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Eric Streit 1 year ago
71 changed files with 770 additions and 2826 deletions
  1. 122 0
  2. 0 12
  3. 0 287
  4. 12 0
  5. 0 0
  6. 1 1
  7. 0 0
  8. 0 0
  9. 0 11
  10. 0 264
  11. 11 0
  12. 0 0
  13. 2 3
  14. 0 1
  15. 0 0
  16. 0 0
  17. 0 11
  18. 0 264
  19. 11 0
  20. 0 0
  21. 1 1
  22. 0 1
  23. 0 0
  24. 0 0
  25. 0 12
  26. 0 12
  27. 0 287
  28. 12 0
  29. 0 0
  30. 1 1
  31. 0 1
  32. 0 0
  33. 0 0
  34. 0 13
  35. 0 310
  36. 13 0
  37. 0 0
  38. 1 1
  39. 1 1
  40. 0 0
  41. 0 0
  42. 0 13
  43. 0 310
  44. 13 0
  45. 0 0
  46. 1 1
  47. 0 0
  48. 0 0
  49. 12 0
  50. 0 12
  51. 0 287
  52. 1 1
  53. 0 0
  54. 0 0
  55. 0 0
  56. 12 0
  57. 0 12
  58. 0 287
  59. 1 1
  60. 5 2
  61. 0 0
  62. 0 0
  63. 0 0
  64. 117 117
  65. 24 0
  66. 49 0
  67. 52 0
  68. 229 241
  69. 0 12
  70. 0 24
  71. 66 12

+ 122 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+bǎo	爆	to explode	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoyǎng	保养	to have a maintenance checkup	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bèitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+bōli	原理	glass	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+cā	擦	to wipe	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángchang	常常	often	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ	打	to hit	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ qì	打气	to add air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎqìtǒng	打气筒	air pump	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	light lamp	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+dìng	订	to order	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gāojí	高级	high grade	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōngjù	工具	tool	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+gōngshēng	公升	liter	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+fādòng	动机	to start, to mobilize	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jíǎnchá	检察	to inspect, to examine, to check	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndàn	简单	to be simple	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jǐshù gōngren	技术工人	mechanic	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīyóu	机油	machine oil	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng	量	counter for vehicles	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+liàng	亮	to light up	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+líng	灵	to be sharp, to be keen	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+língjiàn	零件	parts	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+mǎn	满	to be full	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+máobing	毛病	trouble, flaw, defect	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+piào	漂	ticket, coupon	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+pǔtōng	普通	regular	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qì	气	air	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+qìyóu	汽油	gasoline	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuī	推	to push	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuō	拖	to tow	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+tuōche	拖车	tow truck	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíhuǒ	熄火	to stall	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xíūli	修理	to fix, to repair	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiūliháng	修理行	repair garage	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǐngqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóu	油	oil, gasoline, fuel	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+zāng	脏	to be dirty	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+zú	足	to be enough, to be sufficient	CAR	1	FSI-Chinese
+ànzhào	按照	according to	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to insure, to be insured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiāngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biě	瘪	to be dented	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǔlǐ	处理	to handle, manage	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chāo sù	超速	to exceed the speed limit	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēhuò	车祸	car accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēmén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēshēn	车身	body of a car	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chētou	车头	car hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuàng	疮	to bump into, to collide with	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuànghuài le	疮坏了	damaged	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chū shi	出事	to have an accident	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dà hòutian	大后天	the third day from now	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to carry along with, to bring	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dānzi	单子	ticket, note	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dēngjìzhèng	登记证	car registration	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dòng	动	to move	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fákuǎn	罚款	to fine, to issue a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fákuǎndān	罚款单	ticket, a fine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshàn	风扇	fan	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+Gōngānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Safety	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+gūjì	估计	to estimate	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchá	检察	police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīqi	机器	engine, more literally, “machine”	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+liǎo	憭	to be severe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páidǎng	档档	transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páízhào	牌照	license plates	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìguǎn	排气管	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+pēnqī	喷漆	to spray paint	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+pídài	皮带	belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qī	漆	paint, lacquer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qǔ	取	to pick up, to get, to fetch	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+rènyuàn	人员	personnel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sōng	松	to be loose	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shòushāng	受伤	to be injured	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuōmíng	说明	explanation	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+tiáozhěng	调整	to adjust	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàijiāo	外交	diplomacy, foreign relations	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+vàijiaoguān	外市关	diplomat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外市	foreign affairs	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì jǐngchá	外市警察	foreign affairs police	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+wān	弯	to bend	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiūhǎo	修好	to fix	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiūli	修理	to repair	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìdòng	自动	automatic	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎngàng	保险杠	bumper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+bēitāi	备胎	spare tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+biànsùqì	变速器	gear shift	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē hòutoude chuānghu	窗戶	rear windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē mén	车门	car door	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chē qiántoude chuānghu	车前头的窗戶	front windshield	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chētóu	车头	hood	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+chēxiāng	车厢	trunk	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāngníbǎn	挡泥板	fender	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànpíng	电瓶	battery	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	lights	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fāhuǒ kāiguan	发火开关	ignition	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshàn pídài	风扇皮带	fan belt	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǎba	喇叭	horn	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lēngqì	冷气	air conditioner	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǔbiǎo	路表	odometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúnpán	轮盤	steering wheel	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+lúntāi	轮胎	tire	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìkǒng	排气孔	exhaust pipe	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+páiqìxiāoshēngqì	排气消声器	muffler	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiánjīndǐng	千斤顶	jack	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāchē	刹车	brakes	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu shāchē	手刹车	parking brake	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shōuyīnjī	收音机	radio	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐxiāng	水箱	radiator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+sùdùbiǎo	速度表	speedometer	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǐnqíng	引擎	engine	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yóumén	油门	accelerator	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yóuxiáng	油箱	gas tank	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔshuāzi	雨刷子	windshield wiper	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìdòng páidǎng	自动排档	automatic transmission	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	坐	seat	CAR	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-1	nǐ men fēng shèng dì qū yě yǒu jiē dào bàn shì chù ba .	你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。	Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it?	yǒu , lí wǒ men jiā bù yuǎn .	有,离我们家不远。	Yes, it’s not far from our home.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-2	nǐ men jiē dào bàn shì chù de fù zé rén shì shuí ?	你们街道办事处的负责人是谁?	Who’s the person in charge of your street office?	shì liú kāi lán . dà jiā jiào tā liú dà jiě .	是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。	Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-3	měi gè jiē dào bàn shì chù dōu lǐng dǎo jǐ gè fú wù zhàn ma ?	每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗?	Does every street office manage several street units?	shì de . chú le xǔ duō pǔ tōng de fú wù zhàn yǐ wài , wǒ men hái yǒu yí gè jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn .	是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。	Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-4	jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn bāng zhù jū mín xǐ yī fú , shì bú shì ?	机械洗衣站帮助居民洗衣服,是不是?	Automated laundries help the residents in washing clothes don’t they?	chú le bāng zhù jū mín yǐ wài , tā men hái cháng cháng bāng zhù bù duì xǐ bèi zi .	除了帮助居民以外,它们还常常帮助部队洗被子。	In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-5	jiē dào bàn shì chù hé guó jiā shēng chǎn jì huà méi yǒu guān xì ba ?	街道办事处和国家生产计划没有关系吧?	There’s no connection between street service units and the national production plan is there?	nǐ shuō dé duì , kě shì fú wù zhàn kě yǐ wèi qún zhòng shēng huó fú wù , qún zhòng hěn huān yíng .	你说得对,可是服务站可以为群众生活服务,群众很欢迎。	No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-6	jū mín wěi yuán huì shì bú shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān ?	居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关?	Are the neighbourhood committees grassroots organisations working for the government?	bù , jiē dào bàn shì chù cái shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān . jū mín wěi yuán huì shòu jiē dào bàn shì chù de lǐng dǎo .	不,街道办事处才是基层的政府机关。居民委员会受街道办事处的领导。	No, it’s the street offices that are the grassroots organisation of the government. The neighbourhood committees are under the management of the street offices.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-7	jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā zhèng zhì xué xí yě shì jū mín wěi yuán huì fù zé ma ?	家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗?	Are the neighbourhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?	shì de . jū mín wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā xué xí .	是的。居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习。	Yes, neighbourhood committees organise housewives to participate in study.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-8	jù shuō jiē dào hé xué xiào yě yǒu guān xì .	据说街道和学校也有关系。	I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.	yǒu , wǒ men cháng cháng cān jiā xué xiào de huó dòng .	有,我们常常参加学校的活动。	Yes, we often take part in school activities.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-9	nǐ rú guǒ xiǎng tuì xiū yīng gāi zěn me bàn ?	你如果想退休应该怎么办?	What should you do if you want to retire?.	yīng gāi hé gōng zuò dān wèi tán yī tán . zhè xiē shì qíng dōu shì gōng zuò dān wèi guǎn .	应该和工作单位谈一谈。这些事情都是工作单位管。	You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-10	jù shuō rén men zài shén me bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn .	据说人们在什么办事处领退休金。	I understand that people collect their pensions of some kind of office.	duì , yào zài jiē dào bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn .	对,要在街道办事处领退休金。	That’s right; you have to collect it at the street office.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-11	míng tiān nǐ yǒu shén me shì ér ma ?	明天你有什么事儿吗?	Do you have something to do tomorrow?	míng tiān shì bā yuè yī hào . wǒ men yào qù wèi wèn jūn shǔ liè shǔ .	明天是八月一号。我们要去慰问军属烈属。	Tomorrow is August 1st, we’re going to go visit and cheer up military dependants and families members of revolutionary martyrs.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-12	nǐ jiē dào tōng zhī méi yǒu ? shì bú shì zuì jìn xué xiào yào kāi jiā zhǎng huì ?	你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会?	Did you receive notification? Doesn’t the school want to have a parents meeting soon?	shì a , hǎo xiàng shì xià gè xīng qī yī xià wǔ wǔ diǎn .	是啊,好像是下个星期一下午五点。	Yes, it seems to me that it’s next Monday at 5 in the afternoon.	9	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 287

