소스 검색

fin du vocab module 7

Eric Streit 1 년 전

+ 17 - 57
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 02 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -298,75 +298,35 @@ Tom, a graduate student, talked with his classmate from Hong Kong, Yiping,
 in front of a larger library at Georgetown University.
 Hey, Tom, 你好。
+这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。
+我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。
+不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的人。 这也需要时间。
+美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?
+你说的有点道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?
+不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。
+怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?
+看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。

+ 359 - 0
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 1.xml

@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">À! Shì nǐ ya! Hǎo jiǔ bu jiàn! jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān chūlai zǒuzou?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">啊!是你啊,好久不见,今天怎么有时间出来走走?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Well, it’s you! I haven’t seen you in a long time! How is it you've got time to come out for a walk today?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yíge zhōngtóu yǐqián, wǒ cóng xuéxiào gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà, nǐ bú zài jiā, gāngcái wǒ dào zhèli fūjìn mǎi dōngxi, jiù lái kànkan. Zhēn bú cuò, nǐ yǐjīng huílai le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一个钟头以前,我从学校给你打电话,你不在家。刚才我到这里附近买东西,就来看看。真不错,你已经回来了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I called you an hour ago from school, but you weren't home. I just came over to this neighborhood to do some shopping, so I stopped by to visit. It's great that you're back already.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duìbuqǐ, wǒ gāngcái dào péngyou jiā jiè shū qu le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对不起,我刚才到朋友家借书去了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sorry. I just went over to a friend's house to borrow a book.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shénme shū? Yòu shi guānyú Zhōngguóde ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">什么书,又是关于中国的吧?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What book? More about China, I bet.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì le, yǒu Xiānggǎngde, dàlùde, yě yǒu Táiwānde, dōu shi xiǎshuōr. Nǐ zuòxia kàn, wǒ qù gěi nǐ dào bēi chá lai.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了,有香港的,大陆的,也有台湾的,都是小说。你坐下看,我去给你倒杯茶来。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, there are ones from Hong Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, all fiction. Sit down and have a look. I'll go get you a cup of tea.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú yào máfan, shénme hēde dōu xíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不要麻烦,什么喝的都行。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Don't go to any trouble. Anything to drink is fine.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěkǒukělè, júzi shuǐr**, háishi  píjiǔ?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可口可乐,橘子水,还是啤酒?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Coke, orange juice or beer?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">M, júzi shuǐ ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,橘子水吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Um, orange juice.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒ mǎshàng jiù lái, yào bīngkuàir ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,我马上就来,要冰块吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, I'll get it right now. Do you want ice cubes?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú yào, xièxie.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不要,谢谢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No, thanks.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāngmǔ?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">汤姆?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Tom?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ng?  (ēn)</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yeah?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhè sānge dìfangde shū, ni dōu kàn, ní juéde zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这三个地方的书你都看,你觉得怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Reading books from all three of these places, what do you think?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒde gǎnjué bú shi yíjù huà kéyi shuōqīngchude. Eng... zhème shuō ba, wǒ zǒng juéde dàlù rén, Xiānggǎng rén, hé Táiwān rén dōu shi Zhōngguo rén, tāmen yǒu yíyàngle wénhuà chuántǒng, kěshi yīnwei zhèngzhide qíngkuàng bù tóng, shèhuìde qíngkuàng yě jiu bù yíyàng le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我的感觉不是一句话可以说清楚的,这么说吧。我总觉得大陆人、香港人和台湾人都是中国人,他们有一样的文化传统,可是因为政治的情况不同,社会的情况也就不一样了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I can't explain my feelings in just a few words. Hmm...let's say that I've always felt that people on the mainland, in Hong Kong and Taiwan are all Chinese, all have the same cultural tradition, but because the political situations are different, the social situations are also different.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shuōde duì, dànshi nǐ yào dǒngde Zhōngguo shèhuì, zhǐ kàn shū shi bù gōude.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说的对,但是你要懂得中国社会,只看书是不够的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You're right. But if you want to understand Chinese society, it's not enough just to read books.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Éi, nǐ zhīdào ma, xiànzài xué Zhōngwénde xuéshēng yǒu hěn duō jíhuà dào Zhōngguo qu. Suǒyǐ wǒ jìhuà zài zhèige xuéqī wánle de shihou, qù Zhōngguo kànkan. Érqiě, wǒ hái xiǎng zhǎo ge hǎo péngyou yìqǐ qù.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你知道吗,现在学中文的学生有很多机会到中国去,所以我计划在这个学期完了的时候去中国看看,而且我还想找个好朋友一起去。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Say, you know, students of Chinese have a lot of opportunities to go to China now. So I'm planning to go to China for a visit when this semester is over. And what's more, I'd like to find a good friend to go with.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zuótiān wǒ jiēdao wǒ mǔqinde xìn, tā xǐwàng wǒ huí Xiānggǎng guò shùjià; zěnmeyàng, nǐ hé wo yìqǐ huíqu ba. Nǐ kéyi zhù zai wǒmen jiāli, érqiě, zài Xiānggǎng yìfāngmiàn nǐ yǒu jīhui hé Zhōngguo rén tán huà, yì fāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao dàlù, Xiānggǎng hé Taiwǎnde qíngkuàng, nǐ kàn hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">昨天我接到我母亲的信,她希望我回香港过暑假,怎么样,你和我一起回去吧,你可以住在我们家里。而且在香港,一方面你有机会和中国人谈话,一方面可以知道大陆、香港和台湾的情况,你看好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yesterday I got a letter from my mother, and she'd like me to come back to Hong Kong for summer vacation. How about going back with me? You can stay at our house; what's more, in Hong Kong, on the one hand you'll have a chance to talk with Chinese and on the other hand you can learn about the situation on the mainland. In Hong Kong and in Taiwan. What do you think?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fēicháng hǎo.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">非常好。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Great.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nàme, nǐ hái yào hé nǐ jiāli rén shāngliang yixiar ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那么你还要和你家里人商量一下吧?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Well then, you'll still want to discuss this a bit with your parents, I suppose?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú bì, gěi fùmǔ dǎ diànhuàde shihou, gàosu tamen wǒde jìhua jiu xíng le. Wǒ yào yánjiū Zhōngguo shèhuì, fùmǔ yídìng huì gāoxìngde.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不必,给父亲打电话的时候告诉他们我的计划就行了。我要研究中国社会,父母一定会高兴的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That's not necessary. When I call them, I'll tell them my plan, and then everything should be all right. I'm sure they'll be happy that I want to study Chinese society.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguo niánqīng rén dōu yǒu zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ, zhèi yidiǎnr, wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">美国年轻人都有自己的想法,这一点我非常喜欢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Young people in America really think for themselves (have their own ideas). I really like that.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Niánqīng rén yǒu zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ shi duìde, kěshi fùmǔde huà yě yīnggai kǎolǜ.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">年轻人有自己的想法是对的,可是父母的话也应该考虑。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>It's good that young people think for themselves, but you still ought to consider what your parents say.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">M. Nà wǒmen shuōhǎo le, jīnnián shǔjià qù Xianggǎng, xiànzài hái yǒu wǔge yuède shíjiān kéyi zhǔnbèi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,那我们说好了,今天暑假去香港,现在还有五个月时间可以准备。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>This summer vacation we'll go to Hong Kong. We still have five months to prepare.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì, jiù zhème bàn! Jīnnián xiàtiān wǒ jiù yào dào zhèige dìfang dà, rénkǒu duō, lìshǐ yòu chángde guójiā qu le. Hài! Zhèige jìhua zhēn ràng wo gāoxìng!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今年夏天我就要到这个地方大人口多,历史又长的国家去了。嘿,这个计划真让我高兴。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right, that's what we'll do. This summer we will go to that country with a large area, a great population, and a long history. Boy, this plan really makes me happy.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, jiù zhèiyang. Wǒ yinggāi zǒu le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好吧,就这样,我应该走了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Good, it's settled. I have to go.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ máng shenme! Hái zǎo ne! 你忙什么?还早呢? </foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">What's the hurry? It's still early!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>7</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bù zǎo le, huíqu hái děi niàn shū ne!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">早了,回去还去念书呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No it isn't. I still have to study when I get back.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà, yǒu shíjiān nǐ zài lái wánr!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那,有时间再来玩。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Well then, come again when you have time!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Míngtiān jiàn!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明天见!    See you tomorrow.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>7</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 227 - 0
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.xml

@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎo Míng, nǐ zài chī yidiǎnr a.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小明,你再吃一点儿啊.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Xiǎo Míng, have some more to eat.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mā, wǒ chībǎo le, bù xiǎng chī le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妈,我吃饱了,不想吃了.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>工'm full,Mom. I don't want any more.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měitian niàn shū niànde zhěme wǎn, zài bu duō chī yidiǎnr, zěnme xíng na?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">每天念书,念得这么晚,再不多吃一点儿怎么行呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You study so late every day, if you keep eating so little, how will that do?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ zhēnde chībǎo le, yìdiǎnr dōu bù xiǎng chī le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我真的吃饱了,一点儿都不想吃了.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>工've really had enough. I Just don't want any more.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Háizi, nǐ yǒu shénme xīnshì Kě bu kéyi hé wo tāntan?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">孩子,你有什么心事,可不可以和我谈谈?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Son, what do you have on your mind? Can you talk about it vith me?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mā, nǐ zuòxia. Zánmen lái Měiguo sìwǔnián le, láide shihou wǒ hái shi ge háizi, xiànzài yǐjīng shi dàren le. Wǒ suīrán zhǎngdà le, kěshi zuò shénme shìr, háishi xiǎng xiān hé nín tántan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妈,你坐下.咱们来美国四五年了.来的时候我还是个孩子,现在已经是大人了.我虽然长大了,可是做什么事儿还是想先和您谈谈?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>When we came I was still a child, but now I'm an adult. But even though I've grown up, whenever I do something I still like to discuss it with you first.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎode, yoǒ shénme shìr, nǐ jiù shuō ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好的,有什么事儿你就说吧.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, if you have something you'd like to talk about, go ahead.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mā, wǒ yǒu jǐge Měiguo tóngxué, dōu shi xuě Zhōngwénde, jīnnián shǔjià, tāmen xiǎng dào Yàzhōu qù kànkan, wǒ yě xiǎng hé tāmen yìqǐ qù.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妈,我有几个美国同学都是学中文的.今年暑假他们想到亚洲去看看,我也想和他们一起去.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mom, I have a few American classmates who study Chinese. This summer vacation, they want to go to Asia, and I'd like to go with them.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dōu shi niánqīng rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">都是年轻人吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are they all young people?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì a, dōu shi dàxuéshēng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是阿,都是大学生.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, they're all college students,</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāmen qù Yǎzhōu, shi qù wánr háishi qù yánjiū Yǎzhōude zhèngzhi, wénhuà qíngxing?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他们去亚洲是去玩,还是去研究亚洲的政治文化情形?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are they going to Asia for fun or to study the political and cultural situation in Asia?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng, tāmen juéde Yàzhōu wénhuà hěn yǒu yìsi, Yàzhōu  gèguó shèhuìde qíngkuàng yě hěn yǒu yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想他们觉得亚洲文化很有意思,亚洲各国社会的情况也很有意思.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I think they find Asian culture and the social situation in the Asian countries very interesting.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāmen juéde zuì yǒu yìside dìfang shi nǎr a?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他们觉得最有意思的地方是哪儿啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Which place do they think is the most interesting?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dāngrán shi Zhōngguó!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">当然是中国.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>China, of course!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ líkāi Zhōngguo zhǐ yǒu sìwǔnián, jiù xiǎng huíqu le?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你离开中国只有四五年,就想回去了?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You left China only four or five years ago,and already you vant to go back again?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ láide shihou cái shàng gāozhōng, duì Zhōngguo wénhuà dǒngdéde tài shǎo. Wǒ xiǎng wǒ yīnggāi huíqu kànkan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我来的时候才上高中,对中国文化懂得太少,我想我应该回去看看.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>When I came I was only in senior high, and ī understood too little about Chinese culture. I think I ought to go back to visit.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōngguode wénhuà yǐjīng yǒu sìqiānniánde lìshǐ,yǒu yìside dōngxi hěn duō. Nǐ yào yánjiū Zhōngguo wénhuà, wǒ bù fǎnduì. Búguò, zǒu yǐqián, nǐ yídìng yào hé Yěye hǎohāor tán yícì. Tā jǐshínián méiyou huíqu le, yídìng yǒu hěn duō huà yào hé ni shuō.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中国文化已经有四千年的历史,有意思的事情很多。你要研究中国文化,我不反对。不过,走以前你一定要和爷爷好好谈一次。他几十年没有回去了,一定有很多话要和你说。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Chinese culture already has four thousand years of history, and there are many interesting things. I’m not against your vanting to study Chinese culture. But before you go you have to talk it over thoroughly with Grandpa. He hasn’t been back in several decades and I’m sure he’ll have a lot to say to you.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ jìzhu le, yídìng hé Yéye hǎohāor tányitán.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我记住了,一定和爷爷好好谈一谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I'll remember. I'll make sure I talk it over thoroughly vith Grandpa.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 17 - 23
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 3.csv

