
Module 7, Unit 2 finie

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+ 32 - 47
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 02 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
 27.Unable to think of.
 28.Xiaolin and the others.
 29.To apply for.
 30.Now listen to the conversation.
 31.A middle aged man is talking with a young man in Peking.
@@ -52,8 +54,7 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -62,11 +63,11 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -101,7 +104,10 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -115,6 +121,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -130,63 +138,40 @@ You can read French magazines.
 now here's the conversation for exercise four
 in Hong Kong, a mother talks with her son
+可是我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了 现在他们的生活都不用靠父母 他们都独立了
+但是我想 社会还是需要有知识的人 社会越发达,越需要有知识 你说对不对?

+ 4 - 1
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 03 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -259,7 +259,10 @@ Repeat, as for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decad
 家庭 to earn money to make money,賺錢,all,所有的,to see, to perceive by looking,看到,100 million,已。
-Now, here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. Tom, a graduate student from Georgetown University, and Li Ping, a student from Hong Kong, are now on their China Airlines flight to Hong Kong.
+Now, here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. 
+Tom, a graduate student from Georgetown University, and Li Ping, a student from Hong Kong, are now on their China Airlines flight to Hong Kong.

+ 2 - 4
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 03 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -47,14 +47,12 @@ After all, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money.
 19.If everyone thought the way you do,
 who knows how many hundreds of millions of people there would be in China now?
 20.Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
 21.Yes, they're living pretty well,
 and my hometown has become quite a bustling place.
 Before going on to Exercise 2,
 read the instructions in your workbook.
 Exercise 2.You'll hear the following dialogue twice,

+ 4 - 8
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 05 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -109,12 +109,10 @@ And answer it yourself, say, that's him alright.
 Now listen to the next exchange.
 What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce?
 It's so dirty everywhere.
 I don't agree with that.
 There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce.
 Repeat industry in commerce.
 Repeat to be flourishing.
@@ -187,8 +185,7 @@ Repeat had to, could only.
 Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her.
 All she could do was get married.
 Now answer the question.
 Why did she get married early yourself?
@@ -229,8 +226,7 @@ Repeat all three generations of their family live together so that they can take
 Now listen to the last exchange.
 I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here.
 Yes, later when industry and commerce developed, customs changed too.
 Repeat custom.

+ 2 - 5
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 06 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -275,8 +275,7 @@ Yes, the government is carrying out a policy of protecting people's property.
 Listen to the next sentence.
 Under the leadership of the Communist Party,
 China's position in the world has changed greatly.
 Repeat under the leadership.
@@ -293,9 +292,7 @@ China's position in the world has changed greatly.
 Now listen to the last exchange.
-In the past ten years,
-the industry and commerce in these two cities
-have become more and more developed.
+In the past ten years,the industry and commerce in these two cities have become more and more developed.
 This can't be separated from the government's leadership.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ zuìhòu	最后	last, final (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 Běihǎi Gōngyuán	北海公园	a famous park in Běijīng	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 biěde shíhou	别的时候	other times	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 Dōngjīng	东京	Tokyo	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-fàng jià	放假	to closefor a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+fàng jià	放假	to close for a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 hǎowán	好玩	to “be fun (lit. , “good for relaxing”)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 huì	会	will	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 sījī	司机	driver of a hired vehicle	5	1	FSI-Chinese
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ zhāodài	招待	to be hospitable to	6	6	FSI-Chinese
 bìyè	毕业	to graduate	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 bú cuò	不错	not bad, pretty good; that’s right	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 chàbuduō	差不多	almost, about, approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-dǎting	大厅	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+dǎting	打听 	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 jìde	记得	to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 mǎshàng	马上	immediately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 méi wèntí	没问题	(there’s) no problem	6	7	FSI-Chinese

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文週刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你結婚以前一直都跟父母一起住嗎?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我沒結婚就離開家,獨立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,這兒有一篇關於同居的新聞。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,這種新聞有什麼意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐醫學方面的書越來越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命學醫呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	劉先生的課實在沒意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你聽下去,慢慢會有興趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授這樣的老師真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你說對了。如果不是他幫助我,我真不想學了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不錯。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他寫的幾本小說,現在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那當然,像他那樣有地位有知識的人,寫的小說一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有幫助	to be helpful
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
+13.		zìyóu	寧死	to be free; freedom
+12.		-bèizi	輩子	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新聞週刊	Newsweek
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind

+ 19 - 29
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv

@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
-Dialogue and. Translation for Exercise 2
-Conversation between a middle-aged man (A) and a young man (B) in Běijīng.
-A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?		Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?
-B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.		How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.
-A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?		Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?
-B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!		Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!
-A:	Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**		Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!
-B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.		Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.
-A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.		How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.
-B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?		(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?
-A:	Nǐ huì shénme?		What do you know how to do?
-B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.		I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.
-A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?		Say, can you take photographs?
-B:	Bú huì.		No.
-*Work is assigned, so getting a job is not a matter of personal initiative. Work assignment is done by the work assignment committee of the city district, under coordination of the citywide office.
-**Teachers, while not directly involved in the assignment of work, can be influential in the process. There is a group of teachers in each high school or university who make specific recommendations to city offices which decide whether a student finds work in the city or is sent to the country.
-A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?		Are you interested in photography?
-B:	Yǒu a!		Sure!
-A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.		How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.
-B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!		Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!
-A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?		Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?
-B:	Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?		What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?
-A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.		That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.
+A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?	小名字,今天怎麼有時間在家?	Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?
+B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.	怎麼沒時間?離開學校以後時間多多了?	How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.
+A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?	別胡說,你有工作了沒有?	Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?
+B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!	有工作?有了工作還在這兒坐著,你真有意思。	Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!
+A:	Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**	噢,我知道了,你還沒工作呢?	Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!
+B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.	嗯,老師說我可以等一等。	Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.
+A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.	你這樣等下去怎麼行呢?一天沒工作,一天就得靠父母啊。	How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.
+B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?	嗨,我也知道,這樣下去不行,35.可是我實在想不出什麼好辦法呀,你說我怎麼辦?	(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?
+A:	Nǐ huì shénme?	嗯,你會什麼?	What do you know how to do?
+B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.	我什麼都不會,像小林他們會坐桌子、椅子什麼的,也都有工作了。	I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.
+A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?	你會不會照相?	Say, can you take photographs?
+B:	Bú huì.	不會。	No.
+A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?	你會對照相有沒有興趣?	Are you interested in photography?
+B:	Yǒu a!	有啊。	Sure!
+A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.	這樣吧,我有一個日本照相機,我教你怎樣照相,你就可以有工作了。	How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.
+B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!	算了吧,會照相怎麼會有工作呢?	Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!
+A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?	嗨,你真不聰明,每天都有不少人來北京,誰不想在天門前照照相?35.你再找兩個同學,有管照相的,有管收錢的,不就行了嗎?	Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?
+B:	Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?	.你說的有道理,就這麼辦!對了,要出席照相,還需要申請吧。	What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?
+A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.	.那容易,明天你去找老師,他們會幫助你辦的。	That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.

+ 15 - 19
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 3.csv

@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3
-Conversation between a grandmother (B) and her granddaughter (A) in Běijīng.
-A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?		Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?
-B:	Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!		That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!
-A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?		Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?
-B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?		What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?
-A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.		There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.
-B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?		Why didn’t they get married?
-A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.		The man wanted to go to college.
-B:	Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?		Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?
-A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.		Afterwards, the man really went to college.
-B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ha?		And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?
-A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.		No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.
-B:	Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!		Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!
-A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?		Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!
-B:	Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?		(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?
-A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!		I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!
+A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?	奶奶,您說,新中國男女平等,婦女的地位高多了,對不對?	Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?
+B:	Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!	那還用說,我們年輕的時候,婦女在家裡,在社會上都沒有什麼地位。只有很少的女孩子,就機會念書,不像你們,跟男孩子一樣,念書,做事,多好。	That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!
+A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?	奶奶,那您說,同居這件事,是不是對婦女不好?	Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?
+B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?	你怎麼越說越奇怪了?在新中國,哪兒有同居的事?	What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?
+A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.	怎麼沒有?我剛才看的中國青年上,就有一篇文章。這篇文章說,有一個男孩子和一個女孩子同居了。	There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.
+B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?	他們為什麼不結婚?	Why didn’t they get married?
+A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.	那個男的想上大學?	The man wanted to go to college.
+B:	Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?	哦,對了,結了婚就不能上大學了,那後來呢?	Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?
+A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.	後來,那個男的真上大學了。	Afterwards, the man really went to college.
+B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?	念完書,他們結婚了吧?	And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?
+A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.	沒有,念完書,那個男的想,那女孩子沒地位,也沒錢,他們就算了。	No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.
+B:	Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!	算了,那是什麼話?他還有沒有一點道德觀念?	Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!
+A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?	道德觀念?現在社會上就有這種事兒,您說這是為什麼?	Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!
+B:	Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?	哎,這十幾年奇奇怪怪的新聞,真多,什麼時候才能好一點兒呢?	(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?
+A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!	誰知道,我想快了,快好一點兒了。	I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!

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Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.csv

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-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 4
-In Hong Kong, a mother (A) and son (B) have just finished dinner.
-A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!		Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!
-B:	Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.		Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.
-A:	Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.		Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.
-B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.		Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.
-A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.		The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.
-B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.		You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.
-A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?		Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?
-B:	BÙ shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?		A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?
-A:	Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.		This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.
-B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!		Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!
-A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.		Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.
-B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!		Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!
-A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?		Are his articles good?
-B:	Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.		Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.
-A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.		So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.
-B:	Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.		But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.
-A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?		But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?
-B:	Duì!		Right!
-A:	Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?		All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?
-B:	Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.		Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.
-A:	Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.		Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.
+A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!	小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧	Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!
+B:	Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.	好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒	Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.
+A:	Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.	等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的	Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.
+B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.	妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢	Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.
+A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.	天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好.明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服	The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.
+B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.	不用了,我不想上大学了	You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.
+A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?	为什么?你不是要学医吗?	Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?
+B:	Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?	不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?	A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?
+A:	Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.	这种话现在很流行可是我想这话不太对	This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.
+B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!	为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书像我们家对面的周先生对数学那么有研究得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作	Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!
+A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.	周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作	Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.
+B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!	对了,他不喜欢做老师他就喜欢写文章在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢	Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!
+A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?	他的文章,好不好?	Are his articles good?
+B:	Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.	好,可是不容易懂中学生看这样的文章太难了	Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.
+A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.	所以你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形.我想可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作.可是多念一点书对找工作一定有帮助	So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.
+B:	Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.	可是我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了 现在他们的生活都不用靠父母 他们都独立了	But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.
+A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?	但是我想 社会还是需要有知识的人 社会越发达,越需要有知识 你说对不对?	But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?
+B:	Duì!	对	Right!
+A:	Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?	那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?	All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?
+B:	Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.	嗯,我再想一想	Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.
+A:	Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.	好,我们明天再谈谈	Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.

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+B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 	诶!汤姆,你好啊。	Hey! Hi, Tom!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?	你好,李平,来看书吗。	 Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.	吃了晚饭,出来走走,到图书馆看看新到的杂志。	After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?	你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?	What’s your favorite English magazine?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.	嗯,新闻周刊。	Um, Newsweek.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wèishenme ne?	为什么呢?	Why?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。	Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?	对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?	Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.	有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。	Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Òu, “nánnǚ” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?	哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?	Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?	有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。我可以问几个问题吗?	Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!	当然,请问吧。	Sure. What would you like to know?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...	这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,嗯,对不起。	The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...**The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.*	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.	没什么,你说下去。	Not at all, go on.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnǚde dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.	这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。	It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yíyàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.	我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。	We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?	如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。	If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.	好,这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,你就知道我们怎么想了。我的女朋友她是学医的,学医不是一件容易的事儿。她还要在大学学习六年。	Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?	那你们什么时候结婚呢?	Then when are you getting married?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.	现在我们还不想结婚。	We don’t want to get married just yet.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?	为什么?你们觉得结了婚,有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?	Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.	不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好儿想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的儿人。 这也需要时间。	That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.	可是有人会觉得你们这样做,是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。	But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Yǒu rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shì shénme.	有人这么说,可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。	Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Shì shénme ne?	是什么呢?	What is it, then?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?	美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?	Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hái wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?	你说的有点儿道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?	There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。	No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì.	对。	That’s right.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?	怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?	So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.	看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。	Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.	好,以后再谈。	Okay, we’ll talk about it later.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 395 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! </foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">诶!汤姆,你好啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Hey! Hi, Tom!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你好,李平,来看书吗。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry> Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吃了晚饭,出来走走,到图书馆看看新到的杂志。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What’s your favorite English magazine?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,新闻周刊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Um, Newsweek.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishenme ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Òu, “nánnǚ” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。我可以问几个问题吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">当然,请问吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sure. What would you like to know?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,嗯,对不起。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...**The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.*</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没什么,你说下去。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Not at all, go on.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnǚde dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yíyàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,你就知道我们怎么想了。我的女朋友她是学医的,学医不是一件容易的事儿。她还要在大学学习六年。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那你们什么时候结婚呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Then when are you getting married?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">现在我们还不想结婚。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>We don’t want to get married just yet.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?你们觉得结了婚,有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好儿想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的儿人。 这也需要时间。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可是有人会觉得你们这样做,是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shì shénme.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有人这么说,可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì shénme ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是什么呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What is it, then?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hái wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说的有点儿道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s right.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,以后再谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, we’ll talk about it later.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?	小名字,今天怎么有时间在家?	Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.	怎么没时间?离开学校以后时间多多了?	How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?	别胡说,你有工作了没有?	Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!	有工作?有了工作还在这儿坐著,你真有意思。	Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Ó! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!** 	噢,我知道了,你还没工作呢?	Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō wǒ kéyi děngyiděng.	嗯,老师说我可以等一等。	Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.	你这样等下去怎么行呢?一天没工作,一天就得靠父母啊。	How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?	嗨,我也知道,这样下去不行,35。可是我实在想不出什么好办法呀,你说我怎么办?	(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ huì shénme?	你会什么?	What do you know how to do?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.	我什么都不会,像小林他们会坐桌子、椅子什么的,也都有工作了。	I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?	欸,你会不会照相?	Say, can you take photographs?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú huì.	不会。	No.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?	你对照相有没有兴趣?	Are you interested in photography?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu a!	有啊。	Sure!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.	这样吧,我有一个日本照相机,我教你怎样照相,你就可以有工作了。	How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ne!	算了吧,会照相怎么会有工作呢?	Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?	嗨,你真不聪明,每天都有不少人来北京,谁不想在天门前照照相?你再找两个同学,有管照相的,有管收钱的,不就行了吗?	Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nín shuōde yǒu dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?	。你说的有道理,就这么办!对了,要出去照相,还需要申请吧。	What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.	。那容易,明天你去找老师,他们会帮助你办的。	That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 239 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小名字,今天怎么有时间在家?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么没时间?离开学校以后时间多多了?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">别胡说,你有工作了没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有工作?有了工作还在这儿坐著,你真有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ó! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!** </foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">噢,我知道了,你还没工作呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō wǒ kéyi děngyiděng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,老师说我可以等一等。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你这样等下去怎么行呢?一天没工作,一天就得靠父母啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗨,我也知道,这样下去不行,35。可是我实在想不出什么好办法呀,你说我怎么办?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ huì shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你会什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What do you know how to do?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我什么都不会,像小林他们会坐桌子、椅子什么的,也都有工作了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">欸,你会不会照相?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Say, can you take photographs?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú huì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不会。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你对照相有没有兴趣?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are you interested in photography?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu a!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sure!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这样吧,我有一个日本照相机,我教你怎样照相,你就可以有工作了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ne!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了吧,会照相怎么会有工作呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗨,你真不聪明,每天都有不少人来北京,谁不想在天门前照照相?你再找两个同学,有管照相的,有管收钱的,不就行了吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín shuōde yǒu dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。你说的有道理,就这么办!对了,要出去照相,还需要申请吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。那容易,明天你去找老师,他们会帮助你办的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnǚ píngděng, fùnǚde dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?	奶奶,您说,新中国男女平等,妇女的地位高多了,对不对?	Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nà hái yòng shuō. Wǒmen niánqīngde shihou, fùnǚ zài jiāli, zài shèhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎode nǚháizi yǒu jīhui niàn shū. Bú xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shì, duó hǎo!	那还用说,我们年轻的时候,妇女在家里,在社会上都没有什么地位。只有很少的女孩子,有机会念书,不像你们,跟男孩子一样,念书,做事,多好!	That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tóngjū zhèijiàn shìr shì bu shi duì fùnǚ bù hǎo?	奶奶,那您说,同居这件事儿,是不是对妇女不好?	Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguó nǎr yǒu tóngjūde shìr?	你怎么越说越奇怪了?在新中国,哪儿有同居的事儿?	What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguó Qīngniánshang jiù yǒu yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, yǒu yíge nánháizi hé yíge nǚháizi tóngjū le.	怎么没有?我刚才看的中国青年上,就有一篇文章。这篇文章说,有一个男孩子和一个女孩子同居了。	There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?	他们为什么不结婚?	Why didn’t they get married?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.	那个男的想上大学?	The man wanted to go to college.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ò , duì le, jiēle hūn jiu bù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulái ne?	哦,对了,结了婚就不能上大学了,那后来呢?	Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.	后来,那个男的真上大学了。	Afterwards, the man really went to college.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?	念完书,他们结婚了吧?	And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nǚháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.	没有,念完书,那个男的想,那女孩子没地位,也没钱,他们就算了。	No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Suàn le?! Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái yǒu méiyou yìdiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!	算了?!那是什么话!他还有没有一点儿道德观念!	Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù yǒu zhèizhǒng shìr! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?	道德观念?!嗯,现在社会上就有这种事儿!您说这是为什么?	Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ài! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguàiguàide xīnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shíhou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?	哎,这十几年奇奇怪怪的新闻,真多!什么时候才能好一点儿呢?	(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!	谁知道!我想快了!快好一点儿了!	I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnǚ píngděng, fùnǚde dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奶奶,您说,新中国男女平等,妇女的地位高多了,对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà hái yòng shuō. Wǒmen niánqīngde shihou, fùnǚ zài jiāli, zài shèhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎode nǚháizi yǒu jīhui niàn shū. Bú xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shì, duó hǎo!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那还用说,我们年轻的时候,妇女在家里,在社会上都没有什么地位。只有很少的女孩子,有机会念书,不像你们,跟男孩子一样,念书,做事,多好!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tóngjū zhèijiàn shìr shì bu shi duì fùnǚ bù hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奶奶,那您说,同居这件事儿,是不是对妇女不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguó nǎr yǒu tóngjūde shìr?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你怎么越说越奇怪了?在新中国,哪儿有同居的事儿?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguó Qīngniánshang jiù yǒu yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, yǒu yíge nánháizi hé yíge nǚháizi tóngjū le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么没有?我刚才看的中国青年上,就有一篇文章。这篇文章说,有一个男孩子和一个女孩子同居了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他们为什么不结婚?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why didn’t they get married?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那个男的想上大学?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The man wanted to go to college.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ò , duì le, jiēle hūn jiu bù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulái ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哦,对了,结了婚就不能上大学了,那后来呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">后来,那个男的真上大学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Afterwards, the man really went to college.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">念完书,他们结婚了吧?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nǚháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没有,念完书,那个男的想,那女孩子没地位,也没钱,他们就算了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suàn le?! Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái yǒu méiyou yìdiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了?!那是什么话!他还有没有一点儿道德观念!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù yǒu zhèizhǒng shìr! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">道德观念?!嗯,现在社会上就有这种事儿!您说这是为什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ài! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguàiguàide xīnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shíhou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哎,这十几年奇奇怪怪的新闻,真多!什么时候才能好一点儿呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">谁知道!我想快了!快好一点儿了!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!	小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧!	Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo. Nín yào hē chá ma? Wǒ qù dào.	好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒。	Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Děng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shì bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xīnde.	等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的。	Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xīnde, zhèijiàn hái kéyi chuān ne.	妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢。	Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xīn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbeihǎo. Míngnián nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jǐjiàn xīn yīfu.	天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好。明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服。	The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.	不用了,我不想上大学了。	You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?	为什么?你不是要学医吗?	Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?	不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?	A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhèizhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.	这种话现在很流行,可是我想这话不太对。	This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pīnmìng niàn shū, xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xiansheng, duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū, déle shuòshì, bóshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!	为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书,像我们家对面的周先生,对数学那么有研究,得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作!	Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tóng, suírán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎodào gōngzuò.	周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作。	Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōukānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!	对了,他不喜欢做老师,他就喜欢写文章,在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢!	Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?	他的文章,好不好?	Are his articles good?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo, kěshi bù rongyì dǒng, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nán le.	好,可是不容易懂,中学生看这样的文章太难了。	Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng yǒu hěn hǎode gōngzuò. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng yǒu bāngzhu.	所以,你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形。我想,可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作。可是多念一点儿书对找工作一定有帮助。	So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kěshi, wǒde jǐge tóngxué gāozhōng méiyou niànwán jiu zuò shì le, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuó dōu bú yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dúlì le.	可是,我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了,现在他们的生活都不用靠父母了,他们都独立了。	But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì háishi xūyào yǒu zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?	但是我想,社会还是需要有知识的人,社会越发达越需要有知识。你说对不对?	But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì!	对!	Right!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nàme hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?	那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?	All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Mm... wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.	嗯。。。我再想一想。	Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, wǒmen míngtiān zài tántan.	好,我们明天再谈谈。	Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 263 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎo Lín, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Nín yào hē chá ma? Wǒ qù dào.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Děng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shì bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xīnde.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mā, wǒ bú yào xīnde, zhèijiàn hái kéyi chuān ne.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xīn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbeihǎo. Míngnián nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jǐjiàn xīn yīfu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好。明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不用了,我不想上大学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?你不是要学医吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèizhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这种话现在很流行,可是我想这话不太对。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pīnmìng niàn shū, xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xiansheng, duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū, déle shuòshì, bóshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书,像我们家对面的周先生,对数学那么有研究,得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tóng, suírán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎodào gōngzuò.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōukānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了,他不喜欢做老师,他就喜欢写文章,在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他的文章,好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are his articles good?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, kěshi bù rongyì dǒng, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nán le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,可是不容易懂,中学生看这样的文章太难了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng yǒu hěn hǎode gōngzuò. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">所以,你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形。我想,可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作。可是多念一点儿书对找工作一定有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěshi, wǒde jǐge tóngxué gāozhōng méiyou niànwán jiu zuò shì le, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuó dōu bú yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dúlì le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可是,我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了,现在他们的生活都不用靠父母了,他们都独立了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì háishi xūyào yǒu zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">但是我想,社会还是需要有知识的人,社会越发达越需要有知识。你说对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nàme hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mm... wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯。。。我再想一想。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒmen míngtiān zài tántan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,我们明天再谈谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 27 - 27

@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
-	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
-2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
-	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
-3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
-	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
-	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
-4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
-	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
-5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
-	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
-6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
-	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
-7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
-	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
-8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
-	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
-9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
-	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
-10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
-	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
-11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful
-12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
-13.		zìyóu	宁死	to be free; freedom
-12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime
-15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek
-16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind
+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	这本法文周刊,相当不错。	This French weekly is quite good!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你现在对法文很有研究了,能看法文杂志了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中国人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中国人的新观念,不是老观念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	这篇文章不好吗?	Isn’t this article any good?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是这个意思。文章不错,就是长了一点。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	你还有什么别的巍峨会长吗?	Do you have any other articles?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+13.		zìyóu	自由	to be free; freedom	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 417 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="3">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>1.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这本法文周刊,相当不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>This French weekly is quite good!</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">啊,你现在对法文很有研究了,能看法文杂志了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!</entry>
+	<entry>2.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">男女平等,是不是中国人的看法?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是,可是那是中国人的新观念,不是老观念。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.</entry>
+	<entry>3.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章不好吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Isn’t this article any good?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是这个意思。文章不错,就是长了一点。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你还有什么别的巍峨会长吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Do you have any other articles?</entry>
+	<entry>4.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.</entry>
+	<entry>5.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Look, here’s a news article about living together.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?</entry>
+	<entry>6.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Your sister is getting more and more medical books!</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,她在拼命学医呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.</entry>
+	<entry>7.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">刘先生的课实在没意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.</entry>
+	<entry>8.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">像王教授这样的老师真是不多。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.</entry>
+	<entry>9.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你能自己管自己,真不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].</entry>
+	<entry>10.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The novels he wrote are all very popular now.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.</entry>
+	<entry>11.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu bāngzhu</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有帮助</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to be helpful</entry>
+	<entry>12.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu dàolǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有道理</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to make sense</entry>
+	<entry>13.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zìyóu</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">自由</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to be free; freedom</entry>
+	<entry>12.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-bèizi</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">辈子</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>all one’s life, lifetime</entry>
+	<entry>15.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnwén Zhōukān</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻周刊</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Newsweek</entry>
+	<entry>16.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fùnǚ</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">夫女</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>woman; women, womankind</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?
+Xiǎo míngzì ,  jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zàijiā ?
+Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.
+Zěnme méi shíjiān ? líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu shíjiān duōduō le ?
+Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?
+Biéhúshuō ,  nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le méiyǒu ?
+Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!
+Yǒu gōngzuò ? yǒu le gōngzuò huán zài zhèér zuòzhù ,  nǐ zhēn yǒuyìsī .
+Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**
+Ō ,  wǒ zhīdào le ,  nǐ huán méi gōngzuò ní ?
+Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.
+Èn ,  lǎoshī shuō wǒ kěyǐ děngyīděng .
+Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.
+Nǐ zhèyáng děng xiàqù zěnme xíng ní ? yītiān méi gōngzuò ,  yītiān jiù dé kào fùmǔ a .
+Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?
+Hāi ,  wǒ yě zhīdào ,  zhèyáng xiàqù bùxíng , kěshì wǒ shízài xiǎngbùchū shénme hǎo bànfǎ yā ,  nǐ shuō wǒ zěnmebàn ?
+Nǐ huì shénme?
+Èn ,  nǐ huì shénme ?
+Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.
+Wǒ shénme dū bùhuì ,  xiàng xiǎolín tāmen huì zuò zhuōzǐ 、 yǐzǐ shénme de ,  yě dū yǒu gōngzuò le .
+Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?
+Nǐ huì bùhuì zhàoxiāng ?
+Bú huì.
+Bùhuì .
+Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?
+Nǐ huì duì zhàoxiāng yǒuméiyǒu xīngqù ?
+Yǒu a!
+Yǒu a .
+Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.
+Zhèyáng ba ,  wǒ yǒu yīgè rìběn zhàoxiāngjī ,  wǒjiào nǐ zěnyáng zhàoxiāng ,  nǐ jiù kěyǐ yǒu gōngzuò le .
+Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!
+Suànleba ,  huì zhàoxiāng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ní ?
+Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?
+Hāi ,  nǐ zhēn bù cōngmíng ,  měitiān dū yǒu bùshǎo rénlái běijīng ,  shuí bùxiǎng zài tiānmén qiánzhào zhàoxiāng ? nǐ zài zhǎo liǎnggè tóngxué ,  yǒuguǎn zhàoxiāng de ,  yǒuguǎn shōuqián de ,  bù jiùxíngle ma ?
+Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?
+. nǐ shuō de yǒu dàolǐ ,  jiù zhème bàn ! duì le ,  yào chūxí zhàoxiāng ,  huán xūyào shēnqǐng ba .
+Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.
+. nà róngyì ,  míngtiān nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī ,  tāmen huì bāngzhù nǐ bàn de .

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?
+Nǎinǎi ,  nín shuō ,  xīn zhōngguó nánnǚpíngděng ,  fùnǚ de dìwèi gāoduō le ,  duì bù duì ?
+Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!
+Nàhuányòngshuō ,  wǒmen niánqīng de shíhòu ,  fùnǚ zài jiālǐ ,  zài shèhuì shàng dū méiyǒu shénme dìwèi . zhǐyǒu hěnshǎo de nǚháizǐ ,  jiù jīhuì niànshū ,  bùxiàng nǐmen ,  gēn nánháizǐ yīyáng ,  niànshū ,  zuòshì ,  duōhǎo .
+Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?
+Nǎinǎi ,  nà nín shuō ,  tóngjū zhèjiàn shì ,  shìbùshì duì fùnǚ bùhǎo ?
+Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?
+Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le ? zài xīn zhōngguó ,  nǎér yǒu tóngjū de shì ?
+Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.
+Zěnme méiyǒu ? wǒ gāngcái kàn de zhōngguó qīngnián shàng ,  jiù yǒu yīpiān wénzhāng . zhè piānwénzhāng shuō ,  yǒu yīgè nánháizǐ hé yīgè nǚháizǐ tóngjū le .
+Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?
+Tāmen wèishénme bù jiéhūn ?
+Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.
+Nàgè nán de xiǎng shàng dàxué ?
+Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?
+Ò ,  duì le ,  jiélehūn jiù bùnéng shàng dàxué le ,  nà hòulái ní ?
+Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.
+Hòulái ,  nàgè nán de zhēnshàng dàxué le .
+Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?
+Niànwán shū ,  tāmen jiéhūn le ba ?
+Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.
+Méiyǒu ,  niànwán shū ,  nàgè nán de xiǎng ,  nà nǚháizǐ méi dìwèi ,  yě méi qián ,  tāmen jiùsuàn le .
+Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!
+Suànle ,  nà shì shénme huà ? tā huányǒu méiyǒu yīdiǎn dàodéguānniàn ?
+Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?
+Dàodéguānniàn ? xiànzài shèhuì shàng jiù yǒu zhèzhǒng shìér ,  nín shuō zhè shì wèishénme ?
+Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?
+Āi ,  zhè shíjīnián qíqíguàiguài de xīnwén ,  zhēn duō ,  shénme shíhòu cáinéng hǎo yīdiǎnér ní ?
+Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!
+Shuí zhīdào ,  wǒ xiǎng kuài le ,  kuài hǎo yīdiǎnér le .

+ 63 - 0

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+Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!
+Xiǎolín ,  chīlefàn bùyào niànshū le ,  xiūxī xiūxī ba
+Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.
+Hǎo ,  nín yào hēchá ma ? wǒ qù dǎo
+Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.
+Děng yīxià ,  ràng wǒ kànkàn ,  nǐ de máoyī shìbùshì pò le ? míngtiān wǒ dé qù gěi nǐ mǎijiàn xīn de
+Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.
+Mā ,  wǒ bùyào xīn de ,  zhèjiàn huán kěyǐ chuān ní
+Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.
+Tiānlěng le ,  nǐ xūyào yījiàn xīn máoyī ,  wǒhuì gěi nǐ yùbèi hǎo . míngnián nǐ shàng dàxué de shíhòu ,  wǒhuì duō gěi nǐ yùbèi jījiàn xīn yīfú
+Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.
+Bùyòng le ,  wǒ bùxiǎng shàng dàxué le
+Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?
+Wèishénme ? nǐ bùshì yào xuéyì ma ?
+Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?
+Bùshǎo rén shuōbùshàng dàxué yě kěyǐ gōngzuò yě yīyáng kěyǐ shēnghuó wèishénme yīdìng yào shàng dàxué ní ?
+Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.
+Zhèzhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng kěshì wǒ xiǎng zhèhuà bùtàiduì
+Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!
+Wèishénme ? yǒu de rén zài dàxué lǐ pīnmìng niànshū xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiàn de zhōuxiānshēng duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū dé le shuòshì ,  bóshì ,  huán bùshì zhǎo bùdào gōngzuò
+Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.
+Zhōuxiānshēng de qíngxíng gēn biérén bùtóng suīrán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshì kěshì tā bù xǐhuān de gōngzuò ,  tā jiù bù zuò nà dāngrán bù róngyì zhǎodào gōngzuò
+Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!
+Duì le ,  tā bù xǐhuān zuò lǎoshī tā jiù xǐhuān xiěwénzhāng zài zhōngxuéshēng zhōukān shàng wǒ huán kànjiàn guò tā de wénzhāng ní
+Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?
+Tā de wénzhāng ,  hǎobùhǎo ?
+Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.
+Hǎo ,  kěshì bù róngyì dǒng zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèyáng de wénzhāng tàinán le
+Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.
+Suǒyǐ nǐ bùnéng shuō zhōuxiānshēng de qíngxíng jiùshì dàjiā de qíngxíng . wǒ xiǎng kěyǐ zhèyáng shuō : niànguò hěnduō shū de rén bù yīdìng yǒu hěn hǎo de gōngzuò . kěshì duōniàn yīdiǎn shū duì zhǎo gōngzuò yīdìng yǒu bāngzhù
+Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.
+Kěshì wǒ de jīgè tóngxué   gāozhōng méiyǒu niànwán jiù zuòshì le   xiànzài tāmen de shēnghuó dū bùyòng kào fùmǔ   tāmen dū dúlì le
+Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?
+Dànshì wǒ xiǎng   shèhuì huánshì xūyào yǒu zhīshì de rén   shèhuì yuè fādá ,  yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshì   nǐ shuō duì bù duì ?
+Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?
+Nàme hǎo le ,  nǐniàn dàxué de shì zěnmeyáng ?
+Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.
+Èn ,  wǒ zài xiǎngyīxiǎng
+Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.
+Hǎo ,  wǒmen míngtiān zài tántán

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+Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 
+Āi ! tāngmǔ ,  nǐhǎo a .
+Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?
+Nǐhǎo ,  lǐpíng ,  láikàn shū ma .
+Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.
+Chī le wǎnfàn ,  chūlái zǒuzǒu ,  dào túshūguǎn kànkàn xīndào de zázhì .
+Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?
+Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de yīngwén zázhì shì shénme ?
+Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.
+Èn ,  xīnwénzhōukān .
+Wèishenme ne?
+Wèishénme ní ?
+Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.
+Xīnwénzhōukān hěn hǎo ,  duìxué yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhù .
+Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?
+Duì ,  kàn zhègè zázhì ,  yīfāngmiàn kěyǐ xué yīngwén ,  yīfāngmiàn kěyǐ zhīdào měiguó shèhuì de qíngkuàng ,  shì bùcuò . zhègè xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒuyìsī de wénzhāng ma ?
+Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.
+Yǒu ,  yǒu yīpiān guānyú nánnǚpíngděng de wénzhāng hěn yǒuyìsī .
+Òu, “nánnū” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?
+Ò ,  nánnǚpíngděng ,  wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu duì zhègè tímù hěn yǒu yánjiū . zěnme ? nǐ yě duì zhègè wèntí yǒu xīngqù ma ?
+Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?
+Yǒu ,  wǒ yǒu xīngqù ,  érqiě xiǎng zhīdào nǐmen de kànfǎ . wǒ kěyǐ wèn jīgè wèntí ma ?
+Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!
+Dāngrán ,  qǐngwèn ba .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...
+Zhè piānwénzhāng shuō ,  zài hěnduō dìfāng yuèláiyuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le ,  èn ,  duìbùqǐ .
+Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.
+Méishénme ,  nǐ shuō xiàqù .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnude dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.
+Zhè piānwénzhāng huán shuō ,  zhèzhǒng shì hé fùnǚ de dìwèi yǒu guānxì .   zhè yīdiǎn wǒ zhēnshì bù dǒng le .   zhōngguó rén de chuántǒngguānniàn shì ,  fùnǚ méiyǒu jiéhūn ,    bù yìnggāi hé tā de nánpéngyǒu zhùzàiyīqǐ .
+Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí yàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.
+Wǒmen de guānniàn bùtài yīyáng ,    yīxiē fùnǚ tèbié shì zhīshì fùnǚ ,    tāmen bùyào kào xiānshēng shēnghuó ,    tāmen yào yǒu dúlì de jīngjì hé shèhuì dìwèi .   xiàng wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu ,  tā jiù yǒu zhèyáng de kànfǎ .   érqiě wǒ xiǎng ,  tóngjū de wèntí hé hěnduō shìqíng yǒu guānxì ,  bù zhǐshì fùnǚ de dìwèi wèntí .
+Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?
+Rúguǒ kěyǐ tán dehuà ,  nǐ gěi wǒ jiǎngjiǎng zěnmeyáng .
+Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.
+Hǎo ,  zhèyáng ba ,  wǒ gěi nǐ tántán wǒ de shì ,  nǐ jiù zhīdào wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le . nǐ zhīdào ,  wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu tā shì xuéyì de ,  xuéyì bùshì yījiàn róngyì de shì ,  tā huányào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián .
+Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?
+Nà nǐmen shénme shíhòu jiéhūn ní ?
+Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.
+Xiànzài wǒmen huán bùxiǎng jiéhūn .
+Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?
+Wèishénme ? nǐmen juédé jiélehūn ,  yǒu le háizǐ huì bùhuì máfán shìbùshì ?
+Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.
+Bùshì zhègè yìsī .   jiùshì wǒmen jiéhūn le ,  yě bù yīdìng mǎshàng yào háizǐ .   zhòngyào de shì ,  wǒmen zhè yībèizǐ yào zuò shénme ,    huán méiyǒu hǎohǎo xiǎngguò ní ?   yìnggāi xiānxiǎng nàgè wèntí .   érqiě wǒmen dū yuànyì zài jiéhūn yǐqián ,    qīngchǔ dì zhīdào zìjǐ xǐhuān de nàgè rén shì yīgè shénmeyáng de rén .   zhè yě xūyào shíjiān .
+Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.
+Kěshì yǒurén huì juédé nǐmen zhèyáng zuò ,  shìyīnwèi nǐmen juédé tóngjū bǐ jiéhūn zìyóu .
+You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shi shénme.
+Yǒurén zhème shuō ,  kěshì wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmen de zìyóu shì shénme .
+Shì shénme ne?
+Shì shénme ní ?
+Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?
+Měiguó rén juédé zìjǐ kěyǐ jìhuá zìjǐ de shēnghuó ,    shì zuì zhòngyào de zìyóu .   rúguǒ měiguó méiyǒu zhèzhǒng zìyóu ,    jiù bùhuì yǒu nàme duōrén xiǎnglái měiguó le .   nǐ shuō wǒ shuō de duì bù duì ?
+Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hai wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?
+Nǐ shuō de yǒudiǎn dàolǐ .   ò ,  wǒ huán wàng le wèn nǐ ,    jīnniánxiàtiān nǐ de nǚpéngyǒu néng péinǐdào xiānggǎng qù ma ?
+Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.
+Bùxíng .   tā jìhuá dào déguó qù niànshū .   shǔjiǎ de shíhòu ,  tā yào zài déguó zhù sāngè yuè .   nà duì tā de déwén yīdìng hěn yǒu bāngzhù .
+Duì .
+Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?
+Zěnmeyáng ?   nǐ duì xīnwénzhōukān zhè piānwénzhāng huányǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma ?
+Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.
+Kànfǎ yǒu .   zhègè tímù hěndà ,    wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zàitán .
+Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.
+Hǎo ,  yǐhòu zàitán .