@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ men fēng shèng dì qū yě yǒu jiē dào bàn shì chù ba .</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu , lí wǒ men jiā bù yuǎn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,离我们家不远。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, it’s not far from our home.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ men jiē dào bàn shì chù de fù zé rén shì shuí ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你们街道办事处的负责人是谁?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Who’s the person in charge of your street office?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì liú kāi lán 。 dà jiā jiào tā liú dà jiě 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">měi gè jiē dào bàn shì chù dōu lǐng dǎo jǐ gè fú wù zhàn ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Does every street office manage several street units?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì de 。 chú le xǔ duō pǔ tōng de fú wù zhàn yǐ wài , wǒ men hái yǒu yí gè jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn bāng zhù jū mín xǐ yī fú , shì bú shì ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">机械洗衣站帮助居民洗衣服,是不是?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Automated laundries help the residents in washing clothes don’t they?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chú le bāng zhù jū mín yǐ wài , tā men hái cháng cháng bāng zhù bù duì xǐ bèi zi 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">除了帮助居民以外,它们还常常帮助部队洗被子。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiē dào bàn shì chù hé guó jiā shēng chǎn jì huà méi yǒu guān xì ba ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">街道办事处和国家生产计划没有关系吧?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>There’s no connection between street service units and the national production plan is there?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ shuō dé duì , kě shì fú wù zhàn kě yǐ wèi qún zhòng shēng huó fú wù , qún zhòng hěn huān yíng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说得对,可是服务站可以为群众生活服务,群众很欢迎。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jū mín wěi yuán huì shì bú shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Are the neighbourhood committees grassroots organisations working for the government?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù , jiē dào bàn shì chù cái shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān 。 jū mín wěi yuán huì shòu jiē dào bàn shì chù de lǐng dǎo 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不,街道办事处才是基层的政府机关。居民委员会受街道办事处的领导。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>No, it’s the street offices that are the grassroots organisation of the government. The neighbourhood committees are under the management of the street offices.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā zhèng zhì xué xí yě shì jū mín wěi yuán huì fù zé ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Are the neighbourhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì de 。 jū mín wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā xué xí 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是的。居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, neighbourhood committees organise housewives to participate in study.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jù shuō jiē dào hé xué xiào yě yǒu guān xì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">据说街道和学校也有关系。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu , wǒ men cháng cháng cān jiā xué xiào de huó dòng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,我们常常参加学校的活动。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, we often take part in school activities.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ rú guǒ xiǎng tuì xiū yīng gāi zěn me bàn ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你如果想退休应该怎么办?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What should you do if you want to retire?.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yīng gāi hé gōng zuò dān wèi tán yī tán 。 zhè xiē shì qíng dōu shì gōng zuò dān wèi guǎn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">应该和工作单位谈一谈。这些事情都是工作单位管。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jù shuō rén men zài shén me bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">据说人们在什么办事处领退休金。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I understand that people collect their pensions of some kind of office.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì , yào zài jiē dào bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,要在街道办事处领退休金。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>That’s right; you have to collect it at the street office.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">míng tiān nǐ yǒu shén me shì ér ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明天你有什么事儿吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do you have something to do tomorrow?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">míng tiān shì bā yuè yī hào 。 wǒ men yào qù wèi wèn jūn shǔ liè shǔ 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明天是八月一号。我们要去慰问军属烈属。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Tomorrow is August 1st, we’re going to go visit and cheer up military dependants and families members of revolutionary martyrs.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ jiē dào tōng zhī méi yǒu ? shì bú shì zuì jìn xué xiào yào kāi jiā zhǎng huì ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Did you receive notification? Doesn’t the school want to have a parents meeting soon?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì a , hǎo xiàng shì xià gè xīng qī yī xià wǔ wǔ diǎn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,好像是下个星期一下午五点。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, it seems to me that it’s next Monday at 5 in the afternoon.</entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1	Nǐmen fēngshèng dìqū yě yǒu jiēdào bànshìchù ba.	nǐ men fēng shèng dì qū yě yǒu jiē dào bàn shì chù ba 	你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。	你们 丰盛 地区 也 有 街道 办事处 吧。	Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it?	Yǒu, lí wǒmen jiā bùyuǎn.	yǒu  lí wǒ men jiā bù yuǎn 	有,离我们家不远。	有,离 我们 家 不远。	Yes, it’s not far from our home.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+2	Nǐmen jiēdào bànshìchù de fùzérén shì shuí?	nǐ men jiē dào bàn shì chù de fù zé rén shì shuí 	你们街道办事处的负责人是谁?	你们 街道 办事处 的 负责人 是 谁?	Who’s the person in charge of your street office?	Shì liúkāilán. Dàjiā jiào tā liúdàjiě.	shì liú kāi lán  dà jiā jiào tā liú dà jiě 	是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。	是 刘开兰。 大家 叫 她 刘大姐。	Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+3	Měigè jiēdào bànshìchù dū lǐngdǎo jīgè fúwùzhàn ma?	měi gè jiē dào bàn shì chù dōu lǐng dǎo jǐ gè fú wù zhàn ma 	每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗?	每个 街道 办事处 都 领导 几个 服务站 吗?	Does every street office manage several street units?	Shì de. Chúle xǔduō pǔtōng de fúwùzhàn yǐwài, wǒmen huányǒu yīgè jīxiè xǐyī zhàn.	shì de  chú le xǔ duō pǔ tōng de fú wù zhàn yǐ wài  wǒ men hái yǒu yí gè jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn 	是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。	是 的。 除了 许多 普通 的 服务站 以外,我们 还有 一个 机械 洗衣 站。	Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+4	Jīxiè xǐyī zhàn bāngzhù jūmín xǐyīfú, shìbùshì?	jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn bāng zhù jū mín xǐ yī fú  shì bú shì 	机械洗衣站帮助居民洗衣服,是不是?	机械 洗衣 站 帮助 居民 洗衣服,是不是?	Automated laundries help the residents in washing clothes don’t they?	Chúle bāngzhù jūmín yǐwài, tāmen huán chángcháng bāngzhù bùduì xǐ bèizǐ.	chú le bāng zhù jū mín yǐ wài  tā men hái cháng cháng bāng zhù bù duì xǐ bèi zi 	除了帮助居民以外,它们还常常帮助部队洗被子。	除了 帮助 居民 以外,它们 还 常常 帮助 部队 洗 被子。	In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+5	Jiēdào bànshìchù hé guójiā shēngchǎn jìhuá méiyǒu guānxì ba?	jiē dào bàn shì chù hé guó jiā shēng chǎn jì huà méi yǒu guān xì ba 	街道办事处和国家生产计划没有关系吧?	街道 办事处 和 国家 生产 计划 没有 关系 吧?	There’s no connection between street service units and the national production plan is there?	Nǐ shuōdéduì, kěshì fúwùzhàn kěyǐ wèi qúnzhòng shēnghuó fúwù, qúnzhòng hěn huānyíng.	nǐ shuō dé duì  kě shì fú wù zhàn kě yǐ wèi qún zhòng shēng huó fú wù  qún zhòng hěn huān yíng 	你说得对,可是服务站可以为群众生活服务,群众很欢迎。	你 说得对,可是 服务站 可以 为 群众 生活 服务,群众 很 欢迎。	No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+6	Jūmín wěiyuánhuì shìbùshì jīcéng de zhèngfǔ jīguān?	jū mín wěi yuán huì shì bú shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān 	居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关?	居民 委员会 是不是 基层 的 政府 机关?	Are the neighbourhood committees grassroots organisations working for the government?	Bù, jiēdào bànshìchù cái shì jīcéng de zhèngfǔ jīguān. Jūmín wěiyuánhuì shòu jiēdào bànshìchù de lǐngdǎo.	bù  jiē dào bàn shì chù cái shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān  jū mín wěi yuán huì shòu jiē dào bàn shì chù de lǐng dǎo 	不,街道办事处才是基层的政府机关。居民委员会受街道办事处的领导。	不,街道 办事处 才 是 基层 的 政府 机关。 居民 委员会 受 街道 办事处 的 领导。	No, it’s the street offices that are the grassroots organisation of the government. The neighbourhood committees are under the management of the street offices.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+7	Jiātíngfùnǚ cānjiā zhèngzhì xuéxí yě shì jūmín wěiyuánhuì fùzé ma?	jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā zhèng zhì xué xí yě shì jū mín wěi yuán huì fù zé ma 	家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗?	家庭妇女 参加 政治 学习 也 是 居民 委员会 负责 吗?	Are the neighbourhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study?	Shì de. Jūmín wěiyuánhuì zǔzhī jiātíngfùnǚ cānjiā xuéxí.	shì de  jū mín wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā xué xí 	是的。居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习。	是 的。 居民 委员会 组织 家庭妇女 参加 学习。	Yes, neighbourhood committees organise housewives to participate in study.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+8	Jùshuō jiēdào hé xuéxiào yě yǒu guānxì.	jù shuō jiē dào hé xué xiào yě yǒu guān xì 	据说街道和学校也有关系。	据说 街道 和 学校 也 有 关系。	I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools.	Yǒu, wǒmen chángcháng cānjiā xuéxiào de huódòng.	yǒu  wǒ men cháng cháng cān jiā xué xiào de huó dòng 	有,我们常常参加学校的活动。	有,我们 常常 参加 学校 的 活动。	Yes, we often take part in school activities.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+9	Nǐ rúguǒ xiǎng tuìxiū yìnggāi zěnmebàn?	nǐ rú guǒ xiǎng tuì xiū yīng gāi zěn me bàn 	你如果想退休应该怎么办?	你 如果 想 退休 应该 怎么办?	What should you do if you want to retire?.	Yìnggāi hé gōngzuò dānwèi tányītán. Zhèxiē shìqíng dū shì gōngzuò dānwèi guǎn.	yīng gāi hé gōng zuò dān wèi tán yī tán  zhè xiē shì qíng dōu shì gōng zuò dān wèi guǎn 	应该和工作单位谈一谈。这些事情都是工作单位管。	应该 和 工作 单位 谈一谈。 这些 事情 都 是 工作 单位 管。	You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+10	Jùshuō rénmen zài shénme bànshìchù lǐng tuìxiūjīn.	jù shuō rén men zài shén me bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 	据说人们在什么办事处领退休金。	据说 人们 在 什么 办事处 领 退休金。	I understand that people collect their pensions of some kind of office.	Duì, yào zài jiēdào bànshìchù lǐng tuìxiūjīn.	duì  yào zài jiē dào bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 	对,要在街道办事处领退休金。	对,要 在 街道 办事处 领 退休金。	That’s right; you have to collect it at the street office.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+11	Míngtiān nǐ yǒu shénme shìér ma?	míng tiān nǐ yǒu shén me shì ér ma 	明天你有什么事儿吗?	明天 你 有 什么 事儿 吗?	Do you have something to do tomorrow?	Míngtiān shì bāyuè yīhào. Wǒmen yào qù wèiwèn jūnshǔ lièshǔ.	míng tiān shì bā yuè yī hào  wǒ men yào qù wèi wèn jūn shǔ liè shǔ 	明天是八月一号。我们要去慰问军属烈属。	明天 是 八月 一号。 我们 要 去 慰问 军属 烈属。	Tomorrow is August 1st, we’re going to go visit and cheer up military dependants and families members of revolutionary martyrs.	9	9	FSI-Chinese
+12	Nǐ jiēdào tōngzhī méiyǒu? Shìbùshì zuìjìn xuéxiào yàokāi jiāchánghuì?	nǐ jiē dào tōng zhī méi yǒu  shì bú shì zuì jìn xué xiào yào kāi jiā zhǎng huì 	你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会?	你 接到 通知 没有? 是不是 最近 学校 要开 家长会?	Did you receive notification? Doesn’t the school want to have a parents meeting soon?	Shì a, hǎoxiàng shì xiàgèxīngqī yī xiàwǔ wǔdiǎn.	shì a  hǎo xiàng shì xià gè xīng qī yī xià wǔ wǔ diǎn 	是啊,好像是下个星期一下午五点。	是 啊,好像 是 下个星期 一 下午 五点。	Yes, it seems to me that it’s next Monday at 5 in the afternoon.	9	9	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it?	你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。	Yes, it’s not far from our home.	有,离我们家不远。
 2	Who’s the person in charge of your street office?	你们街道办事处的负责人是谁?	Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu.	是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。
 3	Does every street office manage several street units?	每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗?	Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry.	是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-1	nǐ tīng , bàn dǎo tǐ shōu yīn jī lǐ yòu zài jiǎng dào ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng le 。	你听,半导体收音机里又在讲到爱国卫生运动了。	Listen, they’re talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.	duì ,  cháng gǎo wèi shēng jiù shì hǎo , shì yīng gāi duō   xuān chuán 。	对, 常搞卫生就是好,是应该多 宣传。	Yes, it’s good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicised.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-2	zhèng fǔ shì bú shì hào zhào rén mín   xiāo miè cāng yíng , wén zi hé lǎo shǔ ?	政府是不是号召人民 消灭苍蝇,蚊子和老鼠?	Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?	duì , zhè shì ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng de zhòng yào fāng miàn 。	对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。	Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-3	jiě fàng qián , dào zhōng guó lái kàn kàn , dào chù dōu hěn zāng 。	解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。	Before liberation, if you came to china to visit, you would’ve seen that every place was dirty.	dàn shì xiàn zài bù yí yàng le , bù shǎo dì fāng dōu hěn gān jìng 。	但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。	But now it’s not the same. Quite a few places are clean.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-4	nǐ bǎ nà bāo yào cáng zài nǎ ér le ? wǒ zěn me zhǎo bú dào ?	你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?	Where did you hide that packet of insecticide? How come I can’t find it?	nǐ jìn wū qù kàn kàn , dà gài jiù zài zhuō zi shàng 。	你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。	Go into the room and look, it’s probably right on the table.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-5	zài diǎn zháo xīn wén zi yào yǐ qián yīng gāi xiān zuò shén me ?	在点着新蚊子药以前应该先做什么?	What shall we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?	yīng gāi xiān bǎ chuāng hù hé mén dōu guān shàng 。	应该先把窗户和门都关上。	You should close up all the windows and doors.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-6	nǐ měi tiān zǎo chén dōu huó dòng yī huì er ma ?	你每天早晨都活动一会儿吗?	Do you get some exercise every morning?	duì le , zǎo chén kōng qì xīn xiān , zài yáng tái shàng zhàn yī huì er , duì shēn tǐ hěn yǒu hǎo chù 。	对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会儿,对身体很有好处。	Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it’s good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-7	jīn tiān nǐ men jiē dào yòu gǎo dà sǎo chú le 。	今天你们街道又搞大扫除了。	Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean-up again today?	shì a , wǒ men jiē dào jū mín gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn , yí dìng yào bǎ wǒ men zhè ér gǎo de xiàng xiān jìn jiē dào yī yàng gān jìng 。	是啊,我们街道居民敢想敢干,一定要把我们这儿搞的像先进街道一样干净。	Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do, theyre determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-8	jīn tiān shàng wǔ běi jīng jiē tóu hǎo duō dì fāng yǒu rén yòng guǎng bō tong2 jiǎng huà 。 tā men zài zuò shén me ?	今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播tong2讲话。他们在做什么?	This morning, there people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing?	tā men zài xuān chuán jiāo tōng guī zé 。	他们在宣传交通规则。	They were publicising traffic rules.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-9	zài gǎo wèi shēng de shí hòu , rú guǒ qún zhòng yǒu yí gè hǎo bàn fǎ , néng bù néng hé gé wèi huì tán yī tán ?	在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和革位会谈一谈?	When doing the clean-up, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?	dāng rán kě yǐ 。 qún zhòng bù jǐn cān jiā jiē dào suǒ yǒu de huó dòng , ér qiě jīng cháng   bāng zhù wǒ men xiǎng bàn fǎ zuò hǎo gè xiàng gōng zuò 。	当然可以。群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常 帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。	Of course they can, the masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, the often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-10	nián jì dà de rén shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yào yǒu méi yǒu guān xì ?	年纪大的人使用这种药有没有关系?	Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?	méi yǒu guān xì , qǐng kàn shuō míng shū 。	没有关系,请看说明书。	No  it doesn’t matter, take a look at the instructions.	9	2	FSI-Chinese
-11	nǐ jué de zhè zhōng xūn wén zi de bàn fǎ zěn me yàng ?	你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样?	What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?	zhè zhōng bàn fǎ hěn hǎo 。 dà jiā tǒng yī xíng dòng chéng jì zhǔn bù cuò 。	这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。	It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.	9	2	FSI-Chinese