@@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3
-     Two classmates, an American (B) and a Chinese (A), share an apartment
-somewhere in America. The American is at home studying Sht Ji, Records of the
-Historian, a classical history. His Chinese classmate comes in the door.
-A:	Wǒde tiān na! Nǐ hái zài niàn shū? Ài, hé bēi píjiǔ xiūxi xiuxi hǎo bu hǎo?	我的天呐,你还在念书?嘿,喝杯啤酒,休息休息,好不好?	My God! Are you still studying? Hey, how about taking a break for a beer?
-B:	Hǎo hǎo hǎo, ràng wo bǎ zhèiyidiǎnr kànwán xíng bu xíng?	好好好,让我把这一点看完行不行?	Okay, okay, let me finish reading this little bit, okay?
-A:	Hài, nǐ zǒngshi kàn gǔshu? Xiànzài shèhuìde qíngxing, nǐ jiu yìdiǎnr dōu bu kǎolǜ ma?	嗨,你总是看《古书》。现在社会的情形你就一点都不考虑吗?	Come on, you're always reading classics! Don’t you ever think about the condition of today’s society?
-B:	Shéi shuō wǒ bù kǎolǜ, xuéshēnghuìde shì wǒ yě zuòle bù shǎo ma!	谁说我不考虑?学生会的事我也做了不少嘛。	Who says I don’t think about it. I’ve done a lot with the Student Association,you know!
-A:	Nǐ zhēn yǒu y4si! Zuò yidiǎnr xuéshēnghuìde shì jiu shi guānxīn shèhuì le!	真有意思,做一点学生会的事就是关心社会了。	You’re something else! Just doing a little work with the Student Association means you're concerned about society!
-B:	Nà nǐ shuō, wǒ yīnggāi zuò diǎn shénme ne?	那你说我应该做点什么呢?	Well then, what do you think I should do?
-A:	Dàlùshang yǒu nàme duō rén, nǐ zěnme bú wènwen tāmende qíngxing zěnmeyàng?	大陆上有那么多人,你怎么不问问他们的情形怎么样?	There are so many people on the mainland, how come you don’t try to find out what their situation is like?
-B:	Wǒ juéde zhèngzhi wèntí tài máfan, wǒ bù xiǎng tán zhèngzhi.	我觉得政治问题太麻烦,我不想谈政治。	I think that political problems are too much bother (tedious and involved). I don't like to talk about politics.
-A:	Wǒ yě méiyou yào gēn nǐ tán zhèngzhide yìsi. Wǒde yìsi shi, nǐ yánjiū Zhōngguode shihou, yìfāngmiàn yào kànkan gǔshū, yánjiuyanjiu Zhōngguo chuántǒng wénhuà, yìfāngmiàn yě kéyi kànkan zhèi yìbǎiniánde Zhōngguo lìshǐ.	我也没有要跟你谈政治的意思。我的意思是,你研究中国的时候,一方面要看看《古书》,研究研究中国传统文化,	一方面也可以看看这一百年的中国历史。I didn't mean I wanted to talk politics with you. I mean that as you study China, on the one hand you should read the classics and study traditional Chinese culture, but on the other hand you can also read some Chinese history of the past hundred years.
-B:	Zhèiyidiǎn shi duìde. Zhèi yìxuéqī wǒ bú shi yǒu Zhōngguo jìndàishǐ kè ma?	这一点是对的,这一学期我不是有中国近代时刻吗?	You're right about that. I have modern Chinese history class this semester, don’t I?
-A:	Wǒ xiǎng chūle shàng xué yǐwài, nǐ hái kéyi kàn yidiǎnr xiǎoshuōr.	我想除了上学以外,你还可以看一点小说儿。	But I think that besides taking classes, you could read some fiction, too.
-B:	Kàn xiǎoshuōr?! Wǒ nǎr yǒu shíjiān kàn shenme xiǎoshuōr?	看小说?我哪有时间看什么小说儿?	Read fiction?! When (lit. “where”) do I have time to read any fiction?
-A:	Wǒ zuìjìn zài kàn jǐběnr  Zhōngguo jìndài xiǎoshuōr, fēicháng yǒu yìsi. Nǐ rúguǒ xiǎng dǒngde Zhōngguo xiàndài shèhuì, zhēn děi duō kàn diǎnr zhěizhǒng xiǎoshuōr.	我最近在看几本中国近代小说,非常有意思。你如果想懂得中国近代社会,真得多看点这种小说儿。	Lately I've been reading a few modern Chinese novels which are very interesting. If you want to understand modern Chinese society, you really have to read more of this kind of fiction.
-B:	Wǒ zěnme kéyi hē nǐ bǐ, nǐ kànde nàme kuài! É, zhèiyang hǎo bu hǎo, nǐ kànwán yǐhòu gàosu wo něiyiběn hǎo yidiǎnr, wǒ zài kàn, xíng bu xíng?	我怎么可以和你一比?你看得那么快?嘿,这样好不好?你看完以后告诉我哪一本好一点,我再看,行不行?	How can I compare with you; you read so fast! Hey, how about this: after you've finished reading them, tell me which book is best and then I'll read it, okay?
-A:	Hǎo hǎo hǎo, jiù zhèiyang ba! Xiànzài wǒ bú zài máfan nǐ le. Éi, dùi le, jīntiān wǎnshang zánmen chī shénme? Wǒ lái zuò yidiǎnr, hǎo bu hǎo?	好好好,就这样吧。现在我不再麻烦你了。哎,对了,今天晚上咱们吃什么?我来做一点好不好?	Okay, that's what we'll do. Now I'll leave you alone. Oh yeah what are we going to eat tonight? I'll make something, okay?
-B:	Bú bì zuò le, suíbiàn chī diǎnr ba! Wǒ niànwán zhèiyidiǎnr, zánmen chūqu chī pǐchá bǐng, hǎo bu hao?	不必做了,随便吃点吧。我念完这一点,咱们出去吃披萨铃好不好?	You don't have to make anything. Why don't we just have something easy, After I finish reading this, how about going out and having a pizza?
-A:	Hǎo! Nǐ kuài diǎnr niàn, niànwán zánmen jiu zǒu.	好,你快点儿念,念完咱们就走。	Okay! Hurry up and read, we'll leave right after you finish.
+A:	Wǒde tiān na! Nǐ hái zài niàn shū? Ài, hé bēi píjiǔ xiūxi xiuxi hǎo bu hǎo?	我的天呐,你还在念书?嘿,喝杯啤酒,休息休息,好不好?	My God! Are you still studying? Hey, how about taking a break for a beer?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo hǎo hǎo, ràng wo bǎ zhèiyidiǎnr kànwán xíng bu xíng?	好好好,让我把这一点看完行不行?	Okay, okay, let me finish reading this little bit, okay?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hài, nǐ zǒngshi kàn gǔshu? Xiànzài shèhuìde qíngxing, nǐ jiu yìdiǎnr dōu bu kǎolǜ ma?	嗨,你总是看《古书》。现在社会的情形你就一点都不考虑吗?	Come on, you're always reading classics! Don’t you ever think about the condition of today’s society?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Shéi shuō wǒ bù kǎolǜ, xuéshēnghuìde shì wǒ yě zuòle bù shǎo ma!	谁说我不考虑?学生会的事我也做了不少嘛。	Who says I don’t think about it. I’ve done a lot with the Student Association,you know!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ zhēn yǒu y4si! Zuò yidiǎnr xuéshēnghuìde shì jiu shi guānxīn shèhuì le!	真有意思,做一点学生会的事就是关心社会了。	You’re something else! Just doing a little work with the Student Association means you're concerned about society!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nà nǐ shuō, wǒ yīnggāi zuò diǎn shénme ne?	那你说我应该做点什么呢?	Well then, what do you think I should do?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dàlùshang yǒu nàme duō rén, nǐ zěnme bú wènwen tāmende qíngxing zěnmeyàng?	大陆上有那么多人,你怎么不问问他们的情形怎么样?	There are so many people on the mainland, how come you don’t try to find out what their situation is like?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wǒ juéde zhèngzhi wèntí tài máfan, wǒ bù xiǎng tán zhèngzhi.	我觉得政治问题太麻烦,我不想谈政治。	I think that political problems are too much bother (tedious and involved). I don't like to talk about politics.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒ yě méiyou yào gēn nǐ tán zhèngzhide yìsi. Wǒde yìsi shi, nǐ yánjiū Zhōngguode shihou, yìfāngmiàn yào kànkan gǔshū, yánjiuyanjiu Zhōngguo chuántǒng wénhuà, yìfāngmiàn yě kéyi kànkan zhèi yìbǎiniánde Zhōngguo lìshǐ.	我也没有要跟你谈政治的意思。我的意思是,你研究中国的时候,一方面要看看《古书》,研究研究中国传统文化,	一方面也可以看看这一百年的中国历史。I didn't mean I wanted to talk politics with you. I mean that as you study China, on the one hand you should read the classics and study traditional Chinese culture, but on the other hand you can also read some Chinese history of the past hundred years.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhèiyidiǎn shi duìde. Zhèi yìxuéqī wǒ bú shi yǒu Zhōngguo jìndàishǐ kè ma?	这一点是对的,这一学期我不是有中国近代时刻吗?	You're right about that. I have modern Chinese history class this semester, don’t I?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒ xiǎng chūle shàng xué yǐwài, nǐ hái kéyi kàn yidiǎnr xiǎoshuōr.	我想除了上学以外,你还可以看一点小说儿。	But I think that besides taking classes, you could read some fiction, too.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kàn xiǎoshuōr?! Wǒ nǎr yǒu shíjiān kàn shenme xiǎoshuōr?	看小说?我哪有时间看什么小说儿?	Read fiction?! When (lit. “where”) do I have time to read any fiction?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒ zuìjìn zài kàn jǐběnr  Zhōngguo jìndài xiǎoshuōr, fēicháng yǒu yìsi. Nǐ rúguǒ xiǎng dǒngde Zhōngguo xiàndài shèhuì, zhēn děi duō kàn diǎnr zhěizhǒng xiǎoshuōr.	我最近在看几本中国近代小说,非常有意思。你如果想懂得中国近代社会,真得多看点这种小说儿。	Lately I've been reading a few modern Chinese novels which are very interesting. If you want to understand modern Chinese society, you really have to read more of this kind of fiction.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wǒ zěnme kéyi hē nǐ bǐ, nǐ kànde nàme kuài! É, zhèiyang hǎo bu hǎo, nǐ kànwán yǐhòu gàosu wo něiyiběn hǎo yidiǎnr, wǒ zài kàn, xíng bu xíng?	我怎么可以和你一比?你看得那么快?嘿,这样好不好?你看完以后告诉我哪一本好一点,我再看,行不行?	How can I compare with you; you read so fast! Hey, how about this: after you've finished reading them, tell me which book is best and then I'll read it, okay?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo hǎo hǎo, jiù zhèiyang ba! Xiànzài wǒ bú zài máfan nǐ le. Éi, dùi le, jīntiān wǎnshang zánmen chī shénme? Wǒ lái zuò yidiǎnr, hǎo bu hǎo?	好好好,就这样吧。现在我不再麻烦你了。哎,对了,今天晚上咱们吃什么?我来做一点好不好?	Okay, that's what we'll do. Now I'll leave you alone. Oh yeah what are we going to eat tonight? I'll make something, okay?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú bì zuò le, suíbiàn chī diǎnr ba! Wǒ niànwán zhèiyidiǎnr, zánmen chūqu chī pǐchá bǐng, hǎo bu hao?	不必做了,随便吃点吧。我念完这一点,咱们出去吃披萨铃好不好?	You don't have to make anything. Why don't we just have something easy, After I finish reading this, how about going out and having a pizza?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo! Nǐ kuài diǎnr niàn, niànwán zánmen jiu zǒu.	好,你快点儿念,念完咱们就走。	Okay! Hurry up and read, we'll leave right after you finish.	7	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 215 - 0
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 3.xml

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒde tiān na! Nǐ hái zài niàn shū? Ài, hé bēi píjiǔ xiūxi xiuxi hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我的天呐,你还在念书?嘿,喝杯啤酒,休息休息,好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>My God! Are you still studying? Hey, how about taking a break for a beer?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo hǎo hǎo, ràng wo bǎ zhèiyidiǎnr kànwán xíng bu xíng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好好好,让我把这一点看完行不行?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, okay, let me finish reading this little bit, okay?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hài, nǐ zǒngshi kàn gǔshu? Xiànzài shèhuìde qíngxing, nǐ jiu yìdiǎnr dōu bu kǎolǜ ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗨,你总是看《古书》。现在社会的情形你就一点都不考虑吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Come on, you're always reading classics! Don’t you ever think about the condition of today’s society?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shéi shuō wǒ bù kǎolǜ, xuéshēnghuìde shì wǒ yě zuòle bù shǎo ma!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">谁说我不考虑?学生会的事我也做了不少嘛。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Who says I don’t think about it. I’ve done a lot with the Student Association,you know!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zhēn yǒu y4si! Zuò yidiǎnr xuéshēnghuìde shì jiu shi guānxīn shèhuì le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">真有意思,做一点学生会的事就是关心社会了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You’re something else! Just doing a little work with the Student Association means you're concerned about society!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà nǐ shuō, wǒ yīnggāi zuò diǎn shénme ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那你说我应该做点什么呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Well then, what do you think I should do?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàlùshang yǒu nàme duō rén, nǐ zěnme bú wènwen tāmende qíngxing zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大陆上有那么多人,你怎么不问问他们的情形怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There are so many people on the mainland, how come you don’t try to find out what their situation is like?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ juéde zhèngzhi wèntí tài máfan, wǒ bù xiǎng tán zhèngzhi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我觉得政治问题太麻烦,我不想谈政治。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I think that political problems are too much bother (tedious and involved). I don't like to talk about politics.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ yě méiyou yào gēn nǐ tán zhèngzhide yìsi. Wǒde yìsi shi, nǐ yánjiū Zhōngguode shihou, yìfāngmiàn yào kànkan gǔshū, yánjiuyanjiu Zhōngguo chuántǒng wénhuà, yìfāngmiàn yě kéyi kànkan zhèi yìbǎiniánde Zhōngguo lìshǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我也没有要跟你谈政治的意思。我的意思是,你研究中国的时候,一方面要看看《古书》,研究研究中国传统文化,</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>一方面也可以看看这一百年的中国历史。I didn't mean I wanted to talk politics with you. I mean that as you study China, on the one hand you should read the classics and study traditional Chinese culture, but on the other hand you can also read some Chinese history of the past hundred years.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèiyidiǎn shi duìde. Zhèi yìxuéqī wǒ bú shi yǒu Zhōngguo jìndàishǐ kè ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这一点是对的,这一学期我不是有中国近代时刻吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You're right about that. I have modern Chinese history class this semester, don’t I?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng chūle shàng xué yǐwài, nǐ hái kéyi kàn yidiǎnr xiǎoshuōr.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想除了上学以外,你还可以看一点小说儿。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But I think that besides taking classes, you could read some fiction, too.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kàn xiǎoshuōr?! Wǒ nǎr yǒu shíjiān kàn shenme xiǎoshuōr?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看小说?我哪有时间看什么小说儿?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Read fiction?! When (lit. “where”) do I have time to read any fiction?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ zuìjìn zài kàn jǐběnr  Zhōngguo jìndài xiǎoshuōr, fēicháng yǒu yìsi. Nǐ rúguǒ xiǎng dǒngde Zhōngguo xiàndài shèhuì, zhēn děi duō kàn diǎnr zhěizhǒng xiǎoshuōr.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我最近在看几本中国近代小说,非常有意思。你如果想懂得中国近代社会,真得多看点这种小说儿。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Lately I've been reading a few modern Chinese novels which are very interesting. If you want to understand modern Chinese society, you really have to read more of this kind of fiction.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ zěnme kéyi hē nǐ bǐ, nǐ kànde nàme kuài! É, zhèiyang hǎo bu hǎo, nǐ kànwán yǐhòu gàosu wo něiyiběn hǎo yidiǎnr, wǒ zài kàn, xíng bu xíng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我怎么可以和你一比?你看得那么快?嘿,这样好不好?你看完以后告诉我哪一本好一点,我再看,行不行?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How can I compare with you; you read so fast! Hey, how about this: after you've finished reading them, tell me which book is best and then I'll read it, okay?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo hǎo hǎo, jiù zhèiyang ba! Xiànzài wǒ bú zài máfan nǐ le. Éi, dùi le, jīntiān wǎnshang zánmen chī shénme? Wǒ lái zuò yidiǎnr, hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好好好,就这样吧。现在我不再麻烦你了。哎,对了,今天晚上咱们吃什么?我来做一点好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, that's what we'll do. Now I'll leave you alone. Oh yeah what are we going to eat tonight? I'll make something, okay?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú bì zuò le, suíbiàn chī diǎnr ba! Wǒ niànwán zhèiyidiǎnr, zánmen chūqu chī pǐchá bǐng, hǎo bu hao?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不必做了,随便吃点吧。我念完这一点,咱们出去吃披萨铃好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You don't have to make anything. Why don't we just have something easy, After I finish reading this, how about going out and having a pizza?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo! Nǐ kuài diǎnr niàn, niànwán zánmen jiu zǒu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,你快点儿念,念完咱们就走。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay! Hurry up and read, we'll leave right after you finish.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 24 - 37
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.csv

