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Eric Streit 1 rok pred

+ 39 - 39

@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-bǎo		to explode 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoyǎng		to have a maintenance checkup	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-bèitāi		spare tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-buōli		glass 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-cā		to wipe	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-chángchang		often 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ		to hit	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎ qì		to add air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dǎqìtǒng		air pump	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dēng		light lamp	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-dìng		to order 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gāojí		high grade	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gōngjù		tool	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-gōngshēng		liter 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-fādòng		to start, to mobilize 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jíǎnchá		to inspect, to examine, to check 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jiǎndàn		to be simple	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jǐshù gōngren		mechanic	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-jīyóu 		machine oil 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
--liàng		counter for vehicles	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-liàng		to light up	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-líng		to be sharp, to be keen	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-língjiàn		parts	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-lúntāi 		tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-mǎn		to be full	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-máobing		trouble, flaw, defect 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-piào		ticket, coupon	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-pǔtōng		regular 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-qì		air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-qìyóu		gasoline 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-shāchē		brakes 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuī		to push 	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuō		to tow	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-tuōche		tow truck	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xíhuǒ		to stall	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xíūli		to fix, to repair	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-xiūliháng		repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-yǐngqíng		engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎo		to explode	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoyǎng	保养	to have a maintenance checkup	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bèitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bōli	原理	glass	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+cā		to wipe	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángchang	常常	often	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ		to hit	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ qì	打气	to add air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎqìtǒng	打气筒	air pump	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dēng		light lamp	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dìng		to order	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gāojí	高级	high grade	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōngjù	工具	tool	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōngshēng	公升	liter	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+fādòng	动机	to start, to mobilize	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jíǎnchá	检察	to inspect, to examine, to check	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndàn	简单	to be simple	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jǐshù gōngren	技术工人	mechanic	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīyóu	机油	machine oil	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng		counter for vehicles	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+liàng		to light up	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+líng		to be sharp, to be keen	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+língjiàn	零件	parts	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+mǎn		to be full	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+máobing	毛病	trouble, flaw, defect	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+piào		ticket, coupon	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+pǔtōng	普通	regular	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qì		air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qìyóu	汽油	gasoline	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuī		to push	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuō		to tow	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuōche	拖车	tow truck	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíhuǒ	熄火	to stall	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíūli	修理	to fix, to repair	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiūliháng	修理行	repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǐngqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 yóu	油	oil, gasoline, fuel	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-zāng		to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+zāng		to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 zú		to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1.	Wǒde chēzi yǒu diǎn wèntí le. Qǐng nǐmen xiūli xiūli.		There’s something wrong with my 	CAR. Would you please repair it.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+1.	Wǒde chēzi yǒu diǎn wèntí le. Qǐng nǐmen xiūli xiūli.		There’s something wrong with my	CAR. Would you please repair it.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 2.	Zìdòng páidǎng. biànsùqì dōu yǒu diǎr xiǎo máobìng.		The automatic transmission and the gear shift. Both have something wrong.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 3.	Páiqìguǎn, fēngshàn pídài yě qǐng nǐmen jiǎnchá yíxià.		Please also check the exhaust pipe and the fan belt.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 4.	Yào jǐtian kéyi xiūhǎo?		How many days will it take to fix?	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
 8.	Nǐ dà hòutian lái qǔ chē ba?		Why don't you come in three days to pick it up?	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 9.	Wǒmen xiū jīqi, yě xiū chēshēn.		We fix engines and do body work.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
 10.	Shénme yánsede qī, wǒmen dōu yǒu. Wǒmen mǎshàng gěi ni jiǎnchà.		We have all colors of paint. We'll check it for you right away.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-11.	Kéyi, jiǎnchale yǐhòu mǎshàng gěi ni gū jià.		Yes. After we've checked it, we'll give you an estimate right away. 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+11.	Kéyi, jiǎnchale yǐhòu mǎshàng gěi ni gū jià.		Yes. After we've checked it, we'll give you an estimate right away.	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 48 - 48

@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-ànzhào		according to 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoxiǎn		to insure, to be insured 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoxiāngàng		bumper 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-biànsùqì		gear shift 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-biě		to be dented 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chǔlǐ		to handle, manage	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chāo sù		to exceed the speed limit 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chēhuò		car accident 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chēmén		car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chēshēn		body of a car	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chētou		car hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chuàng		to bump into, to collide with 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chuànghuài le		damaged	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chū shi  		to have an accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dà hòutian		the third day from now	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dài		to carry along with, to bring 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dānzi		ticket, note 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dēngjìzhèng		car registration	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dòng   		to move	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fákuǎn		to fine, to issue a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fákuǎndān		ticket, a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fēngshàn		fan	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-Gōngānjú		Bureau of Public Safety	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-gūjì		to estimate 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-jiàshǐ zhízhào		driver’s license 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-jǐngchá		police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-jīqi		engine, more literally, “machine”	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lìhai		to be severe 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páidǎng		transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páízhào		license plates	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páiqìguǎn		exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-pēnqī		to spray paint	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-pídài		belt 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-qí		paint, lacquer 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-qǔ		to pick up, to get, to fetch 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-rènyuàn		personnel 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-sōng		to be loose	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shòushāng		to be injured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shuómíng		explanation	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-tiáozhěng		to adjust 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàijiāo		diplomacy, foreign relations 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-vàijiaoguān		diplomat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàishí  		foreign affairs 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wàishì jǐngchá		foreign affairs police  	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-wān		to bend	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiūhǎo		to fix	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-xiūli		to repair	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-zìdòng		automatic 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+ànzhào	按照	according to	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to insure, to be insured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiāngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biě		to be dented	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǔlǐ	处理	to handle, manage	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chāo sù	超速	to exceed the speed limit	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēhuò	车祸	car accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēmén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēshēn	车身	body of a car	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chētou	车头	car hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuàng		to bump into, to collide with	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuànghuài le	疮坏了	damaged	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chū shi	出事	to have an accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dà hòutian	大后天	the third day from now	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dài		to carry along with, to bring	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dānzi	单子	ticket, note	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dēngjìzhèng	登记证	car registration	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dòng		to move	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fákuǎn	罚款	to fine, to issue a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fákuǎndān	罚款单	ticket, a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshàn	风扇	fan	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+Gōngānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Safety	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+gūjì	估计	to estimate	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchá	检察	police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīqi	机器	engine, more literally, “machine”	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+liǎo		to be severe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páidǎng	档档	transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páízhào	牌照	license plates	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìguǎn	排气管	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+pēnqī	喷漆	to spray paint	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+pídài	皮带	belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qī	漆	paint, lacquer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qǔ		to pick up, to get, to fetch	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+rènyuàn	人员	personnel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sōng		to be loose	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shòushāng	受伤	to be injured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuōmíng	说明	explanation	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+tiáozhěng	调整	to adjust	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàijiāo	外交	diplomacy, foreign relations	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+vàijiaoguān	外市关	diplomat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外市	foreign affairs	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì jǐngchá	外市警察	foreign affairs police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wān		to bend	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiūhǎo	修好	to fix	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiūli	修理	to repair	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìdòng	自动	automatic	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 33 - 33

@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-bǎoxiǎngàng		bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-bēitāi		spare tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-biànsùqì		gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē hòutoude chuānghu		rear windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē mén		car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chē qiántoude chuānghu		front windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chētóu		hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-chēxiāng		trunk 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dāngníbǎn		fender	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-diànpíng		battery	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-dēng		lights	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fāhuǒ kāiguan		ignition	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-fēngshàn pídài		fan belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-jìngzi		mirror 	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lǎba		horn	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lēngqì		air conditioner	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lǔbiǎo		odometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lúnpán		steering wheel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-lúntāi  		tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páiqìtǒng  		exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-páiqìxiāoshēngqì  		muffler	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-qiánjīndǐng		jack	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shāchē		brakes	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shǒu shāchē		parking brake	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shōuyīnjī		radio	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-shuǐxiāng 		radiator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-sùdùbiǎo 		speedometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǐnqíng		engine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-yóumén		accelerator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-yóuxiáng		gas tank	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-yǔshuāzi		windshield wiper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-zìdòng páidǎng		automatic transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
-zuò		seat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bēitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē hòutoude chuānghu	窗戶	rear windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē mén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē qiántoude chuānghu	车前头的窗戶	front windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chētóu	车头	hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēxiāng	车厢	trunk	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāngníbǎn	挡泥板	fender	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànpíng	电瓶	battery	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dēng		lights	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fāhuǒ kāiguan	发火开关	ignition	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshàn pídài	风扇皮带	fan belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǎba	喇叭	horn	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lēngqì	冷气	air conditioner	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǔbiǎo	路表	odometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúnpán	轮盤	steering wheel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìkǒng	排气孔	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìxiāoshēngqì	排气消声器	muffler	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiánjīndǐng	千斤顶	jack	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu shāchē	手刹车	parking brake	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shōuyīnjī	收音机	radio	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐxiāng	水箱	radiator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sùdùbiǎo	速度表	speedometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǐnqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yóumén	油门	accelerator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yóuxiáng	油箱	gas tank	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔshuāzi	雨刷子	windshield wiper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìdòng páidǎng	自动排档	automatic transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò		seat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  2.	Bèitāi, gōngjiù dōu yǒu.		There's both a spare tire and tools.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
  3.	Zāogo! Xǐnqíng fādòngbùqǐlái le!		Oh no! The engine won't start up!	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
  4.	Wǒmen děi bǎ chē tuīdao lùbiārshang qu.		We'll have to push it over to the side of the road.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
- 5.	Jiào yíliàng tuōchē lái, bǎ chēzi tuōdao xiūlihán qu. 		Have a tow truck come and tow it to the garage.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+ 5.	Jiào yíliàng tuōchē lái, bǎ chēzi tuōdao xiūlihán qu.		Have a tow truck come and tow it to the garage.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 58 - 350