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-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ tīng , bàn dǎo tǐ shōu yīn jī lǐ yòu zài jiǎng dào ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你听,半导体收音机里又在讲到爱国卫生运动了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Listen, they’re talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì ,  cháng gǎo wèi shēng jiù shì hǎo , shì yīng gāi duō   xuān chuán 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对, 常搞卫生就是好,是应该多 宣传。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, it’s good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicised.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèng fǔ shì bú shì hào zhào rén mín   xiāo miè cāng yíng , wén zi hé lǎo shǔ ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">政府是不是号召人民 消灭苍蝇,蚊子和老鼠?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì , zhè shì ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng de zhòng yào fāng miàn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiě fàng qián , dào zhōng guó lái kàn kàn , dào chù dōu hěn zāng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Before liberation, if you came to china to visit, you would’ve seen that every place was dirty.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàn shì xiàn zài bù yí yàng le , bù shǎo dì fāng dōu hěn gān jìng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>But now it’s not the same. Quite a few places are clean.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ bǎ nà bāo yào cáng zài nǎ ér le ? wǒ zěn me zhǎo bú dào ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Where did you hide that packet of insecticide? How come I can’t find it?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ jìn wū qù kàn kàn , dà gài jiù zài zhuō zi shàng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Go into the room and look, it’s probably right on the table.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài diǎn zháo xīn wén zi yào yǐ qián yīng gāi xiān zuò shén me ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">在点着新蚊子药以前应该先做什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What shall we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yīng gāi xiān bǎ chuāng hù hé mén dōu guān shàng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">应该先把窗户和门都关上。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You should close up all the windows and doors.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ měi tiān zǎo chén dōu huó dòng yī huì er ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你每天早晨都活动一会儿吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do you get some exercise every morning?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì le , zǎo chén kōng qì xīn xiān , zài yáng tái shàng zhàn yī huì er , duì shēn tǐ hěn yǒu hǎo chù 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会儿,对身体很有好处。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it’s good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān nǐ men jiē dào yòu gǎo dà sǎo chú le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天你们街道又搞大扫除了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean-up again today?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì a , wǒ men jiē dào jū mín gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn , yí dìng yào bǎ wǒ men zhè ér gǎo de xiàng xiān jìn jiē dào yī yàng gān jìng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,我们街道居民敢想敢干,一定要把我们这儿搞的像先进街道一样干净。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do, theyre determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān shàng wǔ běi jīng jiē tóu hǎo duō dì fāng yǒu rén yòng guǎng bō tong2 jiǎng huà 。 tā men zài zuò shén me ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播tong2讲话。他们在做什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This morning, there people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā men zài xuān chuán jiāo tōng guī zé 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他们在宣传交通规则。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>They were publicising traffic rules.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài gǎo wèi shēng de shí hòu , rú guǒ qún zhòng yǒu yí gè hǎo bàn fǎ , néng bù néng hé gé wèi huì tán yī tán ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和革位会谈一谈?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>When doing the clean-up, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dāng rán kě yǐ 。 qún zhòng bù jǐn cān jiā jiē dào suǒ yǒu de huó dòng , ér qiě jīng cháng   bāng zhù wǒ men xiǎng bàn fǎ zuò hǎo gè xiàng gōng zuò 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">当然可以。群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常 帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Of course they can, the masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, the often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nián jì dà de rén shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yào yǒu méi yǒu guān xì ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">年纪大的人使用这种药有没有关系?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">méi yǒu guān xì , qǐng kàn shuō míng shū 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没有关系,请看说明书。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>No  it doesn’t matter, take a look at the instructions.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ jué de zhè zhōng xūn wén zi de bàn fǎ zěn me yàng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè zhōng bàn fǎ hěn hǎo 。 dà jiā tǒng yī xíng dòng chéng jì zhǔn bù cuò 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.</entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+1	Nǐ tīng, bàndǎotǐ shōuyīnjī lǐ yòu zài jiǎng dào àiguówèishēng yùndòng le.	nǐ tīng  bàn dǎo tǐ shōu yīn jī lǐ yòu zài jiǎng dào ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng le 	你听,半导体收音机里又在讲到爱国卫生运动了。	你 听,半导体 收音机 里 又 在 讲 到 爱国卫生 运动 了。	Listen, they’re talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.	Duì,   cháng gǎo wèishēng jiùshì hǎo, shì yìnggāi duō   xuānchuán.	duì   cháng gǎo wèi shēng jiù shì hǎo  shì yīng gāi duō   xuān chuán 	对, 常搞卫生就是好,是应该多 宣传。	对,  常 搞 卫生 就是 好,是 应该 多   宣传。	Yes, it’s good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicised.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+2	Zhèngfǔ shìbùshì hàozhào rénmín   xiāomiè cāngyíng, wénzǐ hé lǎoshǔ?	zhèng fǔ shì bú shì hào zhào rén mín   xiāo miè cāng yíng  wén zi hé lǎo shǔ 	政府是不是号召人民 消灭苍蝇,蚊子和老鼠?	政府 是不是 号召 人民   消灭 苍蝇,蚊子 和 老鼠?	Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?	Duì, zhèshì àiguówèishēng yùndòng de zhòngyào fāngmiàn.	duì  zhè shì ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng de zhòng yào fāng miàn 	对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。	对,这是 爱国卫生 运动 的 重要 方面。	Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+3	Jiěfàngqián, dào zhōngguó lái kànkàn, dàochù dū hěnzāng.	jiě fàng qián  dào zhōng guó lái kàn kàn  dào chù dōu hěn zāng 	解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。	解放前,到 中国 来 看看,到处 都 很脏。	Before liberation, if you came to china to visit, you would’ve seen that every place was dirty.	Dànshì xiànzài bù yīyáng le, bùshǎo dìfāng dū hěn gānjìng.	dàn shì xiàn zài bù yí yàng le  bù shǎo dì fāng dōu hěn gān jìng 	但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。	但是 现在 不 一样 了,不少 地方 都 很 干净。	But now it’s not the same. Quite a few places are clean.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+4	Nǐ bǎ nà bāoyào cáng zài nǎér le? wǒ zěnme zhǎo bùdào?	nǐ bǎ nà bāo yào cáng zài nǎ ér le  wǒ zěn me zhǎo bú dào 	你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?	你 把 那 包药 藏 在 哪儿 了? 我 怎么 找 不到?	Where did you hide that packet of insecticide? How come I can’t find it?	Nǐ jìnwū qù kànkàn , dàgài jiù zài zhuōzǐ shàng.	nǐ jìn wū qù kàn kàn  dà gài jiù zài zhuō zi shàng 	你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。	你 进屋 去 看看 , 大概 就 在 桌子 上。	Go into the room and look, it’s probably right on the table.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+5	Zài diǎnzháo xīn wénzǐ yào yǐqián yìnggāi xiān zuò shénme?	zài diǎn zháo xīn wén zi yào yǐ qián yīng gāi xiān zuò shén me 	在点着新蚊子药以前应该先做什么?	在 点着 新 蚊子 药 以前 应该 先 做 什么?	What shall we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?	Yìnggāi xiān bǎ chuānghù hé mén dū guānshàng.	yīng gāi xiān bǎ chuāng hù hé mén dōu guān shàng 	应该先把窗户和门都关上。	应该 先 把 窗户 和 门 都 关上。	You should close up all the windows and doors.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+6	Nǐ měitiān zǎochén dū huódòng yīhuìér ma?	nǐ měi tiān zǎo chén dōu huó dòng yī huì er ma 	你每天早晨都活动一会儿吗?	你 每天 早晨 都 活动 一会儿 吗?	Do you get some exercise every morning?	Duì le, zǎochén kōngqì xīnxiān, zài yángtái shàng zhàn yīhuìér, duì shēntǐ hěn yǒu hǎochù.	duì le  zǎo chén kōng qì xīn xiān  zài yáng tái shàng zhàn yī huì er  duì shēn tǐ hěn yǒu hǎo chù 	对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会儿,对身体很有好处。	对 了,早晨 空气 新鲜,在 阳台 上 站 一会儿,对 身体 很 有 好处。	Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it’s good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+7	Jīntiān nǐmen jiēdào yòu gǎo dàsǎochú le.	jīn tiān nǐ men jiē dào yòu gǎo dà sǎo chú le 	今天你们街道又搞大扫除了。	今天 你们 街道 又 搞 大扫除 了。	Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean-up again today?	Shì a, wǒmen jiēdào jūmín gǎnxiǎnggǎngān, yīdìng yào bǎ wǒmen zhèér gǎo de xiàng xiānjìn jiēdào yīyáng gānjìng.	shì a  wǒ men jiē dào jū mín gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn  yí dìng yào bǎ wǒ men zhè ér gǎo de xiàng xiān jìn jiē dào yī yàng gān jìng 	是啊,我们街道居民敢想敢干,一定要把我们这儿搞的像先进街道一样干净。	是 啊,我们 街道 居民 敢想敢干,一定 要 把 我们 这儿 搞 的 像 先进 街道 一样 干净。	Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do, theyre determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+8	Jīntiānshàngwǔ běijīngjiētóu hǎoduō dìfāng yǒurén yòng guǎngbō tong2 jiǎnghuà. tāmen zài zuò shénme?	jīn tiān shàng wǔ běi jīng jiē tóu hǎo duō dì fāng yǒu rén yòng guǎng bō tong2 jiǎng huà  tā men zài zuò shén me 	今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播tong2讲话。他们在做什么?	今天上午 北京街头 好多 地方 有人 用 广播 tong2 讲话。 他们 在 做 什么?	This morning, there people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing?	Tāmen zài xuānchuán jiāotōngguīzé.	tā men zài xuān chuán jiāo tōng guī zé 	他们在宣传交通规则。	他们 在 宣传 交通规则。	They were publicising traffic rules.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+9	Zài gǎo wèishēng de shíhòu, rúguǒ qúnzhòng yǒu yīgè hǎo bànfǎ, néng bùnéng hé géwèi huì tányītán?	zài gǎo wèi shēng de shí hòu  rú guǒ qún zhòng yǒu yí gè hǎo bàn fǎ  néng bù néng hé gé wèi huì tán yī tán 	在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和革位会谈一谈?	在 搞 卫生 的 时候,如果 群众 有 一个 好 办法,能 不能 和 革位 会 谈一谈?	When doing the clean-up, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?	Dāngrán kěyǐ. qúnzhòng bùjǐn cānjiā jiēdào suǒyǒu de huódòng, érqiě jīngcháng   bāngzhù wǒmen xiǎng bànfǎ zuòhǎo gèxiàng gōngzuò.	dāng rán kě yǐ  qún zhòng bù jǐn cān jiā jiē dào suǒ yǒu de huó dòng  ér qiě jīng cháng   bāng zhù wǒ men xiǎng bàn fǎ zuò hǎo gè xiàng gōng zuò 	当然可以。群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常 帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。	当然 可以。 群众 不仅 参加 街道 所有 的 活动,而且 经常   帮助 我们 想 办法 做好 各项 工作。	Of course they can, the masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, the often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+10	Niánjì dà de rén shǐyòng zhèzhǒng yào yǒuméiyǒu guānxì?	nián jì dà de rén shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yào yǒu méi yǒu guān xì 	年纪大的人使用这种药有没有关系?	年纪 大 的 人 使用 这种 药 有没有 关系?	Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?	Méiyǒu guānxì, qǐng kàn shuōmíngshū.	méi yǒu guān xì  qǐng kàn shuō míng shū 	没有关系,请看说明书。	没有 关系,请 看 说明书。	No  it doesn’t matter, take a look at the instructions.	9	58	FSI-Chinese
+11	Nǐ juédé zhèzhōng xūn wénzǐ de bànfǎ zěnmeyáng?	nǐ jué de zhè zhōng xūn wén zi de bàn fǎ zěn me yàng 	你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样?	你 觉得 这钟 熏 蚊子 的 办法 怎么样?	What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?	Zhèzhōng bànfǎ hěn hǎo. dàjiā tǒngyīxíngdòng chéngjī zhǔn bùcuò.	zhè zhōng bàn fǎ hěn hǎo  dà jiā tǒng yī xíng dòng chéng jì zhǔn bù cuò 	这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。	这钟 办法 很 好。 大家 统一行动 成绩 准 不错。	It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.	9	58	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-58/1-2.txt → Module-9/FSI-58/Original/1-2.txt

+ 2 - 3

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	Listen, they’re talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.	你听,半导体收音机里又在讲到爱国卫生运动了。	Yes, it’s good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicised.	对, 常搞卫生就是好,是应该多 宣传。
 2	Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats?	政府是不是号召人民 消灭苍蝇,蚊子和老鼠?	Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.	对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。
 3	Before liberation, if you came to china to visit, you would’ve seen that every place was dirty.	解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。	But now it’s not the same. Quite a few places are clean.	但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。	This is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large-scale clean-up.	这就是政府和人民 大搞卫生的成绩啊。
@@ -9,5 +9,4 @@ number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
 8	This morning, there people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing?	今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播tong2讲话。他们在做什么?	They were publicising traffic rules.	他们在宣传交通规则。
 9	When doing the clean-up, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?	在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和革位会谈一谈?	Of course they can, the masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, the often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.	当然可以。群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常 帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
 10	Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?	年纪大的人使用这种药有没有关系?	No  it doesn’t matter, take a look at the instructions.	没有关系,请看说明书。
-11	What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?	你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样?	It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.	这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。
+11	What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?	你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样?	It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.	这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。

+ 0 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
-这就是政府和人民 大搞卫生的成绩啊 

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-58/words.csv → Module-9/FSI-58/words-58.csv

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-58/words.xml → Module-9/FSI-58/words-58.xml

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-1	zhè bàn tiān wǒ dà gē dào nǎ ér qù le ?	这半天我大哥到哪儿去了?	Where has older brother been all this time?	tā zhèng zài yáng tái shàng chéng liáng ne 。	他正在阳台上乘凉呢。	He’s cooling off on the balcony.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-2	huá shèng dùn de diàn shì jié mù zěn me yàng ?	华盛顿的电视节目怎么样?	What are Washington television programs like?	bǐ jiào fēng fù 。	比较丰富。	There’s quite a variety.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-3	tīng shuō lǎo wáng xǐ huān qín , qí , shū , huà , shì bú shì ?	听说老王喜欢琴,棋,书,画,是不是?	I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, doesn’t he?	shì a , tā de shū fǎ hěn hǎo , hái zhǎn lǎn guò ne 。	是啊,他的书法很好,还展览过呢。	Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he’s even exhibited.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-4	zhè gè jià rì nǐ zhǔn bèi qù nǎ ér ?	这个假日你准备去哪儿?	Where are you planning to go for this holiday?	wǒ xiǎng dào gōng shè diàn yǐng ér duì qù kàn kàn 。	我想到公社电影儿队去看看。	I’m thinking of going to the commune’s movie team to take a look.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-5	nín nǚ ér de yīn yuè kè chéng jì hěn hǎo a 。	您女儿的音乐课成绩很好啊。	Your daughter’s music class grades are really good.	tā de chéng jì shì bù cuò , kě shì tā gēn běn bù xiǎng yán jiū yīn yuè , zhēn shì méi bàn fǎ 。	她的成绩是不错,可是她根本不想研究音乐,真是没办法。	Her grades are pretty good, but she just doesn’t want to study music, there’s just nothing I can do about it.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-6	nǐ men gōng jiān xiū xī de shí hòu , dà jiā zuò shén me ?	你们工间休息的时候,大家做什么?	What do you all do when you take your break at work?	zuò de gōng jiān cāo duàn liàn duàn liàn shēn tǐ 。	作的工间操锻炼锻炼身体。	We do some break-time calisthenics to get in shape.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-7	jīn tiān zhōng wǔ yǒu xiàn guǎng bō zhàn guǎng bō de nèi róng duō bù duō 。	今天中午有线广播站广播的内容多不多。	Did the local broadcasting network broadcast a lot of material today at noon?	bù shǎo , tā men niàn le hǎo jǐ fèn ér bào zhǐ 。	不少,他们念了好几份儿报纸。	Yes, the read a whole lot of newspapers.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-8	měi tiān zǎo chén nǐ dōu chū qù pǎo bù ma ?	每天早晨你都出去跑步吗?	Do you go out to run every morning?	duì le , chū qù pǎo bù dǎ tài jí quán 。	对了,出去跑步打太极拳。	Yes, I go out to run and to do Tai-Qi.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-9	nǐ ài rén yě shì gǎo tǐ yù de ma ?	你爱人也是搞体育的吗?	Does your spouse do sports too?	shì de , tā de tǐ cāo shí zài bù cuò 。	是的,他的体操实在不错。	Yes, he’s really pretty good at calisthenics.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-10	tā chú le cān jiā yǎn chū duì de huó dòng yǐ wài , yè yú shí jiān hái zuò shén me ?	她除了参加演出队的活动以外,业余时间还作什么?	What does she do in her time after work, in addition to taking part in the activities of the performing arts group?	tā xǐ huān tǐ yù huó dòng , yóu qí shì ài dǎ yǔ máo qiú ér 。	她喜欢体育活动,尤其是爱打羽毛球儿。	She likes sports activities. She especially loves to play badminton.	9	3	FSI-Chinese
-11	wǒ xiǎng cān jiā shū fǎ yán jiū huì , xíng bù xíng ?	我想参加书法研究会,行不行?	I’d like to take part in a calligraphy study group, would that be alright?	zhè xiē yán jiū huì shì rén mín wén huà shēng huó de yī bù fèn , dōu shì zì yuàn cān jiā de 。	这些研究会是人民文化生活的一部分,都是自愿参加的。	These study groups are one part of the cultural life of the people, they are all voluntary.	9	3	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 264

