪个	nǎge	which?		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-哪个	nǎ-	which?		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-哪边 (哪边儿)	nǎbian (něibianr)	which way, which side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-回	huí	the opposite direction		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-地下	dìxià	underground		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-地下行人道	dìxià xíngrén dào	pedestrian underground walkway		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-坐	zuò	to ride (prepositional word)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-大概	dàgài	probably		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-大门	dàmén(r)	gate		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-天桥	tiānqiáo	pedestrian overpass		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-对面 (对面儿)	duìmiàn (duìmiànr)	the side facing; across from, opposite, facing		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-巷	xiàng	lane		4	5	FSI-Chinese
--市	-tou	end (occurs in place words)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-弄	lòng	alley		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-弄	nòng	alley (Táiwān)		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-忘	wàng	to forget		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-找	zhǎo	to look for		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-搬家	bān jiā	to move one's residence		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-断	-duàn	section, bloc		4	5	FSI-Chinese
--条	-tiáo	counter for long, winding things		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-桥	qiáo	bridge		4	5	FSI-Chinese
--楼	-lóu	floor, story of the building		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-楼梯	lóutī	staircase, stairway, stairs		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-汽车站	qìchēzhàn	bus stop	5	2	FSI-Chinese
-洗手间	xǐshǒujiān	washroom		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-电梯	diàntī	elevator		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-看见	kànjian	to see		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-胡同(胡同儿)	hútong (hútòngr)	a narrow street, a lane (Běijīng)		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-行人	xíngrén	pedestrian		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-要是	yàoshi	if		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-走廊	zǒuláng	corridor		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-走过了	zǒuguò le	to have walked past		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-走错了	zǒucuò le	to have gone the wrong way		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-过	guò	to cross, to pass		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-近	jìn	to enter		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-这边(这边儿)	zhèbian (zhèibianr)	this way, this side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-那边 (那边儿)	nàbian (nèibianr)	that way, that side		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-错	cuò	to make a mistake, to be wrong		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-门口(儿)	ménkǒu(r)	doorway, gateway, entrance		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-门(门儿)	mén(r)	gate, door		4	5	FSI-Chinese
-问	wèn	to ask		4	5	FSI-Chinese
--面(儿)	-mian(r)	surface (occurs in place words)		4	4	FSI-Chinese
-餐厅	cāntīng	dining room		4	4	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car2.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue1.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car17.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue10.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car18.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue11.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car3.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue2.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car5.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue3.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car6.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue4.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car8.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue5.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car9.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue6.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car12.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue7.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car14.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue8.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car15.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-dialogue9.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car1.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-1.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car4.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-2.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car7.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-3.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car11.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-4.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car13.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-5.csv

+ 0 - 0
OptionalModule-CAR/car16.csv → OptionalModule-CAR/car-frame-part-6.csv

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Vocabulary
 àn	按	according to
 àn guījù	按規矩	according to the regulations
-bānlái bānqù		to move back and forth
+bānlái bānqù	搬来搬去	to move back and forth
 bǎoguǎn	保管	to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
 bìchú	壁橱	closet, wall chect
 bìchúli	壁橱里	in the closet
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ nuǎnqì	暖气	central heating
 shěngde	省得	lest, to avoid
 shìqing	事情	business matter, thing
 shuāngrénfáng	双人房	double room
-sòngshangqu		to send up
+sòngshangqu	送上去	to send up
 suàn	算	to calculate, to figure
 suàn zhàng	算帐	to settle an account
 tǎnzi	毯子	blanket