@@ -1,37 +1,24 @@
-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 4
-     At an American university, a student (A), who has studied in Taiwan, comes to see her professor from China, Professor Tang (B).*
-A:	Táng Xiānsheng, wǒ kéyi jìnlai ma?	唐先生,我可以进来吗?	Professor (Teacher) Tang, may I come in?
-B:	Dāngrán, qǐng jìnlai ba! Yǒu shi ma?	当然,请进来吧,有事吗?	Of course, please come in! Is there some matter (you want to see me about)?
-A:	Mm, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín dàgài hěn bu shūfu, wǒ lái kànkan nín.	今天上课的时候,您大概很不舒服,我来看看您。	Um, in class today, you must have felt very bad, so I've come to see you.
-B:	Òu! Hái dàile huār lai! Xièxie ni.	哦,还带了花来,谢谢你。	Oh! You even brought flowers! Thank you.
-A:	Méi shenme, yīnggāide. Táng Xiānsheng, nín xiànzàide gǎnjué zěnmeyàng, hǎo yidiǎnr ma?	没什么,应该的。唐先生,您现在的感觉怎么样?好一点吗?	Not at all, it's only proper. Dr. Tang, how do you feel now, better?
-B:	Hǎoduō le, xièxie ni.	好多了,谢谢你。	Much better, thank you,
-A:	Yǒu shénme wǒ kéyi gěi nín zuòde...nín bié kèqi.	有什么我可以给您做的,您别客气。	If there's anything I can do for you... don't be polite.
-B:	Nǐ qù dào liǎngbēi kāfēi lai, hǎo bu hǎo?	我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。	How about going and pouring [us] a couple of cups of coffee?
-A:	Wǒ xiǎng, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín tài jīdòng, xiànzài zuì hǎo bù hē kāfēi.	我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。	I think that during class today you got too worked up. It would be best if you didn’t have any coffee now.
-B:	Hǎo ba, nǐ dào liǎngbēi júzishuǐ lai. Wǒ bú yāo bīng.	好吧,你倒两杯橘子水来,我不要冰。	Okay, then get us two glasses of orange juice. I don't want any ice.
-A:	Hǎode, wǒ jiù lái.	好的,我就来。	Okay, I'll be right back.
-(She gets the orange Juice out of the refrigerator in Professor Tang's office and brings it over to his desk.)
-Professor Tang first studied literature in the early 1930’s in Shanghai and himself belonged to several literary clubs and publications which included some of the authors he now discusses with his students.
-A:	Táng Xiānsheng, yǒu yíjù huà wǒ bù zhīdào kéyi bu kéyi shuō.	唐先生,有一句话我不知道可以不可以说。	Dr. Tang, there’s something I want to say but I don’t know if I can.
-B:	Yǒu shénme huà, nǐ jiù shuō ba!	有什么话,你就说吧。	Whatever you have to say, just say it!
-A:	Nin měici jiang Zhongguo liūshi niandai wěnxuě dou feichang jīdSng, zhěiyangr dui ninde shěntī bu hao!	您每次讲中国六十年代文学,都非常激动,这样对您的身体不好。	Every time you talk about Chinese literature of the sixties you get very agitated. That's bad for your health!
-B:	Wǒ yě zhīdao, kěshi yì tán zhèi fāngmiànde wèntí, zǒngshi ràng wo hěn jīdòng.	我也知道,可是一谈这方面的问题,总是让我很激动。	I know, but as soon as I talk about the topic it always makes me very agitated.
-A:	Zhōngguo wénxué de qíngkuàng zhèijǐnián yǒule hěn dàde gǎilàian. Yǒude shíhou hǎo yidiǎnr, yǒude shíhou bù zěnme hǎo.	中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。	There have been big changes in the state of Chinese literature in the past few years. Sometimes it's been a little better and sometimes it hasn't been too good.
-B:	Zhōngguode shìqing jiù shi zhèiyàng, hé zhèngzhide guānxi tài dà. Wǒ lǎo le, wǒ méi bànfǎ dǒng le.	中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。	That's exactly the way things are in China; their relationship vith politics is too great. I'm too old, I can't understand it any more.
-A:	Nín shi wǒmende lǎoshī. Rúguǒ nín bù dǒng, shéi dǒng ne?	您是我们的老师,如果您不懂,谁懂呢?	But you're our teacher. If you don’t understand,who does?
-B:	Èi, yǐhòude yánjiū, jiù shi nǐmen niánqīng rénde shì le.	对,以后的研究就是你们年轻人的事了。	(Sigh) In the future, research will be the job of you young people.
-A:	Táng Xiānsheng, nín bú yào  zhèiyangr xiǎng, wǒmen dōu xīwàng yǐhòu Zhōngguo wénxuéde qíngxing huì hǎo yìdiǎnr. Jīntiān wǒ zài túshūguǎn jièle jǐběnr xīn shū, dōu shi bú cuòde. Gěi nín liúxia ba!	好,有时间我看一看。今天我在图书馆借了几本新书,都是不错的,给您留下吧。	Dr. Tang, don’t think that way. All of us hope that the state of Chinese literature will get better in the future. I got a few new books out of the library today which are all pretty good. I'll leave them with you!
-B:	Hǎo, yǒu shíjiān wǒ kànyikan.	好,有时间我看一看。	Okay, I’ll look through them when I have time.
-A:	Wǒ zǒu le, nín duō xiūxi yihuǐr. Zàijiàn.	我走了,您多休息一会儿,再见。	I'm going to leave now. You get some more rest. Goodbye.
-B:	Hǎo, zàijiàn. Xièxie nǐ lái kàn wǒ.	好,再见,谢谢你来看我。	All right,goodbye. Thanks for coming to see me.
-A:	Bú kèqi.		You’re welcome.
- Many authors of considerable fame and accomplishment were persecuted
-during the Cultural Revolution. One unfortunate instance of this resulted in
-Lan She's suicide.		.
+A:	Táng Xiānsheng, wǒ kéyi jìnlai ma?	唐先生,我可以进来吗?	Professor (Teacher) Tang, may I come in?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Dāngrán, qǐng jìnlai ba! Yǒu shi ma?	当然,请进来吧,有事吗?	Of course, please come in! Is there some matter (you want to see me about)?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Mm, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín dàgài hěn bu shūfu, wǒ lái kànkan nín.	今天上课的时候,您大概很不舒服,我来看看您。	Um, in class today, you must have felt very bad, so I've come to see you.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Òu! Hái dàile huār lai! Xièxie ni.	哦,还带了花来,谢谢你。	Oh! You even brought flowers! Thank you.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Méi shenme, yīnggāide. Táng Xiānsheng, nín xiànzàide gǎnjué zěnmeyàng, hǎo yidiǎnr ma?	没什么,应该的。唐先生,您现在的感觉怎么样?好一点吗?	Not at all, it's only proper. Dr. Tang, how do you feel now, better?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎoduō le, xièxie ni.	好多了,谢谢你。	Much better, thank you,	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Yǒu shénme wǒ kéyi gěi nín zuòde...nín bié kèqi.	有什么我可以给您做的,您别客气。	If there's anything I can do for you... don't be polite.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nǐ qù dào liǎngbēi kāfēi lai, hǎo bu hǎo?	我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。	How about going and pouring [us] a couple of cups of coffee?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒ xiǎng, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín tài jīdòng, xiànzài zuì hǎo bù hē kāfēi.	我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。	I think that during class today you got too worked up. It would be best if you didn’t have any coffee now.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo ba, nǐ dào liǎngbēi júzishuǐ lai. Wǒ bú yāo bīng.	好吧,你倒两杯橘子水来,我不要冰。	Okay, then get us two glasses of orange juice. I don't want any ice.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎode, wǒ jiù lái.	好的,我就来。	Okay, I'll be right back.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Táng Xiānsheng, yǒu yíjù huà wǒ bù zhīdào kéyi bu kéyi shuō.	唐先生,有一句话我不知道可以不可以说。	Dr. Tang, there’s something I want to say but I don’t know if I can.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu shénme huà, nǐ jiù shuō ba!	有什么话,你就说吧。	Whatever you have to say, just say it!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nin měici jiang Zhongguo liūshi niandai wěnxuě dou feichang jīdSng, zhěiyangr dui ninde shěntī bu hao!	您每次讲中国六十年代文学,都非常激动,这样对您的身体不好。	Every time you talk about Chinese literature of the sixties you get very agitated. That's bad for your health!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wǒ yě zhīdao, kěshi yì tán zhèi fāngmiànde wèntí, zǒngshi ràng wo hěn jīdòng.	我也知道,可是一谈这方面的问题,总是让我很激动。	I know, but as soon as I talk about the topic it always makes me very agitated.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhōngguo wénxué de qíngkuàng zhèijǐnián yǒule hěn dàde gǎilàian. Yǒude shíhou hǎo yidiǎnr, yǒude shíhou bù zěnme hǎo.	中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。	There have been big changes in the state of Chinese literature in the past few years. Sometimes it's been a little better and sometimes it hasn't been too good.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhōngguode shìqing jiù shi zhèiyàng, hé zhèngzhide guānxi tài dà. Wǒ lǎo le, wǒ méi bànfǎ dǒng le.	中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。	That's exactly the way things are in China; their relationship vith politics is too great. I'm too old, I can't understand it any more.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nín shi wǒmende lǎoshī. Rúguǒ nín bù dǒng, shéi dǒng ne?	您是我们的老师,如果您不懂,谁懂呢?	But you're our teacher. If you don’t understand,who does?	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Èi, yǐhòude yánjiū, jiù shi nǐmen niánqīng rénde shì le.	对,以后的研究就是你们年轻人的事了。	(Sigh) In the future, research will be the job of you young people.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Táng Xiānsheng, nín bú yào  zhèiyangr xiǎng, wǒmen dōu xīwàng yǐhòu Zhōngguo wénxuéde qíngxing huì hǎo yìdiǎnr. Jīntiān wǒ zài túshūguǎn jièle jǐběnr xīn shū, dōu shi bú cuòde. Gěi nín liúxia ba!	好,有时间我看一看。今天我在图书馆借了几本新书,都是不错的,给您留下吧。	Dr. Tang, don’t think that way. All of us hope that the state of Chinese literature will get better in the future. I got a few new books out of the library today which are all pretty good. I'll leave them with you!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo, yǒu shíjiān wǒ kànyikan.	好,有时间我看一看。	Okay, I’ll look through them when I have time.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒ zǒu le, nín duō xiūxi yihuǐr. Zàijiàn.	我走了,您多休息一会儿,再见。	I'm going to leave now. You get some more rest. Goodbye.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo, zàijiàn. Xièxie nǐ lái kàn wǒ.	好,再见,谢谢你来看我。	All right,goodbye. Thanks for coming to see me.	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bú kèqi.		You’re welcome.	7	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 299 - 0
Module-7/FSI-41/Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.xml

@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táng Xiānsheng, wǒ kéyi jìnlai ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">唐先生,我可以进来吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Professor (Teacher) Tang, may I come in?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dāngrán, qǐng jìnlai ba! Yǒu shi ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">当然,请进来吧,有事吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Of course, please come in! Is there some matter (you want to see me about)?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mm, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín dàgài hěn bu shūfu, wǒ lái kànkan nín.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天上课的时候,您大概很不舒服,我来看看您。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Um, in class today, you must have felt very bad, so I've come to see you.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Òu! Hái dàile huār lai! Xièxie ni.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哦,还带了花来,谢谢你。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh! You even brought flowers! Thank you.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méi shenme, yīnggāide. Táng Xiānsheng, nín xiànzàide gǎnjué zěnmeyàng, hǎo yidiǎnr ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没什么,应该的。唐先生,您现在的感觉怎么样?好一点吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Not at all, it's only proper. Dr. Tang, how do you feel now, better?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎoduō le, xièxie ni.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好多了,谢谢你。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Much better, thank you,</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu shénme wǒ kéyi gěi nín zuòde...nín bié kèqi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有什么我可以给您做的,您别客气。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>If there's anything I can do for you... don't be polite.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ qù dào liǎngbēi kāfēi lai, hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How about going and pouring [us] a couple of cups of coffee?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng, jīntiān shàng kède shihou nín tài jīdòng, xiànzài zuì hǎo bù hē kāfēi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想,今天上课的时候您太激动,现在最好不喝咖啡。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I think that during class today you got too worked up. It would be best if you didn’t have any coffee now.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo ba, nǐ dào liǎngbēi júzishuǐ lai. Wǒ bú yāo bīng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好吧,你倒两杯橘子水来,我不要冰。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, then get us two glasses of orange juice. I don't want any ice.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎode, wǒ jiù lái.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好的,我就来。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, I'll be right back.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táng Xiānsheng, yǒu yíjù huà wǒ bù zhīdào kéyi bu kéyi shuō.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">唐先生,有一句话我不知道可以不可以说。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Dr. Tang, there’s something I want to say but I don’t know if I can.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu shénme huà, nǐ jiù shuō ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有什么话,你就说吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Whatever you have to say, just say it!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nin měici jiang Zhongguo liūshi niandai wěnxuě dou feichang jīdSng, zhěiyangr dui ninde shěntī bu hao!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您每次讲中国六十年代文学,都非常激动,这样对您的身体不好。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Every time you talk about Chinese literature of the sixties you get very agitated. That's bad for your health!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ yě zhīdao, kěshi yì tán zhèi fāngmiànde wèntí, zǒngshi ràng wo hěn jīdòng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我也知道,可是一谈这方面的问题,总是让我很激动。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I know, but as soon as I talk about the topic it always makes me very agitated.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōngguo wénxué de qíngkuàng zhèijǐnián yǒule hěn dàde gǎilàian. Yǒude shíhou hǎo yidiǎnr, yǒude shíhou bù zěnme hǎo.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There have been big changes in the state of Chinese literature in the past few years. Sometimes it's been a little better and sometimes it hasn't been too good.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōngguode shìqing jiù shi zhèiyàng, hé zhèngzhide guānxi tài dà. Wǒ lǎo le, wǒ méi bànfǎ dǒng le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中国的事情就是这样,和政治的关系太大,我老了,我没办法懂了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That's exactly the way things are in China; their relationship vith politics is too great. I'm too old, I can't understand it any more.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín shi wǒmende lǎoshī. Rúguǒ nín bù dǒng, shéi dǒng ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您是我们的老师,如果您不懂,谁懂呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But you're our teacher. If you don’t understand,who does?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Èi, yǐhòude yánjiū, jiù shi nǐmen niánqīng rénde shì le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,以后的研究就是你们年轻人的事了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>(Sigh) In the future, research will be the job of you young people.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táng Xiānsheng, nín bú yào  zhèiyangr xiǎng, wǒmen dōu xīwàng yǐhòu Zhōngguo wénxuéde qíngxing huì hǎo yìdiǎnr. Jīntiān wǒ zài túshūguǎn jièle jǐběnr xīn shū, dōu shi bú cuòde. Gěi nín liúxia ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,有时间我看一看。今天我在图书馆借了几本新书,都是不错的,给您留下吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Dr. Tang, don’t think that way. All of us hope that the state of Chinese literature will get better in the future. I got a few new books out of the library today which are all pretty good. I'll leave them with you!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, yǒu shíjiān wǒ kànyikan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,有时间我看一看。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, I’ll look through them when I have time.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ zǒu le, nín duō xiūxi yihuǐr. Zàijiàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我走了,您多休息一会儿,再见。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I'm going to leave now. You get some more rest. Goodbye.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, zàijiàn. Xièxie nǐ lái kàn wǒ.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,再见,谢谢你来看我。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>All right,goodbye. Thanks for coming to see me.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú kèqi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"></foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You’re welcome.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 32 - 42
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 1.csv