@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè bàn tiān wǒ dà gē dào nǎ ér qù le ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这半天我大哥到哪儿去了?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Where has older brother been all this time?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā zhèng zài yáng tái shàng chéng liáng ne 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他正在阳台上乘凉呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>He’s cooling off on the balcony.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">huá shèng dùn de diàn shì jié mù zěn me yàng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">华盛顿的电视节目怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What are Washington television programs like?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǐ jiào fēng fù 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">比较丰富。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>There’s quite a variety.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tīng shuō lǎo wáng xǐ huān qín , qí , shū , huà , shì bú shì ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">听说老王喜欢琴,棋,书,画,是不是?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, doesn’t he?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì a , tā de shū fǎ hěn hǎo , hái zhǎn lǎn guò ne 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,他的书法很好,还展览过呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he’s even exhibited.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè jià rì nǐ zhǔn bèi qù nǎ ér ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个假日你准备去哪儿?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Where are you planning to go for this holiday?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xiǎng dào gōng shè diàn yǐng ér duì qù kàn kàn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想到公社电影儿队去看看。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I’m thinking of going to the commune’s movie team to take a look.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nín nǚ ér de yīn yuè kè chéng jì hěn hǎo a 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您女儿的音乐课成绩很好啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Your daughter’s music class grades are really good.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā de chéng jì shì bù cuò , kě shì tā gēn běn bù xiǎng yán jiū yīn yuè , zhēn shì méi bàn fǎ 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她的成绩是不错,可是她根本不想研究音乐,真是没办法。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Her grades are pretty good, but she just doesn’t want to study music, there’s just nothing I can do about it.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ men gōng jiān xiū xī de shí hòu , dà jiā zuò shén me ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你们工间休息的时候,大家做什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What do you all do when you take your break at work?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò de gōng jiān cāo duàn liàn duàn liàn shēn tǐ 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">作的工间操锻炼锻炼身体。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>We do some break-time calisthenics to get in shape.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān zhōng wǔ yǒu xiàn guǎng bō zhàn guǎng bō de nèi róng duō bù duō 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天中午有线广播站广播的内容多不多。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Did the local broadcasting network broadcast a lot of material today at noon?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù shǎo , tā men niàn le hǎo jǐ fèn ér bào zhǐ 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不少,他们念了好几份儿报纸。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, the read a whole lot of newspapers.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">měi tiān zǎo chén nǐ dōu chū qù pǎo bù ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">每天早晨你都出去跑步吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do you go out to run every morning?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì le , chū qù pǎo bù dǎ tài jí quán 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了,出去跑步打太极拳。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, I go out to run and to do Tai-Qi.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ ài rén yě shì gǎo tǐ yù de ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你爱人也是搞体育的吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Does your spouse do sports too?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì de , tā de tǐ cāo shí zài bù cuò 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是的,他的体操实在不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, he’s really pretty good at calisthenics.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā chú le cān jiā yǎn chū duì de huó dòng yǐ wài , yè yú shí jiān hái zuò shén me ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她除了参加演出队的活动以外,业余时间还作什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What does she do in her time after work, in addition to taking part in the activities of the performing arts group?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā xǐ huān tǐ yù huó dòng , yóu qí shì ài dǎ yǔ máo qiú ér 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她喜欢体育活动,尤其是爱打羽毛球儿。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>She likes sports activities. She especially loves to play badminton.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xiǎng cān jiā shū fǎ yán jiū huì , xíng bù xíng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想参加书法研究会,行不行?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I’d like to take part in a calligraphy study group, would that be alright?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè xiē yán jiū huì shì rén mín wén huà shēng huó de yī bù fèn , dōu shì zì yuàn cān jiā de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这些研究会是人民文化生活的一部分,都是自愿参加的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>These study groups are one part of the cultural life of the people, they are all voluntary.</entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+1	Zhè bàntiān wǒ dàgē dào nǎér qù le ?	zhè bàn tiān wǒ dà gē dào nǎ ér qù le 	这半天我大哥到哪儿去了?	这 半天 我 大哥 到 哪儿 去 了 ?	Where has older brother been all this time?	Tā zhèngzài yángtái shàng chéngliáng ní.	tā zhèng zài yáng tái shàng chéng liáng ne 	他正在阳台上乘凉呢。	他 正在 阳台 上 乘凉 呢。	He’s cooling off on the balcony.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+2	Huáshèngdùn de diànshìjiémù zěnmeyáng?	huá shèng dùn de diàn shì jié mù zěn me yàng 	华盛顿的电视节目怎么样?	华盛顿 的 电视节目 怎么样?	What are Washington television programs like?	Bǐjiào fēngfù.	bǐ jiào fēng fù 	比较丰富。	比较 丰富。	There’s quite a variety.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+3	Tīngshuō lǎowáng xǐhuān qín, qí, shū, huà, shìbùshì?	tīng shuō lǎo wáng xǐ huān qín  qí  shū  huà  shì bú shì 	听说老王喜欢琴,棋,书,画,是不是?	听说 老王 喜欢 琴,棋,书,画,是不是?	I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, doesn’t he?	Shì a, tā de shūfǎ hěn hǎo, huán zhǎnlǎn guò ní.	shì a  tā de shū fǎ hěn hǎo  hái zhǎn lǎn guò ne 	是啊,他的书法很好,还展览过呢。	是 啊,他 的 书法 很 好,还 展览 过 呢。	Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he’s even exhibited.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+4	Zhègè jiǎrì nǐ zhǔnbèi qù nǎér?	zhè gè jià rì nǐ zhǔn bèi qù nǎ ér 	这个假日你准备去哪儿?	这个 假日 你 准备 去 哪儿?	Where are you planning to go for this holiday?	Wǒ xiǎngdào gōngshè diànyǐng érduì qù kànkàn.	wǒ xiǎng dào gōng shè diàn yǐng ér duì qù kàn kàn 	我想到公社电影儿队去看看。	我 想到 公社 电影 儿队 去 看看。	I’m thinking of going to the commune’s movie team to take a look.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+5	Nín nǚér de yīnlèkè chéngjī hěn hǎo a.	nín nǚ ér de yīn yuè kè chéng jì hěn hǎo a 	您女儿的音乐课成绩很好啊。	您 女儿 的 音乐课 成绩 很 好 啊。	Your daughter’s music class grades are really good.	Tā de chéngjī shì bùcuò, kěshì tā gēnběn bùxiǎng yánjiū yīnlè, zhēnshì méi bànfǎ.	tā de chéng jì shì bù cuò  kě shì tā gēn běn bù xiǎng yán jiū yīn yuè  zhēn shì méi bàn fǎ 	她的成绩是不错,可是她根本不想研究音乐,真是没办法。	她 的 成绩 是 不错,可是 她 根本 不想 研究 音乐,真是 没 办法。	Her grades are pretty good, but she just doesn’t want to study music, there’s just nothing I can do about it.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+6	Nǐmen gōngjiān xiūxī de shíhòu, dàjiā zuò shénme?	nǐ men gōng jiān xiū xī de shí hòu  dà jiā zuò shén me 	你们工间休息的时候,大家做什么?	你们 工间 休息 的 时候,大家 做 什么?	What do you all do when you take your break at work?	Zuò de gōngjiāncāo duànliàn duànliànshēntǐ.	zuò de gōng jiān cāo duàn liàn duàn liàn shēn tǐ 	作的工间操锻炼锻炼身体。	作 的 工间操 锻炼 锻炼身体。	We do some break-time calisthenics to get in shape.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+7	Jīntiān zhōngwǔ yǒuxiànguǎngbō zhàn guǎngbō de nèiróng duōbùduō.	jīn tiān zhōng wǔ yǒu xiàn guǎng bō zhàn guǎng bō de nèi róng duō bù duō 	今天中午有线广播站广播的内容多不多。	今天 中午 有线广播 站 广播 的 内容 多不多。	Did the local broadcasting network broadcast a lot of material today at noon?	Bùshǎo, tāmen niàn le hǎojīfèn ér bàozhǐ.	bù shǎo  tā men niàn le hǎo jǐ fèn ér bào zhǐ 	不少,他们念了好几份儿报纸。	不少,他们 念 了 好几份 儿 报纸。	Yes, the read a whole lot of newspapers.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+8	Měitiān zǎochén nǐ dū chūqù pǎobù ma?	měi tiān zǎo chén nǐ dōu chū qù pǎo bù ma 	每天早晨你都出去跑步吗?	每天 早晨 你 都 出去 跑步 吗?	Do you go out to run every morning?	Duì le, chūqù pǎobù dǎ tàijíquán.	duì le  chū qù pǎo bù dǎ tài jí quán 	对了,出去跑步打太极拳。	对 了,出去 跑步 打 太极拳。	Yes, I go out to run and to do Tai-Qi.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+9	Nǐ àirén yě shì gǎo tǐyù de ma?	nǐ ài rén yě shì gǎo tǐ yù de ma 	你爱人也是搞体育的吗?	你 爱人 也 是 搞 体育 的 吗?	Does your spouse do sports too?	Shì de, tā de tǐcāo shízài bùcuò.	shì de  tā de tǐ cāo shí zài bù cuò 	是的,他的体操实在不错。	是 的,他 的 体操 实在 不错。	Yes, he’s really pretty good at calisthenics.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+10	Tā chúle cānjiā yǎnchūduì de huódòng yǐwài, yèyúshíjiān huánzuò shénme?	tā chú le cān jiā yǎn chū duì de huó dòng yǐ wài  yè yú shí jiān hái zuò shén me 	她除了参加演出队的活动以外,业余时间还作什么?	她 除了 参加 演出队 的 活动 以外,业余时间 还作 什么?	What does she do in her time after work, in addition to taking part in the activities of the performing arts group?	Tā xǐhuān tǐyù huódòng, yóuqí shì ài dǎ yǔmáoqiú ér.	tā xǐ huān tǐ yù huó dòng  yóu qí shì ài dǎ yǔ máo qiú ér 	她喜欢体育活动,尤其是爱打羽毛球儿。	她 喜欢 体育 活动,尤其 是 爱 打 羽毛球 儿。	She likes sports activities. She especially loves to play badminton.	9	59	FSI-Chinese
+11	Wǒ xiǎng cānjiā shūfǎ yánjiūhuì, xíngbùxíng?	wǒ xiǎng cān jiā shū fǎ yán jiū huì  xíng bù xíng 	我想参加书法研究会,行不行?	我 想 参加 书法 研究会,行不行?	I’d like to take part in a calligraphy study group, would that be alright?	Zhèxiē yánjiūhuì shì rénmín wénhuà shēnghuó de yībùfēn, dū shì zìyuàn cānjiā de.	zhè xiē yán jiū huì shì rén mín wén huà shēng huó de yī bù fèn  dōu shì zì yuàn cān jiā de 	这些研究会是人民文化生活的一部分,都是自愿参加的。	这些 研究会 是 人民 文化 生活 的 一部分,都 是 自愿 参加 的。	These study groups are one part of the cultural life of the people, they are all voluntary.	9	59	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-59/1-3.txt → Module-9/FSI-59/Original/1-3.txt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	Where has older brother been all this time?	这半天我大哥到哪儿去了?	He’s cooling off on the balcony.	他正在阳台上乘凉呢。
 2	What are Washington television programs like?	华盛顿的电视节目怎么样?	There’s quite a variety.	比较丰富。
 3	I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, doesn’t he?	听说老王喜欢琴,棋,书,画,是不是?	Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he’s even exhibited.	是啊,他的书法很好,还展览过呢。

+ 0 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-59/words.csv → Module-9/FSI-59/words-59.csv

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-59/words.xml → Module-9/FSI-59/words-59.xml

