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-Unit 4
-1	Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?	一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?	The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.	大多数高中学生都能看懂。
-2	She sings songs really beautifully.	她唱歌儿真好听。	You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.	你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏
-3	Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.	今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。	Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.	好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
-4	His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses.	他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。	Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly.	最近两年,他提高的很快。	I’m really happy for him.	真为他高兴
-5	Do you often study in addition to your work?	除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?	A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.	广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。
-6	Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?	你明天晚上去打球儿吗?	No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.	不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。
-7	In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend.	为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。	Great, I’ll go too	真不坏,我也参加。
-8	What else do you like besides ping pong?	你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么?	I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.	喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。
-9	Auntie, what news is there today?	姨婆,今天有什么新闻?	I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.	听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了
-10	You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television.	你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。	Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while.	好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。
-11	Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.	这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。	You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy.	你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。
-12	This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?	这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去?	As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.	今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。
-Unit 5
-1	I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region.	听说你要到边疆出差去了。	Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip.	对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。
-2	How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?	这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊?	By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket.	坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。
-3	You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?	旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?	This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting.	这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。
-4	Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo?	从北京饭店到到动物园儿,要不要坐长途汽车?	No, you can go by trolley bus.	不用。坐无轨电车就行了。
-5	Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.	周总理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作。
-6	Do you like to ride a bicycle?	你喜欢骑自行车儿吗?	Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.	喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。
-7	In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried.	过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点儿不放心。	She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry.	她是个有志气的孩子。你就放心吧。
-8	How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good?	这个月你怎么买月票了?骑车不是好吗?	Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring.	每天上班得过两个桥,真累。	And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever, so it’s still more convenient to take a public bus.	红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便。
-9	Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public busses on the street have been reduced.	你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。	There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public busses is reduced by a few.	这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系。
-10	Does china have ocean-going steamships now?	中国现在有远洋轮船吗?	Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time.	有,早就 有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。
-11	I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.	我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边疆早一点儿通过车。	Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.	可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家看亲可就方便多了。
-12	Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday?	昨天她和谁到颐和园去了?	That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire.	那是他私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。
-13	Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day?	你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗?	I want to enter the sports meet next spring.	 我要参加明年春天运动会。
-Unit 6
-1	It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables.	今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。	Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time.	你放心吧,耽误 不了。
-2	Did you go to that market again to buy things?	你又去那个菜市场买东西了?	I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly.	我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。
-3	Is this child a registered resident of the city?	这个孩子是城市户口吗?	Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.	是,这是她的长期户口。
-4	How are non-staple food items sold here?	这儿的副食品怎么卖?	Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.	不少东西还是根据户口供应。
-5	You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again.	这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。	That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him.	对了, 我应该到粮店给他改定量去。
-6	What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?	给孩子增加定量的手术怎么办?	You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet.	到粮店去。服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在粮本儿上写上新的定量。
-7	I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.	听说粮店都是根据粮本儿发粮票儿的。	Is there some way you could explain this to me?	你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲?
-8	Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres?	工人的粮,油,定量是不是比干部的定量高?	The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same.	对,干部的粮食定量比工人的低,油的定量是一样的。
-9	Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some.	上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家儿都愿意买。
-10	I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.	我想上街去买点儿东西。	Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here.	其实,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把货物送来的。
-11	Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.	姨妈,副食店服务员送货来了。	You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.	你先去排队,我拿了副食本儿就来。
-12	This company’s products are quite inexpensive.	这个公司的产品相当便宜。	In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.	将来,生产搞的更好,价钱会更便宜。
-13	The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.	飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。

+ 0 - 30

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-Units 7
-1	Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?	我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好?	It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.	做衣料不好,不如做被面子。
-2	Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine.	小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧。	But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else.	她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧。
-3	What did your daughter go off to do?	您女儿干什么去了?	The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line.	百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了
-4	Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you.	刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了。	Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again.	 真是的,又让你花钱。
-5	Did you go to buy wool yarn?	你买毛线去了?	Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter.	是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物。
-6	Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate.	您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺。	Yes, she’s really grown into an adult.	是啊,他可真长成大人了。
-7	The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.	现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了	Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.	我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的。
-8	This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?	您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的?	I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.	在华侨商店挑的。
-9	I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon.	我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了。	Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them.	您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧。
-10	Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she?	姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是。	This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.	这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听。
-11	It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs.	我想起来了,我那张生病住医院的证明可以用来买鸡蛋。	They’re already bought, don’t you worry.	已经买了,你放心吧。
-12	Look, my flowers are so easy to grow, it’s been only two months and most of them have bloomed.	您看,这些花儿可好重了。才两个月的功夫,多数都开花儿了。
-Unit 8
-1	During the Tangshan earthquake, was your house affected?	唐山地震的时候,你们家的房子受到影响没有?	Our place is pretty good, there weren’t any big problems.	我们的房子不错,没有什么大问题。
-2	I’ve heard that after they got their marriage certificate, they waited only a short time before their housing problem got solved.	听说他们领了结婚证以后,等了不长的时间住房问题就得到解决了。
-3	Is the place where you’re living managed by your organisation or by the urban housing authority?	你住的房子是机关管理的还是房管所管理的。	The place I live in is one that belongs to my organisation.	我住的房子是属于我们机关的。
-4	In order to solve the problems of city residents in a comprehensive way, it’s necessary to build some apartment buildings.	为了全面解决城市居民的住房问题,必须兴建一些公寓楼。
-5	Your health has been really good during this recent period.	最近这段时期,你的身体可真不错呀。	Yes, since things got reorganised at work, I haven’t been so tired, and my health has been a lot better.	是啊,调整工作以后,我没有那么累了,身体好多了。
-6	During the period when the Gang of Four was causing trouble, work in the areas of industry, agriculture, culture, and foreign relations were all greatly influenced.	四人帮横行的时期,工业,农业,文化,外交,各方面的工作都受到很大影响。
-7	I may be going to China next year.	明年,我可能到中国去。	I wonder if you have to wait a long time when going through the procedures.	不知道办手续是不是得等很长的时间。	I’ve heard that the procedures for applying to go to China have become much simpler now. You can try.	我听说,现在申请去中国的手续已经简单的多了。你可以试试。
-8	With the vigorous efforts of a vast number of workers and cadre members, the difficulties we now have at our plant can surely be resolved.	在广大工人,干部的积极努力下,我们厂现在的困难一定能够解决。
-9	According to the rules, we can assign you another room.	根据规定,我们可以再给你分配一间房子。	Thank you so much. With this arrangement, I’ll have a lot fewer difficulties.	太谢谢了,这样儿以来,我的困难就少得多了。
-10	What do young people in the city do after they’re married if they want to have a child?	城市青年结婚以后,如果他们想要一个孩子,怎么办呢?	They should submit applications by the woman to her place of work, and her residential committee.	他们应该由女方向她的工作单位和街道居民委员会提出申请。
-11	Many residents are enthusiastically taking part in our area’s capital construction.	许多居民都积极参加了我们这个地区的基本建设。	Because of this, our housing problem here can be solved sooner.	因此,我们这儿的住房问题可以早点儿解决。
-12	After the earthquake, these buildings were basically still safe, but they still need to be checked once again.	这些大楼经过地震以后,基本上还是安全的,可是还要再检查一次。	Ok, hand this work over to us.	行,这个工作就交给我们吧

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+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
+1	Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it?	你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。	Yes, it’s not far from our home.	有,离我们家不远。
+2	Who’s the person in charge of your street office?	你们街道办事处的负责人是谁?	Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.	是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。
+3	Does every street office manage several street units?	每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗?	Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.	是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。
+4	Automated laundries help the residents in washing clothes don’t they?	机械洗衣站帮助居民洗衣服,是不是?	In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.	除了帮助居民以外,它们还常常帮助部队洗被子。
+5	There’s no connection between street service units and the national production plan is there?	街道办事处和国家生产计划没有关系吧?	No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.	你说得对,可是服务站可以为群众生活服务,群众很欢迎。
+6	Are the neighbourhood committees grassroots organisations working for the government?	居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关?	No, it’s the street offices that are the grassroots organisation of the government. The neighbourhood committees are under the management of the street offices.	不,街道办事处才是基层的政府机关。居民委员会受街道办事处的领导。
+7	Are the neighbourhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?	家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗?	Yes, neighbourhood committees organise housewives to participate in study.	是的。居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习。
+8	I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.	据说街道和学校也有关系。	Yes, we often take part in school activities.	有,我们常常参加学校的活动。
+9	What should you do if you want to retire?.	你如果想退休应该怎么办?	You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.	应该和工作单位谈一谈。这些事情都是工作单位管。
+10	I understand that people collect their pensions of some kind of office.	据说人们在什么办事处领退休金。	That’s right; you have to collect it at the street office.	对,要在街道办事处领退休金。
+11	Do you have something to do tomorrow?	明天你有什么事儿吗?	Tomorrow is August 1st, we’re going to go visit and cheer up military dependants and families members of revolutionary martyrs.	明天是八月一号。我们要去慰问军属烈属。
+12	Did you receive notification? Doesn’t the school want to have a parents meeting soon?	你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会?	Yes, it seems to me that it’s next Monday at 5 in the afternoon.	是啊,好像是下个星期一下午五点。

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+ 100 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 1-3 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Units 1 to 3, Review Tape 1.
+This tape reviews your understanding of the reference list sentences in Units 1 to 3.
+The speaker will say a sentence in Chinese, and you translate it into English.
+Let's begin.
+I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, doesn't he?
+Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he's even exhibited.
+I hear that people collect their pensions from a committee of some sort.
+That's right, you have to collect it at the Revolutionary Street Committee.
+Listen, they're talking about the patriotic cleanup campaign on the transistor radio.
+Yes, it's very good to have cleanups often, this should be widely publicized.
+What should you do if you want to retire?
+You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.
+What do you all do when you take your break at work?
+We do some break time calisthenics to get in shape.
+Where's oldest brother been all this time?
+He's cooling off on the balcony.
+What are Washington television programs like?
+There's quite a variety.
+Did the local broadcasting network broadcast a lot of material today at noon?
+Yes, they read a whole lot of newspapers.
+Do you go out to run every morning?
+Yes, I go out to run and do Tai Chi Quan.
+And on the way back, I stop at the market to buy groceries.
+Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean up again today?
+Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
+They are determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
+Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?

+ 115 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 1-3 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach
+Life in China Module, Units 1 to 3, Review Tape 2
+This tape reviews your production of the reference list sentences in Units 1 to 3
+I'll say a sentence in English, and you translate it into Chinese
+Let's begin
+Are the neighborhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?
+Yes, neighborhood committees organize housewives to participate in study
+If you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty
+But now it's not the same, quite a few places are clean

+ 128 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 4-6 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach
+Life in China Module, Units 4 through 6, Review Tape 1
+This tape reviews your comprehension of the reference list sentences in Units 4 through 6
+The speaker will say a sentence in Chinese, and you put it into English
+Let's begin

+ 153 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 4-6 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
+Life in China Module, Units 4 through 6, Review Tape 2.
+This tape reviews your production of the reference list sentences in Units 4 through 6 of this module.
+First, I'll say the English, and then you translate into Chinese.
+Let's begin.
+How come you bought a monthly ticket this month?
+Isn't riding a bicycle good?
+Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges.
+It's really tiring.
+And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever.
+So it's still more convenient to take a public bus.
+Is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
+The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers.
+The oil ration quota is the same.
+I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.
+Yes, indeed. When that time comes, it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
+Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.
+You go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.
+The airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of the bad weather.
+Does China have ocean-going steamships now?
+Yes, China has had ocean-going freighters and ocean-going passenger steamships for a long time.
+I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
+Is there some way you could explain this to me?
+What else do you like besides ping-pong?
+I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steamship. I'm a little bit worried.
+She's a girl with determination. Don't worry.
+I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
+Actually, someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping. The non-staple food store will send goods over here.
+This Peking Opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+As for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking Opera tomorrow night.
+What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
+You go to the grain and dried beans store. After the attendant looks at the child's age and his birth date in his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
+Do I need to take a long distance bus from the Peking Hotel to the zoo?
+No, you can go by trolley bus.
+Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
+No, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.
+Is this child a registered resident of the city?
+Yes, this is her long term resident registration.
+You're always studying, come on and rest a bit, watch some television.
+Okay, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+Is there some reason why you're so fond of exercising and why you're working out three or four hours a day?
+I want to enter the sports meet next spring.
+This company's products are quite inexpensive.
+In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.
+Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.
+How are you planning to travel when you go off on official business this time?
+By plane. This afternoon I'm going to CAAC to buy a ticket.
+Did you go to that market again to buy things?
+I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good. They're really friendly.
+You were traveling for over 20 days. How did you like it?
+This time when I went away, I crossed over both the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. It was extremely interesting.
+It's November 3rd already and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
+Don't worry, we'll make it in time.
+Who did she go with to the Summer Palace yesterday?
+That's her private business. It would be best if we didn't inquire.
+In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Great, I'll go too.
+Last week, the fish supplied by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh. Every family wanted to buy some.
+Will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?
+The great majority of senior high school students will be able to understand it.
+Your son will have a birthday this month. He should increase his ration quota again.
+That's right. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop and change his ration quota for him.
+I've heard that you're going off on business to the border region.
+Yes. The past couple of days have been awfully dizzy because of this long distance trip.
+Do you like to ride a bicycle?
+Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.
+Do you often study in addition to your work?
+Auntie, what news is there today?
+I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
+You want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
+How are non-staple food items sold here?
+Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
+She sings songs really beautifully.