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+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
+13.		zìyóu	宁死	to be free; freedom
+12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind

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+Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!
+Zhèběn fǎwén zhōukān ,  xiāngdāng bùcuò .
+À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!
+A ,  nǐ xiànzài duì fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le ,  néng kànfǎ wén zázhì le .
+Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?
+Nánnǚpíngděng ,  shìbùshì zhōngguó rén de kànfǎ ?
+Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.
+Shì ,  kěshì nà shì zhōngguó rén de xīn guānniàn ,  bùshì lǎo guānniàn .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?
+Zhè piānwénzhāng bùhǎo ma ?
+Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.
+Bùshì zhègè yìsī . wénzhāng bùcuò ,  jiùshì cháng le yīdiǎn .
+Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?
+Nǐ huányǒu shénme biéde wēié huìcháng ma ?
+Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?
+Nǐ jiéhūn yǐqián yīzhí dū gēn fùmǔ yīqǐ zhù ma ?
+Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.
+Bùshì ,  wǒ méi jiéhūn jiù líkāi jiā ,  dúlì shēnghuó le qībānián .
+Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.
+Nǐ kàn ,  zhèér yǒu yīpiān guānyú tóngjū de xīnwén .
+Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?
+Suànleba ,  zhèzhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsī ?
+Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!
+Nǐ jiějiě yìxué fāngmiàn de shū yuèláiyuè duō le .
+Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.
+Shì a ,  tā zài pīnmìng xuéyì ní .
+Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.
+Liúxiānshēng de kè shízài méiyìsī .
+Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.
+Nǐ tīng xiàqù ,  mànmàn huì yǒu xīngqù de .
+Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.
+Xiàng wáng jiàoshòu zhèyáng de lǎoshī zhēnshì bù duō .
+Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.
+Nǐ shuō duì le . rúguǒ bùshì tā bāngzhù wǒ ,  wǒ zhēn bùxiǎng xuéle .
+Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.
+Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiù bùkào fùmǔ shēnghuó le .
+Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.
+Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjǐ ,  zhēnbùcuò .
+Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.
+Tā xiě de jīběn xiǎoshuō ,  xiànzài dū hěn liúxíng .
+Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.
+Nà dāngrán ,  xiàng tā nàyáng yǒu dìwèi yǒu zhīshì de rén ,  xiě de xiǎoshuō yīdìng yǒuyìsī .
+yǒu bāngzhu
+Yǒu bāngzhù
+yǒu dàolǐ
+Yǒu dàolǐ
+Xīnwén Zhōukān

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?	你姐姐現在怎麼對政治問題熱心起來了?	How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
+	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.	這沒有什麼奇怪,她今年開始學政治學了。	There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?	你怎麼不喫了?	Why aren’t you eating?
+	B:	Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.	我的胃很難受,喫不下去了。	My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.
+	A:	Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.	那我去給你弄點湯來。	I’ll go get you some soup then.
+3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.	我去找小蘭聊天兒。	I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.
+	B:	Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.	你別去了,她一天到晚用工,沒時間陪你聊天。	Don't go,she works hard all day long and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
+4.	A:	Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?	王家小藍從來沒有男朋友嗎?	Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?
+	B:	Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!	她才19歲,忙着唸書,還沒有想到這些事兒呢!	She's only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn't thought of these things yet!
+5.	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.	我的小女兒兩三歲的時候常哭,現在長大了,不再哭了。	youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
+6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.	做父母的不應該種男輕女。	Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to females.
+	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.	對。做孩子的也應該孝順父母。	Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
+7.	A:	Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?	你弟弟白天在家嗎?	Is your younger brother at home during the day?
+	B:	Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.	不在,你等到晚上再打電話來吧。	No, vait until the evening and then call him.
+8.	A:	Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?	中國人從來不將男女平等嗎?	Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality betveen men and vomen?
+	B:	Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.	說到男女平等,那是最近幾十年的新觀念。	As for equality of the sexes, thatfs a nev concept of the last fev decades.
+9.	A:	Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?	大家庭有什麼好?	What's good about large families?
+	B:	Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!	怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?	What could be bad about them? Afterall, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!
+	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!	要是所有的人都像您這麼想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。	If everyone thought the way you do, vho knovs hov many hundreds of millions of people there vould be in China nov!
+10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?	你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?	Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
+	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.	看見了,他們生活得不錯,我老家也變成一個很熱鬧的地方兒了。	Yes. They1re living pretty veil, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place
+11.		yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful
+12.		hēiyè	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime
+13.		xīn	心	heart

+ 24 - 24

@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?		How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
-	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.		There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.
-2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?		Why aren’t you eating?
-	B:	Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.		My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.
-	A:	Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.		I’ll go get you some soup then.
-3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.		I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.
-	B:	Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.		Don't go,she works hard all day long and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
-4.	A:	Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?		Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?
-	B:	Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!		She's only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn't thought of these things yet!
-5.	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.		youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
-6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.		Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to females.
-	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.		Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
-7.	A:	Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?		Is your younger brother at home during the day?
-	B:	Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.		No, vait until the evening and then call him.
-8.	A:	Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?		Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality betveen men and vomen?
-	B:	Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.		As for equality of the sexes, thatfs a nev concept of the last fev decades.
-9.	A:	Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?		Whatfs good about large families?
-	B:	Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!		What could be bad about them? Afterall, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!
-	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!		If everyone thought the way you do, vho knovs hov many hundreds of millions of people there vould be in China nov!
-10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?			Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
-	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.		Yes. They1re living pretty veil, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place
-11.		yǒu yòng		to be useful
-12.		hēiyè		(darkness of) night, nighttime
-13.		xīn		heart
+1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?	你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?	How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
+	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.	这没有什么奇怪,她今年开始学政治学了。	There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?	你怎么不吃了?	Why aren’t you eating?
+	B:	Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.	我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。	My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.
+	A:	Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.	那我去给你弄点汤来。	I’ll go get you some soup then.
+3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.	我去找小兰聊天儿。	I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.
+	B:	Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.	你别去了,她一天到晚用工,没时间陪你聊天。	Don't go,she works hard all day long and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
+4.	A:	Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?	王家小蓝从来没有男朋友吗?	Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?
+	B:	Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!	她才19岁,忙着念书,还没有想到这些事儿呢!	She's only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn't thought of these things yet!
+5.	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.	我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了。	youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
+6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.	做父母的不应该种男轻女。	Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to females.
+	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.	对。做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。	Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
+7.	A:	Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?	你弟弟白天在家吗?	Is your younger brother at home during the day?
+	B:	Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.	不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。	No, vait until the evening and then call him.
+8.	A:	Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?	中国人从来不将男女平等吗?	Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality betveen men and vomen?
+	B:	Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.	说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。	As for equality of the sexes, thatfs a nev concept of the last fev decades.
+9.	A:	Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?	大家庭有什么好?	What's good about large families?
+	B:	Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!	怎么不好?人多,赚钱的人也多吗?	What could be bad about them? Afterall, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!
+	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!	要是所有的人都像您这么想,中国现在不知道有多少艺人了。	If everyone thought the way you do, vho knovs hov many hundreds of millions of people there vould be in China nov!
+10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?	你这次回国看到你老家的人了吗?	Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
+	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.	看见了,他们生活得不错,我老家也变成一个很热闹的地方儿了。	Yes. They1re living pretty veil, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place
+11.		yǒu yòng	有用	to be useful
+12.		hēiyè	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime
+13.		xīn		heart

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?	Nǐ jiějiě xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhì wèntí rèxīn qǐlái le ?	你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?	你姐姐现在怎么对政治问题热心起来了?	How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.	Zhè méiyǒu shénme qíguài ,  tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhìxué le .	这没有什么奇怪,她今年开始学政治学了。	这没有什么奇怪,她今年开始学政治学了。	There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?	Nǐ zěnme bùchī le ?	你怎么不吃了?	你怎么不吃了?	Why aren’t you eating?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.	Wǒ de wèi hěn nánshòu ,  chī bù xiàqù le .	我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。	我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。	My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	A:	Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.	Nà wǒ qù gěi nǐ nòng diǎntāng lái .	那我去给你弄点汤来。	那我去给你弄点汤来。	I’ll go get you some soup then.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.	Wǒ qù zhǎo xiǎolán liáotiānér .	我去找小兰聊天儿。	我去找小兰聊天儿。	I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.	Nǐ biéqùle ,  tā yītiāndàowǎn yònggōng ,  méi shíjiān péi nǐ liáotiān .	你别去了,她一天到晚用工,没时间陪你聊天。	你别去了,她一天到晚用工,没时间陪你聊天。	Don't go,she works hard all day long and doesn't have the time to chat with you.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?	Wángjiā xiǎolán cónglái méiyǒu nánpéngyǒu ma ?	王家小蓝从来没有男朋友吗?	王家小蓝从来没有男朋友吗?	Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!	Tā cái 19 suì ,  máng zháo niànshū ,  huán méiyǒu xiǎngdào zhèxiē shìér ní !	她才19岁,忙着念书,还没有想到这些事儿呢!	她才19岁,忙着念书,还没有想到这些事儿呢!	She's only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn't thought of these things yet!	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.	Wǒ de xiǎonǚér liǎngsānsuì de shíhòu chángkū ,  xiànzài chángdà le ,  bùzài kū le .	我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了。	我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了。	youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn't cry anymore.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.	Zuò fùmǔ de bù yìnggāi zhǒng nánqīngnǚ .	做父母的不应该种男轻女。	做父母的不应该种男轻女。	Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to females.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.	Duì . zuò háizǐ de yě yìnggāi xiàoshùnfùmǔ .	对。做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。	对。做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。	Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?	Nǐ dìdì báitiān zàijiā ma ?	你弟弟白天在家吗?	你弟弟白天在家吗?	Is your younger brother at home during the day?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.	Bù zài ,  nǐ děngdào wǎnshàng zài dǎdiànhuà lái ba .	不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。	不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。	No, vait until the evening and then call him.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?	Zhōngguó rén cóngláibù jiāng nánnǚpíngděng ma ?	中国人从来不将男女平等吗?	中国人从来不将男女平等吗?	Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality betveen men and vomen?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.	Shuō dào nánnǚpíngděng ,  nà shì zuìjìn jīshínián de xīn guānniàn .	说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。	说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。	As for equality of the sexes, thatfs a nev concept of the last fev decades.	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?	Dàjiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo ?	大家庭有什么好?	大家庭有什么好?	What's good about large families?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!	Zěnme bùhǎo ? rénduō ,  zhuànqián de rén yě duō ma ?	怎么不好?人多,赚钱的人也多吗?	怎么不好?人多,赚钱的人也多吗?	What could be bad about them? Afterall, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!	Yàoshì suǒyǒu de rén dū xiàng nín zhème xiǎng ,  zhōngguó xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshǎo yìrén le .	要是所有的人都像您这么想,中国现在不知道有多少艺人了。	要是所有的人都像您这么想,中国现在不知道有多少艺人了。	If everyone thought the way you do, vho knovs hov many hundreds of millions of people there vould be in China nov!	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?	Nǐ zhècì huíguó kàndào nǐ lǎojiā de rén le ma ?	你这次回国看到你老家的人了吗?	你这次回国看到你老家的人了吗?	Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.	Kànjiàn le ,  tāmen shēnghuó dé bùcuò ,  wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yīgè hěn rènào de dìfāng ér le .	看见了,他们生活得不错,我老家也变成一个很热闹的地方儿了。	看见了,他们生活得不错,我老家也变成一个很热闹的地方儿了。	Yes. They1re living pretty veil, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+11.		yǒu yòng	Yǒuyòng	有用	有用	to be useful	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+12.		hēiyè	Hēiyè	黑夜	黑夜	(darkness of) night, nighttime	7	43	FSI-Chinese
+13.		xīn	Xīn	心	心	heart	7	43	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?
+Nǐ jiějiě xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhì wèntí rèxīn qǐlái le ?
+Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.
+Zhè méiyǒu shénme qíguài ,  tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhìxué le .
+Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?
+Nǐ zěnme bùchī le ?
+Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.
+Wǒ de wèi hěn nánshòu ,  chī bù xiàqù le .
+Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.
+Nà wǒ qù gěi nǐ nòng diǎntāng lái .
+Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.
+Wǒ qù zhǎo xiǎolán liáotiānér .
+Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.
+Nǐ biéqùle ,  tā yītiāndàowǎn yònggōng ,  méi shíjiān péi nǐ liáotiān .
+Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?
+Wángjiā xiǎolán cónglái méiyǒu nánpéngyǒu ma ?
+Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!
+Tā cái 19 suì ,  máng zháo niànshū ,  huán méiyǒu xiǎngdào zhèxiē shìér ní !
+Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.
+Wǒ de xiǎonǚér liǎngsānsuì de shíhòu chángkū ,  xiànzài chángdà le ,  bùzài kū le .
+Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.
+Zuò fùmǔ de bù yìnggāi zhǒng nánqīngnǚ .
+Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.
+Duì . zuò háizǐ de yě yìnggāi xiàoshùnfùmǔ .
+Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?
+Nǐ dìdì báitiān zàijiā ma ?
+Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.
+Bù zài ,  nǐ děngdào wǎnshàng zài dǎdiànhuà lái ba .
+Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?
+Zhōngguó rén cóngláibù jiāng nánnǚpíngděng ma ?
+Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.
+Shuō dào nánnǚpíngděng ,  nà shì zuìjìn jīshínián de xīn guānniàn .
+Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?
+Dàjiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo ?
+Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!
+Zěnme bùhǎo ? rénduō ,  zhuànqián de rén yě duō ma ?
+Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!
+Yàoshì suǒyǒu de rén dū xiàng nín zhème xiǎng ,  zhōngguó xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshǎo yìrén le .
+Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?
+Nǐ zhècì huíguó kàndào nǐ lǎojiā de rén le ma ?
+Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.
+Kànjiàn le ,  tāmen shēnghuó dé bùcuò ,  wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yīgè hěn rènào de dìfāng ér le .
+yǒu yòng

+ 0 - 0

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ Bàba zhème zǎo jiu qǐlai le!		Your father got up so early!
+	B:	Tā niánji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.	他年紀大了,每天睡得早.	He’s getting on in years, and he goes to bed early.
+2.	A:	Xiǎo Wángde yéye yòu hé nèixie xiǎo péngyou liáo tiānr ne!		Xiǎo Wang’s grandfather is talking with those kids again!
+	B:	Tā rén hěn hǎo, hěn xǐhuan háizi.	他人很好,很喜歡孩子。	He’s a very good person, and he likes children a lot.
+3.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?	這兩年,你奶奶身體好嗎?	Has your grandmother’s health been good the past couple of years?
+	B:	Hái hǎo, yǒu shihou hái néng qǐlai shōushi shoushi wūzi.	還好,有時候還能起來收拾收拾屋子。	Fairly good; sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.
+4.	A:	Zhāng jiāde érxífu hěn yǒu guīju.	張家的兒媳婦很有規矩。	The Zhāng family’s daughter-in-law is a proper young woman.
+	B:	Shì a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn yǒu fúqi.	是啊,張家奶奶真有福氣。	Yes, the Zhāng family’s grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.
+5.	A:	Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guō niàn shū duō nán!	過去,中國人出國唸書多難?	In the past how difficult it was for Chinese to go abroad to study!
+	B:	Xiànzài hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kànbuqǐ le.	現在好了,走到那兒也沒人看不起了。	Now it’s better, no matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.
+6.	A:	Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wáng shi ge hěn yǒu lǐmàode háizi.	人家都覺得小王是個很有禮貌的孩子。	Everyone feels Xiǎo Wáng is a very well-mannered child.
+7.	A:	Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niànguo bù shǎo shū.	這一家人都念過不少書。	This whole family has had quite a good education.
+	B:	Tīngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiànzài dōu niàn Sì Shū ne!	聽說他們的孫子孫女現在都念四書呢!	I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are (all) studying the Four Books now!
+8.	A:	Tāmen jiā guòqù shi yǒu qián rén, yǒu bù shǎo cáichǎn.	他們家過去是有錢人,有不少財產。	Their family used to be rich. They had quite a lot of property.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōde cáichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?	你說的財產是土地吧?	The property you’re talking about is land, isn’t it?
+9.	A:	Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi wǒmen bāng dianr máng.	你住下來吧,也可以給我們幫點兒忙。	Stay (live) here and you can help us a bit.
+	B:	Wǒ báitiān yǒu kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shì.	我白天有課,只好晚上做點兒事。	I have classes during the day; I can only work at night.
+10.	A:	Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zài wàibianr chī kǔ.	我母親總擔心我哥哥在外邊兒喫苦。	My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.
+	B:	Tāmen jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bāng máng, bú huì chī kǔde.	他們幾個小朋友互相幫忙,不會喫苦的。	His bunch of friends help each other out. They don’t have such a rough time.

+ 17 - 17

@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 1.	A:	Nǐ Bàba zhème zǎo jiu qǐlai le!		Your father got up so early!
-	B:	Tā niánji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.		He’s getting on in years, and he goes to bed early.
+	B:	Tā niánji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.	他年纪大了,每天睡得早.	He’s getting on in years, and he goes to bed early.
 2.	A:	Xiǎo Wángde yéye yòu hé nèixie xiǎo péngyou liáo tiānr ne!		Xiǎo Wang’s grandfather is talking with those kids again!
-	B:	Tā rén hěn hǎo, hěn xǐhuan háizi.		He’s a very good person, and he likes children a lot.
-3.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?		Has your grandmother’s health been good the past couple of years?
-	B:	Hái hǎo, yǒu shihou hái néng qǐlai shōushi shoushi wūzi.		Fairly good; sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.
-4.	A:	Zhāng jiāde érxífu hěn yǒu guīju.		The Zhāng family’s daughter-in-law is a proper young woman.
-	B:	Shì a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn yǒu fúqi.		Yes, the Zhāng family’s grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.
-5.	A:	Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guō niàn shū duō nán!		In the past how difficult it was for Chinese to go abroad to study!
-	B:	Xiànzài hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kànbuqǐ le.		Now it’s better, no matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.
-6.	A:	Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wáng shi ge hěn yǒu lǐmàode háizi.		Everyone feels Xiǎo Wáng is a very well-mannered child.
-7.	A:	Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niànguo bù shǎo shū.		This whole family has had quite a good education.
-	B:	Tīngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiànzài dōu niàn Sì Shū ne!		I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are (all) studying the Four Books now!
-8.	A:	Tāmen jiā guòqù shi yǒu qián rén, yǒu bù shǎo cáichǎn.		Their family used to be rich. They had quite a lot of property.
-	B:	Nǐ shuōde cáichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?		The property you’re talking about is land, isn’t it?
-9.	A:	Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi wǒmen bāng dianr máng.		Stay (live) here and you can help us a bit.
-	B:	Wǒ báitiān yǒu kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shì.		I have classes during the day; I can only work at night.
-10.	A:	Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zài wàibianr chī kǔ.		My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.
-	B:	Tāmen jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bāng máng, bú huì chī kǔde.	His bunch of friends help each other out. They don’t have such a rough time.
+	B:	Tā rén hěn hǎo, hěn xǐhuan háizi.	他人很好,很喜欢孩子。	He’s a very good person, and he likes children a lot.
+3.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?	这两年,你奶奶身体好吗?	Has your grandmother’s health been good the past couple of years?
+	B:	Hái hǎo, yǒu shihou hái néng qǐlai shōushi shoushi wūzi.	还好,有时候还能起来收拾收拾屋子。	Fairly good; sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.
+4.	A:	Zhāng jiāde érxífu hěn yǒu guīju.	张家的儿媳妇很有规矩。	The Zhāng family’s daughter-in-law is a proper young woman.
+	B:	Shì a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn yǒu fúqi.	是啊,张家奶奶真有福气。	Yes, the Zhāng family’s grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.
+5.	A:	Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guō niàn shū duō nán!	过去,中国人出国念书多难?	In the past how difficult it was for Chinese to go abroad to study!
+	B:	Xiànzài hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kànbuqǐ le.	现在好了,走到那儿也没人看不起了。	Now it’s better, no matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.
+6.	A:	Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wáng shi ge hěn yǒu lǐmàode háizi.	人家都觉得小王是个很有礼貌的孩子。	Everyone feels Xiǎo Wáng is a very well-mannered child.
+7.	A:	Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niànguo bù shǎo shū.	这一家人都念过不少书。	This whole family has had quite a good education.
+	B:	Tīngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiànzài dōu niàn Sì Shū ne!	听说他们的孙子孙女现在都念四书呢!	I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are (all) studying the Four Books now!
+8.	A:	Tāmen jiā guòqù shi yǒu qián rén, yǒu bù shǎo cáichǎn.	他们家过去是有钱人,有不少财产。	Their family used to be rich. They had quite a lot of property.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōde cáichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?	你说的财产是土地吧?	The property you’re talking about is land, isn’t it?
+9.	A:	Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi wǒmen bāng dianr máng.	你住下来吧,也可以给我们帮点儿忙。	Stay (live) here and you can help us a bit.
+	B:	Wǒ báitiān yǒu kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shì.	我白天有课,只好晚上做点儿事。	I have classes during the day; I can only work at night.
+10.	A:	Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zài wàibianr chī kǔ.	我母亲总担心我哥哥在外边儿吃苦。	My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.
+	B:	Tāmen jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bāng máng, bú huì chī kǔde.	他们几个小朋友互相帮忙,不会吃苦的。	His bunch of friends help each other out. They don’t have such a rough time.

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ Bàba zhème zǎo jiu qǐlai le!				Your father got up so early!	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tā niánji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.	Tā niánjì dà le ,  měitiān shuìdé zǎo .	他年纪大了,每天睡得早.	他年纪大了,每天睡得早。	He’s getting on in years, and he goes to bed early.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Xiǎo Wángde yéye yòu hé nèixie xiǎo péngyou liáo tiānr ne!				Xiǎo Wang’s grandfather is talking with those kids again!	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tā rén hěn hǎo, hěn xǐhuan háizi.	Tārén hěn hǎo ,  hěn xǐhuān háizǐ .	他人很好,很喜欢孩子。	他人很好,很喜欢孩子。	He’s a very good person, and he likes children a lot.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?	Zhè liǎngnián ,  nǐ nǎinǎi shēntǐ hǎo ma ?	这两年,你奶奶身体好吗?	这两年,你奶奶身体好吗?	Has your grandmother’s health been good the past couple of years?	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Hái hǎo, yǒu shihou hái néng qǐlai shōushi shoushi wūzi.	Huánhǎo ,  yǒushíhòu huán néng qǐlái shōushí shōushí wūzǐ .	还好,有时候还能起来收拾收拾屋子。	还好,有时候还能起来收拾收拾屋子。	Fairly good; sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Zhāng jiāde érxífu hěn yǒu guīju.	Zhāngjiā de érxífù hěn yǒu guījǔ .	张家的儿媳妇很有规矩。	张家的儿媳妇很有规矩。	The Zhāng family’s daughter-in-law is a proper young woman.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn yǒu fúqi.	Shì a ,  zhāngjiā nǎinǎi zhēn yǒufúqì .	是啊,张家奶奶真有福气。	是啊,张家奶奶真有福气。	Yes, the Zhāng family’s grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guō niàn shū duō nán!	Guòqù ,  zhōngguó rén chūguó niànshū duōnán ?	过去,中国人出国念书多难?	过去,中国人出国念书多难?	In the past how difficult it was for Chinese to go abroad to study!	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Xiànzài hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kànbuqǐ le.	Xiànzài hǎo le ,  zǒu dào nàér yě méirén kànbùqǐ le .	现在好了,走到那儿也没人看不起了。	现在好了,走到那儿也没人看不起了。	Now it’s better, no matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wáng shi ge hěn yǒu lǐmàode háizi.	Rénjiā dū juédé xiǎowáng shì gè hěn yǒu lǐmào de háizǐ .	人家都觉得小王是个很有礼貌的孩子。	人家都觉得小王是个很有礼貌的孩子。	Everyone feels Xiǎo Wáng is a very well-mannered child.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niànguo bù shǎo shū.	Zhè yījiārén dū niàn guò bùshǎo shū .	这一家人都念过不少书。	这一家人都念过不少书。	This whole family has had quite a good education.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tīngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiànzài dōu niàn Sì Shū ne!	Tīngshuō tāmen de sūnzǐ sūnnǚ xiànzài dū niàn sìshū ní !	听说他们的孙子孙女现在都念四书呢!	听说他们的孙子孙女现在都念四书呢!	I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are (all) studying the Four Books now!	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Tāmen jiā guòqù shi yǒu qián rén, yǒu bù shǎo cáichǎn.	Tāmen jiā guòqù shì yǒuqiánrén ,  yǒu bùshǎo cáichǎn .	他们家过去是有钱人,有不少财产。	他们家过去是有钱人,有不少财产。	Their family used to be rich. They had quite a lot of property.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ shuōde cáichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?	Nǐ shuō de cáichǎn shì tǔdì ba ?	你说的财产是土地吧?	你说的财产是土地吧?	The property you’re talking about is land, isn’t it?	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi wǒmen bāng dianr máng.	Nǐ zhù xiàlái ba ,  yě kěyǐ gěi wǒmen bāng diǎnér máng .	你住下来吧,也可以给我们帮点儿忙。	你住下来吧,也可以给我们帮点儿忙。	Stay (live) here and you can help us a bit.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Wǒ báitiān yǒu kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shì.	Wǒ báitiān yǒukè ,  zhǐhǎo wǎnshàng zuò diǎnér shì .	我白天有课,只好晚上做点儿事。	我白天有课,只好晚上做点儿事。	I have classes during the day; I can only work at night.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zài wàibianr chī kǔ.	Wǒ mǔqīn zǒng dànxīn wǒ gēgē zài wàibiān ér chīkǔ .	我母亲总担心我哥哥在外边儿吃苦。	我母亲总担心我哥哥在外边儿吃苦。	My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.	7	44	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tāmen jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bāng máng, bú huì chī kǔde.	Tāmen jīgè xiǎopéngyǒu hùxiāng bāngmáng ,  bùhuì chīkǔ de .	他们几个小朋友互相帮忙,不会吃苦的。	他们几个小朋友互相帮忙,不会吃苦的。	His bunch of friends help each other out. They don’t have such a rough time.	7	44	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 57 - 0

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+Nǐ Bàba zhème zǎo jiu qǐlai le!
+Tā niánji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.
+Tā niánjì dà le ,  měitiān shuìdé zǎo .
+Xiǎo Wángde yéye yòu hé nèixie xiǎo péngyou liáo tiānr ne!
+Tā rén hěn hǎo, hěn xǐhuan háizi.
+Tārén hěn hǎo ,  hěn xǐhuān háizǐ .
+Zhèi liǎngnián nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?
+Zhè liǎngnián ,  nǐ nǎinǎi shēntǐ hǎo ma ?
+Hái hǎo, yǒu shihou hái néng qǐlai shōushi shoushi wūzi.
+Huánhǎo ,  yǒushíhòu huán néng qǐlái shōushí shōushí wūzǐ .
+Zhāng jiāde érxífu hěn yǒu guīju.
+Zhāngjiā de érxífù hěn yǒu guījǔ .
+Shì a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn yǒu fúqi.
+Shì a ,  zhāngjiā nǎinǎi zhēn yǒufúqì .
+Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guō niàn shū duō nán!
+Guòqù ,  zhōngguó rén chūguó niànshū duōnán ?
+Xiànzài hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kànbuqǐ le.
+Xiànzài hǎo le ,  zǒu dào nàér yě méirén kànbùqǐ le .
+Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wáng shi ge hěn yǒu lǐmàode háizi.
+Rénjiā dū juédé xiǎowáng shì gè hěn yǒu lǐmào de háizǐ .
+Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niànguo bù shǎo shū.
+Zhè yījiārén dū niàn guò bùshǎo shū .
+Tīngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiànzài dōu niàn Sì Shū ne!
+Tīngshuō tāmen de sūnzǐ sūnnǚ xiànzài dū niàn sìshū ní !
+Tāmen jiā guòqù shi yǒu qián rén, yǒu bù shǎo cáichǎn.
+Tāmen jiā guòqù shì yǒuqiánrén ,  yǒu bùshǎo cáichǎn .
+Nǐ shuōde cáichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?
+Nǐ shuō de cáichǎn shì tǔdì ba ?
+Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi wǒmen bāng dianr máng.
+Nǐ zhù xiàlái ba ,  yě kěyǐ gěi wǒmen bāng diǎnér máng .
+Wǒ báitiān yǒu kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shì.
+Wǒ báitiān yǒukè ,  zhǐhǎo wǎnshàng zuò diǎnér shì .
+Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zài wàibianr chī kǔ.
+Wǒ mǔqīn zǒng dànxīn wǒ gēgē zài wàibiān ér chīkǔ .
+Tāmen jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bāng máng, bú huì chī kǔde.
+Tāmen jīgè xiǎopéngyǒu hùxiāng bāngmáng ,  bùhuì chīkǔ de .

+ 0 - 0

+ 27 - 0

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+1.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng?	這兩年,你們的收入怎麼樣?	What has your income been like the past couple of years?  
+	B:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo.	這兩年,農業生產情況不錯,收入也還好。	The past couple  of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and our income has been all right, too.
+2.	A:	Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma?	他的說法,我沒聽懂,你聽明白了嗎?	I didn’t understand the way he said that. Did you understand it?
+	B:	Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le.	沒有,我也沒聽明白,而且這個題目也太難了。	No, I didn’t understand it either.  Moreover this topic is too hard.
+3.	A:	Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, bù xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué.	學評音也好,不學評音也好,中國字總得學。	Whether you study romanization or not, you’ll always have to study Chinese characters.
+	B:	Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù.	是啊,這樣中國文化才能保持下去。	Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
+4.	A:	Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.	家裏勞動力多,生活也就會好一點。	If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.
+	B:	Kěshi xiànzài rénkǒu duō bù yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù.	可是現在人口多,不一定有什麼好處。	But now it’s not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
+5.	A:	Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu?	在那寫字的那個人,是不是她丈夫?	Is that person writing over there her husband?
+	B:	Zhèng shi tā!	正是他。	That’s him all right!
+6.	A:	Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù? Nàli dōu nàme zāng!	工商業發達有什麼好處?哪裏都那麼髒?	What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce? It’s so dirty everywhere!
+	B:	Zhèi yìdiǎn wǒ bù tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bù shǎo hǎochù.	這一點我不同意,工商業發達有不少好處。	I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.
+7.	A:	Tā wèishénme zǎohūn?	她爲什麼早婚?	Why did she get married early?
+	B:	Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. 	去年她父親死了,沒人照顧她,只好結婚了。	Last year her father died and  there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married.
+8.	A:	Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu.	多數人都喜歡自由。	 Most people like freedom.
+	B:	Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu.	可是不是很多人能得到自由。	But not many people can obtain freedom.
+9.		Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ.	爲了能互相照顧,他們一家三代住在一起。	All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.   
+10.	A:	Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú.	聽說啊,從前你們這裏有很多有意思的風俗。	I’ve heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 
+	B:	Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn  le.	是啊,後來工商業發達了,風俗也改變了。	Yes. Later, when industry and commerce developed, customs changed, too. 
+11.		láodòng	勞動	to labor; labor
+12.		láolì	勞力	labor force, labor
+13.		gōngyè	工業	industry  
+11.		shāngyè	商業	business, commerce
+15.		dàduōshù(r)	大多數(兒)	the great majority
+16.		huó	活	to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving  
+17 		xíguàn	習慣 	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to
+18.		tīng 	聽  	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)   

+ 27 - 27

@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-1.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng?		What has your income been like the past couple of years?  
-	B:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo.		The past couple  of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and our income has been all right, too.
-2.	A:	Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma?		I didn’t understand the way he said that. Did you understand it?
-	B:	Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le.		No, I didn’t understand it either.  Moreover this topic is too hard.
-3.	A:	Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, bù xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué.		Whether you study romanization or not, you’ll always have to study Chinese characters.
-	B:	Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù.		Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
-4.	A:	Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.		If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.
-	B:	Kěshi xiànzài rénkǒu duō bù yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù.		But now it’s not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
-5.	A:	Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu?		Is that person writing over there her husband?
-	B:	Zhèng shi tā!		That’s him all right!
-6.	A:	Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù?Nàli dōu nàme zāng!		What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce? It’s so dirty everywhere!
-	B:	Zhèi yìdiǎn wǒ bù tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bù shǎo hǎochù.		I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.
-7.	A:	Tā wèishénme zǎohūn?		Why did she get married early?
-	B:	Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. 		Last year her father died and  there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married.
-8.	A:	Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu.		 Most people like freedom.
-	B:	Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu.		But not many people can obtain freedom.
-9.		Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ.		All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.   
-10.	A:	Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú.		I’ve heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 
-	B:	Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn  le.		Yes. Later, when industry and commerce developed, customs changed, too. 
-11.		láodòng		to labor; labor
-12.		láolì		labor force, labor
-13.		gōngyè		industry  
-11.		shāngyè		business, commerce
-15.		dàduōshù(r)		the great majority
-16.		huó		to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving  
-17 		xíguàn	 	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to
-18.		tīng 	  	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)   
+1.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng?	这两年,你们的收入怎么样?	What has your income been like the past couple of years?  
+	B:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo.	这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好。	The past couple  of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and our income has been all right, too.
+2.	A:	Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma?	他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗?	I didn’t understand the way he said that. Did you understand it?
+	B:	Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le.	没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了。	No, I didn’t understand it either.  Moreover this topic is too hard.
+3.	A:	Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, bù xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué.	学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。	Whether you study romanization or not, you’ll always have to study Chinese characters.
+	B:	Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù.	是啊,这样中国文化才能保持下去。	Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
+4.	A:	Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.	家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。	If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.
+	B:	Kěshi xiànzài rénkǒu duō bù yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù.	可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。	But now it’s not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
+5.	A:	Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu?	在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫?	Is that person writing over there her husband?
+	B:	Zhèng shi tā!	正是他。	That’s him all right!
+6.	A:	Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù? Nàli dōu nàme zāng!	工商业发达有什么好处?哪里都那么脏?	What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce? It’s so dirty everywhere!
+	B:	Zhèi yìdiǎn wǒ bù tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bù shǎo hǎochù.	这一点我不同意,工商业发达有不少好处。	I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.
+7.	A:	Tā wèishénme zǎohūn?	她为什么早婚?	Why did she get married early?
+	B:	Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. 	去年她父亲死了,没人照顾她,只好结婚了。	Last year her father died and  there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married.
+8.	A:	Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu.	多数人都喜欢自由。	 Most people like freedom.
+	B:	Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu.	可是不是很多人能得到自由。	But not many people can obtain freedom.
+9.		Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ.	为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。	All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.   
+10.	A:	Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú.	听说啊,从前你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。	I’ve heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 
+	B:	Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn  le.	是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。	Yes. Later, when industry and commerce developed, customs changed, too. 
+11.		láodòng	劳动	to labor; labor
+12.		láolì	劳力	labor force, labor
+13.		gōngyè	工业	industry  
+11.		shāngyè	商业	business, commerce
+15.		dàduōshù(r)	大多数(儿)	the great majority
+16.		huó		to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving  
+17 		xíguàn	习惯 	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to
+18.		tīng 	  	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)   

