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Comment: Due to is a complex preposition which means it has two words. It is always a preposition. It means 1) as a result of. It has the same meaning as the prepositions because of and owing to.

from, via, owing/due to, by, through, because of, makes following verb passive - by 


Zhang MengWang JunZhang XiaoweiZhang LiLiu JinzheZhu Mengxi

The marathon was postponed due to a thunderstorm. 

马 拉 松 比 赛 因 雷 雨 推 迟 了 。

Ma3la1song1 bi3sai4 yin1 lei2yu3 tui1chi2 le.

Zhu JingGu ChunleiMeng SichenPan Zilong

Many poultry farms were closed due to avian flu. 

很 多 家 禽 农 场 都 由 于 禽 流 感 而 关 门 。

Hen3 duo1 jia1qin2 nong2chang3 dou1 you2yu2 qin2liu2gan3 er2 guan1men2.

Jiang JieGu ChunleiMeng SichenPan Zilong

In my opinion, the strain of living in a city is mostly due to the traffic. 

在 我 看 来 , 生 活 在 城 市 中 交 通 是 个 主 要 压 力 。

Zai4 wo3 kan4 lai2, sheng1huo2 zai4 cheng2shi4zhong1 jiao1tong1 shi4 ge4 zhu3yao4 ya1li4.

Hu XinyingZhang XiutingLiu Yu RongDu FengWang WenjingGu Zheng

Architects must calculate the amount of stress on buildings due to wind. 

建 筑 师 要 计 算 风 对 楼 房 的 压 力 。

Jian4zhu4shi1 yao4 ji4suan4 feng1 dui4 lou2fang2 de ya1li4.

Jin YanZheng HaotianLiu WeihongRuan Yilang
Due to · 1

Due to the severe increase of traffic jams, it was decided to widen the road. 

交 通 堵 塞 日 益 严 重 , 政 府 决 定 拓 宽 道 路 。

Jiao1tong1 du3se4 ri4yi4 yan2zhong4, zheng4fu3 jue2ding4 tuo4kuan1 dao4lu4.

Du FengJin YanRuan YilangZheng Jie

Last Update: July 2012
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