+ 89 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 7-8 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach
+Life in China Module, Units 7 through 8, Review Tape 1
+This tape reviews your comprehension of the reference list sentences in Life in China Module, Units 7 through 8
+The speaker will say the Chinese sentence first, and then you translate into English
+Let's begin
+This is the end of the tape, end of Life in China Module, Unit 7 through 8, Review Tape 1

+ 70 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Review Units 7-8 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach
+Life in China Module, Unit 7 through 8, Review Tape 2
+In this tape, we'll review your production of the reference list sentences in Unit 7 through 8
+First, I'll read the English, and then you translate it into Chinese. Let's begin
+What do young people in the city do after they're married if they want to have a child?
+They should submit applications by the woman to her place of work and her neighborhood committee

+ 287 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 01 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Life in China Module, Unit 1, Tape 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn some questions and answers used in talking about the organization and functions of street offices.
+Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
+Your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it?
+Yes, it's not far from our home.
+Repeat the name of a street in Beijing.
+Repeat, street office.
+Repeat, your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it?
+Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+Your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it?
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Who's the person in charge of your street office?
+劉開蘭。Everyone calls her older sister Liu.
+Repeat, responsible person, leading member.
+Repeat, who's the person in charge of your street office?
+Now ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+Who's the person in charge of your street office?
+Repeat, older sister, a respectful term of address for a woman.
+Repeat, Liu Kai Lan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.
+Here's the next exchange.
+Does every street office manage several service units?
+Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.
+Repeat, to give administrative guidance, to manage, to direct.
+Repeat, service unit, an organization set up by the residents in a street office area.
+Repeat, does every street office manage several service units?
+Ask the question yourself to get a reply.
+Does every street office manage several service units?
+Repeat, machinery.
+Repeat, automated laundry.
+Repeat, yes, in addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they?
+In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.
+Repeat, resident.
+Repeat, automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they?
+Now try asking the question yourself to get a reply.
+Automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they?
+Repeat, troops.
+Repeat, comforter quilt.
+Repeat, in addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
+The name of a street in Peking.
+Street office
+Responsible person, leading member.
+Older sister, a respectful term of address for a woman.
+To give administrative guidance, to manage, to direct.
+Service unit.
+Automated laundry.
+Comforter quilt
+Now listen to the next exchange.
+There's no connection between street service units and the national production plan, is there?
+No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.
+Repeat, national production plan.
+Repeat, there's no connection between street service units and the national production plan, is there?
+Ask the question yourself, you'll get a reply.
+There's no connection between street service units and the national production plan, is there?
+Repeat, the masses.
+Repeat, to serve.
+Repeat, that's right, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.
+Repeat, basic level, grassroots.
+Repeat, organization, government organ.
+Repeat, are the neighborhood committees grassroots organizations of the government?
+Ask the question yourself, you'll get a reply. Are the neighborhood committees grassroots organizations of the government?
+Repeat the first part of the answer. No, it's the street offices that are grassroots organizations of the government.
+Now repeat the second part. The neighborhood committees are under the management of the street offices.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen. Are the neighborhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?
+Yes, neighborhood committees organize housewives to participate in study.
+Repeat housewife. 家庭婦女。家庭婦女。
+Repeat political study. 政治學習。政治學習。
+Repeat to be responsible for. 負責。負責。
+Repeat are the neighborhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?
+Now ask the question yourself. You get a reply. Are the neighborhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?
+Here's the next exchange. I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.
+Yes, we often take part in school activities.
+Repeat, to hear that, to understand that.
+Repeat, I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.
+Repeat, activity.
+Repeat, yes, we often take part in school activities.
+Now listen to the question and answer it yourself. Say, yes, we often take part in school activities.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from the second part of the reference list. Test yourself.
+the masses
+to serve
+neighborhood committee
+grassroots, basic level
+organization, office, organ of the government
+political study
+to be responsible for
+national production plan
+And here's the next exchange from the reference list. What should you do if you want to retire?
+You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.
+Repeat to retire from work.
+Repeat. What should you do if you want to retire?
+Ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+What should you do if you want to retire?
+Repeat. Work unit, place of work.
+Repeat. To manage, to be in charge of.
+Repeat. You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.
+Now here's the next exchange.
+I understand that people collect their pensions at some kind of office.
+That's right. You have to collect it at the street office.
+Repeat. People.
+Repeat. To collect, to get, to pick up something which is issued.
+Repeat. I understand that people collect their pensions at some kind of office.
+Say the sentence yourself. You'll get a reply.
+I understand that people collect their pensions at some kind of office.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned. Test yourself.
+To retire from work.
+Work unit, place of work.
+To manage, to be in charge of.
+Retirement pension.
+To collect, to get, to pick up something which is issued.
+Now listen to the next exchange.
+Do you have something to do tomorrow?
+Tomorrow is August 1st. We're going to visit and cheer up military dependents and family members of revolutionary martyrs.
+Repeat, to visit and cheer up.
+Repeat, family members of those in the armed forces, military dependents.
+Repeat, the members of a revolutionary martyr's family.
+Repeat, tomorrow is August 1st. We're going to visit and cheer up military dependents and family members of revolutionary martyrs.
+Now answer the question yourself. Say, tomorrow is August 1st. We're going to visit and cheer up military dependents and family members of revolutionary martyrs.
+Now here's the last exchange. Listen, did you receive notification? Doesn't the school want to have a parents' meeting soon?
+Yes, it seems to me that it's next Monday at five in the afternoon.
+Repeat, to notify, notification.
+Repeat, parents, heads of family.
+Repeat, did you receive notification? Doesn't the school want to have a parents' meeting soon?
+Now ask the question yourself to get a reply. Did you receive notification? Doesn't the school want to have a parents' meeting soon?
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this last part of the reference list. To visit and cheer up.
+Family members of those in the armed forces, military dependents.
+The members of a revolutionary martyr's family.
+To notify, notification.
+Parents, heads of family.
+This is the end of the tape. End of Life in China Module, Unit 1, Tape 1.

+ 116 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 01 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 1, Tape 2.
+Tape 2 begins with a dialogue reviewing the material taught on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese American returns to China to visit her family. She is staying at the home of a relative.
+為 服務

+ 246 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 02 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 2, Tape 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn some questions and answers used in talking about the different types of work the street committees do.
+Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
+Listen, they're talking about the patriotic cleanup campaign on the transistor radio.
+Yes, it's good to have cleanups often. This should be widely publicized.
+Repeat, semiconductor. A transistor is a type of semiconductor.
+Repeat, the patriotic cleanup campaign.
+Repeat, listen, they're talking about the patriotic cleanup campaign on the transistor radio.
+Now try saying the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
+Listen, they're talking about the patriotic cleanup campaign on the transistor radio.
+Repeat, to publicize, to propagate.
+Repeat, yes, it's good to have cleanups often. This should be widely publicized.
+Now you try giving the reply yourself. Yes, it's good to have cleanups often. This should be widely publicized.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen. Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?
+Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic cleanup campaign.
+Repeat, housefly.
+Repeat, mosquito.
+Repeat the word for mouse or rat.
+Repeat, does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?
+Now here's the next set of sentences from the reference list. Listen.
+Repeat, before liberation if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
+Now say the sentence yourself, and you'll hear the continuation. Before liberation if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
+Repeat, but now it's not the same, quite a few places are clean.
+Repeat, this is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large scale clean up. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
+Now here's the next exchange, listen. Where did you hide that package of insecticide? How come I can't find it?
+Go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
+Repeat the counter for packages of things.
+Repeat, medicine, drug, certain chemicals.
+Repeat, to hide.
+Repeat, where did you hide that package of insecticide? How come I can't find it?
+Now try asking the question yourself. Where did you hide that package of insecticide? How come I can't find it?
+Repeat, to enter the room.
+Repeat, go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
+Now try answering the question yourself. Go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen.
+What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
+You should close up all the windows and doors.
+Repeat, to light, to ignite.
+Repeat, a fumigant for mosquitoes.
+Repeat, what should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
+Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
+Repeat, window, 窗户,窗户。
+Repeat, to close up, to shut.
+Repeat, you should close up all the windows and doors.
+Now try answering the question yourself. You should close up all the windows and doors.
+Listen to the next exchange from the reference list. Do you get some exercise every morning?
+Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.
+Repeat, to loosen up one's body with exercise.
+Repeat, do you get some exercise every morning?
+Now ask the question ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply. Do you get some exercise every morning?
+Repeat, early morning.
+Repeat, balcony.
+Repeat, to stand.
+Repeat, yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
+Now you try answering the question yourself.
+Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen. Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean up again today?
+Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
+They're determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
+Repeat, general clean up, full scale clean up.
+Repeat, is your street committee area doing a full scale clean up again today?
+Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean up again today?
+Repeat, dare.
+Repeat, to do, to act, to undertake a job, to do work.
+Now here are these two words used in the slogan. Repeat, dare to think and dare to do.
+Repeat, yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
+They are determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
+Now try answering the question yourself.
+Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
+They are determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
+Now here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
+This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing?
+They were publicizing traffic rules.
+Repeat, street.
+Repeat, megaphone.
+Repeat, this morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone. What were they doing?
+Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone. What were they doing?
+Repeat, rules and regulations.
+Repeat, they were publicizing traffic rules.
+Now try answering the question yourself. They were publicizing traffic rules.
+Repeat, only, merely.
+Repeat, often.
+Repeat the counter for items, articles.
+Repeat, of course they can. The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
+Listen to the next exchange from the reference list. Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
+No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
+Repeat, to use, to employ.
+Repeat, does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
+Repeat, instructions brochure, explanatory pamphlet or sheet.
+Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
+Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
+Now try answering the question yourself.
+No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen.
+What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
+It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
+Repeat, to smoke, to fumigate.
+Repeat, what do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
+Now try asking the question yourself.
+What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
+Repeat, to act, to do.
+Repeat, for sure, certainly.
+Repeat, it's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
+Now try answering the question yourself.
+It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.

+ 180 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 02 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 2, Tape 2.
+Tape 2 begins with a dialogue reviewing the material taught on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese American returns to China to visit her family.
+She is staying at the home of her mother's aunt.
+Here she talks with her great aunt.
+Before going on to exercise 4, read the instructions in your workbook.
+Exercise 4.
+For this exercise, you'll need the following new words.
+A polite way to address an older person.
+Never mind that.
+Don't consider the fact that.
+Let out of school.
+To like to have guests.
+To be hospitable.
+Non-staple food store.
+Now here's a conversation. Listen.