@@ -1,295 +1,6 @@
 FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module HTL
 Foreign Service Institute
-CM 0190 S
-STANDARD CHINESE A Modular Approach
-• Restaurant
-• Hotel
-• Post Office and Telephone
-• Car
-This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing
-military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and
-nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including
-requests for copies, should be addressed to:
-Defense Language Institute
-Foreign Language Center
-NonresidentTraining Division
-Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006
-Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc.,
-which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are
-sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since
-military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear
-understanding of conversations or written materials of this nature will
-be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial
-statements-whether real or apparent-in DLIFLC materials should not be
-construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or
-the Department of Defense.
-Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC
-instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and
-meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based
-solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not
-constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enterprise, nor is
-it intended to invite a comparison with other brand names and businesses
-not mentioned.
-In DLIFLC publications, the words he, him, and/or his denote both
-masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to
-translations of foreign language texts.
-The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces.
-Purchase by the customer does net constitute authorization for
-reproduction, resale, or showing for profit. Generally, products
-distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting
-without prior approval from the DLIFLC.
-Standard. Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency
-conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to
-address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language training
-community for improving and updating Chinese materials to reflect
-current usage in Beijing and Taipei.
-The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible enough
-in form and content to meet the requirements of a wide range of
-government agencies and academic institutions.
-A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the
-Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense
-Language Institute, the State Department's Foreign Service Institute,
-the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S.
-Office of Education, later Joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign
-Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T. McNeill,
-John Hopkins, John Boag, and Hugh Clayton (CIA); Colonel John F. Elder
-III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, Major Bernard Muller-Thym, and
-Colonel Roland W. Flemming (DLl); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff III
-(FSI); Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE);
-and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS).
-The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 197^ in
-space provided at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six U.S.
-and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other assistance.
-Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning council
-was formed consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense Language
-Institute, Patricia O'Connor of the University of Texas, Earl M.
-Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown
-University. In the fall of 1977, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy
-project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning Center
-and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service Institute also served on
-the planning council and contributed material to the project. The
-planning council drew up the original overall design for the materials
-and met regularly to review their development.
-Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey,
-Lucille A. Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close cooperation
-with the planning council and with the Chinese staff of the Foreign
-Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the instructional formats of the
-comprehension and production self-study materials, and also designed the
-communication-based classroom activities and wrote the teacher's guides.
-Ms. Barale and Ms. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text.
-From 1978 until the project's completion, writers for the course were
-Ms. Barale and Thomas E. Madden. They revised the field-test editions of
-the first six core modules and accompanying optional modules, and
-produced the materials subsequent to Module 6.
-All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan Ouyang
-Chao, Yunhui Chao, Ying-chih Chen, Hsiao-jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, and
-Tsung-mi Li, assisted for part of the time by Leslie L. H. Chang,
-Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna
-Affholder, Mel-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a
-preliminary corpus of dialogues.
-Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Joseph
-Abraham, Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong,
-Judith J. Kieda, Renee T. C. Liang, Susan C. Pola, Peggy Ann Spitzer,
-and Kathleen Strype.
-The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M. Ramirez of the
-Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script was
-voiced by Mr. Chang, Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr.
-Khuo, and Mr. Li. The English script was read by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry,
-Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Mr. Madden, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.
-The graphics were originally produced by John McClelland of the Foreign
-Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of
-Joseph A. Sadote, unit chief.
-Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the
-cooperation of Brown University, the Defense Language Institute Foreign
-Language Center, the Foreign Service Institute, the CIA Language
-Learning Center, the United States Air Force Academy, the University of
-Illinois, and the University of Virginia.
-The Commandant of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
-authorized the support necessary to print this edition.
-/ J^ines R. Frith, Chairman
-^/Chinese Core Curriculum Project Board
-How to Study an Optional-Module .Tape . . • • .........• .
-Objectives for the Restaurant Module ...............
-Unit 1: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Unit 2: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Unit Vocabulary List .........
-Unit 3: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Unit Us Part I
-Part II
-Part III.....................*..
-Unit Vocabulary List ....
-Foods ..
-Objectives for the Hotel Module
-Unit 1: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Part IV
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Unit 2: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Part TV....
-Unit Vocabulary List .•••••••••••••••••
-Things in a Hotel Room .......... .......
-Objectives for the Post Office and Telephone Module
-Unit 1: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Part IV
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Unit 2: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Part IV
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Objectives for the Car Module
-Unit 1: Part I
-Part II
-Part III
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Unit 2: Part I
-Part II
-Part III......
-Unit Vocabulary List
-Parts of a Car
-How to Study an Optional-Module Tape
-The format of the optional modules is quite different from the format of
-the core modules, although both focus on what you need to know to deal
-with particular practical situations.
-Each tape of an optional module is roughly equivalent to the five
-different tapes of a core-module unit, in the sense, at least, that it
-is intended as a self-contained presentation of a set of words and
-structures. Actually, however, an optional-module tape is closer to a
-combination of the C-l and P-1 tapes of a core-module unit with almost
-all explanations left in the notes. Moreover, an optional-module tape
-introduces considerably more vocabulary than a core-module unit.
-Each tape is divided into several parts. Each part introduces words and
-sentences, some of them for comprehension only, next reviews all
-production items, and then reviews comprehension in extended dialogues.
-You may have found that you could work through the C-l and P-1 tapes of
-a core-module unit a single time each, perhaps going back over a few
-sections once or twice. You are almost sure to find, however, that you
-need to work through an optional-module tape more than once, perhaps
-frequently backing up and frequently stopping to read the Notes.
-When a new word or sentence is introduced, there is a‘pause on the tape
-before you hear the Chinese. On your first time through the tape, you
-may use this pause to glance at the word or sentence in the Reference
-List. On your next time through the tape, you may use it to try to say
-the Chinese, using the Chinese after the pause as a confirmation.
-In the dialogues at the end of each part, there are very short pauses
-between sentences. These should be just long enough for you to stop and
-start the tape without missing anything. Stop the tape whenever you want
-to think over the previous sentence or try to translate it.
@@ -307,7 +18,7 @@ any later point in the course.
-<p<When you have finished this module you should be able to:
+When you have finished this module you should be able to:
 Ask to reserve a room. Specify whether it will be a single or double, with or without air conditioning, with or without heat.
@@ -331,12 +42,12 @@ Hotel Module, Unit 1
-1.	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lūxíngshède.		I'm from the China Travel Service.
-2.	Women dào luguan qù ba.		Let's go to the hotel.
-3.	Wǒ gěi nín ding le yige fángjiān.		I've reserved a room for you.
-U.	Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biSo.		Please fill out this form.
-5.	Ninde zingli dōu quchulai le ba?		Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
-6.	Ni xiān xiūxi xiūxi, deng yihuir wo zài lai.		You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
+1.	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshède.		I'm from the China Travel Service.
+2.	Wǒmen dào lǚguǎn qù ba.		Let's go to the hotel.
+3.	Wǒ gěi nín dìng le yige fángjiān.		I've reserved a room for you.
+U.	Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biǎo.		Please fill out this form.
+5.	Nínde zíngli dōu qǔchulai le ba?		Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
+6.	Nǐ xiān xiūxi xiūxi, dng yìhuǐr wǒ zài lái.		You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
 7.	yàoshi     key
@@ -381,19 +92,19 @@ It is the policy in the PRC that most visitors be accompanied by a bilingual gui
-8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě you Xícān.	The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
+8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě yǒu Xīcān.	The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
 9.	Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào jiǔdiǎn.	Breakfast is from seven to nine.
-10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?	Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
+10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?	Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
 11.	Nín è le ba.	I expect you're hungry.
 12.	Nín yàoshi yǒu shì kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wo.	If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.	
 13.	lóucéng fúwùtái	service desk for the floor
-yàoshi; “If”. The word yàoshi is what is called a movable before or after the subject, but in any case before the verb in the sentence. This is also true of word like  zuotian, míngnian.
+yàoshi; “If”. The word yàoshi is what is called a movable adverb. It can appear before or after the subject, but in any case before the verb in the sentence. This is also true of word like  zuótian, míngnian.
 Yàoshi tā bú qù, yě bū qù, wǒmen yě bú qù.	If he doesn’t go, we won’t go either.
-Nǐ yàoshi jīntian wǎhshang niàn shū, wǒmen míngtiàn wǎnshang qù kàn diànyǐng.	If you study tonight, we'll go to a movie tomorrow night.
+Nǐ yàoshi jīntian wǎnshang niàn shū, wǒmen míngtiàn wǎnshang qù kàn diànyǐng.	If you study tonight, we'll go to a movie tomorrow night.
 Jīntian tā méi chī zǎodian.	He didn’t eat breakfast today.
 Wǒ míngtiàn bù lái shàng kè.	I’m not coming to class tomorrow.
@@ -405,7 +116,7 @@ Peking:
 A conversation between Miss Smith, a Canadian scholar, and the hotel attendant who has just taken her to her room at the Peking Hotel.
-M:	Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting.	Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
+M:	Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu cāntīng.	Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
 F:	Cāntīng zài jǐlóu?	What floor is the dining room on?
 M:	Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān.	On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
 F:	Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?	What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
@@ -418,7 +129,7 @@ PART III
 1.	Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù.	I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi.
 2.	Qǐng ni tì wǒ dìng yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.	Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
-3.	Shànghǎi xiànzài yidìng hěn rè le ba!	Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
+3.	Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba!	Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
 4.	fēijī piào	airplane ticket
 5.	ānpai	to arrange for
 6.	dǎoyóu	a tourist guide
@@ -428,7 +139,7 @@ NOTES AFTER PART III
 tì: This is a prepositional verb meaning “for”, in the sense of “in place of”.
-Lǐ Xiānsheng jīntian tì Wáng Xiānsheng jiao shū.	Mr Lǐ is teaching class for Mr. Wáng today.
+Lǐ Xiānsheng jīntian tì Wáng Xiānsheng jiāo shū.	Mr Lǐ is teaching class for Mr. Wáng today.
 Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba!: Notice that three adverbs precede the verb in this sentence: xianzài, yídìng, hěn. The verb in this sentence, rè “to be hot”, is a state verb. The marker le indicates a new situation, a change of state; “It has become hot”.
@@ -440,7 +151,7 @@ A conversation between an American woman and her guide.
 F:	Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge Xīngqīsān dào Shànghǎi qù. Qǐng ni tì wo dìng yíge fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijī piào.	Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room and buy a plane ticket for me.
 M:	Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?	How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
-F:	Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiǎn.	Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
+F:	Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.	Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
 M:	Hǎo.	Fine.
 F:	Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yīngwénde dǎoyóu?	Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
 M:	Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.	Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it) tomorrow morning.
@@ -450,7 +161,7 @@ PART IV
 1.	Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
 2.	Liáng kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.	There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
-3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào caāting qù chī fàn le.	I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
+3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī fàn le.	I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
 4.	Wǒ qù ná yīzhāng càidānzi lái.	I'll go bring a menu.
 5.	shuǐxǐ	to wash₃ to launder
 6.	gānxǐ	to dry clean
@@ -459,28 +170,26 @@ PART IV
-kāishuǐ: This can mean “boiling water” or “boiled water”. Liang kāishuǐ means “boiled water which has been cooled”.
+kāishuǐ: This can mean “boiling water” or “boiled water”. Liǎng kāishuǐ means “boiled water which has been cooled”.
-Wo bù xiǎng dào canting qù chǐ fan le: the marker le used in this indicates a new situation. The speaker has changed her mind. Usually she takes her meals in the dining room, but today she doesn’t want to leave her room.
+Wǒ bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī fàn le: the marker le used in this indicates a new situation. The speaker has changed her mind. Usually she takes her meals in the dining room, but today she doesn’t want to leave her room.
-shuixǐ: This verb means “to wash, to launder”. But it is only used in a situation where it contrasts with gānxǐ “to dry clean”. Usually the one syllable verb xǐ, “to wash”, is used.
+shuǐxǐ: This verb means “to wash, to launder”. But it is only used in a situation where it contrasts with gānxǐ “to dry clean”. Usually the one syllable verb xǐ, “to wash”, is used.
 A conversation between Miss Smith and the hotel attendant she has just rung for from her room.
-M:	Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shi ma?	Can I do something for you?
+M:	Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shì ma?	Can I do something for you?
 F:	Duì le. Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
-M:	Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxī?	Is it washing or dry cleaning?
+M:	Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxǐ?	Is it washing or dry cleaning?
 F:	Dōu shi gānxǐde.	It’s just dry cleaning.
 M:	Nín jiāogei wo.	You give them to me.
-F:	Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qǐng ná
-yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.	All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
+F:	Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr li, yě qǐng ná yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.	All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
 M:	Hǎo.	All right.
-F:	Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ
-kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.	I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
+F:	Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.	I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
 M:	Kéyi. Wǒ jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kàn ní yào chī shénme.	Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu. And see what you want to eat.
-F:	Hao. Xièxie.	Good. Thank you.
+F:	Hǎo. Xièxie.	Good. Thank you.
@@ -488,13 +197,13 @@ Vocabulary
 ānpai	to arrange for
 biǎo (yìzhāng)	form, application
 bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	ice cube
-càidānzi (yizhāng)	menu
+càidānzi (yīzhāng)	menu
 chī	to eat
 dǎoyóu	tourist guide
 dǎsuan	to plan to
 děng yīhuǐr	in a while
-dianlíng	a buzzer, an electric bell
-ding	to reserve
+diànlíng	a buzzer, an electric bell
+dìng	to reserve
 è	to be hungry
 fángjiān	room
 fēijī	airplane
@@ -540,8 +249,8 @@ PART I
 3.	Wǒ yào yìjiān yǒu nuǎnqide fángjiān.	I want a heated room.
 4.	Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiào fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.	I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
 5.	Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.	I'll take this room, then.
-6.	cǎisède diànshi	color television
-7.	Nǐ chūqude shíhou qǐng gàosu women.	When you go out, please tell us.
+6.	cǎisède diànshì	color television
+7.	Nǐ chūqude shíhou qǐng gàosu wǒmen.	When you go out, please tell us.
@@ -551,19 +260,19 @@ dānrénde / shuāngrénde: The marker de in each of these phrases indicates tha
 -jiān: This is the counter for “rooms”.
-nuānqi: Literally this word means “warm air”. Yǒu nuǎnqide fángjiān is “a room which has heat”.
+nuǎnqi: Literally this word means “warm air”. Yǒu nuǎnqide fángjiān is “a room which has heat”.
 jiào: This is the prepositional verb “to cause” (someone to do or be something). In the sentences below, gāoxing is the adjectival verb “to be nappy”, shēngqi is the adjectival verb “to be mad”.
-Tā jiào wǒ bú gaoxing. 	He made me unhappy.
+Tā jiào wǒ bú gāoxing.	He made me unhappy.
-Tā jiào wǒ shēngqi. 	He made me angry.
+Tā jiào wǒ shēngqi.	He made me angry.
-Tā jiào wǒ zuò zhèijiàn shi. 	He had me do this.
+Tā jiào wǒ zuò zhèijiàn shì.	He had me do this.
 -de shíhou; When this follows any verb, verb phrase or sentence, the expressions means “when somethine was done”.
-Niàn dàxuéde shíhou, wǒ zhùzai yíge péngyou jiā. 	When I was in college, I lived at a friend’s house.
+Niàn dàxuéde shíhou, wǒ zhùzai yíge péngyou jiā.	When I was in college, I lived at a friend’s house.
 cǎisè: This word refers to colors in general and is used to meaning “colored” or “colorful”. Yánse is used to refer specifically to one color at a time.
@@ -575,39 +284,39 @@ M:	Nǐmen yǒu kōng fángjiān ma?	Do you have any vacant rooms?
 F:	Yǒu. Nǐ yào shénmeyàngde fángjiān, shi dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?	Yes. What kind of room do want, a single or a double?
 M:	Wǒ yào yìjiān dānrén fángjiān.	I want one single room.
 F:	Hǎo. Wùlóu 503 hào shi kōngde.	Fine. No. 503 on the fifth floor is vacant.
-M:	Nǐmen zhèli yoǒ nuǎnqì ma?	Do you have heat(ing) here?
+M:	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu nuǎnqì ma?	Do you have heat(ing) here?
 F:	Yǒu.	Yes.
 M:	Yǒu diànshì ma?	Is there a television?
 F:	Yǒu. Shi cǎisède.	Yes. It's a color television.
 M:	Zhèige fángjiān duōshao qián yìtiān?	How much is this room a day?
 F:	Liùbǎi Táibì yìtiān.	Six hundred dollars Taibi a day.
 M:	Wǒ xiān kànkan zhèige fángjiān xíng bu xing?	Would it be all right if I first take a look at the room?
-F:	Xing.	Yes.
+F:	Xíng.	Yes.
 (Back at the desk after seeing the room.)
 M:	503 hào fángjiān hěn hāo. Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.	No. 503 is very nice. I'll take that room, then.
 F:	Qǐng ni tiányitian zhèzhāng biǎo.	Please fill out this form.
-F:	Zhè shi ni fángjiānde yàoshi. Nǐ chūqùde shíhou qǐng ni jiāogei wǒmen.	Here's the key to your room. When you go out, please give it to us.
+F:	Zhè shi nǐ fángjiānde yàoshi. Nǐ chūqùde shíhou qǐng ni jiāogei wǒmen.	Here's the key to your room. When you go out, please give it to us.
 M:	Hǎo.	All right.
-F:	Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiao fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.	I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
+F:	Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiào fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.	I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
 M:	Hǎo. Xièxie.	Fine. Thank you.
 1.	Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn? 	What are your rates? (How are your rates calculated?)
-2.	Women xiànzài kèren bu duō.	We don’t have many guests now.
+2.	Wǒmen xiànzài kèren bu duō.	We don’t have many guests now.
 3.	méi wèntí     there'8 no problem
 4.	chuàng        bed
-5.	shèngde       to avoid, so (something) won't happen.
+5.	shěngde       to avoid, so (something) won't happen.
 6.	bànlai bānqu 	to move back and forth
 7.	hàishi	still
 8.	zhào	according to
 8.5	zhào dānrénde suàn 	to calculate according to the single room rate
-9.	deng 	to wait, wait for
-10.	dēngjj	to register
+9.	děng 	to wait, wait for
+10.	dēngjì	to register
@@ -616,15 +325,15 @@ kèren: Literally this word means “guests” but its translation changes depen
 shěngde: This may translated as “to avoid”, “lest”, or “so that (something) won’t have to happen”. Here are some examples.
 Wǒ xiān qù kànyikàn nèige fángzi, shěngde ni qù le.	I’ll first go and look at the house, so that you won't have to go.
-Nǐ wangle mǎi niúnǎi. Wǒ tì ni qù mǎi yìpíng, shěngde nǐ zài qù le.	You forgot to buy milk. I’ll go buy a bottle for you, so that you won’t have to go again.
+Nǐ wàngle mǎi niúnǎi. Wǒ tì ni qù mǎi yìpíng, shěngde nǐ zài qù le.	You forgot to buy milk. I’ll go buy a bottle for you, so that you won’t have to go again.
 Wǒ jǐntian hǎo le. Wǒ kéyi zìjǐ qù le, shěngde nǐ máfan.	I’m better today. I can go myself, and save you the trouble.
-bǎnlai bǎnqu: The verb “to move(something)” is bān. The verbs lái and qù may follow it to indicate the direction in which something is moved. As directional endings, lái and qù are toneless.
+bānlai bānqu: The verb “to move(something)” is bān. The verbs lái and qù may follow it to indicate the direction in which something is moved. As directional endings, lái and qù are toneless.
 zhào: This is a prepositional -verb meaning “according to”.
 Zhào tāde yìsi zuò.	Do it according to his idea.
-Zhào ta shuō, zhèige shìqing hěn rongyi.	According to what he says, this matter is very easy.
+Zhào ta shuō, zhèige shìqing hěn róngyi.	According to what he says, this matter is very easy.
@@ -653,10 +362,10 @@ PART III
 3.	Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ zài gěi ni ná yige.	If one pillow isn’t high enough, tell me and I'll get you another.
 4.	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīngwénde yóulān shǒucè ma?	Do you have an English tourist guidebook?
 5.	lěng	to be cold
-6.	chōutīli 	in the drawer
+6.	chōutìli 	in the drawer
 7.	gěi.. .dǎ diànhuà	to make a telephone call
 8.	diànhuàbù 	telephone directory
-9.	guīzhònq	to be valuable
+9.	guīzhòng	to be valuable
 10.	bǎoguǎn	to safeguard
 11	zhànsfáng.	cashier
 12.	biéde 	other
@@ -666,15 +375,14 @@ NOTES AFTER PART III
 jiù shi: When the adverb jiù is used with the verb shì, it emphasizes what follow. In this usage, jjù has been translated as “precisely”, “exactly”, “just”.
-zài: This is the word for “again” when talking about future actions.[You is the word for again” when talking about past actions.]
+zài: This is the word for “again” when talking about future actions.[Yòu is the word for “again” when talking about past actions.]
 Qǐng ni zài lái.	Please come again.
 Bié zài shuō ba.	Don’t say that again.
 In the sentence ...wǒ zài gěi ni ná yige, the conversational translation “I’ll get you another” masks the true functions of zài in the sentence. A more literal translation might be “I’ll again get you one.”
-yóulǎn shǒucè: “tourist guidebook”. Yóulǎn is the verb “to go
-sightseeing”. Shǒucè is the noun “handbook”.
+yóulǎn shǒucè: “tourist guidebook”. Yóulǎn is the verb “to go sightseeing”. Shǒucè is the noun “handbook”.
 bìchúli / chōutìli: The word for “closet” is bìchú. The word for “drawer” is chǒutì. The syllable -lǐ means “inside”. It may be added to a noun in a locational phrase to allow that noun to function as a placeword and to indicate the precise location “inside”. When used as a locational ending, -li is toneless. You'll find more about locational endings in Unit 2 of the Transportation Module.
@@ -689,17 +397,17 @@ A conversation between an American woman and the hotel attendant taking her to h
 M:	Xiáojie, zhèi shi nǐde fángjiān.	Here is your room, Miss.
 F:	Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
-M:	Wǎnshang nì yàoshi lěng, bìchúli hái yǒu tǎnzi.	If you’re cold at night, there are more blankets in the closet.
+M:	Wǎnshang nǐ yàoshi lěng, bìchúli hái yǒu tǎnzi.	If you’re cold at night, there are more blankets in the closet.
 F:	Hǎo.	Good.
 M:	Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ kéyi zài gěi ni ná yíge lái.	If one pillow isn't high enough, I can get you another one.
 F:	Xièxie ni. Yíge zhěntōu gòu le.	Thank you. One pillow is enough.
-F:	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīnewénde yóulǎn shǒucè ma?	Do you have an English tourist guidebook here?
+F:	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīngwénde yóulǎn shǒucè ma?	Do you have an English tourist guidebook here?
 M:	Yǒu. Jiù zài zhèlide chōutìli.	Yes. It's in the drawer here.
 F:	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu kāfēitīng ma?	Do you have a coffee shop here?
-M:	Yǒu, zài yilóu. Zài cāntīng yòubian.	Yes, it's on the ground floor. It's to the right of the dining room
-F:	Wǒ xiǎng gěi yige péngyou dǎ diànhuà.Zhèli yǒu diànhuàbù ma?	I'd like to call a friend on the phone. Is there a phone book here?
-M:	Yǒu. Zhōngwénde, Yīngwénde dōu you.		Yes. There are both a Chinese one and an English one.
-F:	Wǒ you yìdiǎn guèizhòngde dōngxi jiāogěi shéi bǎoguǎn?	I have some valuables. Whom do I give them to for safekeeping?
+M:	Yǒu, zài yīlóu. Zài cāntīng yòubian.	Yes, it's on the ground floor. It's to the right of the dining room
+F:	Wǒ xiǎng gěi yige péngyou dǎ diànhuà. Zhèli yǒu diànhuàbù ma?	I'd like to call a friend on the phone. Is there a phone book here?
+M:	Yǒu. Zhōngwénde, Yīngwénde dōu yǒu.		Yes. There are both a Chinese one and an English one.
+F:	Wǒ yǒu yìdiǎn guèizhòngde dōngxi jiāogěi shéi bǎoguǎn?	I have some valuables. Whom do I give them to for safekeeping?
 M:	Jiāogei zhàngfáng bǎoguǎn.	Give it to the cashier for safekeeping.
 F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	All right. Thank you.
 M:	Yàoshi nǐ hái yǒu biěde shìqing,jiù jiào wǒ.	I you have any other problems just call me.
@@ -710,13 +418,13 @@ Part 4
 1.	Qǐng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng. 	Please figure up our bill for us.
 2.	Nǐmen shénme shíhou líkai zhèli?	When are you leaving here?
-3.	Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yitiān. 	After 12 o'clock, I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
+3.	Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān. 	After 12 o'clock, I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
 4.	ān guīju	according to the regulations
 5.	fàngzài	to put (at, in on)
-suàn zhang: Suàn is the verb “to calculate”. Zhàng is the word for “accounts” or “debts”.
+suàn zhàng: Suàn is the verb “to calculate”. Zhàng is the word for “accounts” or “debts”.
 guò: This is the verb “to pass”, either physically, as in Guòle lùkǒur, wàng yòu zǒu. “After you've passed the intersection, go to the right.”, or temporally, as in Guò jitian, zài shuō ba. “Wait a few days, then talk about it.”
@@ -728,7 +436,7 @@ M:	Jīntian wǒmen yào zǒu le. Qīng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng.	We’re leav
 F:	Hǎo. Nǐde fángjiān shi duōshao hào?	All right. What number is your room?
 M:	214 hào.	No. 214.
 F:	Hǎo. Wǒ kànkan. En, nǐmen shi shàngge Xīngqīèr láide, dào jīntian yígòng zhù le wǔ tiān.	Fine. I’ll take a look. Mm, you came last Tuesday; up until today you(’ve) stayed five days in all.
-F:	Nímen shi bu shi shíèrdiǎn zhōng yǐqián líkai? Ān wǒmende guījū guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān.	Are you leaving before 12 o’clock? According to our regulations after 12 o'clock I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
+F:	Nímen shì bu shi shíèrdiǎn zhōng yǐqián líkai? Ān wǒmende guīju guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān.	Are you leaving before 12 o’clock? According to our regulations after 12 o'clock I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
 M:	Wǒmende fēijī shi liǎngdiǎn zhōng. Xiànzài wǒmen yào chūqu mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi. Nǐ kéyi tì wǒmen zhǎo yíge dìfang fàng xíngli ma?	Our plane is at 2 o'clock. Right now we want to go out to buy some things. Can you find a place for us to put our luggage?
 M:	Wǒ yīdiǎn zhōng yǐqián yídìng lái qǔ.	I’ll definitely come pick it up before 1 o'clock.
 F:	Méi wèntí. Nǐ jiù fàngzài zhèli ba.	No problem. Just put it here.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 U.	Qǐng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biSo.		Please fill out this form.
 5.	Ninde zingli dōu quchulai le ba?		Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume?
 6.	Ni xiān xiūxi xiūxi, deng yihuir wo zài lai.		You rest a bit first and I'll come back after a little while.
-7.	yàoshi                                         key
+7.	yàoshi	key