@@ -1,42 +1,32 @@
-Unit 2, Tape 1, Review Dialogue
-At the entrance to Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Lǐ Ping (B) encounters Tom (A).
-B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 		Hey! Hi, Tom!
-A:	Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?		 Hi, Lǐ Ping. 		Did you come here to do some reading?
-B:	Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.		After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.
-A:	Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?		What’s your favorite English magazine?
-B:	Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.		Um, Newsweek.
-A:	Wèishenme ne?		Why?
-B:	Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.		Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.
-A:	Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?		Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?
-B:	Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.		Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.
-A:	Òu, “nánnū” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?		Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?
-B:	Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?		Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?
-A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!		Sure. What would you like to know?
-B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. E, duìbuqǐ...		The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...
-*tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)
-A:	Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.		Not at all, go on.
-B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnude dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.		It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.
-A:	Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí yàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.		We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.
-B:	Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?		If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?
-A:	Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.		Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.
-B:	Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?		Then when are you getting married?
-A:	Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.		We don’t want to get married just yet.
-B:	Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?		Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?
-A:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.		That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.
-*The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.
-B:	Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.		But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.
-A:	You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shi shénme.		Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.
-B:	Shì shénme ne?		What is it, then?
-A:	Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?		Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?
-B:	Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hai wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?		There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?
-A:	Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.		No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.
-B:	Duì.		That’s right.
-A:	Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?		So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?
-B:	Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.		Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.
-A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.		Okay, we’ll talk about it later.
+B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 	诶!汤姆,你好啊。	Hey! Hi, Tom!
+A:	Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?	你好,李平,来看书吗。	 Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?
+B:	Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.	吃了晚饭,出来走走,到图书馆看看新到的杂志。	After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.
+A:	Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?	你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?	What’s your favorite English magazine?
+B:	Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.	嗯,新闻周刊。	Um, Newsweek.
+A:	Wèishenme ne?	为什么呢?	Why?
+B:	Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。	Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.
+A:	Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?	对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?	Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?
+B:	Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.	有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。	Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.
+A:	Òu, “nánnū” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?	哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?	Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?
+B:	Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?	有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。我可以问几个问题吗?	Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?
+A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!	当然,请问吧。	Sure. What would you like to know?
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...	这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,嗯,对不起。	The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...**The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.*
+A:	Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.	没什么,你说下去。	Not at all, go on.
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnude dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.	这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。	It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.
+A:	Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí yàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.	我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。	We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.
+B:	Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?	如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。	If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?
+A:	Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.	好,这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,你就知道我们怎么想了。你知道,我的女朋友她是学医的,学医不是一件容易的事,她还要在大学学习六年。	Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.
+B:	Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?	那你们什么时候结婚呢?	Then when are you getting married?
+A:	Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.	现在我们还不想结婚。	We don’t want to get married just yet.
+B:	Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?	为什么?你们觉得结了婚,有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?	Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?
+A:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.	不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的人。 这也需要时间。	That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.
+B:	Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.	可是有人会觉得你们这样做,是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。	But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.
+A:	You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shi shénme.	有人这么说,可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。	Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.
+B:	Shì shénme ne?	是什么呢?	What is it, then?
+A:	Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?	美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?	Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?
+B:	Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hai wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?	你说的有点道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?	There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?
+A:	Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。	No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.
+B:	Duì.	对。	That’s right.
+A:	Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?	怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?	So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?
+B:	Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.	看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。	Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.
+A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.	好,以后再谈。	Okay, we’ll talk about it later.

+ 1 - 1
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ B:	Bú huì.		No.
 *Work is assigned, so getting a job is not a matter of personal initiative. Work assignment is done by the work assignment committee of the city district, under coordination of the citywide office.
-*Teachers, while not directly involved in the assignment of work, can be influential in the process. There is a group of teachers in each high school or university who make specific recommendations to city offices which decide whether a student finds work in the city or is sent to the country.
+**Teachers, while not directly involved in the assignment of work, can be influential in the process. There is a group of teachers in each high school or university who make specific recommendations to city offices which decide whether a student finds work in the city or is sent to the country.
 A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?		Are you interested in photography?
 B:	Yǒu a!		Sure!

+ 21 - 21

@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!		This French weekly is quite good!
-	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!		Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
-2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?		Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
-	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.		Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
-3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?		Isn’t this article any good?
-	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.		That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
-	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?		Do you have any other articles?
-4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?		Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
-	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.		No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
-5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.		Look, here’s a news article about living together.
-	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?		Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
-6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!		Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
-	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.		Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
-7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.		Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
-	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.		If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
-8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.		There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
-	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.		You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
-9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.		I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
-	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.		It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
-10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.		The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
-	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.		Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
 11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful
 12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
 13.		zìyóu	宁死	to be free; freedom