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-1	yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù , néng bù néng kàn dǒng ?	一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?	Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?	dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 。	大多数高中学生都能看懂。	The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-2	tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 。	她唱歌儿真好听。	She sings songs really beautifully.	nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò 。 nà bú shì gē ér , nà shì dì fāng xì	你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏	You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-3	jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì bù kāi le 。	今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。	Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.	hǎo jí le , wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú bǐ sài le 。	好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。	Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-4	tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 。	他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。	His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses.	zuì jìn liǎng nián , tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 。	最近两年,他提高的很快。	Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-5	chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài , nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma ?	除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?	Do you often study in addition to your work?	guǎng dà gàn bù jué de yào tí gāo zì jǐ de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù bì xū píng cháng xué xí 。	广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。	A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-6	nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma ?	你明天晚上去打球儿吗?	Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?	bù , wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn bā lěi wǔ 。	不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。	No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-7	wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào , zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 。	为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。	In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend.	zhēn bù huài , wǒ yě cān jiā 。	真不坏,我也参加。	Great, I’ll go too	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-8	nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài , hái xǐ huān shén me ?	你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么?	What else do you like besides ping pong?	xǐ huān lán qiú 。 wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 。	喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。	I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-9	yí pó , jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén ?	姨婆,今天有什么新闻?	Auntie, what news is there today?	tīng shuō , yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le	听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了	I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-10	nǐ lǎo shì dú shū 。  kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er , kàn kàn diàn shì ba 。	你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。	You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television.	hǎo , wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó jì xīn wén jié mù 。	好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。	Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-11	zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 。	这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。	Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.	nǐ yào dú shū , yòu yào kàn xì , hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng ,  shì tài máng le 。	你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。	You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy.	9	1	FSI-Chinese
-12	zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn , jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng qù ?	这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去?	This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?	jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn bō diàn yǐng ér , zán men míng tiān kàn jīng xì ba 。	今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。	As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.	9	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-1	yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù , néng bù néng kàn dǒng ?	一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?	Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?	dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 。	大多数高中学生都能看懂。	The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-2	tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 。	她唱歌儿真好听。	She sings songs really beautifully.	nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò 。 nà bú shì gē ér , nà shì dì fāng xì	你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏	You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-3	jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì bù kāi le 。	今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。	Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.	hǎo jí le , wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú bǐ sài le 。	好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。	Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-4	tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 。	他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。	His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses.	zuì jìn liǎng nián , tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 。	最近两年,他提高的很快。	Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-5	chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài , nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma ?	除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?	Do you often study in addition to your work?	guǎng dà gàn bù jué de yào tí gāo zì jǐ de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù bì xū píng cháng xué xí 。	广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。	A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-6	nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma ?	你明天晚上去打球儿吗?	Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?	bù , wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn bā lěi wǔ 。	不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。	No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-7	wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào , zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 。	为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。	In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend.	zhēn bù huài , wǒ yě cān jiā 。	真不坏,我也参加。	Great, I’ll go too	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-8	nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài , hái xǐ huān shén me ?	你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么?	What else do you like besides ping pong?	xǐ huān lán qiú 。 wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 。	喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。	I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-9	yí pó , jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén ?	姨婆,今天有什么新闻?	Auntie, what news is there today?	tīng shuō , yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le	听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了	I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-10	nǐ lǎo shì dú shū 。  kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er , kàn kàn diàn shì ba 。	你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。	You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television.	hǎo , wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó jì xīn wén jié mù 。	好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。	Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-11	zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 。	这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。	Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.	nǐ yào dú shū , yòu yào kàn xì , hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng ,  shì tài máng le 。	你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。	You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy.	9	4	FSI-Chinese
-12	zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn , jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng qù ?	这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去?	This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?	jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn bō diàn yǐng ér , zán men míng tiān kàn jīng xì ba 。	今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。	As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.	9	4	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 287

@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù , néng bù néng kàn dǒng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大多数高中学生都能看懂。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她唱歌儿真好听。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>She sings songs really beautifully.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò 。 nà bú shì gē ér , nà shì dì fāng xì</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì bù kāi le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎo jí le , wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú bǐ sài le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuì jìn liǎng nián , tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">最近两年,他提高的很快。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài , nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do you often study in addition to your work?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guǎng dà gàn bù jué de yào tí gāo zì jǐ de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù bì xū píng cháng xué xí 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你明天晚上去打球儿吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù , wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn bā lěi wǔ 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào , zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhēn bù huài , wǒ yě cān jiā 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">真不坏,我也参加。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Great, I’ll go too</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài , hái xǐ huān shén me ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What else do you like besides ping pong?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xǐ huān lán qiú 。 wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yí pó , jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姨婆,今天有什么新闻?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Auntie, what news is there today?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tīng shuō , yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ lǎo shì dú shū 。  kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er , kàn kàn diàn shì ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎo , wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó jì xīn wén jié mù 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ yào dú shū , yòu yào kàn xì , hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng ,  shì tài máng le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn , jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng qù ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn bō diàn yǐng ér , zán men míng tiān kàn jīng xì ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.</entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1	Yīgè gāozhōngxuéshēng kàn běijīng de diànshìjiàoxué jiémù, néng bù néngkàndǒng?	yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù  néng bù néng kàn dǒng 	一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?	一个 高中学生 看 北京 的 电视教学 节目,能 不 能看懂?	Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?	Dàduōshù gāozhōngxuéshēng dū néngkàndǒng.	dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 	大多数高中学生都能看懂。	大多数 高中学生 都 能看懂。	The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+2	Tā chànggē érzhēn hǎotīng.	tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 	她唱歌儿真好听。	她 唱歌 儿真 好听。	She sings songs really beautifully.	Nǐ zǒngshì gǎocuò. nà bùshì gēér, nà shì dìfāngxì	nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò  nà bú shì gē ér  nà shì dì fāng xì	你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏	你 总是 搞错。 那 不是 歌儿,那 是 地方戏	You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+3	Jīntiānxiàwǔ wǒmen de jiàoxué tǎolùnhuì bùkāi le.	jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì bù kāi le 	今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。	今天下午 我们 的 教学 讨论会 不开 了。	Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.	Hǎojíle, wǒ nénggòu qù cānjiā páiqiúbǐsài le.	hǎo jí le  wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú bǐ sài le 	好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。	好极了,我 能够 去 参加 排球比赛 了。	Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+4	Tā zuìjìn de zuòpǐn shēnshòu guǎngdàqúnzhòng huānyíng.	tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 	他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。	他 最近 的 作品 深受 广大群众 欢迎。	His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses.	Zuìjìn liǎngnián, tā tígāo de hěnkuài.	zuì jìn liǎng nián  tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 	最近两年,他提高的很快。	最近 两年,他 提高 的 很快。	Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+5	Chúle gōngzuò yǐwài, nǐmen huán jīngcháng yǒu xuéxí ma?	chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài  nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma 	除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗?	除了 工作 以外,你们 还 经常 有 学习 吗?	Do you often study in addition to your work?	Guǎngdàgānbù juédé yào tígāo zìjǐ de sīxiǎng shuǐpíng jiù bìxū píngcháng xuéxí.	guǎng dà gàn bù jué de yào tí gāo zì jǐ de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù bì xū píng cháng xué xí 	广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。	广大干部 觉得 要 提高 自己 的 思想 水平 就 必须 平常 学习。	A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+6	Nǐ míngtiān wǎnshàng qù dǎqiú ér ma?	nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma 	你明天晚上去打球儿吗?	你 明天 晚上 去 打球 儿 吗?	Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening?	Bù, wǒyào péi wǒ shīfù qù kàn bālěiwǔ.	bù  wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn bā lěi wǔ 	不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。	不,我要 陪 我 师傅 去 看 芭蕾舞。	No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+7	Wèile mǎnzú niánqīngrén wénhuà shēnghuó de xūyào, zhègè zhōumò wǒmen yào kāigè yīnlèhuì.	wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào  zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 	为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。	为了 满足 年轻人 文化 生活 的 需要,这个 周末 我们 要 开个 音乐会。	In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend.	Zhēnbùhuài, wǒ yě cānjiā.	zhēn bù huài  wǒ yě cān jiā 	真不坏,我也参加。	真不坏,我 也 参加。	Great, I’ll go too	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+8	Nǐ chúle ài dǎ pīngpāng qiúér yǐwài, huán xǐhuān shénme?	nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài  hái xǐ huān shén me 	你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么?	你 除了 爱 打 乒乓 求儿 以外,还 喜欢 什么?	What else do you like besides ping pong?	Xǐhuān lánqiú. wǒ huán cānjiā le xuéxiào de lánqiúduì.	xǐ huān lán qiú  wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 	喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。	喜欢 篮球。 我 还 参加 了 学校 的 篮球队。	I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+9	Yípó, jīntiān yǒu shénme xīnwén?	yí pó  jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén 	姨婆,今天有什么新闻?	姨婆,今天 有 什么 新闻?	Auntie, what news is there today?	Tīngshuō, yīgè yǒumíng de lèduì yào dào wǒmen zhèér lái yǎnchū le	tīng shuō  yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le	听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了	听说,一个 有名 的 乐队 要 到 我们 这儿 来 演出 了	I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+10	Nǐlǎo shì dúshū.   kuài lái xiūxī yīhuìér, kànkàn diànshì ba.	nǐ lǎo shì dú shū   kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er  kàn kàn diàn shì ba 	你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。	你老 是 读书。   快 来 休息 一会儿,看看 电视 吧。	You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television.	Hǎo, wǒ láikàn yīhuìér guójì xīnwénjiémù.	hǎo  wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó jì xīn wén jié mù 	好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。	好,我 来看 一会儿 国际 新闻节目。	Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+11	Zhègè xīngqī de měigè wǎnshàng yòu páidé mǎnmǎn ér de le.	zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 	这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。	这个 星期 的 每个 晚上 又 排得 满满 儿 的 了。	Your schedule is filled up again every night this week.	Nǐ yào dúshū, yòu yào kànxì, huán xiǎng cānjiā tuántǐ de huódòng,   shì tàimáng le.	nǐ yào dú shū  yòu yào kàn xì  hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng   shì tài máng le 	你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。	你 要 读书,又 要 看戏,还 想 参加 团体 的 活动,  是 太忙 了。	You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy.	9	60	FSI-Chinese
+12	Zhègè jīngxì zhídé kàn, jīntiān nǐ xiǎng bùxiǎng qù ?	zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn  jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng qù 	这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去?	这个 京戏 值得 看,今天 你 想 不想 去 ?	This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today?	Jīntiān wǎnshàng diànshìjiémù zhuǎnbō diànyǐng ér, zánmen míngtiān kàn jīngxì ba.	jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn bō diàn yǐng ér  zán men míng tiān kàn jīng xì ba 	今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。	今天 晚上 电视节目 转播 电影 儿,咱们 明天 看 京戏 吧。	As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.	9	60	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-60/2-1.txt → Module-9/FSI-60/Original/2-1.txt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking?	一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂?	The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it.	大多数高中学生都能看懂。
 2	She sings songs really beautifully.	她唱歌儿真好听。	You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera.	你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏
 3	Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon.	今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。	Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match.	好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。

+ 0 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-60/words.csv → Module-9/FSI-60/words-60.csv

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-60/words.xml → Module-9/FSI-60/words-60.xml

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-1	tīng shuō nǐ yào dào biān jiāng chū chāi qù le 。	听说你要到边疆出差去了。	I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region.	duì le 。  wèi le zhè cì chū yáng mén ér  , zhè liǎng tiān máng dé bù dé le 。	对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。	Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-2	zhè cì nǐ chū mén ér bàn gōng shì ,  zhǔn bèi zěn me zǒu a ?	这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊?	How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?	zuò fēi jī 。 xià wǔ dào zhōng guó mín háng mǎi jī piào 。	坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。	By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-3	lǚ xíng le èr shí duō tiān ,  nǐ jué de zěn me yàng ?	旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?	You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?	zhè cì chū mén ér , yòu guò cháng jiāng yòu guò huáng hé , yǒu yì sī jí le 。	这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。	This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-4	cóng běi jīng fàn diàn dào dào dòng wù yuán ér , yào bù yào zuò cháng tú qì chē ?	从北京饭店到到动物园儿,要不要坐长途汽车?	Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo?	bù yòng 。 zuò wú guǐ diàn chē jiù xíng le 。	不用。坐无轨电车就行了。	No, you can go by trolley bus.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-5	zhōu zǒng lǐ shí fēn guān huái wǒ men dà xué de jiào xué gōng zuò 。	周总理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作。	Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.				9	5	FSI-Chinese
-6	nǐ xǐ huān qí zì xíng chē ér ma ?	你喜欢骑自行车儿吗?	Do you like to ride a bicycle?	xǐ huān 。  yì bān lái shuō , rú guǒ hé zuò gōng gòng qì chē bǐ , wǒ hái shì ài qí chē 。	喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。	Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-7	guò xiē rì zi , wǒ nǚ ér jiù yào dào lún chuán shǎng qù gōng zuò le 。 wǒ yǒu diǎn ér bù fàng xīn 。	过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点儿不放心。	In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried.	tā shì gè yǒu zhì qì de hái zi 。 nǐ jiù fàng xīn ba 。	她是个有志气的孩子。你就放心吧。	She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-8	zhè gè yuè nǐ zěn me mǎi yuè piào le ? qí chē bú shì hǎo ma ?	这个月你怎么买月票了?骑车不是好吗?	How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good?	měi tiān shàng bān dé guò liǎng gè qiáo , zhēn lèi 。	每天上班得过两个桥,真累。	Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-9	nǐ tīng shuō le ma ? wèi le jié shěng néng yuán , zhè tiáo lù shàng de gōng gòng qì chē jiǎn shǎo le 。	你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。	Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public busses on the street have been reduced.	zhè tiáo lù shàng rén bù duō 。 jié shěng jǐ liàng chē yě méi yǒu shén me guān xì 。	这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系。	There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public busses is reduced by a few.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-10	zhōng guó xiàn zài yǒu yuǎn yáng lún chuán ma ?	中国现在有远洋轮船吗?	Does china have ocean-going steamships now?	yǒu , zǎo jiù   yǒu le yuǎn yáng huò lún hé yuǎn yáng kè lún 。	有,早就 有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。	Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-11	wǒ xī wàng wǒ men de jiāo tōng shì yè dà fā zhǎn , biān jiāng zǎo yì diǎn ér tōng guò chē 。	我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边疆早一点儿通过车。	I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.	kě bú shì ma ! dào nà gè shí hòu ér dà jiā kàn qīn kě jiù fāng biàn duō le 。	可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家看亲可就方便多了。	Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-12	zuó tiān tā hé shuí dào yí hé yuán qù le ?	昨天她和谁到颐和园去了?	Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday?	nà shì tā sī rén de shì ér , wǒ men zuì hǎo bù dǎ tīng 。	那是他私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。	That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire.	9	5	FSI-Chinese
-13	nǐ zhè me ài yùn dòng , měi tiān duàn liàn sān sì gè xiǎo shí , yǒu shén me yuán yīn ma ?	你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗?	Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day?	\xa0 wǒ yào cān jiā míng nián chūn tiān yùn dòng huì 。	 我要参加明年春天运动会。	I want to enter the sports meet next spring.	9	5	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 310

