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1 2 

Comment: According to is always a preposition. It is called a complex preposition because it has two words, not because it is difficult or complicated. Common meanings include: 1) in conformity, 2) naming the source of the statement - According to experts, 3) depending on - According to the circumstances, he could be helpful.

按 规 定 客 人 不 能 在 宿 舍 过 夜 。

An4 gui1ding4 ke4ren2 bu4 neng2 zai4 su4she4 guo4 ye4.

According to the policy, no guest is allowed to stay in the dorm overnight.

Cheng HongShao JingxianWang WenjingGu ZhengZhang Zhida

按 计 划 我 们 必 须 今 天 完 成 这 个 程 序 。

An4 ji4hua4 wo3men bi4xu1 jin1tian1 wan2cheng2 zhe4 ge4 cheng2xu4.

According to the plan, we must finish the program today.

Cheng HongShao JingxianWang WenjingGu ZhengZhang Zhida

按 字 母

an4 zi4mu3

according to the alphabet, alphabetical order

Cao LihongTan LiNa ZitaoZheng JieRen Shuang

按 照 地 图 , 我 们 到 酒 店 还 要 过 五 条 街 。

An4zhao4 di4tu2, wo3men dao4 jiu3dian4 hai2yao4 guo4 wu3 tiao2 jie1.

According to the map, we are 5 blocks from the hotel.

Zhu JingLi ShiyanLiu WeihongRuan Yilang

按 照 这 本 书 , 第 一 颗 苏 联 人 造 卫 星《 Sputnik 》是 一 九 五 七 年 十 月 四 号 发 射 的 。

An4zhao4 zhe4 ben3 shu1, di4yi1 ke1 Su1lian2ren2 zao4 wei4xing1, Sputnik, shi4 yi1jiu3wu3qi1 nian2 shi2 yue4 si4 hao4 fa4she4 de.

According to this book, the first Soviet satellite, Sputnik, was launched October 4, 1957.

Li ShiyanLiu WeihongRuan Yilang
According to · 1

按 照 这 个 协 议 , 你 放 弃 了 对 财 产 的 所 有 权 利 。

An4zhao4 zhe4ge4 xie2yi4, ni3 fang4qi4le dui4 cai2chan3de suo3you3 quan2li4.

According to this agreement you abnegate all claims to the property.

Du FengCao LihongZheng LeiLi XinzhouGu ZhengWang Chen

根 据 这 张 地 图 , 我 们 迷 路 了 。

Gen1ju4 zhe4 zhang1 di4tu2, wo3men mi2lu4 le.

According to this map, we are lost!

Cheng HongDu FengWang WenjingZheng LeiTan LiZhuo Shuo

据 报 纸 报 导 , 牛 奶 价 格 将 要 上 涨 。

Ju4 bao4zhi3 bao4dao3, niu2nai3 jia4ge2 jiang1 yao4 shang4zhang3.

According to the newspaper, the price of milk is going to go up.

Cheng HongDu FengZhao JianZhao MoFen RanLi XinzhouZhang Zhida

各 尽 所 能 , 按 需 分 配

Ge4jin4 suo3neng2, an4xu1 fen1pei4

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Cheng HongRuan YilangWang WenjingAn YufeiZhang Zhida

各 尽 所 能 , 按 劳 分 配

Ge4jin4 suo3neng2, an4lao2 fen1pei4

From each according to his ability, to each according to his work.

Cheng HongRuan YilangWang WenjingAn YufeiZhang Zhida
According to · 2

根 据 离 婚 的 协 议 , 他 有 权 抚 养 孩 子 们 。

Gen1ju4 li2hun1 de xie2yi4, ta1 you3 quan2 fu3yang3 hai2zimen.

According to the terms of the divorce, he got the children.

Zhu JingRuan YilangLiu WeihongPan Zilong

根 据 我 们 两 个 公 司 的 贸 易 议 定 书 , 你 们 要 先 开 一 个 担 保 账 户 。

Gen1ju4 wo3men liang3 ge4 gong1si1 de mao4yi4 yi4ding4shu1, ni3men yao4 xian1 kai1 yi2 ge4 dan1bao3 zhang4hu4.

According to the trade protocol between our two companies, you must open an escrow account.

Jin YanZheng HaotianLiu WeihongRuan Yilang

Last Update: July 2012
©  Marilyn Shea 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012