+ 0 - 603

@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-                                           VOCABULARY
-                                                                        Module & Unit
-ai to love	了.6
-ai shang to fall in love vith	了.6
-ānding to be peaceful and stable, to be	了•了
-                         quiet and settled
-"bata father, dad, papa	了.U
-"bait iān daytime	了.3
--"ban (counter for class of students)	了.3*
-"bang to "be great, to be fantastic,to be	了•&•,了•了*
-                         terrific
-"bang mang to help; help	了.U
-"bangzhu to help; help; as a help to,for	了.2
-"bao to wrap	了.8*
-"bSochi to keep, to preserve, to maintain	了.5
-bǎohu to protect	了.6
-běihou "behind someone1 s "back	了 .2*
--běizi all one1s life, lifetime	了.2 "běnlai originally, in the "beginning, at first; 了•了
-                         to begin with, in the first place
-"benren herself, himself, oneself,野self,	了.6*
-                            etc.
-"bī to compare	了.1*
-"bian to change,to become different	了.3
-bianchěng to change into	了.2' 了.3
-bJci each other, one another, both; the	了-5*
-                         same to you
-"bingren sick person,patient	了.3* b6mǔ aunt (wife of father1s elder brother); 了.8
-                         (term for the mother of one1s friend)
-"boshi Ph.D.	7.2*
-"bii fangxīn to worry	了.3*
-"bu guan no matter (vhat, whether, etc.)	了.5*,了.6
-"bu huāng "bu mang calm, not the least "bit flustered	了 .8*
-bū Jian "bū san donft leave until vefve met up	了•了*
-"bu Jiandān	not ordinary,not commonplace; remark- 了•了*
-                          able
-"bu něng "bu to have to,must	了•了
-"bu shǎo to "be quite a lot,to be much, to	了•紅
-                         be many
-"bii shi. •. Jiu shi." if it isnft.. .then it1 s; either...	了.了
-                           or...
-"bii xiang hua to be ridiculous, to be outrageous,	了.6
-                         to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)
-SOC, Vocabulary
-2了 2
-                                                                Module & Unit
-cāi	only (before an amount)	了.3
-cai	only in that case, only under this	了.5
-                         condition
-cāichan	property	了 • U
-canjiā	to participate in, to take part in;	了.6
-                        to Join; to attend
-chang	to "be long	了.1
-chāng gě	to sing (songs)	了.6*
-chao	to "be noisy; to disturb "by making	了.8
-                         noise
-chaoxing	to wake (someone) up "by "being noisy	了.8
--chěng	(verb ending) into	了.3
-chěngshi	city; urtan	了.6
-chěngyuanguo	member country	了.6*
-chituxiaqu	to "be unatle to eat	了.3
-chī ku	to suffer, to undergo hardship	T.U
-chou yān	to smoke (totacco)	了.6
-chuang	"bed	了-2*, 了.5*
-chuāntong	tradition, traditional	了.1
-conglai	ever (up till now),always (up till	了.3
-                          now)
-conglai "bu/mei	never (up till now)	了.3
-cong. .. (Ver"b)-qī	to "begin (Vert)-ing from".	了.了
-cūnr	village	了 .6*
-dāduoshu(r)	the great majority	了.5
--dai	generation; era, (historical) period	了.5
-daishang	to take along (Běijīng)	了-8。
-dājiě	"older sister” (a respectful term	了
-                         of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older)
-dalu	mainland, continent	了.1
-dang	(political) party	了.6
-dānxīn	to "be worried, to "be uneasy	了-U
-dānzi	list; form	了.8
-dao	to pour, to dump	了.1
--dao	(resultative ending used for percep-	了,3
-                          tion ty one of the senses : .1 iandao, kandao, tīngdao, etc.)
--dao	(resultative ending used to indicate	了.3
-                         reaching; in xiangdao, tandao, etc., translated as "atout" or ’’of’’5
-daochu	everywhere	了•了 *
-dāodě	morality, morals, ethics	了-2
-dao lāji	to take out (dump) the garbage	了.3*
-daolī	principle, truth» hows and whys;	了.2
-                         reason, argument, sense
-daxuěshēng	college student	了•1*
-da zhang	to fight a war, to go to war	了.8
-SOC, Vocabulary
-gǎi	will probably	了.U
-gai	should, ought to	了了.8
-                                                                   Module & Unit
-da zhen	to get an injection	了,8*
-da zi	to type (on a typewriter)	了,6
-dě	to get	了.5
-dědao	to receive, to get	了.5
--de huā	if; in case; supposing that	了.6
-děi kan	to depend on	了.8
-děng	when; by the time; till	了.8
-děng dao	wait until; when, by the time	了,3
-děng yixia	wait a minute; in a little while	了.8
--dian	point	了.1
-diao ySnlěi	to cry	7.3*
-diwei	position,status	了.2
-dǒngde	to understand, to grasp, to know	了.1
-duanpian	short (stories, articles)	了.6
-dull	to be independent; independence	了.2
-duo (du5)	how (to what extent)	了.U
-duo hao!	how great that is!	7.2*
-duoshu(r)	the majority (of), most (of)	了.5
-ěi	say! (interjection telling that the	了.3*
-                         speaker Just thought of something)
-ěrtong	child (formal word)	了.6
-ěrxifu(r) (-fer)	daughter-in-law	了.U
-fāda	to be (highly) developed, to be	了.2•,了.5 v flourishing, to be prosperous
-fǎlū	law	了
-fan	to translate	了•了*
-fan	to violate, to offend, to commit; to	了•了
-                         have an attack (of an old disease)
-fandui	to oppose, to be against	了.1*
--fangmian (-mlan)	aspect,side, area, respect	了.1
-fangwěn	to visit	了.6*
-fǎnzhěng	anyvay, in any case	了.3*
-fan zui	to commit a crime	了•了
-fazhǎn	to develop, to expand, to grow	了.5
-fen	points	7.5*
-fen	to divide, to separate, to split	了,6
-fengsu	custom(s)	了• 5
-fenkai	to separate, to split up	了.6
-funii	woman; women, womankind	了.2
-fūqi	blessings, good fortune	了.h
-gāi	will probably	了 • U *
-cai	should, ouffht to	7.U° . 7.fl
-SOC, Vocabulary
-Module & Unit
-gai to build, to construct	了.U*
-gaibian to change; change(s)	了.1*, 了.5
-gānbu cadre	了.6
-gǎnjuě feeling, sensation; to feel, to	了.1
-                         perceive
-ganma to do what; (colloquial) why on	earth, 了.8
-                        what for
-gan shenme to do what; (colloquial) vhy on	earth, 了.8
-                         what for
-gǎnxiě to be thankful, to be grateful	了.3*
-gaogān senior cadres	了 .6*
-gaozhōng senior high school	了.1*, 了.2*, 了.5*
-geguo various countries	7.1*
-gěming revolution	了 • 8*
-gēn to follow	7.8°
-g5ng male (for animals)	了.2*
-Gongchǎndǎng Communist Party	了.6
-gongchǎng factory, mill, plant, works	了.6*
-gonggong grandfather, grandpa (paternal)	了
-gōngke homework	了 •了 *
-Gongqingtuan Communist Youth League	了.6*
-gōngshāngyě industry and commerce	了.5
-gongye industry	7 • 5
-gōngyipǐn handicrafts	了 • 8
-guǎn to take care of; to mind, to bother	了.2
-                          about
-guǎnggao advertisement	7.7
-guānnian concept, idea, notion	了.2
-guānxīn to be concerned/care about	7.1*
-guanyu as to, with regard to, concerning,	了,1
-                          about
-gǔhuī bone ashes, ashes (of a person)	了.5*
-guīju rules of proper behavior, social	了.3*, 了
-                         etiquette, manners; special customs,
-                         established practice, rule (of	a community or organization)
-guojiā country, state, nation; national	了.1
-guoqu the past	了 • U
-guoqu to pass; to pass away, to die	了.8
-guo rizi to live; to get along	了.U°
-gushi story	了 .6。
-gǔshū ancient book	了.1°
-hai fairly, passably	了
-hǎiluoyīn heroin	了•了
-hǎochu benefit, advantage	了•5
-haohaor properly, carefully, thoroughly	了.1°, 了.8
-hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…well, okay, but…	了,3*
-haoxiang to seem as if,to seem like	了.8
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                 Module & Unit
-hēiyě	(darkness of) night, nighttime	了.3
-hěn	to hate, to loathe, to detest	了.6
-Hongwěibīng	(a) Red Guard; the Red Guards	了.6
-houlai	later, afterwards	7.2°, 7.5
-Huashěngdun Youbao Washington Post	了•了
--hui	(counter for shi^ "matter”)	了•8
-hui	might; to be likely to; will	了.1
-huo	to live; to become alive; to survive;	了.5
-                         to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving
-hushuo	to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel	了.2*
-huxiǎng	mutually	了.蚁
-ji	to remember; to commit to memory	了,5*
--jiā	(counter for families)	了
-j iSndan	to be simple	了.了
-JiSng	to stress, to pay attention to, to	了.3
-                         be particular about
-Jiǎng	prize	7.5]
-JiSng jiu	to be particular about; to be	了 .3*
-                         elegant, to be tasteful
-jiaotang	church, cathedral	了•了*
-Jiaoyu	to educate; education	了•了
-jiāru	to Join	了
-jiāting	family	了 .3*
-jīdong	to be agitated, to be worked up	7.1°
-jiě	to borrow; to lend	了.1
-jiědao	to successfully borrow	了.1
-jiěfajig	to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 了.6
-jiěhūn (jiēhūn)	to get married	了.2
-jiěyi	to mind, to take offense	了.6
-jijimangmang	in a hurry, extremely rushed	了.6
-jfmang	to be hasty, to be hurried	了.6
-jinbu	to progress; progress	了•了
-jindaishī	modern history	了 .1*
-Jīngshěn	energy, spirits	了.3*
-jīnr	today (Běijīng)	7.8°
-jlnzhāng	to be nervous, to be upset	了.3*
-j i zhu	to remem'ber	了 • 1 *
--ju	sentence; (counter for sentences	or 了.1
-                         utterances, often followed by hua, ’’speech”)
-jundui	army	了
-juzi shuǐ(r)	orange juice (Běijīng)	7.1*
-(V V) kan	try and (v), (V) and see how it	is 了•了
-kan	to depend on	了.8
-SOC, Vocabulary
-2 了6
-                                                                Module & Unit
-kanbuqǐ	to look down on, to scorn, to	了•“
-                         despise
-kandao	to see	了.3
-kanzhe	(followed *by a verb) as one sees fit,	了.8
-                         as one deems reasonable
-kao	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz	了.8
-kao	to depend on, to rely on; to lean	7.2
-                         against; to be near, to be next to
-kaolu	to consider, to think about; con-	了.1
-                         sideration
-kaoshi	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz;	了.8
-                         exam, test
-kěāi	to be loveable, to be adorable	7.8°
-kěkāyin	cocaine	了•了
-Kěkoukělě	Coca Cola	了.1。, 了.3
-kělian	to be pitiful	7-3]
-ken	to be willing to	了 •了*
-kū	to cry	了.3
-• •_lāi	for the past", (amount of time)	了.6
-lai	(used before a verb to express that	了•了
-                         something vill be done)
-lai	to do (something), to perform	了.8
-                         (something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)
-laji	garbage	了.3:
-lanwěiyan	appendicitis	7.
-lao	all the time, always	了.8*
-laodong	to labor	了.5
-laodongli	labor force, labor; able-bodied	了.5
-                         person
-laolao	grandmother,grandma (maternal)	了 • “ *
-laoli	labor force; labor	T. 5
-lao shīfu	old master	7.5
-laoshǔ (laoshu)	mouse or rat	7.2^
-lǎoxiānsheng	old gentlemen	7.5o
-laoyě	grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	了
-laozong	(used vith surname as an affectionate	7.8°
-                         term for a high-ranking PLA commander)
-liǎ	(Beijīng colloquial word meaning	7-8*
-                         liangge, ”two”)
-lian.•.dou/yě.••	even.••	了•了
-liao	to chat	了.3
-liao tiān(r)	to chat	了.3
-lǐmao	manners, politeness	了 •!+
-lǐngdao	to lead, to direct, to exercise lead-	J.6
-                         ership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                Module & Unit
-liushi niandāi the decade of the sixties	7.1*
-liūxia to leave	7.1*
-liuxlng to be common, to "be popular, to be	了.2
-                         prevalent
-luān to "be in disorder, to "be in a mess,	了•了
-                         to "be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way
-luanqīlDazāo in a mess, in confusion, in dis-	了.了
-                         order; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together
-ma (marker for obviousness of	了.3
-                         reasoning)
-manmanr (manman) slowly; gradually, "by and "by; taking	了.1
-                         one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details
-měi yisi to be uninteresting/boring; to "be	了.2
-                         pointless/meaningless; to "be a drag; to "be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap
-mlngbai to understand, to "be clear on, to	了.5
-                          comprehend; to "be clear, to "be in-telligible
-Ming Bao Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)	了•了
-mǔ female (for animals)	了•2•
-nSlnai grandmother (paternal)	7.1*
-na hai yong shuo that goes vithout saying	了 .2*
-Nan Měi South America	了.T*
-nannu men and women, male-female	了.2
-nanshou to "be uncomfortable; to feel "bad,	了.3
-                         to feel unhappy
-nantīng to "be unpleasant to hear; to sound	了.8
-                          "bad, to offend the ears; to "be scandalous
-ne (used in questions asking the where-	了.U*
-                         abouts of someone/something)
-něngli ability	7.6°
-nianji (nianji) age	了
-nianqing to "be young	7.1
-nong (něng) to do; to fool with;- to get	7.3^
-nongcūn country, rural area; rural	了•?*, 了.6
-nonglai to get and "bring	了-3
-nongmln peasant	了 • 5 *
-nongyě agriculture	了*5
-nyli to make efforts	7.7*
-nūsheng coed, woman student	,7.3*
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                               Module & Unit
-pa	to be afraid	了
-pǎolai pǎoqu	to run around	7.6*
-pěngdao	to run into, to come across	了.8*
--piān	(counter for sheets, articles or	了
-                         pieces of writing)
-piān	to fool, to deceive	了.2*
-picha bing	pizza	7.1*
-pingděng	equality; to be equal (of people)	了.2
-pīnming	with all onefs might, for all one	7.2
-                         is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk onefs life, to defy death
-pīzhǔn	to give permission, to approve;	了.5*
-                         approval, permission, sanction
-popo	grandmother, grandma	了.4*
-qiǎng	gun	了 •了:
-qiang	to be strong	了.6*
-qiānxie nian	a fev years back, in recent years	了.8
-qiāo men	to knock at the door	了.4*
-qiguai	to be strange, to be odd, to be	了.3
-                         surprising
-qǐlai	to get up (in several senses)	了.U
--qilai	(resultative ending which indicates	了.3
-                          starting)
-Qinghai	(a province in western China)	了.3*
-qingkuāng	situation, circumstances, condition,	了•1
-                         state of affairs
-qingxing	situation, circumstances, condition,	7*1
-                         state of affairs
-quan	to advise, to urge, to try to	了.8
-                         persuade
-quan j ia rěn	the whole family	了
-rang	to make (someone a certain vay)	了.1
-rěn	person; self; body	了.U
-rěnjia	people; other people; someone else;	了.U
-                         they; he, she; I
-rěxin	to be enthusiastic and interested,	了.3
-                         to be varmhearted, to be earnest
-rěxīnqilai	to become enthusiastic and interested	了.3
-rizi	day; date; time	了.3*
-ru	to enter; to join (an organization)	了.6
-ru Tuān	to Join the Communist Youth League	了.6
-                         (Gongqingtuan or Gongchǎnzhǔyi Qingniantuan)
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                Module & Unit
-sha to kill (means unspecified); to	了•了
-                         kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill
-sha to be stupid, to be dumb, to be	7.8
-                         silly, to be naive
-shafa sofa	7.8*
--shang (verb ending indicating starting	7.6
-                         and continuing)
-shang xuě to go to school; to attend school	7,6
-shangyě commerce, business	7.5
-Shāoxiandui Young Pioneers	7.6*
-shěhui society; social	7.1
-shengchan to produce; production	7.5
-shenghuo to live; life; daily life; livelihood	7.2
-shengyl (shēngyi) business, trade	了.8
-shenqǐng to apply (for)	7.2*
-shěntī body; health	了.it
-shi to cause (followed by a verb), to	了•了
-                         make, to enable
-shichang market	.了 • 5 •
-shijiě vorld	7.6
-shijiěshang in the vorld, in the whole world	7.6
-shijiěxing vorldvide	7-7
-shixing to practice* to carry out, to put	7.6
-                         into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.)
-shi zai really; to be real	7.2
-shou to receive	7-7
-shou to be thin	7.7*
-shǒuchaode handwritten	7.^*
-shou jiaoyu to receive an education	了•了
-shourū income, earnings	T•5
-shoushi to straighten up; to get one*s	了•紅
-                         things ready
-shujiā summer vacation	7.1
-shuSbuqingchu can 丨 t explain clearly	7 • 1
-shuodao to speak of; as for	7.3
-shuofǎ vay of saying a thing; statement,	7.5
-                         version, argument
-shuoshi Master丨s degree	了7-5*
-sī to die _	了.3*, 了.5
-Si Shū the Four Books (Daxuě> Zh5ngy5ng>	了.li
-                         Lunyǔ> Mengz?)
-sixiang thought, vay of thinking	了.5*
-songhuiqu to take/escort back	了.5*
-songxing to see (someone off), to wish	了.8
-                         (someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                Module & Unit
-suan le	forget it, letfs drop the matter,	了.2
-                         let it go at that; come off it, come on
-sūnnū	granddaughter (through onefs son)	了
-sǔnzi	grandson (through onefs son)	了
-suoyǒude. . . dou	all	了. 3
-tan lianTai	to be in love, to be going together	了.8*
-                          (courtship)
-tǎoyān	to dislike, to be disgusted vith	了.6
-těng	to be very fond of, to be attached to, 了.8
-                         to dote on
-ti	to carry (from the hand at the side	了.8*
-                         of the body)
-tiao	to Jump, to leap	了.3*
-timu (-mu)	topic, subject; title; examination	了.5
-                         question, test problem
-ting	to heed (advice), to obey (orders)	了.5
-tongjū	to cohabit; cohabitation	了.2
-tongyi	to consent, to agree	了.5
-tour	head, chief, boss	了•了*
--tuan	group, society	了.6
-Tuān	(Communist Youth) League	了.6
-tǔdi	land	了 • h
-vāigong	grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	了.U*
-wāipo	grandmother, grandma (maternal)	了
-waiwěn	foreign language	了•5 *
-wǎnhui	evening party	了 • 6 *
-wǎnlian wǎnhūn	late involvement and late marriage	了.2*
-wěile	in order to; for the purpose of; for	7.5
-                         the sake of
-věnhua	culture; schooling, education,	了.1
-                         literacy
-wěnxuěJiā	writer, literary man	了.6*
-wěnzhāng	article, essay; prose (writing) style	了.2
-vǒde tian na!	my God!	了.1
-wǔjiao	noontime nap	了•8
--xia	under	了.6
-xiāndai	to be modern; contemporary; modern	了-1"
-                          times
-xiǎng	to sound, to make a sound	了
-xiang	to be like, to resemble; like;	了.2
-                          such as
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                  Module & Unit
-xiangbuchǔ	canft think up, canft come up vith	了.2*
-xiangdang	quite, pretty, considerably	了.2
-xiangdao	to think of	了.3
-xiǎngxin	to believe (in); to trust,to	了•了*
-                         be convinced (that)
-xiao	young	了 .1*
-xiao dianr shēng(r) a little more quietly	了.8*
-xiao pěngyou	little friend; kids	了.魟
-xiaoshun	to be filial; filial obedience	了.3
-xiaoshuS(r)	fiction, novel	7• 1
-xia qi	to play chess	了.6
--xiaqu	(resultative ending which indicates	了.2
-                         continuing an action)
--xiaqu	down (directional ending used for	了.3
-                         eating or drinking dovn)
-xī du	to take drugs; drug taking	了.了
-xiguan	habit, custom, usual practice; to be	了.5
-                         accustomed to, to be used to
-xīn	heart	了.3
--xing	nature,-ness, -ity	了•了
-xingkul	fortunately, luckily	了•“•
-xingqu	interest	了.2
-xīnli	in onefs heart, in onefs mind	T.l*
-xīnshi	something weighing on onefs mind,	了.1*
-                        worry
-xīnwěn	news	了.2
-Xīnwěn ZhSukan	Newsweek	了.2
-xuě hao	to learn from good examples, to learn	了 •了*
-                         to be a good person
-xuěhui	to learn, to master	7*6*
-xuěql	semester, term (of school)	了.1
-xuěshēnghul	student association	7.1*
-xuě yī	to study medicine	了.2
-xunlianban	training class	了.6*
-yan j iū (-jiu, -jiu) to study (in detail), to do	了.1
-                         research on; research
-yao kan	to depend on	了.8
-Yazhou (YS-)	Asia	了
-yěda	evening university	了.6*
-ye gai	really should	了
-...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo whether...or.••; both...and. • •	了.5
-yě jiu	accordingly, correspondingly, so	了.5
-yěye	grandfather (paternal)	了.1*, 了•紅
-yī	medical science, medicine (used in	了.2
-                         phrases like xuě yī)
-yī	as soon as	了.1*, 了•“*
--yi	hundred million	了.3
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                                   Module & Unit
-yi"biān(r). . .	doing. . .while doing. . .	了.1
-yi"bian(r) • • •
-yifāngmian..., yi- on the one hand...on the other hand;	了.2 fangmian... for one thing..., for another thing...
-yijiāzi	one family; the whole family; the	了.8*
-                         same family
-yimian(r)...	doing...while doing...	了.1
-yitiān dao wan	all day long	了.3
-yīxuě	medical science,medicine	了.2
-yīyuan	hospital	7.3*
-yizhi	all along, continuously, all the	了.2
-                         time (up until a certain point)
-yonggSng	to "be hardworking, to be industrious	了.3
-                         (in one’s studies)
-you	excellent	了. 5
-you	to come up to (a certain level)	了.2*
-you	also	了.U
-you	anyway; after all	了.8
-you banfǎ, (dui... ) to be able to deal with (something)	了.了
-you "bāngzhu	to be helpful	7.2
-you daoli	to make sense	了.2
-youěryuan	kindergarten	7.5*
-you guīju	to have manners,to be proper	了.U
-you hǎochu	to be beneficial, to be good (for)	了.5
-you lJmāo	to "be well mannered, to be polite	了.U
-you qiān	to be rich	了.U
-you xiao	to be effective; to "be valid	了•了
-you xingqu	to "be interested	了.2
-you yan j iū	to have done research on; to know	了.2
-                         a lot about
-you yong	to be useful	了.3
-yuanlai	original, former; originally,	了.8
-                        formerly; it turns out that•", so."! (expresses finding out the true situation)
-yuanyi	to wish,would like,to want to;	了.8
-                          to "be willing to
-yuanyin	reason,cause	了,6
-yue lai yuě...	more and more..., increasingly	7,2
-yuě...yuě••.	the more...the more...	了,2
-yunqi	luck	了 • 8
-zai shu5	furthermore, "besides, moreover	了.5°, 了.8°
-zai ye "bū/mei	never again	了•了
-zǎo	a long time ago	了.3°
-zǎohūn	early marriage; child marriage; to	了.5
-                         marry as a child; to marry early
-SOC, Vocabulary
-                                                               Module & Unit
-zěnme (yi)huf shi	whatfs it all about	7.8
-zenme (yi)huf shi	like this	7.8
-zěren (-rěn)	responsibility	7 • J
-zhSng	to grow	7.3
-zhSngda	to grow up	7.3
-zhangfu	husband	7•5
-zhānzhēng	war	T.U*
-zhSobudao	canft find, to be unable to find	7.2#
-zhaogu	to take care of; care	7.2#, 7.5
-zhěi yixiazi	after this, as a result of this	7.8
-zhěme (yi)huf shi	like this	7*8
-zhěng	Just, precisely, right	7.5
-zhěngcě	policy	7-5** 7*6
-zhěngfu	government	了•&' 7*6
-zhenghSo(r)	it Just so happens that, to happen	7.8
-                         to, as it happens; just in time.
-                         Just right, Just enough
-zhengzhi	politics; political	7.1
-zhi hSo	can only, to have to, to "be forced to	T.U
-zhishi	knowledge	了.2
-zhi yeLo	provided that, as long as	7*6#, 7.7
--zhong	in	了•了*
-Zhongguo QTngniin	China Youth (a periodical)	了.2.
-zhong n&n qīng nu	to regard males as superior	7*3
-                         to females
-2h5ngxuěsheng	High School Student (a periodical)	了.2.
-zhoukan	weekly publication, weekly magazine	了.2
-zhuan qiān	to earn money, to make money	了.3
-zhurěn	host, master	7.3#
-zhibdLalai	to move and stay (in a place),to	T.U
-                         settle down
-zhǔyfiLo	mainly	7*5#
-ziyou	freedom; to be free	7.2
-ziyou shichSng	free market	7*5#
-zSng	always; inevitably, vithout	了.1
-                         exception; after all, in any case
-zongjiSo	(organized) religion	T•T.
-zSngtSng	president	7.6*
-zui	mouth	了 .T.
-zut	crime, guilt	7.7
-zuiJin	lately, recently; the near future,	7*3
-                          soon
-zuS	to be, to act as	7.3
-zuSbuliSo	to be unable to do	T.U*
-zu5 irbai	to worship, to go to church	7.7#
-zudxia	to sit down	7»1FSIFSI-