@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tīng shuō nǐ yào dào biān jiāng chū chāi qù le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">听说你要到边疆出差去了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì le 。  wèi le zhè cì chū yáng mén ér  , zhè liǎng tiān máng dé bù dé le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè cì nǐ chū mén ér bàn gōng shì ,  zhǔn bèi zěn me zǒu a ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò fēi jī 。 xià wǔ dào zhōng guó mín háng mǎi jī piào 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǚ xíng le èr shí duō tiān ,  nǐ jué de zěn me yàng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè cì chū mén ér , yòu guò cháng jiāng yòu guò huáng hé , yǒu yì sī jí le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cóng běi jīng fàn diàn dào dào dòng wù yuán ér , yào bù yào zuò cháng tú qì chē ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">从北京饭店到到动物园儿,要不要坐长途汽车?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù yòng 。 zuò wú guǐ diàn chē jiù xíng le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不用。坐无轨电车就行了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>No, you can go by trolley bus.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhōu zǒng lǐ shí fēn guān huái wǒ men dà xué de jiào xué gōng zuò 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">周总理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"></foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"></foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ xǐ huān qí zì xíng chē ér ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你喜欢骑自行车儿吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Do you like to ride a bicycle?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xǐ huān 。  yì bān lái shuō , rú guǒ hé zuò gōng gòng qì chē bǐ , wǒ hái shì ài qí chē 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guò xiē rì zi , wǒ nǚ ér jiù yào dào lún chuán shǎng qù gōng zuò le 。 wǒ yǒu diǎn ér bù fàng xīn 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点儿不放心。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā shì gè yǒu zhì qì de hái zi 。 nǐ jiù fàng xīn ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是个有志气的孩子。你就放心吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè yuè nǐ zěn me mǎi yuè piào le ? qí chē bú shì hǎo ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个月你怎么买月票了?骑车不是好吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">měi tiān shàng bān dé guò liǎng gè qiáo , zhēn lèi 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">每天上班得过两个桥,真累。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ tīng shuō le ma ? wèi le jié shěng néng yuán , zhè tiáo lù shàng de gōng gòng qì chē jiǎn shǎo le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public busses on the street have been reduced.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè tiáo lù shàng rén bù duō 。 jié shěng jǐ liàng chē yě méi yǒu shén me guān xì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public busses is reduced by a few.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhōng guó xiàn zài yǒu yuǎn yáng lún chuán ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中国现在有远洋轮船吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Does china have ocean-going steamships now?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu , zǎo jiù   yǒu le yuǎn yáng huò lún hé yuǎn yáng kè lún 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,早就 有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xī wàng wǒ men de jiāo tōng shì yè dà fā zhǎn , biān jiāng zǎo yì diǎn ér tōng guò chē 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边疆早一点儿通过车。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kě bú shì ma ! dào nà gè shí hòu ér dà jiā kàn qīn kě jiù fāng biàn duō le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家看亲可就方便多了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuó tiān tā hé shuí dào yí hé yuán qù le ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">昨天她和谁到颐和园去了?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nà shì tā sī rén de shì ér , wǒ men zuì hǎo bù dǎ tīng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那是他私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ zhè me ài yùn dòng , měi tiān duàn liàn sān sì gè xiǎo shí , yǒu shén me yuán yīn ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">\xa0 wǒ yào cān jiā míng nián chūn tiān yùn dòng huì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 我要参加明年春天运动会。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I want to enter the sports meet next spring.</entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+1	Tīngshuō nǐ yào dào biānjiāng chūchà qù le.	tīng shuō nǐ yào dào biān jiāng chū chāi qù le 	听说你要到边疆出差去了。	听说 你 要 到 边疆 出差 去 了。	I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region.	Duì le.   wèile zhècì chūyáng ménér  , zhè liǎngtiān máng dé bùdéle.	duì le   wèi le zhè cì chū yáng mén ér   zhè liǎng tiān máng dé bù dé le 	对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。	对 了。   为了 这次 出洋 门儿  ,这 两天 忙 得 不得了。	Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+2	Zhècì nǐ chūménér bàngōng shì ,   zhǔnbèi zěnme zǒu a?	zhè cì nǐ chū mén ér bàn gōng shì   zhǔn bèi zěn me zǒu a 	这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊?	这次 你 出门儿 办公 事 ,   准备 怎么 走 啊?	How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?	Zuòfēijī. xiàwǔ dào zhōngguómínháng mǎi jīpiào.	zuò fēi jī  xià wǔ dào zhōng guó mín háng mǎi jī piào 	坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。	坐飞机。 下午 到 中国民航 买 机票。	By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+3	Lǚxíng le èrshíduōtiān,   nǐ juédé zěnmeyáng?	lǚ xíng le èr shí duō tiān   nǐ jué de zěn me yàng 	旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?	旅行 了 二十多天,  你 觉得 怎么样?	You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?	Zhècì chūménér, yòu guò chángjiāng yòu guò huánghé, yǒuyìsī jíle.	zhè cì chū mén ér  yòu guò cháng jiāng yòu guò huáng hé  yǒu yì sī jí le 	这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。	这次 出门儿,又 过 长江 又 过 黄河,有意思 极了。	This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+4	Cóng běijīngfàndiàn dào dào dòngwùyuán ér, yào bùyào zuò chángtúqìchē?	cóng běi jīng fàn diàn dào dào dòng wù yuán ér  yào bù yào zuò cháng tú qì chē 	从北京饭店到到动物园儿,要不要坐长途汽车?	从 北京饭店 到 到 动物园 儿,要 不要 坐 长途汽车?	Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo?	Bùyòng. zuò wúguǐdiànchē jiùxíngle.	bù yòng  zuò wú guǐ diàn chē jiù xíng le 	不用。坐无轨电车就行了。	不用。 坐 无轨电车 就行了。	No, you can go by trolley bus.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+5	Zhōuzǒnglǐ shífēn guānhuái wǒmen dàxué de jiàoxué gōngzuò.	zhōu zǒng lǐ shí fēn guān huái wǒ men dà xué de jiào xué gōng zuò 	周总理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作。	周总理 十分 关怀 我们 大学 的 教学 工作。	Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.						9	61	FSI-Chinese
+6	Nǐ xǐhuān qí zìxíngchē ér ma?	nǐ xǐ huān qí zì xíng chē ér ma 	你喜欢骑自行车儿吗?	你 喜欢 骑 自行车 儿 吗?	Do you like to ride a bicycle?	Xǐhuān.   yībānláishuō, rúguǒ hé zuò gōnggòngqìchē bǐ, wǒ huánshì ài qíchē.	xǐ huān   yì bān lái shuō  rú guǒ hé zuò gōng gòng qì chē bǐ  wǒ hái shì ài qí chē 	喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。	喜欢。   一般来说,如果 和 坐 公共汽车 比,我 还是 爱 骑车。	Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+7	Guòxiērìzǐ, wǒ nǚér jiùyào dào lúnchuán shàngqù gōngzuò le. wǒ yǒudiǎnér bù fàngxīn.	guò xiē rì zi  wǒ nǚ ér jiù yào dào lún chuán shǎng qù gōng zuò le  wǒ yǒu diǎn ér bù fàng xīn 	过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点儿不放心。	过些日子,我 女儿 就要 到 轮船 上去 工作 了。 我 有点儿 不 放心。	In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried.	Tā shì gè yǒuzhìqì de háizǐ. nǐ jiù fàngxīn ba.	tā shì gè yǒu zhì qì de hái zi  nǐ jiù fàng xīn ba 	她是个有志气的孩子。你就放心吧。	她 是 个 有志气 的 孩子。 你 就 放心 吧。	She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+8	Zhègè yuè nǐ zěnme mǎi yuèpiào le? qíchē bùshì hǎo ma?	zhè gè yuè nǐ zěn me mǎi yuè piào le  qí chē bú shì hǎo ma 	这个月你怎么买月票了?骑车不是好吗?	这个 月 你 怎么 买 月票 了? 骑车 不是 好 吗?	How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good?	Měitiān shàngbān dé guò liǎnggè qiáo, zhēnlèi.	měi tiān shàng bān dé guò liǎng gè qiáo  zhēn lèi 	每天上班得过两个桥,真累。	每天 上班 得 过 两个 桥,真累。	Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+9	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma? wèile jiéshěngnéngyuán, zhè tiáo lùshàng de gōnggòngqìchē jiǎnshǎo le.	nǐ tīng shuō le ma  wèi le jié shěng néng yuán  zhè tiáo lù shàng de gōng gòng qì chē jiǎn shǎo le 	你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。	你 听说 了 吗? 为了 节省能源,这 条 路上 的 公共汽车 减少 了。	Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public busses on the street have been reduced.	Zhè tiáo lùshàng rénbùduō. jiéshěng jīliàngchē yě méiyǒu shénme guānxì.	zhè tiáo lù shàng rén bù duō  jié shěng jǐ liàng chē yě méi yǒu shén me guān xì 	这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系。	这 条 路上 人不多。 节省 几辆车 也 没有 什么 关系。	There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public busses is reduced by a few.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+10	Zhōngguó xiànzài yǒu yuǎnyánglúnchuán ma?	zhōng guó xiàn zài yǒu yuǎn yáng lún chuán ma 	中国现在有远洋轮船吗?	中国 现在 有 远洋轮船 吗?	Does china have ocean-going steamships now?	Yǒu, zǎojiù   yǒu le yuǎnyánghuòlún hé yuǎnyáng kèlún.	yǒu  zǎo jiù   yǒu le yuǎn yáng huò lún hé yuǎn yáng kè lún 	有,早就 有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。	有,早就   有 了 远洋货轮 和 远洋 客轮。	Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+11	Wǒ xīwàng wǒmen de jiāotōng shìyè dà fāzhǎn, biānjiāng zǎo yīdiǎnér tōngguò chē.	wǒ xī wàng wǒ men de jiāo tōng shì yè dà fā zhǎn  biān jiāng zǎo yì diǎn ér tōng guò chē 	我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边疆早一点儿通过车。	我 希望 我们 的 交通 事业 大 发展,边疆 早 一点儿 通过 车。	I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.	Kěbùshì ma! dào nàgè shíhòu ér dàjiā kànqīn kě jiù fāngbiàn duō le.	kě bú shì ma  dào nà gè shí hòu ér dà jiā kàn qīn kě jiù fāng biàn duō le 	可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家看亲可就方便多了。	可不是 吗! 到 那个 时候 儿 大家 看亲 可 就 方便 多 了。	Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+12	Zuótiān tā hé shuí dào yíhéyuán qù le?	zuó tiān tā hé shuí dào yí hé yuán qù le 	昨天她和谁到颐和园去了?	昨天 她 和 谁 到 颐和园 去 了?	Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday?	Nà shì tā sīrén de shìér, wǒmen zuìhǎo bù dǎtīng.	nà shì tā sī rén de shì ér  wǒ men zuì hǎo bù dǎ tīng 	那是他私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。	那 是 他 私人 的 事儿,我们 最好 不 打听。	That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire.	9	61	FSI-Chinese
+13	Nǐ zhème ài yùndòng, měitiān duànliàn sānsìgè xiǎoshí, yǒu shénme yuányīn ma?	nǐ zhè me ài yùn dòng  měi tiān duàn liàn sān sì gè xiǎo shí  yǒu shén me yuán yīn ma 	你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗?	你 这么 爱 运动,每天 锻炼 三四个 小时,有 什么 原因 吗?	Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day?	  wǒyào cānjiā míngnián chūntiān yùndònghuì.	\xa0 wǒ yào cān jiā míng nián chūn tiān yùn dòng huì 	 我要参加明年春天运动会。	  我要 参加 明年 春天 运动会。	I want to enter the sports meet next spring.	9	61	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-61/2-2.txt → Module-9/FSI-61/Original/2-2.txt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region.	听说你要到边疆出差去了。	Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip.	对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。
 2	How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time?	这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊?	By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket.	坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。
 3	You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it?	旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样?	This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting.	这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-61/words.csv → Module-9/FSI-61/words-61.csv

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-61/words.xml → Module-9/FSI-61/words-61.xml