+ 27 - 0

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+1.	A:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng?	Zhè liǎngnián ,  nǐmen de shōurù zěnmeyáng ?	这两年,你们的收入怎么样?	这两年,你们的收入怎么样?	What has your income been like the past couple of years?  	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo.	Zhè liǎngnián ,  nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bùcuò ,  shōurù yě huánhǎo .	这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好。	这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好。	The past couple  of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and our income has been all right, too.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma?	Tā de shuōfǎ ,  wǒ méi tīngdǒng ,  nǐ tīng míngbái le ma ?	他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗?	他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗?	I didn’t understand the way he said that. Did you understand it?	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le.	Méiyǒu ,  wǒ yě méi tīng míngbái ,  érqiě zhègè tímù yě tàinán le .	没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了。	没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了。	No, I didn’t understand it either.  Moreover this topic is too hard.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, bù xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué.	Xuépíngyīn yěhǎo ,  bùxué píngyīn yěhǎo ,  zhōngguó zì zǒngdé xué .	学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。	学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。	Whether you study romanization or not, you’ll always have to study Chinese characters.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù.	Shì a ,  zhèyáng zhōngguó wénhuà cáinéng bǎochí xiàqù .	是啊,这样中国文化才能保持下去。	是啊,这样中国文化才能保持下去。	Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.	Jiālǐ láodònglì duō ,  shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yīdiǎn .	家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。	家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。	If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Kěshi xiànzài rénkǒu duō bù yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù.	Kěshì xiànzài rénkǒu duō ,  bù yīdìng yǒu shénme hǎochù .	可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。	可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。	But now it’s not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu?	Zài nà xiězì de nàgè rén ,  shìbùshì tā zhàngfū ?	在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫?	在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫?	Is that person writing over there her husband?	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèng shi tā!	Zhèngshì tā .	正是他。	正是他。	That’s him all right!	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù? Nàli dōu nàme zāng!	Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme hǎochù ? nǎlǐ dū nàme zāng ?	工商业发达有什么好处?哪里都那么脏?	工商业发达有什么好处?哪里都那么脏?	What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce? It’s so dirty everywhere!	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèi yìdiǎn wǒ bù tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bù shǎo hǎochù.	Zhè yīdiǎn wǒ bù tóngyì ,  gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bùshǎo hǎochù .	这一点我不同意,工商业发达有不少好处。	这一点我不同意,工商业发达有不少好处。	I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Tā wèishénme zǎohūn?	Tā wèishénme zǎohūn ?	她为什么早婚?	她为什么早婚?	Why did she get married early?	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. 	Qùnián tā fùqīn sǐ le ,  méi rén zhàogù tā ,  zhǐhǎo jiéhūn le .	去年她父亲死了,没人照顾她,只好结婚了。	去年她父亲死了,没人照顾她,只好结婚了。	Last year her father died and  there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu.	Duōshù rén dū xǐhuān zìyóu .	多数人都喜欢自由。	多数人都喜欢自由。	 Most people like freedom.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu.	Kěshì bùshì hěnduō rénnéng dédào zìyóu .	可是不是很多人能得到自由。	可是不是很多人能得到自由。	But not many people can obtain freedom.	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+9.		Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ.	Wèile néng hùxiāngzhàogù ,  tāmen yījiā sāndài zhùzàiyīqǐ .	为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。	为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。	All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.   	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú.	Tīngshuō a ,  cóngqián nǐmen zhèlǐ yǒu hěnduō yǒuyìsī de fēngsú .	听说啊,从前你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。	听说啊,从前你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。	I’ve heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn  le.	Shì a ,  hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le ,  fēngsú yě gǎibiàn le .	是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。	是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。	Yes. Later, when industry and commerce developed, customs changed, too. 	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+11.		láodòng	Láodòng	劳动	劳动	to labor; labor	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+12.		láolì	Láolì	劳力	劳力	labor force, labor	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+13.		gōngyè	Gōngyè	工业	工业	industry  	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+11.		shāngyè	Shāngyè	商业	商业	business, commerce	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+15.		dàduōshù(r)	Dàduōshù ( ér )	大多数(儿)	大多数(儿)	the great majority	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+16.		huó	Huó	活	活	to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; to be movable/moving  	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+17 		xíguàn	Xíguàn  	习惯 	习惯 	habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to	7	45	FSI-Chinese
+18.		tīng 	Tīng    	听  	听  	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)   	7	45	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 81 - 0

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+Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende shōurù zěnmeyàng?
+Zhè liǎngnián ,  nǐmen de shōurù zěnmeyáng ?
+Zhèi liǎngnián, nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo.
+Zhè liǎngnián ,  nóngyè shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bùcuò ,  shōurù yě huánhǎo .
+Tāde shuōfǎ wǒ méi tīngdǒng, nǐ tǐngmíngbai le ma?
+Tā de shuōfǎ ,  wǒ méi tīngdǒng ,  nǐ tīng míngbái le ma ?
+Méiyou, wǒ yě méi tīngmíngbai, érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài nán le.
+Méiyǒu ,  wǒ yě méi tīng míngbái ,  érqiě zhègè tímù yě tàinán le .
+Xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, bù xué pīnyīn yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì zǒng děi xué.
+Xuépíngyīn yěhǎo ,  bùxué píngyīn yěhǎo ,  zhōngguó zì zǒngdé xué .
+Shì a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù.
+Shì a ,  zhèyáng zhōngguó wénhuà cáinéng bǎochí xiàqù .
+Jiāli láodònglì duō, shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.
+Jiālǐ láodònglì duō ,  shēnghuó yě jiù huì hǎo yīdiǎn .
+Kěshi xiànzài rénkǒu duō bù yídìng yǒu shénme hǎochù.
+Kěshì xiànzài rénkǒu duō ,  bù yīdìng yǒu shénme hǎochù .
+Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén shì bu shi tā zhàngfu?
+Zài nà xiězì de nàgè rén ,  shìbùshì tā zhàngfū ?
+Zhèng shi tā!
+Zhèngshì tā .
+Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme haǒchù? Nàli dōu nàme zāng!
+Gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu shénme hǎochù ? nǎlǐ dū nàme zāng ?
+Zhèi yìdiǎn wǒ bù tōngyì, gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bù shǎo hǎochù.
+Zhè yīdiǎn wǒ bù tóngyì ,  gōngshāngyè fādá yǒu bùshǎo hǎochù .
+Tā wèishénme zǎohūn?
+Tā wèishénme zǎohūn ?
+Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo jiēhūn le. 
+Qùnián tā fùqīn sǐ le ,  méi rén zhàogù tā ,  zhǐhǎo jiéhūn le .
+Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyóu.
+Duōshù rén dū xǐhuān zìyóu .
+Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng dédao zìyóu.
+Kěshì bùshì hěnduō rénnéng dédào zìyóu .
+Wèile néng hùxiāng zhàogu, tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai yìqǐ.
+Wèile néng hùxiāngzhàogù ,  tāmen yījiā sāndài zhùzàiyīqǐ .
+Tīngshuō cóngqián, nǐmen zhèli yǒu hěn duō yǒu yìside fēngsú.
+Tīngshuō a ,  cóngqián nǐmen zhèlǐ yǒu hěnduō yǒuyìsī de fēngsú .
+Shì a. Hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn  le.
+Shì a ,  hòulái gōngshāngyè fādá le ,  fēngsú yě gǎibiàn le .
+Dàduōshù ( ér )

+ 0 - 0

+ 24 - 0

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+1.	A:	Nǐ yàoshi xiǎng tīng gùshide huà, wǒ gěi ni jiǎng yíge ya!	你要是想聽故事的話,我給你講一個呀。	If you want to listen to a story, I’ll tell you one.
+	B:	Suàn Le. Wǒmen xià qí ba!	算了,我們下期吧。	Forget it. Let’s play chess.
+2.	A:	Tīngshuǒ jiěfàng yǐhòu, Gòngchǎndǎng zuòle xiē hǎo shì.	聽說解放以後,共產黨做了些好事。	I’ve heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.
+	B:	Èng, yǒu xiē zhèngcè shì bú cuò, yǒu xiē bú tài hǎo.	嗯,有些政策是不錯,有些不太好。	Yes, some policies were all right, hut some weren’t too good.
+3.	A:	Lǎo Wángde érzi rùguo Tuán ma?	老王的兒子入過團嗎?	Did Lǎo Wang’s son ever Join the Communist Youth League?
+	B:	Méiyou, tīngshuō cānjiāguo Hóngwèibīng.	沒有,聽說參加過紅衛兵。	No, hut I’ve heard that he was in the Red Guards.
+4.	A:	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma, Lǎo Zhāngde nǚér àishang Xiǎo Wáng le.	你聽說了嗎?老張的女兒愛上小王了。	Have you heard? Lǎo Zhang’s daughter has fallen in love with Xiǎo Wáng.
+	B:	Zhè zhēn shi máfan shìr, Lǎo Zhāng zuì hèn Wángjiāde rén.	這真是麻煩事兒,老張最恨王家的人。	This is really trouble. Lǎo Zhāng really hates the Wáng family.
+5.	A:	Rúguo nǐ bú jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐde mìshu tán jifēn zhōng.	如果您不介意的話,我想和您的祕書談幾分鐘。	If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.
+	B:	Tā zài dǎ zì, mǎshàng jiù lái.	她在打字,馬上就來。	He’s typing, he’ll be here in a moment.
+6.	A:	Zhèige háizi bú xiàng huà, bù guǎn zěnme shuō dōu bù tīng.	這個孩子不像話,不管怎麼說都不聽。	This child is too much. No matter what you say, he Just doesn’t listen.
+	B:	Duì ma, zhè nǎr xiàng Xīn Zhōngguóde értóng!	對嘛,這哪像新中國的兒童。	Yes, he’s certainly no Cnot like anyl child of New China.
+7.	A:	Zhèipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō xiěde shi shénme?	這篇短篇小說寫的是什麼?	What is this short story about?
+	B:	Xiěde shi yíge nóngcūn gànbude gùshi.	寫的是一個農村幹部的故事。	It’s the story of a cadre in a rural area.
+8.	A:	Nǐ jíjímángmángde, zuò shénme qu a?	你急急忙忙的做什麼去?	What are you in such a hurry to go do?
+	B:	Shàng xué qu a!	上學去啊。	I’m going to school!
+9.	A:	Zhèngfǔ shì bu shi bǎohù rénmende cáichǎn?	政府是不是保護人民的財產?	Does the government protect people’s property?
+	B:	Shì. Zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmen cáichǎnde zhèngcè.	是,政府實行保護人民財產的政策。	Yes. The government is carrying out a policy of protecting people’s property.
+10.		Zài Gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎoxià, Zhōngguó zài shìjièshangde dìwei yǒule hěn dàde gǎibiàn.	在共產黨領導下,中國在世界上的地位有了很大的改變。	Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China’s position in the world has changed greatly.
+11.	A:	Shínián lái, zhèi liǎngge chéngshìde gōngshāngyè yuè lái yuè fādá le.	十年來,這兩個城市的工商業越來越發達了。	In the past ten years industry and commerce in these two cities have hecome more and more developed.
+	B:	Zhè hé zhèngfǔde lǐngdǎo shi fēnbùkāide.	這和政府的領導是分不開的。	This can’t he separated from the government’s leadership.
+12.		dǎng	黨	political party; (capital D-) the (Communist) Party
+13.		yuányīn	原因	reason, cause
+14.		jiārù	加入	to Join

+ 24 - 24

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-1.	A:	Nǐ yàoshi xiǎng tīng gùshide huà, wǒ gěi ni jiǎng yíge ya!		If you want to listen to a story, I’ll tell you one.
-	B:	Suàn Le. Wǒmen xià qí ba!		Forget it. Let’s play chess.
-2.	A:	Tīngshuǒ jiěfàng yǐhòu, Gòngchǎndǎng zuòle xiē hǎo shì.		I’ve heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.
-	B:	Èng, yǒu xiē zhèngcè shì bú cuò, yǒu xiē bú tài hǎo.		Yes, some policies were all right, hut some weren’t too good.
-3.	A:	Lǎo Wángde érzi rùguo Tuán ma?		Did Lǎo Wang’s son ever Join the Communist Youth League?
-	B:	Méiyou, tīngshuō cānjiāguo Hóngwèibīng.		No, hut I’ve heard that he was in the Red Guards.
-4.	A:	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma, Lǎo Zhāngde nǚér àishang Xiǎo Wáng le.		Have you heard? Lǎo Zhang’s daughter has fallen in love with Xiǎo Wáng.
-	B:	Zhè zhēn shi máfan shìr, Lǎo Zhāng zuì hèn Wángjiāde rén.		This is really trouble. Lǎo Zhāng really hates the Wáng family.
-5.	A:	Rúguo nǐ bú jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐde mìshu tán jifēn zhōng.		If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.
-	B:	Tā zài dǎ zì, mǎshàng jiù lái.		He’s typing, he’ll be here in a moment.
-6.	A:	Zhèige háizi bú xiàng huà, bù guǎn zěnme shuō dōu bù tīng.		This child is too much. No matter what you say, he Just doesn’t listen.
-	B:	Duì ma, zhè nǎr xiàng Xīn Zhōngguóde értóng!		Yes, he’s certainly no Cnot like anyl child of New China.
-7.	A:	Zhèipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō xiěde shi shénme?		What is this short story about?
-	B:	Xiěde shi yíge nóngcūn gànbude gùshi.		It’s the story of a cadre in a rural area.
-8.	A:	Nǐ jíjímángmángde, zuò shénme qu a?		What are you in such a hurry to go do?
-	B:	Shàng xué qu a!		I’m going to school!
-9.	A:	Zhèngfǔ shì bu shi bǎohù rénmende cáichǎn?		Does the government protect people’s property?
-	B:	Shì. Zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmen cáichǎnde zhèngcè.		Yes. The government is carrying out a policy of protecting people’s property.
-10.		Zài Gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎoxià, Zhōngguó zài shìjièshangde dìwei yǒule hěn dàde gǎibiàn.		Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China’s position in the world has changed greatly.
-11.	A:	Shínián lái, zhèi liǎngge chéngshìde gōngshāngyè yuè lái yuè fādá le.		In the past ten years industry and commerce in these two cities have hecome more and more developed.
-	B:	Zhè hé zhèngfǔde lǐngdǎo shi fēnbùkāide.		This can’t he separated from the government’s leadership.
-12.		dǎng		political party; (capital D-) the (Communist) Party
-13.		yuányīn		reason, cause
-14.		jiārù		to Join
+1.	A:	Nǐ yàoshi xiǎng tīng gùshide huà, wǒ gěi ni jiǎng yíge ya!	你要是想聽故事的話,我給你講一個呀。	If you want to listen to a story, I’ll tell you one.
+	B:	Suàn Le. Wǒmen xià qí ba!	算了,我們下期吧。	Forget it. Let’s play chess.
+2.	A:	Tīngshuǒ jiěfàng yǐhòu, Gòngchǎndǎng zuòle xiē hǎo shì.	聽說解放以後,共產黨做了些好事。	I’ve heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.
+	B:	Èng, yǒu xiē zhèngcè shì bú cuò, yǒu xiē bú tài hǎo.	嗯,有些政策是不錯,有些不太好。	Yes, some policies were all right, hut some weren’t too good.
+3.	A:	Lǎo Wángde érzi rùguo Tuán ma?	老王的兒子入過團嗎?	Did Lǎo Wang’s son ever Join the Communist Youth League?
+	B:	Méiyou, tīngshuō cānjiāguo Hóngwèibīng.	沒有,聽說參加過紅衛兵。	No, hut I’ve heard that he was in the Red Guards.
+4.	A:	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma, Lǎo Zhāngde nǚér àishang Xiǎo Wáng le.	你聽說了嗎?老張的女兒愛上小王了。	Have you heard? Lǎo Zhang’s daughter has fallen in love with Xiǎo Wáng.
+	B:	Zhè zhēn shi máfan shìr, Lǎo Zhāng zuì hèn Wángjiāde rén.	這真是麻煩事儿,老張最恨王家的人。	This is really trouble. Lǎo Zhāng really hates the Wáng family.
+5.	A:	Rúguo nǐ bú jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐde mìshu tán jifēn zhōng.	如果您不介意的話,我想和您的秘書談幾分鐘。	If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.
+	B:	Tā zài dǎ zì, mǎshàng jiù lái.	她在打字,馬上就來。	He’s typing, he’ll be here in a moment.
+6.	A:	Zhèige háizi bú xiàng huà, bù guǎn zěnme shuō dōu bù tīng.	這個孩子不像話,不管怎麼說都不聽。	This child is too much. No matter what you say, he Just doesn’t listen.
+	B:	Duì ma, zhè nǎr xiàng Xīn Zhōngguóde értóng!	對嘛,這哪像新中國的兒童。	Yes, he’s certainly no Cnot like anyl child of New China.
+7.	A:	Zhèipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō xiěde shi shénme?	這篇短篇小說寫的是什麼?	What is this short story about?
+	B:	Xiěde shi yíge nóngcūn gànbude gùshi.	寫的是一個農村幹部的故事。	It’s the story of a cadre in a rural area.
+8.	A:	Nǐ jíjímángmángde, zuò shénme qu a?	你急急忙忙的做什麼去?	What are you in such a hurry to go do?
+	B:	Shàng xué qu a!	上學去啊。	I’m going to school!
+9.	A:	Zhèngfǔ shì bu shi bǎohù rénmende cáichǎn?	政府是不是保護人民的財產?	Does the government protect people’s property?
+	B:	Shì. Zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmen cáichǎnde zhèngcè.	是,政府實行保護人民財產的政策。	Yes. The government is carrying out a policy of protecting people’s property.
+10.		Zài Gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎoxià, Zhōngguó zài shìjièshangde dìwei yǒule hěn dàde gǎibiàn.	在共產黨領導下,中國在世界上的地位有了很大的改變。	Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China’s position in the world has changed greatly.
+11.	A:	Shínián lái, zhèi liǎngge chéngshìde gōngshāngyè yuè lái yuè fādá le.	十年來,這兩個城市的工商業越來越發達了。	In the past ten years industry and commerce in these two cities have hecome more and more developed.
+	B:	Zhè hé zhèngfǔde lǐngdǎo shi fēnbùkāide.	這和政府的領導是分不開的。	This can’t he separated from the government’s leadership.
+12.		dǎng		political party; (capital D-) the (Communist) Party
+13.		yuányīn	原因	reason, cause
+14.		jiārù	加入	to Join

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ yàoshi xiǎng tīng gùshide huà, wǒ gěi ni jiǎng yíge ya!	Nǐ yàoshì xiǎng tīng gùshì dehuà ,  wǒ gěi nǐ jiǎng yīgè yā .	你要是想听故事的话,我给你讲一个呀。	你要是想听故事的话,我给你讲一个呀。	If you want to listen to a story, I’ll tell you one.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Suàn Le. Wǒmen xià qí ba!	Suànle ,  wǒmen xiàqī ba .	算了,我们下期吧。	算了,我们下期吧。	Forget it. Let’s play chess.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Tīngshuǒ jiěfàng yǐhòu, Gòngchǎndǎng zuòle xiē hǎo shì.	Tīngshuō jiěfàngyǐhòu ,  gòngchǎndǎng zuò le xiē hǎoshì .	听说解放以后,共产党做了些好事。	听说解放以后,共产党做了些好事。	I’ve heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Èng, yǒu xiē zhèngcè shì bú cuò, yǒu xiē bú tài hǎo.	Èn ,  yǒuxiē zhèngcè shì bùcuò ,  yǒuxiē bùtàihǎo .	嗯,有些政策是不错,有些不太好。	嗯,有些政策是不错,有些不太好。	Yes, some policies were all right, hut some weren’t too good.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Lǎo Wángde érzi rùguo Tuán ma?	Lǎowáng de érzǐ rù guòtuán ma ?	老王的儿子入过团吗?	老王的儿子入过团吗?	Did Lǎo Wang’s son ever Join the Communist Youth League?	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Méiyou, tīngshuō cānjiāguo Hóngwèibīng.	Méiyǒu ,  tīngshuō cānjiā guò hóngwèibīng .	没有,听说参加过红卫兵。	没有,听说参加过红卫兵。	No, hut I’ve heard that he was in the Red Guards.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma, Lǎo Zhāngde nǚér àishang Xiǎo Wáng le.	Nǐ tīngshuō le ma ? lǎozhāng de nǚér àishàng xiǎowáng le .	你听说了吗?老张的女儿爱上小王了。	你听说了吗?老张的女儿爱上小王了。	Have you heard? Lǎo Zhang’s daughter has fallen in love with Xiǎo Wáng.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhè zhēn shi máfan shìr, Lǎo Zhāng zuì hèn Wángjiāde rén.	Zhè zhēnshì máfán shìér ,  lǎozhāng zuì hèn wángjiā de rén .	这真是麻烦事儿,老张最恨王家的人。	这真是麻烦事儿,老张最恨王家的人。	This is really trouble. Lǎo Zhāng really hates the Wáng family.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Rúguo nǐ bú jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐde mìshu tán jifēn zhōng.	Rúguǒ nín bùjièyì dehuà ,  wǒ xiǎng hé nín de mìshū tán jīfēnzhōng .	如果您不介意的话,我想和您的秘书谈几分钟。	如果您不介意的话,我想和您的秘书谈几分钟。	If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Tā zài dǎ zì, mǎshàng jiù lái.	Tā zài dǎzì ,  mǎshàng jiù lái .	她在打字,马上就来。	她在打字,马上就来。	He’s typing, he’ll be here in a moment.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Zhèige háizi bú xiàng huà, bù guǎn zěnme shuō dōu bù tīng.	Zhègè háizǐ bùxiànghuà ,  bùguǎnzěnme shuō dū bù tīng .	这个孩子不像话,不管怎么说都不听。	这个孩子不像话,不管怎么说都不听。	This child is too much. No matter what you say, he Just doesn’t listen.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Duì ma, zhè nǎr xiàng Xīn Zhōngguóde értóng!	Duì ma ,  zhè nǎ xiàng xīn zhōngguó de értóng .	对嘛,这哪像新中国的儿童。	对嘛,这哪像新中国的儿童。	Yes, he’s certainly no Cnot like anyl child of New China.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Zhèipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō xiěde shi shénme?	Zhèpiān duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō xiě de shì shénme ?	这篇短篇小说写的是什么?	这篇短篇小说写的是什么?	What is this short story about?	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Xiěde shi yíge nóngcūn gànbude gùshi.	Xiě de shì yīgè nóngcūngānbù de gùshì .	写的是一个农村干部的故事。	写的是一个农村干部的故事。	It’s the story of a cadre in a rural area.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Nǐ jíjímángmángde, zuò shénme qu a?	Nǐ jíjímángmáng de zuò shénme qù ?	你急急忙忙的做什么去?	你急急忙忙的做什么去?	What are you in such a hurry to go do?	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shàng xué qu a!	Shàngxué qù a .	上学去啊。	上学去啊。	I’m going to school!	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Zhèngfǔ shì bu shi bǎohù rénmende cáichǎn?	Zhèngfǔ shìbùshì bǎohù rénmín de cáichǎn ?	政府是不是保护人民的财产?	政府是不是保护人民的财产?	Does the government protect people’s property?	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì. Zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmen cáichǎnde zhèngcè.	Shì ,  zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmín cáichǎn de zhèngcè .	是,政府实行保护人民财产的政策。	是,政府实行保护人民财产的政策。	Yes. The government is carrying out a policy of protecting people’s property.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+10.		Zài Gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎoxià, Zhōngguó zài shìjièshangde dìwei yǒule hěn dàde gǎibiàn.	Zài gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎo xià ,  zhōngguó zàishìjièshàng de dìwèi yǒu le hěndà de gǎibiàn .	在共产党领导下,中国在世界上的地位有了很大的改变。	在共产党领导下,中国在世界上的地位有了很大的改变。	Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China’s position in the world has changed greatly.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+11.	A:	Shínián lái, zhèi liǎngge chéngshìde gōngshāngyè yuè lái yuè fādá le.	Shínián lái ,  zhè liǎnggè chéngshì de gōngshāngyè yuèláiyuè fādá le .	十年来,这两个城市的工商业越来越发达了。	十年来,这两个城市的工商业越来越发达了。	In the past ten years industry and commerce in these two cities have hecome more and more developed.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhè hé zhèngfǔde lǐngdǎo shi fēnbùkāide.	Zhè hé zhèngfǔ de lǐngdǎo shì fēnbùkāi de .	这和政府的领导是分不开的。	这和政府的领导是分不开的。	This can’t he separated from the government’s leadership.	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+12.		dǎng	Dǎng	党	党	political party; (capital D-) the (Communist) Party	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+13.		yuányīn	Yuányīn	原因	原因	reason, cause	7	46	FSI-Chinese
+14.		jiārù	Jiārù	加入	加入	to Join	7	46	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Nǐ yàoshi xiǎng tīng gùshide huà, wǒ gěi ni jiǎng yíge ya!
+Nǐ yàoshì xiǎng tīng gùshì dehuà ,  wǒ gěi nǐ jiǎng yīgè yā .
+Suàn Le. Wǒmen xià qí ba!
+Suànle ,  wǒmen xiàqī ba .
+Tīngshuǒ jiěfàng yǐhòu, Gòngchǎndǎng zuòle xiē hǎo shì.
+Tīngshuō jiěfàngyǐhòu ,  gòngchǎndǎng zuò le xiē hǎoshì .
+Èng, yǒu xiē zhèngcè shì bú cuò, yǒu xiē bú tài hǎo.
+Èn ,  yǒuxiē zhèngcè shì bùcuò ,  yǒuxiē bùtàihǎo .
+Lǎo Wángde érzi rùguo Tuán ma?
+Lǎowáng de érzǐ rù guòtuán ma ?
+Méiyou, tīngshuō cānjiāguo Hóngwèibīng.
+Méiyǒu ,  tīngshuō cānjiā guò hóngwèibīng .
+Nǐ tīngshuō le ma, Lǎo Zhāngde nǚér àishang Xiǎo Wáng le.
+Nǐ tīngshuō le ma ? lǎozhāng de nǚér àishàng xiǎowáng le .
+Zhè zhēn shi máfan shìr, Lǎo Zhāng zuì hèn Wángjiāde rén.
+Zhè zhēnshì máfán shìér ,  lǎozhāng zuì hèn wángjiā de rén .
+Rúguo nǐ bú jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐde mìshu tán jifēn zhōng.
+Rúguǒ nín bùjièyì dehuà ,  wǒ xiǎng hé nín de mìshū tán jīfēnzhōng .
+Tā zài dǎ zì, mǎshàng jiù lái.
+Tā zài dǎzì ,  mǎshàng jiù lái .
+Zhèige háizi bú xiàng huà, bù guǎn zěnme shuō dōu bù tīng.
+Zhègè háizǐ bùxiànghuà ,  bùguǎnzěnme shuō dū bù tīng .
+Duì ma, zhè nǎr xiàng Xīn Zhōngguóde értóng!
+Duì ma ,  zhè nǎ xiàng xīn zhōngguó de értóng .
+Zhèipiān duǎnpiān xiǎoshuō xiěde shi shénme?
+Zhèpiān duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō xiě de shì shénme ?
+Xiěde shi yíge nóngcūn gànbude gùshi.
+Xiě de shì yīgè nóngcūngānbù de gùshì .
+Nǐ jíjímángmángde, zuò shénme qu a?
+Nǐ jíjímángmáng de zuò shénme qù ?
+Shàng xué qu a!
+Shàngxué qù a .
+Zhèngfǔ shì bu shi bǎohù rénmende cáichǎn?
+Zhèngfǔ shìbùshì bǎohù rénmín de cáichǎn ?
+Shì. Zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmen cáichǎnde zhèngcè.
+Shì ,  zhèngfǔ shíxíng bǎohù rénmín cáichǎn de zhèngcè .
+Zài Gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎoxià, Zhōngguó zài shìjièshangde dìwei yǒule hěn dàde gǎibiàn.
+Zài gòngchǎndǎng lǐngdǎo xià ,  zhōngguó zàishìjièshàng de dìwèi yǒu le hěndà de gǎibiàn .
+Shínián lái, zhèi liǎngge chéngshìde gōngshāngyè yuè lái yuè fādá le.
+Shínián lái ,  zhè liǎnggè chéngshì de gōngshāngyè yuèláiyuè fādá le .
+Zhè hé zhèngfǔde lǐngdǎo shi fēnbùkāide.
+Zhè hé zhèngfǔ de lǐngdǎo shì fēnbùkāi de .

+ 0 - 0

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ juéde zuìjin shèhuìshang āndìng yìdiǎnr ma?	你覺得最近社會上安定一點嗎?	Do you think society has heen calmer lately?
+	B:	Dāngrán, yǒule xīn fǎlǜ, fàn zuìde rén shǎoduō le.	當然,有了新法律,犯罪的人少多了。	Of course. Since there have heen new laws, there are far fewer people committing crimes.
+2.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng kànkan jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào.	我想看看今天有什麼廣告。	I’d like see what ads there are today.
+	B:	Zhèr yǒu yífèn Huáshèngdùn Yóubào, náqu zhǎozhǎo kàn ha!	這裏有一份華盛頓郵報,拿起找找看吧。	Here’s a copy of the Washington Post. Take it and try to find some.
+3.	A:	Zuìjìn jǐnián jiàoyu gōngzuò yǒu hěn dàde jìnbù.	最近幾年,教育工作有很大的進步。	There’s heen a lot of progress in work in education these past few years.
+	B:	Shì a, xuéxiàoli zài yě méiyou shénme luànqībāzāode qíngkuàng le.	是,學校裏再也沒有什麼亂七八糟的情況了。	Yes, schools aren’t so messed up anymore.
+4.	A:	Nǐ shuō, zōngjiàode zéren shi shénme?		What do you think the responsibility of religion is?
+	B:	Zhèi bú shi yíge jiǎndānde wèntí, wǒmen děi cóng lìshǐ tánqǐ.	這不是一個簡單的問題,我們得從歷史彈起。	That’s not a simple question. We have to begin by talking about history.
+5.	A:	Zài dàlùde shíyì rénkǒuzhōng yǒu duóshǎo shi shòuguo jiàoyude?	在大陸的十億人口中,有多少是受過教育的?	How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?
+	B:	Wǒ xiǎng xiànzài lián lí chéngshì hěn yuǎnde nóngcūn dōu yǒu xuéxiào, shòuguo jiàoyude rén dàgài bù shǎo.	我想,現在連離城市很遠的農村都有學校,受過教育的人大概不少。	I think that now even villages far from the city have schools, so there are probably a lot of people who are educated.
+6.	A:	Míng Bào bú cuò, shìjièxìngde xīnwén tā dōu yǒu.	明報不錯,世界性的新聞它都有。	 The Ming Pao is not bad.	It has all the world news.
+	B:	Duì le. Míng Bào bú cuò,  bù néng bu kàn.	對了,明報不錯,不能不看。	Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good. You have to read it.
+7.	A:	Zhǐ yào nǐ lái bāng máng wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfa.	只要你來幫忙,我們就有辦法。	As long as you help out, we’ll he ahle to do it.
+	B:	Zhè yǒu shénme? Yīnggāide ma.	這有什麼?應該的嗎?	This is nothing. It’s only right.
+8.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèipiān wénzhāngli bú shi xī dú, jiù shi shā rén.	看,這篇文章裏,不是吸毒,就是殺人。	Look, there’s nothing in this article hut taking drugs and killing.
+	B:	Kàn zhèizhǒng xīnwén, zhǐ néng shi rén nánshòu. Suàn le, bú yào kàn le.	看這種新聞;只能是人難受。,算了不要看了。	Reading this kind of news will only make you feel had. Forget it, don’t read it.
+9.		Běnlái tāde Zhōngwén bú cuò, líkāi Zhōngguo jiǔle, wàngle hěn duō.	本來他的中文不錯,離開中國就了,忘了很多。	Originally, his Chinese was pretty good, hut he’s heen away from China for a long time and he’s forgotten a lot.
+10.		luàn	亂 	to he confused, to he chaotic
+11.		yǒu xiào	 有效 	to he effective; to he valid

+ 18 - 18

@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-1.	A:	Nǐ juéde zuìjin shèhuìshang āndìng yìdiǎnr ma?		Do you think society has heen calmer lately?
-	B:	Dāngrán, yǒule xīn fǎlǜ, fàn zuìde rén shǎoduō le.		Of course. Since there have heen new laws, there are far fewer people committing crimes.
-2.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng kànkan jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào.		I’d like see what ads there are today.
-	B:	Zhèr yǒu yífèn Huáshèngdùn Yóubào, náqu zhǎozhǎo kàn ha!		Here’s a copy of the Washington Post. Take it and try to find some.
-3.	A:	Zuìjìn jǐnián jiàoyu gōngzuò yǒu hěn dàde jìnbù.		There’s heen a lot of progress in work in education these past few years.
-	B:	Shì a, xuéxiàoli zài yě méiyou shénme luànqībāzāode qíngkuàng le.		Yes, schools aren’t so messed up anymore.
+1.	A:	Nǐ juéde zuìjin shèhuìshang āndìng yìdiǎnr ma?	你觉得最近社会上安定一点吗?	Do you think society has heen calmer lately?
+	B:	Dāngrán, yǒule xīn fǎlǜ, fàn zuìde rén shǎoduō le.	当然,有了新法律,犯罪的人少多了。	Of course. Since there have heen new laws, there are far fewer people committing crimes.
+2.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng kànkan jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào.	我想看看今天有什么广告。	I’d like see what ads there are today.
+	B:	Zhèr yǒu yífèn Huáshèngdùn Yóubào, náqu zhǎozhǎo kàn ha!	这里有一份华盛顿邮报,拿起找找看吧。	Here’s a copy of the Washington Post. Take it and try to find some.
+3.	A:	Zuìjìn jǐnián jiàoyu gōngzuò yǒu hěn dàde jìnbù.	最近几年,教育工作有很大的进步。	There’s heen a lot of progress in work in education these past few years.
+	B:	Shì a, xuéxiàoli zài yě méiyou shénme luànqībāzāode qíngkuàng le.	是,学校里再也没有什么乱七八糟的情况了。	Yes, schools aren’t so messed up anymore.
 4.	A:	Nǐ shuō, zōngjiàode zéren shi shénme?		What do you think the responsibility of religion is?
-	B:	Zhèi bú shi yíge jiǎndānde wèntí, wǒmen děi cóng lìshǐ tánqǐ.		That’s not a simple question. We have to begin by talking about history.
-5.	A:	Zài dàlùde shíyì rénkǒuzhōng yǒu duóshǎo shi shòuguo jiàoyude?		How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?
-	B:	Wǒ xiǎng xiànzài lián lí chéngshì hěn yuǎnde nóngcūn dōu yǒu xuéxiào, shòuguo jiàoyude rén dàgài bù shǎo.		I think that now even villages far from the city have schools, so there are probably a lot of people who are educated.
-6.	A:	Míng Bào bú cuò, shìjièxìngde xīnwén tā dōu yǒu.		 The Ming Pao is not bad.	It has all the world news.
-	B:	Duì le. Míng Bào bú cuò,  bù néng bu kàn.		Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good. You have to read it.
-7.	A:	Zhǐ yào nǐ lái bāng máng wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfa.		As long as you help out, we’ll he ahle to do it.
-	B:	Zhè yǒu shénme? Yīnggāide ma.		This is nothing. It’s only right.
-8.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèipiān wénzhāngli bú shi xī dú, jiù shi shā rén.		Look, there’s nothing in this article hut taking drugs and killing.
-	B:	Kàn zhèizhǒng xīnwén, zhǐ néng shǐ rén nánshòu. Suàn le, bú yào kàn le.		Reading this kind of news will only make you feel had. Forget it, don’t read it.
-9.		Běnlái tāde Zhōngwén bú cuò, líkāi Zhōngguo jiǔle, wàngle hěn duō.		Originally, his Chinese was pretty good, hut he’s heen away from China for a long time and he’s forgotten a lot.
-10.		luàn		to he confused, to he chaotic
-11.		yǒu xiào		to he effective; to he valid
+	B:	Zhèi bú shi yíge jiǎndānde wèntí, wǒmen děi cóng lìshǐ tánqǐ.	这不是一个简单的问题,我们得从历史弹起。	That’s not a simple question. We have to begin by talking about history.
+5.	A:	Zài dàlùde shíyì rénkǒuzhōng yǒu duóshǎo shi shòuguo jiàoyude?	在大陆的十亿人口中,有多少是受过教育的?	How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?
+	B:	Wǒ xiǎng xiànzài lián lí chéngshì hěn yuǎnde nóngcūn dōu yǒu xuéxiào, shòuguo jiàoyude rén dàgài bù shǎo.	我想,现在连离城市很远的农村都有学校,受过教育的人大概不少。	I think that now even villages far from the city have schools, so there are probably a lot of people who are educated.
+6.	A:	Míng Bào bú cuò, shìjièxìngde xīnwén tā dōu yǒu.	明报不错,世界性的新闻它都有。	 The Ming Pao is not bad.	It has all the world news.
+	B:	Duì le. Míng Bào bú cuò,  bù néng bu kàn.	对了,明报不错,不能不看。	Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good. You have to read it.
+7.	A:	Zhǐ yào nǐ lái bāng máng wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfa.	只要你来帮忙,我们就有办法。	As long as you help out, we’ll he ahle to do it.
+	B:	Zhè yǒu shénme? Yīnggāide ma.	这有什么?应该的吗?	This is nothing. It’s only right.
+8.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèipiān wénzhāngli bú shi xī dú, jiù shi shā rén.	看,这篇文章里,不是吸毒,就是杀人。	Look, there’s nothing in this article hut taking drugs and killing.
+	B:	Kàn zhèizhǒng xīnwén, zhǐ néng shi rén nánshòu. Suàn le, bú yào kàn le.	看这种新闻;只能是人难受。,算了不要看了。	Reading this kind of news will only make you feel had. Forget it, don’t read it.
+9.		Běnlái tāde Zhōngwén bú cuò, líkāi Zhōngguo jiǔle, wàngle hěn duō.	本来他的中文不错,离开中国就了,忘了很多。	Originally, his Chinese was pretty good, hut he’s heen away from China for a long time and he’s forgotten a lot.
+10.		luàn		to he confused, to he chaotic
+11.		yǒu xiào	 有效 	to he effective; to he valid