+ 460 - 465

@@ -1,465 +1,460 @@
-ài		to love	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-àishang		to fall in love vith	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-āndìng		to be peaceful and stable, to be quiet and settled	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bàba		father, dad, papa	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-báitiān		daytime	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--bān 		counter for class of students	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bàng 		to be great, to be fantastic,to be terrific	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bāng máng 		to help; help	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bāngzhu 		to help; help; as a help to,for	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bāo		to wrap	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bǎoshí 		to keep, to preserve, to maintain	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bǎohù 		to protect	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bèihòu		behind someone's back	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--bèizi 		all one's life, lifetime	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-běnlái 		originally, in the beginning, at first; to begin with, in the first place	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-běnrén 		herself, himself, oneself, myself,etc.	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bǐ		to compare	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-biàn		to change,to become different	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-biànchéng 		to change into	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bǐcǐ		each other, one another, both; the same to you	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bìngrén 		sick person,patient	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bómǔ		aunt (wife of father's elder brother); (term for the mother of one's friend)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bóshì		Ph.D.	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bú fàngxīn  		to worry	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bù guǎn 		no matter (vhat, whether, etc.)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bù huāng bù máng		calm, not the least bit flustered	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bú jiàn bú sàn 		don't leave until we've met up	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bù jiǎndān		not ordinary,not commonplace; remarkable	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bùnéng bu 		to have to,must	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bù shǎo 		to be quite a lot,to be much, to be many	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bú shi... jiù shi... 		if it isn't.. .then it's; either... or...	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-bú xiàng huà 		to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cāi		only (before an amount)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cái		only in that case, only under this condition	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cáichǎn		property	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cānjiā		to participate in, to take part in; to join; to attend	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cháng		to be long	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chàng gē		to sing (songs)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chǎo		to be noisy; to disturb by making noise	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chǎoxǐng		to wake (someone) up by being noisy	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--chéng		(verb ending) into	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chéngshì		city; urban	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chéngyuánguó		member country	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chībuxiàqù		to be unable to eat	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chī kǔ		to suffer, to undergo hardship	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chōu yān		to smoke (totacco)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chuáng		bed	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-chuántǒng		tradition, traditional	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cónglái		ever (up till now),always (up till now)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cōnglái bù/méi		never (up till now)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cóng... (verb)-qǐ		to begin (verb)-ing from.	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cūnr		village	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dāduoshu(r)		the great majority	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--dai		generation; era, (historical) period	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-daishang		to take along (Běijīng)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dājiě		older sister” (a respectful term of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dalu		mainland, continent	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dang		(political) party	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dānxīn		to be worried, to be uneasy	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dānzi		list; form	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dao		to pour, to dump	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--dao		(resultative ending used for perception ty one of the senses : .1 iandao, kandao, tīngdao, etc.)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--dao		(resultative ending used to indicate reaching; in xiangdao, tandao, etc., translated as atout or ’’of’’5	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-daochu		everywhere	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dāodě		morality, morals, ethics	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dao lāji		to take out (dump) the garbage	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-daolī		principle, truth» hows and whys; reason, argument, sense	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-daxuěshēng		college student	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-da zhang		to fight a war, to go to war	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gǎi		will probably	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gai		should, ought to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-da zhen		to get an injection	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-da zi		to type (on a typewriter)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dě		to get	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dědao		to receive, to get	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--de huā		if; in case; supposing that	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-děi kan		to depend on	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-děng		when; by the time; till	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-děng dao		wait until; when, by the time	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-děng yixia		wait a minute; in a little while	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--dian		point	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-diao ySnlěi		to cry	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-diwei		position,status	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dǒngde		to understand, to grasp, to know	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-duanpian		short (stories, articles)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-dull		to be independent; independence	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-duo (du5)		how (to what extent)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-duo hao!		how great that is!	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-duoshu(r)		the majority (of), most (of)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ěi		say! (interjection telling that the	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-                         speaker Just thought of something)			7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ěrtong		child (formal word)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ěrxifu(r) (-fer)		daughter-in-law	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fāda		to be (highly) developed, to be	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fǎlū		law	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fan		to translate	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fan		to violate, to offend, to commit; to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-                         have an attack (of an old disease)			7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fandui		to oppose, to be against	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--fangmian (-mlan)		aspect,side, area, respect	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fangwěn		to visit	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fǎnzhěng		anyvay, in any case	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fan zui		to commit a crime	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fazhǎn		to develop, to expand, to grow	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fen		points	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fen		to divide, to separate, to split	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fengsu		custom(s)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fenkai		to separate, to split up	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-funii		woman; women, womankind	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-fūqi		blessings, good fortune	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gāi		will probably	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-cai		should, ouffht to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gai 		to build, to construct	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gaibian 		to change; change(s)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gānbu 		cadre	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnjuě 		feeling, sensation; to feel, to perceive	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ganma 		to do what; (colloquial) why on what for	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gan shenme 		to do what; (colloquial) vhy on earth,what for	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gǎnxiě 		to be thankful, to be grateful	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gaogān 		senior cadres	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gaozhōng 		senior high school	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-geguo 		various countries	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gěming 		revolution	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gēn 		to follow	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-g5ng 		male (for animals)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Gongchǎndǎng 		Communist Party	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gongchǎng 		factory, mill, plant, works	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gonggong 		grandfather, grandpa (paternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gōngke 		homework	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Gongqingtuan 		Communist Youth League	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gōngshāngyě 		industry and commerce	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gongye 		industry	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gōngyipǐn 		handicrafts	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guǎn 		to take care of; to mind, to bother about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guǎnggao 		advertisement	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guānnian 		concept, idea, notion	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guānxīn 		to be concerned/care about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guanyu 		as to, with regard to, concerning, about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gǔhuī 		bone ashes, ashes (of a person)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guīju 		rules of proper behavior, social etiquette, manners; special customs, established practice, rule (of	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guojiā 		country, state, nation; national	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guoqu 		the past	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guoqu 		to pass; to pass away, to die	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-guo rizi 		to live; to get along	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gushi 		story	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-gǔshū 		ancient book	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hai 		fairly, passably	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hǎiluoyīn 		heroin	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hǎochu 		benefit, advantage	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-haohaor 		properly, carefully, thoroughly	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…		well, okay, but…	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-haoxiang 		to seem as if,to seem like	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hēiyě		(darkness of) night, nighttime	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hěn		to hate, to loathe, to detest	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Hongwěibīng		(a) Red Guard; the Red Guards	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-houlai		later, afterwards	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Huashěngdun 		Youbao Washington Post	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--hui		(counter for shi^ matter”)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hui		might; to be likely to; will	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-huo		to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-hushuo		to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-huxiǎng		mutually	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ji		to remember; to commit to memory	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--jiā		(counter for families)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-j iSndan		to be simple	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-JiSng		to stress, to pay attention to, to be particular about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Jiǎng		prize	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-JiSng jiu		to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiaotang		church, cathedral	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Jiaoyu		to educate; education	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiāru		to Join	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiāting		family	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jīdong		to be agitated, to be worked up	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiě		to borrow; to lend	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiědao		to successfully borrow	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiěfajig		to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 7	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiěhūn (jiēhūn)		to get married	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jiěyi		to mind, to take offense	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jijimangmang		in a hurry, extremely rushed	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jfmang		to be hasty, to be hurried	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jinbu		to progress; progress	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jindaishī		modern history	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Jīngshěn		energy, spirits	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jīnr		today (Běijīng)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jlnzhāng		to be nervous, to be upset	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-j i zhu		to remem'ber	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--ju		sentence; (counter for sentences utterances, often followed by hua, ’’speech”)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-jundui		army	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-juzi shuǐ(r)		orange juice (Běijīng)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-(V V) kan		try and (v), (V) and see how it	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kan		to depend on	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kanbuqǐ		to look down on, to scorn, to despise	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kandao		to see	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kanzhe		(followed *by a verb) as one sees fit, as one deems reasonable	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kao		to take/give an exam, test, or quiz	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kao		to depend on, to rely on; to lean against; to be near, to be next to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kaolu		to consider, to think about; consideration	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kaoshi		to take/give an exam, test, or quiz; exam, test	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kěāi		to be loveable, to be adorable	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kěkāyin		cocaine	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Kěkoukělě		Coca Cola	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kělian		to be pitiful	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ken		to be willing to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-kū		to cry	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lāi		for the past, (amount of time)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lai		(used before a verb to express that something vill be done)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lai		to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laji		garbage	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lanwěiyan		appendicitis	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lao		all the time, always	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laodong		to labor	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laodongli		labor force, labor; able-bodied person	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laolao		grandmother,grandma (maternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laoli		labor force; labor	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lao shīfu		old master	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laoshǔ (laoshu)		mouse or rat	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lǎoxiānsheng		old gentlemen	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laoyě		grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-laozong		(used vith surname as an affectionate term for a high-ranking PLA commander)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liǎ		(Beijīng colloquial word meaning liangge, ”two”)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lian.•.dou/yě.••		even.••	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liao		to chat	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liao tiān(r)		to chat	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lǐmao		manners, politeness	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-lǐngdao		to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liushi 		niandāi the decade of the sixties	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liūxia 		to leave	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-liuxlng 		to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-luān 		to be in disorder, to be in a mess, to be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-luanqīlDazāo 		in a mess, in confusion, in disorder; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ma 		(marker for obviousness of reasoning)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-manmanr (manman) 		slowly; gradually, by and by; taking one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-měi yisi 		to be uninteresting/boring; to be pointless/meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-mlngbai 		to understand, to be clear on, to comprehend; to be clear, to be in-telligible	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Ming Bao Ming Pao 		(a Hong Kong newspaper)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-mǔ 		female (for animals)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nSlnai 		grandmother (paternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-na hai yong shuo 		that goes vithout saying	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Nan Měi 		South America	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nannu 		men and women, male-female	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nanshou 		to be uncomfortable; to feel bad, to feel unhappy	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nantīng 		to be unpleasant to hear; to sound bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ne 		(used in questions asking the whereabouts of someone/something)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-něngli 		ability	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nianji 		(nianji) age	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nianqing 		to be young	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nong (něng) 		to do; to fool with;- to get	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nongcūn 		country, rural area; rural	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nonglai 		to get and bring	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nongmln 		peasant	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nongyě 		agriculture	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nyli 		to make efforts	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-nūsheng 		coed, woman student	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pa		to be afraid	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pǎolai pǎoqu		to run around	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pěngdao		to run into, to come across	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--piān		(counter for sheets, articles or pieces of writing)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-piān		to fool, to deceive	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-picha bing		pizza	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pingděng		equality; to be equal (of people)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pīnming		with all onefs might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk onefs life, to defy death	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-pīzhǔn		to give permission, to approve; approval, permission, sanction	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-popo		grandmother, grandma	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qiǎng		gun	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qiang		to be strong	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qiānxie nian		a fev years back, in recent years	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qiāo men		to knock at the door	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qiguai		to be strange, to be odd, to be surprising	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qǐlai		to get up (in several senses)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--qilai		(resultative ending which indicates starting)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Qinghai		(a province in western China)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qingkuāng		situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-qingxing		situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-quan		to advise, to urge, to try to persuade	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-quan j ia rěn		the whole family	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rang		to make (someone a certain vay)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rěn		person; self; body	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rěnjia		people; other people; someone else; they; he, she; I	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rěxin		to be enthusiastic and interested, to be varmhearted, to be earnest	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rěxīnqilai		to become enthusiastic and interested	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-rizi		day; date; time	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ru		to enter; to join (an organization)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ru Tuān		to Join the Communist Youth League (Gongqingtuan or Gongchǎnzhǔyi Qingniantuan)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sha 		to kill (means unspecified); to kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sha 		to be stupid, to be dumb, to be silly, to be naive	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shafa 		sofa	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--shang 		(verb ending indicating starting and continuing)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shang xuě 		to go to school; to attend school	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shangyě 		commerce, business	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Shāoxiandui 		Young Pioneers	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shěhui 		society; social	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shengchan 		to produce; production	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shenghuo 		to live; life; daily life; livelihood	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shengyl 		(shēngyi) business, trade	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shenqǐng 		to apply (for)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shěntī 		body; health	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shi 		to cause (followed by a verb), to make, to enable	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shichang 		market	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shijiě 		vorld	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shijiěshang 		in the vorld, in the whole world	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shijiěxing 		vorldvide	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shixing 		to practice* to carry out, to put into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shi zai 		really; to be real	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shou 		to receive	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shou 		to be thin	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shǒuchaode 		handwritten	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shou jiaoyu 		to receive an education	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shourū 		income, earnings	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shoushi 		to straighten up; to get one*s things ready	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shujiā 		summer vacation	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shuSbuqingchu 		can 丨 t explain clearly	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shuodao 		to speak of; as for	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shuofǎ 		vay of saying a thing; statement, version, argument	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-shuoshi 		Master丨s degree	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sī 		to die _	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Si Shū 		the Four Books (Daxuě> Zh5ngy5ng> Lunyǔ> Mengz?)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sixiang 		thought, vay of thinking	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-songhuiqu 		to take/escort back	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-songxing 		to see (someone off), to wish (someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-suan le		forget it, letfs drop the matter, let it go at that; come off it, come on	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sūnnū		granddaughter (through onefs son)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-sǔnzi		grandson (through onefs son)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-suoyǒude. . . dou		all	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tan lianTai		to be in love, to be going together (courtship)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tǎoyān		to dislike, to be disgusted vith	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-těng		to be very fond of, to be attached to, to dote on 7	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ti		to carry (from the hand at the side of the body)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tiao		to Jump, to leap	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-timu (-mu)		topic, subject; title; examination question, test problem	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ting		to heed (advice), to obey (orders)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tongjū		to cohabit; cohabitation	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tongyi		to consent, to agree	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tour		head, chief, boss	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--tuan		group, society	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Tuān		(Communist Youth) League	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-tǔdi		land	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-vāigong		grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wāipo		grandmother, grandma (maternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-waiwěn		foreign language	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wǎnhui		evening party	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wǎnlian wǎnhūn		late involvement and late marriage	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wěile		in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-věnhua		culture; schooling, education, literacy	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wěnxuěJiā		writer, literary man	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wěnzhāng		article, essay; prose (writing) style	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-vǒde tian na!		my God!	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-wǔjiao		noontime nap	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--xia		under	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiāndai		to be modern; contemporary; modern times	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎng		to sound, to make a sound	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiang		to be like, to resemble; like; such as	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiangbuchǔ		canft think up, canft come up vith	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiangdang		quite, pretty, considerably	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiangdao		to think of	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiǎngxin		to believe (in); to trust,to be convinced (that)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiao		young	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiao dianr shēng(r) 		a little more quietly	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiao pěngyou		little friend; kids	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiaoshun		to be filial; filial obedience	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiaoshuS(r)		fiction, novel	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xia qi		to play chess	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--xiaqu		(resultative ending which indicates continuing an action)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--xiaqu		down (directional ending used for eating or drinking dovn)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xī du		to take drugs; drug taking	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xiguan		habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xīn		heart	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--xing		nature,-ness, -ity	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xingkul		fortunately, luckily	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xingqu		interest	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xīnli		in onefs heart, in onefs mind	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xīnshi		something weighing on onefs mind, worry	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xīnwěn		news	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Xīnwěn ZhSukan		Newsweek	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xuě hao		to learn from good examples, to learn to be a good person	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xuěhui		to learn, to master	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xuěql		semester, term (of school)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xuěshēnghul		student association	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xuě yī		to study medicine	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-xunlianban		training class	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yan j iū (-jiu, -jiu) 		to study (in detail), to do research on; research	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yao kan		to depend on	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Yazhou (YS-)		Asia	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yěda		evening university	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ye gai		really should	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo 		whether...or.••; both...and. • •	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yě jiu		accordingly, correspondingly, so	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yěye		grandfather (paternal)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yī		medical science, medicine (used in phrases like xuě yī)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yī		as soon as	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--yi		hundred million	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yibiān(r). . .yibian(r) • • •		doing. . .while doing. . .	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yifāngmian..., yifangmian... 		on the one hand...on the other hand; for one thing..., for another thing...	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yijiāzi		one family; the whole family; the same family	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yimian(r)... yimian(r)...		doing...while doing...	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yitiān dao wan		all day long	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yīxuě		medical science,medicine	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yīyuan		hospital	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yizhi		all along, continuously, all the time (up until a certain point)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yonggSng		to be hardworking, to be industrious (in one’s studies)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you		excellent	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you		to come up to (a certain level)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you		also	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you		anyway; after all	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you banfǎ, (dui... ) 		to be able to deal with (something)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you bāngzhu		to be helpful	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you daoli		to make sense	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-youěryuan		kindergarten	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you guīju		to have manners,to be proper	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you hǎochu		to be beneficial, to be good (for)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you lJmāo		to be well mannered, to be polite	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you qiān		to be rich	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you xiao		to be effective; to be valid	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you xingqu		to be interested	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you yan j iū		to have done research on; to know a lot about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-you yong		to be useful	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yuanlai		original, former; originally, formerly; it turns out that•, so.! (expresses finding out the true situation)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yuanyi		to wish,would like,to want to; to be willing to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yuanyin		reason,cause	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yue lai yuě...		more and more..., increasingly	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yuě...yuě••.		the more...the more...	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-yunqi		luck	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zai shu5		furthermore, besides, moreover	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zai ye bū/mei		never again	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zǎo		a long time ago	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zǎohūn		early marriage; child marriage; to marry as a child; to marry early	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zěnme (yi)huf shi		whatfs it all about	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zenme (yi)huf shi		like this	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zěren (-rěn)		responsibility	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhSng		to grow	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhSngda		to grow up	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhangfu		husband	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhānzhēng		war	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhSobudao		canft find, to be unable to find	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhaogu		to take care of; care	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhěi yixiazi		after this, as a result of this	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhěme (yi)huf shi		like this	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhěng		Just, precisely, right	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhěngcě		policy	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhěngfu		government	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhenghSo(r)		it Just so happens that, to happen to, as it happens; just in time. Just right, Just enough	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhengzhi		politics; political	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhi hSo		can only, to have to, to be forced to	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhishi		knowledge	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhi yeLo		provided that, as long as	7	9	FSI-Chinese
--zhong		in	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-Zhongguo QTngniin		China Youth (a periodical)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhong n&n qīng nu		to regard males as superior to females	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-2h5ngxuěsheng		High School Student (a periodical)	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhoukan		weekly publication, weekly magazine	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhuan qiān		to earn money, to make money	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhurěn		host, master	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhibdLalai		to move and stay (in a place),to settle down	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zhǔyfiLo		mainly	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ziyou		freedom; to be free	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-ziyou shichSng		free market	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zSng		always; inevitably, vithout exception; after all, in any case	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zongjiSo		(organized) religion	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zSngtSng		president	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zui		mouth	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zut		crime, guilt	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zuiJin		lately, recently; the near future, soon	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zuS		to be, to act as	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zuSbuliSo		to be unable to do	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zu5 irbai		to worship, to go to church	7	9	FSI-Chinese