+ 7 - 7

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-1.	 Nǐmen yǒu kōng fángjiān ma?	Do you have any vacant rooms?
-2.	 Nín yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?	Do you want a single or a double?
-3.	 Wǒ yào yìjiān yǒu nuǎnqide fángjiān.	I want a heated room.
-4.	 Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiào fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.	I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
-5.	 Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.	I'll take this room, then.
-6.	 cǎisède diànshi	color television
-7.	 Nǐ chūqude shíhou qǐng gàosu women.	When you go out, please tell us.
+1.	Nǐmen yǒu kōng fángjiān ma?		Do you have any vacant rooms?
+2.	Nín yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?		Do you want a single or a double?
+3.	Wǒ yào yìjiān yǒu nuǎnqide fángjiān.		I want a heated room.
+4.	Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiào fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.		I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
+5.	Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.		I'll take this room, then.
+6.	cǎisède diànshi		color television
+7.	Nǐ chūqude shíhou qǐng gàosu women.		When you go out, please tell us.

+ 18 - 18

@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@ Taipei:
 A conversation between Mr. Phillips and a desk attendant in a small Taipei hotel.
-M:	 Nǐmen yǒu kōng fángjiān ma?	Do you have any vacant rooms?
-F:	 Yǒu. Nǐ yào shénmeyàngde fángjiān, shi dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?	Yes. What kind of room do want, a single or a double?
-M:	 Wǒ yào yìjiān dānrén fángjiān.	I want one single room.
-F:	 Hǎo. Wùlóu 503 hào shi kōngde.	Fine. No. 503 on the fifth floor is vacant.
-M:	 Nǐmen zhèli yoǒ nuǎnqì ma?	Do you have heat(ing) here?
-F:	 Yǒu.	Yes.
-M:	 Yǒu diànshì ma?	Is there a television?
-F:	 Yǒu. Shi cǎisède.	Yes. It's a color television.
-M:	 Zhèige fángjiān duōshao qián yìtiān?	How much is this room a day?
-F:	 Liùbǎi Táibì yìtiān.	Six hundred dollars Taibi a day.
-M:	 Wǒ xiān kànkan zhèige fángjiān xíng bu xing?	Would it be all right if I first take a look at the room?
-F:	 Xing.	Yes.
+M:	Nǐmen yǒu kōng fángjiān ma?		Do you have any vacant rooms?
+F:	Yǒu. Nǐ yào shénmeyàngde fángjiān, shi dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?		Yes. What kind of room do want, a single or a double?
+M:	Wǒ yào yìjiān dānrén fángjiān.		I want one single room.
+F:	Hǎo. Wùlóu 503 hào shi kōngde.		Fine. No. 503 on the fifth floor is vacant.
+M:	Nǐmen zhèli yoǒ nuǎnqì ma?		Do you have heat(ing) here?
+F:	Yǒu.		Yes.
+M:	Yǒu diànshì ma?		Is there a television?
+F:	Yǒu. Shi cǎisède.		Yes. It's a color television.
+M:	Zhèige fángjiān duōshao qián yìtiān?		How much is this room a day?
+F:	Liùbǎi Táibì yìtiān.		Six hundred dollars Taibi a day.
+M:	Wǒ xiān kànkan zhèige fángjiān xíng bu xing?		Would it be all right if I first take a look at the room?
+F:	Xing.		Yes.
 (Back at the desk after seeing the room.)
-M:	 503 hào fángjiān hěn hāo. Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.	No. 503 is very nice. I'll take that room, then.
-F:	 Qǐng ni tiányitian zhèzhāng biǎo.	Please fill out this form.
-F:	 Zhè shi ni fángjiānde yàoshi. Nǐ chūqùde shíhou qǐng ni jiāogei wǒmen.	Here's the key to your room. When you go out, please give it to us.
-M:	 Hǎo.	All right.
+M:	503 hào fángjiān hěn hāo. Wǒ jiù yào zhèjiān fángjiān.		No. 503 is very nice. I'll take that room, then.
+F:	Qǐng ni tiányitian zhèzhāng biǎo.		Please fill out this form.
+F:	Zhè shi ni fángjiānde yàoshi. Nǐ chūqùde shíhou qǐng ni jiāogei wǒmen.		Here's the key to your room. When you go out, please give it to us.
+M:	Hǎo.		All right.
-F:	 Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiao fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.	I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
+F:	Nǐde xíngli wǒ jiao fúwùshēng gěi ni sòngshàngqu.		I'll have the attendant send your luggage up for you.
-M:	 Hǎo. Xièxie.	Fine. Thank you.
+M:	Hǎo. Xièxie.		Fine. Thank you.