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ juéde zuìjin shèhuìshang āndìng yìdiǎnr ma?	Nǐ juédé zuìjìn shèhuì shàng āndìng yīdiǎn ma ?	你觉得最近社会上安定一点吗?	你觉得最近社会上安定一点吗?	Do you think society has heen calmer lately?	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Dāngrán, yǒule xīn fǎlǜ, fàn zuìde rén shǎoduō le.	Dāngrán ,  yǒu le xīn fǎlǜ ,  fànzuì de rénshǎo duō le .	当然,有了新法律,犯罪的人少多了。	当然,有了新法律,犯罪的人少多了。	Of course. Since there have heen new laws, there are far fewer people committing crimes.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng kànkan jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào.	Wǒ xiǎng kànkàn jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào .	我想看看今天有什么广告。	我想看看今天有什么广告。	I’d like see what ads there are today.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèr yǒu yífèn Huáshèngdùn Yóubào, náqu zhǎozhǎo kàn ha!	Zhèlǐ yǒu yīfèn huáshèngdùnyóubào ,  ná qǐ zhǎozhǎokàn ba .	这里有一份华盛顿邮报,拿起找找看吧。	这里有一份华盛顿邮报,拿起找找看吧。	Here’s a copy of the Washington Post. Take it and try to find some.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Zuìjìn jǐnián jiàoyu gōngzuò yǒu hěn dàde jìnbù.	Zuìjìn jīnián ,  jiàoyù gōngzuò yǒu hěndà de jìnbù .	最近几年,教育工作有很大的进步。	最近几年,教育工作有很大的进步。	There’s heen a lot of progress in work in education these past few years.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a, xuéxiàoli zài yě méiyou shénme luànqībāzāode qíngkuàng le.	Shì ,  xuéxiào lǐ zàiyě méiyǒu shénme luànqībāzāo de qíngkuàng le .	是,学校里再也没有什么乱七八糟的情况了。	是,学校里再也没有什么乱七八糟的情况了。	Yes, schools aren’t so messed up anymore.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Nǐ shuō, zōngjiàode zéren shi shénme?				What do you think the responsibility of religion is?	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèi bú shi yíge jiǎndānde wèntí, wǒmen děi cóng lìshǐ tánqǐ.	Zhè bùshì yīgè jiǎndān de wèntí ,  wǒmen dé cóng lìshǐ dànqǐ .	这不是一个简单的问题,我们得从历史弹起。	这不是一个简单的问题,我们得从历史弹起。	That’s not a simple question. We have to begin by talking about history.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Zài dàlùde shíyì rénkǒuzhōng yǒu duóshǎo shi shòuguo jiàoyude?	Zài dàlù de shíyì rénkǒu zhōng ,  yǒu duōshǎo shì shòuguò jiàoyù de ?	在大陆的十亿人口中,有多少是受过教育的?	在大陆的十亿人口中,有多少是受过教育的?	How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Wǒ xiǎng xiànzài lián lí chéngshì hěn yuǎnde nóngcūn dōu yǒu xuéxiào, shòuguo jiàoyude rén dàgài bù shǎo.	Wǒ xiǎng ,  xiànzài liánlí chéngshì hěnyuǎn de nóngcūn dū yǒu xuéxiào ,  shòuguò jiàoyù de rén dàgài bùshǎo .	我想,现在连离城市很远的农村都有学校,受过教育的人大概不少。	我想,现在连离城市很远的农村都有学校,受过教育的人大概不少。	I think that now even villages far from the city have schools, so there are probably a lot of people who are educated.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Míng Bào bú cuò, shìjièxìngde xīnwén tā dōu yǒu.	Míngbào bùcuò ,  shìjièxìng de xīnwén tā dū yǒu .	明报不错,世界性的新闻它都有。	明报不错,世界性的新闻它都有。	 The Ming Pao is not bad.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Duì le. Míng Bào bú cuò,  bù néng bu kàn.	Duì le ,  míngbào bùcuò ,  bùnéngbù kàn .	对了,明报不错,不能不看。	对了,明报不错,不能不看。	Yes, the Ming Pao is quite good. You have to read it.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Zhǐ yào nǐ lái bāng máng wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfa.	Zhǐyào nǐ lái bāngmáng ,  wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfǎ .	只要你来帮忙,我们就有办法。	只要你来帮忙,我们就有办法。	As long as you help out, we’ll he ahle to do it.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhè yǒu shénme? Yīnggāide ma.	Zhèyǒu shénme ? yìnggāi de ma ?	这有什么?应该的吗?	这有什么?应该的吗?	This is nothing. It’s only right.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèipiān wénzhāngli bú shi xī dú, jiù shi shā rén.	Kàn ,  zhè piānwénzhāng lǐ ,  bùshì xīdú ,  jiùshì shārén .	看,这篇文章里,不是吸毒,就是杀人。	看,这篇文章里,不是吸毒,就是杀人。	Look, there’s nothing in this article hut taking drugs and killing.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Kàn zhèizhǒng xīnwén, zhǐ néng shi rén nánshòu. Suàn le, bú yào kàn le.	Kàn zhèzhǒng xīnwén ; zhǐnéng shì rén nánshòu . ,  suànle bùyào kàn le .	看这种新闻;只能是人难受。,算了不要看了。	看这种新闻;只能是人难受。,算了不要看了。	Reading this kind of news will only make you feel had. Forget it, don’t read it.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+9.		Běnlái tāde Zhōngwén bú cuò, líkāi Zhōngguo jiǔle, wàngle hěn duō.	Běnlái tā de zhōngwén bùcuò ,  líkāi zhōngguó jiù le ,  wàng le hěnduō .	本来他的中文不错,离开中国就了,忘了很多。	本来他的中文不错,离开中国就了,忘了很多。	Originally, his Chinese was pretty good, hut he’s heen away from China for a long time and he’s forgotten a lot.	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+10.		luàn	Luàn  	乱 	乱 	to he confused, to he chaotic	7	47	FSI-Chinese
+11.		yǒu xiào	  yǒuxiào  	 有效 	 有效 	to he effective; to he valid	7	47	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Nǐ juéde zuìjin shèhuìshang āndìng yìdiǎnr ma?
+Nǐ juédé zuìjìn shèhuì shàng āndìng yīdiǎn ma ?
+Dāngrán, yǒule xīn fǎlǜ, fàn zuìde rén shǎoduō le.
+Dāngrán ,  yǒu le xīn fǎlǜ ,  fànzuì de rénshǎo duō le .
+Wǒ xiǎng kànkan jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào.
+Wǒ xiǎng kànkàn jīntiān yǒu shénme guǎnggào .
+Zhèr yǒu yífèn Huáshèngdùn Yóubào, náqu zhǎozhǎo kàn ha!
+Zhèlǐ yǒu yīfèn huáshèngdùnyóubào ,  ná qǐ zhǎozhǎokàn ba .
+Zuìjìn jǐnián jiàoyu gōngzuò yǒu hěn dàde jìnbù.
+Zuìjìn jīnián ,  jiàoyù gōngzuò yǒu hěndà de jìnbù .
+Shì a, xuéxiàoli zài yě méiyou shénme luànqībāzāode qíngkuàng le.
+Shì ,  xuéxiào lǐ zàiyě méiyǒu shénme luànqībāzāo de qíngkuàng le .
+Nǐ shuō, zōngjiàode zéren shi shénme?
+Zhèi bú shi yíge jiǎndānde wèntí, wǒmen děi cóng lìshǐ tánqǐ.
+Zhè bùshì yīgè jiǎndān de wèntí ,  wǒmen dé cóng lìshǐ dànqǐ .
+Zài dàlùde shíyì rénkǒuzhōng yǒu duóshǎo shi shòuguo jiàoyude?
+Zài dàlù de shíyì rénkǒu zhōng ,  yǒu duōshǎo shì shòuguò jiàoyù de ?
+Wǒ xiǎng xiànzài lián lí chéngshì hěn yuǎnde nóngcūn dōu yǒu xuéxiào, shòuguo jiàoyude rén dàgài bù shǎo.
+Wǒ xiǎng ,  xiànzài liánlí chéngshì hěnyuǎn de nóngcūn dū yǒu xuéxiào ,  shòuguò jiàoyù de rén dàgài bùshǎo .
+Míng Bào bú cuò, shìjièxìngde xīnwén tā dōu yǒu.
+Míngbào bùcuò ,  shìjièxìng de xīnwén tā dū yǒu .
+Duì le. Míng Bào bú cuò,  bù néng bu kàn.
+Duì le ,  míngbào bùcuò ,  bùnéngbù kàn .
+Zhǐ yào nǐ lái bāng máng wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfa.
+Zhǐyào nǐ lái bāngmáng ,  wǒmen jiù yǒu bànfǎ .
+Zhè yǒu shénme? Yīnggāide ma.
+Zhèyǒu shénme ? yìnggāi de ma ?
+Nǐ kàn, zhèipiān wénzhāngli bú shi xī dú, jiù shi shā rén.
+Kàn ,  zhè piānwénzhāng lǐ ,  bùshì xīdú ,  jiùshì shārén .
+Kàn zhèizhǒng xīnwén, zhǐ néng shi rén nánshòu. Suàn le, bú yào kàn le.
+Kàn zhèzhǒng xīnwén ; zhǐnéng shì rén nánshòu . ,  suànle bùyào kàn le .
+Běnlái tāde Zhōngwén bú cuò, líkāi Zhōngguo jiǔle, wàngle hěn duō.
+Běnlái tā de zhōngwén bùcuò ,  líkāi zhōngguó jiù le ,  wàng le hěnduō .
+yǒu xiào
+  yǒuxiào  

+ 0 - 0

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+1.	A:	Míngtiān dōu yǒu shéi kǎoshì ?	明天都有誰考試?	Who’s taking the test tomorrow?
+	B:	Děng yíxià wǒ gěi ni xiě yíge dānzi.	等一下,我給你寫一個單子。	I’ll write you a list in a minute.
+2.	A:	Bómǔ shuì wǔjiào ne ba?	伯母睡午覺的吧。	Is your mother taking a Enoontime3 nap?
+	B:	X, xiǎo shēng diǎnr. Bié bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.	小聲點,別把她吵醒了。	Sh! Keep it down. Don’t wake her up.
+3.	A:	Nǐ kàn zhèicìde shēngyì zěnmeyàng?	你看這次的生意怎麼樣?	How do you think business will go this time?
+	B:	Bù zhīdào. Yào kàn yùnqi le.	不知道,要看運氣了。	I don’t know. It depends on luck.
+4.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi xiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí Měiguó.	我想去買一些工藝品帶回美國。	I want to go buy some handicrafts to take back to America.
+	B:	Wǒ zhèr zhènghǎo yǒu jǐjiàn, nǐ dōu dàishang ba.	我這正好有幾件,你都戴上吧。	I just happen to have some here. Take them with you.
+5.	A:	Hǎoxiàng shi Xiǎo Lǐ cǒng ménkǒur guòqu le.	好像是 Xiao Li從門口過去了。	That looked like Xiǎo L? who just passed by the door.
+	B:	Nǐ hǎohāorde zài zhèr niàn shū ba! Bié xiǎng dōng xiǎng xīde.	你好好在這念書吧,別想東想西的。	You just tend to your studies []properly]!! Don’t be thinking of this and that.
+6.	A:	Qùnián tāde Yīngwén hái shuōde nàme nántīng, jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduǒ le. Shi zěnme huí shi?	去年,他的英文還說的那麼難聽,今年好像好多了,是怎麼回事?	Last year his English still sounded so awful, but this year it seems a lot better. What happened?
+	B:	Shi zènme huí shì, tā mǔqin téng ta, sòng ta qù Yīngguó niànle yìnián shù.	怎麼回事?他母親疼他,送他去英國唸了一年書。	It’s this way: his mother dotes on him and sent him to school in England for a year.
+7.	A:	Tā hái qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán gàn shenme, rénjia yòu bù xǐhuan ta!	他還去找小蘭幹什麼,人家又不喜歡他?	What is he going to see Xiǎo Lán for? After all, she doesn’t like him.
+	B:	Nǐ bié jí, wǒ lái quànquan ta.	你別急,我來勸勸他.	Don’t get upset, I’ll try to persuade him.
+8.	A:	Nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bu gai qù?	你說我該不該去?	Do you think I should go?         
+	B:	Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba, tīngshuō nèige dìfangr kuài dǎ zhàng le. 	你看著辦吧,聽說那個地方快打仗了.	You do as you see fit, hut I hear that there’s about to he a war there.                            
+9.	A:	Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi Wáng Dàifu sòngxíng, tā shuō tā yuànyi gěi nín kànkan.  	剛才我去給 Dr. Wang 送行,他說他願意給您看看.	Just now when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would he willing to see you CmedicallyD. 
+	B:	Zhèi yíxiàzi hǎo le. Děng tā huílai wǒ qù kàn ta.	這一下子好了,等他回來我去看他.	(Now) that’s great. I’ll go see him when he gets hack.            
+10.	A:	Zhèige shǎ háizi, zènme dàde shìr yě bu zǎo diǎnr gàosu wo! 	這個傻孩子,這麼大的事兒也不早點告訴我.	What a stupid kid, why didn’t you tell me about this before, since it’s such an important thing.  
+	B:	Wō yuánlái gēn nín shuōguo, nín wàng le.	我原來跟您說過,您忘了.	I did tell you, but you’ve forgotten.                        
+11.		gànmá	歸納嗎	(colloquial) why on earth, what for; to do what                                                      
+12.		lái	來	to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)                                                                      
+13.		bófù	伯父	uncle (father's elder brother); term for the father of one's friend

+ 23 - 23

@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-1.	A:	Míngtiān dōu yǒu shéi kǎoshì ?		Who’s taking the test tomorrow?
-	B:	Děng yíxià wǒ gěi ni xiě yíge dānzi.		I’ll write you a list in a minute.
-2.	A:	Bómǔ shuì wǔjiào ne ba?		Is your mother taking a Enoontime3 nap?
-	B:	X, xiǎo shēng diǎnr. Bié bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.		Sh! Keep it down. Don’t wake her up.
-3.	A:	Nǐ kàn zhèicìde shēngyì zěnmeyàng?		How do you think business will go this time?
-	B:	Bù zhīdào. Yào kàn yùnqi le.		I don’t know. It depends on luck.
-4.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi xiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí Měiguó.		I want to go buy some handicrafts to take back to America.
-	B:	Wǒ zhèr zhènghǎo yǒu jǐjiàn, nǐ dōu dàishang ba.		I just happen to have some here. Take them with you.
-5.	A:	Hǎoxiàng shi Xiǎo Lǐ cǒng ménkǒur guòqu le.		That looked like Xiǎo L? who just passed by the door.
-	B:	Nǐ hǎohāorde zài zhèr niàn shū ba! Bié xiǎng dōng xiǎng xīde.		You just tend to your studies []properly]!! Don’t be thinking of this and that.
-6.	A:	Qùnián tāde Yīngwén hái shuōde nàme nántīng, jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduǒ le. Shi zěnme huí shi?		Last year his English still sounded so awful, but this year it seems a lot better. What happened?
-	B:	Shi zènme huí shì, tā mǔqin téng ta, sòng ta qù Yīngguó niànle yìnián shù.		It’s this way: his mother dotes on him and sent him to school in England for a year.
-7.	A:	Tā hái qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán gàn shenme, rénjia yòu bù xǐhuan ta!		What is he going to see Xiǎo Lán for? After all, she doesn’t like him.
-	B:	Nǐ bié jí, wǒ lái quànquan ta.		Don’t get upset, I’ll try to persuade him.
-8.	A:	Nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bu gai qù?		Do you think I should go?         
-	B:	Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba, tīngshuō nèige dìfangr kuài dǎ zhàng le. 		You do as you see fit, hut I hear that there’s about to he a war there.                            
-9.	A:	Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi Wáng Dàifu sòngxíng, tā shuō tā yuànyi gěi nín kànkan.  		Just now when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would he willing to see you CmedicallyD. 
-	B:	Zhèi yíxiàzi hǎo le. Děng tā huílai wǒ qù kàn ta.  	(Now) that’s great. I’ll go see him when he gets hack.            
-10.	A:	Zhèige shǎ háizi, zènme dàde shìr yě bu zǎo diǎnr gàosu wo! 		What a stupid kid, why didn’t you tell me about this before, since it’s such an important thing.  
-	B:	Wō yuánlái gēn nín shuōguo, nín wàng le.		I did tell you, but you’ve forgotten.                        
-11.		gànmá		(colloquial) why on earth, what for; to do what                                                      
-12.		lái		to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)                                                                      
-13.		hófù		uncle (father's elder brother); term for the father of one's friend
+1.	A:	Míngtiān dōu yǒu shéi kǎoshì ?	明天都有誰考試?	Who’s taking the test tomorrow?
+	B:	Děng yíxià wǒ gěi ni xiě yíge dānzi.	等一下,我給你寫一個單子。	I’ll write you a list in a minute.
+2.	A:	Bómǔ shuì wǔjiào ne ba?	伯母睡午覺的吧。	Is your mother taking a Enoontime3 nap?
+	B:	X, xiǎo shēng diǎnr. Bié bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.	小聲點,別把她吵醒了。	Sh! Keep it down. Don’t wake her up.
+3.	A:	Nǐ kàn zhèicìde shēngyì zěnmeyàng?	你看這次的生意怎麼樣?	How do you think business will go this time?
+	B:	Bù zhīdào. Yào kàn yùnqi le.	不知道,要看運氣了。	I don’t know. It depends on luck.
+4.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi xiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí Měiguó.	我想去買一些工藝品帶回美國。	I want to go buy some handicrafts to take back to America.
+	B:	Wǒ zhèr zhènghǎo yǒu jǐjiàn, nǐ dōu dàishang ba.	我這正好有幾件,你都戴上吧。	I just happen to have some here. Take them with you.
+5.	A:	Hǎoxiàng shi Xiǎo Lǐ cǒng ménkǒur guòqu le.	好像是 Xiao Li從門口過去了。	That looked like Xiǎo L? who just passed by the door.
+	B:	Nǐ hǎohāorde zài zhèr niàn shū ba! Bié xiǎng dōng xiǎng xīde.	你好好在這念書吧,別想東想西的。	You just tend to your studies []properly]!! Don’t be thinking of this and that.
+6.	A:	Qùnián tāde Yīngwén hái shuōde nàme nántīng, jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduǒ le. Shi zěnme huí shi?	去年,他的英文還說的那麼難聽,今年好像好多了,是怎麼回事?	Last year his English still sounded so awful, but this year it seems a lot better. What happened?
+	B:	Shi zènme huí shì, tā mǔqin téng ta, sòng ta qù Yīngguó niànle yìnián shù.	怎麼回事?他母親疼他,送他去英國念了一年書。	It’s this way: his mother dotes on him and sent him to school in England for a year.
+7.	A:	Tā hái qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán gàn shenme, rénjia yòu bù xǐhuan ta!	他還去找小蘭幹什麼,人家又不喜歡他?	What is he going to see Xiǎo Lán for? After all, she doesn’t like him.
+	B:	Nǐ bié jí, wǒ lái quànquan ta.	你別急,我來勸勸他.	Don’t get upset, I’ll try to persuade him.
+8.	A:	Nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bu gai qù?	你說我該不該去?	Do you think I should go?         
+	B:	Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba, tīngshuō nèige dìfangr kuài dǎ zhàng le. 	你看著辦吧,聽說那個地方快打仗了.	You do as you see fit, hut I hear that there’s about to he a war there.                            
+9.	A:	Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi Wáng Dàifu sòngxíng, tā shuō tā yuànyi gěi nín kànkan.  	剛才我去給 Dr. Wang 送行,他說他願意給您看看.	Just now when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would he willing to see you CmedicallyD. 
+	B:	Zhèi yíxiàzi hǎo le. Děng tā huílai wǒ qù kàn ta.	這一下子好了,等他回來我去看他.	(Now) that’s great. I’ll go see him when he gets hack.            
+10.	A:	Zhèige shǎ háizi, zènme dàde shìr yě bu zǎo diǎnr gàosu wo! 	這個傻孩子,這麼大的事兒也不早點告訴我.	What a stupid kid, why didn’t you tell me about this before, since it’s such an important thing.  
+	B:	Wō yuánlái gēn nín shuōguo, nín wàng le.	我原來跟您說過,您忘了.	I did tell you, but you’ve forgotten.                        
+11.		gànmá	归纳吗	(colloquial) why on earth, what for; to do what                                                      
+12.		lái		to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)                                                                      
+13.		bófù	伯父	uncle (father's elder brother); term for the father of one's friend

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+1.	A:	Míngtiān dōu yǒu shéi kǎoshì ?	Míngtiān dū yǒu shuí kǎoshì ?	明天都有谁考试?	明天都有谁考试?	Who’s taking the test tomorrow?	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Děng yíxià wǒ gěi ni xiě yíge dānzi.	Děng yīxià ,  wǒ gěi nǐ xiě yīgè dānzǐ .	等一下,我给你写一个单子。	等一下,我给你写一个单子。	I’ll write you a list in a minute.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Bómǔ shuì wǔjiào ne ba?	Bómǔ shuìwǔjué de ba .	伯母睡午觉的吧。	伯母睡午觉的吧。	Is your mother taking a Enoontime3 nap?	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	X, xiǎo shēng diǎnr. Bié bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.	Xiǎoshēngdiǎn ,  bié bǎ tā chǎoxǐng le .	小声点,别把她吵醒了。	小声点,别把她吵醒了。	Sh! Keep it down. Don’t wake her up.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Nǐ kàn zhèicìde shēngyì zěnmeyàng?	Nǐ kàn zhècì de shēngyì zěnmeyáng ?	你看这次的生意怎么样?	你看这次的生意怎么样?	How do you think business will go this time?	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bù zhīdào. Yào kàn yùnqi le.	Bù zhīdào ,  yào kànyùnqì le .	不知道,要看运气了。	不知道,要看运气了。	I don’t know. It depends on luck.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi xiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí Měiguó.	Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi yīxiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí měiguó .	我想去买一些工艺品带回美国。	我想去买一些工艺品带回美国。	I want to go buy some handicrafts to take back to America.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Wǒ zhèr zhènghǎo yǒu jǐjiàn, nǐ dōu dàishang ba.	Wǒ zhè zhènghǎo yǒu jījiàn ,  nǐ dū dài shàng ba .	我这正好有几件,你都戴上吧。	我这正好有几件,你都戴上吧。	I just happen to have some here. Take them with you.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Hǎoxiàng shi Xiǎo Lǐ cǒng ménkǒur guòqu le.	Hǎoxiàng shì   xiao   li cóng ménkǒu guòqù le .	好像是 Xiao Li从门口过去了。	好像是 Xiao Li从门口过去了。	That looked like Xiǎo L? who just passed by the door.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ hǎohāorde zài zhèr niàn shū ba! Bié xiǎng dōng xiǎng xīde.	Nǐ hǎohǎo zài zhè niànshū ba ,  biéxiǎng dōngxiǎngxī de .	你好好在这念书吧,别想东想西的。	你好好在这念书吧,别想东想西的。	You just tend to your studies []properly]!! Don’t be thinking of this and that.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Qùnián tāde Yīngwén hái shuōde nàme nántīng, jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduǒ le. Shi zěnme huí shi?	Qùnián ,  tā de yīngwén huán shuō de nàme nántīng ,  jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduō le ,  shì zěnmehuíshì ?	去年,他的英文还说的那么难听,今年好像好多了,是怎么回事?	去年,他的英文还说的那么难听,今年好像好多了,是怎么回事?	Last year his English still sounded so awful, but this year it seems a lot better. What happened?	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shi zènme huí shì, tā mǔqin téng ta, sòng ta qù Yīngguó niànle yìnián shù.	Zěnmehuíshì ? tā mǔqīn téng tā ,  sòng tā qù yīngguó niàn le yīnián shū .	怎么回事?他母亲疼他,送他去英国念了一年书。	怎么回事?他母亲疼他,送他去英国念了一年书。	It’s this way: his mother dotes on him and sent him to school in England for a year.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Tā hái qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán gàn shenme, rénjia yòu bù xǐhuan ta!	Tā huán qù zhǎo xiǎolán gānshénme ,  rénjiā yòu bù xǐhuān tā ?	他还去找小兰干什么,人家又不喜欢他?	他还去找小兰干什么,人家又不喜欢他?	What is he going to see Xiǎo Lán for? After all, she doesn’t like him.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ bié jí, wǒ lái quànquan ta.	Nǐ biéjí ,  wǒlái quànquàn tā .	你别急,我来劝劝他.	你别急,我来劝劝他。	Don’t get upset, I’ll try to persuade him.	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bu gai qù?	Nǐ shuō wǒ gāibùgāi qù ?	你说我该不该去?	你说我该不该去?	Do you think I should go?         	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba, tīngshuō nèige dìfangr kuài dǎ zhàng le. 	Nǐ kàn zhùbàn ba ,  tīngshuō nàgè dìfāng kuài dǎzhàng le .	你看著办吧,听说那个地方快打仗了.	你看著办吧,听说那个地方快打仗了。	You do as you see fit, hut I hear that there’s about to he a war there.                            	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi Wáng Dàifu sòngxíng, tā shuō tā yuànyi gěi nín kànkan.  	Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi   dr .   wang   sòngxíng ,  tā shuō tā yuànyì gěi nín kànkàn .	刚才我去给 Dr. Wang 送行,他说他愿意给您看看.	刚才我去给 Dr。 Wang 送行,他说他愿意给您看看。	Just now when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would he willing to see you CmedicallyD. 	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Zhèi yíxiàzi hǎo le. Děng tā huílai wǒ qù kàn ta.	Zhè yīxiàzǐ hǎo le ,  děng tā huílái wǒ qù kàn tā .	这一下子好了,等他回来我去看他.	这一下子好了,等他回来我去看他。	(Now) that’s great. I’ll go see him when he gets hack.            	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Zhèige shǎ háizi, zènme dàde shìr yě bu zǎo diǎnr gàosu wo! 	Zhègè shǎ háizǐ ,  zhème dà de shìér yě bù zǎodiǎn gàosù wǒ .	这个傻孩子,这么大的事儿也不早点告诉我.	这个傻孩子,这么大的事儿也不早点告诉我。	What a stupid kid, why didn’t you tell me about this before, since it’s such an important thing.  	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Wō yuánlái gēn nín shuōguo, nín wàng le.	Wǒ yuánlái gēn nín shuō guò ,  nín wàng le .	我原来跟您说过,您忘了.	我原来跟您说过,您忘了。	I did tell you, but you’ve forgotten.                        	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+11.		gànmá	Guīnà ma	归纳吗	归纳吗	(colloquial) why on earth, what for; to do what                                                      	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+12.		lái	Lái	来	来	to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself (to food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)                                                                      	7	48	FSI-Chinese
+13.		bófù	Bófù	伯父	伯父	uncle (father's elder brother); term for the father of one's friend	7	48	FSI-Chinese

+ 0 - 0

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Míngtiān dōu yǒu shéi kǎoshì ?
+Míngtiān dū yǒu shuí kǎoshì ?
+Děng yíxià wǒ gěi ni xiě yíge dānzi.
+Děng yīxià ,  wǒ gěi nǐ xiě yīgè dānzǐ .
+Bómǔ shuì wǔjiào ne ba?
+Bómǔ shuìwǔjué de ba .
+X, xiǎo shēng diǎnr. Bié bǎ ta chǎoxǐng le.
+Xiǎoshēngdiǎn ,  bié bǎ tā chǎoxǐng le .
+Nǐ kàn zhèicìde shēngyì zěnmeyàng?
+Nǐ kàn zhècì de shēngyì zěnmeyáng ?
+Bù zhīdào. Yào kàn yùnqi le.
+Bù zhīdào ,  yào kànyùnqì le .
+Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi xiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí Měiguó.
+Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi yīxiē gōngyìpǐn dàihuí měiguó .
+Wǒ zhèr zhènghǎo yǒu jǐjiàn, nǐ dōu dàishang ba.
+Wǒ zhè zhènghǎo yǒu jījiàn ,  nǐ dū dài shàng ba .
+Hǎoxiàng shi Xiǎo Lǐ cǒng ménkǒur guòqu le.
+Hǎoxiàng shì   xiao   li cóng ménkǒu guòqù le .
+Nǐ hǎohāorde zài zhèr niàn shū ba! Bié xiǎng dōng xiǎng xīde.
+Nǐ hǎohǎo zài zhè niànshū ba ,  biéxiǎng dōngxiǎngxī de .
+Qùnián tāde Yīngwén hái shuōde nàme nántīng, jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduǒ le. Shi zěnme huí shi?
+Qùnián ,  tā de yīngwén huán shuō de nàme nántīng ,  jīnnián hǎoxiàng hǎoduō le ,  shì zěnmehuíshì ?
+Shi zènme huí shì, tā mǔqin téng ta, sòng ta qù Yīngguó niànle yìnián shù.
+Zěnmehuíshì ? tā mǔqīn téng tā ,  sòng tā qù yīngguó niàn le yīnián shū .
+Tā hái qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán gàn shenme, rénjia yòu bù xǐhuan ta!
+Tā huán qù zhǎo xiǎolán gānshénme ,  rénjiā yòu bù xǐhuān tā ?
+Nǐ bié jí, wǒ lái quànquan ta.
+Nǐ biéjí ,  wǒlái quànquàn tā .
+Nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bu gai qù?
+Nǐ shuō wǒ gāibùgāi qù ?
+Nǐ kànzhe bàn ba, tīngshuō nèige dìfangr kuài dǎ zhàng le. 
+Nǐ kàn zhùbàn ba ,  tīngshuō nàgè dìfāng kuài dǎzhàng le .
+Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi Wáng Dàifu sòngxíng, tā shuō tā yuànyi gěi nín kànkan.  
+Gāngcái wǒ qù gěi   dr .   wang   sòngxíng ,  tā shuō tā yuànyì gěi nín kànkàn .
+Zhèi yíxiàzi hǎo le. Děng tā huílai wǒ qù kàn ta.
+Zhè yīxiàzǐ hǎo le ,  děng tā huílái wǒ qù kàn tā .
+Zhèige shǎ háizi, zènme dàde shìr yě bu zǎo diǎnr gàosu wo! 
+Zhègè shǎ háizǐ ,  zhème dà de shìér yě bù zǎodiǎn gàosù wǒ .
+Wō yuánlái gēn nín shuōguo, nín wàng le.
+Wǒ yuánlái gēn nín shuō guò ,  nín wàng le .
+Guīnà ma