-zudxia		to sit down
+àishàng	爱上 	to fall in love vith	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+ài	爱	to love	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+āndìng	安定 	to be peaceful and stable, to be quiet and settled	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bàba	爸爸	father, dad, papa	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+báitiān	白天 	daytime	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bāng máng 	帮忙	to help; help	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+bāngzhu 	帮助	to help; help; as a help to,for	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+bàng 	棒	to be great, to be fantastic,to be terrific	7	4,7	FSI-Chinese
+-bān 	-班	counter for class of students	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǎohù 	保护	to protect	7		FSI-Chinese
+bǎoshí 	保持	to keep, to preserve, to maintain	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+bāo	包 	to wrap	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+bèihòu	背后	behind someone's back	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+-bèizi 	-辈子	all one's life, lifetime	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+běnlái 	本来 	originally, in the beginning, at first; to begin with, in the first place	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+běnrén 	本人 	herself, himself, oneself, myself,etc.	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+biànchéng 	变成 	to change into	7	2,3	FSI-Chinese
+biàn	变 	to change,to become different	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǐcǐ	彼此 	each other, one another, both; the same to you	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+bìngrén 	病人	sick person,patient	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bǐsà bǐng	比萨饼	pizza	7		FSI-Chinese
+bǐ	比	to compare	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+bómǔ	伯母 	aunt (wife of father's elder brother); (term for the mother of one's friend)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+bóshì	博士	Ph.D.	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú fàngxīn  	不放心	to worry	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+bù guǎn 	不管	no matter (vhat, whether, etc.)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+bù huāng bù máng	不慌不忙 	calm, not the least bit flustered	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+bú jiàn bú sàn 	不见不散	don't leave until we've met up	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bù jiǎndān	不简单 	not ordinary,not commonplace; remarkable	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bù néng bu 	不能不	to have to,must	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bù shǎo 	不少	to be quite a lot,to be much, to be many	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+bú shi... jiù shi...	不是。。。 就是。。。	if it isn't... then it's; either... or...	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+bú xiàng huà 	不像话 	to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+cáichǎn	财产 	property	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+cái	才	only in that case, only under this condition	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+cái	财	only (before an amount)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to participate in, to take part in; to join; to attend	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+chàng gē	唱歌 	to sing (songs)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	长 	to be long	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎoxǐng	吵醒	to wake (someone) up by being noisy	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo	吵 	to be noisy; to disturb by making noise	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+chéngshì	城市	city; urban	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+chéngyuánguó	成员国 	member country	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-chéng	-成 	(verb ending) into	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+chībuxiàqù	吃不下去 	to be unable to eat	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+chī kǔ	吃苦 	to suffer, to undergo hardship	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+chōu yān	抽菸	to smoke (totacco)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+chuáng	床 	bed	7	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+chuántǒng	传统 	tradition, traditional	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+cōnglái bù/méi	从来不/从来没	never (up till now)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái	从来	ever (up till now),always (up till now)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+cóng... (verb)-qǐ	从。。。 -起	to begin (verb)-ing from.	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+cūnr	村儿	village	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dāduōshù(r)	大多数(儿)	the great majority	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàishang	带上	to take along (Běijīng)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+-dài	-代	generation; era, (historical) period	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+dājiě	大姐	older sister (a respectful term of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+dàlù	大陆	mainland, continent	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎng	党 	(political) party	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dānxīn	担心	to be worried, to be uneasy	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+dānzi	单子 	list; form	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dàochù	到处	everywhere	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+dàodé	道德	morality, morals, ethics	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+dào lāji	倒垃圾	to take out (dump) the garbage	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàolǐ	道理	principle, truth , hows and whys; reason, argument, sense	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+dào	倒	to pour, to dump	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	-到	(resultative ending used for perception ty one of the senses: jiàndao, kàndao, tīngdao, etc.)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	-到	(resultative ending used to indicate reaching; in xiǎngdào, tándào, etc., translated as “about” or “of”	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàxuéshēng	大学生	college student	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ zhàng	打仗 	to fight a war, to go to war	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ zhēn	打针	to get an injection	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ zì	打字	to type (on a typewriter)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dédao	得到 	to receive, to get	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+-de huà	的话 	if; in case; supposing that	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+děi kàn	得看	to depend on	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+děng dào	等到	wait until; when, by the time	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+děng yíxià	等以下	wait a minute; in a little while	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+děng	等	when; by the time; till	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+dé	得	to get	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+-diǎn	-点	point	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+diào yǎnlèi	掉眼泪	to cry,shed tears	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìwei	地位 	position,status	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǒngde	懂得	to understand, to grasp, to know	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+duǎnpiān	短片	short (stories, articles)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+dúlì	独立	to be independent; independence	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+duó (duō)	多	how (to what extent)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+duó hǎo!	多好!	how great that is!	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+duōshù(r)	多数 (儿)	the majority (of), most (of)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+éi	诶 	say! (interjection telling that the speaker Just thought of something)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+értóng	儿童 	child (formal word)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+érxífu(r) (-fer)	儿媳妇(儿)	daughter-in-law	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+fādá	发达	to be (highly) developed, to be	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+fǎlǜ	法律 	law	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fǎnduì	反对 	to oppose, to be against	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+-fāngmiàn (-mian)	-方面	aspect,side, area, respect	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+fǎngwèn	访问 	to visit	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+fǎnzhèng	反正	anyvay, in any case	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàn zuì	犯罪	to commit a crime	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fàn	犯	to violate, to offend, to commit; to have an attack (of an old disease)	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fān	翻 	to translate	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+fāzhǎn	发展	to develop, to expand, to grow	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+fēngsú	风俗	custom(s)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+fēnkāi	分开	to separate, to split up	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	points	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	to divide, to separate, to split	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+fùnü	妇女	woman; women, womankind	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+fúqi	夫妻 	blessings, good fortune	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+gǎibiàn 	改变	to change; change(s)	7	1,5	FSI-Chinese
+gài 	盖	to build, to construct	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+gāi	该	should, ought to	7	4,8	FSI-Chinese
+gāi	该	will probably	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+gànbu 	干部	cadre	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnjué 	感觉 	feeling, sensation; to feel, to perceive	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+gànmá 	干嘛 	to do what; (colloquial) why on what for	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gàn shenme 	干什么	to do what; (colloquial) vhy on earth,what for	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnxiè 	感谢	to be thankful, to be grateful	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+gāogàn 	高干	senior cadres	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gāozhōng 	高中	senior high school	7	1,2,5	FSI-Chinese
+gèguó 	各国	various countries	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+gémìng 	革命	revolution	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gēn 	跟 	to follow	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+Gòngchǎndǎng 	共产党	Communist Party	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngchǎng 	工厂	factory, mill, plant, works	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōnggong 	公公 	grandfather, grandpa (paternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngkè 	功课 	homework	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Gòngqīngtuán 	共青团	Communist Youth League	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngshāngyè 	工商业	industry and commerce	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyè 	工业	industry	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyìpǐn 	工艺品	handicrafts	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+gōng 	公	male (for animals)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+guǎnggào 	广告 	advertisement	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+guānniàn 	观念	concept, idea, notion	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+guānxīn 	关心	to be concerned/care about	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+guānyú 	关于	as to, with regard to, concerning, about	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+guǎn 	管	to take care of; to mind, to bother about	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+gǔhuī 	骨灰	bone ashes, ashes (of a person)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+guīju 	规矩	rules of proper behavior, social etiquette, manners; special customs, established practice, rule (of	7	3,4	FSI-Chinese
+guójiā 	国家 	country, state, nation; national	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+guòqù 	过去 	the past	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+guòqu 	过去 	to pass; to pass away, to die	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+guò rìzi 	过日子	to live; to get along	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+gùshi 	故事 	story	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+gǔshū 	古书 	ancient book	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎiluòyīn 	海洛因 	heroin	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+hái 	还	fairly, passably	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+hǎochù 	好处	benefit, advantage	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+hǎohāor 	好好儿 	properly, carefully, thoroughly	7	1,8	FSI-Chinese
+hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…	好是好,可是	well, okay, but…	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiàng 	好像 	to seem as if,to seem like	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+hēiyè	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+hèn	恨 	to hate, to loathe, to detest	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+Hóngwèibīng	红卫兵	(a) Red Guard; the Red Guards	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+hòulái	后来 	later, afterwards	7	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+Huáshèngdùn Yóubào	华盛顿邮报	Washington Post	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+huì	会	might; to be likely to; will	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+-huí	回	counter for shì matter	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+huó	活 	to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+húshuō	胡说	to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+hùxiāng	互相 	mutually	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndān	简单 	to be simple	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎngjiu	讲究	to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎng	奖 	prize	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎng	讲	to stress, to pay attention to, to be particular about	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiàotáng	教堂	church, cathedral	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiàoyu	教育	to educate; education	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jiārù	加入	to join	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiātíng	家庭 	family	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-jiā	家	counter for families	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+jīdòng	激动 	to be agitated, to be worked up	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jièdao	借到	to successfully borrow	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiěfàng	解放	to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiéhūn (jiēhūn)	结婚	to get married	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+jièyì	介意	to mind, to take offense	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiè	借	to borrow; to lend	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jíjímángmáng	急急忙忙	in a hurry, extremely rushed	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jímáng	急忙	to be hasty, to be hurried	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+jìnbù	进步	to progress; progress	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+jìndàishǐ	近代史 	modern history	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīngshén	精神 	energy, spirits	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+jīnr	今儿	today (Běijīng)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+jǐnzhāng	紧张	to be nervous, to be upset	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìzhu	记住	to remember	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+jì	记 	to remember; to commit to memory	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+jūnduì	军队	army	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+júzi shuǐ(r)	橘子水(儿) 	orange juice (Běijīng)	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+-jù	-句 	sentence; (counter for sentences utterances, often followed by huà, “speech”)	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+kànbuqǐ	看不起 	to look down on, to scorn, to despise	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+kàndao	看到	to see	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+kànzhe	看着 	(followed by a verb) as one sees fit, as one deems reasonable	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kàn	看	to depend on	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kǎolǜ	考虑	to consider, to think about; consideration	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǎoshì	考试	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz; exam, test	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	考 	to take/give an exam, test, or quiz	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kào	靠	to depend on, to rely on; to lean against; to be near, to be next to	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+kěài	可爱	to be loveable, to be adorable	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+kěkǎyīn	可卡因 	cocaine	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Kěkǒukělě	可口可乐	Coca Cola	7	1,3	FSI-Chinese
+kělián	可怜	to be pitiful	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+kěn	肯	to be willing to	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+kū	哭 	to cry	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+lái	*	for the past, (amount of time)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+...lái	。。。来 	to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+lái	来 	used before a verb to express that something vill be done	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+lājī	垃圾 	garbage	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěiyán	阑尾炎 	appendicitis	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+láodònglì	劳动力	labor force, labor; able-bodied person	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+láodòng	劳动	to labor	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎolao	姥姥	grandmother,grandma (maternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+láolì	劳力	labor force; labor	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎo shīfu	老师傅	old master	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoshǔ (láoshu)	老鼠	mouse or rat	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoxiānsheng	老先生	old gentlemen	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoyé	姥爷 	grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+lǎozǒng	老总	(used vith surname as an affectionate term for a high-ranking PLA commander)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+lǎo	老 	all the time, always	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+lián... dōu/yě...	连。。。 都/也	even...	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+liáo tiān(r)	聊天(儿)	to chat	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+liáo	聊	to chat	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+liǎ	俩 	Běijīng colloquial word meaning liǎngge, two	7		FSI-Chinese
+lǐmào	礼貌	manners, politeness	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǐngdǎo	领导 	to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+liùshi niándài	六十年代 	the decade of the sixties	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+liúxia 	留下	to leave	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíng 	流行	to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+luànqībāzāo 	乱七八糟 	in a mess, in confusion, in disorder; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+luàn 	乱 	to be in disorder, to be in a mess, to be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+mànmānr (mànmàn) 	慢慢儿(慢慢)	slowly; gradually, by and by; taking one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+ma 	么 	(marker for obviousness of reasoning)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi yìsi 	米意思	to be uninteresting/boring; to be pointless/meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+míngbai 	明白	to understand, to be clear on, to comprehend; to be clear, to be in-telligible	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+Míng Bào	明报 	Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+mǔ 	母 	female (for animals)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+nà hái yòng shuō 	那还用说	that goes vithout saying	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+nǎinai 	奶奶	grandmother (paternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Nán Měi 	南美	South America	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+nánnǚ 	男女	men and women, male-female	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+nánshòu 	难受	to be uncomfortable; to feel bad, to feel unhappy	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nántīng 	难听	to be unpleasant to hear; to sound bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+nénglì 	能力 	ability	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+ne 	呢	used in questions asking the whereabouts of someone/something	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+niánji (niánjì)	年纪	age	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+niánqīng 	年轻	to be young	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+nóngcūn 	农村 	country, rural area; rural	7	5,6	FSI-Chinese
+nònglai 	弄来	to get and bring	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngmín 	农民	peasant	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+nong (něng) 	弄	to do; to fool with; to get	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngyè 	农业 	agriculture	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+nǔlì 	努力	to make efforts	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+nǚsheng 	女生 	coed, woman student	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+pǎolai pǎoqù	跑来 跑去	to run around	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+pà	怕	to be afraid	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+pèngdao	碰到	to run into, to come across	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+-piān	-篇	counter for sheets, articles or pieces of writing	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+piàn	骗 	to fool, to deceive	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+píngděng	平等 	equality; to be equal (of people)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+pīnmìng	拼命	with all one's might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk one's life, to defy death	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+pīzhǔn	批准	to give permission, to approve; approval, permission, sanction	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+pópo	婆婆 	grandmother, grandma	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+qiáng	强	to be strong	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+qiāng	枪 	gun	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+qiánxiē nián	前些年	a fev years back, in recent years	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+qiāo mén	敲门	to knock at the door	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+qíguài	奇怪	to be strange, to be odd, to be surprising	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-qilai	-起来 	(resultative ending which indicates starting)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+qǐlai	起来	to get up (in several senses)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Qīnghǎi	青海 	a province in western China	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+qíngkuàng	情况	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíngxing	情形 	situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+quánjiā rén	全家人	the whole family	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+quàn	劝 	to advise, to urge, to try to persuade	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让 	to make (someone a certain vay)	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+rénjia	人家	people; other people; someone else; they; he, she; I	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+rén	人	person; self; body	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+rèxīnqilai	热心起来	to become enthusiastic and interested	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+rèxīn	热心	to be enthusiastic and interested, to be varmhearted, to be earnest	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+rìzi	日子	day; date; time	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+rù Tuán	入团	to join the Communist Youth League (Gòngqīngtuán or Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+rù	入 	to enter; to join (an organization)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shāfā 	沙发 	sofa	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+shàng xué 	上学	to go to school; to attend school	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shāngyè 	商业	commerce, business	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+-shang 	-上 	verb ending indicating starting and continuing	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+Shàoxiānduì 	少先队 	Young Pioneers	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shǎ 	傻 	to be stupid, to be dumb, to be silly, to be naive	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+shā 	杀 	to kill (means unspecified); to kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shèhuì 	社会 	society; social	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shēngchǎn 	生产 	to produce; production	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēnghuó 	生活	to live; life; daily life; livelihood	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēngyì (shēngyi) 	生意 	business, trade	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+shēnqǐng 	申请	to apply (for)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēntǐ 	身体	body; health	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+shìchǎng 	市场	market	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shìjièshang 	世界上 	in the vorld, in the whole world	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shijièxìng 	世界性	vorldwvide, cosmopolite	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shìjiè 	世界	vorld	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shíxíng 	实行	to practice, to carry out, to put into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.)	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+shízaì 	实在	really; to be real	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǐ 	使	to cause (followed by a verb), to make, to enable	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shǒuchāode 	手抄的	handwritten	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+shòu jiàoyu 	受 教育	to receive an education	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shōurù 	收入	income, earnings	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shōushi 	收拾	to straighten up; to get ones things ready	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+shòu 	受 	to receive	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shòu 	瘦 	to be thin	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+shǔjià 	暑假	summer vacation	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuōbuqīngchu 	说不清楚	can't explain clearly	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuōdao 	说到	to speak of; as for	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+shuōfǎ 	说法 	vay of saying a thing; statement, version, argument	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+shuòshì 	硕士 	Master丨s degree	7	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+Sì Shū 	四书	the Four Books (Dàxué, Zhōngyōng, Lúnyǔ, Mèngzǐ)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+sīxiǎng 	思想 	thought, vay of thinking	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+sǐ 	死	to die	7	3,5	FSI-Chinese
+sònghuiqu 	送回去	to take/escort back	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+sòngxíng 	送行 	to see (someone off), to wish (someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+suàn le	算了	forget it, let's drop the matter, let it go at that; come off it, come on	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+sūnnǚ	孙女	granddaughter (through one's son)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+sūnzi	孙子	grandson (through one's son)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+suǒyǒude... dōu	所有的。。。 都	all	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+tán liàn'ài	谈恋爱	to be in love, to be going together (courtship)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+tǎoyàn	讨厌	to dislike, to be disgusted vith	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+téng	疼 	to be very fond of, to be attached to, to dote on 7	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+tiào	跳 	to jump, to leap	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+tímu (-mù)	题目 	topic, subject; title; examination question, test problem	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tīng	听 	to heed (advice), to obey (orders)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tí	提	to carry (from the hand at the side of the body)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+tóngjū	同居 	to cohabit; cohabitation	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+tóngyì	同意	to consent, to agree	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóur	头儿 	head, chief, boss	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+Tuán	团	(Communist Youth) League	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-tuán	-团 	group, society	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+tǔdì	土地 	land	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+(V V) kan	(V V) 看	try and (v), (v) and see how it	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+wàigōng	外公	grandfather, grandpa (maternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+wàipó	外婆 	grandmother, grandma (maternal)	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+wàiwén	外文	foreign language	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnhuì	晚会 	evening party	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnliàn wǎnhūn	晚恋晚婚	late involvement and late marriage	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+wèile	为了 	in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+wénhuà	文化 	culture; schooling, education, literacy	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+wénxuéjiā	文学家 	writer, literary man	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+wénzhāng	文章	article, essay; prose (writing) style	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+wǒde tiān na!	我的天阿!	my God!	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+wǔjiào	午觉	noontime nap	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+xiàndài	现代	to be modern; contemporary; modern times	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎngbuchū	想不出	can't think up, can't come up vith	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngdāng	相当	quite, pretty, considerably	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎngdao	想到	to think of	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxìn	相信 	to believe (in); to trust,to be convinced (that)	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xiàng	像 	to be like, to resemble; like; such as	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	响 	to sound, to make a sound	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo diǎnr shēng(r)	小点儿声(儿)	a little more quietly	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo péngyou	小朋友	little friend; kids	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiàoshun	孝顺 	to be filial; filial obedience	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoshuō(r)	小说	fiction, novel	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo	小	young	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià qí	下棋 	to play chess	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+-xiaqu	-下去	down (directional ending used for eating or drinking dovn)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-xiaqu	-下去	resultative ending which indicates continuing an action	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+-xià	-下	under	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+xī dú	吸毒 	to take drugs; drug taking	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xíguàn	习惯	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+xìngkuī	幸亏	fortunately, luckily	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+xìngqu	兴趣	interest	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+-xìng	-性	nature,-ness, -ity	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xīnli	心里	in one's heart, in one's mind	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīnshì	心事 	something weighing on one's mind, worry	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnwén	新闻 	news	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīn	心	heart	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+xué hǎo	学好	to learn from good examples, to learn to be a good person	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+xuéhuì	学会	to learn, to master	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+xuéqī	学期	semester, term (of school)	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xuéshēnghuì	学生会	student association	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+xué yī	学医	to study medicine	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+xùnliànbān	训练班	training class	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+yánjiū (-jiu, -jiù) 	研究	to study (in detail), to do research on; research	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yào kàn	要看	to depend on	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+Yàzhōu (Yǎ-)	亚洲	Asia	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yèdà	业大 	evening university	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+yě gāi	也该	really should	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo 	。。。也好, 。。。也好	whether...or...; both... and...	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yě jiù	也就	accordingly, correspondingly, so	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yéye	爷爷	grandfather (paternal)	7	1,4	FSI-Chinese
+yìbiān(r)... yìbiān(r)...	以便(儿)。。。 以便(儿)。。。	doing... while doing...	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìfāngmiàn..., yìfāngmiàn... 	一方面。。。,一方面 。。。 	on the one hand... on the other hand; for one thing..., for another thing...	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìjiāzi	一家子	one family; the whole family; the same family	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yímiàn(r)... yímiàn(r)...	一面(儿)。。。一面(儿)。。。	doing... while doing...	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìtiān dào wǎn	一天到晚	all day long	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yīxué	医学	medical science,medicine	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīyuàn	医院	hospital	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhí	一直	all along, continuously, all the time (up until a certain point)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yī	一 	as soon as	7	1,4	FSI-Chinese
+-yì	亿 	hundred million	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yī	医	medical science, medicine (used in phrases like xuě yī)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yònggōng	用功	to be hardworking, to be industrious (in one’s studies)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu bànfǎ, (duì... )	有办法,(对。。。)	to be able to deal with (something)	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòuéryuán	幼儿园 	kindergarten	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu guīju	有规矩 	to have manners,to be proper	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu hǎochù	有好处	to be beneficial, to be good (for)	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu lǐmào	有礼貌	to be well mannered, to be polite	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu qián	有钱	to be rich	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu	*	to come up to (a certain level)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu xiào	有效 	to be effective; to be valid	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu xìngqu	有兴趣	to be interested	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yánjiū	有研究 	to have done research on; to know a lot about	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+yōu	优 	excellent	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	又	also	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+yòu	有	anyway; after all	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuánlái	原来	original, former; originally, formerly; it turns out that..., so...! (expresses finding out the true situation)	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuányīn	原因 	reason,cause	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuànyi	 愿意 	to wish,would like,to want to; to be willing to	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+yuè lái yuè...	越来越。。。	more and more..., increasingly	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yuè... yuè...	越。。。越。。。	the more... the more...	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+yùnqi	运气 	luck	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zài shuō	再说	furthermore, besides, moreover	7	5,8	FSI-Chinese
+zài yě bù/méi	再也不/没	never again	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zǎohūn	早婚	early marriage; child marriage; to marry as a child; to marry early	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zǎo	早	a long time ago	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zěnme (yì)huí shì	怎么一回事	what's it all about	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zéren (-rèn)	责任	responsibility	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎngdà	长大 	to grow up	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhàngfu	丈夫	husband	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎng	长	to grow	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhànzhēng	战争	war	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhāobudào	找不到	can't find, to be unable to find	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàogu	照顾 	to take care of; care	7	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+zhèi yíxiàzi	这一下子	after this, as a result of this	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhème (yì)huí shì	这么一回事	like this	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngcè	政策	policy	7	5,6	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngfǔ	政府 	government	7	4,6	FSI-Chinese
+zhènghǎo(r)	正好(儿) 	it Just so happens that, to happen to, as it happens; just in time. Just right, just enough	7	8	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngzhi	政治	politics; political	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhèng	整 	just, precisely, right	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhǐ hǎo	只好	can only, to have to, to be forced to	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīshi	知识 	knowledge	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǐ yào	只要	provided that, as long as	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+Zhōngguó Qīngnián	中国青年	China Youth (a periodical)	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhòng nán qīng nǚ	重男轻女	to regard males as superior to females	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+Zhōngxuéshēng	中学生	High School Student (a periodical)	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+-zhōng	-中	in	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zhōukān	周刊	weekly publication, weekly magazine	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhuàn qián	赚钱 	to earn money, to make money	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔrén	主人	host, master	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhùxialai	住下来	to move and stay (in a place),to settle down	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔyào	主要	mainly	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zìyóu shìchǎng	自由市场	free market	7	5	FSI-Chinese
+zìyóu	自由	freedom; to be free	7	2	FSI-Chinese
+zōngjiào	宗教	(organized) religion	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zǒngtǒng	总统	president	7	6	FSI-Chinese
+zǒng	总 	always; inevitably, vithout exception; after all, in any case	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìjìn	最近	lately, recently; the near future, soon	7	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuǐ	嘴	mouth	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuì	罪 	crime, guilt	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuòbuliǎo	做不了	to be unable to do	7	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò lǐbài	做礼拜 	to worship, to go to church	7	7	FSI-Chinese
+zuòxia	坐下	to sit down	7	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	做	to be, to act as	7	3	FSI-Chinese