+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+àn guījù	按規矩	according to the regulations
+ānpai	安排	to arrange for
+ànzhào	按照	according to
+àn	按	to press
+bānlái bānqù	搬来搬去	to move back and forth
+bǎoguǎn	保管	to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
+biǎo (yìzhāng)	表	form, application
+bìchúli	壁橱里	in the closet
+bìchú	壁橱	closet, wall chect
+biéde	别的	other
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	冰块	ice cube
+càidānzi (yīzhāng)	菜单子	menu
+cǎisè	彩色	color, colored
+cèsuò	厕所	toilet
+chī	吃	to eat
+chōutīli	抽屉里	in the drawer
+chōuti	抽屉	drawer
+chuángdānzi	床单子	sheets
+chuānghu liánzi	窗户帘子	window shades
+chuānghu	窗户	window
+chuáng	床	bed
+dà diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call
+dānrénfáng	单人房	single room
+dǎoyóu	导游	tourist guide
+dǎsuan	打算	to plan to
+dēngjī	登记	to register (at a hotel, etc.)
+děng yīhuǐr	等一会儿	in a while
+děng	等	to wait, to wait for
+-de shíhou	-的时候	when
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone book, telephone directory
+diànhuà	电话	telephone
+diànlíng	电令	a buzzer, an electric bell
+dìng	订	to reserve
+duō	多	more (to be much, to be many)
+è	俄	to be hungry
+fángjiān	房间	room
+fángqián	房钱	room rental fee
+fàngzai	放在	to put (at, in, on)
+fēijī	飞机	airplane
+féizào	肥皂	soap
+fúwùshēng	服务生	attendant
+gānxǐ	干洗	to dry clean
+gàosu	告诉	to tell
+guīju	规矩	regulation
+guīzhòng	贵重	to be valuable
+guò	过	to pass
+háishi	还是	still
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)
+jiāogěi	交给	to give to
+jiào	叫	to call, to summon
+jiào	叫	to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror
+jiù shi	就是 	(used for emphasis), this IS
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water (for drinking)
+kèren	客人	customer
+kōng	空	to be empty, to be vacant
+lèi	累	to be tired
+lěngfēng	冷风	air conditioning
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner
+lěng	冷	to be cold
+liáng	凉	to be cool
+líkai	离开	to leave, to depart
+lóucèng fúwùtái	楼层	the service desk for the floor
+lǚguǎn	旅馆	hotel, inn
+méi wènti	没问题	there's no problem
+ná... lái	拿。。。来	to bring to
+nuǎnqì	暖气	central heating
+nuǎnqì	暖气	heat
+piào (yizhāng)	票	ticket
+qǔchulai	取出来	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
+rè	热	to be hot
+shěngde	省得	lest, to avoid
+shìqing	事情	business matter, thing
+shuāngrénfáng	双人房	double room
+shuǐxǐ	水洗	to wash, to launder
+sòngdao	送到	to send to, to deliver to
+sòngshangqu	送上去	to send up
+suàn zhàng	算帐	to settle an account
+suàn	算	to calculate, to figure
+tǎnzi	毯子	blanket
+tián	填	to fill out
+tì	替	for, in place of
+wǎnfàn	晚饭	dinner, supper
+wèishēnzhǐ	卫生纸	toilet paper
+wènti	问题	question, problem
+xīcān	西餐	western food
+xíngli	行李	baggage, luggage, suitcases
+xiūxi	休息	to take a rest, to relax
+(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn	(洗澡)大毛巾	towels
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房 	bathroom (Taipei)
+xǐ	洗	to wash
+yàoshi	要是	if
+yàoshi	钥匙	key
+yào	要	to be necessary, to want, to take
+yídìng	一定	certainly, definitely
+yīfu	衣服	clothes
+yǐzi	椅子	chair
+yóulan shǒucè	游览手册	sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
+yǒu shì	有时	to have business
+zài	再	again (used for future actions)
+zǎodiǎn	早点	breakfast (Peking)
+zhàngfáng	账房	cashier (in a hotel)
+zhǎo	找	to find
+zhào	照	according to
+zhǎo	赵	to find
+zhěntou	枕头	pillow
+Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food
+zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	中国旅行社	China Travel Agency
+zhōng	种	clock
+zhuōzi	桌子	table