+ 0 - 0

+ 5072 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5072 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="striped" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="3">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="4.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">àishàng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">爱上 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to fall in love vith
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">爱</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to love
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">āndìng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">安定 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be peaceful and stable, to be quiet and settled
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bàba</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">爸爸</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		father, dad, papa
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">báitiān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">白天 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		daytime
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bāng máng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">帮忙</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to help; help
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bāngzhu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">帮助</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to help; help; as a help to,for
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bàng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">棒</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be great, to be fantastic,to be terrific
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-bān </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-班</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		counter for class of students
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǎohù </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">保护</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to protect
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǎoshí </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">保持</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to keep, to preserve, to maintain
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bāo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">包 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to wrap
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bèihòu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">背后</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		behind someone's back
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-bèizi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-辈子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		all one's life, lifetime
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">běnlái </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">本来 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		originally, in the beginning, at first; to begin with, in the first place
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">běnrén </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">本人 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		herself, himself, oneself, myself,etc.
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">biànchéng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">变成 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to change into
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">biàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">变 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to change,to become different
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǐcǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">彼此 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		each other, one another, both; the same to you
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bìngrén </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">病人</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		sick person,patient
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǐsà bǐng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">比萨饼</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		pizza
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">比</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to compare
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bómǔ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">伯母 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		aunt (wife of father's elder brother); (term for the mother of one's friend)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bóshì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">博士</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Ph.D.
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú fàngxīn  </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不放心</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to worry
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù guǎn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不管</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		no matter (vhat, whether, etc.)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù huāng bù máng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不慌不忙 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		calm, not the least bit flustered
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú jiàn bú sàn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不见不散</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		don't leave until we've met up
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù jiǎndān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不简单 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		not ordinary,not commonplace; remarkable
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù néng bu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不能不</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to have to,must
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù shǎo </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不少</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be quite a lot,to be much, to be many
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú shi... jiù shi...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。。。 就是。。。</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		if it isn't... then it's; either... or...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú xiàng huà </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不像话 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cáichǎn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">财产 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		property
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">才</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		only in that case, only under this condition
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">财</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		only (before an amount)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cānjiā</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">参加</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to participate in, to take part in; to join; to attend
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chàng gē</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">唱歌 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to sing (songs)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cháng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">长 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be long
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chǎoxǐng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吵醒</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to wake (someone) up by being noisy
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吵 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be noisy; to disturb by making noise
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chéngshì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">城市</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		city; urban
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chéngyuánguó</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">成员国 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		member country
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-chéng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-成 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(verb ending) into
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chībuxiàqù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吃不下去 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be unable to eat
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chī kǔ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吃苦 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to suffer, to undergo hardship
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chōu yān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">抽菸</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to smoke (totacco)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chuáng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">床 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		bed
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chuántǒng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">传统 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		tradition, traditional
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cōnglái bù/méi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">从来不/从来没</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		never (up till now)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cónglái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">从来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		ever (up till now),always (up till now)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cóng... (verb)-qǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">从。。。 -起</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to begin (verb)-ing from.
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cūnr</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">村儿</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		village
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dāduōshù(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大多数(儿)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the great majority
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàishang</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">带上</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take along (Běijīng)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-dài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-代</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		generation; era, (historical) period
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dājiě</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大姐</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		older sister (a respectful term of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàlù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大陆</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		mainland, continent
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">党 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(political) party
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dānxīn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">担心</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be worried, to be uneasy
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dānzi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">单子 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		list; form
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàochù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">到处</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		everywhere
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàodé</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">道德</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		morality, morals, ethics
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dào lāji</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">倒垃圾</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take out (dump) the garbage
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàolǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">道理</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		principle, truth , hows and whys; reason, argument, sense
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">倒</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to pour, to dump
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-dào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(resultative ending used for perception ty one of the senses: jiàndao, kàndao, tīngdao, etc.)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-dào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(resultative ending used to indicate reaching; in xiǎngdào, tándào, etc., translated as “about” or “of”
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dàxuéshēng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大学生</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		college student
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dǎ zhàng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">打仗 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to fight a war, to go to war
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dǎ zhēn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">打针</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to get an injection
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dǎ zì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">打字</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to type (on a typewriter)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dédao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">得到 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to receive, to get
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-de huà</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">的话 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		if; in case; supposing that
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">děi kàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">得看</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to depend on
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">děng dào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">等到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		wait until; when, by the time
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">děng yíxià</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">等以下</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		wait a minute; in a little while
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">děng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">等</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		when; by the time; till
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dé</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">得</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to get
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-diǎn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-点</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		point
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">diào yǎnlèi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">掉眼泪</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to cry,shed tears
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dìwei</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">地位 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		position,status
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dǒngde</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">懂得</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to understand, to grasp, to know
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duǎnpiān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">短片</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		short (stories, articles)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">dúlì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">独立</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be independent; independence
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duó (duō)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">多</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		how (to what extent)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duó hǎo!</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">多好!</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		how great that is!
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duōshù(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">多数 (儿)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the majority (of), most (of)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">éi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">诶 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		say! (interjection telling that the speaker Just thought of something)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">értóng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">儿童 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		child (formal word)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">érxífu(r) (-fer)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">儿媳妇(儿)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		daughter-in-law
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fādá</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">发达</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be (highly) developed, to be
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fǎlǜ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">法律 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		law
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fǎnduì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">反对 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to oppose, to be against
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-fāngmiàn (-mian)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-方面</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		aspect,side, area, respect
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fǎngwèn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">访问 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to visit
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fǎnzhèng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">反正</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		anyvay, in any case
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fàn zuì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">犯罪</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to commit a crime
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">犯</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to violate, to offend, to commit; to have an attack (of an old disease)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">翻 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to translate
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fāzhǎn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">发展</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to develop, to expand, to grow
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēngsú</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">风俗</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		custom(s)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēnkāi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">分开</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to separate, to split up
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">分</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		points
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">分</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to divide, to separate, to split
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fùnü</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妇女</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		woman; women, womankind
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fúqi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">夫妻 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		blessings, good fortune
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gǎibiàn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">改变</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to change; change(s)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gài </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">盖</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to build, to construct
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gāi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">该</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		should, ought to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gāi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">该</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		will probably
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gànbu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">干部</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		cadre
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gǎnjué </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">感觉 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		feeling, sensation; to feel, to perceive
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gànmá </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">干嘛 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to do what; (colloquial) why on what for
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gàn shenme </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">干什么</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to do what; (colloquial) vhy on earth,what for
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gǎnxiè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">感谢</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be thankful, to be grateful
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gāogàn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高干</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		senior cadres
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gāozhōng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高中</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		senior high school
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gèguó </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">各国</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		various countries
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gémìng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">革命</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		revolution
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gēn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">跟 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to follow
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gòngchǎndǎng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">共产党</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Communist Party
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngchǎng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">工厂</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		factory, mill, plant, works
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōnggong </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">公公 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandfather, grandpa (paternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngkè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">功课 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		homework
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gòngqīngtuán </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">共青团</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Communist Youth League
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngshāngyè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">工商业</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		industry and commerce
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngyè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">工业</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		industry
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōngyìpǐn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">工艺品</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		handicrafts
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gōng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">公</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		male (for animals)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guǎnggào </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">广告 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		advertisement
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guānniàn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">观念</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		concept, idea, notion
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guānxīn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">关心</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be concerned/care about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guānyú </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">关于</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		as to, with regard to, concerning, about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guǎn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">管</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take care of; to mind, to bother about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gǔhuī </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">骨灰</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		bone ashes, ashes (of a person)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guīju </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">规矩</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		rules of proper behavior, social etiquette, manners; special customs, established practice, rule (of
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guójiā </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">国家 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		country, state, nation; national
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guòqù </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">过去 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the past
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guòqu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">过去 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to pass; to pass away, to die
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guò rìzi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">过日子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to live; to get along
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gùshi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">故事 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		story
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">gǔshū </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">古书 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		ancient book
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎiluòyīn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">海洛因 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		heroin
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hái </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">还</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		fairly, passably
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎochù </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好处</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		benefit, advantage
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎohāor </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好好儿 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		properly, carefully, thoroughly
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好是好,可是</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		well, okay, but…
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎoxiàng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好像 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to seem as if,to seem like
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hēiyè</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">黑夜</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(darkness of) night, nighttime
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hèn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">恨 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to hate, to loathe, to detest
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hóngwèibīng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">红卫兵</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(a) Red Guard; the Red Guards
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hòulái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">后来 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		later, afterwards
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáshèngdùn Yóubào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">华盛顿邮报</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Washington Post
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">huì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">会</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		might; to be likely to; will
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-huí</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">回</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		counter for shì matter
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">huó</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">活 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to live; to become alive; to survive; to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">húshuō</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">胡说</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hùxiāng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">互相 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		mutually
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiǎndān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">简单 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be simple
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiǎngjiu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">讲究</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奖 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		prize
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">讲</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to stress, to pay attention to, to be particular about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiàotáng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">教堂</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		church, cathedral
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiàoyu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">教育</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to educate; education
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiārù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">加入</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to join
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiātíng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">家庭 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		family
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-jiā</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">家</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		counter for families
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīdòng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">激动 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be agitated, to be worked up
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jièdao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">借到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to successfully borrow
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiěfàng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">解放</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiéhūn (jiēhūn)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">结婚</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to get married
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jièyì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">介意</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to mind, to take offense
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiè</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">借</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to borrow; to lend
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jíjímángmáng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">急急忙忙</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in a hurry, extremely rushed
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jímáng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">急忙</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be hasty, to be hurried
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jìnbù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">进步</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to progress; progress
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jìndàishǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">近代史 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		modern history
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīngshén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">精神 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		energy, spirits
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jīnr</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">今儿</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		today (Běijīng)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jǐnzhāng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">紧张</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be nervous, to be upset
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jìzhu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">记住</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to remember
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">记 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to remember; to commit to memory
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jūnduì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">军队</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		army
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">júzi shuǐ(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">橘子水(儿) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		orange juice (Běijīng)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-jù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-句 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		sentence; (counter for sentences utterances, often followed by huà, “speech”)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kànbuqǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看不起 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to look down on, to scorn, to despise
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kàndao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to see
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kànzhe</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看着 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(followed by a verb) as one sees fit, as one deems reasonable
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to depend on
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kǎolǜ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">考虑</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to consider, to think about; consideration
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kǎoshì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">考试</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take/give an exam, test, or quiz; exam, test
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">考 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take/give an exam, test, or quiz
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">靠</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to depend on, to rely on; to lean against; to be near, to be next to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kěài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可爱</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be loveable, to be adorable
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kěkǎyīn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可卡因 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		cocaine
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěkǒukělě</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可口可乐</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Coca Cola
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kělián</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可怜</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be pitiful
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kěn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">肯</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be willing to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">kū</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哭 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to cry
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">*</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		for the past, (amount of time)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">...lái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。。。来 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to do (something), to perform (something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">来 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		used before a verb to express that something vill be done
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lājī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">垃圾 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		garbage
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lánwěiyán</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">阑尾炎 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		appendicitis
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">láodònglì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劳动力</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		labor force, labor; able-bodied person
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">láodòng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劳动</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to labor
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎolao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姥姥</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandmother,grandma (maternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">láolì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劳力</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		labor force; labor
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎo shīfu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老师傅</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		old master
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎoshǔ (láoshu)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老鼠</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		mouse or rat
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎoxiānsheng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老先生</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		old gentlemen
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎoyé</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姥爷 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandfather, grandpa (maternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎozǒng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老总</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(used vith surname as an affectionate term for a high-ranking PLA commander)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		all the time, always
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lián... dōu/yě...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">连。。。 都/也</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		even...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liáo tiān(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">聊天(儿)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to chat
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liáo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">聊</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to chat
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liǎ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">俩 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Běijīng colloquial word meaning liǎngge, two
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǐmào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">礼貌</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		manners, politeness
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǐngdǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">领导 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liùshi niándài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">六十年代 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the decade of the sixties
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liúxia </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">留下</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to leave
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">liúxíng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">流行</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">luànqībāzāo </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">乱七八糟 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in a mess, in confusion, in disorder; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">luàn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">乱 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be in disorder, to be in a mess, to be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">mànmānr (mànmàn) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">慢慢儿(慢慢)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		slowly; gradually, by and by; taking one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ma </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">么 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(marker for obviousness of reasoning)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">méi yìsi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">米意思</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be uninteresting/boring; to be pointless/meaningless; to be a drag; to be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">míngbai </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明白</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to understand, to be clear on, to comprehend; to be clear, to be in-telligible
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Míng Bào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明报 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">mǔ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">母 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		female (for animals)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nà hái yòng shuō </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那还用说</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		that goes vithout saying
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǎinai </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奶奶</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandmother (paternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nán Měi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">南美</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		South America
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nánnǚ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">男女</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		men and women, male-female
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nánshòu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">难受</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be uncomfortable; to feel bad, to feel unhappy
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nántīng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">难听</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be unpleasant to hear; to sound bad, to offend the ears; to be scandalous
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nénglì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">能力 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		ability
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ne </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">呢</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		used in questions asking the whereabouts of someone/something
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">niánji (niánjì)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">年纪</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		age
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">niánqīng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">年轻</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be young
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nóngcūn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">农村 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		country, rural area; rural
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nònglai </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">弄来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to get and bring
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nóngmín </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">农民</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		peasant
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nong (něng) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">弄</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to do; to fool with; to get
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nóngyè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">农业 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		agriculture
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǔlì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">努力</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to make efforts
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǚsheng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">女生 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		coed, woman student
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pǎolai pǎoqù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">跑来 跑去</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to run around
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pà</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怕</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be afraid
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pèngdao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">碰到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to run into, to come across
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-piān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-篇</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		counter for sheets, articles or pieces of writing
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">piàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">骗 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to fool, to deceive
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">píngděng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">平等 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		equality; to be equal (of people)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pīnmìng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">拼命</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		with all one's might, for all one is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk one's life, to defy death
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pīzhǔn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">批准</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to give permission, to approve; approval, permission, sanction
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pópo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">婆婆 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandmother, grandma
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qiáng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">强</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be strong
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qiāng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">枪 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		gun
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qiánxiē nián</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">前些年</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		a fev years back, in recent years
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qiāo mén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">敲门</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to knock at the door
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qíguài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奇怪</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be strange, to be odd, to be surprising
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-qilai</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-起来 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(resultative ending which indicates starting)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐlai</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">起来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to get up (in several senses)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīnghǎi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">青海 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		a province in western China
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qíngkuàng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">情况</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qíngxing</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">情形 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		situation, circumstances, condition, state of affairs
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">quánjiā rén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">全家人</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the whole family
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">quàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劝 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to advise, to urge, to try to persuade
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ràng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">让 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to make (someone a certain vay)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rénjia</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">人家</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		people; other people; someone else; they; he, she; I
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">人</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		person; self; body
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rèxīnqilai</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">热心起来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to become enthusiastic and interested
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rèxīn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">热心</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be enthusiastic and interested, to be varmhearted, to be earnest
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rìzi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">日子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		day; date; time
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rù Tuán</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">入团</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to join the Communist Youth League (Gòngqīngtuán or Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">入 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to enter; to join (an organization)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shāfā </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">沙发 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		sofa
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shàng xué </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">上学</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to go to school; to attend school
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shāngyè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">商业</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		commerce, business
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-shang </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-上 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		verb ending indicating starting and continuing
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shàoxiānduì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">少先队 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Young Pioneers
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shǎ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">傻 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be stupid, to be dumb, to be silly, to be naive
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shā </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">杀 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to kill (means unspecified); to kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shèhuì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">社会 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		society; social
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shēngchǎn </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">生产 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to produce; production
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shēnghuó </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">生活</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to live; life; daily life; livelihood
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shēngyì (shēngyi) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">生意 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		business, trade
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shēnqǐng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">申请</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to apply (for)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shēntǐ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">身体</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		body; health
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shìchǎng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">市场</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		market
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shìjièshang </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">世界上 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in the vorld, in the whole world
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shijièxìng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">世界性</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		vorldwvide, cosmopolite
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shìjiè </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">世界</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		vorld
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shíxíng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">实行</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to practice, to carry out, to put into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shízaì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">实在</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		really; to be real
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shǐ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">使</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to cause (followed by a verb), to make, to enable
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shǒuchāode </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">手抄的</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		handwritten
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shòu jiàoyu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">受 教育</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to receive an education
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shōurù </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">收入</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		income, earnings
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shōushi </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">收拾</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to straighten up; to get ones things ready
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shòu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">受 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to receive
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shòu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">瘦 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be thin
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shǔjià </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">暑假</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		summer vacation
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shuōbuqīngchu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">说不清楚</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		can't explain clearly
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shuōdao </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">说到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to speak of; as for
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shuōfǎ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">说法 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		vay of saying a thing; statement, version, argument
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shuòshì </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">硕士 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Master丨s degree
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sì Shū </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">四书</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the Four Books (Dàxué, Zhōngyōng, Lúnyǔ, Mèngzǐ)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sīxiǎng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">思想 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		thought, vay of thinking
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sǐ </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">死</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to die
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sònghuiqu </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">送回去</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take/escort back
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sòngxíng </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">送行 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to see (someone off), to wish (someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">suàn le</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		forget it, let's drop the matter, let it go at that; come off it, come on
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sūnnǚ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">孙女</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		granddaughter (through one's son)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">sūnzi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">孙子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandson (through one's son)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">suǒyǒude... dōu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">所有的。。。 都</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		all
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tán liàn'ài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">谈恋爱</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be in love, to be going together (courtship)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tǎoyàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">讨厌</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to dislike, to be disgusted vith
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">téng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">疼 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be very fond of, to be attached to, to dote on 7
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tiào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">跳 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to jump, to leap
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tímu (-mù)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">题目 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		topic, subject; title; examination question, test problem
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tīng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">听 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to heed (advice), to obey (orders)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tí</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">提</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to carry (from the hand at the side of the body)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóngjū</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">同居 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to cohabit; cohabitation
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóngyì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">同意</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to consent, to agree
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóur</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">头儿 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		head, chief, boss
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tuán</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">团</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(Communist Youth) League
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-tuán</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-团 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		group, society
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tǔdì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">土地 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		land
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">(V V) kan</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">(V V) 看</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		try and (v), (v) and see how it
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wàigōng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">外公</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandfather, grandpa (maternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wàipó</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">外婆 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandmother, grandma (maternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wàiwén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">外文</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		foreign language
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǎnhuì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">晚会 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		evening party
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǎnliàn wǎnhūn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">晚恋晚婚</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		late involvement and late marriage
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wèile</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为了 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wénhuà</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">文化 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		culture; schooling, education, literacy
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wénxuéjiā</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">文学家 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		writer, literary man
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wénzhāng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">文章</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		article, essay; prose (writing) style
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒde tiān na!</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我的天阿!</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		my God!
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǔjiào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">午觉</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		noontime nap
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiàndài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">现代</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be modern; contemporary; modern times
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎngbuchū</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">想不出</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		can't think up, can't come up vith
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiāngdāng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">相当</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		quite, pretty, considerably
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎngdao</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">想到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to think of
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiāngxìn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">相信 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to believe (in); to trust,to be convinced (that)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiàng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">像 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be like, to resemble; like; such as
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">响 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to sound, to make a sound
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo diǎnr shēng(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小点儿声(儿)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		a little more quietly
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo péngyou</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小朋友</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		little friend; kids
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiàoshun</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">孝顺 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be filial; filial obedience
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎoshuō(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小说</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		fiction, novel
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		young
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xià qí</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">下棋 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to play chess
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-xiaqu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-下去</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		down (directional ending used for eating or drinking dovn)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-xiaqu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-下去</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		resultative ending which indicates continuing an action
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-xià</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-下</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		under
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xī dú</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吸毒 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take drugs; drug taking
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xíguàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">习惯</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		habit, custom, usual practice; to be accustomed to, to be used to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xìngkuī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">幸亏</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		fortunately, luckily
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xìngqu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">兴趣</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		interest
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-xìng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-性</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		nature,-ness, -ity
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xīnli</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">心里</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in one's heart, in one's mind
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xīnshì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">心事 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		something weighing on one's mind, worry
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnwén Zhōukān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻周刊</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Newsweek
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xīnwén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		news
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xīn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">心</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		heart
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xué hǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">学好</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to learn from good examples, to learn to be a good person
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xuéhuì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">学会</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to learn, to master
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xuéqī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">学期</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		semester, term (of school)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xuéshēnghuì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">学生会</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		student association
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xué yī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">学医</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to study medicine
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xùnliànbān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">训练班</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		training class
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yánjiū (-jiu, -jiù) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">研究</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to study (in detail), to do research on; research
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yào kàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">要看</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to depend on
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yàzhōu (Yǎ-)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">亚洲</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		Asia
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yèdà</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">业大 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		evening university
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě gāi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">也该</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		really should
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。。。也好, 。。。也好</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		whether...or...; both... and...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě jiù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">也就</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		accordingly, correspondingly, so
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yéye</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">爷爷</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		grandfather (paternal)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìbiān(r)... yìbiān(r)...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">以便(儿)。。。 以便(儿)。。。</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		doing... while doing...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìfāngmiàn..., yìfāngmiàn... </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一方面。。。,一方面 。。。 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		on the one hand... on the other hand; for one thing..., for another thing...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìjiāzi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一家子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		one family; the whole family; the same family
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yímiàn(r)... yímiàn(r)...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一面(儿)。。。一面(儿)。。。</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		doing... while doing...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìtiān dào wǎn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一天到晚</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		all day long
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yīxué</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">医学</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		medical science,medicine
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yīyuàn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">医院</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		hospital
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yìzhí</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一直</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		all along, continuously, all the time (up until a certain point)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">一 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		as soon as
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-yì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">亿 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		hundred million
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yī</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">医</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		medical science, medicine (used in phrases like xuě yī)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yònggōng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">用功</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be hardworking, to be industrious (in one’s studies)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu bànfǎ, (duì... )</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有办法,(对。。。)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be able to deal with (something)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu bāngzhu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有帮助</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be helpful
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu dàolǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有道理</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to make sense
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yòuéryuán</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">幼儿园 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		kindergarten
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu guīju</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有规矩 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to have manners,to be proper
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu hǎochù</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有好处</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be beneficial, to be good (for)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu lǐmào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有礼貌</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be well mannered, to be polite
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu qián</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有钱</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be rich
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">*</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to come up to (a certain level)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu xiào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有效 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be effective; to be valid
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu xìngqu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有兴趣</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be interested
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu yánjiū</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有研究 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to have done research on; to know a lot about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu yòng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有用</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be useful
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yōu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">优 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		excellent
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yòu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">又</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		also
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yòu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		anyway; after all
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yuánlái</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">原来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		original, former; originally, formerly; it turns out that..., so...! (expresses finding out the true situation)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yuányīn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">原因 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		reason,cause
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yuànyi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 愿意 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to wish,would like,to want to; to be willing to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yuè lái yuè...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">越来越。。。</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		more and more..., increasingly
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yuè... yuè...</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">越。。。越。。。</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		the more... the more...
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yùnqi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">运气 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		luck
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài shuō</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">再说</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		furthermore, besides, moreover
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài yě bù/méi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">再也不/没</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		never again
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǎohūn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">早婚</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		early marriage; child marriage; to marry as a child; to marry early
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">早</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		a long time ago
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zěnme (yì)huí shì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么一回事</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		what's it all about
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zéren (-rèn)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">责任</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		responsibility
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǎngdà</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">长大 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to grow up
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhàngfu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">丈夫</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		husband
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">长</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to grow
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhànzhēng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">战争</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		war
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhāobudào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">找不到</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		can't find, to be unable to find
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhàogu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">照顾 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to take care of; care
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèi yíxiàzi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这一下子</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		after this, as a result of this
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhème (yì)huí shì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这么一回事</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		like this
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèngcè</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">政策</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		policy
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèngfǔ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">政府 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		government
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhènghǎo(r)</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">正好(儿) </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		it Just so happens that, to happen to, as it happens; just in time. Just right, just enough
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèngzhi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">政治</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		politics; political
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">整 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		just, precisely, right
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǐ hǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">只好</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		can only, to have to, to be forced to
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhīshi</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">知识 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		knowledge
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǐ yào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">只要</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		provided that, as long as
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōngguó Qīngnián</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中国青年</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		China Youth (a periodical)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhòng nán qīng nǚ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">重男轻女</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to regard males as superior to females
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōngxuéshēng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中学生</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		High School Student (a periodical)
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-zhōng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">-中</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		in
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhōukān</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">周刊</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		weekly publication, weekly magazine
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhuàn qián</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">赚钱 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to earn money, to make money
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǔrén</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">主人</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		host, master
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhùxialai</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">住下来</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to move and stay (in a place),to settle down
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhǔyào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">主要</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		mainly
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zìyóu shìchǎng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">自由市场</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		free market
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zìyóu</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">自由</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		freedom; to be free
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zōngjiào</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">宗教</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		(organized) religion
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǒngtǒng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">总统</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		president
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zǒng</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">总 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		always; inevitably, vithout exception; after all, in any case
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuìjìn</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">最近</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		lately, recently; the near future, soon
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuǐ</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嘴</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		mouth
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuì</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">罪 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		crime, guilt
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuòbuliǎo</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">做不了</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be unable to do
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò lǐbài</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">做礼拜 </foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to worship, to go to church
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuòxia</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">坐下</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to sit down
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zuò</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">做</foreignphrase>
+	</entry>
+		to be, to act as
+	</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Unit 1, Tape 1, Review Dialogue
+As Tom (A) (Tāngmú), a graduate student in Chinese Area Studies at
+Georgetown University, is studying in his apartment, a knock comes at the door.
+It is his classmate Lí Ping (B), an exchange student from Hong Kong.
+A:	"A! Shi ní ya! Hao Jiǔ bu jiàn!
+Jīntiān zenme you shíjiān chūlai
+zouzou?"	"Well, it’s you! I haven’t seen you
+in a long time! How is it you've
+got time to come out for a walk today?"
+B;	"Yíge zhōngtóu yǐqián, wo cóng
+xuéxiào gei ni dǎ diànhuà, ní
+bú zài jiā, gāngcái wo dào zhèli
+fǔjìn mai dōngxi, jiu lái kàn-
+kan. Zhen bú cuò, ní yījing
+huílai le."	"I called you an hour ago from
+school, but you weren't home. I
+just came over to this neighborhood
+to do some shopping, so I stopped by
+to visit. It's great that you're
+back already."
+A:	"Duìbuqí, wo gāngcái dào
+péngyou jiā jiè shū qu le."	"Sorry. I just went over to a
+friend's house to borrow a book."
+B:	"Shénme shū? You shi guānyú
+Zhōngguóde ba?"	"What book? More about China, I
+A:	"Duì le, you Xiānggǎngde,
+dàlùde, ye you Táiwānde, dōu
+shi xiāoshuōr. Ní zuòxia kàn,
+wo qù gei ni dào bēi chá lai."	"Yes, there are ones from Hong
+Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, all
+fiction. Sit down and have a look.
+I'll go get you a cup of tea."
+B:	"Bú yào máfan, shénme hēde dōu
+xíng."	"Don't go to any trouble. Anything
+to drink is fine."
+A:	"Kěkōukelè, Júzi shuīr , háishi
+pijiu?"	Coke, orange Juice or beer?
+B:	M, júzi shuǐ ba!	Um, orange juice.
+A:	"Hao, wo māshàng j iù lái, yào
+bīngkuàir ma?"	"Okay, I'll get it right now. Do
+you want ice cubes?"
+B:	Bú yào, xièxie.	No, thanks.
+two	"(Lī Ping sits down and leafs through the books, and Tom returns with
+glasses of orange juice. )"	
+B:	Tāngmù?.'	Tom?
+A:	Ng?	Yeah?
+B:	"Zhè sānge dìfangde shū, ní dōu
+kàn, ní juéde zěnmeyàng?"	"Reading books from all three of
+these places, what do you think?"
+A:	Wode gānjué bú shi yíjù huà	I can't explain my feelings in
+"°Kekoukělè, ""Coca-Cola""; júzi shuí(r), ""orange juice"" (Beijing usage)"
+	"kéyi shuōqīngchude. Eng...
+zhème shuō ba, vǒ zǒng juéde
+dàlù rén, Xianggang rén, he
+Taiwan rén dcu shi Zhōngguo rén,
+tāmen you yíyàngde wénhuà chuán-
+tǒng, kěshi yínwei zhèngzhide
+qíngkuàng bù tong, shèhuìde
+qíngkuàng yě jiu bù yíyàng le."	"just a few words. Hmm...let's say
+that I've always felt that people
+on the mainland, in Hong Kong and
+Taiwan are all Chinese, all have the
+same cultural tradition, but because
+the political situations are differ-
+ent, the social situations are also
+B:	"Nǐ shuōde duì, dànshi nǐ yào
+dǒngde Zhōngguo shèhuì, zhǐ
+kàn shū shi bú gòude."	"You're right. But if you want to
+understand Chinese society, it's not
+enough just to read books."
+A:	"Ei, nǐ zhīdào ma, xiànzài xué
+Zhōngwénde xuéshēng you hen duō
+jíhui dào Zhōngguo qu. Suǒyǐ
+wǒ jìhuà zài zhèige xuéqī wánle
+de shihou, qù Zhōngguo kànkan.
+Erqiě, wǒ hái xiǎng zhǎo ze hǎo
+péngyou yìqǐ qù."	"Say, you know, students of Chines'-
+have a lot of opportunities to go to
+China now. So I'm planning to go • '
+China for a visit when this semester
+is over. And what's more, I'd like
+to find a good friend to go with."
+B:	"Zuótiān wǒ jiēdao wǒ mǔclnde
+xìn, tā xǐwàng wǒ huí Xianggang
+guǒ shǔjià; zěnmeyàng, nǐ hé wo
+yìqǐ huíqu ba. Nǐ kéyi zhù zai
+women jiāli, erqiě, zài Xianggang
+yìfāngmiàn nǐ you jīhui hé Zhōng-
+guo rén tan huà, yì fāngmiàn kéyi
+zhídao dàlù, Xianggang hé Tai-
+wSr.de qíngkuàng, nǐ kàn hǎo bu
+hǎo?"	"Yesterday I got a letter from my
+mother, and she'd like me to come
+back to Hong Kong for summer vacation
+How about going back with me? You ca
+stay at our house; what's more, in
+Hong Kong, on the one hand you'll hav
+a chance to talk with Chinese and on
+the other hand you can learn about * :
+situation on the ma’ r.l and . :n Hong
+Kong and in Taiwan. What do you thi:i"
+A:	Fēicháng hǎo.’	Great.'
+B:	"Name, nǐ hái yào he nǐ jiāli
+rén shāngliang yixiar ba?"	"Well then, you'll still want to
+discuss this a bit with your parents,
+I suppose?"
+A:	"Bu bì, gěi fùmǔ dǎ diànhuàde
+shihou, gàosu tamen wǒde jìhua
+jiu xíng le. Wo yào yánjiū
+Zhōngguo shèhuì, fùmǔ yídìng
+huì gāoxìngde."	"That's not necessary. When I call
+them, I'll tell them my plan, and
+then everything should be all right.
+I'm sure they'll be happy that I want
+to study Chinese society."
+B:	"Měiguo niánqǐng rén dōu you
+zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ, zhèi yidiǎnr,
+wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan."	"Young people in America really
+think for themselves (:’.ave tneir cwn
+ideas). T really like that."
+A:	"Niánqǐng rén you zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ
+shi duìde, kěshi fùmǔde huà vě
+yinggai kaolu."	"It's good that young people think
+for tnermelves, bun you still ought
+to consider wha' ynr • nrents say."
+B:	"M. Na women shuōhǎo le, Jǐn-
+nián shǔjià qù Xianggang, xiàn-
+zài hái you wùge yuède shíjiān
+kéyi zhǔnbèi."	"Mm. Well then we have decided.
+This summer vacation we'll go to
+Hong Kong. We still have five months
+to prepare."
+A:	"Duì, Jiù zhème ban! Jīnnián
+xiàtiān wǒ Jiù yào dào zhèige
+dìfang dà, rénkǒu duō, lìshǐ
+you chángde guójiā qu le. Hai!
+Zhèige Jìhua zhēn rang wo
+gāoxìng!"	"Right, that's what we'll do. This
+summer we will go to that country
+with a large area, a great population,
+and a long history. Boy, this plan
+really makes me happy."
+B:	"Hao, Jiù zhèiyang. W3 yǐnggai
+zǒu le!"	Good, it's settled. I have to go.
+A:	Nǐ máng shenme! Hái zǎo ne!	What's the hurry? It's still early!
+B:	"Bù zǎo le, huíqu hái děi niàn
+shū ne!"	"No it isn't. I still have to study
+when I get back."
+A:	"Na, you shíjiān nǐ zài lái
+wánr!"	"Well then, come again when you have
+B:	Hao, míngtiān Jiàn.	Okay, see you tomorrow.
+A:	Míngtiān Jiàn!	See you tomorrow.


+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Unit 1, Tape 1, Review Dialogue
+As Tom (A) (Tāngmú), a graduate student in Chinese Area Studies at Georgetown University, is studying in his apartment, a knock comes at the door. It is his classmate Lí Ping (B), an exchange student from Hong Kong.
+A:	A! Shi ní ya! Hao Jiǔ bu jiàn! Jīntiān zenme you shíjiān chūlai zouzou?	Well, it’s you! I haven’t seen you in a long time! How is it you've got time to come out for a walk today?
+B;	Yíge zhōngtóu yǐqián, wo cóng xuéxiào gei ni dǎ diànhuà, ní bú zài jiā, gāngcái wo dào zhèli fǔjìn mai dōngxi, jiu lái kàn-kan. Zhen bú cuò, ní yījing huílai le.	I called you an hour ago from school, but you weren't home. I just came over to this neighborhood to do some shopping, so I stopped by to visit. It's great that you're back already.
+A:	Duìbuqí, wo gāngcái dào péngyou jiā jiè shū qu le.	Sorry. I just went over to a friend's house to borrow a book.
+B:	Shénme shū? You shi guānyú Zhōngguóde ba?	What book? More about China, I bet.
+A:	Duì le, you Xiānggǎngde, dàlùde, ye you Táiwānde, dōu shi xiāoshuōr. Ní zuòxia kàn, wo qù gei ni dào bēi chá lai.	Yes, there are ones from Hong Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, all fiction. Sit down and have a look. I'll go get you a cup of tea.
+B:	Bú yào máfan, shénme hēde dōu xíng.	Don't go to any trouble. Anything to drink is fine.
+A:	Kěkōukelè, Júzi shuīr , háishi pijiu?	Coke, orange Juice or beer?
+B:	M, júzi shuǐ ba!	Um, orange juice.
+A:	Hao, wo māshàng j iù lái, yào bīngkuàir ma?	Okay, I'll get it right now. Do you want ice cubes?
+B:	Bú yào, xièxie.	No, thanks.
+two	(Lī Ping sits down and leafs through the books, and Tom returns with glasses of orange juice. )	
+B:	Tāngmù?.'	Tom?
+A:	Ng?	Yeah?
+B:	Zhè sānge dìfangde shū, ní dōu kàn, ní juéde zěnmeyàng?	Reading books from all three of these places, what do you think?
+A:	Wode gānjué bú shi yíjù huà	I can't explain my feelings in
+°Kekoukělè, "Coca-Cola"; júzi shuí(r), "orange juice" (Beijing usage)
+	kéyi shuōqīngchude. Eng... zhème shuō ba, vǒ zǒng juéde dàlù rén, Xianggang rén, he Taiwan rén dcu shi Zhōngguo rén, tāmen you yíyàngde wénhuà chuán-tǒng, kěshi yínwei zhèngzhide qíngkuàng bù tong, shèhuìde qíngkuàng yě jiu bù yíyàng le.	just a few words. Hmm...let's say that I've always felt that people on the mainland, in Hong Kong and Taiwan are all Chinese, all have the same cultural tradition, but because the political situations are different, the social situations are also different.
+B:	Nǐ shuōde duì, dànshi nǐ yào dǒngde Zhōngguo shèhuì, zhǐ kàn shū shi bú gòude.	You're right. But if you want to understand Chinese society, it's not enough just to read books.
+A:	Ei, nǐ zhīdào ma, xiànzài xué Zhōngwénde xuéshēng you hen duō jíhui dào Zhōngguo qu. Suǒyǐ wǒ jìhuà zài zhèige xuéqī wánle de shihou, qù Zhōngguo kànkan. Erqiě, wǒ hái xiǎng zhǎo ze hǎo péngyou yìqǐ qù.	Say, you know, students of Chines'-have a lot of opportunities to go to China now. So I'm planning to go • ' China for a visit when this semester is over. And what's more, I'd like to find a good friend to go with.
+B:	Zuótiān wǒ jiēdao wǒ mǔclnde xìn, tā xǐwàng wǒ huí Xianggang guǒ shǔjià; zěnmeyàng, nǐ hé wo yìqǐ huíqu ba. Nǐ kéyi zhù zai women jiāli, erqiě, zài Xianggang yìfāngmiàn nǐ you jīhui hé Zhōngguo rén tan huà, yì fāngmiàn kéyi zhídao dàlù, Xianggang hé Tai-wSr.de qíngkuàng, nǐ kàn hǎo bu hǎo?	Yesterday I got a letter from my mother, and she'd like me to come back to Hong Kong for summer vacation How about going back with me? You ca stay at our house; what's more, in Hong Kong, on the one hand you'll hav a chance to talk with Chinese and on the other hand you can learn about * : situation on the ma’ r.l and . :n Hong Kong and in Taiwan. What do you thi:i
+A:	Fēicháng hǎo.’	Great.'
+B:	Name, nǐ hái yào he nǐ jiāli rén shāngliang yixiar ba?	Well then, you'll still want to discuss this a bit with your parents, I suppose?
+A:	Bu bì, gěi fùmǔ dǎ diànhuàde shihou, gàosu tamen wǒde jìhua jiu xíng le. Wo yào yánjiū Zhōngguo shèhuì, fùmǔ yídìng huì gāoxìngde.	That's not necessary. When I call them, I'll tell them my plan, and then everything should be all right. I'm sure they'll be happy that I want to study Chinese society.
+B:	Měiguo niánqǐng rén dōu you zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ, zhèi yidiǎnr, wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan.	Young people in America really think for themselves (:’.ave tneir cwn ideas). T really like that.
+A:	Niánqǐng rén you zìjǐde xiǎngfǎ shi duìde, kěshi fùmǔde huà vě yinggai kaolu.	It's good that young people think for tnermelves, bun you still ought to consider wha' ynr • nrents say.
+B:	M. Na women shuōhǎo le, Jǐn-nián shǔjià qù Xianggang, xiàn-zài hái you wùge yuède shíjiān kéyi zhǔnbèi.	Mm. Well then we have decided. This summer vacation we'll go to Hong Kong. We still have five months to prepare.
+A:	Duì, Jiù zhème ban! Jīnnián xiàtiān wǒ Jiù yào dào zhèige dìfang dà, rénkǒu duō, lìshǐ you chángde guójiā qu le. Hai! Zhèige Jìhua zhēn rang wo gāoxìng!	Right, that's what we'll do. This summer we will go to that country with a large area, a great population, and a long history. Boy, this plan really makes me happy.
+B:	Hao, Jiù zhèiyang. W3 yǐnggai zǒu le!	Good, it's settled. I have to go.
+A:	Nǐ máng shenme! Hái zǎo ne!	What's the hurry? It's still early!
+B:	Bù zǎo le, huíqu hái děi niàn shū ne!	No it isn't. I still have to study when I get back.
+A:	Na, you shíjiān nǐ zài lái wánr!	Well then, come again when you have time!
+B:	Hao, míngtiān Jiàn.	Okay, see you tomorrow.
+A:	Míngtiān Jiàn!	See you tomorrow.

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+SOC, Unit 2
+Unit 2, Tape 1, Review Dialogue
+At the entrance to Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Lǐ Ping
+(B) encounters Tom (A).
+B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a!	Hey! Hi, Tom!
+A:	"Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Ping! Lai kàn
+shū ma?"	"Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to
+do some reading?"
+B:	"Chile wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou,
+dào túshūguǎn kànkan xǐn dàode
+zázhì."	"After dinner I went out for a walk
+and came to the library to read
+through some of the new magazines."
+A:	"Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yǐngwén zázhì
+shi shénme?"	"What’s your favorite English
+B:	Ng, Xǐnwén Zhōukān.	Um, Newsweek.
+A:	Wèishenme ne?	Why?
+B:	"Xǐnwen Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì
+xué Yǐngwén hěn you bāngzhu."	"Newsweek is very good. It’s a
+big help in learning English."
+A:	"Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāng-
+miàn kéyi xué Yǐngwén, yìfāng-
+miàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde
+qíngkuàng, shì bú cud. Zhèige
+xīngqī you shénme yěu yìside
+wénzhāng ma?"	"Right. When you read it, you can-
+study English at the same time you
+learn about conditions in American
+society; it is good. Are there any
+interesting articles in it this week?"
+B:	"You, yěu yìpiān guānyu nánnu
+píngděngde wénzhāng hěn you
+yìsi."	"Yes, there’s an article about
+equality of the sexes that’s very
+A:	"Ou, ""nánnu píngděng""...wěde
+nupéngyou duì zhèige tímu’ hěn
+yěu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì
+zhèige wèntí you xìngqu ma?"	"Oh, ""equality of the sexes""...My
+girl friend is an expert on the sub-
+ject. Don’t tell me—are you in-
+terested in that issue too?"
+B:	"You, wo you xìngqu, érqiě
+xiǎng zhídao nǐmende kànfǎ.
+Wo kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?"	"Yes, I am, and I’d also like to
+know your views on it. Can I ask a
+few questions?"
+A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!	Sure. What would you like to know?
+B:	"Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài
+hěn duo dìfāng yuè lái yuè liú-
+xíng nánnu tóngjū le. E, duì-"	"The article says that in a lot of
+places cohabitation is getting
+more and more common. Uh, excuse"
+*tímu, ’’subject, topic” (see Unit 5)
+buqǐ...		me. . .
+A:	Mei shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.	Not at all, go on.
+B:	"Zhèipiān wénzhāng hāi shuō
+zhèizhǒng shì he fùnude dìwei
+you guānxi. Zhèi yidiān wo
+zhēnshi bù dong le. Zhōngguo
+rénde chuāntǒng guānniàn shi,
+fùnu méiyou Jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi
+he tāde nānpéngyou zhù zai yìqī."	"It also said in the article that
+this is related to the status of
+women. I really don’t understand
+that point. The traditional Chinese
+idea is that a woman should not live
+with her boyfriend before they get
+A:	"Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí-
+yàng. Yìxiē fùnu, tèbié shi
+zhīshi fùnu, tāmen bú yào kào
+xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào
+you dullde JīngJi he shèhui
+dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nupéngyou,
+tā Jiù you zhèiyangde kànfā.
+Erqiě wS xiǎng, tǒngjūde wèntí
+he hen duō shining you guānxi,
+bù zhī shi fùnude dìwei wèntí."	"We have a somewhat different con-
+cept. Some women, especially women
+intellectuals, don’t want to depend on
+their husbands in order to live; they
+want to have independent economic and
+social status. Like my girlfriend—
+that’s the way her view is. But
+also, I think that living together
+has to do with a lot of things. It’s
+not just a question of the status of
+B:	"Rúguo kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi
+wo JiǎngJiang zěnmeyàng?"	"If it’s all right to talk about it,
+would you tell me more?"
+A:	"Hao, zhèiyangr ba, wS gēi ni
+tāntan wode shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao
+women zěnme xiSng le. Wǒde
+nupéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xue
+yī bú shi yíjiàn rongyide shir.
+Tā hāi yào zài dàxué xuéxí
+liùnián."	"Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you
+about my situation, and then you’ll
+know the way we think. My girlfriend
+is studying medicine. Studying
+medicine isn’t the easiest thing.
+She still has six more years of
+B:	"Nà nǐmen shenme shíhou Jiēhūn
+ne?"	Then when are you getting married?
+A:	"Xiànzài women hāi bù xiǎng
+Jiēhūn."	"We don’t want to get married Just
+B:	"Weishenme? Nǐmen juéde Jiēle
+hūn, yǒule hāizi huì hen māfan,
+shì bu shi?"	"Why not? You think that once you
+get married and have children it’ll
+be a lot of trouble, rigjrt?"
+A:	"Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi
+women jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng
+mǎshàng yào hāizi. Zhòngyàode
+shi women zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò
+shenme, hāi méiyou hǎohāor xiǎng-
+guo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige"	"That’s not the point. Even if we
+get married, we won’t necessarily
+have children right away The impor-
+tant thing is that we haven’t even
+thought out well what we want to do
+in our lives. We should think about"
+"The reason Lī Ping is ""being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his"
+girlfriend are living together.
+	"wèntí. Erqiě women dōu yuànyi
+zài jiēhūn yǐqiàn qīngchǔde
+zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén
+shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén.
+Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān."	"that problem first. What’s more, we
+each want to have a clear idea of
+of what kind of person the other is
+before we get married. And that
+takes time."
+B:	"Kěshi you rén huì juéde
+nīmen zhèiyang zuò shi yǐnwei
+nīmen juéde tóngjū bī jiēhūn
+zìyóu."	"But some people will think you are
+doing this because you feel that liv-
+ing together is freer than marriage."
+A:	"You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wō
+xiǎng tāmen méi dong wǒmende
+zìyóu shi shénme."	"Some people say that, but I don’t
+think they have understood what our
+freedom is."
+B:	Shi shénme ne?	What is it, then?
+A:	"Měiguo rén Juéde zìjǐ kéyi
+jìhua zìjīde shēnghuó shi zuì
+zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rūguo Měiguo
+méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bū
+huì you name duō rén xiǎng lai
+Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wo shuōde duì
+bu dui?"	"Americans feel that to be able to
+plan their own life is the most impor-
+tant freedom. If America didn’t have
+that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t
+be so many people who want to come
+here. Don’t you think I’m right?"
+B:	"Nǐ shuōde you diǎnr dàoli.
+Ou . . . Wǒ hai wangle wen ni,
+jīnniàn xiàtiān, nǐde nupéngyou
+néng péi ni dào Xianggang qu ma?"	"There’s something to what you say.
+Oh ... I forgot to ask you something
+else: Will your girlfriend be able to
+come with you to Hong Kong this summer?"
+A:	"Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo
+qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā
+yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà
+duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn you
+bāngzhu."	"No. She’s planning to go to school
+in Germany. During summer vacation
+she’s going to live in Germany for
+three months. I’m sure that will
+help her German a lot."
+B:	Duì.	That’s right.
+A:	"Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xǐnwén Zhōu-
+kān zhèipiān wénzhāng hāi you
+shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?"	"So what about it, do you have any
+other opinions about that article in
+B:	"Kànfǎ you. Zhàige tímu hěn
+dà, women yǐhòu mànmàn zài tan."	"Yes, I have other opinions about
+it. But it’s a big topic. We can
+talk all about it later."
+A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tan.	Okay, we’ll talk about it later.