+ 193 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 03 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@

+ 135 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 03 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 3, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a dialogue reviewing the material taught on the reference list.
+A Chinese American returns to China to visit her family.
+She is staying at the home of her mother's aunt.
+to draw, to pull
+to apply
+sponsoring group
+to contact, to get in touch with
+to solve, to resolve
+Now here's the conversation, listen.

+ 308 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 04 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 4, Tape 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn more words and phrases used when talking about leisure activities, including sports and arts.
+Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
+Will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?
+The great majority of senior high school students will be able to understand it.
+Repeat senior high school.
+Repeat educational television.
+Repeat, will a senior high school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?
+Repeat, regional opera.
+Repeat, you always mistake them, that's not a song, that's local opera.
+Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
+Repeat, our teaching discussion session isn't meeting this afternoon. 今天下午,我们的教学讨论会不开了。
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply. Our teaching discussion session isn't meeting this afternoon.
+Repeat, can, to be able to. 能够,能够
+Repeat, volleyball. 排球,排球
+Repeat, competition, match, game. 比赛,比赛
+Repeat, great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。
+Now you try giving the reply yourself. Say, great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this part of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Senior high school. 高中
+Educational television. 电视教学
+To sing songs. 唱歌
+Regional opera. 地方戏
+Discussion session. 讨论会
+Can, to be able to. 能够
+Volleyball. 排球
+Competition, match, game. 比赛
+Now here's the next exchange. Listen. His recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Yes, in the last two years his work has improved rapidly.
+I'm really happy for him. 真为他高兴。
+Repeat, work or art, works.
+作品 作品
+Repeat, to be deep, heartily. 深
+Repeat, his recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Now you say the sentence, you'll get a reply. His recent works have received the hearty welcome of the broad masses.
+Now listen to the next exchange. Do you often study in addition to your work?
+A great number of cadre members feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.
+Repeat, do you often study in addition to your work?
+Now ask the question yourself, you'll get a reply. Do you often study in addition to your work?
+Repeat, to be vast, to be broad, a vast number of
+Repeat, thought, way of thinking
+Repeat, must, need to
+Repeat, a great number of cadre members feel that to raise their own level of thought, they must study often.
+Now listen to the next exchange. Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening? 你明天晚上去打球吗?
+No, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet. 不,我要陪我师父去看芭蕾舞。
+Repeat, to play ball.
+Repeat, are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
+Now ask the question yourself to get a reply. Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?
+Repeat, master worker, a person highly skilled in something.
+Repeat, ballet.
+Repeat, no, I'm going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.
+Now you answer the question yourself. Answer, no, I'm going with my teacher to see a ballet.
+Now here's the review of the vocabulary items from this section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Work of art, works.
+To be deep, heartily.
+To be vast, to be broad, a vast number of.
+Thought, way of thinking.
+Must, need to.
+To play ball.
+Master worker, a person highly skilled in something.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen.
+In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Great, I'll go too.
+Repeat, to be satisfied, to be content, to satisfy.
+Repeat, concert.
+Repeat, in order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply. In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we're going to have a concert this weekend.
+Repeat, to be bad.
+Repeat, great, I'll go too.
+Now you give the reply. Say, great, I'll go too.
+Listen to the next exchange. What else do you like besides ping pong?
+I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Repeat, ping pong.
+Repeat, what else do you like besides ping pong?
+Now ask the question yourself and get a reply. What else do you like to do besides ping pong?
+Repeat, basketball.
+Repeat, basketball, ping pong.
+Repeat, I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Now you try answering the question yourself. Say, I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Auntie, what news is there today?
+I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Repeat, maternal great aunt.
+Repeat, news.
+Repeat, auntie, what news is there today?
+Now you ask the question yourself to get a reply.
+Auntie, what news is there today?
+Repeat, music group, music company, band.
+Repeat, I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Now answer the question yourself.
+Say, I've heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
+Test yourself.
+To be satisfied, to be content, to satisfy.
+To be bad
+Basketball team
+Maternal great aunt
+Music company, music group, band
+Now use the next exchange. Listen.
+You're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+Repeat always.
+Repeat to study.
+Repeat, you're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
+You're always studying. Come on and rest a bit. Watch some television.
+Repeat international.
+Repeat, OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+Now you give the reply, saying, OK, I'll come and watch the international news program for a while.
+You want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
+Repeat, to be filled up, set of time.
+Repeat, your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker, you'll get a reply. Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.
+Repeat, play, drama, opera.
+戏 戏
+Repeat, body, group, organization.
+团体 团体
+Repeat, you want to study and see opera and also take part in the group's activities. You're just too busy.
+Now listen to the next exchange. This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+As for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Repeat, Peking opera.
+Repeat, to have merit, to be worthy of.
+Repeat, this Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+Now you ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply. This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?
+Repeat, relayed movies, to relay a movie.
+Repeat, as for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Now you answer the question yourself. Say, as for the television programming tonight, they're relaying a movie. Let's go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary items from this last section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+to study
+to be filled up instead of time
+play drama opera
+body group organization
+Peking opera
+to have merit, to be worthy of
+to relay a movie

+ 144 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 04 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 4, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a dialogue reviewing the material on the reference list for this unit.
+A Chinese-American returns to China to visit relatives.
+She is staying with her mother's sister.
+This conversation between the American, her aunt, and her niece Xiaolan, takes place when she first arrives.
+Xiaolan comes in carrying a basketball.
+Now the aunt from America and Xiaolan are alone.
+to hold a meeting or a banquet
+still it would be best
+a counter for songs
+to cherish the memory of
+to take an examination
+peaking opera group
+to pass a test
+Now here's the conversation.

+ 166 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 05 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@

+ 137 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 05 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 5, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a review of the material taught on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese American returns to China to visit her relatives.
+She is staying at the home of her mother's sister.
+Here the American talks with her niece Xiaolan.
+This is the end of the tape.
+End of Life in China Module, Unit 5, Tape 2.

+ 342 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 06 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 6, Tape 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn words and phrases used in talking about the rationing system and buying things in China.
+Listen to the first exchange in the reference list.
+It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
+Don't worry, we'll make it in time.
+Repeat, already.
+Repeat, to accumulate, to store.
+Every year in the late fall, city residents in North China buy fresh vegetables such as cabbage or potatoes in large quantities,
+and keep them in a cool place to eat throughout the winter.
+Repeat, vegetables stored for winter consumption, literally winter vegetables.
+Repeat, it's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
+Now you say the sentence ahead the speaker, you'll get a reply. It's November 3rd already, and our family still hasn't stored away our winter vegetables.
+Repeat, to let time slip by, to let an opportunity go by.
+Repeat, don't worry, we'll make it in time.
+Now listen to the statement and then you give the reply. Say, don't worry, we'll make it in time.
+Now listen to the next exchange. Did you go to that market again to buy things?
+I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good. They're really friendly.
+Repeat, service personnel, attendant.
+Repeat, attitude, manner, approach.
+Repeat, to be friendly.
+Repeat, I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good. They're really friendly.
+Here's the next exchange. Listen. Is this child a registered resident of the city?
+Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
+Repeat, urban resident registration.
+Repeat, is this child a registered resident of the city?
+Repeat, long-term.
+Repeat, yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
+Now listen to the question and give the answer yourself. Say, yes, this is her long-term resident registration.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned. Test yourself. All ready.
+To accumulate, to store.
+Winter vegetables.
+To let time slip by, to let an opportunity go by.
+Service personnel attendant.
+Attitude, manner, approach.
+To be friendly.
+Urban resident registration.
+Long term.
+Now here's the next exchange. Listen. How are non-staple food items sold here?
+Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
+Repeat, non-staple food items.
+Repeat, how are non-staple food items sold here?
+Repeat, according to, based upon.
+Repeat, supply, to provide, to supply.
+Repeat, many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
+Now try answering the question yourself. Say, many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
+Listen to the next exchange. Your son will have a birthday this month. He should increase his ration quota again.
+That's right. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
+Repeat, to increase.
+Repeat, ration quota allowance.
+Repeat, your son will have a birthday this month. He should increase his ration quota again.
+Repeat, a shop which sells grains and dried beans.
+Repeat, that's right. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
+Now you reply to the first sentence. Say, that's right. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
+Now listen to the next exchange. What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
+You go to the grain and dried beans store, and after the attendant looks at the child's age and his birth date in his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
+Repeat, procedures, formalities.
+Repeat, what are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
+Now you ask the question yourself, you get a reply. What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
+Repeat, age.
+Repeat, ration booklet for grains and dried beans.
+Practice this reply in two parts. Here's the first half.
+You go to the grain and dried beans store, and after the attendant looks at the child's age and birth date in his resident registration.
+Now here's the second half. He writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned. Test yourself.
+Non-staple food items.
+According to, based upon.
+Supply, to supply, to provide.
+To increase.
+Ration quota allowance.
+A shop which sells grains and dried beans.
+Procedures, formalities.
+Russian booklet for grains and dried beans.
+Now listen to the next exchange on the reference list.
+I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
+Is there some way you could explain this to me?
+Repeat to issue.
+Repeat ration ticket for grains and dried beans.
+I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
+Repeat method, way.
+Is there some way you could explain this to me?
+Now you reply to the first sentence.
+Ask, is there some way you could explain this to me?
+Here's the next exchange.
+Is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
+The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers. The oil ration quota is the same.
+Repeat grain, food supplies.
+Repeat oil.
+Repeat, is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
+Repeat, to be low.
+Repeat, the grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers. The oil ration quota is the same.
+Now you try answering the question, say,
+The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers. The oil ration quota is the same.
+Listen to the next sentence from the reference list.
+Last week the fish supplied by our non-stable food shop was especially fresh. Every family wanted to buy some.
+Repeat, a shop which sells non-stable food items.
+Repeat, every family.
+Repeat, last week the fish supplied by our non-stable food shop was especially fresh. Every family wanted to buy some.
+Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
+I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
+Actually, someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
+Repeat, to go downtown, to go to the shopping area.
+Repeat, I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
+Repeat, actually, as a matter of fact.
+Repeat, goods, commodities.
+Repeat, actually, someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
+Now listen to the first sentence and you give the reply.
+Say, actually, someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping. The non-stable food store will send goods over here.
+Now here's the review of the vocabulary you just learned. Test yourself.
+To issue.
+Ration ticket for grains and dried beans.
+Method, way.
+Grain, food supply.
+To be low.
+A shop which sells non-stable food items.
+Every family.
+To go downtown, to go to the shopping area.
+Actually, as a matter of fact.
+Goods, commodities.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Auntie, the attendant from the non-stable food store has brought his goods by.
+You go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
+Attendants from non-stable food stores bring carts of goods to sell at various large apartment buildings or small streets.
+This way the residents only have to run downstairs or down the block to pick up some needed commodity.
+Now repeat, maternal aunt.
+Repeat, goods, commodities.
+Repeat, auntie, the attendant from the non-stable food store has brought his goods by.
+Repeat, to line up, to form a line.
+Repeat, ration booklet for non-stable food items.
+Repeat, you go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
+Listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
+Say, you go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-stable food items.
+Here's the next exchange, listen.
+This company's products are quite inexpensive.
+In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.
+Repeat, product, produce.
+Repeat, this company's products are quite inexpensive.
+Repeat, future.
+Repeat, price.
+Repeat, in the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.
+Now listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
+Say, in the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.
+Now listen to the last sentence from the reference list.
+The airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
+Repeat, unable to leave. It also means unable to walk.
+Repeat, the airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
+Here's a review of the vocabulary from the last part of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Maternal aunt.
+Goods, commodities.
+To line up, to form a line.
+Ration booklet for non-staple food items.
+Product, produce.
+Unable to leave, unable to walk.
+A dialogue reviewing all this material is at the beginning of the tape 2 for this unit.
+This is the end of the tape. End of Life in China Module Unit 6, Tape 1.