+ 11 - 11

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-1.	Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn? 	What are your rates? (How are your rates calculated?)    
-2.	Women xiànzài kèren bu duō.	     We don’t have many guests now.    
-3.	méi wèntí     there'8 no problem       
-4.	chuàng        bed    
-5.	shèngde       to avoid, so (something) won't happen.   
-6.	bànlai bānqu 	 to move back and forth   
-7.	hàishi	        still           
-8.	zhào	          according to    
-8.5	zhào dānrénde suàn 	       to calculate according to the single room rate         
-9.	deng 	         to wait, wait for        
-10.	dēngjj	       to register
+1.	Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn?		What are your rates? (How are your rates calculated?)    
+2.	Women xiànzài kèren bu duō.		We don’t have many guests now.    
+3.	méi wèntí		there's no problem
+4.	chuàng		bed
+5.	shèngde		to avoid, so (something) won't happen.
+6.	bànlai bānqu		to move back and forth
+7.	hàishi		still
+8.	zhào		according to
+8.5	zhào dānrénde suàn		to calculate according to the single room rate
+9.	deng		to wait, wait for
+10.	dēngjj		to register

+ 14 - 14

@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ Taipei:
 A conversation between an American man and a desk attendant in a hotel in Taiwan.
-M: Ei... Qǐngwèn, nǐmen yǒu fángjiān ma?	Uh... May I ask, do you have any rooms?
-F: Yǒu. Nǐ yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?	Yes. Do you want a single or a double?
-M: Jīntian, míngtian wǒ yào yìjiān dānrénde. Hòutian wǒ tàitai gēn háizi lái le wǒ jiù yào shuāngrénde le.	Today and tomorrow I want one single. The day after tomorrow when my wife and child have come then I’ll want a double.
-F: Hǎo. Méi wèntí.	Fine. No problem.
-M: Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn?	What are your rates.
-F: Dānrénde qǐbǎi kuài Táibì yìtiān, shuāngrénde yìqiān kuài.	A single is 7OO dollars Taibi a day, a double is a thousand.
-M: Háizi láile wǒ hái děi jiā yíge xiǎo chuáng.	After my child has come I’ll have to add a small bed.
-F: Jiā yíge xiǎo chuáng jiā liǎngbǎi kuài.	Adding a small bed adds 200 dollars.
-M: Hǎo.	Adding a small bed adds 200 dollars.
-F: Ou, wǒmen xiànzài kèren bù duō. Nǐ jiù zhù yìjiān shuāngrénde ba. Shěngde nǐ bānlai bānqu.	Oh, we don’t have many guests right now. Why don’t you Just take a double. That will save you the trouble of moving back and forth.
-F: Fángqián wǒ háishi zhào dānrénde suàn. Děng ni tàitai háizi lái le, zài zhào shuāngrénde suàn. Nǐ kàn zěnmeyàng?	I will still give you the single room rate. After your wife and child come, then I’ll figure it according to the double rate. How about it?
+M:	Ei... Qǐngwèn, nǐmen yǒu fángjiān ma?		Uh... May I ask, do you have any rooms?
+F:	Yǒu. Nǐ yào dānrénde háishi shuāngrénde?		Yes. Do you want a single or a double?
+M:	Jīntian, míngtian wǒ yào yìjiān dānrénde. Hòutian wǒ tàitai gēn háizi lái le wǒ jiù yào shuāngrénde le.		Today and tomorrow I want one single. The day after tomorrow when my wife and child have come then I’ll want a double.
+F:	Hǎo. Méi wèntí.		Fine. No problem.
+M:	Nǐmen fángqián zěnme suàn?		What are your rates.
+F:	Dānrénde qǐbǎi kuài Táibì yìtiān, shuāngrénde yìqiān kuài.		A single is 7OO dollars Taibi a day, a double is a thousand.
+M:	Háizi láile wǒ hái děi jiā yíge xiǎo chuáng.		After my child has come I’ll have to add a small bed.
+F:	Jiā yíge xiǎo chuáng jiā liǎngbǎi kuài.		Adding a small bed adds 200 dollars.
+M:	Hǎo.		Adding a small bed adds 200 dollars.
+F:	Ou, wǒmen xiànzài kèren bù duō. Nǐ jiù zhù yìjiān shuāngrénde ba. Shěngde nǐ bānlai bānqu.		Oh, we don’t have many guests right now. Why don’t you Just take a double. That will save you the trouble of moving back and forth.
+F:	Fángqián wǒ háishi zhào dānrénde suàn. Děng ni tàitai háizi lái le, zài zhào shuāngrénde suàn. Nǐ kàn zěnmeyàng?		I will still give you the single room rate. After your wife and child come, then I’ll figure it according to the double rate. How about it?
-M: Hěn hǎo.	    Very good.
-F: Xiànzài jiù qǐng dēngjì ba.	   Now, would you please register.
-M: Hǎo.	        Fine.
+M:	Hěn hǎo.		Very good.
+F:	Xiànzài jiù qǐng dēngjì ba.		Now, would you please register.
+M:	Hǎo.		Fine.

+ 13 - 13

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-1.	Zhèi jiù shi nide fángjiān.	This is your room.    
-2.	Tǎnzi zài bìchúli	The blankets are here in the closet.        
-3.	Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ zài gěi ni ná yige.	If one pillow isn’t high enough, tell me and I'll get you another.  
-4.	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīngwénde yóulān shǒucè ma?	Do you have an English tourist guidebook?      
-5.	lěng	to be cold   
-6.	chōutīli 	in the drawer         
-7.	gěi.. .dǎ diànhuà	to make a telephone call         
-8.	diànhuàbù 	telephone directory   
-9.	guīzhònq	to be valuable        
-10.	bǎoguǎn	to safeguard 
-11	zhànsfáng.	cashier      
-12.	biéde 	other        
-13	shìqing 	business 
+1.	Zhèi jiù shi nide fángjiān.	T	his is your room.
+2.	Tǎnzi zài bìchúli		The blankets are here in the closet.
+3.	Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ zài gěi ni ná yige.		If one pillow isn’t high enough, tell me and I'll get you another.
+4.	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīngwénde yóulān shǒucè ma?		Do you have an English tourist guidebook?
+5.	lěng		to be cold
+6.	chōutīli		in the drawer
+7.	gěi.. .dǎ diànhuà		to make a telephone call
+8.	diànhuàbù		telephone directory
+9.	guīzhònq		to be valuable
+10.	bǎoguǎn		to safeguard
+11	zhànsfáng.		cashier
+12.	biéde		other
+13	shìqing		business 

+ 18 - 18

@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ Taipei:
 A conversation between an American woman and the hotel attendant taking her to her room.
-M: Xiáojie, zhèi shi nǐde fángjiān.	Here is your room, Miss.
-F: Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
-M: Wǎnshang nì yàoshi lěng, bìchúli hái yǒu tǎnzi.	If you’re cold at night, there are more blankets in the closet.
-F: Hǎo.	Good.
-M: Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ kéyi zài gěi ni ná yíge lái.	If one pillow isn't high enough, I can get you another one.
-F: Xièxie ni. Yíge zhěntōu gòu le.	Thank you. One pillow is enough.
-F: Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīnewénde yóulǎn shǒucè ma?	Do you have an English tourist guidebook here?
-M: Yǒu. Jiù zài zhèlide chōutìli.	Yes. It's in the drawer here.
-F: Nǐmen zhèli yǒu kāfēitīng ma?	Do you have a coffee shop here?
-M: Yǒu, zài yilóu. Zài cāntīng yòubian.	Yes, it's on the ground floor. It's to the right of the dining room
-F: Wǒ xiǎng gěi yige péngyou dǎ diànhuà.Zhèli yǒu diànhuàbù ma?	I'd like to call a friend on the phone. Is there a phone book here?
-M: Yǒu. Zhōngwénde, Yīngwénde dōu you.		Yes. There are both a Chinese one and an English one.
-F: Wǒ you yìdiǎn guèizhòngde dōngxi jiāogěi shéi bǎoguǎn?	I have some valuables. Whom do I give them to for safekeeping?
-M: Jiāogei zhàngfáng bǎoguǎn.	Give it to the cashier for safekeeping.
-F: Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	All right. Thank you.
-M: Yàoshi nǐ hái yǒu biěde shìqing,jiù jiào wǒ.	I you have any other problems just call me.
-F: Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Thank you.
-M: Bú kèqi.	Don't mention it.
+M	Xiáojie, zhèi shi nǐde fángjiān.		Here is your room, Miss.
+F	Xièxie ni.		Thank you.
+M	Wǎnshang nì yàoshi lěng, bìchúli hái yǒu tǎnzi.		If you’re cold at night, there are more blankets in the closet.
+F	Hǎo.		Good.
+M	Yíge zhěntou yàoshi bú gòu gāo, wǒ kéyi zài gěi ni ná yíge lái.		If one pillow isn't high enough, I can get you another one.
+F	Xièxie ni. Yíge zhěntōu gòu le.		Thank you. One pillow is enough.
+F	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu Yīnewénde yóulǎn shǒucè ma?		Do you have an English tourist guidebook here?
+M	Yǒu. Jiù zài zhèlide chōutìli.		Yes. It's in the drawer here.
+F	Nǐmen zhèli yǒu kāfēitīng ma?		Do you have a coffee shop here?
+M	Yǒu, zài yilóu. Zài cāntīng yòubian.		Yes, it's on the ground floor. It's to the right of the dining room
+F	Wǒ xiǎng gěi yige péngyou dǎ diànhuà.Zhèli yǒu diànhuàbù ma?		I'd like to call a friend on the phone. Is there a phone book here?
+M	Yǒu. Zhōngwénde, Yīngwénde dōu you.				Yes. There are both a Chinese one and an English one.
+F	Wǒ you yìdiǎn guèizhòngde dōngxi jiāogěi shéi bǎoguǎn?		I have some valuables. Whom do I give them to for safekeeping?
+M	Jiāogei zhàngfáng bǎoguǎn.		Give it to the cashier for safekeeping.
+F	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.		All right. Thank you.
+M	Yàoshi nǐ hái yǒu biěde shìqing,jiù jiào wǒ.		I you have any other problems just call me.
+F	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.		Fine. Thank you.
+M	Bú kèqi.		Don't mention it.

+ 5 - 5

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-1.	Qǐng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng. 	Please figure up our bill for us. 
-2.	Nǐmen shénme shíhou líkai zhèli?	When are you leaving here?                  
-3.	Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yitiān. 	After 12 o'clock, I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.   
-4.	ān guīju	according to the regulations         
-5.	fàngzài	to put (at, in on) 
+1.	Qǐng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng.		Please figure up our bill for us.
+2.	Nǐmen shénme shíhou líkai zhèli?		When are you leaving here?
+3.	Guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yitiān.		After 12 o'clock, I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
+4.	ān guīju	according to the regulations
+5.	fàngzài		to put (at, in on)

+ 9 - 9

@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ Taipei:
 A conversation between an American man and a desk clerk in a hotel in Taiwan.
-M:	 Jīntian wǒmen yào zǒu le. Qīng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng.	We’re leaving today. Please figure up our bill for us.
-F:	 Hǎo. Nǐde fángjiān shi duōshao hào?	All right. What number is your room?
-M:	 214 hào.	No. 214.
-F:	 Hǎo. Wǒ kànkan. En, nǐmen shi shàngge Xīngqīèr láide, dào jīntian yígòng zhù le wǔ tiān.	Fine. I’ll take a look. Mm, you came last Tuesday; up until today you(’ve) stayed five days in all.
-F:	 Nímen shi bu shi shíèrdiǎn zhōng yǐqián líkai? Ān wǒmende guījū guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān.	Are you leaving before 12 o’clock? According to our regulations after 12 o'clock I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
-M:	 Wǒmende fēijī shi liǎngdiǎn zhōng. Xiànzài wǒmen yào chūqu mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi. Nǐ kéyi tì wǒmen zhǎo yíge dìfang fàng xíngli ma?	Our plane is at 2 o'clock. Right now we want to go out to buy some things. Can you find a place for us to put our luggage?
-M:	 Wǒ yīdiǎn zhōng yǐqián yídìng lái qǔ.	I’ll definitely come pick it up before 1 o'clock.
-F:	 Méi wèntí. Nǐ jiù fàngzài zhèli ba.	No problem. Just put it here.
-M:	 Xièxie ni. Xièxie ni.	Thank you. Thank you.
+M:	Jīntian wǒmen yào zǒu le. Qīng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng.		We’re leaving today. Please figure up our bill for us.
+F:	Hǎo. Nǐde fángjiān shi duōshao hào?		All right. What number is your room?
+M:	214 hào.		No. 214.
+F:	Hǎo. Wǒ kànkan. En, nǐmen shi shàngge Xīngqīèr láide, dào jīntian yígòng zhù le wǔ tiān.		Fine. I’ll take a look. Mm, you came last Tuesday; up until today you(’ve) stayed five days in all.
+F:	Nímen shi bu shi shíèrdiǎn zhōng yǐqián líkai? Ān wǒmende guījū guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān.		Are you leaving before 12 o’clock? According to our regulations after 12 o'clock I'll have to charge one more day to your bill.
+M:	Wǒmende fēijī shi liǎngdiǎn zhōng. Xiànzài wǒmen yào chūqu mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi. Nǐ kéyi tì wǒmen zhǎo yíge dìfang fàng xíngli ma?		Our plane is at 2 o'clock. Right now we want to go out to buy some things. Can you find a place for us to put our luggage?
+M:	Wǒ yīdiǎn zhōng yǐqián yídìng lái qǔ.		I’ll definitely come pick it up before 1 o'clock.
+F:	Méi wèntí. Nǐ jiù fàngzài zhèli ba.		No problem. Just put it here.
+M:	Xièxie ni. Xièxie ni.		Thank you. Thank you.