+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+SOC, Unit 2
+Unit 2, Tape 1, Review Dialogue
+At the entrance to Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Lǐ Ping (B) encounters Tom (A).
+B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a!	Hey! Hi, Tom!
+A:	Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Ping! Lai kàn shū ma?	Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?
+B:	Chile wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xǐn dàode zázhì.	After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.
+A:	Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yǐngwén zázhì shi shénme?	What’s your favorite English magazine?
+B:	Ng, Xǐnwén Zhōukān.	Um, Newsweek.
+A:	Wèishenme ne?	Why?
+B:	Xǐnwen Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yǐngwén hěn you bāngzhu.	Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.
+A:	Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāng-miàn kéyi xué Yǐngwén, yìfāng-miàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuàng, shì bú cud. Zhèige xīngqī you shénme yěu yìside wénzhāng ma?	Right. When you read it, you can-study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?
+B:	You, yěu yìpiān guānyu nánnu píngděngde wénzhāng hěn you yìsi.	Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.
+A:	Ou, "nánnu píngděng"...wěde nupéngyou duì zhèige tímu’ hěn yěu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí you xìngqu ma?	Oh, "equality of the sexes"...My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me—are you interested in that issue too?
+B:	You, wo you xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhídao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wo kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?	Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?
+A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!	Sure. What would you like to know?
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duo dìfāng yuè lái yuè liú-xíng nánnu tóngjū le. E, duì-	The article says that in a lot of places cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse
+*tímu, ’’subject, topic” (see Unit 5)
+buqǐ...		me. . .
+A:	Mei shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.	Not at all, go on.
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng hāi shuō zhèizhǒng shì he fùnude dìwei you guānxi. Zhèi yidiān wo zhēnshi bù dong le. Zhōngguo rénde chuāntǒng guānniàn shi, fùnu méiyou Jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi he tāde nānpéngyou zhù zai yìqī.	It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.
+A:	Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí-yàng. Yìxiē fùnu, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnu, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào you dullde JīngJi he shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nupéngyou, tā Jiù you zhèiyangde kànfā. Erqiě wS xiǎng, tǒngjūde wèntí he hen duō shining you guānxi, bù zhī shi fùnude dìwei wèntí.	We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend— that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.
+B:	Rúguo kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo JiǎngJiang zěnmeyàng?	If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?
+A:	Hao, zhèiyangr ba, wS gēi ni tāntan wode shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao women zěnme xiSng le. Wǒde nupéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xue yī bú shi yíjiàn rongyide shir. Tā hāi yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.	Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.
+B:	Nà nǐmen shenme shíhou Jiēhūn ne?	Then when are you getting married?
+A:	Xiànzài women hāi bù xiǎng Jiēhūn.	We don’t want to get married Just yet.
+B:	Weishenme? Nǐmen juéde Jiēle hūn, yǒule hāizi huì hen māfan, shì bu shi?	Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, rigjrt?
+A:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi women jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào hāizi. Zhòngyàode shi women zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shenme, hāi méiyou hǎohāor xiǎng-guo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige	That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about
+The reason Lī Ping is "being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.
+	wèntí. Erqiě women dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiàn qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.	that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.
+B:	Kěshi you rén huì juéde nīmen zhèiyang zuò shi yǐnwei nīmen juéde tóngjū bī jiēhūn zìyóu.	But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.
+A:	You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wō xiǎng tāmen méi dong wǒmende zìyóu shi shénme.	Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.
+B:	Shi shénme ne?	What is it, then?
+A:	Měiguo rén Juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjīde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rūguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bū huì you name duō rén xiǎng lai Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wo shuōde duì bu dui?	Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?
+B:	Nǐ shuōde you diǎnr dàoli. Ou . . . Wǒ hai wangle wen ni, jīnniàn xiàtiān, nǐde nupéngyou néng péi ni dào Xianggang qu ma?	There’s something to what you say. Oh ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?
+A:	Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn you bāngzhu.	No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.
+B:	Duì.	That’s right.
+A:	Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xǐnwén Zhōu-kān zhèipiān wénzhāng hāi you shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?	So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?
+B:	Kànfǎ you. Zhàige tímu hěn dà, women yǐhòu mànmàn zài tan.	Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.
+A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tan.	Okay, we’ll talk about it later.

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Unit 3, Review Dialogue
+On the flight from Washington to Hong Kong (via New York and. Anchorage),
+Lǐ Ping (B) and Tom (A) are chatting.
+A:	"Zài fēijīshang zuòle zhème yì-
+tiān, gǎnjué zěnmeyàng?"	"How do you feel after being on a
+plane all day like this?"
+B:	"Zhēn bu shūfu, měicì zuò fēi-
+jī dōu xiàng shēng bìng yíyàng.
+Tèbié shi zài fēijīshang huànle
+shíjiān, báitiān biànchengle
+hēiyè, hēiyè biànchengle bái-
+tiān, tài nánshòu le!"	"I don’t feel well at all. Every
+time I take a plane it’s like getting
+ill. Especially with the time change
+on the plane, daylight turning into
+night and night turning back into
+daylight, how uncomfortable!"
+A:	"Duì le, bù shūfude shihou
+yīnggāi he diǎnr bīngshuǐr. Wo
+qù gěi ni nòng diǎnr bīngshuǐr
+lai, hǎo bu hǎo?"	"Right; You should have some ice
+water when you don’t feel well. I’ll
+go get you some ice water, okay?"
+B:	"Hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi wo shizài
+hēbuxiàqù le. . . . Suàn le ba,
+women liáoliao tiānr, yěxǔ huì
+hǎo yìdiǎnr."	"Well, okay, but I really couldn’t
+drink any. . . . Forget it, let’s
+just chat and maybe it’ll get a
+little better."
+A:	"Zài guò jǐge zhōngtóu nǐ jiu
+dào jiǎ le, xiǎng Jiā ma?"	"Just another few hours and you’ll
+be home. Are you homesick?"
+B:	"Xiǎng. Zài Měiguo liǎngnián
+le, yìtiān máng dào wǎn, méiyou
+xiǎngguo jiā, kěshi xiànzài
+xiǎngqi jiǎ lai le. Nǐ shuō qí-
+guài bu qíguài?"	"Yes. The whole two years I was in
+America, I was busy all day long and
+never got homesick, but now here I
+am feeling homesick. Don’t you think
+that’s strange?"
+A:	"Nà méiyou shénme qíguài. Ren
+ma, zǒng yào you diǎnr jiātíng
+guānniàn. Tebié shi Zhōngguo
+rén; Zhōngguo rén shi jiǎng
+xiàoshunde."	"There’s nothing strange about that.
+People are people! They have to
+have a sense of attachment to their
+family. Especially Chinese people;
+the Chinese put a lot of importance
+on filial obedience."
+B:	"Wǒ juéde zuò fùmǔ shi hěn bù
+róngyide, háizi yīnggāi xiàoshun
+fùmǔ."	"I think that it’s very difficult
+to be parents, so children ought to
+be filial toward their parents."
+A:	"Zheige xiǎngfǎ shi nǐ fùmǔ
+jiāo nide ma?"	"Did your parents teach you that
+way of thinking?"
+B:	Bu shi, shi shèhuì jiāo wode.	No, society taught it to me. My
+"hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi... means literally, ""as for being all right, it is all"
+"right, but..."" This means ""It is. okay, but..."" or in more idiomatic English,"
+"""Well, okay, but..."""
+	"Wo mǔqin cónglái bǔ he wo tan
+xiàoshun."	"mother never talks to me about filial
+A:	Zhēnde?	Really?
+B:	"Zhēnde. Wo dìyǐcì zhuàn qián-
+de shihou, cái shíwǔsuì. Hui
+dao jiāli, Jiù bǎ kǒudàili suǒ-
+yǒude qián dōu gěi wǒ mǔqin le,
+hái shuō wǒ yǐhòu yào xiàoshun
+mama."	"Really. The first time I made
+money I was only fifteen. When I
+got home, I gave all the money I had
+in my pocket to my mother, and I
+said that in the future I must be
+filial toward her."
+A:	Nǐ mama zěnme shuō?	What did she say?
+B:	"Tā kǔ le. Tā shuō wǒ néng
+dull, néng zài shèhuishang zuò
+ge you yòngde rén Jiù shi zuì
+hǎode xiàoshun. Wǒ gěi tāde
+qian, tā dōu gěi wo mǎicheng shǔ.
+Yǐhòu, wǒ jiu gèng yònggōng le."	"She cried. She said that if I
+could be independent and be a useful
+person in society that would be the
+best way to show filial obedience.
+She used all the money I gave her to
+buy books for me. After that, I
+worked even harder."
+A:	Zhēn shi yíwěi hǎo mama.	She's really a good mother.
+B:	"Shi. . . . Wǒ xiě xìn gěi tā,
+gàosu ta wǒ yào he yíwèi Měiguó
+péngyou yìqǐ huílai guò shǔjià,
+tā hěn gāoxìng. Tā hěn huānyíng
+nǐ lai."	"Yes, she is. . . . She was very
+happy when I wrote her telling her
+that I was going to come back with
+an American friend for the summer
+vacation. She's very glad to have
+you at (welcomes you to) our house."
+C:	"Duibuqǐ, liǎngwèi xiānsēn,
+nǐmen yào he diǎn sénme?"	"Excuse me, what would you two gen-
+tlemen like to drink?"
+B:	Wǒ bú dà shūfu, t>ǔ yào shenme.	"I'm not feeling too well, I don't
+want anything."
+C:	"Ou, t>ú dà sūfǔ, yibēi zè cá,
+hǎo t>u hǎo?"	"Oh, you don't feel well? How about
+a cup of hot tea?"
+B:	Hǎode, xièxie ni.	All right, thank you.
+A:	"Wǒ lai yipíng píjiǔ. Nǐmen
+you méiyou Heineken?"	"I'd like a beer. Do you have Heine-
+C:	You.	Yes.
+A:	Xièxie.	Thank you.
+C:	"Bǔ kèqì. Zèiwèi xiānsēn, nǐ
+hái yào sénme, qǐng gàosu wǒ."	"You're welcome. Sir, if you want
+anything else, please let me know."
+We have altered the spelling to show the stewardess’s non-standard pronunciation.
+B:	Hāode, xièxie ni.	All right. Thank you.
+A:	"Women shuō dao nār le? Duì le,
+nǐmen jiāli chúle nǐ fùmǔ he zǔmǔ
+yǐwài hái you shěnme rén ma?"	"Now, where were we? Oh yes: Is
+there anyone else in your family be-
+sides your parents and your grand-
+B:	"Nǐ wangle, wo hái you yíge
+mèimei, zài yínháng zuò shìde."	"You’ve forgotten that I also have a
+younger sister who works in a bank."
+A:	"Ou, duì le, n? gēn wo shuōguo,
+wǒ zěnme wangle ne!"	"Oh, of course. You told me before.
+How could I have forgotten!"
+B:	"Shuōdao wo mèimei, Jiù xiǎngdao
+wo mǔqin. Nǐ zhidao zài Zhōng-
+guo, zhòng nan qǐng nude guānniàn
+háishi yǒude. Kěshi wǒ mèimei
+shi líkāi dàxué yǐhòu you zài
+Yīngguó niànle liǎngnián shū cái
+zuò shìde. Zhèi yě yào gānxiè
+wǒ mǔqin."	"Mentioning my sister reminds me of
+my mother again. You know, in China
+people still have the concept that
+men are superior to women. But after
+my sister graduated from college, she
+studied for two more years in England
+before she started working. That was
+also thanks to my mother."
+A:	"Nǐ mèimei xiànzài zh? zuò shì,
+háishi yě niàn diǎnr shū?"	"Does your sister Just work now, or
+does she also take some classes?"
+B:	"Tā zhǐ zuò shì. Buguò tā hěn
+rèxīn yánjiū dàlùde qíngxing,
+cháng kàn hěn duo guānyǔ dàlùde
+shū. Tā cháng shuō, ""Wo shi
+Zhōngguo rén, dàlùshang you shí-
+yì Zhōngguo rén, wǒ zěnme kéyi
+bù zhídào tāmende shēnghuo, gōng-
+zuò, hé xuéxíde qíngkuàng ne?"	"She’s Just working, but she studies
+the mainland situation very enthu-
+siastically. She reads a lot of books
+about the mainland. She often says,
+""I’m Chinese, and there are one
+billion Chinese on the mainland. How
+can I be ignorant of the way they
+live, work, and study?"""
+A:	Tāde huà hěn you dàolǐ.	What she says is quite right.
+B:	"Tā you hěn duō dàlù láide
+péngyou; nǐ he tā tántan, yě
+huì Juéde hěn you yìsi."	"She has a lot of friends from the
+mainland; you’ll find it very inter-
+esting to talk with her."
+A:	"Tā duì dàlùde qíngxing zènme
+rèxǐn, nǐ mǔqin you shenme kànfa
+ma?"	"Does your mother have anything to
+say about her enthusiastic interest
+in the situation on the mainland?"
+B:	"Tā cháng shuō: ""Háizi zhǎng-
+dàle, tāmen yào zǒu shenme lù
+yǐnggāi zìjǐ kǎolù."""	"She often says, ""When children grow
+up, they should decide for themselves
+what road they want to take."""
+A:	"Zhen hāo, shizài shi tài hāo
+le."	"That’s great! That’s really
+"*gānxiè, ""to be grateful/thankful to"""
+B:	"Deng dao nǐ jiàndao tade shihou,
+nǐ yídìng huì xǐhuan ta, yě huì
+xǐhuan women jiāde."	"When you meet her I’m sure you’ll
+like her, and our home, too."
+A:	Yídìng!	I’m sure I will, too!


+ 44 - 0

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+Unit 3, Review Dialogue
+On the flight from Washington to Hong Kong (via New York and. Anchorage), Lǐ Ping (B) and Tom (A) are chatting.
+A:	Zài fēijīshang zuòle zhème yì-tiān, gǎnjué zěnmeyàng?	How do you feel after being on a plane all day like this?
+B:	Zhēn bu shūfu, měicì zuò fēi-jī dōu xiàng shēng bìng yíyàng. Tèbié shi zài fēijīshang huànle shíjiān, báitiān biànchengle hēiyè, hēiyè biànchengle báitiān, tài nánshòu le!	I don’t feel well at all. Every time I take a plane it’s like getting ill. Especially with the time change on the plane, daylight turning into night and night turning back into daylight, how uncomfortable!
+A:	Duì le, bù shūfude shihou yīnggāi he diǎnr bīngshuǐr. Wo qù gěi ni nòng diǎnr bīngshuǐr lai, hǎo bu hǎo?	Right; You should have some ice water when you don’t feel well. I’ll go get you some ice water, okay?
+B:	Hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi wo shizài hēbuxiàqù le. . . . Suàn le ba, women liáoliao tiānr, yěxǔ huì hǎo yìdiǎnr.	Well, okay, but I really couldn’t drink any. . . . Forget it, let’s just chat and maybe it’ll get a little better.
+A:	Zài guò jǐge zhōngtóu nǐ jiu dào jiǎ le, xiǎng Jiā ma?	Just another few hours and you’ll be home. Are you homesick?
+B:	Xiǎng. Zài Měiguo liǎngnián le, yìtiān máng dào wǎn, méiyou xiǎngguo jiā, kěshi xiànzài xiǎngqi jiǎ lai le. Nǐ shuō qíguài bu qíguài?	Yes. The whole two years I was in America, I was busy all day long and never got homesick, but now here I am feeling homesick. Don’t you think that’s strange?
+A:	Nà méiyou shénme qíguài. Ren ma, zǒng yào you diǎnr jiātíng guānniàn. Tebié shi Zhōngguo rén; Zhōngguo rén shi jiǎng xiàoshunde.	There’s nothing strange about that. People are people! They have to have a sense of attachment to their family. Especially Chinese people; the Chinese put a lot of importance on filial obedience.
+B:	Wǒ juéde zuò fùmǔ shi hěn bù róngyide, háizi yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.	I think that it’s very difficult to be parents, so children ought to be filial toward their parents.
+A:	Zheige xiǎngfǎ shi nǐ fùmǔ jiāo nide ma?	Did your parents teach you that way of thinking?
+B:	Bu shi, shi shèhuì jiāo wode.	No, society taught it to me. My
+hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi... means literally, "as for being all right, it is all right, but..." This means "It is. okay, but..." or in more idiomatic English, "Well, okay, but..."
+	Wo mǔqin cónglái bǔ he wo tan xiàoshun.	mother never talks to me about filial obedience.
+A:	Zhēnde?	Really?
+B:	Zhēnde. Wo dìyǐcì zhuàn qián-de shihou, cái shíwǔsuì. Hui dao jiāli, Jiù bǎ kǒudàili suǒ-yǒude qián dōu gěi wǒ mǔqin le, hái shuō wǒ yǐhòu yào xiàoshun mama.	Really. The first time I made money I was only fifteen. When I got home, I gave all the money I had in my pocket to my mother, and I said that in the future I must be filial toward her.
+A:	Nǐ mama zěnme shuō?	What did she say?
+B:	Tā kǔ le. Tā shuō wǒ néng dull, néng zài shèhuishang zuò ge you yòngde rén Jiù shi zuì hǎode xiàoshun. Wǒ gěi tāde qian, tā dōu gěi wo mǎicheng shǔ. Yǐhòu, wǒ jiu gèng yònggōng le.	She cried. She said that if I could be independent and be a useful person in society that would be the best way to show filial obedience. She used all the money I gave her to buy books for me. After that, I worked even harder.
+A:	Zhēn shi yíwěi hǎo mama.	She's really a good mother.
+B:	Shi. . . . Wǒ xiě xìn gěi tā, gàosu ta wǒ yào he yíwèi Měiguó péngyou yìqǐ huílai guò shǔjià, tā hěn gāoxìng. Tā hěn huānyíng nǐ lai.	Yes, she is. . . . She was very happy when I wrote her telling her that I was going to come back with an American friend for the summer vacation. She's very glad to have you at (welcomes you to) our house.
+C:	Duibuqǐ, liǎngwèi xiānsēn, nǐmen yào he diǎn sénme?	Excuse me, what would you two gentlemen like to drink?
+B:	Wǒ bú dà shūfu, t>ǔ yào shenme.	I'm not feeling too well, I don't want anything.
+C:	Ou, t>ú dà sūfǔ, yibēi zè cá, hǎo t>u hǎo?	Oh, you don't feel well? How about a cup of hot tea?
+B:	Hǎode, xièxie ni.	All right, thank you.
+A:	Wǒ lai yipíng píjiǔ. Nǐmen you méiyou Heineken?	I'd like a beer. Do you have Heineken?
+C:	You.	Yes.
+A:	Xièxie.	Thank you.
+C:	Bǔ kèqì. Zèiwèi xiānsēn, nǐ hái yào sénme, qǐng gàosu wǒ.	You're welcome. Sir, if you want anything else, please let me know.
+We have altered the spelling to show the stewardess’s non-standard pronunciation.
+B:	Hāode, xièxie ni.	All right. Thank you.
+A:	Women shuō dao nār le? Duì le, nǐmen jiāli chúle nǐ fùmǔ he zǔmǔ yǐwài hái you shěnme rén ma?	Now, where were we? Oh yes: Is there anyone else in your family besides your parents and your grandmother?
+B:	Nǐ wangle, wo hái you yíge mèimei, zài yínháng zuò shìde.	You’ve forgotten that I also have a younger sister who works in a bank.
+A:	Ou, duì le, n? gēn wo shuōguo, wǒ zěnme wangle ne!	Oh, of course. You told me before. How could I have forgotten!
+B:	Shuōdao wo mèimei, Jiù xiǎngdao wo mǔqin. Nǐ zhidao zài Zhōngguo, zhòng nan qǐng nude guānniàn háishi yǒude. Kěshi wǒ mèimei shi líkāi dàxué yǐhòu you zài Yīngguó niànle liǎngnián shū cái zuò shìde. Zhèi yě yào gānxiè wǒ mǔqin.	Mentioning my sister reminds me of my mother again. You know, in China people still have the concept that men are superior to women. But after my sister graduated from college, she studied for two more years in England before she started working. That was also thanks to my mother.
+A:	Nǐ mèimei xiànzài zh? zuò shì, háishi yě niàn diǎnr shū?	Does your sister Just work now, or does she also take some classes?
+B:	Tā zhǐ zuò shì. Buguò tā hěn rèxīn yánjiū dàlùde qíngxing, cháng kàn hěn duo guānyǔ dàlùde shū. Tā cháng shuō, "Wo shi Zhōngguo rén, dàlùshang you shí-yì Zhōngguo rén, wǒ zěnme kéyi bù zhídào tāmende shēnghuo, gōng-zuò, hé xuéxíde qíngkuàng ne?	She’s Just working, but she studies the mainland situation very enthusiastically. She reads a lot of books about the mainland. She often says, "I’m Chinese, and there are one billion Chinese on the mainland. How can I be ignorant of the way they live, work, and study?"
+A:	Tāde huà hěn you dàolǐ.	What she says is quite right.
+B:	Tā you hěn duō dàlù láide péngyou; nǐ he tā tántan, yě huì Juéde hěn you yìsi.	She has a lot of friends from the mainland; you’ll find it very interesting to talk with her.
+A:	Tā duì dàlùde qíngxing zènme rèxǐn, nǐ mǔqin you shenme kànfa ma?	Does your mother have anything to say about her enthusiastic interest in the situation on the mainland?
+B:	Tā cháng shuō: "Háizi zhǎng-dàle, tāmen yào zǒu shenme lù yǐnggāi zìjǐ kǎolù."	She often says, "When children grow up, they should decide for themselves what road they want to take."
+A:	Zhen hāo, shizài shi tài hāo le.	That’s great! That’s really wonderful.
+*gānxiè, "to be grateful/thankful to"
+B:	Deng dao nǐ jiàndao tade shihou, nǐ yídìng huì xǐhuan ta, yě huì xǐhuan women jiāde.	When you meet her I’m sure you’ll like her, and our home, too.
+A:	Yídìng!	I’m sure I will, too!

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Unit b, Review Dialogue
+Early in the morning the day after Lǐ Ping (B) and Tom (A) arrive in
+Hong Kong, Lǐ Ping’s grandmother (C) is straightening up the living room,
+when Lǐ Ping walks in.
+B:	"Nǎinai, nín zhēn zǎo. Wǒ mā
+ne? *"	"You’re up so early, Grandma.
+Where’s Mom?"
+C:	"Tā ya, chūqu mǎi cài le. Erzi
+huílai le, zǒng yào duo mǎi
+diǎnr cài ma.’ Nǐde péngyou
+ne? Tā hái méiyou qǐlai ba?"	"Oh, she went out to buy some
+groceries. When a son comes back,
+you’ve always got to buy some extra
+food. Where’s your friend? He’s
+not up yet, is he?"
+B:	Qǐlai le, xǐ liǎn ne.	"Yes, he’s up. He’s washing his
+C:	"Xiao Ping a, nǐde péngyou
+Jiao shénme míngzi, wǒ you wàng
+le."	"Xiǎo Ping, what’s your friend’s
+name? I’ve forgotten it again."
+B:	"Jiao ""Tāngmǔ."""	"""Tom. ’’"
+C:	"5, ""Tāngmǔ,"" hái hǎo jì. Nǐ he
+tā shuō, dàole zánmen jiā, jiù
+shi yìjiǎ rén, shénme shir dōu
+bié kèqi. Tā yí kèqi, wǒ Jiu
+bù zhīdào zěnme ban hǎo le."	"Hm, ""Tom,"" that’s fairly easy to
+remember. You tell him that in our
+house he’s Just part of the family
+and he shouldn’t be polite about
+anything. Once he starts in with the
+politeness, I won’t know what to do."
+B:	"Women huílai yǐqián zài Tāngmǔ
+Jiā zhùle liǎngtiān, tā baba
+māma duì wǒ hěn hǎo. Tāngmǔ
+rén yě hěn hǎo, zài Měiguode
+shíhou, tā gěi wo bù shǎo bāng-
+zhu."	"Before we came back we stayed at
+Tom’s house for a couple of days.
+His parents were very nice to me.
+Tom is also a very good person; when
+we were in America, he helped me a
+C:	"Ò, zhèiyang hǎo, niánqīng rén
+yīnggāi hùxiāng bāng máng. Ai.’
+Jǐde nī yéye zài Rìběn nài
+shihou, pīnmìng niàn shǔ, rénjia
+Rìběn rén háishi kànbuqǐ ya, nǎr
+you shénme Rìběn péngyou. Zhǐ
+hǎo Jǐge Zhōngguo xuésheng zhù
+zai yìqǐ. Ai.’"	"Mm. That’s good. Young people
+ought to help each other out. (Sigh)
+I remember when your grandfather was
+in Japan, he studied like crazy, but
+those Japanese still looked down on
+him. He didn’t have any Japanese
+friends to speak of. The Chinese
+students just had to live together.
+B:	"Nǎinai, guǒqùde shi Jiu bié qù
+xiǎng ta le."	"Grandma, don’t go thinking about
+things from bygone days anymore."
+Questions ending in ne often ask the whereabouts of someone or something,
+"hence the translation ""Where’s Mom?"""
+C:	"Xiǎnzǎi hǎodeduō le, nǐ zǎi
+wàibianr niàn shū, wǒ bú name
+dānxīn le.	..."	"These days, it’s much better. I
+don’t worry so much about you out
+there studying."
+	(Tom enters. )	
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai , nín zǎo!	Good morning, Grandma Lǐ.’
+C:	"Zǎo, Tāngmù, zuǒle yǐtiān fēijǐ
+bù duo shut yihuǐr?"	"Good morning, Tom. After a day on
+the airplane don’t you want to get
+some more sleep?"
+A:	"Shuǐgǒu le. Lǐ Nǎinai, nín
+zuǒzhe ba, women bang nín
+shōushi."	"No, I’ve gotten enough sleep.
+Grandma Lǐ, you sit down, we’ll
+straighten up for you."
+C:	Duō you līmǎode hǎizi!	What a well-mannered child!
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, nín he érzi, érxífur
+zhù zai yǐqǐ, sūnzi, sūnnū yě
+chǎng lai, nínde fúqi zhēn
+hǎo."	"Grandma Lǐ, you’re so fortunate to
+live with your son and daughter-in-
+law, and to have your grandson and
+grandaughter come often."
+C:	"Shéi shuō bú shǐ ne? Wǒ chǎng
+shuō, women jiāde fúqi dōu shi
+wǒ nǎ xiǎoshunde erxífur
+dǎilaide."	"That’s for sure. I often say that
+the good fortune of our f ami 1 y was
+all brought to us by that filial
+daughter-in-law of mine."
+B:	"Wǒ nǎinai you gāi shuō women
+jiǎde lìshǐ le."	"Here goes Grandma telling our family
+history again."
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, zhèixiē shir nín
+gěi wǒ jiǎngjiang xíng bu xíng?"	"Grandma Lǐ, could you tell me about
+these things?"
+C:	"Hǎo wa. Shuōqilǎi huǎ jiu
+chǎng le.’” Wǒ he Xiao Ping
+yeye dōu shi Shenyǎng rén.
+Rǐben rén lǎile yǐhǒu, cǎichǎn
+ya, tǔdì ya, dōu bù néng guan
+le, líkāi jiā pǎo dǎole Nǎnfāng.
+Xiǎo Ping bǎba zǎi Shǎnghǎi niàn
+shū cǎi rènshile women zhèige
+érxífu."	"Sure! It’s a long story. Xiao
+Ping’s grandfather and I are both
+from Shenyǎng (Mukden). When the
+Japanese came, we couldn’t bother with
+our property or land any more; we
+left our home and fled to the South..
+Xiǎo Ping’s father didn’t meet our
+daughter-in-law’	until he was
+going to school in Shǎnghǎi."
+*Tom knows that this way of addressing Grandma is proper for a
+friend of her grandson. He intentionally calls her Lǐ Nǎinai as soon as
+he sees her in order to establish the relationship.
+"”gāi: ""will probably"""
+"’’’More literally, ""When it comes to telling it, the talk is long."""
+’’’’Notice that grandma’s phrasing shows that the woman is first a
+daughter-in-law, then a wife.
+A:	"Nei shihou nuhaizi shang da-
+xuéde duō ""bu duō?"	"Were there many women who went
+to college in those days?"
+C:	"Méiyou xiànzài zhème duō.
+Women érxífu jiā xiāngdāng you
+qiān, érqiě yídàjiā rén you qī-
+bāshígè, zài Sūzhōu shéi dōu
+zhìdao tāmen jiā."	"Not as many as there are now. My
+daughter-in-law’s family was quite
+rich, and there were seventy or
+eighty people in that one big family.
+Everyone in Sūzhōu knew them."
+A:	"Zhèiyangrde jiātíng’ guǐju
+yídìng bù shǎo."	"A family like that must have had a
+strict code of behavior."
+C:	"Shéi shuō bū shì ne! Tāmen
+jiāde xiàojie bù néng zài wài-
+bianr niàn shū, zhǐ néng qǐng
+lǎoshǐ dào jiāli jiāo diǎnr
+Si Shū shenmede. Xiao Ping
+mǔqin juéde yíge fùnū yào zài
+shèhuìshang dūlì, yídìng děi
+chūqu niàn shū. Jiù zhèiyang,
+tā cái pǎo dào Shànghǎi niàn shū
+qu le."	"You bet they did! Their young
+ladies couldn’t go to school outside
+the home: they could only hire a
+teacher to come to the house and
+teach them a little of the Four Books
+and so forth. Xiǎo Ping’s mother
+felt that if a woman wanted to be
+independent in society, she had to
+leave home to study. That’s why she
+ran away to Shànghǎi to go to school."
+A:	Zài nèi shihou, zhēn bu róngyi.	"That must have been really hard
+back then."
+C:	"Zài dàxuéde shihou, Xiǎo
+Píngde fùmǔ shi hen hǎode
+péngyou, kěshi zěnme bàn ne?
+Women shénme dōu méiyou le, yě
+méiyou qiān, zìjǐde érzi zěnme
+néng hé zhàiyangr yíwèi xiaojie
+jiēhūn ne? Xiǎo Ping mā bū
+name xiǎng. . . ."	"When they were in college, Xiǎo
+Ping’s parents were very good
+friends, but what were we to do?
+We didn’t have a thing left, and we
+didn’t have any money. How could
+our (own) son marry a young lady like
+that? But Xiǎo Ping’s mother didn’t
+think so. . . ."
+A:	Tā zěnme xiǎng?	What did she think?
+C:	"Tā shuō tā yào zhǎo yíge zìjǐ
+xǐhuande rén jiēhūn, dìwei he
+qiān dōu bū zhòngyào. Ai, tā
+chile duōshao kǔ cāi líkāile
+nàige dà jiātíng."	"She said she wanted to find a person
+she herself liked to get married to,
+and that status and money weren’t
+important. (Sigh) What she went
+through to leave that big family."
+A:	"Nà, nǐmen zěnme dào Xiānggǎng
+lai le ne?"	"Well then, how did you come to
+Hong Kong?"
+C:	"Tāmen zài Yingguó niànwān shū
+jiù lai Xiānggǎng zuò shì,
+yìniān yǐhòu you bǎ -women jiē-
+lai le, zhàiyangr yìjiā rén cāi
+zài Xiānggǎng zhǔxialai le.
+Xiànzài wǒ niānji dà le, jiāli
+dà shir xiǎo shir dōu shi Xiǎo"	"When they finished school in
+England they came to Hong Kong to
+work; a year later they brought us
+out, and then our whole family set-
+tled here. Now that I’m getting on
+in years, Xiǎo Ping’s mother takes
+care of all the big and small matters"
+"Ping mǔqin guan. Nī shuō wǒ
+fúqi hǎo, zhēn shi yìdiǎnr yě
+bū cuò."	"here at home. So when you say I’m
+blessed with good fortune, you’re
+absolutely right."
+"B:	Nǎinai, wǒ mā kuài huílai le
+ba?"	"Grandma, Mom will be home soon,
+won’t she?"
+"C:	Kuài huílai le, women qù bǎ
+zǎofàn nònghǎo ba."	"Yes. Let’s go get breakfast
+A, B: Hǎo, zǒu ba.	Okay, let’s go.