+ 45 - 45

@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-bǎ		(object marker)
-bāoguǒ		package
-bǎoxiǎn		to protect by insurance, to insure
-bènshì		this city
--céng		counter for F1oors of buildings
-dǎ diànhuà		to make a phone call, to telephone
-diànbào		telegram
-Diànbào Dàlóu		Telegraph Office
-diànhuà		phone call
-Diànxìnjú		Telegraph Office
--fēng		counter for letter
-fúwùtái		service desk
-guàhào		to register(something)
-guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)		registered letter
-guówài		outside the country, foreign
-guónèi		within the country, domestic
-hǎiyùn		sea mail
-hángkōng		air mail
-hángkōng yōujiǎn		aerogram
--jiàn		counter for matter, affairs
-jiànchá		to inspect examine
-jì		to mail, to send by mail
-lóuxià		downstairs
-míngxìnpiàn		post cards
-píngxìn		regular mail, surface mail
-qíngfàng		fragile(lit, put down lightly)
-shì(yíjiàn)		matter, affair,thing
-tì		in place of (someone), for
-tie		to paste on, to stick
-wàídí		outside the local area
-wàimian		outside
-xiāngzi		box, suitcase, trunk
-xiǎoxīn		to be careful
-xiěshang		to write on (something)
-xìn (yìfēng)		letter
-xìnfēng		envelope
-xìnzhǐ		stationery
-yíqǐ		together, together with
-yóujú 		post office
-yóupiào(yìzhang)		stamp
-yǒu tǒng		mailbox
-post office 		yóuzhèngjú
-zhòngyào		to be important
-zuìhǎo		the best; “it would be best”
-zuìshǎo		at least, at the minimum
+bǎ		object marker
+bāoguǒ	包裹	package
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to protect by insurance, to insure
+bènshì	本市	this city
+-céng	-层	counter for F1oors of buildings
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone
+diànbào	电报	telegram
+Diànbào Dàlóu	电报大楼	Telegraph Office
+diànhuà	电话	phone call
+Diànxìnjú	电信局	Telegraph Office
+-fēng	-封	counter for letter
+fúwùtái	服务台	service desk
+guàhào	挂号	to register(something)
+guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)	挂号信(一封)	registered letter
+guówài	国外	outside the country, foreign
+guónèi	国内	within the country, domestic
+hǎiyùn	海运	sea mail
+hángkōng	航空	air mail
+hángkōng yōujiǎn	航空邮件	aerogram
+-jiàn	-件	counter for matter, affairs
+jiànchá	检查	to inspect examine
+jì		to mail, to send by mail
+lóuxià	楼下	downstairs
+míngxìnpiàn	明信片	post cards
+píngxìn	平信	regular mail, surface mail
+qíngfàng	轻放	fragile(lit, put down lightly)
+shì(yíjiàn)	事(一件)	matter, affair,thing
+tì		in place of (someone), for
+tie		to paste on, to stick
+wàídí	外地	outside the local area
+wàimian	外面	outside
+xiāngzi	箱子	box, suitcase, trunk
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful
+xiěshang	写上	to write on (something)
+xìn (yìfēng)	信(一封)	letter
+xìnfēng	信封	envelope
+xìnzhǐ	信纸	stationery
+yíqǐ	一起	together, together with
+yóujú 	邮局	post office
+yóupiào(yìzhang)	邮票	stamp
+yǒu tǒng	邮筒	mailbox
+post office 	邮政局	yóuzhèngjú
+zhòngyào	重要	to be important
+zuìhǎo	最好	the best; “it would be best”
+zuìshǎo	最少	at least, at the minimum