+ 50 - 50

@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-àn	according to
-àn guījù	according to the regulations
-bānlái bānqù	to move back and forth
-bǎoguǎn	to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
-bìchú	closet, wall xhect
-bìchúli	in the closet
-biéde	other
-cǎisè	color, colored
-chōuti	drawer
-chōutīli	in the drawer
-chuáng	bed
-dà diànhuà	to make a phone call
-dānrénfáng	single room
-děng	to wait, to wait for
-dēngjī	to register (at a hotel, etc.)
--de shíhou	when
-diànhuàbù	telephone directory
-duō	more (to be much, to be many)
-fángqián	room rental fee
-fàngzai	to put (at, in, on)
-fúwùshēng	attendant
-guīju	regulation
-guīzhòng	to be valuable
-guò	to pass
-háishi	still
-jiào	to have someone do something, to tell someóne to do something
--jiān	(counter for rooms)
-jiù shi	(used for emphasis), this IS
-kèren	customer
-kōng	to be empty, to be vacant
-lěng	to be cold
-líkai	to leave, to depart
-méi wènti	there's no problem
-nuǎnqì	central heating
-shěngde	lest, to avoid
-shìqing	business matter, thing
-shuāngrénfáng	double room
-sòngshangqu	to send up
-suàn      	to calculate, to figure
-suàn zhàng	to settle an account
-tǎnzi	blanket
-wènti	question, problem
-yào	to Dant, to take
-yào	to be necessary
-yóulan shǒucè	sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
-zài	again (used for future actions)
-zhàngfáng	cashier (in a hotel)
-zhǎo	to find
-zhào	according to
-zhěntou	pillow
+àn		according to
+àn guījù		according to the regulations
+bānlái bānqù		to move back and forth
+bǎoguǎn		to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
+bìchú		closet, wall chect
+bìchúli		in the closet
+biéde	别的	other
+cǎisè		color, colored
+chōuti		drawer
+chōutīli		in the drawer
+chuáng		bed
+dà diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call
+dānrénfáng	单人房	single room
+děng	to wait, to wait for
+dēngjī		to register (at a hotel, etc.)
+-de shíhou	-的时候	when
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone directory
+duō	more (to be much, to be many)
+fángqián	房前	room rental fee
+fàngzai		to put (at, in, on)
+fúwùshēng	服务生	attendant
+guīju		regulation
+guīzhòng		to be valuable
+guò	to pass
+háishi	还是	still
+jiào		to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
+-jiān		(counter for rooms)
+jiù shi		(used for emphasis), this IS
+kèren	客人	customer
+kōng		to be empty, to be vacant
+lěng	to be cold
+líkai	离开	to leave, to depart
+méi wènti	没问题	there's no problem
+nuǎnqì		central heating
+shěngde		lest, to avoid
+shìqing		business matter, thing
+shuāngrénfáng		double room
+sòngshangqu		to send up
+suàn		to calculate, to figure
+suàn zhàng		to settle an account
+tǎnzi		blanket
+wènti	问题	question, problem
+yào	要	to want, to take
+yào		to be necessary
+yóulan shǒucè		sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
+zài	again (used for future actions)
+zhàngfáng		cashier (in a hotel)
+zhǎo	to find
+zhào		according to
+zhěntou		pillow

+ 21 - 21

@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-bìchú	closet
-cèsuò	toilet
-chōuti	drawer
-chuáng	bed
-chuángdānzi	sheets
-chuānghu	window
-chuānghu liénzi	window shades
-diànhuà	telephone
-diànhuàbù	telephone book
-féizào	soap
-Jìngzi	mirror
-lěngchījī	air conditioner
-nuǎnqì	heat
-tǎnzi	blanket
-wèishēngjǐ	toilet paper
-(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn	towels
-xǐzǎofáng	bathroom (Taipei)
-yàoshi	key
-yǐzi	chair
-zhōng	clock
-zhuōzi	table
+bìchú		closet
+cèsuò	厕所	toilet
+chōuti		drawer
+chuáng		bed
+chuángdānzi		sheets
+chuānghu		window
+chuānghu liénzi		window shades
+diànhuà	电话	telephone
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	telephone book
+féizào	肥皂	soap
+jìngzi		mirror
+lěngchījī		air conditioner
+nuǎnqì		heat
+tǎnzi		blanket
+wèishēngjǐ	为生计	toilet paper
+(xǐzǎo) dà màojīn		towels
+xǐzǎofáng		bathroom (Taipei)
+yàoshi	钥匙	key
+yǐzi	椅子	chair
+zhōng	clock
+zhuōzi	桌子	table

+ 8 - 8

@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ Peking:
 A conversation between an American businessman, Mr. White (Huáitè), and the guide meeting him at Peking’s Capital Airport:
-F1:	Nín shi Huáitè Xiānsheng ba.	You must be Mr. White.
-M:	Shì. Nín shi ?	That’s right. You are?
-F1:	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshède. Wǒ xìng Wáng. Nínde xíngli dōu qǔchulai le ba?	I’m from the China Travel Service. My name is Wang. Have you claimed all your baggage?
-M:	Dōu qǔchulai le. Jiù zài zhèr.	I've gotten all of it. It’s right here.
+F1:	Nín shi Huáitè Xiānsheng ba.		You must be Mr. White.
+M:	Shì. Nín shi ?		That’s right. You are?
+F1:	Wǒ shi Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshède. Wǒ xìng Wáng. Nínde xíngli dōu qǔchulai le ba?		I’m from the China Travel Service. My name is Wang. Have you claimed all your baggage?
+M:	Dōu qǔchulai le. Jiù zài zhèr.		I've gotten all of it. It’s right here.
 After clearing customs:
-F1:	Hǎo le. Wǒmen dào lǚguǎn qù ba. Wǒ gěi nín zài Běijīng Fàndiàn dìngle yíge fángjiān.	Fine. Let’s go to the hotel. I've reserved a room for you at the Peking Hotel.
+F1:	Hǎo le. Wǒmen dào lǚguǎn qù ba. Wǒ gěi nín zài Běijīng Fàndiàn dìngle yíge fángjiān.		Fine. Let’s go to the hotel. I've reserved a room for you at the Peking Hotel.
 At the hotel:
-F2:	Qíng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biǎo. Nínde fángjiān zài jiǔlōu jiǔbáilíngsān hào. Zhèi shi nín fángjiānde yàoshi.	Please fill out this form. Your room is on the ninth floor, Number 903. Here's the key for your room.
+F2:	Qíng nín tiányitian zhèizhāng biǎo. Nínde fángjiān zài jiǔlōu jiǔbáilíngsān hào. Zhèi shi nín fángjiānde yàoshi.		Please fill out this form. Your room is on the ninth floor, Number 903. Here's the key for your room.
 M:	Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
 At the room:
-F1:	Nín xiān xiūxi xiūxi, děng yìhuīr wǒ zài lái.	You rest a bit first and I’ll come back after a little while.
-M:	Hǎo. Yìhuìr jiàn.	Fine. See you in a little while.
+F1:	Nín xiān xiūxi xiūxi, děng yìhuīr wǒ zài lái.		You rest a bit first and I’ll come back after a little while.
+M:	Hǎo. Yìhuìr jiàn.		Fine. See you in a little while.

+ 6 - 6

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě you Xícān.	The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
-9.	Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào jiǔdiǎn.	Breakfast is from seven to nine.
-10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?	Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
-11.	Nín è le ba.	    I expect you're hungry.
-12.	Nín yàoshi yǒu shì kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wo.	If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.	
-13.	lóucéng fúwùtái 	service desk for the floor
+8.	Cāntīng yǒu Zhōngcān, yě you Xícān.		The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
+9.	Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào jiǔdiǎn.		Breakfast is from seven to nine.
+10.	Zhōngfàn, wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jídiǎn?		Lunch and dinner are from what time to what time?
+11.	Nín è le ba.		I expect you're hungry.
+12.	Nín yàoshi yǒu shì kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wo.		If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.	
+13.	lóucéng fúwùtái		service desk for the floor

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-M:	 Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting.	Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
-F:	 Cāntīng zài jǐlóu?	What floor is the dining room on?
-M:	 Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān.	On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
-F:	 Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?	What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
-M:	 Wǎnfàn shi cóng xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn.	Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon.
-F:	 Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Now I see. Thank you.
-M:	 Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nín yǒu shi kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wǒ. Wǒ jiù zài lóucéng fúwùtǎi.	The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor.
-F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.	Fine. Thank you.
+M:	Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting.		Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel.
+F:	Cāntīng zài jǐlóu?		What floor is the dining room on?
+M:	Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān.		On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food.
+F:	Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn?		What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?)
+M:	Wǎnfàn shi cóng xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn.		Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon.
+F:	Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni.		Fine. Now I see. Thank you.
+M:	Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nín yǒu shi kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wǒ. Wǒ jiù zài lóucéng fúwùtǎi.		The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor.
+F:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni.		Fine. Thank you.

+ 7 - 7

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-1.	   Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù.	I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi.
-2.	   Qǐng ni tì wǒ dìng yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.	Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
-3.	   Shànghǎi xiànzài yidìng hěn rè le ba!	Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
-4.	   fēijī piào	airplane ticket
-5.	   ānpai	to arrange for
-6.	   dǎoyóu	a tourist guide
-7.	   gàosu	to tell
+1.	Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù.		I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi.
+2.	Qǐng ni tì wǒ dìng yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiān.		Please reserve an air-conditioned room for me.
+3.	Shànghǎi xiànzài yidìng hěn rè le ba!		Shànghǎi is certain to be very hot by now!
+4.	fēijī piào		airplane ticket
+5.	ānpai		to arrange for
+6.	dǎoyóu		a tourist guide
+7.	gàosu		to tell

+ 7 - 7

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-F:	 Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge Xīngqīsān dào Shànghǎi qù. Qǐng ni tì wo dìng yíge fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijī piào.	Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room and buy a plane ticket for me.
-M:	 Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?	How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
-F:	 Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiǎn.	Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
-M:	 Hǎo.	Fine.
-F:	 Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yīngwénde dǎoyóu?	Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
-M:	 Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.	Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it) tomorrow morning.
-F:	 Xièxie, xièxie.	Thank you very much.
+F:	Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge Xīngqīsān dào Shànghǎi qù. Qǐng ni tì wo dìng yíge fángjiān, mǎi yìzhāng fēijī piào.		Wednesday of next week I plan to go to Shanghai. Please reserve a room and buy a plane ticket for me.
+M:	Nǐ dǎsuan zài Shànghǎi zhù jǐtiān?		How many days are you planning to stay in Shanghai?
+F:	Zhù wǔtiān. Shànghǎi xiànzài yídìng hěn rè le ba. Wǒ xiǎng yào yige yǒu lěngfēngde fángjiǎn.		Five days. Shanghai is certainly very hot by now. I think I want an air conditioned room.
+M:	Hǎo.		Fine.
+F:	Nǐ kéyi bu keyi tì wo zài Shànghǎi ānpai yíwèi huì shuō Yīngwénde dǎoyóu?		Can you arrange a guide who speaks English for me in Shanghai?
+M:	Kéyi. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù tì ni ānpai, míngtian zǎoshang gàosu ni.		Yes, I can. I’ll go arrange it for you now and tell you (about it) tomorrow morning.
+F:	Xièxie, xièxie.		Thank you very much.

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-1.	Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
-2.	Liáng kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.	There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
-3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào caāting qù chī fàn le.	I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
-4.	Wǒ qù ná yīzhāng càidānzi lái.	I'll go bring a menu.
-5.	shuǐxǐ	to wash₃ to launder
-6.	gānxǐ	to dry clean
-7.	jiāogěi	to give to
-8.	sòngdao	to send to
+1.	Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.		I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
+2.	Liáng kāishuǐ gēn bíngkuàr méiyou le.		There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
+3.	Wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào caāting qù chī fàn le.		I'm very tired; I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
+4.	Wǒ qù ná yīzhāng càidānzi lái.		I'll go bring a menu.
+5.	shuǐxǐ		to wash₃ to launder
+6.	gānxǐ		to dry clean
+7.	jiāogěi		to give to
+8.	sòngdao		to send to

+ 12 - 12

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-M:	 Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shi ma?	Can I do something for you?
-F:	 Duì le. Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.	Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
-M:	 Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxī?	Is it washing or dry cleaning?
-F:	 Dōu shi gānxǐde.	It’s just dry cleaning.
-M:	 Nín jiāogei wo.	You give them to me.
-F:	 Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qǐng ná
-yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.	All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
-M:	 Hǎo.	All right.
-F:	 Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ
-kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.	I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
-M:	 Kéyi. Wǒ jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kàn ní yào chī shénme.	Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu. And see what you want to eat.
-F:	 Hao. Xièxie.	Good. Thank you.
+M:	Shǐmìsī Nǚshì, nín yǒu shi ma?		Can I do something for you?
+F:	Duì le. Wǒ yǒu yīfu yào xǐ.		Yes. I have some clothes I want cleaned.
+M:	Shi shuǐxǐ háishi gānxī?		Is it washing or dry cleaning?
+F:	Dōu shi gānxǐde.		It’s just dry cleaning.
+M:	Nín jiāogei wo.		You give them to me.
+F:	Hǎo. Liáng kāishuǐ méiyou le. Qǐng gěi wo náyìdiǎr lai, yě qǐng ná
+yìdiǎr bǐngkuàr.		All right. There’s no more drinking water. Please bring me some and please bring some ice cubes, too.
+M:	Hǎo.		All right.
+F:	Jīntian wǎnshang wǒ hěn lèi, bù xiǎng dào cāntīng qù chī wǎnfàn. Nǐ
+kéyi bu keyi sōngdào wo fángjiān lai.		I’m tired tonight and don’t want to go to the dining room to eat dinner. Can you send it to my room?
+M:	Kéyi. Wǒ jiù qù ná càidānzi lái. Kàn ní yào chī shénme.		Yes, I can. I’ll go right away and bring a menu. And see what you want to eat.
+F:	Hao. Xièxie.		Good. Thank you.