+ 159 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 06 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 6, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a review of the material taught on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese American returns to China to visit her family.
+She is staying at the home of her mother's aunt. Here she talks with her niece.
+You may want to rewind the tape and listen to this dialogue again.
+Now here's exercise one.
+This is a review of the reference list sentences in this unit.
+Translate the following into Chinese.
+It's November 3rd already,
+and our family still hasn't stored away winter vegetables.
+Don't worry, we'll make it in time.
+Did you go to that market again to buy things?
+I like that market.
+The attitude of the service attendants there is good.
+They're really friendly.
+Is this child a registered resident of the city?
+Yes, this is her long term resident registration.
+How are non-staple food items sold here?
+Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.
+Your son will have a birthday this month.
+He should increase his ration quota again.
+That's right. I should go to the grain and dried beans shop to change his ration quota for him.
+What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?
+You go to the grain and dried beans store.
+After the attendant looks at the child's age and his birth date on his resident registration,
+he writes the new quota in the grain and dried beans ration booklet.
+I've heard that shops for grains and dried beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.
+Is there some way you could explain this to me?
+Is the grain and oil ration quota for workers higher than for cadres?
+The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers. The oil ration quota is the same.
+Last week the fish supplied by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh. Every family wanted to buy some.
+I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.
+Actually someone your age shouldn't have to go shopping. The non-staple food store will send goods over.
+Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.
+You go over and stand in line first, and I'll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.
+This company's products are quite inexpensive.
+In the future when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.
+The airport has notified us that we won't be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
+Before going on to exercise 2, read the instructions in your workbook.
+Exercise 2. For this exercise you'll need the following new vocabulary items.
+To exchange for, to change into.
+To use to buy something.
+Less than, under.
+Now listen to the conversation.
+Now here's the conversation.

+ 355 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 07 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 7, Take 1.
+In this unit, you'll learn some more words and phrases used in talking about buying things.
+Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
+Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?
+It wouldn't be good for clothing. That's not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.
+Repeat, silks and satins.
+Repeat, material for clothes, cloth.
+Repeat, shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?
+Now ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
+Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?
+Repeat, not as good as.
+Repeat, the cover for a down quilt or feather bed, coverlet.
+Repeat, it wouldn't be good for clothing. That's not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.
+Now answer the question yourself. Say,
+it wouldn't be good for clothing, that's not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.
+Now here's the next exchange. Listen.
+小王's wedding is next week.
+Let's all ten or so of us buy her a new sewing machine.
+But she's never used a sewing machine. We'd better buy her something else.
+Repeat wedding, a joyous occasion.
+Repeat sewing machine.
+小王's wedding is next week.
+Let's all ten or so of us buy her a sewing machine.
+Now say the sentence yourself. You'll hear a reply.
+小王's wedding is next week.
+Let's all ten or so of us buy her a sewing machine.
+Repeat from the beginning up until now, always.
+Repeat, but she's never used a sewing machine.
+We'd better buy her something else.
+Now you give the reply. Answer, but she's never used a sewing machine.
+We'd better buy her something else.
+Now listen to the next exchange.
+What did your daughter go off to do?
+The百貨大樓 is selling domestically produced black and white television sets.
+She went to stand in line.
+Repeat domestic national product.
+Repeat black and white.
+Repeat television set.
+The百貨大樓 is selling domestically produced black and white television sets.
+She went to stand in line.
+Now listen to the question and give the answer.
+The百貨大樓 is selling domestically produced black and white television sets.
+She went to stand in line.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this section of the reference list.
+Test yourself.
+Silks and satins.
+Material for clothes. Cloth.
+Not as good as.
+The cover for a down quilt or feather bed. Coverlet.
+Wedding. A joyous occasion.
+Sewing machine.
+From the beginning up until now, always.
+Domestic national product.
+Black and white.
+Television set.
+Now listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
+Just now as I was passing the furniture store,
+I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good, so I bought it for you.
+Oh no, I caused you to spend money again.
+Repeat furniture store.
+Repeat furniture.
+Repeat, just now as I was passing the furniture store,
+I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good, so I bought it for you.
+Repeat, to spend, as in money.
+Repeat, oh no, I caused you to spend money again.
+Now listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
+Oh no, I caused you to spend money again.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+Did you go to buy wool yarn?
+Yes, New Year's is almost here. I'm buying a little present for my daughter.
+Repeat, wool yarn for knitting.
+Repeat, did you go to buy wool yarn?
+Question yourself, you'll get a reply.
+Did you go to buy wool yarn?
+Repeat, New Year's Day.
+Repeat, gift, present.
+Yes, New Year's is almost here. I'm buying a little present for my daughter.
+Now you answer the question.
+Say, yes, New Year's is almost here. I'm buying a little present for my daughter.
+Now here's the next exchange.
+Listen, your daughter is graduating from college. We should celebrate.
+Yes, she's really grown into an adult.
+Repeat to celebrate.
+Repeat, your daughter is graduating from college. We should celebrate.
+Now you say the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
+Your daughter is graduating from college. We should celebrate.
+Repeat, to grow into.
+Repeat, yes, she's really grown into an adult.
+Now listen to the first sentence and you give the reply.
+Yes, she's really grown into an adult.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary items from this part of the reference list.
+Test yourself.
+Furniture store.
+To spend, as in money.
+Wool yarn for knitting.
+New Year's Day.
+Gift, present.
+To celebrate.
+To grow into.
+Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
+The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.
+Yes, so I've heard. Now they're taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.
+Repeat, relations overseas.
+Repeat, the government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.
+Now you say the sentence, you'll get a reply. The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas.
+Repeat, relatives of Chinese nationals living abroad.
+Repeat, very quiet.
+Repeat, yes, so I've heard too. Now they're taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.
+Listen to the next exchange.
+This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?
+I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.
+Repeat, satin.
+Repeat, this piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?
+Now you ask the question, you'll get a reply. This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?
+Repeat, overseas Chinese.
+Repeat, to choose, to select.
+Repeat, I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.
+Now you listen to the question and answer it yourself. Say, I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.
+Here's the next exchange, listen, I want to buy some bedding for the children but I'm out of cotton ration coupons.
+Don't worry, I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven't used up, you take them.
+Repeat, bedding, that is sheets, covers, pillows, etc.
+Repeat, I want to buy some bedding for the children but I'm out of cotton ration coupons.
+Repeat, to be urgent, to be worrying, to worry.
+Repeat, to use up.
+Repeat, don't worry, I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven't used up, you take them.
+Now listen to the first sentence and you give the reply. Don't worry, I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven't used up, you take them.
+Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Relations overseas.
+Relatives of Chinese nationals living abroad.
+Very, quite.
+Overseas Chinese.
+To choose, to select.
+Bedding, sheets, covers, pillows.
+To be urgent, to be worrying, to worry.
+To use up.
+Now listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
+Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn't she?
+This isn't some big thing, you don't have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.
+The husband of one's maternal aunt, uncle.
+To leave the military as an officer and change to a civilian job.
+Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn't she?
+Now you ask the question, you'll get a reply. Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn't she?
+Repeat. Extreme, great.
+Repeat. To act as, to be, to treat.
+This isn't some big thing, you don't have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.
+Now you listen to the question and give the answer yourself. Say, this isn't some big thing, you don't have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.
+Now listen to the next exchange. It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs.
+They're already bought, don't you worry.
+Now listen to the last sentence from the reference list.
+Look, my flowers are so easy to grow. It's been only two months and most of them have bloomed.
+Repeat, to be easy to do something.
+Repeat the majority.
+Repeat, look, my flowers are so easy to grow. It's been only two months and most of them have bloomed.
+Here's a review of the vocabulary from the last section of the reference list. Test yourself.
+Uncle, the husband of one's maternal aunt.
+To leave the military as an officer and change to a civilian job.
+Extreme, great.
+To act as, to be, to treat.
+To think of, to occur to one.
+Proof, evidence, certificate.
+To be used in order to, to use for the purpose of.
+To be easy to do something.
+The majority

+ 165 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 07 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 7, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a dialogue reviewing the material on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese-American returns to China to visit her family.
+She is staying at the home of relatives. Here she talks with her uncle.

+ 166 - 0
Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 08 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

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Module-9/Transcripts/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 08 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

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+Standard Chinese, a Modular Approach, Life in China Module, Unit 8, Tape 2.
+This tape begins with a dialogue reviewing all the material taught on the reference list in this unit.
+A Chinese-American returns to China to visit his family.
+He is staying at the home of his mother's aunt.
+Here he talks with his aunt.
+Before going on to exercise 3, read the instructions in your workbook.
+Exercise 3. For this exercise, you'll need the following new vocabulary items.
+To repair, to put in order.
+Mutually, with each other.
+Now here's the conversation, listen.
+小劉,我有點事,想和你談一下。 有什麼事啊?坐下慢慢說。 是這樣,我的孩子昨天和他愛人領了結婚證了。 好啊,他們在哪個街道辦的手續啊? 那女孩子在豐盛街道住,他們在那辦的手續。 辦喜事的東西都預備好了嗎? 什麼都預備好了,就是房子有問題。
+怎麼呢? 按照北京市的規定,應該有女方向她住的地區的房管所提出申請。

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 1.	Yóu bú gòu le. Qǐng ni jiā dian yóu.	油不够了,请你加点油。	There’s not enough gas. Please add some.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 2.	Jiā wǔshi gōngshēng ba.	加五十公升吧。	Add fifty liters.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 3.	Zhèi shi sānzhāng èrshi gōngshēngde qìyóu piào.		Here are three twenty liter gasoline coupons.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-4.	Lúntāide qì bù zú le. Qǐng ni dǎ yíxia qì, hǎo Lu hao?		The air in the tires isn’t enough, please put some air in, all right?	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+4.	Lúntāide qì bù zú le. Qǐng ni dǎ yíxia qì, hǎo bu hao?		The air in the tires isn’t enough, please put some air in, all right?	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 5.	Qìchēde bōli yǒu diar zāng.		The windows are a little dirty.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
-6.	Wǒ xiǎng cāyicā. Nǐmen yǒu shuǐ ma?		I think I’ll wipe it a bit. Do you have some water?	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+6.	Wǒ xiǎng cāyicā. Nǐmen yǒu shuǐ ma?	我想擦一擦。你们有水马?	I think I’ll wipe it a bit. Do you have some water?	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 7.	Dǎqìtǒng zài nèibiar. Nǐ bǎ chē kāiguoqu, wǒ lái gěi ni dǎ.		The airpump is there. Drive your car over and I'll give you some air.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 8.	Nǐ yào jiā shénme yóu: gāojí qìyóu háishi pǔtong qìyóu?		What kind of gas do you want to add: high grade gas or regular?	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
 9.	Búbì jiā mǎn, sīshi gōngshēng jiù gòu le.		No need to fill it up, forty liters will be enough.	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 108 - 120