+ 31 - 31

@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-bàngōngshì		office
-bié		don’t 
-bú yòng		no need to
-chá 		to look up (information)
-dài		to bring with one, to carry along
-diànhuàbù		phone directory
-fēnjī		telephone extension
-gōngguǎn		residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)
-gōngyòng		public, for public use
-guàshang		to hang up(telephone)
-guò		to pass(some time)
-huí diànhuà 		to return a phone call
-jiē		to connect, to join
-jiēguoqu 		to connect, to put through (phone call)
-liú ge huà		to leave a message
-Měidàsī		Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs
-míngzi		name
-néng		can, to be able
-qīngchu		to be clear
-shāngrén		businessman
-shēng 		sound, voice
-ting		to listen to, to hear
-tīngdong 		to understand (by listening)                    
-Wàijiāobù		Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Wàimàobù		Ministry of Foreign Trade
-wàng  		to forget      
-xiàn		telephone line, wire
-xiéxialai		to write down
-yìhuǐr		a short while, a moment
-zhàn		to occupy a space
-zhǎo		to look for, to find
+bàngōngshì	办公室	office
+bié		don’t 
+bú yòng	不用	no need to
+chá 		to look up (information)
+dài		to bring with one, to carry along
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	phone directory
+fēnjī	分机	telephone extension
+gōngguǎn	公管	residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)
+gōngyòng	公用	public, for public use
+guàshang	挂上	to hang up(telephone)
+guò		to pass(some time)
+huí diànhuà 	回电话	to return a phone call
+jiē		to connect, to join
+jiēguoqu 	通过去	to connect, to put through (phone call)
+liú ge huà	留个话	to leave a message
+Měidàsī	美大司	Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs
+míngzi	名字	name
+néng		can, to be able
+qīngchu	清除	to be clear
+shāngrén	商人	businessman
+shēng 		sound, voice
+ting		to listen to, to hear
+tīngdong 	听懂	to understand (by listening)                    
+Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs
+Wàimàobù	外贸部	Ministry of Foreign Trade
+wàng  		to forget      
+xiàn	线	telephone line, wire
+xiéxialai	写下来	to write down
+yìhuǐr	一会儿	a short while, a moment
+zhàn		to occupy a space
+zhǎo		to look for, to find

+ 5 - 5

@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ pútao	grape	-
 xiāngjiāo	banana	-           
 xīgua	watermelon	-          
-Qīngcài	(Vegetables)	
+Qīngcài	(Vegetables)	-
 bái luóbo	white radish	-
 bāicài	cabbage	2
@@ -1466,16 +1466,16 @@ huángguā	cucumber	-
 là jiao	red (hot) pepper	-
 mùěr	wood ear, tree fungus	-
 qiézi	eggplant	2
-qīngdòu	green peas	
-qīngjiāo	green pepper	
-qíncài	celery	
+qīngdòu	green peas	-
+qīngjiāo	green pepper	-
+qíncài	celery	-
 xiāngcài	Chinese parsley	3
 xīhóngshì	tomato	2
 xuědòu	snow pea pods	2
 yángcōng	onion	-
 yánggū	button mushroom	-
-Zuóliao	Spices	
+Zuóliao	Spices	-
 gālǐ	curry	-
 huājiāo	fragrant (Szechwan) pepper	-

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+bāozi	包子	steamed rolls made of bread dough with a filling of meat and/or vegetables, or sweet bean paste. 
+càidānzi (yìzhāng)	菜单子(一张)	menu
+chǎo	炒	fried, to fry, sauté
+chǎo miàn	炒面	fried noodles
+chī	吃	to eat                               
+diǎn	点	to order                          
+dòujiāng	豆浆	soy bean milk, soy milk           
+gěi nín yùbei	给您预备	to prepare for you
+gěi wǒ lái (...)	给我来(。。。) 	bring me (something)      
+guōtiē	锅贴	steam-fried dumplings 
+hē	喝	to drink
+huǒtuǐ	火腿	ham                                                 
+-jiǎo	-饺	dumpling
+jiǎozi	饺子	boiled dumpling
+jīdàn	鸡蛋	(chicken) egg
+júzi shuǐ	桔子水	orangeade, orange juice
+kāfēi	咖啡	coffee
+kǎo	烤	roasted, toasted           
+là	辣	peppery-hot                       
+mántou	馒头	steamed bread
+miàn	面	noodles
+miànbāo	面包	bread
+niúròu	牛肉	beef
+niúròu miàn	牛肉面	soup-noodles with beef       
+páigǔ miàn	排骨面	soup-noodles with a pork chop     
+Qǐng zài lái...	请在来。。。	Please bring another...           
+ròusī chǎo miàn	肉丝炒面	fried noodles with shreds of pork     
+ròusi miàn	肉丝面	soup-noodles with shreds of pork                                                       
+sānxiān chǎo miàn	三鲜炒面	noodles fried with three fresh things
+shāobing	饼	sesame rolls
+...shénmede	。。。什么的	...and so on
+shuǐguǒ	水果	fruit
+suān	酸	to he sour
+suíbiàn	 随便	as you like
+tāng	汤	soup
+tāng miàn	汤面	soup-noodles
+tián	甜	to be sweet
+xián	咸	to be salty
+xiāngjiāo	香蕉	banana
+xīfàn	稀饭	gruel of rice and water
+xīhóngshìzhī	西红柿汁	tomato juice
+yàngzi	样子	kind, variety
+yìlóng	*笼	a tier of a steamer
+yóutiáo	油条	deep-fried twist
+zhēng	蒸	to cook something hy steaming