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-1	jīn tiān dōu shí yī yuè sān hào le , zán men jiā hái méi chǔ cún dōng cài ne 。	今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。	It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables.	nǐ fàng xīn ba , dān wù   bù liǎo 。	你放心吧,耽误 不了。	Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-2	nǐ yòu qù nà gè cài shì chǎng mǎi dōng xī le ?	你又去那个菜市场买东西了?	Did you go to that market again to buy things?	wǒ xǐ huān nà gè cài shì chǎng 。 tā men de fú wù yuán tài dù hǎo , kě hé qì le 。	我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。	I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-3	zhè gè hái zi shì chéng shì hù kǒu ma ?	这个孩子是城市户口吗?	Is this child a registered resident of the city?	shì , zhè shì tā de cháng qī hù kǒu 。	是,这是她的长期户口。	Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-4	zhè ér de fù shí pǐn zěn me mài ?	这儿的副食品怎么卖?	How are non-staple food items sold here?	bù shǎo dōng xī hái shì gēn jù hù kǒu gòng yīng 。	不少东西还是根据户口供应。	Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-5	zhè gè yuè nǐ ér zi guò shēng rì , tā yòu gāi zēng jiā dìng liàng le 。	这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。	You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again.	duì le ,  wǒ yīng gāi dào liáng diàn gěi tā gǎi dìng liàng qù 。	对了, 我应该到粮店给他改定量去。	That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-6	gěi hái zi zēng jiā dìng liàng de shǒu shù zěn me bàn ?	给孩子增加定量的手术怎么办?	What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?	dào liáng diàn qù 。 fú wù yuán kàn le hù kǒu shàng , hái zi de nián líng hé shēng rì , jiù huì zài liáng běn ér shàng xiě shàng xīn de dìng liàng 。	到粮店去。服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在粮本儿上写上新的定量。	You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-7	tīng shuō liáng diàn dōu shì gēn jù liáng běn ér fā liáng piào ér de 。	听说粮店都是根据粮本儿发粮票儿的。	I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.	nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǎ zhè jiàn shì ér gěi wǒ jiǎng yī jiǎng ?	你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲?	Is there some way you could explain this to me?	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-8	gōng rén de liáng , yóu , dìng liàng shì bú shì bǐ gān bù de dìng liàng gāo ?	工人的粮,油,定量是不是比干部的定量高?	Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres?	duì , gàn bù de liáng shí dìng liàng bǐ gōng rén de dī , yóu de dìng liàng shì yī yàng de 。	对,干部的粮食定量比工人的低,油的定量是一样的。	The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-9	shàng gè xīng qī , wǒ men fù shí diàn gōng yìng de yú tè bié xīn xiān , jiā jiā ér dōu yuàn yì mǎi 。	上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家儿都愿意买。	Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some.				9	6	FSI-Chinese
-10	wǒ xiǎng shàng jiē qù mǎi diǎn ér dōng xī 。	我想上街去买点儿东西。	I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.	qí shí , nín zhè me dà nián jì bú yào shàng jiē le , fù shí diàn huì bǎ huò wù sòng lái de 。	其实,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把货物送来的。	Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-11	yí mā , fù shí diàn fú wù yuán sòng huò lái le 。	姨妈,副食店服务员送货来了。	Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.	nǐ xiān qù pái duì , wǒ ná le fù shí běn ér jiù lái 。	你先去排队,我拿了副食本儿就来。	You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-12	zhè gè gōng sī de chǎn pǐn xiāng dāng pián yí 。	这个公司的产品相当便宜。	This company’s products are quite inexpensive.	jiāng lái , shēng chǎn gǎo de gèng hǎo , jià qián huì gèng pián yí 。	将来,生产搞的更好,价钱会更便宜。	In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.	9	6	FSI-Chinese
-13	fēi jī chǎng tōng zhī wǒ men yīn wèi tiān qì bù hǎo , jīn tiān míng tiān wǒ men zǒu bù le le 。	飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。	The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.				9	6	FSI-Chinese

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-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīn tiān dōu shí yī yuè sān hào le , zán men jiā hái méi chǔ cún dōng cài ne 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ fàng xīn ba , dān wù   bù liǎo 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你放心吧,耽误 不了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ yòu qù nà gè cài shì chǎng mǎi dōng xī le ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你又去那个菜市场买东西了?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Did you go to that market again to buy things?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xǐ huān nà gè cài shì chǎng 。 tā men de fú wù yuán tài dù hǎo , kě hé qì le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè hái zi shì chéng shì hù kǒu ma ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个孩子是城市户口吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Is this child a registered resident of the city?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì , zhè shì tā de cháng qī hù kǒu 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是,这是她的长期户口。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè ér de fù shí pǐn zěn me mài ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这儿的副食品怎么卖?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>How are non-staple food items sold here?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù shǎo dōng xī hái shì gēn jù hù kǒu gòng yīng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不少东西还是根据户口供应。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè yuè nǐ ér zi guò shēng rì , tā yòu gāi zēng jiā dìng liàng le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì le ,  wǒ yīng gāi dào liáng diàn gěi tā gǎi dìng liàng qù 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了, 我应该到粮店给他改定量去。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gěi hái zi zēng jiā dìng liàng de shǒu shù zěn me bàn ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">给孩子增加定量的手术怎么办?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dào liáng diàn qù 。 fú wù yuán kàn le hù kǒu shàng , hái zi de nián líng hé shēng rì , jiù huì zài liáng běn ér shàng xiě shàng xīn de dìng liàng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">到粮店去。服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在粮本儿上写上新的定量。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tīng shuō liáng diàn dōu shì gēn jù liáng běn ér fā liáng piào ér de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">听说粮店都是根据粮本儿发粮票儿的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǎ zhè jiàn shì ér gěi wǒ jiǎng yī jiǎng ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Is there some way you could explain this to me?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōng rén de liáng , yóu , dìng liàng shì bú shì bǐ gān bù de dìng liàng gāo ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">工人的粮,油,定量是不是比干部的定量高?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duì , gàn bù de liáng shí dìng liàng bǐ gōng rén de dī , yóu de dìng liàng shì yī yàng de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,干部的粮食定量比工人的低,油的定量是一样的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shàng gè xīng qī , wǒ men fù shí diàn gōng yìng de yú tè bié xīn xiān , jiā jiā ér dōu yuàn yì mǎi 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家儿都愿意买。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"></foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"></foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xiǎng shàng jiē qù mǎi diǎn ér dōng xī 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我想上街去买点儿东西。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qí shí , nín zhè me dà nián jì bú yào shàng jiē le , fù shí diàn huì bǎ huò wù sòng lái de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">其实,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把货物送来的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yí mā , fù shí diàn fú wù yuán sòng huò lái le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姨妈,副食店服务员送货来了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ xiān qù pái duì , wǒ ná le fù shí běn ér jiù lái 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你先去排队,我拿了副食本儿就来。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè gè gōng sī de chǎn pǐn xiāng dāng pián yí 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这个公司的产品相当便宜。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This company’s products are quite inexpensive.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiāng lái , shēng chǎn gǎo de gèng hǎo , jià qián huì gèng pián yí 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">将来,生产搞的更好,价钱会更便宜。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēi jī chǎng tōng zhī wǒ men yīn wèi tiān qì bù hǎo , jīn tiān míng tiān wǒ men zǒu bù le le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"></foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"></foreignphrase></entry>
-    </tbody>
-  </tgroup>

+ 13 - 0

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+1	Jīntiān dū shíyīyuè sānhào le, zánmen jiā huán méi chǔcún dōngcài ní.	jīn tiān dōu shí yī yuè sān hào le  zán men jiā hái méi chǔ cún dōng cài ne 	今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。	今天 都 十一月 三号 了,咱们 家 还 没 储存 冬菜 呢。	It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables.	Nǐ fàngxīn ba , dānwù   bùle.	nǐ fàng xīn ba  dān wù   bù liǎo 	你放心吧,耽误 不了。	你 放心 吧 , 耽误   不了。	Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+2	Nǐ yòu qù nàgè càishìcháng mǎi dōngxī le?	nǐ yòu qù nà gè cài shì chǎng mǎi dōng xī le 	你又去那个菜市场买东西了?	你 又 去 那个 菜市场 买 东西 了?	Did you go to that market again to buy things?	Wǒ xǐhuān nàgè càishìcháng. tāmen de fúwùyuán tàidù hǎo, kěhéqì le.	wǒ xǐ huān nà gè cài shì chǎng  tā men de fú wù yuán tài dù hǎo  kě hé qì le 	我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。	我 喜欢 那个 菜市场。 他们 的 服务员 态度 好,可和气 了。	I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+3	Zhègè háizǐ shì chéngshìhùkǒu ma?	zhè gè hái zi shì chéng shì hù kǒu ma 	这个孩子是城市户口吗?	这个 孩子 是 城市户口 吗?	Is this child a registered resident of the city?	Shì, zhè shì tā de chángqī hùkǒu.	shì  zhè shì tā de cháng qī hù kǒu 	是,这是她的长期户口。	是,这 是 她 的 长期 户口。	Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+4	Zhèér de fùshípǐn zěnme mài?	zhè ér de fù shí pǐn zěn me mài 	这儿的副食品怎么卖?	这儿 的 副食品 怎么 卖?	How are non-staple food items sold here?	Bùshǎo dōngxī huánshì gēnjù hùkǒu gōngyìng.	bù shǎo dōng xī hái shì gēn jù hù kǒu gòng yīng 	不少东西还是根据户口供应。	不少 东西 还是 根据 户口 供应。	Many things are still supplied according to resident registration.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+5	Zhègè yuè nǐ érzǐ guòshēngrì, tā yòu gāi zēngjiā dìngliàng le.	zhè gè yuè nǐ ér zi guò shēng rì  tā yòu gāi zēng jiā dìng liàng le 	这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。	这个 月 你 儿子 过生日,他 又 该 增加 定量 了。	You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again.	Duì le,   wǒ yìnggāi dào liángdiàn gěi tā gǎi dìngliàng qù.	duì le   wǒ yīng gāi dào liáng diàn gěi tā gǎi dìng liàng qù 	对了, 我应该到粮店给他改定量去。	对 了,  我 应该 到 粮店 给 他 改 定量 去。	That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+6	Gěi háizǐ zēngjiā dìngliàng de shǒushù zěnmebàn?	gěi hái zi zēng jiā dìng liàng de shǒu shù zěn me bàn 	给孩子增加定量的手术怎么办?	给 孩子 增加 定量 的 手术 怎么办?	What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children?	Dào liángdiàn qù. fúwùyuán kàn le hùkǒu shàng, háizǐ de niánlíng hé shēngrì, jiù huì zài liángběnér shàng xiě shàng xīn de dìngliàng.	dào liáng diàn qù  fú wù yuán kàn le hù kǒu shàng  hái zi de nián líng hé shēng rì  jiù huì zài liáng běn ér shàng xiě shàng xīn de dìng liàng 	到粮店去。服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在粮本儿上写上新的定量。	到 粮店 去。 服务员 看 了 户口 上,孩子 的 年龄 和 生日,就 会 在 粮本儿 上 写 上 新 的 定量。	You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+7	Tīngshuō liángdiàn dū shì gēnjù liángběn érfā liángpiào ér de.	tīng shuō liáng diàn dōu shì gēn jù liáng běn ér fā liáng piào ér de 	听说粮店都是根据粮本儿发粮票儿的。	听说 粮店 都 是 根据 粮本 儿发 粮票 儿 的。	I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet.	Nǐ yǒuméiyǒu bǎ zhèjiàn shìér gěi wǒ jiǎng yī jiǎng?	nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǎ zhè jiàn shì ér gěi wǒ jiǎng yī jiǎng 	你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲?	你 有没有 把 这件 事儿 给 我 讲 一 讲?	Is there some way you could explain this to me?	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+8	Gōngrén de liáng, yóu, dìngliàng shìbùshì bǐ gānbù de dìngliàng gāo?	gōng rén de liáng  yóu  dìng liàng shì bú shì bǐ gān bù de dìng liàng gāo 	工人的粮,油,定量是不是比干部的定量高?	工人 的 粮,油,定量 是不是 比 干部 的 定量 高?	Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres?	Duì, gānbù de liángshí dìngliàng bǐ gōngrén de dī, yóu de dìngliàng shì yīyáng de.	duì  gàn bù de liáng shí dìng liàng bǐ gōng rén de dī  yóu de dìng liàng shì yī yàng de 	对,干部的粮食定量比工人的低,油的定量是一样的。	对,干部 的 粮食 定量 比 工人 的 低,油 的 定量 是 一样 的。	The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+9	Shànggèxīngqī, wǒmen fùshídiàn gōngyìng de yú tèbié xīnxiān, jiājiā ér dū yuànyì mǎi.	shàng gè xīng qī  wǒ men fù shí diàn gōng yìng de yú tè bié xīn xiān  jiā jiā ér dōu yuàn yì mǎi 	上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家儿都愿意买。	上个星期,我们 副食店 供应 的 鱼 特别 新鲜,家家 儿 都 愿意 买。	Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some.						9	62	FSI-Chinese
+10	Wǒ xiǎng shàngjiē qù mǎidiǎnér dōngxī.	wǒ xiǎng shàng jiē qù mǎi diǎn ér dōng xī 	我想上街去买点儿东西。	我 想 上街 去 买点儿 东西。	I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things.	Qíshí, nín zhème dà niánjì bùyào shàngjiē le, fùshídiàn huì bǎ huòwù sònglái de.	qí shí  nín zhè me dà nián jì bú yào shàng jiē le  fù shí diàn huì bǎ huò wù sòng lái de 	其实,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把货物送来的。	其实,您 这么 大 年纪 不要 上街 了,副食店 会 把 货物 送来 的。	Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+11	Yímā, fùshídiàn fúwùyuán sònghuòlái le.	yí mā  fù shí diàn fú wù yuán sòng huò lái le 	姨妈,副食店服务员送货来了。	姨妈,副食店 服务员 送货来 了。	Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by.	Nǐ xiān qù páiduì, wǒ ná le fùshí běnér jiù lái.	nǐ xiān qù pái duì  wǒ ná le fù shí běn ér jiù lái 	你先去排队,我拿了副食本儿就来。	你 先 去 排队,我 拿 了 副食 本儿 就 来。	You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+12	Zhègè gōngsī de chǎnpǐn xiāngdāng biànyí.	zhè gè gōng sī de chǎn pǐn xiāng dāng pián yi 	这个公司的产品相当便宜。	这个 公司 的 产品 相当 便宜。	This company’s products are quite inexpensive.	Jiānglái, shēngchǎn gǎo de gènghǎo, jiàqián huì gèng biànyí.	jiāng lái  shēng chǎn gǎo de gèng hǎo  jià qián huì gèng pián yi 	将来,生产搞的更好,价钱会更便宜。	将来,生产 搞 的 更好,价钱 会 更 便宜。	In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower.	9	62	FSI-Chinese
+13	Fēijīcháng tōngzhī wǒmen yīnwèi tiānqì bùhǎo, jīntiān míngtiān wǒmen zǒu bùle le.	fēi jī chǎng tōng zhī wǒ men yīn wèi tiān qì bù hǎo  jīn tiān míng tiān wǒ men zǒu bù le le 	飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。	飞机场 通知 我们 因为 天气 不好,今天 明天 我们 走 不了 了。	The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.						9	62	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-62/2-3.txt → Module-9/FSI-62/Original/2-3.txt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-number	English1	Hanzi1	English2	Hanzi2
+number	English1	hanzi1	English2	hanzi2
 1	It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables.	今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。	Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time.	你放心吧,耽误 不了。
 2	Did you go to that market again to buy things?	你又去那个菜市场买东西了?	I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly.	我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。
 3	Is this child a registered resident of the city?	这个孩子是城市户口吗?	Yes, this is her long-term resident registration.	是,这是她的长期户口。