@@ -1374,10 +1374,10 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 1.	Yǎnjìng gēn zhīpiàoběn dōu dài le.	I have both my glasses and checkbook with me (on me).
 2.	Xiǎoběnzi zài wǒ xīzhuāng kǒudàili.	My notebook is in my suit pocket.
 3.	Zhàoxiàngjí zài xiāngzili.	My camera is in the suitcase.
-4.	Nǐ dàile yíge lùyìnjī, duì bu duì?	You have a tape recorder with you, don’t you?
+4.	Nǐ dàile yíge lùyīnjī, duì bu duì?	You have a tape recorder with you, don’t you?
 5.	Wǒ méi dài shǒushi lai.	I didn’t bring any jewelry with me.
 6.	Nǐ bǎ nǐ dàide dōngxi dōu xiě zai shēnbàodānshang le ma?	Did you write everything you have with you on your declaration?
-7.	Wǒ dàile èrshijuǎn lùyǐndài.	I have twenty reels of recording tape with me.
+7.	Wǒ dàile èrshijuǎn lùyīndài.	I have twenty reels of recording tape with me.
 8.	Wǒ zhīdao hěn dūo Zhōngguo fùnǚ bú dài shǒushi, suóyi wǒ yě méi dài shǒushi lái.	I knew that a lot of Chinese women don’t wear jewelry, so I didn’t bring any either.
 9.	Qǐng nǐ bǎ xiāngzi dǎkai gěi wo kànkan.	Please open your suitcase and let me take a look.
 10.	Méi shì le.          Everything is all right OR There's no further business.
@@ -1388,15 +1388,15 @@ REFERENCE NOTES ON PART I
 yǎnjìng; “eyeglasses” Don’t mix this up with yǎnjìng, “eye.” In Běijīng speech these words are pronounced yǎnjìngr (“eyeglasses”) and yǎnjing (“eye”), keeping them even more distinct from each other.
-zhīpiàoběn: “checkbook” Zhípiào is a	“check,” literally “pay-ticket.” Běn(r) is a booklet.
+zhīpiàoběn: “checkbook” Zhípiào is a “check,” literally “pay-ticket.” Běn(r) is a booklet.
-dài: “to bring” This word sounds exactly like another you learned in Unit 2, dài, “to wear, to put on (glasses, gloves, a hat, a wristwatch, jewelry, etc.).” They are different words, however, written With different characters ( for “to bring” and for “to wear”). The translation of the first Reference List sentence is idiomatic; we would say “I have ... with me” or “I have ... on me” when Chinese says literally, “I have brought... .”
+dài: “to bring” This word sounds exactly like another you learned in Unit 2, dài, “to wear, to put on (glasses, gloves, a hat, a wristwatch, jewelry, etc.).” They are different words, however, written With different characters ( for “to bring” and for “to wear”). The translation of the first Reference List sentence is idiomatic; we would say “I have ... with me” or “I have ... on me” when Chinese says literally, “I have brought... .”
 xiǎoběnzi: “notebook,” literally “small book.” In Reference List sentence No. 2, xiǎoběnzi is translated specifically as “address book.” Actually the word is more neutral in meaning (“notebook, booklet”), but picks up the specific translation from the context.
-xiāngzi: “box, trunk, case” Xiāngzi corresponds to the English “suitcase,”while xíngli is the equivalent of “luggage.”
+xiāngzi: “box, trunk, case” Xiāngzi corresponds to the English “suitcase,” while xíngli is the equivalent of “luggage.”
-shēnbàodān: “declaration form” Shēnbào is the verb “to report to a higher body, to declare something at customs.” Dan is the noun meaning “bill, list, note.”
+shēnbàodān: “declaration form” Shēnbào is the verb “to report to a higher body, to declare something at customs.” Dān is the noun meaning “bill, list, note.”
 xiě zai shēnbàodānshang: “write it on the declaration form.” Notice that the place phrase (zài ... shang) is placed alter the verb here, rather than in its usual place before the verb. When the location tells where the result of the activity is supposed to end up, that location phrase may appear after the verb (a position where other “results” also show up). Compare these two sentences:
@@ -1420,22 +1420,18 @@ zuò nèige diǎnxīn gěi háizi chī	make that pastry for the child to eat
 When gěi comes after the verb, it can mean either “to give” or “for, let.” For example, Bǎ nèiběn shǔ náchulai gěi wo kànkan could mean either “Take out the book and (actually) give it to me to look at,” OR “Take out the book for me to see (show it to me, not necessarily hand it to me).” The context will help you decide which is meant; often, only one will make sense.
-CAUTION: Although gěi is sometimes idiomatically translated as “to let,”
-you should not take this to mean that English ”to let” may always be translated into Chinese with gěi. There is a very limited correspondence between “let” and gěi. Usually you will translate “to let” as ràng, which is introduced in Unit 6, Part III, of this module.
+CAUTION: Although gěi is sometimes idiomatically translated as “to let,” you should not take this to mean that English “to let” may always be translated into Chinese with gěi. There is a very limited correspondence between “let” and gěi. Usually you will translate “to let” as ràng, which is introduced in Unit 6, Part III, of this module.
 Méi shì le: “Everything is all right now” OR “There's no further business.” Here, this means “Now that I’ve looked over your suitcase I find that there isn't anything further we need to take up.”
-yùbeihǎo le: “prepared” You have already learned the word zhǔnbèi, “to prepare, to get ready” or “to plan to.” Yùbei is a close synonym.
-Yùbeihǎo or zhùnbèihǎo both mean “to get all ready.” The ending -hǎo on
+yùbeihǎo le: “prepared” You have already learned the word zhǔnbèi, “to prepare, to get ready” or “to plan to.” Yùbei is a close synonym. Yùbeihǎo or zhùnbèihǎo both mean “to get all ready.” The ending -hǎo on
 certain verbs indicates bringing something to a satisfactory conclusion.
 An American woman is going through customs in Guǎngzhōu (Canton).
-M:	Nǐ bǎ ni dàide dōngxi dōu xiě zai shēnbàodānshang le ma?	Did you write everything you have with you on your declaration?
+M:	Nǐ bǎ nǐ dàide dōngxi dōu xiě zai shēnbàodānshang le ma?	Did you write everything you have with you on your declaration?
 F:	Dōu xiě le.	Yes, I wrote everything.
@@ -1443,7 +1439,7 @@ M:	Nǐ dàile yíge zhàoxiàngjī, yíge lùyīnjī, yíge shōuyīnjī, duì b
 F:	Duì le.	Right.
-M:	Nǐ dàile duōshao lùyǐndài?	How much tape do you have with you?
+M:	Nǐ dàile duōshao lùyīndài?	How much tape do you have with you?
 F:	Wǒ dàile èrshijuǎn.	I have twenty reels with me.
@@ -1519,7 +1515,7 @@ Nǐmende gōngyù yǒu jǐjiān fángjiān?	How many rooms does your apartment h
 But you would use dānyuán, “unit,” not gōngyù, for “apartment” in:
-Zhèige gōngyùlóu yoo3 duōshao dānyuán?	How many apartments are there in this apartment building?
+Zhèige gōngyùlóu yǒu duōshao dānyuán?	How many apartments are there in this apartment building?
 Although an apartment-dweller will usually refer in English to his “apartment,” in everyday conversation, Chinese usually just speak of their fángzi. In other words, any type of residence—house or apartment—can be called a fángzi. Use the word gōngyù when you need to distinguish clearly between “apartment” and “house.
@@ -1555,7 +1551,7 @@ Nǐ hǎoxiàng bú tài xǐhuan zhèige fāngzi.	You don’t seem to like this h
 Nǐ hǎoxiàng zài xiǎng shénme shì.	You seem to be thinking about something.
-Tā gēge hǎoxiàng chǎngchāng shēng bìng.	His older brother seems to get sick very often.
+Tā gēge hǎoxiàng chángcháng shēng bìng.	His older brother seems to get sick very often.
 Hǎoxiàng is sometimes used merely to express that the speaker thinks a situation is so, but cannot confirm his suspicion. In such sentences, hǎoxiàng is best translated as “it seems to me that ...”or “I think ...” or “I seem to remember ... .” Notice that the word order in Chinese stays the same.
@@ -1565,25 +1561,24 @@ Nǐ hǎoxiàng gàosuguo wo zhèijiàn shìqing.	I seem to remember your telling
 Zài nèige shíhou, tā hǎoxiàng hái zhù zài Jiāzhōu.	At that time, he was still living in California, I think.
-Mǎiguo hǎoxiàng méiyou zhèige duì bu dui?	It seems to me you don’t have this in America, do you?
+Měiguo hǎoxiàng méiyou zhèige duì bu dui?	It seems to me you don’t have this in America, do you?
-gǎo wèishēng: “to. clean,” literally “to do sanitation” This is an expression used in the PRC. The verb gǎo, “to do,” originally a word found in southern dialects of Mandarin Chinese, is now widely used in Standard Chinese, even in Běijǐng. In Taiwan, gǎo does not have as wide a usage as in the PRC, where many new expressions have been created since 1949 using this verb.
+gǎo wèishēng: “to. clean,” literally “to do sanitation” This is an expression used in the PRC. The verb gǎo, “to do,” originally a word found in southern dialects of Mandarin Chinese, is now widely used in Standard Chinese, even in Běijīng. In Taiwan, gǎo does not have as wide a usage as in the PRC, where many new expressions have been created since 1949 using this verb.
-máfan: “to be troublesome, to be a nuisance, to be inconvenient” In the Money module, you learned the verb máfan for “to bother, to incon-venience (someone),” as in Mafan nǐ le, “Sorry to trouble you.” Here you learn máfan as an adjectival verb.
+máfan: “to be troublesome, to be a nuisance, to be inconvenient” In the Money module, you learned the verb máfan for “to bother, to inconvenience (someone),” as in Máfan nǐ le, “Sorry to trouble you.” Here you learn máfan as an adjectival verb.
 Nà tài máfan le.	That’s too much trouble
 Zhēn máfan.	What a bother.
-pingcháng: “usually, generally, ordinarily” Like other two-syllable time words, pingcháng may come before or after the subject, but always before the verb.
+píngcháng: “usually, generally, ordinarily” Like other two-syllable time words, píngcháng may come before or after the subject, but always before the verb.
 Píngcháng wǒmen dōu zài kètīng kàn diànshì. We usually watch television in the living room.
-Wǒmen píngcháng dōu zài kètíng kàn diànshì.
+Wǒmen píngcháng dōu zài kètíng kàn diànshì.	We usually watch television in the living room.
 Wǒ píngcháng jiǔdiǎn zhōng cái xià ban.	I don’t usually get off workuntil nine o’clock.
-shōushi: “to straighten up, to tidy up (a place)” or “to put away, to put in order, to clear away (things).” Use shōushi when you’re talking about neatening up a place, use gǎo wèishēng when you’re talking about soap and water cleaning in the PRC land gǎo qingjié “to (soap and water) clean” in Taiwan!.