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+shàngcì	上次	last time
+shàngge xīngqī	上个星期	last week
+shàngge yuè	上个月	last month    
+zhècì	这次	this time                                                   
+zhège xīngqī	这个星期	this week
+zhège yuè	这个月	this month                                              
+xiàcì	下次	next time
+xiàge xīngqī	下个星期	next week
+xiàge yuè	下个月	next month  
+báicài	白菜	cabbage
+bǎo	饱	to be satisfied
+biéde	别的	other, different
+bié kèqi	别客气	don't be formal; don't stand on ceremony
+bú cuò	不错	“not bad”, in the sense of “pretty good”, “pretty well”
+cài	蔡	main dishes, food
+chāzi	叉子	fork
+dāngrán	当然	naturally, of course
+dāozi	刀子	knife
+dòufu	豆腐	soy bean curd
+fānqié	番茄	tomato
+hǎochī	好吃	to be tasty, good to eat
+jī	鸡	chicken
+jiǎndānde	简单的	something simple
+jiào	叫	to order
+jīdīng	鸡丁	diced chicken
+jīpiàn	鸡片	chicken slices
+kèfàn		“fixed meal”, a type of meal in which soup, a main dish, rice and tea are all served for one price.
+qiézi	茄子	eggplant
+qingjiāo	青椒	green pepper
+shàor	勺儿	spoon
+tiàogēng	调羹	spoon
+xiàci	下次	next time
+xiārén	虾仁	shrimp
+xihóngshì	西红柿	tomato
+xuédòu	雪豆	snow peas
+yìzhǒng	一种	a kind, one kind
+yòng	用	to use; with
+yòng kuàizi	用筷子	to use chopsticks; with chopsticks
+zhàngdānzi	账单子	check
+zhīdao	知道	to know

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+bābǎo fàn	八宝饭	Eight Level Rice
+biāozhǔn	标准	level or standard        
+cháng	尝	to taste, to savor                
+dàjiā	大家	everybody
+-dào	道	counter for a course of a meal
+dìng yìzhuō xí	订一桌席	reserve a table for a dinner party     
+dōnggua zhōng	冬瓜中	winter melon soup served in the carved melon shell  
+duōbàn	多半	most of, the greater part of      
+Emèi cāntīng	峨眉餐厅	The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant in Taipei)
+fēngzéyuán	丰泽园 	The name of a reetaurant in Peking     
+fùguì jī	富贵鸡	rich hicken
+jiào huā jī	叫化鸡	beggar's chicken
+gānshāo míngxià	干烧明虾	dry-cooked jumbo shrimp, Szechuan Style        
+gān yìbēi	干一杯	to drink a glass (lit. to make a glass dry)  
+gōngzuò shùnlì	工作顺利	the work that goes well   
+héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be fitting
+hóngshǎo yúchī	红烧鱼翅	red-cooked Shark's Fins
+jiǎn	拣	to select, pick out, to choose
+jiànkāng	健康	to be healthy
+jiàng	酱	paste, bean paste
+jǐn	仅	(continually), only, Just
+jìng	敬	to offer someone something
+jiǔ	酒	liquor, wine     
+juǎnqilai	卷起来	to roll up                             
+kǎo yā	烤鸭	Peking Duck
+kè (kèren)	客人(客人)	guest(s)                                 
+lěngpán	冷盘	cold dish
+lìngwài	另外	in addition to, additionally        
+míngxiā	虾	shrimp
+mìzhi huǒtuǐ	蜜汁火腿	ham in honey Sauce                                          
+pèi	配	to find something to match, to match things   
+peì cài	配菜	to select dishes for a formal menu    
+ràng	让	to allow, to have someone do something     
+shēngrì	生日	birthday                          
+shēntǐ jiànkāng	身体健康	good health 
+shùnlì	顺利	to go well, without difficulty
+sòngxíng	送行	to see a person off
+suíyì	随意	according to  one's wishes                                                                
+tángcù yú	糖醋鱼	sweet and sour fish
+tiáncài	甜蔡	dessert
+xiāngsū yā	香酥鸭	fragrant crispy duck
+xīngrèn dòufu	杏仁豆腐	almond pudding
+xūn jī	熏鸡	smoked chicken
+yā	鸭	duck                              
+yílù píngān	一路平安	have a nice trip; bon voyage (lit. a safe journey)     
+yú	鱼	fish                                              
+yúchì	鱼翅	shark's fin                  
+zhù	祝	to wish (someone something)
+zhǔkè	主客	guest of honor
+zhá xiāqiú	炸虾球	deep fried shrimp balls
+zhōngjiān	中间	middle
+zuì jí	醉鸡	drunken chicken