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 224 - 224

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// librairie de gestion des répertoires et fichiers
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
+// librairie de gestion des arguments de la ligne de commande
+var argv = require('optimist').argv
+// libvrairie de lecture de lignes de texte
+var readline = require('readline')
+// librairie de traitement du pinyin
+// const pinyinizer = require('pinyinizer')
+// librairie de gestion du hanzi
+// const opencc = require('node-opencc')
+// librairie de gestion des fichiers csv
+var csv = require('comma-separated-values')
+// Nom du fichier entrée csv
+// en entrée, on donne le nom du fichier à traiter sans le répertoire
+var repertoireInitial = './'
+var argument = argv._[0]
+fichierDonnées = path.join(repertoireInitial, argument)
+// console.log(fichierDonnées);
+// Nom du fichier xml
+fichierXml = fichierDonnées.replace('.csv', '.xml')
+// console.log(fichierXml)
+var tab = "\t"
+var rc = "\n"
+var ligne = {
+  lettre: '',
+  pinyin: '',
+  hanzi: '',
+  translation: '',
+  themodule: '',
+  unit: '',
+  book: ''
+function resetLigne() {
+  lettre = ''
+  pinyin = ''
+  hanzi = ''
+  translation = ''
+  themodule = ''
+  unit = ''
+  book = ''
+// la ligne CSV qu'on lit
+var ligneCSV = ''
+prelude = `
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+fin = `
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>
+// on crée et ouvre le fichier de sortie xml
+var monxml = fs.createWriteStream(fichierXml);
+// on ouvre et lit le fichier csv
+var fichierATraiter = fs.readFileSync(fichierDonnées, "UTF-8");
+var moncsv = new csv(fichierATraiter, {
+  header: [
+    'lettre',
+    'pinyin',
+    'hanzi',
+    'translation',
+    'themodule',
+    'unit',
+    'book'
+  ],
+  cast: [
+    'String',
+    'String', 
+    'String',
+    'String',
+    'String',
+    'String',
+    'String'
+  ]
+// écriture du prélude
+lineNumber = 0
+// transformation et écriture des lignes dans le fichier xml
+moncsv.forEach(function (enregistrement) {
+  // DEBUG
+  //console.log(enregistrement.numero)
+  lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
+  console.log('lineNumber : ',lineNumber)
+  monxml.write('<row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry>')
+  monxml.write(enregistrement.lettre)
+  monxml.write('</entry>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">')
+  monxml.write(enregistrement.pinyin)
+  monxml.write('</foreignphrase></entry>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write('</row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write('<row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry/>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">')
+  monxml.write(enregistrement.hanzi)
+  monxml.write('</foreignphrase></entry>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write('</row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write('<row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry/>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write(tab)
+  monxml.write('<entry>')
+  monxml.write(enregistrement.translation)
+  monxml.write('</entry>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  monxml.write('</row>')
+  monxml.write(rc)
+  resetLigne()
+// écriture de la fin dans le fichier xml
+// fermeture du fichier de sortie xml

이 변경점에서 너무 많은 파일들이 변경되어 몇몇 파일들은 표시되지 않았습니다.