+shōushi: “to straighten up, to tidy up (a place)” or “to put away, to put in order, to clear away (things).” Use shōushi when you’re talking about neatening up a place, use gǎo wèishēng when you’re talking about soap and water cleaning in the PRC [and gǎo qingjié “to (soap and water) clean” in Taiwan].
 Tā hǎoxiàng yǒu bànnián méi shōushi wūzi le.	It looks as if he hasn't picked up his place in half a year.
@@ -1591,13 +1586,13 @@ Nǐ kuài yìdiǎnr shōushi xíngli, wǒmen yào zǒu le.	Pack your things quic
 wūzi and fángjiān: Both of these words means “room, chamber.” Wūzi is seldom used in Taiwan, however. For rooms in public places, like hotels, use fángjiān rather than wūzi.
-fànting: “dining room,” literally “meal-hall.”
+fàntīng: “dining room,” literally “meal-hall.”
-chī fàn: “to eat,” literally “eat food.” Fàn is literally, “cooked rice,” but in the expression chī fàn it refers to food in general or a meal. This is another example of a verb plus general object, like niàn shū, “to study” or shuō huà “to speak.” (See BIO, Unit 7.) This verb chī may, of course, be followed by a specific object such as píngguǒ, apples,” as in:
+chī fàn: “to eat,” literally “eat food.” Fàn is literally, “cooked rice,” but in the expression chī fàn it refers to food in general or a meal. This is another example of a verb plus general object, like niàn shū, “to study” or shuō huà “to speak.” (See BIO, Unit 7.) This verb chī may, of course, be followed by a specific object such as píngguǒ, apples,” as in:
 Wǒ chīle yíge píngguǒ.	I ate an apple.
-But if you mean “eat” in the sense of “to eat food” or “to have a meal,” then you should use the general object fan:
+But if you mean “eat” in the sense of “to eat food” or “to have a meal,” then you should use the general object fàn:
 Nǐ chī fàn le méiyou?	Have you eaten? (Have you eaten a meal?)
@@ -1607,7 +1602,7 @@ zuò fàn: “to cook,” literally “to make food.” This is another verbgene
 chúfáng: “kitchen,” literally “kitchen-room.”
-xǐzǎofáng: “bathroom” This is a room for taking a bath, and not necessarily a room with a toilet. Xǐzǎo, which is introduced in Part III of this unit, means “to take a bathT” Remember, if you want to ask where there is a toilet, ask for the cèsuǒ, “toilet;” or use the polite Westernized term, xǐshǒujiān, “washroom.” In rural areas, you would ask where the cèsuǒ is.
+xǐzǎofáng: “bathroom” This is a room for taking a bath, and not necessarily a room with a toilet. Xǐzǎo, which is introduced in Part III of this unit, means “to take a bath.” Remember, if you want to ask where there is a toilet, ask for the cèsuǒ, “toilet;” or use the polite Westernized term, xǐshǒujiān, “washroom.” In rural areas, you would ask where the cèsuǒ is.
 In Taiwan, modern houses and apartments usually have the toilet in the same room as the bathtub. In the PRC, apartment buildings built during the 1950’s may have a room with a bathtub in the apartment. Apartment buildings built since then usually only include a toilet and sink in each apartment, and no bathtub.
@@ -1621,13 +1616,13 @@ FIRST DIALOGUE FOR PART II
 A Chinese woman (Fl) has been invited to dinner at the home of an American couple in Taipei.
-F1:	Yòu! Nǐmen jiā hěn piàoliang, shǒushide zhēn gānjìng!	Oh, your house is lovely, so neatand clean!
+F1:	Yòu! Nǐmen jiā hěn piàoliang, shōushide zhēn gānjìng!	Oh, your house is lovely, so neat and clean!
 F2:	Xièxie ni. Wǒmen xiān dào kètīng zuò yíxià hē diǎn chá.	Thank you. Let’s first go and sit in the living room a while and and drink some tea.
 F1:	Hǎo.	Fine
-F2:	Wǒ xiānshēng yǒu shì dào Táizhōng qù le. Jīntiān wǎnshàng jiù shi wǒmen liǎngge rén chī fàn.	My husband has gone to T'aichung on business. This evening it will be Just the two of us eating.
+F2:	Wǒ xiānshēng yǒu shì dào Táizhōng qù le. Jīntiān wǎnshàng jiù shi wǒmen liǎngge rén chī fàn.	My husband has gone to T'aichung on business. This evening it will be just the two of us eating.
 F1:	Nà wǒmen yìqǐ zuò fàn, hǎo bu hǎo?	Well then, let’s cook together, all right?
@@ -1683,34 +1678,27 @@ FART III
-29. Háizi xǐngle yǐhòu jiào tāmen xǐ liǎn.	After the children wake up, have them wash their faces.
+29.	 Háizi xǐngle yǐhòu jiào tāmen xǐ liǎn.	After the children wake up, have them wash their faces.
-30. Wǎnshàng shuì jiào yǐqián jiào tāmen shuā yá, xǐzǎo.	Before they go to sleep at night, have them brush their teeth and take a bath.
+30. 	Wǎnshàng shuì jiào yǐqián jiào tāmen shuā yá, xǐzǎo.	Before they go to sleep at night, have them brush their teeth and take a bath.
-31. Xǐle liǎn gěi tāmen hē niúnǎi.	When they’ve washed their faces, give them some milk to drink.
+31.	 Xǐle liǎn gěi tāmen hē niúnǎi.	When they’ve washed their faces, give them some milk to drink.
-32. Bǎ háizi gěi wo, wǒ bàoyibào.	Give the baby to me, I’ll hold him.
+32. 	Bǎ háizi gěi wo, wǒ bàoyibào.	Give the baby to me, I’ll hold him.
-33. Wáng Ayí, háizimen chī fàn yǐhòu děi shuì wǔjiào.	Auntie Wáng, after they’ve eaten, the children have to take a noontime nap.
+33. 	Wáng Āyí, háizimen chī fàn yǐhòu děi shuì wǔjiào.	Auntie Wáng, after they’ve eaten, the children have to take a noontime nap.
-34. Rè shuǐ shāohǎo le méiyou?	Have you heated up the hot water?
+34.	 Rè shuǐ shāohǎo le méiyou?	Have you heated up the hot water?
-35. Guò mǎlùde shíhou yào xiǎoxǐn.	Be careful when crossing the street.
+35. 	Guò mǎlùde shíhou yào xiǎoxǐn.	Be careful when crossing the street.
-36. yágāo	toothpaste
+36.	 yágāo	toothpaste
-37. shūshu	uncle
+37. 	shūshu	uncle
-xǐng: “to wake up” This is a process verb. It describes the change from
-sleep or unconsciousness to waking or consciousness: “to become awake,
-to become conscious, to become sober.” In completed affirmative
-sentences, you will see the marker le; in negative sentences you will
-see mei (not bù— this is not a state verb)。 Some of the quirks you faced
-with a verb like bìng “to get sick,” not “to be sick”), you also face
-here. When you are thinking in English of “He IS NOT awake,” you should
-think ”He HAS NOT awakened” in Chinese.
+xǐng: “to wake up” This is a process verb. It describes the change from sleep or unconsciousness to waking or consciousness: “to become awake, to become conscious, to become sober.” In completed affirmative sentences, you will see the marker le; in negative sentences you will see méi (not bù — this is not a state verb. Some of the quirks you faced with a verb like bìng “to get sick,” not “to be sick”), you also face here. When you are thinking in English of “He IS NOT awake,” you should think “He HAS NOT awakened” in Chinese.
 Tā xǐngle méiyou?	Did he wake up? OR Is he awake yet?
@@ -1724,17 +1712,17 @@ Nǐ jiào ta guòlai.	Ask him to come over.
 shuì jiào: “to sleep, to go to bed”
-Tā bādiǎn zhōng jiù shuì jia4o le.	He went to bed at eight o’clock (already).
+Tā bādiǎn zhōng jiù shuì jiào le.	He went to bed at eight o’clock (already).
-Nǐ jǐdiǎn zhōng shuì Jiào?	What time do you go to bed?
+Nǐ jǐdiǎn zhōng shuì jiào?	What time do you go to bed?
 Tā měitiān shuì bāge zhōngtóu.	He sleeps eight hours a night.
 Nǐ shuìde hǎo bu hǎo?	Did you sleep well?
-Nǐ shuìhǎole ma?	Did you sleep well? OR Have youfinished sleeping?
+Nǐ shuìhǎole ma?	Did you sleep well? OR Have you finished sleeping?
-shuā yá: ”to brush teeth” Besides brushing teeth, you can shuā yǐfu, “brush clothes,” and shuā xie, “brush (off) shoes.” Do not use shuā for use for brushing hair, however [see shū tou “to comb or brush one’s hair”, WLF, Unit 3)]. [The noun for a “brush” is shuāzi.J
+shuā yá: “to brush teeth” Besides brushing teeth, you can shuā yǐfu, “brush clothes,” and shuā xié, “brush (off) shoes.” Do not use shuā for use for brushing hair, however [see shū tou “to comb or brush one’s hair”, WLF, Unit 3)]. [The noun for a “brush” is shuāzi.J
 niúnǎi: Literally, “cow-milk,” and used only to refer to cow's milk. The word nǎi by itself does not specify the kind of milk.
@@ -1770,11 +1758,11 @@ A:	Wáng Ayí, háizimen chī fàn yǐhòu děi shuā yā, rànhòu zài shuì w
 C:	Hǎo.	
-A:	Xiàwu sìwǔdiǎn zhǒng gěi tāmen hē niunǎi.	At four or five in the afternoon, give them some milk to drink.
+A:	Xiàwu sìwǔdiǎn zho1ng gěi tāmen hē niúnǎi.	At four or five in the afternoon, give them some milk to drink.
 C:	Tāmen wǎnshàng yào chī shénme?	What will they eat in the evening?
-A:	Wǒ yijīng zuòhǎo le. Dōu zài zhèr. Wǎnshàng shuì jiào yǐqiān jiào tāmen shuā yā, xǐzǎo. Haizimen yìtiān yào shuā sāncì yā.	I’ve prepared it already. It’s all here. At night before they go to bed, have them brush their teeth and take a bath. The children are supposed to brush their teeth three times a day.
+A:	Wǒ yijīng zuòhǎo le. Dōu zài zhèr. Wǎnshàng shuì jiào yǐqiān jiào tāmen shuā yā, xǐzǎo. Háizimen yìtiān yào shuā sāncì yá.	I’ve prepared it already. It’s all here. At night before they go to bed, have them brush their teeth and take a bath. The children are supposed to brush their teeth three times a day.
 C:	Hǎo.	Fine.
@@ -1782,21 +1770,21 @@ SECOND DIALOGUE FOR PART III
 In Taipei on a Sunday afternoon, a young mother (Huìmǐn) and father (Tíngsōng) are at home:
-M:	Huìmǐn, wǒ xiǎng hē diǎn chā, Huìmǐn, nǐ yào bu yào?	I want some tea, do you?
+M:	Huìmǐn, wǒ xiǎng hē diǎn chā, nǐ yào bu yào?	Huìmǐn, I want some tea, do you?
 F:	Yào, dànshi rè shui méiyou le. Wǒ qù shāo.	Yes, but there’s no more hot water. I’ll go put some on.
-M:	Bú yào, bú yào, wǒ zìjī qù.	No, no, I’ll go myself.
+M:	Bú yào, bú yào, wǒ zìjǐ qù.	No, no, I’ll go myself.
 F:	Hǎo, wǒ qù kànkan Xiǎo Bǎo xǐng le meiyou.	Okay, I’ll go check if Xiǎo Bǎo (thebaby) is up yet.
-(They both leave the room. Later when Huìmǐn (the wife) returns, TÍngsōng is sitting on the sofa.)
+(They both leave the room. Later when Huìmǐn (the wife) returns, Tíngsōng is sitting on the sofa.)
-F:	Tíng, Xiǎo Bǎo xǐngle. Nǐ bào yíxià. Wǒ qù bǎ niúnǎi nònghǎo.	Ting, Xiǎo Bǎo is up. You hold himfor a minute. I’m going to go get his (cow’s) milk ready.
+F:	Tíng, Xiǎo Bǎo xǐngle. Nǐ bào yíxià. Wǒ qù bǎ niúnǎi nònghǎo.	Tíng, Xiǎo Bǎo is up. You hold him for a minute. I’m going to go get his (cow’s) milk ready.
 M:	(To the baby) Lái, ràng bàba bàobao.	Here, let daddy hold you.
-(Huìmǐn comes in with a bottle and hands it to TÍngsōng.)
+(Huìmǐn comes in with a bottle and hands it to Tíngsōng.)
 M:	Nǐ kàn, shuì wǔjiào yǐhòu, tā zhēn è.	Look, he’s so hungry after his nap.
@@ -1820,7 +1808,7 @@ dài	to lead, to take
 dǎkai	to open
 fángjiān	room
 fàntīng	dining room
-fùnǚ	women
+fùnü	women