+ 46 - 46

@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-àn	to press        
-ānpai	to arrange for  
-biǎo (yìzhāng)	form, application
-bīngkuài(r) (yíge)	ice cube        
-càidānzi (yizhāng)	menu
-chī	to eat     
-dǎoyóu	tourist guide
-dǎsuan	to plan to
-děng yīhuǐr	in a while
-dianlíng	a buzzer, an electric bell
-ding	to reserve           
-è	to be hungry    
-fángjiān	room
-fēijī	airplane
-gānxǐ	to dry clean
-gàosu	to tell
-jiào	to call, to summon
-jiāogěi	to give to
-kāishuǐ	boiled water (for drinking)       
-lèi	to be tired
-lěngfēng	air conditioning
-liáng	to be cool
-lóucèng fúwùtái	the service desk for the floor
-lǚguǎn	hotel, inn        
-ná... lái	to bring to     
-piào (yizhāng)	ticket          
-qǔchulai	to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)     
-rè	to be hot       
-shuǐxǐ	to wash, to launder
-sòngdao	to send to, to deliver to        
-tì	for, in place of
-tián	to fill out
-wǎnfàn	dinner, supper  
-xǐ	to wash 
-xīcān	western food 
-xíngli	baggage, luggage, suitcases        
-xiūxi	to take a rest, to relax 
-yàoshi	if
-yàoshi	key
-yídìng	certainly, definitely
-yīfu	clothes
-yǒu shì	to have business
-zǎodiǎn	breakfast (Peking)
-Zhōngcān	Chinese food
-zhōngfàn	lunch
-Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè	China Travel Agency 
+àn		to press
+ānpai		to arrange for
+biǎo (yìzhāng)		form, application
+bīngkuài(r) (yíge)		ice cube
+càidānzi (yizhāng)		menu
+chī	to eat
+dǎoyóu		tourist guide
+dǎsuan		to plan to
+děng yīhuǐr	等一会儿	in a while
+dianlíng		a buzzer, an electric bell
+ding	to reserve
to be hungry
+fánjiān	饭店	room
+fēijī	飞机	airplane
+gānxǐ	干洗	to dry clean
+gàosu	告诉	to tell
+jiào	to call, to summon
+jiāogěi	交给	to give to
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water (for drinking)
+lèi	to be tired
+lěngfēng	冷风	air conditioning
+liáng		to be cool
+lóucèng fúwùtái		the service desk for the floor
+lǚguǎn	炉管	hotel, inn
+ná... lái		to bring to
+piào (yizhāng)	漂(一张)	ticket
+qǔchulai		to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
+rè	to be hot
+shuǐxǐ	水洗	to wash, to launder
+sòngdao	送到	to send to, to deliver to
+tì		for, in place of
+tián		to fill out
+wǎnfàn	完饭	dinner, supper
+xǐ	to wash
+xīcān	西餐	western food
+xíngli		baggage, luggage, suitcases
+xiūxi	休息	to take a rest, to relax
+yàoshi		if
+yàoshi		key
+yídìng		certainly, definitely
+yīfu	衣服	clothes
+yǒu shì		to have business
+zǎodiǎn	早点	breakfast (Peking)
+Zhōngcān	中餐	Chinese food
+zhōngfàn	中饭	lunch
+Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè		China Travel Agency 

+ 50 - 183

@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ Notes on No. 7
 kě: “really, certainly”. This is an adverb which intensifies state verbs. Kě can be used before a negative.
-Tāmen liǎngge kě hǎo le!	The two of them are very good friends.
-Kě bú shi ma!	  Isn’t that so! (Really! or No kidding!)
-Nà kě bù xíng!	  That really won’t do!
-Nà kě bú shì yíjiàn hǎo shi.	That’s really not a good thing.
-Nǐ kě yào xiǎoxīn!	You’ve got to be careful!
+Tāmen liǎngge kě hǎo le!		The two of them are very good friends.
+Kě bú shi ma!		Isn’t that so! (Really! or No kidding!)
+Nà kě bù xíng!		That really won’t do!
+Nà kě bú shì yíjiàn hǎo shi.		That’s really not a good thing.
+Nǐ kě yào xiǎoxīn!		You’ve got to be careful!
 Although some Chinese are fond of using the word kě, to other Chinese it may sound too full of local color with which they do not identify.
@@ -340,195 +340,88 @@ Peking:
 An American exchange student talks with her language teacher. They are both in their late twenties.
-A: Wo jide shàngcì nǐ shuō nǐ
+A: Wo jide shàngcì nǐ shuō nǐ èrshibásuì le, hái méiyou jiéhūn.	I remember last time you told me that you're twenty-eight years old and you're not married yet.
-èrshibásuì le, hái méiyou j iéhūn.
+B: Duì.	Right.
-B: Duì.
+A: Wǒ yìzhí xiǎng wènwen ni, Zhōngguo niánqīng rén hǎoxiàng sānshisuì zuǒyòu cái jiéhūn, shi bu shi?	I've been meaning to ask you all along, it seems as if young people in China don't get married until they're about thirty, is that so?
-A: Wǒ yìzhí xiǎng wènwen ni,
+B: Duì le. Women qīngnián you hen duō shi yào zuò. Yào nǔlì gōngzuò, nǔlì xuéxí, bú yào zǎo jiehūn! Zhèngfǔ yě tíchàng wǎnliàn wǎnhūn. Zài chéngshì-li niánqīng rén dōu zài èrshi-wǔliùsuì yīhòu cái jiehūn.	Right. We young people have a lot of things we have to do. We have to work hard and study hard; we shouldn't get married early.' The government also promotes late involvement and late marriage. In the city, young people don't get married before the age of twenty-five or twenty-six.
+A: Nongcūnlǐde niánqīng rén yě shíxíng wǎnhūn ma?	Do the young people in the rural areas practice late marriage too?
-Zhōngguo niánqīng rén hǎoxiàng sānshisuì zuǒyòu cái jiéhūn, shi bu shi?
+B: Duì, tāmen yě shíxíng wǎnhūn. Zài nongcūn, wǎn liàn'ài wǎn jiéhūn yǐjīng chéngle yìzhǒng xīn féngqì. Wǒ you yíge zài Bǒijīng jiāoqū gōngzuòde péngyou xià lǐbài jiehūn, nǐ yào bu yao hé wo yìqǐ qù kàn-kan? Wǒ gěi ni ānpai yixiar.	Yes, they do too. In the rural areas, late involvement and late marriage have already become a new common practice. I have a friend who works in the suburbs of Peking who's getting married next week. Do you want to go see it with me? I'll arrange it for you.
-B: Duì le. Women qīngnián you
+A: Hǎojíle. Nà kǒ zhēn you yìsi, gang dào zhèr jiù you zhènme yíge hǎo jīhui.	Great. That would really be interesting. And such a good opportunity so soon after getting here.
-hen duō shi yào zuò. Yào nǔlì gōngzuò, nǔlì xuéxí, bú yào zǎo jiehūn!
-Zhèngfǔ yě tíchàng wǎnliàn wǎnhūn. Zài chéngshì-li niánqīng rén dōu zài
-èrshi-wǔliùsuì yīhòu cái jiehūn.
-A: Nongcūnlǐde niánqīng rén yě
-shíxíng wǎnhūn ma?
-B: Duì, tāmen yě shíxíng wǎnhūn.
-Zài nongcūn, wǎn liàn'ài wǎn jiéhūn yǐjīng chéngle yìzhǒng xīn féngqì.
-Wǒ you yíge zài Bǒijīng jiāoqū gōngzuòde péngyou xià lǐbài jiehūn, nǐ
-yào bu yao hé wo yìqǐ qù kàn-kan? Wǒ gěi ni ānpai yixiar.
-A: Hǎojíle. Nà kǒ zhēn you
-yìsi, gang dào zhèr jiù you zhènme yíge hǎo jīhui.
-I remember last time you told me that you're twenty-eight years old and
-you're not married yet.
-I've been meaning to ask you all along, it seems as if young people in
-China don't get married until they're about thirty, is that so?
-Right. We young people have a lot of things we have to do. We have to
-work hard and study hard; we shouldn't get married early.' The
-government also promotes late involvement and late marriage. In the
-city, young people don't get married before the age of twenty-five or
-Do the young people in the rural areas practice late marriage too?
-Yes, they do too. In the rural areas, late involvement and late marriage
-have already become a new common practice. I have a friend who works in
-the suburbs of Peking who's getting married next week. Do you want to go
-see it with me? I'll arrange it for you.
-Great. That would really be interesting. And such a good opportunity so
-soon after getting here.
-...zài èrshiwǔliǔsuì yǐhòu cái jiéhūn: This is quite a change from
-Imperial times, when females might be married off at age thirteen and
-males at age six so as to insure the family fortunes or fend off
-economic difficulties later. Nontheless, regulations are less strict in
-the countryside today, where one can marry perhaps at age twenty.
+...zài èrshiwǔliǔsuì yǐhòu cái jiéhūn: This is quite a change from Imperial times, when females might be married off at age thirteen and males at age six so as to insure the family fortunes or fend off economic difficulties later. Nontheless, regulations are less strict in the countryside today, where one can marry perhaps at age twenty.
-8 . Xiànzài Zhōngguo rén j iēhūn you shénme yíshì?
+8.		Xiànzài Zhōngguo rén jiēhūn you shénme yíshì?	What kind of ceremony do the Chinese have when they get married now?
-9- A: Nǐ jiehūn de shíhou nǐde qǐnqi sònggei ni shénme lǐwù?
+9.	A:	 Nǐ jiehūn de shíhou nǐde qǐnqi sònggei ni shénme lǐwù?	What gifts did your relatives give you when you got married?
-B: Tāmen sònggei wo yìxiē xiǎo lǐwù zuò jìniàn.
+	B:	 Tāmen sònggei wo yìxiē xiǎo lǐwù zuò jìniàn.	They gave me a few small presents as mementos.
-10. A: Xǔduō nan qīngnián jiehūn yǐhòu zhùdao nuj iār qu.
+10.	 A:	 Xǔduō nan qīngnián jiehūn yǐhòu zhùdao nuj iār qu.	Many young men now go and live with the wife’s family after they get married.
-A: Zhè gēn yǐqiánde fēngsū you hen dàde qūbié.
+	A:	 Zhè gēn yǐqiánde fēngsū you hen dàde qūbié.	This is very different from the customs of the past.
-B: Ke bú shi ma! Zhēnshi gǎi-biànle bù shǎo.
+	B:	 Ke bú shi ma! Zhēnshi gǎi-biànle bù shǎo.	I’ll say! It’s really changed a lot.
-11. Ěrqiě zài nóngcūn yě shíxíng wǎnhūn.
-What kind of ceremony do the Chinese have when they get married now?
-What gifts did your relatives give you when you got married?
-They gave me a few small presents as mementos.
-Many young men now go and live with the wife’s family after they get
-This is very different from the customs of the past.
-I’ll say! It’s really changed a lot.
-Furthermore, late marriage is also practiced in rural areas.
+11.		 Ěrqiě zài nóngcūn yě shíxíng wǎnhūn.	Furthermore, late marriage is also practiced in rural areas.
 Notes on No. 8
-yíshì: ’ceremony, function’ This can be used to refer to a range of
-different ceremonies, from the signing of a treaty or agreement to the
-taking of marital vows.
+yíshì: ’ceremony, function’ This can be used to refer to a range of different ceremonies, from the signing of a treaty or agreement to the taking of marital vows.
-In old China, marriages were celebrated extravagantly. It was not
-uncommon to find families going into debt because of the joyous
-occasion, which marked a new generation added to the family line. This
-elaborate ritual served to strengthen familial bonds and the newlyweds’
-feeling of obligation owed to the family.
+In old China, marriages were celebrated extravagantly. It was not uncommon to find families going into debt because of the joyous occasion, which marked a new generation added to the family line. This elaborate ritual served to strengthen familial bonds and the newlyweds’ feeling of obligation owed to the family.
-In PRC cities of today, lack of extra money and coupons to purchase food
-for guests, celebration space, and free time for preparation limit the
-celebration often to procedural formality alone—registration with the
-local police bureau. Wedding dinners may still be enjoyed in the
-countryside, where there are fewer restrictions on time and food.
+In PRC cities of today, lack of extra money and coupons to purchase food for guests, celebration space, and free time for preparation limit the celebration often to procedural formality alone—registration with the local police bureau. Wedding dinners may still be enjoyed in the countryside, where there are fewer restrictions on time and food.
 Notes on No. 9
-qǐnqi: ’relatives* Qǐnqi is slightly different from the English word
-’relatives’ in that it does not include one’s immediate family, that is
-parents or children, but is used to refer to all other relatives. (One’s
-immediate family are called Jiāli rén.)
-Nǐmen Jiā qīnqi duō ma? Do you have a lot of relatives
-in your family?
-Women Jiā qinqi kě duō le! We have lots of relatives in
+qǐnqi: ’relatives* Qǐnqi is slightly different from the English word ’relatives’ in that it does not include one’s immediate family, that is parents or children, but is used to refer to all other relatives. (One’s immediate family are called Jiāli rén.)
-our family.
+Nǐmen Jiā qīnqi duō ma?		 Do you have a lot of relatives in your family?
-sǒnggei: ’give (a gift) to ...’ The verb song has several meanings. One
-is ’to send’, as in Wǒ bā nǐde xíngli sòngshangqu le, ’I sent your
-luggage upstairs.’ Another is to give someone something as a present.
+Women Jiā qinqi kě duō le!		 We have lots of relatives in our family.
-Here you see song with the prepositional verb gěi ’for, to’ after it.
-You have also seen Jiāogei, ’to hand over to ..., to submit to...’. When
-gěi is used after the main verb as a prepositional verb, it must be
-followed by the indirect object, that is, the person or thing to whom
-something is given. Gěi can also be used this way with jì ’to send’, and
-mǎi ’to sell’.
+sǒnggei: ’give (a gift) to ...’ The verb song has several meanings. One is ’to send’, as in Wǒ bā nǐde xíngli sòngshangqu le, ’I sent your luggage upstairs.’ Another is to give someone something as a present.
-Wǒ bǎ zhèijiǎn yīfu Jìgei wǒ I sent this piece of clothing to my
+Here you see song with the prepositional verb gěi ’for, to’ after it. You have also seen Jiāogei, ’to hand over to ..., to submit to...’. When gěi is used after the main verb as a prepositional verb, it must be followed by the indirect object, that is, the person or thing to whom something is given. Gěi can also be used this way with jì ’to send’, and mǎi ’to sell’.
-mèimei le. younger sister.
+Wǒ bǎ zhèijiǎn yīfu Jìgei wǒ mèimei le.		I sent this piece of clothing to my younger sister.
+Tā bǎ fángzi màigei wǒ le.		 He sold his house to me.
-Tā bǎ fángzi màigei wǒ le. He sold his house to me.
+In these examples the direct object, clothing or house, is up front in the sentence, making it necessary to use gěi to put the indirect object after the main verb. This usually happens in sentences where the object is specific and the bǎ construction is preferred. When song is followed by an indirect object, however, the gěi is usually optional.
-In these examples the direct object, clothing or house, is up front in
-the sentence, making it necessary to use gěi to put the indirect object
-after the main verb. This usually happens in sentences where the object
-is specific and the bǎ construction is preferred. When song is followed
-by an indirect object, however, the gěi is usually optional.
+Wǒ yǎo song ta yíge xiǎo lǐwù.		 I am going to give him a small present.
-Wǒ yǎo song ta yíge xiǎo lǐwù. I am going to give him a small
+Wǒ yǎo sǒnggei ta yíge xiǎo lǐwù.		I am going to give him a small present.
-Wǒ yǎo sǒnggei ta yíge xiǎo I am going to give him a small
+...sǒnggei ni shénme lǐwù?: Wedding gifts for friends and relatives in the PRC are generally ’’useful’’ items. Common among these are nuǎnpíng, hot water Jugs; huāpíng, vases; tǎidēng, table lamps; bǐ, pens; liánpěn, wash basins; or cānjù, kitchen items.
+zuǒ: ’to act as, to serve as’. Tǎmen sǒnggei wo yìxiē xiǎo lǐwù zuǒ Jìniǎn. is literally ’They gave me a few small presents to serve as mementos.’
-...sǒnggei ni shénme lǐwù?: Wedding gifts for friends and relatives in
-the PRC are generally ’’useful’’ items. Common among these are nuǎnpíng,
-hot water Jugs; huāpíng, vases; tǎidēng, table lamps; bǐ, pens; liánpěn,
-wash basins; or cānjù, kitchen items.
+Zhèige xuéxiǎo bìyède xuésheng, A lot of students who graduated from hěn duō dōu zuǒ lǎoshī le. this school have become teachers.
-zuǒ: ’to act as, to serve as’. Tǎmen sǒnggei wo yìxiē xiǎo lǐwù zuǒ
-Jìniǎn. is literally ’They gave me a few small presents to serve as
+Yǒng zhèiběn xǐn shū zuò lǐwù, Would it be okay to use this new hǎo bu hǎo? book as a present?
-Zhèige xuéxiǎo bìyède xuésheng, A lot of students who graduated from hěn
-duō dōu zuǒ lǎoshī le. this school have become teachers.
-Yǒng zhèiběn xǐn shū zuò lǐwù, Would it be okay to use this new hǎo bu
-hǎo? book as a present?
-Zuò, ’to act as, to serve as’ is often seen used with yòng, ’to use’ as
-in the example above, yòng ... zuò ..., ’to use (something) as
-(something) else’.
+Zuò, ’to act as, to serve as’ is often seen used with yòng, ’to use’ as in the example above, yòng ... zuò ..., ’to use (something) as (something) else’.
 jìniàn: ’memento, remembrance; to commemorate’.
-Wǒ gěi ta yìzhang zhàopiàn zuò I’ll give him a photo as a memento,
+Wǒ gěi ta yìzhang zhàopiàn zuò I’ll give him a photo as a memento, jìniàn.
 Notes on No. 10
-xǔduō: ’many; a great deal (of), lots (of)’. Xǔduō is used as a number
-(it can be followed by a counter) to modify other nouns.
+xǔduō: ’many; a great deal (of), lots (of)’. Xǔduō is used as a number (it can be followed by a counter) to modify other nouns.
 A: Hai you duōshao qián?
@@ -542,10 +435,7 @@ There’s still a lot left, or There’s a lot more.
 He bought a lot of paintings.
-Xǔduō has several things in common with hen duō, in addition to
-similarity of meaning. Used as modifiers in front of nouns, both xǔduō
-and hen duō can (1) be used alone, (2) be used with de, and (3) be
-followed by a counter, but not usually -ge.
+Xǔduō has several things in common with hen duō, in addition to similarity of meaning. Used as modifiers in front of nouns, both xǔduō and hen duō can (1) be used alone, (2) be used with de, and (3) be followed by a counter, but not usually -ge.
 Tā rènshi xǔduō rén.
@@ -567,22 +457,13 @@ Tā xiěle xǔduō (běn) shū.
 He wrote a lot of books.
-Hen duō is probably more common than xǔduō. Some speakers feel that they
-do not use xǔduō in conversation; many speakers, however, do not feel
-any restriction about using it in conversation.
+Hen duō is probably more common than xǔduō. Some speakers feel that they do not use xǔduō in conversation; many speakers, however, do not feel any restriction about using it in conversation.
-...zhùdao nǔjiār qu: ’to go live with the wife's family' You've seen the
-prepositional verb dào used after main verbs, as in nádao loushàng qu,
-'take it upstairs'. Following verbs expressing some kind of motion, the
-use of dào is fairly straightforward. But in the above example from the
-Reference List, dào is used with a verb which is not usually thought of
-as expressing motion, zhù, 'to live, to inhabit'. Here is another
-example of zhù used in a phrase expressing motion:
+...zhùdao nǔjiār qu: ’to go live with the wife's family' You've seen the prepositional verb dào used after main verbs, as in nádao loushàng qu, 'take it upstairs'. Following verbs expressing some kind of motion, the use of dào is fairly straightforward. But in the above example from the Reference List, dào is used with a verb which is not usually thought of as expressing motion, zhù, 'to live, to inhabit'. Here is another example of zhù used in a phrase expressing motion:
 Tā shi zuotiān zhùjinlaide. He moved in yesterday.
-The verbs zhàn ’to stand’ and zuò ’to sit’ can also be used in phrases
-expressing motion.
+The verbs zhàn ’to stand’ and zuò ’to sit’ can also be used in phrases expressing motion.
 Qǐng ni zhàndao nèibianr qu, Would you please go stand over
@@ -592,17 +473,9 @@ Qǐng ni zuòdao qiǎnbianr qu, Would you please go sit up
 hǎo bu hǎo? front.
-Due to the lack of housing, which might involve a wait of from one to
-three years for newlyweds, it is not infrequent now to find the groom
-join the household of his new bride. This is in contrast to former
-tradition, which stated that the woman became part of the man’s family,
-and of course, moved into his family’s house.
+Due to the lack of housing, which might involve a wait of from one to three years for newlyweds, it is not infrequent now to find the groom join the household of his new bride. This is in contrast to former tradition, which stated that the woman became part of the man’s family, and of course, moved into his family’s house.
-In the past, for the groom to join the household of his new bride
-carried special significance. It was called rù zhuì and might take place
-when a family had only female children and the father wanted his
-daughter’s husband to take his last name in order to carry on the family
+In the past, for the groom to join the household of his new bride carried special significance. It was called rù zhuì and might take place when a family had only female children and the father wanted his daughter’s husband to take his last name in order to carry on the family line.
 qūbié: ’difference’ things, use ... gēn ... you qūbié.
@@ -620,10 +493,7 @@ What is the difference between this school and that one?
 What is the difference between these two methods?
-Kě bú shi ma*. : ’Yes, indeed’., I’ll say!’, or more literally, ’Isn’t
-it so’. ’ Kě bú shi ma! is often used in northern China to indicate
-hearty agreement, or to indicate that something makes perfect sense to
-the speaker, something like English ’Well, of course!’ or ’Really!’.
+Kě bú shi ma*. : ’Yes, indeed’., I’ll say!’, or more literally, ’Isn’t it so’. ’ Kě bú shi ma! is often used in northern China to indicate hearty agreement, or to indicate that something makes perfect sense to the speaker, something like English ’Well, of course!’ or ’Really!’.
 bù shǎo: Literally ’not a little’, in other words, ’quite a lot’.
@@ -639,11 +509,9 @@ He has a lot he wants to say to you.
 In America a lot of people have cars.
-The weather is bad today, and furthermore it looks as if it’s going to
+The weather is bad today, and furthermore it looks as if it’s going to snow.
-Ěrqiě is often used in the pattern bú dan...érqiě "but also...’ or ’not
-only.. .moreover...’:
+Ěrqiě is often used in the pattern bú dan...érqiě "but also...’ or ’not only.. .moreover...’:
 ’not only. . .
@@ -661,8 +529,7 @@ Tā bú dàn xuéguo Zhongwén,
 Wo bu dàn méiyou hé tā tan liàn’ài, érqiě wo yě bú dà xīhuan ta.
-Not only has he studied Chinese, but moreover he has learned it quite
+Not only has he studied Chinese, but moreover he has learned it quite well.
 Not only am I not in love with her, moreover I don’t like her very much.