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-62/words.csv → Module-9/FSI-62/words-62.csv

+ 0 - 0
Module-9/FSI-62/words.xml → Module-9/FSI-62/words-62.xml

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1	Wǒ mǎi jīkuài chóuduàn zuò yīliào hǎobùhǎo?	wǒ mǎi jǐ kuài chóu duàn zuò yī liào hǎo bù hǎo 	我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好?	我 买 几块 绸缎 做 衣料 好不好?	Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?	Zuò yīliào bùhǎo, bùrú zuò bèi miànzǐ.	zuò yī liào bù hǎo  bù rú zuò bèi miàn zi 	做衣料不好,不如做被面子。	做 衣料 不好,不如 做 被 面子。	It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+2	Xiǎowáng xiàgèxīngqī bànxǐshì ér.   wǒmen shíjīgè rén gěi tā mǎigè féngrènjī ba.	xiǎo wáng xià gè xīng qī bàn xǐ shì ér   wǒ men shí jǐ gè rén gěi tā mǎi gè féng rèn jī ba 	小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧。	小王 下个星期 办喜事 儿。   我们 十几个 人 给 她 买个 缝纫机 吧。	Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine.	Tā cónglái méiyòngguò féngrènjī. huánshì gěi tā mǎidiǎnér biéde dōngxī ba.	tā cóng lái méi yòng guò féng rèn jī  hái shì gěi tā mǎi diǎn ér bié de dōng xī ba 	她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧。	她 从来 没用过 缝纫机。 还是 给 她 买点儿 别的 东西 吧。	But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+3	Nín nǚér gānshénme qù le?	nín nǚ ér gàn shén me qù le 	您女儿干什么去了?	您 女儿 干什么 去 了?	What did your daughter go off to do?	Bǎihuòdàlóu màiguó chǎn hēibái diànshìjī, tā páiduì qù le	bǎi huò dà lóu mài guó chǎn hēi bái diàn shì jī  tā pái duì qù le	百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了	百货大楼 卖国 产 黑白 电视机,她 排队 去 了	The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+4	Gāngcái wǒ jīngguò jiājùdiàn, kànjiàn zhèjiàn jiājù bùcuò, jiù gěi nín mǎi le.	gāng cái wǒ jīng guò jiā jù diàn  kàn jiàn zhè jiàn jiā jù bù cuò  jiù gěi nín mǎi le 	刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了。	刚才 我 经过 家具店,看见 这件 家具 不错,就 给 您 买 了。	Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you.	  zhēnshì de, yòu ràng nǐ huāqián.	\xa0 zhēn shì de  yòu ràng nǐ huā qián 	 真是的,又让你花钱。	  真是 的,又 让 你 花钱。	Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+5	Nǐ mǎi máoxiàn qù le?	nǐ mǎi máo xiàn qù le 	你买毛线去了?	你 买 毛线 去 了?	Did you go to buy wool yarn?	Shì a, guò yuándàn le, gěi wǒ nǚér mǎidiǎnér xiǎo lǐwù.	shì a  guò yuán dàn le  gěi wǒ nǚ ér mǎi diǎn ér xiǎo lǐ wù 	是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物。	是 啊,过 元旦 了,给 我 女儿 买点儿 小 礼物。	Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+6	Nín nǚér dàxuébìyè le, wǒmen yìngdāng qìnghè qìnghè.	nín nǚ ér dà xué bì yè le  wǒ men yīng dāng qìng hè qìng hè 	您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺。	您 女儿 大学毕业 了,我们 应当 庆贺 庆贺。	Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate.	Shì a, tā kě zhēn chángchéng dàrén le.	shì a  tā kě zhēn zhǎng chéng dà rén le 	是啊,他可真长成大人了。	是 啊,他 可 真 长成 大人 了。	Yes, she’s really grown into an adult.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+7	Xiànzài, zhèngfǔ duì hǎiwàiguānxì yòu yǒu xīn de zhèngcè le	xiàn zài  zhèng fǔ duì hǎi wài guān xì yòu yǒu xīn de zhèng cè le	现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了	现在,政府 对 海外关系 又 有 新 的 政策 了	The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.	Wǒ yě tīngshuō le. xiànzài duì qiáojuàn tǐng zhàogù de.	wǒ yě tīng shuō le  xiàn zài duì qiáo juàn tǐng zhào gù de 	我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的。	我 也 听说 了。 现在 对 侨眷 挺 照顾 的。	Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+8	Nín zhèkuài zhōngguó duànzǐ zhēn piāoliàng, zài nǎér mǎi de?	nín zhè kuài zhōng guó duàn zi zhēn piào liàng  zài nǎ ér mǎi de 	您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的?	您 这块 中国 缎子 真 漂亮,在 哪儿 买 的?	This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?	Zài huáqiáo shāngdiàn tiāo de.	zài huá qiáo shāng diàn tiāo de 	在华侨商店挑的。	在 华侨 商店 挑 的。	I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+9	Wǒyào gěi háizǐ mǎidiǎnér chuángshàngyòngpǐn, méiyǒu bùpiào ér le.	wǒ yào gěi hái zi mǎi diǎn ér chuáng shàng yòng pǐn  méi yǒu bù piào ér le 	我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了。	我要 给 孩子 买点儿 床上用品,没有 布票 儿 了。	I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon.	Nín biéjí, wǒ zhèér huányǒu bùshǎo bùpiào ér méiyǒu yòng diao. nín ná qù ba.	nín bié jí  wǒ zhè ér hái yǒu bù shǎo bù piào ér méi yǒu yòng diao nín ná qù ba 	您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧。	您 别急,我 这儿 还有 不少 布票 儿 没有 用 diao。 您 拿 去 吧。	Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+10	Yífū, wǒ jiějiě xiàgèyuè jiù gāi zhuǎnyè le, shìbùshì.	yí fū  wǒ jiě jiě xià gè yuè jiù gāi zhuǎn yè le  shì bú shì 	姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是。	姨夫,我 姐姐 下个月 就 该 转业 了,是不是。	Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she?	Zhè bùshì shénme lebùqǐ de shì. bùyào dāngzuò xīnwén qù jiǎng gěi tóngxué men tīng.	zhè bú shì shén me liǎo bù qǐ de shì  bú yào dàng zuò xīn wén qù jiǎng gěi tóng xué men tīng 	这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听。	这 不是 什么 了不起 的 事。 不要 当做 新闻 去 讲 给 同学 们 听。	This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+11	Wǒ xiǎng qǐlái le, wǒ nà zhāng shēngbìng zhù yìyuàn de zhèngmíng kěyǐ yònglái mǎi jīdàn.	wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái le  wǒ nà zhāng shēng bìng zhù yī yuàn de zhèng míng kě yǐ yòng lái mǎi jī dàn 	我想起来了,我那张生病住医院的证明可以用来买鸡蛋。	我 想 起来 了,我 那 张 生病 住 医院 的 证明 可以 用来 买 鸡蛋。	It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs.	Yǐjīng mǎi le, nǐ fàngxīn ba.	yǐ jīng mǎi le  nǐ fàng xīn ba 	已经买了,你放心吧。	已经 买 了,你 放心 吧。	They’re already bought, don’t you worry.	9	63	FSI-Chinese
+12	Nín kàn, zhèxiē huāér kěhǎo zhòngle. cái liǎnggè yuè de gōngfū, duōshù dū kāi huāér le.	nín kàn  zhè xiē huā ér kě hǎo zhòng le  cái liǎng gè yuè de gōng fū  duō shù dōu kāi huā ér le 	您看,这些花儿可好重了。才两个月的功夫,多数都开花儿了。	您 看,这些 花儿 可好 重了。 才 两个 月 的 功夫,多数 都 开 花儿 了。	Look, my flowers are so easy to grow, it’s been only two months and most of them have bloomed.						9	63	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-1	wǒ mǎi jǐ kuài chóu duàn zuò yī liào hǎo bù hǎo ?	我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好?	Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?	zuò yī liào bù hǎo , bù rú zuò bèi miàn zi 。	做衣料不好,不如做被面子。	It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-2	xiǎo wáng xià gè xīng qī bàn xǐ shì ér 。  wǒ men shí jǐ gè rén gěi tā mǎi gè féng rèn jī ba 。	小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧。	Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine.	tā cóng lái méi yòng guò féng rèn jī 。 hái shì gěi tā mǎi diǎn ér bié de dōng xī ba 。	她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧。	But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-3	nín nǚ ér gàn shén me qù le ?	您女儿干什么去了?	What did your daughter go off to do?	bǎi huò dà lóu mài guó chǎn hēi bái diàn shì jī , tā pái duì qù le	百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了	The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-4	gāng cái wǒ jīng guò jiā jù diàn , kàn jiàn zhè jiàn jiā jù bù cuò , jiù gěi nín mǎi le 。	刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了。	Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you.	\xa0 zhēn shì de , yòu ràng nǐ huā qián 。	 真是的,又让你花钱。	Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-5	nǐ mǎi máo xiàn qù le ?	你买毛线去了?	Did you go to buy wool yarn?	shì a , guò yuán dàn le , gěi wǒ nǚ ér mǎi diǎn ér xiǎo lǐ wù 。	是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物。	Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-6	nín nǚ ér dà xué bì yè le , wǒ men yīng dāng qìng hè qìng hè 。	您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺。	Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate.	shì a , tā kě zhēn zhǎng chéng dà rén le 。	是啊,他可真长成大人了。	Yes, she’s really grown into an adult.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-7	xiàn zài , zhèng fǔ duì hǎi wài guān xì yòu yǒu xīn de zhèng cè le	现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了	The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.	wǒ yě tīng shuō le 。 xiàn zài duì qiáo juàn tǐng zhào gù de 。	我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的。	Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-8	nín zhè kuài zhōng guó duàn zi zhēn piào liàng , zài nǎ ér mǎi de ?	您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的?	This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?	zài huá qiáo shāng diàn tiāo de 。	在华侨商店挑的。	I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-9	wǒ yào gěi hái zi mǎi diǎn ér chuáng shàng yòng pǐn , méi yǒu bù piào ér le 。	我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了。	I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon.	nín bié jí , wǒ zhè ér hái yǒu bù shǎo bù piào ér méi yǒu yòng diao。 nín ná qù ba 。	您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧。	Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-10	yí fū , wǒ jiě jiě xià gè yuè jiù gāi zhuǎn yè le , shì bú shì 。	姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是。	Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she?	zhè bú shì shén me liǎo bù qǐ de shì 。 bú yào dàng zuò xīn wén qù jiǎng gěi tóng xué men tīng 。	这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听。	This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-11	wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái le , wǒ nà zhāng shēng bìng zhù yī yuàn de zhèng míng kě yǐ yòng lái mǎi jī dàn 。	我想起来了,我那张生病住医院的证明可以用来买鸡蛋。	It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs.	yǐ jīng mǎi le , nǐ fàng xīn ba 。	已经买了,你放心吧。	They’re already bought, don’t you worry.	9	7	FSI-Chinese
-12	nín kàn , zhè xiē huā ér kě hǎo zhòng le 。 cái liǎng gè yuè de gōng fū , duō shù dōu kāi huā ér le 。	您看,这些花儿可好重了。才两个月的功夫,多数都开花儿了。	Look, my flowers are so easy to grow, it’s been only two months and most of them have bloomed.				9	7	FSI-Chinese

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-<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
-  <tgroup cols="2">
-    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
-    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
-    <tbody>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ mǎi jǐ kuài chóu duàn zuò yī liào hǎo bù hǎo ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò yī liào bù hǎo , bù rú zuò bèi miàn zi 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">做衣料不好,不如做被面子。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo wáng xià gè xīng qī bàn xǐ shì ér 。  wǒ men shí jǐ gè rén gěi tā mǎi gè féng rèn jī ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā cóng lái méi yòng guò féng rèn jī 。 hái shì gěi tā mǎi diǎn ér bié de dōng xī ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nín nǚ ér gàn shén me qù le ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您女儿干什么去了?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>What did your daughter go off to do?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǎi huò dà lóu mài guó chǎn hēi bái diàn shì jī , tā pái duì qù le</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gāng cái wǒ jīng guò jiā jù diàn , kàn jiàn zhè jiàn jiā jù bù cuò , jiù gěi nín mǎi le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">\xa0 zhēn shì de , yòu ràng nǐ huā qián 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 真是的,又让你花钱。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ mǎi máo xiàn qù le ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你买毛线去了?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Did you go to buy wool yarn?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì a , guò yuán dàn le , gěi wǒ nǚ ér mǎi diǎn ér xiǎo lǐ wù 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nín nǚ ér dà xué bì yè le , wǒ men yīng dāng qìng hè qìng hè 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì a , tā kě zhēn zhǎng chéng dà rén le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,他可真长成大人了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, she’s really grown into an adult.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiàn zài , zhèng fǔ duì hǎi wài guān xì yòu yǒu xīn de zhèng cè le</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ yě tīng shuō le 。 xiàn zài duì qiáo juàn tǐng zhào gù de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nín zhè kuài zhōng guó duàn zi zhēn piào liàng , zài nǎ ér mǎi de ?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的?</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài huá qiáo shāng diàn tiāo de 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">在华侨商店挑的。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ yào gěi hái zi mǎi diǎn ér chuáng shàng yòng pǐn , méi yǒu bù piào ér le 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nín bié jí , wǒ zhè ér hái yǒu bù shǎo bù piào ér méi yǒu yòng diao。 nín ná qù ba 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yí fū , wǒ jiě jiě xià gè yuè jiù gāi zhuǎn yè le , shì bú shì 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she?</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhè bú shì shén me liǎo bù qǐ de shì 。 bú yào dàng zuò xīn wén qù jiǎng gěi tóng xué men tīng 。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听。</foreignphrase></entry>
-<entry>This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates.</entry>
-<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái le , wǒ nà zhāng shēng bìng zhù yī yuàn de zhèng míng kě yǐ yòng lái mǎi jī dàn 。</foreignphrase></entry>