 gǎo	to do, to engage in
 gǎo wèishēng	to do cleaning
 gōngyù	apartment building; apartment
@@ -1858,7 +1846,7 @@ wòshì	bedroom
 wūzi	room
 xiāngzi	suitcase, box
 xiǎoběnzi	small notebook
-xiǎoxín	to be careful, to take care
+xiǎoxīn	to be careful, to take care
 xǐng	to wake up
 xǐzǎo	to take a bath
 xǐzǎofáng	bathroom
@@ -1869,7 +1857,7 @@ yùbei	to prepare
 yùbeihǎo le	to have prepared
 zhàoxiàngjǐ	camera
 zhīpiào	check (as in personal check)
-zhìpiàoběn	checkbook
+zhīpiàoběn	checkbook
 zūchūqu	to rent out
 zuò fàn	to cook
@@ -1887,15 +1875,15 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 3.		Wǒ xiǎng wǒ bù fāshāo.	I don’t think I have a fever.
-4.		Nǐ zuì hǎo chǐ diǎnr zhèige yào ba.	You’d better take some of this medicine.
+4.		Nǐ zuì hǎo chī diǎnr zhèige yào ba.	You’d better take some of this medicine.
-5.	A:	Zuótiān wo qù kàn dàifu le.	Yesterday I went to see a doctor.
+5.	A:	Zuótiān wǒ qù kàn dàifu le.	Yesterday I went to see a doctor.
 	B:	Nǐ kàn shénme?	What did you want treated?
 	A:	Wǒ késou.	I have a cough.
-6.		Nǐ dào neige yīyuàn qù kàn bìng?	Which hospital are you going to to see a doctor?
+6.		Nǐ dào něige yīyuàn qù kàn bìng?	Which hospital are you going to to see a doctor?
 7.		Liú Dàifu shi nèikē yīshēng háishi wàikē yīshēng?	Is Dr. Liú a physician or a surgeon?
@@ -1907,8 +1895,8 @@ REFERENCE NOTES ON PART I
 téng: “to hurt, to ache” When talking about body aches and pains, you use a topic-comment pattern. For example œI have a headache,” in Chinese is literally ”As for me, the head hurts”:
-Wǒ           tǒu    téng.
-As for me,   head   hurts.
+Wǒ 	tǒu	téng.
+As for me,	   head	   hurts.
 gǎnmào: “to catch a cold; a cold” This may be used either as a verb or as a noun. [To say “to have a bad cold,” use gǎnmào hěn lìhai, lìhai meaning “severe.”]
@@ -1930,7 +1918,7 @@ PROCESS
 Wǒ fāshāo le.	I have a fever (more literally, “I have developed a fever”).
-Wǒ méi fāshāo.	I don’t have a fever (more literally I haven’t developed a fever”).
+Wǒ méi fāshāo.	I don’t have a fever (more literally I haven’t developed a fever”).
 Wǒ fāshāo yǐhòu jiu bù xiǎng chī dōngxi le.	After the fever came on, I didn’t feel like eating anything.
@@ -1950,9 +1938,7 @@ Zhèige bìng děi dào dà yīyuàn qù kàn.	For this illness you have to go t
 késou: “to cough”
-nèikē: (1) “department of internal medicine” (of a hospital), or (2)
-“internal medicine” (as a field). Nèi means “internal” and kē means
-either (1) “department, section” or (2) “branch (of a study).”
+nèikē: (1) “department of internal medicine” (of a hospital), or (2) “internal medicine” (as a field). Nèi means “internal” and kē means either (1) “department, section” or (2) “branch (of a study).”
 yīshēng: “doctor,” literally, “heal-er.” In Bēijǐng, dàifu is the more conversational word and yīshēng the more formal. In Taiwan, however, dàifu is not used much.
@@ -1960,9 +1946,9 @@ nèikē yishēng: “physician”
 wàikē: (1) “department of surgery” (of a hospital), or (2) “surgery,” (the branch of medicine).
-wàikē yishēng: “surgeon”
+wàikē yīshēng: “surgeon”
-tòng: “to hurt, to ache,” another pronunciation for těng.
+tòng: “to hurt, to ache,” another pronunciation for téng.
 āsipilín: “aspirin” Also pronounced āsipilín, àsipilíng, àsipǐlíng.
@@ -1972,7 +1958,7 @@ A man from Shànghài (A) is visiting his classmate (B) in Beijing.
 A:	Nǐ shuō “tóu tòng” háishi “tóu těng”?	Do you say tóu tòng (“to have a headache”) or tóu téng?
-B:	Běijīng rěn dóu shuō “tóu těng,” wǒ xiǎng “tong” shi nǐmen Shànghǎi rén shuōde. Zěnme? Nǐ xiànzài tóu téng a?	People from Běijīng all say tóu téng. I think tòng is what is said by you people from Shànghǎi. Why? Do you have a headache now?
+B:	Běijīng rěn dóu shuō “tóu těng,” wǒ xiǎng “tòng” shi nǐmen Shànghǎi rén shuōde. Zěnme? Nǐ xiànzài tóu téng a?	People from Běijīng all say tóu téng. I think tòng is what is said by you people from Shànghǎi. Why? Do you have a headache now?
 A:	Ng, wǒ yǒu diǎnr tóu téng.	A little.
@@ -1994,7 +1980,7 @@ In Běijīng, a parent drops in on a neighbor to talk about his daughter’s ill
 A:	Nǐ zhǎo wo yǒu shénme shìr a?	Are you looking for me for something in particular?
-B:	Xiǎo Huá gǎnmàole, késoule yíge xīngqī le, jìntiān fāshāo fāde hěn gāo, houlong yě hěn téng.	Xiǎo Hua caught a cold and has been coughing for a week. Today she has a very high temperature and her throat hurts a lot.
+B:	Xiǎo Huá gǎnmàole, késoule yíge xīngqī le, jìntiān fāshāo fāde hěn gāo, hóulong yě hěn téng.	Xiǎo Hua caught a cold and has been coughing for a week. Today she has a very high temperature and her throat hurts a lot.
 A:	Nǐ dài ta qù kànguo le ma?	Have you taken her to have it treated?
@@ -2014,15 +2000,15 @@ NOTES AFTER THE DIALOGUE
 ràng: “to let, to allow, to have (someone do something)” This is a prepositional verb which you will see more of in Unit 6.
-...duō xiūxi xiuxi: “rest a lot” The adjectival verb “to be many, to be much, to be a lot” is used here as an adverb modifying the verb “to rest”, xiūxi. As an adverb, duō may mean “a lot,” “more,” or “too much,” depending on the context. In duō xiūxi xiuxi it obviously means a lot” or “more.”
+...duō xiūxi xiuxi: “rest a lot” The adjectival verb “to be many, to be much, to be a lot” is used here as an adverb modifying the verb “to rest”, xiūxi. As an adverb, duō may mean “a lot,” “more,” or “too much,” depending on the context. In duō xiūxi xiuxi it obviously means Wa lot” or “more.”
 Yǐhòu, wǒ yào duō xiàng nín xuéxí.	From now on, I shall learn from you more.
 Duō shuō yě bù hǎo, shǎo shuō yě bù hǎo.	It isn’t good to say too much, nor is it good to say too little.
-Lǐfà yǐhòu xiǎng chuí yixià bèi shi bu shi yào duō gěi qián?	If you want to have your back pounded after a haircut, do you have to pay extra?
+Lǐfà yǐhòu xiǎng chuí yixià bèi shì bu shi yào duō gěi qián?	If you want to have your back pounded after a haircut, do you have to pay extra?
-Some students get into the bad habit of always translating duō as “more.” Remember that the adverb duō can also mean either “a lot” or “too much.” Thus, if someone invites you to dinner, even before you have started to eat, the host may say to you Duō chī yidiǎnr! Since you haven’t yet touched the food this sentence cannot mean, “Have some more”; it simply means “Eat amply.” We might say in English, “Have as much as you like,” or Help yourself.” Here are some more examples showing duō does not always mean “more.”
+Some students get into the bad habit of always translating duō as “more.” Remember that the adverb duō can also mean either “a lot” or “too much.” Thus, if someone invites you to dinner, even before you have started to eat, the host may say to you Duō chī yidiǎnr! Since you haven’t yet touched the food this sentence cannot mean, “Have some more”; it simply means “Eat amply.” We might say in English, “Have as much as you like,” or WHelp yourself.” Here are some more examples showing duō does not always mean “more.”
 Zhèizhǒng píngguǒ zènme piányi a? Nà wǒmen jiu duō mǎi diǎnr ba!	These apples are this inexpensive? In that case, let’s get a whole bunch of them!
@@ -2030,7 +2016,7 @@ Duō láile yíge rén.	One person too many came.
 Tā duō gěile shíkuài qián.	He gave ten dollars too much.
-Duō mǎi jǐbenr.	Buy a few extra volumes.
+Duō mǎi jǐběnr.	Buy a few extra volumes.
 Contrast Duō láile yíge rén, “One person too many came,” with Yǒu láile yíge rén, “One more person came.”
@@ -2068,7 +2054,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
-dùzi: “belly, lower abdomen” This has often been translated as “stomach,” but actually when someone says Wǒ dùzi těng or Wǒ dùzi bu shūfu, they are most often referring to lower abdominal or intestinal pains. Nevertheless, you may sometimes want to translate it as “stomach,” in the looser sense of “belly,” for example:
+dùzi: “belly, lower abdomen” This has often been translated as “stomach,” but actually when someone says Wǒ dùzi téng or Wǒ dùzi bu shūfu, they are most often referring to lower abdominal or intestinal pains. Nevertheless, you may sometimes want to translate it as “stomach,” in the looser sense of “belly,” for example:
 Nèige rénde dùzi hěn dà.	That man has a big stomach/belly.
@@ -2094,7 +2080,7 @@ wèibìng: “stomach trouble; gastric disease,” literally, “stomach illness
 dàbiàn bù tōng: “to be constipated” Dàbiàn (literally “major-convenience)” means “to have a bowel movement” or “feces.” (Xiǎobiàn, “minor-convenience,” means “to urinate” or “urine.”) Bù tōng means “doesn’t go through, is blocked up.”
-tǎng: “to lie, to recline” Notice that the zài phrase goes after the verb tang in the sentence Qǐng ni tǎng zài zhèr. This is because the zài phrase shows the result of the verb tǎng: you end up being here (zài zhèr) as a result of the action of lying (tǎng). Tāngxià or tǎng xiàlái means “to lie down.” In some of the following sentences, notice that tang corresponds to “be in bed.”
+tǎng: “to lie, to recline” Notice that the zài phrase goes after the verb tang in the sentence Qǐng ni tǎng zài zhèr. This is because the zài phrase shows the result of the verb tǎng: you end up being here (zài zhèr) as a result of the action of lying (tǎng). Tāngxià or tǎng xiàlái means “to lie down.” In some of the following sentences, notice that tǎng corresponds to “be in bed.”
 Tā gānmào le, tǎngle yìtiān.	He got a cold and stayed in bed for a day (OR and has been in bed all day today).
@@ -2110,13 +2096,13 @@ tuō: “to take off” (clothes, shoes) This is the opposite of chuān, “to p
 Kuài bǎ dàyī tuōxialai.	Come on and take off your coat.*
-Tā zhèng tuózhe yīfu, jìnlai yige ren.	Right when he was taking off his clothes, someone came in.
+Tā zhèng tuōzhe yīfu, jìnlai yige rén.	Right when he was taking off his clothes, someone came in.
 Qǐng ni tuōle xié zài jìnqu.	Please remove your shoes before going in.**
 *This is said by the host to a guest when he arrives. You might have thought that the use of the word kuài, usually translated as “hurry up and ...” sounds impatient and impolite. Actually, it is the exact opposite. Here, kuài indicates the host’s concern that the guest, although wanting to take his coat off, would be too polite to do so immediately.
-**ln Taiwan, most households have kept the Japanese custom of removing shoes before entering the living areas. (Guests, though, are not in every case expected to take off their shoes, especially for short visits during dry weather.)