+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Unit b, Review Dialogue
+Early in the morning the day after Lǐ Ping (B) and Tom (A) arrive in Hong Kong, Lǐ Ping’s grandmother (C) is straightening up the living room, when Lǐ Ping walks in.
+B:	Nǎinai, nín zhēn zǎo. Wǒ mā ne? *	You’re up so early, Grandma. Where’s Mom?
+C:	Tā ya, chūqu mǎi cài le. Erzi huílai le, zǒng yào duo mǎi diǎnr cài ma.’ Nǐde péngyou ne? Tā hái méiyou qǐlai ba?	Oh, she went out to buy some groceries. When a son comes back, you’ve always got to buy some extra food. Where’s your friend? He’s not up yet, is he?
+B:	Qǐlai le, xǐ liǎn ne.	Yes, he’s up. He’s washing his face.
+C:	Xiao Ping a, nǐde péngyou Jiao shénme míngzi, wǒ you wàng le.	Xiǎo Ping, what’s your friend’s name? I’ve forgotten it again.
+B:	Jiao "Tāngmǔ."	"Tom. ’’
+C:	5, "Tāngmǔ," hái hǎo jì. Nǐ he tā shuō, dàole zánmen jiā, jiù shi yìjiǎ rén, shénme shir dōu bié kèqi. Tā yí kèqi, wǒ Jiu bù zhīdào zěnme ban hǎo le.	Hm, "Tom," that’s fairly easy to remember. You tell him that in our house he’s Just part of the family and he shouldn’t be polite about anything. Once he starts in with the politeness, I won’t know what to do.
+B:	Women huílai yǐqián zài Tāngmǔ Jiā zhùle liǎngtiān, tā baba māma duì wǒ hěn hǎo. Tāngmǔ rén yě hěn hǎo, zài Měiguode shíhou, tā gěi wo bù shǎo bāng-zhu.	Before we came back we stayed at Tom’s house for a couple of days. His parents were very nice to me. Tom is also a very good person; when we were in America, he helped me a lot.
+C:	Ò, zhèiyang hǎo, niánqīng rén yīnggāi hùxiāng bāng máng. Ai.’ Jǐde nī yéye zài Rìběn nài shihou, pīnmìng niàn shǔ, rénjia Rìběn rén háishi kànbuqǐ ya, nǎr you shénme Rìběn péngyou. Zhǐ hǎo Jǐge Zhōngguo xuésheng zhù zai yìqǐ. Ai.’	Mm. That’s good. Young people ought to help each other out. (Sigh) I remember when your grandfather was in Japan, he studied like crazy, but those Japanese still looked down on him. He didn’t have any Japanese friends to speak of. The Chinese students just had to live together. (Sigh)
+B:	Nǎinai, guǒqùde shi Jiu bié qù xiǎng ta le.	Grandma, don’t go thinking about things from bygone days anymore.
+Questions ending in ne often ask the whereabouts of someone or something, hence the translation "Where’s Mom?"
+C:	Xiǎnzǎi hǎodeduō le, nǐ zǎi wàibianr niàn shū, wǒ bú name dānxīn le.	...	These days, it’s much better. I don’t worry so much about you out there studying.
+	(Tom enters. )	
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai , nín zǎo!	Good morning, Grandma Lǐ.’
+C:	Zǎo, Tāngmù, zuǒle yǐtiān fēijǐ bù duo shut yihuǐr?	Good morning, Tom. After a day on the airplane don’t you want to get some more sleep?
+A:	Shuǐgǒu le. Lǐ Nǎinai, nín zuǒzhe ba, women bang nín shōushi.	No, I’ve gotten enough sleep. Grandma Lǐ, you sit down, we’ll straighten up for you.
+C:	Duō you līmǎode hǎizi!	What a well-mannered child!
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, nín he érzi, érxífur zhù zai yǐqǐ, sūnzi, sūnnū yě chǎng lai, nínde fúqi zhēn hǎo.	Grandma Lǐ, you’re so fortunate to live with your son and daughter-in-law, and to have your grandson and grandaughter come often.
+C:	Shéi shuō bú shǐ ne? Wǒ chǎng shuō, women jiāde fúqi dōu shi wǒ nǎ xiǎoshunde erxífur dǎilaide.	That’s for sure. I often say that the good fortune of our f ami 1 y was all brought to us by that filial daughter-in-law of mine.
+B:	Wǒ nǎinai you gāi shuō women jiǎde lìshǐ le.	Here goes Grandma telling our family history again.
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, zhèixiē shir nín gěi wǒ jiǎngjiang xíng bu xíng?	Grandma Lǐ, could you tell me about these things?
+C:	Hǎo wa. Shuōqilǎi huǎ jiu chǎng le.’” Wǒ he Xiao Ping yeye dōu shi Shenyǎng rén. Rǐben rén lǎile yǐhǒu, cǎichǎn ya, tǔdì ya, dōu bù néng guan le, líkāi jiā pǎo dǎole Nǎnfāng. Xiǎo Ping bǎba zǎi Shǎnghǎi niàn shū cǎi rènshile women zhèige érxífu.	Sure! It’s a long story. Xiao Ping’s grandfather and I are both from Shenyǎng (Mukden). When the Japanese came, we couldn’t bother with our property or land any more; we left our home and fled to the South.. Xiǎo Ping’s father didn’t meet our daughter-in-law’	until he was going to school in Shǎnghǎi.
+*Tom knows that this way of addressing Grandma is proper for a friend of her grandson. He intentionally calls her Lǐ Nǎinai as soon as he sees her in order to establish the relationship.
+”gāi: "will probably"
+’’’More literally, "When it comes to telling it, the talk is long." ’’’’Notice that grandma’s phrasing shows that the woman is first a daughter-in-law, then a wife.
+A:	Nei shihou nuhaizi shang da-xuéde duō "bu duō?	Were there many women who went to college in those days?
+C:	Méiyou xiànzài zhème duō. Women érxífu jiā xiāngdāng you qiān, érqiě yídàjiā rén you qī-bāshígè, zài Sūzhōu shéi dōu zhìdao tāmen jiā.	Not as many as there are now. My daughter-in-law’s family was quite rich, and there were seventy or eighty people in that one big family. Everyone in Sūzhōu knew them.
+A:	Zhèiyangrde jiātíng’ guǐju yídìng bù shǎo.	A family like that must have had a strict code of behavior.
+C:	Shéi shuō bū shì ne! Tāmen jiāde xiàojie bù néng zài wài-bianr niàn shū, zhǐ néng qǐng lǎoshǐ dào jiāli jiāo diǎnr Si Shū shenmede. Xiao Ping mǔqin juéde yíge fùnū yào zài shèhuìshang dūlì, yídìng děi chūqu niàn shū. Jiù zhèiyang, tā cái pǎo dào Shànghǎi niàn shū qu le.	You bet they did! Their young ladies couldn’t go to school outside the home: they could only hire a teacher to come to the house and teach them a little of the Four Books and so forth. Xiǎo Ping’s mother felt that if a woman wanted to be independent in society, she had to leave home to study. That’s why she ran away to Shànghǎi to go to school.
+A:	Zài nèi shihou, zhēn bu róngyi.	That must have been really hard back then.
+C:	Zài dàxuéde shihou, Xiǎo Píngde fùmǔ shi hen hǎode péngyou, kěshi zěnme bàn ne? Women shénme dōu méiyou le, yě méiyou qiān, zìjǐde érzi zěnme néng hé zhàiyangr yíwèi xiaojie jiēhūn ne? Xiǎo Ping mā bū name xiǎng. . . .	When they were in college, Xiǎo Ping’s parents were very good friends, but what were we to do? We didn’t have a thing left, and we didn’t have any money. How could our (own) son marry a young lady like that? But Xiǎo Ping’s mother didn’t think so. . . .
+A:	Tā zěnme xiǎng?	What did she think?
+C:	Tā shuō tā yào zhǎo yíge zìjǐ xǐhuande rén jiēhūn, dìwei he qiān dōu bū zhòngyào. Ai, tā chile duōshao kǔ cāi líkāile nàige dà jiātíng.	She said she wanted to find a person she herself liked to get married to, and that status and money weren’t important. (Sigh) What she went through to leave that big family.
+A:	Nà, nǐmen zěnme dào Xiānggǎng lai le ne?	Well then, how did you come to Hong Kong?
+C:	Tāmen zài Yingguó niànwān shū jiù lai Xiānggǎng zuò shì, yìniān yǐhòu you bǎ -women jiē-lai le, zhàiyangr yìjiā rén cāi zài Xiānggǎng zhǔxialai le. Xiànzài wǒ niānji dà le, jiāli dà shir xiǎo shir dōu shi Xiǎo	When they finished school in England they came to Hong Kong to work; a year later they brought us out, and then our whole family settled here. Now that I’m getting on in years, Xiǎo Ping’s mother takes care of all the big and small matters
+Ping mǔqin guan. Nī shuō wǒ fúqi hǎo, zhēn shi yìdiǎnr yě bū cuò.	here at home. So when you say I’m blessed with good fortune, you’re absolutely right.
+B:	Nǎinai, wǒ mā kuài huílai le ba?	Grandma, Mom will be home soon, won’t she?
+C:	Kuài huílai le, women qù bǎ zǎofàn nònghǎo ba.	Yes. Let’s go get breakfast ready.
+A, B: Hǎo, zǒu ba.	Okay, let’s go.

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Unit 5> Review Dialogue
+Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Ping’s classmate from Taiwan, Wang Cheng
+(D), have Just gone to the movie The Dream of the Red Chamber*. On their way
+home, they chat.
+B:	Tāngmǔ, nī zěnme bù shuō huà?	How come you aren’t talking, Tom?
+A:	"Duìbuqǐ, kàn zhèige diànying,
+shízài rang rén bu shūfu, tèbié
+shi kàn dao nàige dìfangr . . ."	"I’m sorry. Watching this movie
+was really distressing. Especially
+when it got to that part . . ."
+D:	Nǎge dìfāng?	Which part?
+A:	Jiù shi Dàiyù side shihou . . .	The part when Dàiyù dies . . .
+B:	"Ng, duì le, Dàiyù side shihou
+zhèng shi Bǎoyù Jiēhūnde shihou.
+Kan dao zhèli, zhēn shi ràng rén
+hen bu shūfu."	"Mm, right, Dàiyù dies Just when
+Bǎoyù is getting married. At that
+point, I really felt uncomfortable."
+D:	"Nimen you méiyou zhùyidào, hěn
+duo nude kàn dao zhège dìfāng
+dōu kū le."	"Did you notice, a lot of women
+started crying when it got to that
+A:	"Wo kàndao le. Ai, yōude shihou,
+wo zhēnde bù míngbai, wèishenme
+hěn duo shūli hāishi shuō Zhōng-
+guo chuāntǒngde dà Jiātíng you bù
+shǎo hǎochu, hǎochu zài náli?
+Weile bǎochí dà Jiātíngde chuán-
+tǒng, ràng niánqīngde yídài huò-
+zhě Jīdài chi nàme duo kǔ, zhè
+Jiù shi dà Jiātíngde hǎochù ma?"	"Yes. (Sigh) Sometimes I really
+don’t understand why a lot of books
+say that there were many advantages
+to the traditional Chinese large
+family. What advantages? Just in
+order to preserve the tradition of
+the large family, the younger genera-
+tion or generations were made to
+suffer so much. That’s the advan-
+tage of the large family?"
+D:	"Dà Jiātíngde hǎochù xiànzài bu
+duo le. Nimen zhīdào Zhōngguode
+dà Jiātíng gēn lìshī you guānxǐ.
+Zhōngguo shi nongyè shèhuì, shēng-
+chǎn dōu yào kào rénlì, shéi Jiāde
+láolì duō, shéi Jiāde shēnghuó Jiù
+huì hǎo yìdiǎn. Li Ping, nī xiǎng
+shi bu shi zhàyàng ne?"	"The large family doesn’t have many
+advantages any more. You know, the
+large family has to do with Chinese
+history. China was an agricultural
+society, and production depended on
+manpower. If a family had a larger
+labor force they had a better life.
+Lǐ Ping, do you think that’s right?"
+B:	Shi, shi zhèiyangde.	Yes, that’s right.
+A:	Nàme, xiànzài qíngxing bù tong	But now the situation is different.
+’This novel by Cao Xuěqín (172U?-1?6U) tells of the twilight years of the
+Jiǎ family, grown wealthy in the service of Qīng Dynasty emperors. The
+story revolves around the spoiled and effeminate young man of the house, Jiǎ
+Bǎoyù (Precious Jade), and his love for his cousin, Lin Dàiyù (Black Jade).
+	"le, xiànzài gōngshāngyè fādá le,
+wèishenme hái you rén shuō da
+jiātíng hǎo ne?"	"Now that industry and commerce are
+highly developed, why do some people
+still say that the large family is
+D:	"Dà jiātíngde guānniàn yījǐng
+you jǐqiānniánde lìshǐ le, yào
+gǎibiàn tā, xūyào bǐjiào chángde
+shíjiān. Dàlùde qíngxing wǒ bù
+qingchu, Taiwānde qíngxing shi
+dà jiātíng yuè lai yuè shāo le.
+Suīrán Zhōngguó rén xǐhuan dà
+jiātíng, juédé dàjiā zhù zai
+yìqǐ, hùxiāng you zhàogu, dànshi
+gōngshāngyè fādá le, gōngzuòde
+jíhuì duō le, xiǎo jiātíng yě
+jiu yuè lai yuè duō le."	"The concept of the large family has
+already existed for several thousand
+years. It’ll take a rather long time
+to change it. I don’t know about the
+situation on the mainland. But on
+Taiwan, the situation is that there
+are fewer and fewer large families.
+Although the Chinese like big families
+and think that if everyone lives to-
+gether they can take care of each
+other, industry and commerce are
+flourishing and there are more job
+opportunities, so there are more and
+more small families."
+B:	"Xiànzài dà jiātíng yuè lai yuè
+shǎo, zǎohūnde fēngsu yě jiu
+méiyǒu le."	"Now as large families grow fewer
+and fewer, the custom of child
+marriage will disappear."
+A:	"Zǎohūn he dà jiātíng you shénme
+guānxi ma?"	"Is child marriage related to the
+large family?"
+D:	"You guānxi. Zhè zhǔyào° shi láo-
+lìde wèntí."	"Yes. It’s mainly a question of
+labor force."
+B:	"Nǐ xiǎng, zǎohūn, zǎo you háizi,
+jiāli láodònglì duō, lǎorén yě jiu
+kéyi zǎo yidiǎn dédào zhàogu."	"After all, with child marriage,
+children are born sooner, the family
+has more work hands, and the old
+people can get taken care of sooner."
+A:	"Kěshi zài gōngshāngyè shèhuìli,
+duōshù lǎorén dōu you shōurù.
+Xiànzài Táiwān yǐjǐng shi gōng-
+shāngyè shèhuì, zhèiyangde wèntí
+yě jiu méiyǒu le."	"But in an industrial-commercial
+society, most of the old people have
+an income. Today Taiwan is already
+an industrial-commercial society, so
+that kind of problem doesn’t exist
+there anymore."
+B:	"Dànshi, nǐ bié wàngle, dàlù hái
+shi nōngyè shèhuì, zhàogu lǎorén-
+de wèntí hái shi dà wèntí, zǎo-
+hūnde fēngsu yě háishi you."	"But don’t forget that the mainland
+is still an agricultural society.
+Caring for old people is still a big
+problem, and the custom of child
+marriage still exists there."
+A:	"Nǐ dàgài nòngcuòle ba, dàlùde
+zhèngfǔ zěnme huì tóngyì rénmen
+zǎohūn ne?"	"You must be mistaken. How could
+the government on the mainland agree
+to let people marry as children?"
+"zhǔyào, ""mainly"""
+"B:	W3 shuōde shi nongcūn,-’- shénme
+zǎohūn na, zhòng nan qīng nil a,
+zhèizhǒng shi z3ng shi he JīngJi
+bù fādá you guānxide."	"I’m talking about rural areas,
+Things like child marriage or regard-
+ing males as superior to females
+always have to do with an undeveloped
+"D:	W3 shízài bù xīhuan zaohūn. Wo
+xiang duōshù zaohūnde rén hòulái-
+de shēnghuó dōu y3u diǎn wèntí."	"I really don’t like child marriage.
+I think that most people who are
+married as children have problems
+later on in life."
+"B:	Tèbié shi fùnū."	Especially women.
+"A:	Duì le, w3 tīngshuōguo zhèijrang
+yìzh3ng shuōfǎ: Zhōngguo fùnu
+meiyou Jiēhūn yǐqián yào ting fùmǔ-
+de, Jiēle hūn děi ting zhàngfude,
+zhàngfu sǐle děi ting érzide.^
+Qīngwèn, Zhōngguo fùnu shénme
+shíhou cái néng y3u tāmen zìjīde
+xiǎngfa, shénme shíhou cái néng
+y3u yìdiǎnr zìyóu ne?"	"Right. I’ve heard a saying to the
+effect that before a Chinese woman gets
+married she has to obey her parents,
+after she gets married she has to obey
+her husband, and after her husband
+dies she has to obey her son. I ask
+you, when will Chinese women be able
+to think for themselves? When will
+they be able to have a little freedom?"
+"B:	Ou, xiànzài meiyou rén Jiang
+zhèixiē le."	"Nobody is strict about those customs
+"A:	Suīrán méiyou rén Jiang, kěshi
+zhàizh3ng chuántong sīxiǎng^ hái-
+shi you a!"	"Nobody is strict about them,
+but the traditional thinking is still
+"D:	Nī shuōde yě you dàolǐ, háishi
+nàjù huà, Jǐqiānniánde lǎo
+guānniàn bǔ shi hen kuài kéyi
+gǎibiànde."	"That’s right. It’s still the same
+old story. Ideas which are several
+thousand years old can’t be changed
+very quickly."
+"B:	Ììg, búguò wo xiǎng, dàlù yě
+hǎo, Taiwan yě hào, Jīshínián
+lái dōu y3ule hěn dàde gǎibiàn,
+fùnude dìwei yě dōu y3ule tígāo,
+chuánt3ngde guānniàn yě zài biàn."	"Yeah, but I think that both the
+mainland and Taiwan have undergone
+big changes in the past few decades.
+The status of women has improved,
+and traditional ideas are changing."
+"A:	Ng, zheyidian wo tongyi."	Mm, that I agree with.
+"^nōngcūn, ""rural area"" (See Unit 6)"
+Zhōngguo funu meiyou jiēhūn yiqian yao ting fùmǔde: (1) meiyou Jiēhūn
+"yǐqián is completely equivalent to Jiēhūn yǐqián ""before getting married""."
+The meiyou does not change the meaning. (2) Ting fùmǔde is equivalent to
+"ting fùmǔde huà, ""to obey one’s parents."""
+"^sǐxiǎng, ""thought, thinking"" (See Life in China module, Unit h)"
+"^tígāo, ""raise, improve(ment)"" (See Traveling in China module, Unit 2)"
+B:	"Hǎo, women
+Cheng jìnqu :"	"dào jiǎ le. Wang	Okay, we are at my house. Come
+iuòzuo ba!	in for a while, Wang Cheng, okay?"
+D:	Hǎo, jìnqù	"yíxià.	Okay, I’ll come in for a while."


+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Unit 5> Review Dialogue
+Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Ping’s classmate from Taiwan, Wang Cheng (D), have Just gone to the movie The Dream of the Red Chamber*. On their way home, they chat.
+B:	Tāngmǔ, nī zěnme bù shuō huà?	How come you aren’t talking, Tom?
+A:	Duìbuqǐ, kàn zhèige diànying, shízài rang rén bu shūfu, tèbié shi kàn dao nàige dìfangr . . .	I’m sorry. Watching this movie was really distressing. Especially when it got to that part . . .
+D:	Nǎge dìfāng?	Which part?
+A:	Jiù shi Dàiyù side shihou . . .	The part when Dàiyù dies . . .
+B:	Ng, duì le, Dàiyù side shihou zhèng shi Bǎoyù Jiēhūnde shihou. Kan dao zhèli, zhēn shi ràng rén hen bu shūfu.	Mm, right, Dàiyù dies Just when Bǎoyù is getting married. At that point, I really felt uncomfortable.
+D:	Nimen you méiyou zhùyidào, hěn duo nude kàn dao zhège dìfāng dōu kū le.	Did you notice, a lot of women started crying when it got to that part.
+A:	Wo kàndao le. Ai, yōude shihou, wo zhēnde bù míngbai, wèishenme hěn duo shūli hāishi shuō Zhōng-guo chuāntǒngde dà Jiātíng you bù shǎo hǎochu, hǎochu zài náli? Weile bǎochí dà Jiātíngde chuán-tǒng, ràng niánqīngde yídài huò-zhě Jīdài chi nàme duo kǔ, zhè Jiù shi dà Jiātíngde hǎochù ma?	Yes. (Sigh) Sometimes I really don’t understand why a lot of books say that there were many advantages to the traditional Chinese large family. What advantages? Just in order to preserve the tradition of the large family, the younger generation or generations were made to suffer so much. That’s the advantage of the large family?
+D:	Dà Jiātíngde hǎochù xiànzài bu duo le. Nimen zhīdào Zhōngguode dà Jiātíng gēn lìshī you guānxǐ. Zhōngguo shi nongyè shèhuì, shēng-chǎn dōu yào kào rénlì, shéi Jiāde láolì duō, shéi Jiāde shēnghuó Jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎn. Li Ping, nī xiǎng shi bu shi zhàyàng ne?	The large family doesn’t have many advantages any more. You know, the large family has to do with Chinese history. China was an agricultural society, and production depended on manpower. If a family had a larger labor force they had a better life. Lǐ Ping, do you think that’s right?
+B:	Shi, shi zhèiyangde.	Yes, that’s right.
+A:	Nàme, xiànzài qíngxing bù tong	But now the situation is different.
+’This novel by Cao Xuěqín (172U?-1?6U) tells of the twilight years of the Jiǎ family, grown wealthy in the service of Qīng Dynasty emperors. The story revolves around the spoiled and effeminate young man of the house, Jiǎ Bǎoyù (Precious Jade), and his love for his cousin, Lin Dàiyù (Black Jade).
+	le, xiànzài gōngshāngyè fādá le, wèishenme hái you rén shuō da jiātíng hǎo ne?	Now that industry and commerce are highly developed, why do some people still say that the large family is good?
+D:	Dà jiātíngde guānniàn yījǐng you jǐqiānniánde lìshǐ le, yào gǎibiàn tā, xūyào bǐjiào chángde shíjiān. Dàlùde qíngxing wǒ bù qingchu, Taiwānde qíngxing shi dà jiātíng yuè lai yuè shāo le. Suīrán Zhōngguó rén xǐhuan dà jiātíng, juédé dàjiā zhù zai yìqǐ, hùxiāng you zhàogu, dànshi gōngshāngyè fādá le, gōngzuòde jíhuì duō le, xiǎo jiātíng yě jiu yuè lai yuè duō le.	The concept of the large family has already existed for several thousand years. It’ll take a rather long time to change it. I don’t know about the situation on the mainland. But on Taiwan, the situation is that there are fewer and fewer large families. Although the Chinese like big families and think that if everyone lives together they can take care of each other, industry and commerce are flourishing and there are more job opportunities, so there are more and more small families.
+B:	Xiànzài dà jiātíng yuè lai yuè shǎo, zǎohūnde fēngsu yě jiu méiyǒu le.	Now as large families grow fewer and fewer, the custom of child marriage will disappear.
+A:	Zǎohūn he dà jiātíng you shénme guānxi ma?	Is child marriage related to the large family?
+D:	You guānxi. Zhè zhǔyào° shi láo-lìde wèntí.	Yes. It’s mainly a question of labor force.
+B:	Nǐ xiǎng, zǎohūn, zǎo you háizi, jiāli láodònglì duō, lǎorén yě jiu kéyi zǎo yidiǎn dédào zhàogu.	After all, with child marriage, children are born sooner, the family has more work hands, and the old people can get taken care of sooner.
+A:	Kěshi zài gōngshāngyè shèhuìli, duōshù lǎorén dōu you shōurù. Xiànzài Táiwān yǐjǐng shi gōngshāngyè shèhuì, zhèiyangde wèntí yě jiu méiyǒu le.	But in an industrial-commercial society, most of the old people have an income. Today Taiwan is already an industrial-commercial society, so that kind of problem doesn’t exist there anymore.
+B:	Dànshi, nǐ bié wàngle, dàlù hái shi nōngyè shèhuì, zhàogu lǎorén-de wèntí hái shi dà wèntí, zǎohūnde fēngsu yě háishi you.	But don’t forget that the mainland is still an agricultural society. Caring for old people is still a big problem, and the custom of child marriage still exists there.
+A:	Nǐ dàgài nòngcuòle ba, dàlùde zhèngfǔ zěnme huì tóngyì rénmen zǎohūn ne?	You must be mistaken. How could the government on the mainland agree to let people marry as children?
+zhǔyào, "mainly"
+B:	W3 shuōde shi nongcūn,-’- shénme zǎohūn na, zhòng nan qīng nil a, zhèizhǒng shi z3ng shi he JīngJi bù fādá you guānxide.	I’m talking about rural areas, Things like child marriage or regarding males as superior to females always have to do with an undeveloped economy.
+D:	W3 shízài bù xīhuan zaohūn. Wo xiang duōshù zaohūnde rén hòulái-de shēnghuó dōu y3u diǎn wèntí.	I really don’t like child marriage. I think that most people who are married as children have problems later on in life.
+B:	Tèbié shi fùnū.	Especially women.
+A:	Duì le, w3 tīngshuōguo zhèijrang yìzh3ng shuōfǎ: Zhōngguo fùnu meiyou Jiēhūn yǐqián yào ting fùmǔde, Jiēle hūn děi ting zhàngfude, zhàngfu sǐle děi ting érzide.^ Qīngwèn, Zhōngguo fùnu shénme shíhou cái néng y3u tāmen zìjīde xiǎngfa, shénme shíhou cái néng y3u yìdiǎnr zìyóu ne?	Right. I’ve heard a saying to the effect that before a Chinese woman gets married she has to obey her parents, after she gets married she has to obey her husband, and after her husband dies she has to obey her son. I ask you, when will Chinese women be able to think for themselves? When will they be able to have a little freedom?
+B:	Ou, xiànzài meiyou rén Jiang zhèixiē le.	Nobody is strict about those customs anymore.
+A:	Suīrán méiyou rén Jiang, kěshi zhàizh3ng chuántong sīxiǎng^ hái-shi you a!	Nobody is strict about them, but the traditional thinking is still there!
+D:	Nī shuōde yě you dàolǐ, háishi nàjù huà, Jǐqiānniánde lǎo guānniàn bǔ shi hen kuài kéyi gǎibiànde.	That’s right. It’s still the same old story. Ideas which are several thousand years old can’t be changed very quickly.
+B:	Ììg, búguò wo xiǎng, dàlù yě hǎo, Taiwan yě hào, Jīshínián lái dōu y3ule hěn dàde gǎibiàn, fùnude dìwei yě dōu y3ule tígāo, chuánt3ngde guānniàn yě zài biàn.	Yeah, but I think that both the mainland and Taiwan have undergone big changes in the past few decades. The status of women has improved, and traditional ideas are changing.
+A:	Ng, zheyidian wo tongyi.	Mm, that I agree with.
+^nōngcūn, "rural area" (See Unit 6)
+Zhōngguo funu meiyou jiēhūn yiqian yao ting fùmǔde: (1) meiyou Jiēhūn yǐqián is completely equivalent to Jiēhūn yǐqián "before getting married". The meiyou does not change the meaning. (2) Ting fùmǔde is equivalent to ting fùmǔde huà, "to obey one’s parents."
+^sǐxiǎng, "thought, thinking" (See Life in China module, Unit h) ^tígāo, "raise, improve(ment)" (See Traveling in China module, Unit 2)
+B:	Hǎo, women Cheng jìnqu :	dào jiǎ le. Wang	Okay, we are at my house. Come iuòzuo ba!	in for a while, Wang Cheng, okay?
+D:	Hǎo, jìnqù	yíxià.	Okay, I’ll come in for a while.

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+Unit 6, Review Dialogue
+On the balcony of Lǐ Ping’s apartment, Tom (A) and Lǐ Ping’s sister
+Lǐ Wen (ē) have a conversation.
+A:	"Lǐ Wen, nǐ yíge rén zài zhèr
+xià qí?°"	"Are you playing chess all by your-
+self out here, Lǐ Wén?°"
+E:	"Suíbiàn wánrwanr, jīntiān Baba
+bú zài jiā, píngcháng zǒng shi
+wǒ he Baba xià qí. Zěnme, nǐ
+yě xiǎng wánr ma?"	"Just fooling around. My father
+isn’t home today. Usually he and I
+play against each other. What’s up?
+Do you want to play too?"
+A:	"Bù, wǒ bú tài huì xià; rúguo
+nǐ you kòng, wǒ xiǎng he ni
+liaoliao."	"No, I’m not too good at chess. But
+if you’ve got the time I’d like to
+chat with you a bit."
+E:	"Wǒ yě zhèng xiǎng he ni liao-
+liao ne, qǐng zuò.’ Ruguo nǐ
+bú Jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng wen nǐ
+liǎngge wèntí."	"It just so happens I felt like
+talking with you myself. Have a seat.
+If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask
+you a couple of questions."
+A:	Bú yào kèqi, qǐng wen ba.’	Certainly, go right ahead.
+E:	"Měinián shǔjiàde shihou, nǐ
+dōu líkāi jiā, yíge rén qù
+lúxíng ma?"	"Do you leave home and go traveling
+by yourself every summer?"
+A:	Chàbuduō shi zhèiyangr.	Just about.
+E:	"Nàme, nǐde fùmǔ hen you qiān
+ba?"	"Then your parents must be very
+rich, I guess?"
+A:	"Tāmen dōu zài dàxué jiāo shū,
+bú shi hěn you qiánde rén, érqiě
+wǒ luxíngde qiān dōu shi wǒ zìjǐ
+zhuànde. Píngcháng shàng xuéde
+shihou, wǒ hái zuò diǎnr shir,
+xiàng dǎ zì, fānyi diǎnr xiǎo
+wénzhāng shenmede. Zhuànle qiān,
+shǔjiàde shihou chūqu zǒuzou,
+kànkan shìjiè."	"They both teach college, Csol they’re
+not very rich; besides, I earn my own
+travel money. During the school year
+I usually do some outside work like
+typing, translating little articles,
+and so on. Then when I’ve earned the
+money I go away to see the world dur-
+ing summer vacation."
+E:	"Zhen bú cuǒ. Nǐ néng fānyi,
+nàme nǐde Zhōngwén hěn hǎo le?
+Néng shuō yě néng kàn?"	"That’s great. If you’re able to
+translate, your Chinese must be very
+good. You can speak and also read?"
+A:	"Néng kàn yìdiǎnr. Wo duǐ
+Zhōngguo wénhuà, Zhōngguo shè-
+huǐ hěn you xìngqu, hěn xiǎng
+yánjiū yanjiu. Suǒyǐ, rúguǒ nǐ"	"I can read a little. I’m very
+interested in Chinese culture and
+society, and I’d like very much to
+study them. So, if you don’t mind,"
+Lǐ Wen may be working out chess strategies or playing Chinese chess (which
+can be done alone).
+	"bú Jièyìde huà, wō yě hen xiǎng
+wen ní Jīge wèntí."	I’d like to ask you a few questions.
+E:	QÍng!	Be my guest!
+A:	"Ting LĪ Ping shuō, ni zhídao
+xiē dàlùde qíngkuàng."	"I hear from Li Ping that you know
+a bit about the situation on the
+E:	"Wo you hen duo tóngxué he
+péngyou, tāmen dōu shi cóng
+dàlù laide. Tāmen zài nàr
+shēnghuóle èrsānshíniān, dāng-
+rán hen qīngchù. Wo he tamen
+chángcháng zài yìqī, yě Jiù
+zhidaole yidiǎnr."	"I have a lot of classmates and
+friends who come from the mainland.
+They lived there for twenty or thirty
+years, so naturally they know quite
+well what goes on there. I spend a
+lot of time with them, so I’ve gotten
+to know something about it too."
+A:	"Tìngshuō, Zhōngguo zhèngfú
+shíxíng nānnū píngděngde zhèng-
+cè, suóyi Zhōngguo fùnúde dìwèi
+tígāole hen duō, Jiātíngde qíng-
+kuàng yě he Jiěfàng yiqián bù
+yíyàng le."	"I understand that the Chinese
+government carries out a policy of
+equality of men and women, so the po-
+sition of women has improved a great
+deal, and families are in quite a
+different way than before liberation."
+E:	"Ni shuōde duì. Zài Gòngchǎn-
+dǎng lingdàoxià, bù guan shi
+nóngcūn háishi chéngshì, nu-
+háizi he nánháizi yíyàng, dōu
+kéyi shàng xué, zhǎngdàle yě
+yíyàng ké^i you gōngzuò. Jiǎ-
+tíng, fùnu he értóng, dōu kéyi
+dédao shèhuìde bǎohù."	"That’s right. Under the leadership
+of the Communist Party, no matter
+whether in the countryside or the
+cities, girls can go to school Just
+as boys can, and when they grow up
+they can also get Jobs Just the same.
+Families, women and children all
+receive society’s protection."
+A:	Zhè bú shi hěn hǎo ma?	That’s great, isn’t it?
+E:	"Mm, yīnggāi shi hěn hǎo, kěshi
+cōng Liù Liù nián dào Qi Liù
+niàn, zài zhèi shíniánlī, shèhuì-
+shang yīnwei zhèngzhide yuányīn
+youle hěn duō wèntí. Wo kéyi
+gěi ni Jiǎng yige gùshi."	"Yeah, it ought to be great, but in
+the ten years from *66 to *?6, a lot
+of social problems came about because
+of political reasons. I can tell you
+a story."
+A:	Ni kuài shuōshuo ba!	Oh, please do!
+E:	"Ní tīngzhe, ā. You yíwèi lǎo
+gànbu, zài Shànghǎi gōngzuò. Ta
+zhī you yíge nuér. Kěshi zài
+Liù Qi niande shihour, lingdǎo
+shuō tā you zhèngzhi wèntí."	"Listen t<""> this. There was this old
+cadre who worked in Shànghǎi. She only
+had one daugher. But in ’67 the
+the leadership said she had political
+A:	"Zāogāo.’ Nà tā nǔér yě you
+máfan le."	"Uh-oh.’ Then her daughter was in for
+some trouble too."
+E:	"Yìdiǎnr dōu bu cuò. Zhèige
+nǔháizi bù néng rù Tuan, bù néng
+cānjiā Hongwèibīng. Péngyou,
+tōngxué dōu líkāile ta. Yōude
+shihour, zài dàjiēshang, hěn
+shōuxǐde rén yě hǎoxiàng bú
+rènshi ta yíyàng."	"Absolutely right. This girl
+couldn’t join the (Communist Youth),
+League or the Red Guards. Her
+friends and classmates all left her.
+Sometimes when she was walking down
+the street, people she knew well
+would act as if they didn’t know her."
+A:	Nà, tā zěnme bàn ne?	Well then, what did she do?
+E:	"Nèige shihou, tā juéde shēng-
+huo zhēn shi yìdiǎnr xīwàng yě
+méiyou. Tā kāishǐ hen tāde mǔ-
+qin. Tā yào líkāi ta, tā yào
+líkāi tāde jiā."	"At that time she felt that her life
+was completely hopeless. She began to
+hate her mother. She wanted to leave
+her. She wanted to leave her home."
+A:	Hòulái ne?	And after that?
+E:	"Hòulái, tāmen zhēnde fēnkāi le.
+Nuér dàole nongcūn."	"Afterwards, they really did split
+up. The daughter went to the
+A:	"Zhèiyang, tāde qíngkuàng huì
+hǎo yìdiǎnr ba?"	"That way her situation got a little
+better, I guess?"
+E:	"Yìdiǎnr yě méiyou. Zài nongcūn
+suīrán tā gōngzuòde hěn hǎo, tā
+háishi méiyou shénme zhèngzhi
+shēnghuo, lǐngdǎo hé rénmen yě
+méiyou yīnwei tā líkāile mǔqin
+jiu gǎibiàn duì tāde kànfǎ."	"Not a bit. Although she worked
+very well in the countryside, she
+still didn’t have any political life.
+The leadership and the people didn’t
+change their opinion of her just
+because she left her mother, either."
+A:	"Nà, tā dàgài bú huì you shénme
+péngyou, yě bù rongyi àishang
+shénme rén."	"Well then, she probably didn’t have
+any friends, and it probably wasn’t
+easy to fall in love with anyone."
+E:	"Shi. Tài nan le. Tā àishangle
+yíge nánháizi, nèige nánháizi
+yě ài tā, érqiě yīnwei tā, bù
+né^g you ge bǐjiǎo hǎode gōngzuò."	"Yes. It was really hard. She fell
+in love with a boy, and he loved her.
+But because of her, he couldn’t get
+a better job."
+A:	Zhè shizài tài bú xiàng huà le.	That’s really absurd.
+E:	"Jiǔnián yǐhòu, lǐngdǎo nòng-
+qǐngchǔ le, tā mǔqin méiyou
+wèntí. Zhèige nuháizi jíjímáng-
+máng pǎohuí Shànghǎi, kěshi tā
+zài yě jiànbudào tāde mǔqin le.
+Tā mǔqin yǐjīng sǐ zài yīyuànli
+le."	"Nine years later, the leadership
+got it straightened out that her
+mother was (politically) okay. The
+girl rushed back to Shanghai in a
+flurry, but she was never to see her
+mother again. She had already died in
+a hospital."
+A:	"Yíge Jiātíng Jiù zhèiyang wan
+le! Nī zěnme huì zhīdao zhèige
+gùshi?"	"Just like that, a family was de-
+stroyed! How do you happen to know
+this story?"
+E:	"Yàoshi nī zhùyi yíxiàr Qī Qī
+nián, Qī Bā niánde Zhōngguo bao-
+zi'll, jiu kéyi kàndao hěn duo
+zhèiyangde gùshi. Wo zài gěi ni
+jièshao yìběn shū."	"If you watched the newspapers in
+’77 and ’78 you could see lots of
+stories like that. Let me recommend
+a book to you, too."
+A:	Shénme shū?	What book?
+E:	Zhōngguo Yī Jiǔ Qī Qī nián dào	Chinese Short Stories of 1977-
+	Yī Jiǔ Qèl Bā nián Duǎnpiān Xiao-	1978.
+	shuō.	
+E:	"Ní zhīdao, rǔguo you rén xiǎng
+dǒngde Zhōngguo shèhuì, Jiù yí-
+dìng yào yánjiū cōng Liù Liù nián
+dào Qī Liù niánde qíngkuàng.
+Yánjiūle yīhòu cái néng mlngbai
+Jīntiānde Zhōngguo zhèngfǔ he
+Zhōngguo rén wèishenme yào gǎi-
+biàn zhè shínián lai zhàngzhi-
+shang, Jīngjishangde qíngkuàng,
+rang Zhōngguo rén zhēnde dédao
+Jiěfàng."	"You know, if someone wants to
+understand Chinese society they have
+to study the situation from ’66 to
+’76. Only after you’ve studied it
+can you understand why today the Chi-
+nese government and people are trying
+to change the political and economic
+conditions of the past ten years
+and let the Chinese people really be
+A:	"Nī néng bang wo zhǎodào
+nàiběn shū ma?"	Can you help me find that book?
+E:	"Wo you zhèiběn shū, kéyi song’
+gei ni. Kan shū hái bū gòu, you
+jīhui qù dàlù kànkan."	"I have it, and I can give it to you.
+But reading isn’t enough. If you get
+the chance, go visit the mainland."
+A:	Wo you Jīhui yídìng qù.	"If I get the chance, I certainly