+ 7 - 7

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-1.	 Zhōngguo zhèngíu shì bu shi tíchàng niánqīng rén wǎn jiéhūn?	Does the Chinese government advocate that young people marry late?
-2.	 Zhèngfǔ tíchàng wǎnliàn wǎnhūn.	The government advocates late involvement and late marriage.
-3.	 Nèige qīngnián, gōngzuò hěn nǔlì.	That young person is very hardworking.
-4.	 Nóngcūn niánqīng rén yě shíxíng wǎnhūn ma?	Do the young people in the countryside also practice late marriage?
-5.	 Wǎnhūn yǐjīng chéngle yìzhǒng fēngqì.	Late marriage has already become a common practice for young people.
-6.	 Xiǎo Lǐ hé tǎ liàn’ài hěn jiǔ le, kěshi yìzhí bú yào jiéhūn.	Xiǎo Lǐ has been in love with her for a long time, but he’s never wanted to get married.
-7.	 Zhège xiǎo chéngshì kě piàoliang le!	Boy, is this little town pretty!
+1.	Zhōngguo zhèngíu shì bu shi tíchàng niánqīng rén wǎn jiéhūn?		Does the Chinese government advocate that young people marry late?
+2.	Zhèngfǔ tíchàng wǎnliàn wǎnhūn.		The government advocates late involvement and late marriage.
+3.	Nèige qīngnián, gōngzuò hěn nǔlì.		That young person is very hardworking.
+4.	Nóngcūn niánqīng rén yě shíxíng wǎnhūn ma?		Do the young people in the countryside also practice late marriage?
+5.	Wǎnhūn yǐjīng chéngle yìzhǒng fēngqì.	Late marriage has already become a common practice for young people.
+6.	Xiǎo Lǐ hé tǎ liàn’ài hěn jiǔ le, kěshi yìzhí bú yào jiéhūn.		Xiǎo Lǐ has been in love with her for a long time, but he’s never wanted to get married.
+7.	Zhège xiǎo chéngshì kě piàoliang le!		Boy, is this little town pretty!