+**In Taiwan, most households have kept the Japanese custom of removing shoes before entering the living areas. (Guests, though, are not in every case expected to take off their shoes, especially for short visits during dry weather.)
 kāi: You have seen kāi meaning “to open.” Here it means “to write out” a prescription, list, receipt, check, etc.
@@ -2138,65 +2124,65 @@ FIRST DIALOGUE FOR PART II
 A man in Taipei calls a doctor’s office to ask what he should do for his wife’s illness.
-A: Wéi.	Hello.
+A: 	Wéi.	Hello.
-B: Wéi, qīngwèn Zhang Yishēng zài bu zài?	Hello, is Dr. Zhāng there, please?
+B:	 Wéi, qǐngwèn Zhāng Yīshēng zài bu zài?	Hello, is Dr. Zhāng there, please?
-A: Zhang Yishēng xiànzài zài kàn bìng. Qīngwèn ni y3u shì ma?	Dr. Zhāng is seeing patients now. What can I do for you?
+A: 	Zhāng Yīshēng xiànzài zài kàn bìng. Qǐngwèn nǐ yǒu shì ma?	Dr. Zhāng is seeing patients now. What can I do for you?
-B: W3 tàitai shēng bìng le, bìngde hěn lìhai. Tā cóng zuótiān kāishí tóu yūn, fāshāo. Zuótiān tāngle yìtiān, jīntiān zāoshàng hái fāshāo, dùzi yě hěn bù shūfu, hái tù.	My wife is very sick. Yesterday she began to be dizzy and to run a fever. Yesterday she stayed in bed all day, but this morning she still had a fever, and she has abdominal pains, and she’s even vomiting.
+B: tàitai shēng bìng le, bìngde hěn lìhai. Tā cóng zuótiān kāishí tóu yūn, fāshāo. Zuótiān tǎngle yìtiān, jīntiān zǎoshàng hái fāshāo, dùzi yě hěn bù shūfu, hái tù.	My wife is very sick. Yesterday she began to be dizzy and to run a fever. Yesterday she stayed in bed all day, but this morning she still had a fever, and she has abdominal pains, and she’s even vomiting.
-A: Tā xiè dù ma?	Does she have diarrhea?
+A: 	Tā xiè dù ma?	Does she have diarrhea?
-B: Xièle jīcì.	She’s had it a few times.
+B: 	Xièle jǐcì.	She’s had it a few times.
-A: Tāde tīwēn shi duōshǎo?	What’s her temperature?
+A: 	Tāde tǐwēn shi duōshǎo?	What’s her temperature?
-B: N, sānshibādù wǔ.	Uh, 38.5 degrees.
+B:	 N, sānshibādù wǔ.	Uh, 38.5 degrees.
-A:  gěi tā chī shénme yào le ma?	Have you given her any medicines?
+A:  gěi tā chī shénme yào le ma?	Have you given her any medicines?
-B: Tā bù néng chī yào, měicì chile dōngxi jiù tù.	She can’t take medicines, every time she takes any food or drink she vomits.
+B:	 Tā bù néng chī yào, měicì chīle dōngxi jiù tù.	She can’t take medicines, every time she takes any food or drink she vomits.
-A: Nà nī mashang bǎ ta song dao zhèli lái.	In that case bring her here right away.
+A:	 Nà nǐ mǎshàng bǎ ta sòng dao zhèli lái.	In that case bring her here right away.
-B: Hǎo. Wǒmen mǎshàng jiù lái.	All right. We’ll be there right away.
+B: 	Hǎo. Wǒmen mǎshàng jiù lái.	All right. We’ll be there right away.
 In Běijīng, a young man (A) visits a clinic.
-N: Èrbǎiwǔshíhào!	Two hundred fifty!
+N:	 Èrbǎiwǔshíhào!	Two hundred fifty!
-A: Shì wǒ.	That’s me.
+A: 	Shì wǒ.	That’s me.
-N: Qǐng jìn.	Please come in.
+N: 	Qǐng jìn.	Please come in.
-D: Nī zěnme bù shūfu a?	What’s the matter with you?
+D: 	Nī zěnme bù shūfu a?	What’s the matter with you?
-A: Wǒ tóu yūn, xiǎng tù, zǎoshang wǒ kāishī dùzi téng.	I’m dizzy, nauseaous, and since this morning my “stomach” has been upset.
+A:	 Wǒ tóu yūn, xiǎng tù, zǎoshang wǒ kāishǐ dùzi téng.	I’m dizzy, nauseaous, and since this morning my “stomach” has been upset.
-D: Òu. Xiè dùzi ma?	Oh. Any diarrhea?
+D:	 Òu. Xiè dùzi ma?	Oh. Any diarrhea?
-A: Bú xiè, hái yǒu diǎnr dàbiàn bù tōng.	No, I'm even a bit constipated.
+A:	 Bú xiè, hái yǒu diǎnr dàbiàn bù tōng.	No, I'm even a bit constipated.
-D: Ng? Qǐng nín bǎ shàngyī tuōle, tǎng zài zhèr, wǒ tīngting. Zhèr téng ma?	Oh? Undress down to the waist, please, lie down here, and I'll have a listen. Does it hurt here?
+D: 	Ng? Qǐng nín bǎ shàngyī tuōle, tǎng zài zhèr, wǒ tīngting. Zhèr téng ma?	Oh? Undress down to the waist, please, lie down here, and I'll have a listen. Does it hurt here?
-A: Bù téng.	No.
+A:	 Bù téng.	No.
-D: Zhèr ne?	How about here?
+D:	 Zhèr ne?	How about here?
-A: Āiyòu! Zhèr hěn téng.	Ouch! It hurts there!
+A:	 Āiyòu! Zhèr hěn téng.	Ouch! It hurts there!
-D: Nǐ cóngqiǎn yǒu wèibìng ba?	Have you ever had stomach trouble before?
+D:	 Nǐ cóngqiǎn yǒu wèibìng ba?	Have you ever had stomach trouble before?
-A: Xiǎode shíhou yǒu, kěshi hěn duō niǎn méiyou téngguo le. Zuótiān wǎnshàng yǒu kǎishī bù shūfu le. Yèli shuì jiào yě shuìde bù hǎo, xīngle hǎo jǐcì.	When I was a child I did, but I haven't had any pain for many years. Last night it began to feel bad again. During the night I slept very poorly, too. I woke up several times.
+A:	 Xiǎode shíhou yǒu, kěshi hěn duō niǎn méiyou téngguo le. Zuótiān wǎnshàng yǒu kāishǐ bù shūfu le. Yèli shuì jiào yě shuìde bù hǎo, xǐngle hǎo jǐcì.	When I was a child I did, but I haven't had any pain for many years. Last night it began to feel bad again. During the night I slept very poorly, too. I woke up several times.
-D: Hǎo, wǒ gěi ni kǎi ge yàofāng. Chīle yào, xiūxi xiuxi, yàoshi bù hǎo, xiàge xīngqī zài lái kànkan.	All right. I’ll write you a prescription. After you take the medicine, get some rest, and if it doesn't get better, come and see me again next week.
+D:	 Hǎo, wǒ gěi ni kǎi ge yàofāng. Chīle yào, xiūxi xiuxi, yàoshi bù hǎo, xiàge xīngqī zài lái kànkan.	All right. I’ll write you a prescription. After you take the medicine, get some rest, and if it doesn't get better, come and see me again next week.
-A: Hǎo, xièxié ni!	Okay, thank you.
+A:	Hǎo, xièxié ni!	Okay, thank you.
@@ -2204,7 +2190,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 22.	A:	Nǐ liángguo tǐwēn le meiyou?	Have you taken your temperature?
-	B:	Liángguo le, wēndù bù gǎo, sānshiqǐdù duo yìdiǎn.	Yes. My temperature isn’t high, a little over 37 degrees.
+	B:	Liángguo le, wēndù bù gǎo, sānshiqǐdù duō yìdiǎn.	Yes. My temperature isn’t high, a little over 37 degrees.
 23.		Nǐ yào duō xiūxi xiūxi, duō hē kāishuǐ.	You need to rest a lot and drink a lot of (boiled) water.
@@ -2218,7 +2204,7 @@ REFERENCE LIST
 28.		kāi dāo	to operate; to be operated on
-29.		dǐ	to be low
+29.		dī	to be low
@@ -2231,7 +2217,7 @@ Nǐ wūzilide wēndù shi duōshǎo?	What’s the temperature in your room?
 [There is another word qìwén, literally “air temperature,” used, for
 example, in weather reports.]
-wēndù bù gǎo: “the temperature is not high” Normal body temperature (98.6’ F) is 37° Celsius. Each additional degree Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
+wēndù bù gāo: “the temperature is not high” Normal body temperature (98.6’ F) is 37° Celsius. Each additional degree Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
 kāishuǐ: “boiled water” This is water that has been boiled, but is not necessarily hot. Often kāishuǐ is served as a hot beverage, however. The Chinese commonly believe that ice cold beverages are not good.
@@ -2247,9 +2233,9 @@ kāi dāo: “to operate; to be operated on,” literally “to open or operate
-In Beijing a worker pays a return visit to a health clinic.
+In Běijīng a worker pays a return visit to a health clinic.
-D:	Chīle wǒ gěi nide yào, hǎo yidiǎnr le ma?	Are you a little better after having taken the medicine I gave you?
+D:	Chīle wǒ gěi nide yào, hǎo yìdiǎnr le ma?	Are you a little better after having taken the medicine I gave you?
 A:	Háishi tóu téng, hóulong téng, shuì jiào shuìde hěn bù hǎo, yèli chángcháng xǐng.	I still have a headache, and I’m not sleeping well at all. I often wake up at night.
@@ -2257,17 +2243,17 @@ D:	Wǒ kànkan nide hóulong.	Let me have a look at your throat.
 A:	Ā.	Ahhh.
-D: Nǐde hóulong hěn hóng. Qǐng ba shàngyī tuōle. Késou yishēng.* Hǎo. Nǐ xiān liángliang tǐwēn, ránhòu wǒ zài gěi nǐ liáng xuěyā. ... Wēndù bù gāo, sānshiqī dù. Nǐ coógqián yǒu xuěyā gāo ma?	Your throat is very red. Please take off your upper clothes. Cough. Okay. First I’ll take your temperature, and then I'll take your blood pressure. ... Your temperature isn't high, 37 degrees. Have you had high blood pressure before?
+D: 	Nǐde hóulong hěn hóng. Qǐng bǎ shàngyī tuōle. Késou yishēng.* Hǎo. Nǐ xiān liángliang tǐwēn, ránhòu wǒ zài gěi nǐ liáng xuěyā. ... Wēndù bù gāo, sānshiqī dù. Nǐ cóngqián yǒu xuěyā gāo ma?	Your throat is very red. Please take off your upper clothes. Cough. Okay. First I’ll take your temperature, and then I'll take your blood pressure. ... Your temperature isn't high, 37 degrees. Have you had high blood pressure before?
-A: Méiyou.	No.
+A:	 Méiyou.	No.
-D: Jīntiān nǐde xuěyā yoǒ diǎnr gāo, dàgài shi zuótiān yèli shuìde bù hǎo.	Your blood pressure is a little high today. It's probably that you didn't sleep well last night.
+D: 	Jīntiān nǐde xuěyā yǒu diǎnr gāo, dàgài shi zuótiān yèli shuìde bù hǎo.	Your blood pressure is a little high today. It's probably that you didn't sleep well last night.
-A: Yīshēng, yíge lǐbài le, zěnme hái méi hǎo?	Doctor, it's been a week. How come I’m still not better?
+A:	 Yīshēng, yíge lǐbài le, zěnme hái méi hǎo?	Doctor, it's been a week. How come I’m still not better?
-D: Liúxíngxìng gǎnmào hěn bù róngyi hǎo. Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi ge yàofāng, zài chī diǎnr āsipilín. Nǐ hái yào duō hē diǎnr kāishuǐ, duo xiūxi xiuxi.	Influenza is really not easy to get rid of. I'll write you a prescription, and you take some more aspirin. Also, drink a lot of (boiled) water, and get a lot of rest.
+D: 	Liúxíngxìng gǎnmào hěn bù róngyi hǎo. Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi ge yàofāng, zài chī diǎnr āsipilín. Nǐ hái yào duō hē diǎnr kāishuǐ, duo xiūxi xiuxi.	Influenza is really not easy to get rid of. I'll write you a prescription, and you take some more aspirin. Also, drink a lot of (boiled) water, and get a lot of rest.
-A: Hǎo, xièxie nǐ.	Okay, thank you.
+A: 	Hǎo, xièxie nǐ.	Okay, thank you.
@@ -2300,7 +2286,7 @@ lìhai	to be severe, to be fierce
 liúxíngxìng gǎnmào	influenza, flu
 nèikē	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine
 nèikē yīshēng	internist, physician
-shàngyǐ	upper garment
+shàngyī	upper garment
 shēng	to develop (as in shēng bìng)
 shēng bìng	to get sick, to become ill
 tǎng	to lie, to recline
@@ -2328,6 +2314,8 @@ yīyuàn	hospital
 yūn	to be dizzy
 zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	acupuncture and moxibustion
+Unit 6