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+báobǐng	薄饼	thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake  
+chīdelái	吃的来	Is it all right for you (to eat)? 
+chúle ..., cīwài	除了。。。,此外	aside from, in addition to  
+cōng	葱	scallion
+cōngbào niúròu	葱爆牛肉	beef with spring onions              
+cù	醋	vinegar                                                    
+dòufu fǔ	豆腐腐	fermented bean curd sauce         
+è	饿	to be hungry                      
+fěnsī	粉丝	cellophane noodles                
+gōngnóngbīng	工农兵	workers, farmers, soldiers        
+hēibǎn	黑板	blackboard
+hóngbīnlóu	鸿宾楼	name of a restaurant
+hóngshāo yú	红烧鱼	red-cooked fish          
+huājuǎn	花卷	flower-rolls
+huánghuā yú	黄鱼 	yellow fish              
+huímín	回民	moslem                                              
+jiànyì	建议	proposal, suggestion
+jiàng yóu	酱油	soy sauce
+juéde	觉得	to feel that                         
+kǎo	烤	to roast                          
+kǎo yángròu	烤羊肉	Mongolian barbecued lamb          
+mǐfàn	米饭	rice (cooked)                     
+mùxu ròu	牧畜肉	moshi pork (pork fried with eggs) and served with báobǐng           
+qīngdòu	青豆	green peas
+qingdòu xiārén	青豆虾仁	shrimp with green peas            
+shítáng	食堂	eating hall
+shuàn yángròu	涮羊肉	Mongolian (Lamb) Hot Pot
+suàn	算	to calculate, figure out
+suàn zhàng	算账	to figure out the check
+sùcài	素菜	vegetable dishes    
+tángcù	糖醋	sweet and sour                    
+tángcù báicài	糖醋白菜	sweet and sour cabbage            
+-wèi	一位人	counter for persons (polite)      
+wèizi	位子	seat, place                       
+xiāng	香	to be fragrant
+xiāngcài	香菜	Chinese parsley
+xiāngyóu	香油	sesame oil
+xiǎofèi	小费	tip, gratuity        
+xínxian	新鲜	to be fresh                             
+yángròu	羊肉	lamb
+yǒumíng	又名	to be famous                 
+zhācāi	榨菜	hot pickled, cabbage (Szechwan)   
+-zhe	着	marker of DURATION of an action   
+zhīma jiàng	芝麻酱	sesame paste
+zìjǐ	自己	oneself
+zuóliào	佐料	condiments, ingredients           

A diferenza do arquivo foi suprimida porque é demasiado grande
+ 173 - 173

Algúns arquivos non se mostraron porque demasiados arquivos cambiaron neste cambio