+ 36 - 33

@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ NOTES AFTER PART I
 yìfēng xìn: -fēng is the counter for letters and other things with envelopes.
--céng; Counter for F1oors of buildings.
+-céng; Counter for f1oors of buildings.
 guàhào xìn: Guàhào is the verb “to register”. It is used here as a modifier. It precedes the noun it modifies.
-On his way out to mail some things, an American asks the service attendant for the F1oor of his hotel for some information.
+On his way out to mail some things, an American asks the service attendant for the fs1oor of his hotel for some information.
 M:	Nǐ yǒu shì ma?	Can I help you?
-F:	Duì, Fandiànlǐ yǒu yóuzhèngjú ma?	Yes, is there a post office in the hotel?
+F:	Duì, Fàndiànlǐ yǒu yóuzhèngjú ma?	Yes, is there a post office in the hotel?
-M:	Yǒu, zài yìlóu, xiàle diànti wàng yòu zǒu. Guòle màishūde jiù shì yóujú. Kěshi xiànzài yóujú yǐjīng guān mén le. Rúguo nín jiù yào mài yóupiào, wǒmen zhèr yě mài.	Yes, it’s on the first F1oor. When you get off the elevator go to the right. When you’ve passed the bookshop there’s the post office. But they have already closed. If you only want to buy stamps, we sell them here.
+M:	Yǒu, zài yìlóu, xiàle diànti wàng yòu zǒu. Guòle màishūde jiù shì yóujú. Kěshi xiànzài yóujú yǐjīng guān mén le. Rúguo nín jiù yào mài yóupiào, wǒmen zhèr yě mài.	Yes, it’s on the first f1oor. When you get off the elevator go to the right. When you’ve passed the bookshop there’s the post office. But they have already closed. If you only want to buy stamps, we sell them here.
 F:	Wǒ yào yóupiào, hái yǒu liǎngfēng xìn yào guàhào.	I need some stamps, there are also two letters that I need to register
 M:	Ou, jì guàhàoxìn nín děi dào yóujú qù jì.	Oh, if you want to mail registered letters you’ll have to go to the post office.
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ PART II
 8.	Wàng Měiguo jìde hángkōng yóujiǎn yào tiē duōshao qiánde yóupiào?	How much postage do you have to put on an aerogram to America?
 9.	Dào Guǎngzhōu qùde píngxìn shi duōshao qián?	How much postage do you have to put on a postcard to Hong Kong?
 10.	Jì dào Xiānggǎng qùde míngxìnpiàn shi duōshao qián?	How much postage do you have to put on a postcard to Hong Kong?
-11.	Guónèide hángkōng xìn dòu shi yìmào.	All air mail within the country is ten cents.
+11.	Guónèide hángkōng xìn dōu shi yìmào.	All air mail within the country is ten cents.
 12.	Jì dào guówài qùde hángkōng xìn shi yìmáo.	Air nail letters going out of the country are seventy cents.
 13.	Běnshìde píngxìn sìfēnqián.	Regular mail within the city is four cents.
 lit.	Wàidìde píngxìn bāfēnqián.	Regular mail outside the city is eight cents.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ wàidì: “Foreign place”, “outside this city”.
+A conversation at the Post Office.
 M:	Láojià, wàng Shànghǎi jìde hángkōng xìn yào tiē duōshao qiánde yóupiào?	Excuse me, how much postage do you need to put on an air mail letter to Shanghai?
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ PART III
-22.	Nǐ zuìhǎo zài xiāngzi wàimian xiěshang XIǍOXIN, QINGFĀNG.	It would be best if you write on the outside CAREFUL, FRAGILE.
+22.	Nǐ zuìhǎo zài xiāngzi wàimian xiěshang XIǍOXĪN, QINGFĀNG.	It would be best if you write on the outside CAREFUL, FRAGILE.
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ xiǎoxīn: “To be careful”.
 qīngfàng: “Fragile”, or more literally “to put lightly”.
-zuìhǎo: This word acts as an adverb, coming after the subject ni and before the verb phrase. The word zuìhǎo is used in politely offering advice to someone, not in warning them what they'd better do.
+zuìhǎo: This word acts as an adverb, coming after the subject nǐ and before the verb phrase. The word zuìhǎo is used in politely offering advice to someone, not in warning them what they'd better do.
 A conversation at the Post Office.
 F:	Wǒ yào wàng Měiguo jì yige bāoguo.	I want to mail a package to the United States.
-M:	Nǐ yào jì hángkōng háishi hǎiyùn?                           Do you want to send it by airmail or by sea mail?
+M:	Nǐ yào jì hángkōng háishi hǎiyùn?	Do you want to send it by airmail or by sea mail?
 F:	Hǎiyùn.	Send it by sea mail.
 M:	Zhèi shi nǐ yào jìde dōngxī ma? Wǒmen yào jiǎnchá.	Are these the things you want to mail? We want to inspect them.
 F:	Hǎo. Qǐng ni jiǎnchá ba.	Okay. Please inspect them.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ diànxìnjú: “Telegraph Office.” In the PRC the word used is diànxùnjú.
+Mr. White, an American, is talking to a Chinese friend.
 M:	Wǒ yǒu yíjiàn zhòngyàode shì yào wàng Měiguo dǎ yìfēng diànbào. Dào náli qù dǎ?	I have something important, I want to send by telegram to America. Where do I go to send it?
 F:	Dào Diànxìnjú qù dǎ.	You go to the Telegraph Office to send it.
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ M:	Zài náli?	Where is it?
 F:	Zài Buóài Lù. Gēn Táiběi Yōuzhèngjú zài yìqǐ.	It's on Buóài Lù. Together with the Taipei Post Office.
 M:	Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù dǎ.	Okay. Thank you. I'll go right now to send it.
+(Now he speaks to the clerk at the telegraph Office)
 M:	Qǐngwèn, wǒ yào wàng Měiguo dǎ yìfēng Yīngwénde diànbào zěnme dǎ?	May I ask, I want to send an English telegram to the U.S. How do I send it?
 F:	Nǐ bǎ dìzhī gēn yào shuōde dōu xiě zài zhèzhāng zhǐshang.	Write the address and what you want to say on this paper.
@@ -221,15 +221,15 @@ M:	Yíge zì duōshao qián?	How much is it per word?
 F:	Yíge zì Táibì èrshíèrkuài wǔmáo qián. Zuìshǎo èrshige zì.	One word is 22.50 Taibi. The minimum is twenty words.
 M:	Hǎo.	Okay.
+(He writes down what he wants to say and hands it to the clerk) 
 M:	Yígòng èrshiyíge zì.	Altogether it's twenty-one words.
-F:	Yígōng èrbǎisìshiqīkuài wǔnáo qián.	Altogether it's 247.5O
+F:	Yígòng èrbǎisìshiqīkuài wǔmáo qián.	Altogether it's 247.5O
 M:	Hǎo.	Fine.
-An American staying at the Peking Hotel asks the service attendant on her F1oor for some information.
+An American staying at the Peking Hotel asks the service attendant on her f1oor for some information.
 F:	Wǒ xiǎng dǎ yìfēng diànbào. Zài fàndiànli kéyi bu keyi dǎ? Hàishi wǒ děi dào Diànbào Dàlóu qù dǎ?	I’d like to send a telegram. Can I send it in the hotel? Or do I have to go to the Telegraph Building to send it?
 M:	Búbì dào Diànbào dàlóu qù dǎ. Nǐ kéyi dào fàndiànlǐde yóujú qù dà.	You don’t have to go to the Telegraph Building to send it. You can go to the post office in the hotel to send it.
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ yíqǐ	together, together with
 yóujú 	post office
 yóupiào(yìzhang)	stamp
 yǒu tǒng	mailbox
-post office 	yóuzhèngjú
+yóuzhèngjú	post office
 zhòngyào	to be important
 zuìhǎo	the best; “it would be best”
 zuìshǎo	at least, at the minimum
@@ -315,7 +315,6 @@ Wǒ qù zhǎo ta.	I'll go look for him. (I'll go find him.)
 néng: “to be able to”. Although this verb overlaps in meaning with kéyi, “can, may”, there are definite differences. The verb néng is more general, while kéyi has the narrower meaning “be able to” the sense of “be permitted to do so by someone”.
 F1:	Wèi! Wàijiāobù.	Hello, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
@@ -329,9 +328,11 @@ F:	Tā xiànzài bú zài bàngōngshì. Nín shi nǎr?	He’s not in the office
 M:	Wǒ shi Jiānàdà Dàshiguǎnde Dàwèi Andésēn.	I’m David Anderson of the Canadian Embassy.
-F:	Nǐ xiān bié guà.. Wǒ gěi ni qù zhǎo ta.	Don’t hang up just yet. I'll go look for him for you.
+F:	Nǐ xiān bié guà. Wǒ gěi ni qù zhǎo ta.	Don’t hang up just yet. I'll go look for him for you.
+	...
-F:	Andésēn Xiānsheng. Tán Sīzhǎng xiànzài yǒu shì, bù néng lǎi jiē diànhuà. Qǐng ni gàosu wo nǐde diànhuà hàomǎr. Tán Sīzhǎng děng yìhuǐr gěi ni huí diànhuà.	Mr. Anderson. Bureau Chief Tán is busy right now, and can't come to the phone. Please tell me your telephone number. Bureau Chief Tán will call you back in a little while.
+F:	Andésēn Xiānsheng. Tán Sīzhǎng xiànzài yǒu shì, bù néng lái jiē diànhuà. Qǐng ni gàosu wo nǐde diànhuà hàomǎr. Tán Sīzhǎng děng yìhuǐr gěi ni huí diànhuà.	Mr. Anderson. Bureau Chief Tán is busy right now, and can't come to the phone. Please tell me your telephone number. Bureau Chief Tán will call you back in a little while.
 M:	Hǎo. Wǒde diànhuà hàomǎr shi sān-sì-wǔ—liù-liù-yāo.	Fine. My telephone number is 345-661.
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ PART II
 12.	Wǒ tīng bù qīngchu.	I can't hear you clearly.
 13.	Wǒ shi yige Měiguo shāngrén.	I'm an American businessman.
 1U.	Nǐde míngzi wo xiěxialai le.	I wrote down your name.
-15	Wàinùóbù	Ministry of Foreign Trade
+15	Wàimàobù	Ministry of Foreign Trade
@@ -366,19 +367,19 @@ M:	Qìng Lǐ Dàming Xiānsheng jiē diànhuà.	Please have Mr. Lǐ Dàming come
 F2:	Wài. Qǐng dà yìdiar shēng shuō. Wǒ tīng bù qīngchu.	Hello. Please speak a little louder. I can’t hear you clearly.
+(He speaks a lottle louder)
+M:	Qǐng Lǐ Dàmíng, L Xiānsheng Jiē diànhuà.	Please have Lǐ Dàmíng, Mr. Lǐ come to the phone.
-M:	Qing Li Dàmíng, Li Xiānsheng Jiē diànhuà.	Please have Lǐ Dàmíng, Mr. Lǐ come to the phone.
-F2:	Ou, nǐ zhǎo Lǐ Dàmíng jiē diànhuà. Hǎo, qǐng ni děngyiděng.	Oh, you want Lǐ Daming to come to the phone. Okay, please wait a moment.
+F2:	Ōu, nǐ zhǎo Lǐ Dàmíng jiē diànhuà. Hǎo, qǐng ni děngyiděng.	Oh, you want Lǐ Daming to come to the phone. Okay, please wait a moment.
 M:	Hǎo.	All right.
-F2:	Ou, tā qù chī fàn qù le. Nín shi něiwèi?	Oh, he went out to eat. Who is calling?
+F2:	Ōu, tā qù chī fàn qù le. Nín shi něiwèi?	Oh, he went out to eat. Who is calling?
 M:	Wǒ shi Qiāozhì Dàfēi. Wǒ shi yige Měiguo shāngrén. Wǒ zhùzai Běijīng Fàndiàn 5O4 hào.	I'm George Duffy. I'm an American businessman. I'm staying at the Peking Hotel, room 504.
-F2:	Hǎo, nǐde míngzi wō xiěxialai le. Děng Li Dàmíng huílai wǒ gàosu ta gěi ni huí diànhuà.	Okay, I wrote down your name. When Li Darning returns, I'll tell him to call you back.
+F2:	Hǎo, nǐde míngzi wō xiěxialai le. Děng Lǐ Dàmíng huílai wǒ gàosu ta gěi ni huí diànhuà.	Okay, I wrote down your name. When Li Darning returns, I'll tell him to call you back.
 M:	Xièxie ni.	Thank you.
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ PART III
 18.	Nǐ yào děngyiděng háishi guò yìhuǐr zài dǎlai?	Do you want to wait or call back in a little while?
 19.	Nǐ yào liú ge huà ma?	Do you want to leave a message?
 20.	Bú yòng le.	No need to.
-21.	Wǒ gěi ni jieguoqu.	I’ll connect you.
+21.	Wǒ gěi ni jiēguoqu.	I’ll connect you.
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ tīngdǒng: This is a compound verb meaning “to understand (by listening)”.
 guò: This is the verb “to pass, cross, go through.” It can be used when talking about time or space.
-Guò liǎngtiáo Jiē, wàng zuǒ zǒu.	Go past two streets and go to the left.
+Guò liǎngtiáo jiē, wàng zuǒ zǒu.	Go past two streets and go to the left.
 Guò liǎngfēn zhōng, wǒ zài lai.	I’ll be back in two minutes.
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ M:	Qǐng ni jiē sānshièrhào fēnjī.	Please connect me with extension number
 F1:	Hǎo. ...Duìbuqǐ, zhànzhe xiàn ne.	All right. ... I’m sorry that line is busy.
-M:	Nǐ shuō shénme? Wǒ méi tīngdōng. Qǐng ni zài shuō yícì.	What did you say? I didn’t understand. Please say it again.
+M:	Nǐ shuō shénme? Wǒ méi tīngdǒng. Qǐng ni zài shuō yícì.	What did you say? I didn’t understand. Please say it again.
 F1:	Sānshièrhào fēnji zhànzhe xiàn ne. Jiù shi shuō yǒu rén zài shuō huà ne.	Extension number 32 is busy. That's to say there is someone talking.
@@ -427,6 +428,8 @@ F1:	Wài, sānshièrhào fēnjī méiyou rén shuō huà le. Wǒ gěi ni jiēguo
 M:	Xièxie.	Thank you.
+	...
 F2:	Wéi!	Hello.
 M:	Qǐng Fāng Mínglì, Fāng Xiáojie jiē diànhuà.	I'd like to speak with Fāng Mínglǐ, Miss Fāng.
@@ -437,22 +440,22 @@ M:	Bú yòng le. Wǒ xiànzài yào chūqu, wǒ xiàwu zài dǎlai.	No need to.
-22.	Qíngwèn, zhè. fùjìn yǒu gōngyòng diànhuà ma?	May I ask, is there a public telephone in the area?
-23.	Wǒ wangle dài tāde diànhuà hàomar.	I forgot to bring his telephone number.
+22.	Qíngwèn, zhè fùjìn yǒu gōngyòng diànhuà ma?	May I ask, is there a public telephone in the area?
+23.	Wǒ wàngle dài tāde diànhuà hàomǎr.	I forgot to bring his telephone number.
 2U.	Wǒ bú huì chá Zhōngguo diànhuàbù.	I don’t know how to look things up in a Chinese phone book.
-25.	gongguan	residence, home (a polite reference to another's residence)
+25.	gōngguǎn	residence, home (a polite reference to another's residence)
-M:	Qíngwèn, zhè fùjìn you gōngyòng diànhuà ma?	May I ask, is there a public telephone in the area?
+M:	Qǐngwèn, zhè fùjìn yǒu gōngyòng diànhuà ma?	May I ask, is there a public telephone in the area?
-F1:	Zhèige gongsī ménkǒu jiù you.	There’s one at the doorway of this company.
+F1:	Zhèige gōngsī ménkǒu jiù yǒu.	There’s one at the doorway of this company.
 M:	Òu, jiù zài zhèli. ... Duìbuqǐ, wǒ xiǎng gěi wǒde péngyou Wáng Dànián dǎ diànhuà, kěshi wǒ wàngle dài tāde diànhuà hàomar.	Oh, it’s right here. Excuse me, I want to call may friend Wang Danian, but I forgot to bring his telephone number with me.
 F1:	Gōngyòng diànhuà nàli yǒu diànhuàbù.	The public telephone has telephone book.
-M:	Wǒ bú huì chá Zhōngguo diànhuàbù. Qing ni tì wǒ cháyicha, hāo bu hao?	I don’t know how to look things up in a Chinese phone book. Please look it up for me, all right?
+M:	Wǒ bú huì chá Zhōngguo diànhuàbù. Qǐng ni tì wǒ cháyicha, hāo bu hao?	I don’t know how to look things up in a Chinese phone book. Please look it up for me, all right?
 F1:	Hǎo.	Okay.

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