+ 46 - 0

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+Unit 6, Review Dialogue
+On the balcony of Lǐ Ping’s apartment, Tom (A) and Lǐ Ping’s sister Lǐ Wen (ē) have a conversation.
+A:	Lǐ Wen, nǐ yíge rén zài zhèr xià qí?°	Are you playing chess all by yourself out here, Lǐ Wén?°
+E:	Suíbiàn wánrwanr, jīntiān Baba bú zài jiā, píngcháng zǒng shi wǒ he Baba xià qí. Zěnme, nǐ yě xiǎng wánr ma?	Just fooling around. My father isn’t home today. Usually he and I play against each other. What’s up? Do you want to play too?
+A:	Bù, wǒ bú tài huì xià; rúguo nǐ you kòng, wǒ xiǎng he ni liaoliao.	No, I’m not too good at chess. But if you’ve got the time I’d like to chat with you a bit.
+E:	Wǒ yě zhèng xiǎng he ni liaoliao ne, qǐng zuò.’ Ruguo nǐ bú Jièyìde huà, wǒ xiǎng wen nǐ liǎngge wèntí.	It just so happens I felt like talking with you myself. Have a seat. If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.
+A:	Bú yào kèqi, qǐng wen ba.’	Certainly, go right ahead.
+E:	Měinián shǔjiàde shihou, nǐ dōu líkāi jiā, yíge rén qù lúxíng ma?	Do you leave home and go traveling by yourself every summer?
+A:	Chàbuduō shi zhèiyangr.	Just about.
+E:	Nàme, nǐde fùmǔ hen you qiān ba?	Then your parents must be very rich, I guess?
+A:	Tāmen dōu zài dàxué jiāo shū, bú shi hěn you qiánde rén, érqiě wǒ luxíngde qiān dōu shi wǒ zìjǐ zhuànde. Píngcháng shàng xuéde shihou, wǒ hái zuò diǎnr shir, xiàng dǎ zì, fānyi diǎnr xiǎo wénzhāng shenmede. Zhuànle qiān, shǔjiàde shihou chūqu zǒuzou, kànkan shìjiè.	They both teach college, Csol they’re not very rich; besides, I earn my own travel money. During the school year I usually do some outside work like typing, translating little articles, and so on. Then when I’ve earned the money I go away to see the world during summer vacation.
+E:	Zhen bú cuǒ. Nǐ néng fānyi, nàme nǐde Zhōngwén hěn hǎo le? Néng shuō yě néng kàn?	That’s great. If you’re able to translate, your Chinese must be very good. You can speak and also read?
+A:	Néng kàn yìdiǎnr. Wo duǐ Zhōngguo wénhuà, Zhōngguo shè-huǐ hěn you xìngqu, hěn xiǎng yánjiū yanjiu. Suǒyǐ, rúguǒ nǐ	I can read a little. I’m very interested in Chinese culture and society, and I’d like very much to study them. So, if you don’t mind,
+Lǐ Wen may be working out chess strategies or playing Chinese chess (which can be done alone).
+	bú Jièyìde huà, wō yě hen xiǎng wen ní Jīge wèntí.	I’d like to ask you a few questions.
+E:	QÍng!	Be my guest!
+A:	Ting LĪ Ping shuō, ni zhídao xiē dàlùde qíngkuàng.	I hear from Li Ping that you know a bit about the situation on the mainland.
+E:	Wo you hen duo tóngxué he péngyou, tāmen dōu shi cóng dàlù laide. Tāmen zài nàr shēnghuóle èrsānshíniān, dāng-rán hen qīngchù. Wo he tamen chángcháng zài yìqī, yě Jiù zhidaole yidiǎnr.	I have a lot of classmates and friends who come from the mainland. They lived there for twenty or thirty years, so naturally they know quite well what goes on there. I spend a lot of time with them, so I’ve gotten to know something about it too.
+A:	Tìngshuō, Zhōngguo zhèngfú shíxíng nānnū píngděngde zhèng-cè, suóyi Zhōngguo fùnúde dìwèi tígāole hen duō, Jiātíngde qíngkuàng yě he Jiěfàng yiqián bù yíyàng le.	I understand that the Chinese government carries out a policy of equality of men and women, so the position of women has improved a great deal, and families are in quite a different way than before liberation.
+E:	Ni shuōde duì. Zài Gòngchǎn-dǎng lingdàoxià, bù guan shi nóngcūn háishi chéngshì, nu-háizi he nánháizi yíyàng, dōu kéyi shàng xué, zhǎngdàle yě yíyàng ké^i you gōngzuò. Jiǎ-tíng, fùnu he értóng, dōu kéyi dédao shèhuìde bǎohù.	That’s right. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, no matter whether in the countryside or the cities, girls can go to school Just as boys can, and when they grow up they can also get Jobs Just the same. Families, women and children all receive society’s protection.
+A:	Zhè bú shi hěn hǎo ma?	That’s great, isn’t it?
+E:	Mm, yīnggāi shi hěn hǎo, kěshi cōng Liù Liù nián dào Qi Liù niàn, zài zhèi shíniánlī, shèhuì-shang yīnwei zhèngzhide yuányīn youle hěn duō wèntí. Wo kéyi gěi ni Jiǎng yige gùshi.	Yeah, it ought to be great, but in the ten years from *66 to *?6, a lot of social problems came about because of political reasons. I can tell you a story.
+A:	Ni kuài shuōshuo ba!	Oh, please do!
+E:	Ní tīngzhe, ā. You yíwèi lǎo gànbu, zài Shànghǎi gōngzuò. Ta zhī you yíge nuér. Kěshi zài Liù Qi niande shihour, lingdǎo shuō tā you zhèngzhi wèntí.	Listen t<"> this. There was this old cadre who worked in Shànghǎi. She only had one daugher. But in ’67 the the leadership said she had political problems.
+A:	Zāogāo.’ Nà tā nǔér yě you máfan le.	Uh-oh.’ Then her daughter was in for some trouble too.
+E:	Yìdiǎnr dōu bu cuò. Zhèige nǔháizi bù néng rù Tuan, bù néng cānjiā Hongwèibīng. Péngyou, tōngxué dōu líkāile ta. Yōude shihour, zài dàjiēshang, hěn shōuxǐde rén yě hǎoxiàng bú rènshi ta yíyàng.	Absolutely right. This girl couldn’t join the (Communist Youth), League or the Red Guards. Her friends and classmates all left her. Sometimes when she was walking down the street, people she knew well would act as if they didn’t know her.
+A:	Nà, tā zěnme bàn ne?	Well then, what did she do?
+E:	Nèige shihou, tā juéde shēng-huo zhēn shi yìdiǎnr xīwàng yě méiyou. Tā kāishǐ hen tāde mǔqin. Tā yào líkāi ta, tā yào líkāi tāde jiā.	At that time she felt that her life was completely hopeless. She began to hate her mother. She wanted to leave her. She wanted to leave her home.
+A:	Hòulái ne?	And after that?
+E:	Hòulái, tāmen zhēnde fēnkāi le. Nuér dàole nongcūn.	Afterwards, they really did split up. The daughter went to the countryside.
+A:	Zhèiyang, tāde qíngkuàng huì hǎo yìdiǎnr ba?	That way her situation got a little better, I guess?
+E:	Yìdiǎnr yě méiyou. Zài nongcūn suīrán tā gōngzuòde hěn hǎo, tā háishi méiyou shénme zhèngzhi shēnghuo, lǐngdǎo hé rénmen yě méiyou yīnwei tā líkāile mǔqin jiu gǎibiàn duì tāde kànfǎ.	Not a bit. Although she worked very well in the countryside, she still didn’t have any political life. The leadership and the people didn’t change their opinion of her just because she left her mother, either.
+A:	Nà, tā dàgài bú huì you shénme péngyou, yě bù rongyi àishang shénme rén.	Well then, she probably didn’t have any friends, and it probably wasn’t easy to fall in love with anyone.
+E:	Shi. Tài nan le. Tā àishangle yíge nánháizi, nèige nánháizi yě ài tā, érqiě yīnwei tā, bù né^g you ge bǐjiǎo hǎode gōngzuò.	Yes. It was really hard. She fell in love with a boy, and he loved her. But because of her, he couldn’t get a better job.
+A:	Zhè shizài tài bú xiàng huà le.	That’s really absurd.
+E:	Jiǔnián yǐhòu, lǐngdǎo nòng-qǐngchǔ le, tā mǔqin méiyou wèntí. Zhèige nuháizi jíjímáng-máng pǎohuí Shànghǎi, kěshi tā zài yě jiànbudào tāde mǔqin le. Tā mǔqin yǐjīng sǐ zài yīyuànli le.	Nine years later, the leadership got it straightened out that her mother was (politically) okay. The girl rushed back to Shanghai in a flurry, but she was never to see her mother again. She had already died in a hospital.
+A:	Yíge Jiātíng Jiù zhèiyang wan le! Nī zěnme huì zhīdao zhèige gùshi?	Just like that, a family was destroyed! How do you happen to know this story?
+E:	Yàoshi nī zhùyi yíxiàr Qī Qī nián, Qī Bā niánde Zhōngguo baozi'll, jiu kéyi kàndao hěn duo zhèiyangde gùshi. Wo zài gěi ni jièshao yìběn shū.	If you watched the newspapers in ’77 and ’78 you could see lots of stories like that. Let me recommend a book to you, too.
+A:	Shénme shū?	What book?
+E:	Zhōngguo Yī Jiǔ Qī Qī nián dào	Chinese Short Stories of 1977-
+	Yī Jiǔ Qèl Bā nián Duǎnpiān Xiao-	1978.
+	shuō.	
+E:	Ní zhīdao, rǔguo you rén xiǎng dǒngde Zhōngguo shèhuì, Jiù yí-dìng yào yánjiū cōng Liù Liù nián dào Qī Liù niánde qíngkuàng. Yánjiūle yīhòu cái néng mlngbai Jīntiānde Zhōngguo zhèngfǔ he Zhōngguo rén wèishenme yào gǎi-biàn zhè shínián lai zhàngzhi-shang, Jīngjishangde qíngkuàng, rang Zhōngguo rén zhēnde dédao Jiěfàng.	You know, if someone wants to understand Chinese society they have to study the situation from ’66 to ’76. Only after you’ve studied it can you understand why today the Chinese government and people are trying to change the political and economic conditions of the past ten years and let the Chinese people really be liberated.
+A:	Nī néng bang wo zhǎodào nàiběn shū ma?	Can you help me find that book?
+E:	Wo you zhèiběn shū, kéyi song’ gei ni. Kan shū hái bū gòu, you jīhui qù dàlù kànkan.	I have it, and I can give it to you. But reading isn’t enough. If you get the chance, go visit the mainland.
+A:	Wo you Jīhui yídìng qù.	If I get the chance, I certainly will.

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Unit T, Review Dialogue
+Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Wen (E) are talking in the Li’s living room.
+A:	Nǐ zài kàn shénme hàozhǐ?	What newspaper are you reading?
+B:	"Ming Bào. Ming Bào t>ú cuò,
+hěn you yìsi."	"Ming Pao. It’s pretty good,
+very interesting."
+E:	"Zài Měiguo yě xiàng Xianggang
+zhèiyang, shénme luànqībāzāode
+xinwén dōu wǎng bàozhǐshang xiě
+ma?"	"In America is it the same as in
+Hong Kong: they put all kinds of
+crazy news in the paper?"
+A:	"Píngchāng wǒ kàn Huáshèngdùn
+Youbào. Zhèige bàozhǐ hú cuò,
+guōnèi, guōwàide xinwén dōu you,
+dāngrān guǎnggào yě bù shǎo.
+Zhōngwén hàozhǐ, wǒ yě kàn, nèi
+shànghianr yě you nǐ shuōde
+nèizhǒng ""luànqībāzāo"" de
+xinwén."	"I usually read the Washington Post.
+It’s a pretty good paper. It has
+domestic as well as international
+news. Of course there are a lot of
+ads, too. I read Chinese newspapers
+too, and they have ""all kinds of crazy
+news ’’ in them, as you put it."
+B:	"Nǐmen zhèiyang shuō, wǒ hù
+zěnme tongyì. Shénme shi ’’luàn-
+qīhāzāo’’? Shèhuì shēnghuǒ běn-
+lái jiù shi zhèiyang ma.’"	"I don’t really agree with what
+you are saying. What is ""all kinds
+of crazy news""? That’s exactly the
+way life in society is!"
+E:	"Suàn le ha.’ Jīntiān shi shā
+rén, míngtiān shi xī dú, wǒ hú
+yào kàn."	"Forget it! Today it’s killing,
+tomorrow it’s drugs. I don’t want
+to read that."
+A:	"Kàn háishi xūyào kànde, yīnwei
+shèhuì shēnghuǒzhōngde wèntí,
+women yě hù néng hú zhùyì a!"	"We still need to read it, because
+we can’t very well ignore the prob-
+lems of life in society."
+E:	"Xiānggāngde shèhui wèntí zhēn
+duō! Shénme dìfangrde rén dōu
+you, shénmeyàngrde wèntí yě dōu
+you."	"Hong Kong sure has a lot of social
+problems. There are people from
+everywhere, and all kinds of problems."
+A:	"Shèhui wèntí shi shìjièxìngde,
+hù zhǐ shi Xiānggǎng you."	"Problems in society are worldwide.
+Hong Kong isn’t the only place that
+has them."
+E:	"Ng, nàme, rénmen duì zhèixie
+wèntí jiu méiyou shénme hànfār
+ma?"	"Mm, then is there nothing people
+can do about these problems?"
+B:	"Bànfā hěn duō, dìfang hù tong,
+hànfā yě hù yíyàng. Kěshi
+zhèixiē hànfā shi hu shi you
+xiào Jiu hù zhīdào le."	"There are a lot of ways to deal
+with them. Different places have
+different ways of dealing with them.
+But whether these ways work or not
+is another question."
+A:	"You rén shuō zōngjiǎo shi
+yìzhǒng bǎnfǎ, bù guan
+shénme Jiao, dōu shi Jiāo rén
+zuò hǎo shìrde. Kěshi wǒ xiǎng
+Jiǎoyu hěn zhōngyǎo, shòu Jiǎo-
+yude rén yuè duō, shèhuide
+wèntí yuè shǎo."	"Some people say that religion is
+one way. No matter what the
+religion, it always teaches people
+to do good. But I think education
+is important. The more educated
+people there are, the fewer social
+problems there will be."
+B:	"Erqiě jìngji fāda yě hěn yǎo-
+Jǐn. Jìngji bù fādáde dìfang,
+rénmen fan zuìde Jīhui Jiu gèng
+duō."	"And also, a developed economy is
+important. In places where the
+economy isn’t well-developed, there
+are more opportunities for people
+to connnit crimes."
+E:	"Jiù shi ma, rén yǎo chi fan,
+lián fan dōu chibubǎo, tāmen
+zěnme néng bú fan zuì ne?"	"Exactly. People have to eat. If
+they can’t even get enough to eat,
+how can you expect them not to commit
+A:	"Wǒ xiǎng méi name Jiǎndān.
+Fan zuì hé hěn duō shi you
+guānxi, tèbié shi hé Jiātíng you
+guānxi."	"I don’t think it’s so simple.
+Crime is related to many different
+things, especially to the family."
+E:	Nì JiǎngJiang kàn.	Would you explain what you mean?
+A:	"Zǎi jìngji fādǎde dìfang, xiǎo
+Jiātíng yuè lai yuè duō, érqiě
+fùmǔmen dōu you gōngzuò, dōu hěn
+mǎng, méiyou shíjiān duō guǎn
+hǎizi. You xiě niǎnqìngde fùmǔ
+yě hěn shǎo xiǎngdao zìjǐde zé-
+ren, méiyou shénme Jiātíng
+guānniǎn."	"Where the economy is developed,
+there are more and more small fami-
+lies; also, both parents have
+Jobs and are very busy, so they
+don’t have time to take good care
+of the children. Some young parents
+seldom think of their own responsi-
+bilities and don’t have much of a
+sense of family attachment."
+E:	"Nǐde huǎ you dǎolǐ, kěshi de-
+lude qíngxing ne? Nǐmen zěnme
+xiǎng?"	"That makes sense. But what
+about the situation on the main-
+land? What do you two think?"
+B:	"Shi a. Dǎlù jìngji bù fādǎ,
+érqiě dàjiā yě dōu you Jiātíng
+guānniǎn. Kěshi, kǎnkan bǎozhǐ,
+dǎlùshang fǎn zuìde rén yě bù
+shǎo."	"Yeah, the mainland’s economy isn’t
+developed, and furthermore everyone
+has a sense of attachment to the
+family. But read the papers: there
+are quite a few people committing
+crimes on the mainland too."
+A:	"Wǒ xiǎng zhè hé zhèngzhi bù
+āndìng you guānxi, tèbié shi
+cóng Liù Liù nian dǎo Qī Liù
+niǎn."	"I think this has to do with the
+political instability, especially
+from ’66 to ’?6."
+B:	"Shi ma, nèige shihou, shénme
+fǎlu dōu méiyou. Lian fan zuì
+bú fan zuì dōu nòngbuqīngchu,
+shèhui wèntí zěnme huì shǎo?"	"Yes. During that time there wasn't
+any law at all. If you can't even
+tell the difference between committing
+a crime and not committing one, how
+can social problems be reduced?"
+A:	"Nǐde kànfǎ, wǒ hen tōngyì. Wo
+xiǎng, zhǐ you shǐ zhèngzhi
+āndìng, JǐngJi, wénhuà fādá,
+cái néng shǐ shèhui jìnbù."	"I agree very much with your view.
+I think that society can only be made
+to progress if the political situation
+is stabilized and the economy and
+culture are made to flourish."
+	(Grandma Lǐ walks in.)	
+G:	"Nǐmen zài tan shénme, tande
+zhème gāoxìng?"	"What are you talking about so
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, women zài tan shèhui
+wèntí."	"We're talking about social prob-
+lems, Grandma Lǐ."
+G:	"Hǎo le, nǐmen tángòu le meiyou?
+Chile fan zài tan xíng hu xíng?"	"Well, have you talked enough? How
+about continuing the conversation
+after dinner?"
+A,	B, E: Xíng, chile fàn zài tan.	Okay! We'll talk more after dinner.


+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Unit T, Review Dialogue
+Lǐ Ping (B), Tom (A), and Lǐ Wen (E) are talking in the Li’s living room.
+A:	Nǐ zài kàn shénme hàozhǐ?	What newspaper are you reading?
+B:	Ming Bào. Ming Bào t>ú cuò, hěn you yìsi.	Ming Pao. It’s pretty good, very interesting.
+E:	Zài Měiguo yě xiàng Xianggang zhèiyang, shénme luànqībāzāode xinwén dōu wǎng bàozhǐshang xiě ma?	In America is it the same as in Hong Kong: they put all kinds of crazy news in the paper?
+A:	Píngchāng wǒ kàn Huáshèngdùn Youbào. Zhèige bàozhǐ hú cuò, guōnèi, guōwàide xinwén dōu you, dāngrān guǎnggào yě bù shǎo. Zhōngwén hàozhǐ, wǒ yě kàn, nèi shànghianr yě you nǐ shuōde nèizhǒng "luànqībāzāo" de xinwén.	I usually read the Washington Post. It’s a pretty good paper. It has domestic as well as international news. Of course there are a lot of ads, too. I read Chinese newspapers too, and they have "all kinds of crazy news ’’ in them, as you put it.
+B:	Nǐmen zhèiyang shuō, wǒ hù zěnme tongyì. Shénme shi ’’luànqīhāzāo’’? Shèhuì shēnghuǒ běn-lái jiù shi zhèiyang ma.’	I don’t really agree with what you are saying. What is "all kinds of crazy news"? That’s exactly the way life in society is!
+E:	Suàn le ha.’ Jīntiān shi shā rén, míngtiān shi xī dú, wǒ hú yào kàn.	Forget it! Today it’s killing, tomorrow it’s drugs. I don’t want to read that.
+A:	Kàn háishi xūyào kànde, yīnwei shèhuì shēnghuǒzhōngde wèntí, women yě hù néng hú zhùyì a!	We still need to read it, because we can’t very well ignore the problems of life in society.
+E:	Xiānggāngde shèhui wèntí zhēn duō! Shénme dìfangrde rén dōu you, shénmeyàngrde wèntí yě dōu you.	Hong Kong sure has a lot of social problems. There are people from everywhere, and all kinds of problems.
+A:	Shèhui wèntí shi shìjièxìngde, hù zhǐ shi Xiānggǎng you.	Problems in society are worldwide. Hong Kong isn’t the only place that has them.
+E:	Ng, nàme, rénmen duì zhèixie wèntí jiu méiyou shénme hànfār ma?	Mm, then is there nothing people can do about these problems?
+B:	Bànfā hěn duō, dìfang hù tong, hànfā yě hù yíyàng. Kěshi zhèixiē hànfā shi hu shi you xiào Jiu hù zhīdào le.	There are a lot of ways to deal with them. Different places have different ways of dealing with them. But whether these ways work or not is another question.
+A:	You rén shuō zōngjiǎo shi yìzhǒng bǎnfǎ, bù guan shénme Jiao, dōu shi Jiāo rén zuò hǎo shìrde. Kěshi wǒ xiǎng Jiǎoyu hěn zhōngyǎo, shòu Jiǎo-yude rén yuè duō, shèhuide wèntí yuè shǎo.	Some people say that religion is one way. No matter what the religion, it always teaches people to do good. But I think education is important. The more educated people there are, the fewer social problems there will be.
+B:	Erqiě jìngji fāda yě hěn yǎo-Jǐn. Jìngji bù fādáde dìfang, rénmen fan zuìde Jīhui Jiu gèng duō.	And also, a developed economy is important. In places where the economy isn’t well-developed, there are more opportunities for people to connnit crimes.
+E:	Jiù shi ma, rén yǎo chi fan, lián fan dōu chibubǎo, tāmen zěnme néng bú fan zuì ne?	Exactly. People have to eat. If they can’t even get enough to eat, how can you expect them not to commit crimes?
+A:	Wǒ xiǎng méi name Jiǎndān. Fan zuì hé hěn duō shi you guānxi, tèbié shi hé Jiātíng you guānxi.	I don’t think it’s so simple. Crime is related to many different things, especially to the family.
+E:	Nì JiǎngJiang kàn.	Would you explain what you mean?
+A:	Zǎi jìngji fādǎde dìfang, xiǎo Jiātíng yuè lai yuè duō, érqiě fùmǔmen dōu you gōngzuò, dōu hěn mǎng, méiyou shíjiān duō guǎn hǎizi. You xiě niǎnqìngde fùmǔ yě hěn shǎo xiǎngdao zìjǐde zé-ren, méiyou shénme Jiātíng guānniǎn.	Where the economy is developed, there are more and more small families; also, both parents have Jobs and are very busy, so they don’t have time to take good care of the children. Some young parents seldom think of their own responsibilities and don’t have much of a sense of family attachment.
+E:	Nǐde huǎ you dǎolǐ, kěshi delude qíngxing ne? Nǐmen zěnme xiǎng?	That makes sense. But what about the situation on the mainland? What do you two think?
+B:	Shi a. Dǎlù jìngji bù fādǎ, érqiě dàjiā yě dōu you Jiātíng guānniǎn. Kěshi, kǎnkan bǎozhǐ, dǎlùshang fǎn zuìde rén yě bù shǎo.	Yeah, the mainland’s economy isn’t developed, and furthermore everyone has a sense of attachment to the family. But read the papers: there are quite a few people committing crimes on the mainland too.
+A:	Wǒ xiǎng zhè hé zhèngzhi bù āndìng you guānxi, tèbié shi cóng Liù Liù nian dǎo Qī Liù niǎn.	I think this has to do with the political instability, especially from ’66 to ’?6.
+B:	Shi ma, nèige shihou, shénme fǎlu dōu méiyou. Lian fan zuì bú fan zuì dōu nòngbuqīngchu, shèhui wèntí zěnme huì shǎo?	Yes. During that time there wasn't any law at all. If you can't even tell the difference between committing a crime and not committing one, how can social problems be reduced?
+A:	Nǐde kànfǎ, wǒ hen tōngyì. Wo xiǎng, zhǐ you shǐ zhèngzhi āndìng, JǐngJi, wénhuà fādá, cái néng shǐ shèhui jìnbù.	I agree very much with your view. I think that society can only be made to progress if the political situation is stabilized and the economy and culture are made to flourish.
+	(Grandma Lǐ walks in.)	
+G:	Nǐmen zài tan shénme, tande zhème gāoxìng?	What are you talking about so cheerfully?
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, women zài tan shèhui wèntí.	We're talking about social problems, Grandma Lǐ.
+G:	Hǎo le, nǐmen tángòu le meiyou? Chile fan zài tan xíng hu xíng?	Well, have you talked enough? How about continuing the conversation after dinner?
+A,	B, E: Xíng, chile fàn zài tan.	Okay! We'll talk more after dinner.

+ 227 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+Unit 8, Review Dialogue
+In Lǐ Ping and Tom’s room, Tom (A) is getting his things packed, when
+LǏ Ping (B) comes in.
+B:	"Tāngmǔ, wo tingshuō nǐ yào qù
+dàlù le?"	"Tom, I hear you’re going to the
+A:	"Shi a, shàngwu wo dào lǐngshi-
+guǎn qù kàn yige péngyou. Zhèng-
+hǎor you yige gongsi dào dàlù qu
+tan shēngyì. Tāmen yào yige dǎ
+zì dǎde kuài, you dong diǎnr
+Zhōngwénde rén."	"Yeah! I went to the consulate
+this morning to visit a friend, and
+there Just happened to be a company
+going to the mainland on business.
+They wanted someone who could type
+fast and who understood a little
+B:	"Nǐ yùnqi zhēn bú cuò. Yào
+qù duo jiǔ ne?"	"You’re so lucky. How long are
+you going for?"
+A:	"Yào kàn qíngkuàng, dàgài
+bànge yuè dào yige yuè."	"We’ll have to see. Probably two
+weeks to a month."
+B:	"Wo yě dào Taiwan qù bànge yuè.
+Wang Cheng qǐng wǒ he Xiao Wen
+dào tā jiā qu wánr."	"And I’m going to Taiwan for two
+weeks. Wang Cheng invited Xiǎo Wen
+(Lǐ Wen) and me to his house."
+A:	"Āhà! Zhè yíxiàr zhēn bú cuò,
+wǒ qù dàlù, nǐ qù Taiwan, huílai
+yǐhòu women lai yige kǎoshì, kàn-
+kan shéi duì shèhui qíngkuàng
+yānjiūde bǐjiǎo hǎo."	"That’s great! You’re going to
+Taiwan and I’m going to the mainland.
+When we get back we’ll have to have
+a little contest and see who’s done
+a better job of studying society."
+B:	Hǎo!	Okay.
+	(Lǐ Ping’s grandmother (C) enters.	)
+C:	"Xiao Ping, Tāngmǔ, nǐmen dou
+zài zhèr ne!"	Hi, Xiǎo Ping. Hi, Tom.*
+B:	"Nǎinai, nín zěnme bú shuì wǔ-
+jiào le?”"	"How come you’re not taking your
+nap, grandma?”"
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, duìbuqǐ, women bǎ
+nín chǎoxǐng le."	"I’m sorry Grandma Lǐ, we woke you
+"’Notice that grandma says literally ""You are ""both here."" This, however, is"
+not a statement made after looking for the two and finally finding them.
+It’s simply a common way of greeting or starting a conversation: you state
+the obvious.
+"’’More literally, ""How is it you are no longer taking your nap?"" (New-"
+situation le)
+C:	"Méiyou, wǒ yě gǎi qǐlai le."""	"No you didn’t. It was about
+time I got up anyway."
+	"Tǎngmǔ a, nǐ dào dàlù qu, bú
+xiàng zài Měiguó, zài Xianggang;
+yào zhīdao duo zhàogu zìjǐ.
+Xiao Ping mama chūqu gěi ni mǎi
+diǎnr dōngxi dàishang."	"Tom, when you go to the mainland, it
+won’t be like America or Hong Kong;
+you’ll have to know how to look
+after yourself. Xiǎo Ping’s mother
+went out to get you some things to
+take with you."
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, wǒ shénme dōu you,
+bú yǒng dài le."	"I have everything, Grandma Lǐ, I
+don’t need to take anything else."
+	(Xiǎo Wen (E) comes in quietly.)	
+E:	"Wǒ nǎinai, wǒ mǎ dōu téng ni,
+nǐ Jiu dàishang ba!"	"My grandmother and mother are fond
+of you, go ahead and take the things!"
+A:	"Lǐ Nǎinai, wǒ huí Měiguó
+yǐqiǎn, hái xiǎng zài lai yícì,
+xíng bu xíng?"	"Grandma Lǐ, I have to come
+back here once again before I go
+to America. Will that be okay?"
+C:	"Zhèi hǎizi, zěnme bù xíng ne?
+Zhèr Jiù shi nǐde Jiǎ ya!"	"Oh, this youngster! How could it
+not be all right? This is your home!"
+A:	"Nín yào wǒ gěi nín dài diǎnr
+shénme dongxi a?"	"Did you want me to bring you
+back something?"
+C:	"Duì le, zhèr you yìzhang
+dānzi,"""""" shi yìxiē gōngyìpǐn,
+qián Jiù zài zhèige xìnfēngrli,
+nǐ kànzhe mǎi ba!"	"Yes, here’s a list."" ’ It’s some
+handicrafts. The money is in this
+envelope. Buy what you can."
+E:	"Nǎinai, zánmen Jiǎ you name
+xiē gōngyìpǐn, hái mǎi tā gàn
+shénme!"	"We have so many handicrafts already,
+why do you want to buy more of them?"
+C:	"Shǎ haizi, děng dao nǐ Jiēhūnde
+shihou Jiu you yǒng le."	"Silly girl! They’ll come in handy
+when you get married."
+E:	Name nántǐng!	Ugh! That sounds awful!
+C:	"Na you shénme nántǐng, hǎo shir
+ma!"	"What’s so awful about that? That
+(marriage) is a happy event."
+*In other words, they did wake her up with their talking.
+**Grandma is referring to living conditions—it’s not as comfortable on the
+mainland as in the U.S. or Hong Kong.
+"""""""This is a natural example of how one who has freely extended favors is"
+not shy to ask a favor in return.
+E:	"Nǐmen zài zhèr, wǒ qu kànkan,
+hǎoxiàng mama huílai le."	"Don’t get up.’ I think mom is
+back, I’m going to go see."
+	(Xiǎo Wen leaves.)	
+A:	"Nǎinai, Xiǎo Wen zhēnde yào.
+jiēhún le?"	"Is Xiǎo Wén really getting married,
+B:	"Shi zhème huí shì, Xiǎo Wen
+zài Yǐngguo niàn shūde shihou
+rènshile yige Rìběn rěn, xiànzài
+tǎ he Xiǎo Wen zài yige yínhǎngli
+zuò shì, duì Xiǎo Wen bú cuò.
+Kǒshi . . ."	"It’s like this: When Xiǎo Wén
+was studying in England she met a
+Japanese guy. Now he works at the
+same bank as she does. He’s very
+nice to her, but . . ."
+C:	"Yuǎnlǎi, wǒ he Xiǎo Wen tǎ
+bàba dōu bù tóngyì. Nǐ xiǎng ma,
+Zhōngguo rén he Rìbǒn rén zěnme
+yě méi bànfar biàncheng yìjiǎzi’
+ya! Kěshi Xiǎo Wen hé tǎ mǎma
+yuànyì, women yě Jiu bù néng
+shūo shénme le."	"Originally, Xiǎo Wén’s father and
+I were both against it. After all,
+there’s Just no way that Chinese and
+Japanese can become part of the same
+family. But Xiǎo Wén and her mother
+wanted it, so there wasn’t anything
+we could say about it."
+A:	Xiǎo Wen mǎma zěnme shuō ne?	"What did Xiǎo Wén’s mother say
+about it?"
+C:	"Tǎ quànle wo hǎojǐcì. Tǎde
+huà you dàoli. Tǎ shuo, Zhōng-
+guo rén hé Rìběn rén shì dǎguo
+zhàng. Kěshi xiànzài, shìqing
+yǐjīng guòqu Jǐshíniǎn le, wèi-
+shenme hǎi yào ràng hǎizimen chǐ
+kǔ ne?"	"She tried to persuade me many
+times. What she said makes sense.
+She said that the Chinese and the
+Japanese did go to war, but now that
+it’s all been over for a few decades,
+why should the children still be made
+to suffer for it?"
+A:	"Bómù shuōde duì. Ei, wǒ lai
+Xiǎnggǎng zenme duo tiǎn le, zěn-
+me hǎi méi kànjian ta ne?"	"She’s right about that. By the
+way, I’ve been here in Hong Kong for
+so many days now, how is it that I
+haven’t seen him?"
+C:	"Tǎ huí Rìběn kàn tā mǎma qu le,
+nèi shi ge xiàoshunde hǎizi. Děng
+nǐ cong dàlù huílaide shihou, tǎ
+yě gǎi huílai le."	"He went back to Japan to visit his
+mother. He’s a very filial boy. He
+should be back by the time you come
+back from the mainland."
+A:	Zhēn you yìsi!	That’s so interesting!
+"*More literally, ""You people are here."" Notice this simple way of leaving"
+"a group. ""You’re here"" is the functional equivalent of ""You stay here,"" i.e.,"
+"""I’m going to leave. Please go on talking without me."" Another sentence you"
+"can use when leaving a group is Nǐmen tántan, wǒ xiǎn zǒu, ""You go on talking,"
+"I’m going to leave."""
+*’yìjiǎzi means yìjiǎ rén (one family).
+C:	"You yìsi ba,l Tāngmǔ, nǐ bù zhī-
+dào, rén lǎo le, guānniàn yě lǎo
+le, yǒude shíhour zhēnde yào gǎi-
+gai le."	"Oh, it’s interesting all right.
+You don’t know, Tom, when a person
+gets old, their ideas get old too.
+Sometimes one really has to change
+a bit."
+	(Xiǎo Ping’s mother CF1 comes in	carrying some things.)
+B:	Mā, nǐ huílai le?	Hi mom, you’re back?
+F:	Huílai le.	Hi, yeah, I’m back.
+A:	"Bómǔ, wǒ shuō shénme hǎo ne?
+Nín shízài tài kèqi le."	"Auntie, what can I say? This is
+really too polite of you."
+F:	"Zhèidiǎn chide, yòngde, dōu
+dàiqu, zhèliǎngjiàn yīfu
+děngyixià chuānchuan kàn, hěshì
+bu heshì."	"This food and these things are for
+you to take with you. And these two
+things to wear you can try on later
+and see if they fit you."
+A:	Bómǔ, nà jiu xièxie le.	Well then, thanks a lot, auntie.
+F:	"Name yidiǎndiǎn dongxi xiè
+shenme. LÙshang hǎohǎo zhàogu
+zìjǐ, shìqing wánle jiu huílai,
+xiūxi jītiān zài huí Měiguó."	"Why should you thank me for these
+odds and ends! You just look after
+yourself very carefully while you’re
+traveling, and when the job is fin-
+ished come back here and rest up for
+a few days before you go back to
+A:	Ng, wǒ yídìng huílai.	Okay, I’ll be sure and come back.
+C:	"Guò liǎngtiān, Xiao Ping, Xiao
+Wen yě yào zǒu le. Xiǎo Ping
+mā,2 jīnr^ wǎnshang zǎm1* bú zuò
+fan le. Deng huǐr Xiao Ping
+baba huílai, yíkuàir chūqu chī
+wǎnfàn, gěi háizimen songsong
+xíng, hǎo bu hǎo?"	"In another day or two Xiǎo Ping and
+Xiao Wen will be leaving too. Mom,
+let’s not make dinner tonight. When
+Xiǎo Ping’s father gets back, we’ll
+all go out to dinner and have a going-
+away party for the kids, okay?"
+F:	Hǎode, hǎode.	All right.
+^■Grandma’s reply intimates that the experience of her granddaughter having
+a Japanese boyfriend put her through some difficult times and made her
+reflect deeply on her opinions.
+"^Grandma LǏ here addresses her daughter-in-law as Xiao Ping mā, ""Xiǎo Ping’s"
+"mother."" Compare this with the way some grandparents in English-speaking"
+"countries call their grandchildren’s parents ’’Mom’’ and ’’Dad"" even though"
+they are their own children.
+3jlnr: jIntian (Beijing)
+"U	-	/ w	X"
+zám: The slurred pronunciation of zanmen used in conversation. (Beijing)


+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Unit 8, Review Dialogue
+In Lǐ Ping and Tom’s room, Tom (A) is getting his things packed, when LǏ Ping (B) comes in.
+B:	Tāngmǔ, wo tingshuō nǐ yào qù dàlù le?	Tom, I hear you’re going to the mainland?
+A:	Shi a, shàngwu wo dào lǐngshi-guǎn qù kàn yige péngyou. Zhèng-hǎor you yige gongsi dào dàlù qu tan shēngyì. Tāmen yào yige dǎ zì dǎde kuài, you dong diǎnr Zhōngwénde rén.	Yeah! I went to the consulate this morning to visit a friend, and there Just happened to be a company going to the mainland on business. They wanted someone who could type fast and who understood a little Chinese.
+B:	Nǐ yùnqi zhēn bú cuò. Yào qù duo jiǔ ne?	You’re so lucky. How long are you going for?
+A:	Yào kàn qíngkuàng, dàgài bànge yuè dào yige yuè.	We’ll have to see. Probably two weeks to a month.
+B:	Wo yě dào Taiwan qù bànge yuè. Wang Cheng qǐng wǒ he Xiao Wen dào tā jiā qu wánr.	And I’m going to Taiwan for two weeks. Wang Cheng invited Xiǎo Wen (Lǐ Wen) and me to his house.
+A:	Āhà! Zhè yíxiàr zhēn bú cuò, wǒ qù dàlù, nǐ qù Taiwan, huílai yǐhòu women lai yige kǎoshì, kàn-kan shéi duì shèhui qíngkuàng yānjiūde bǐjiǎo hǎo.	That’s great! You’re going to Taiwan and I’m going to the mainland. When we get back we’ll have to have a little contest and see who’s done a better job of studying society.
+B:	Hǎo!	Okay.
+	(Lǐ Ping’s grandmother (C) enters.	)
+C:	Xiao Ping, Tāngmǔ, nǐmen dou zài zhèr ne!	Hi, Xiǎo Ping. Hi, Tom.*
+B:	Nǎinai, nín zěnme bú shuì wǔ-jiào le?”	How come you’re not taking your nap, grandma?”
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, duìbuqǐ, women bǎ nín chǎoxǐng le.	I’m sorry Grandma Lǐ, we woke you up.
+’Notice that grandma says literally "You are "both here." This, however, is not a statement made after looking for the two and finally finding them.
+It’s simply a common way of greeting or starting a conversation: you state the obvious.
+’’More literally, "How is it you are no longer taking your nap?" (New-situation le)
+C:	Méiyou, wǒ yě gǎi qǐlai le."	No you didn’t. It was about time I got up anyway.
+	Tǎngmǔ a, nǐ dào dàlù qu, bú xiàng zài Měiguó, zài Xianggang; yào zhīdao duo zhàogu zìjǐ. Xiao Ping mama chūqu gěi ni mǎi diǎnr dōngxi dàishang.	Tom, when you go to the mainland, it won’t be like America or Hong Kong; you’ll have to know how to look after yourself. Xiǎo Ping’s mother went out to get you some things to take with you.
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, wǒ shénme dōu you, bú yǒng dài le.	I have everything, Grandma Lǐ, I don’t need to take anything else.
+	(Xiǎo Wen (E) comes in quietly.)	
+E:	Wǒ nǎinai, wǒ mǎ dōu téng ni, nǐ Jiu dàishang ba!	My grandmother and mother are fond of you, go ahead and take the things!
+A:	Lǐ Nǎinai, wǒ huí Měiguó yǐqiǎn, hái xiǎng zài lai yícì, xíng bu xíng?	Grandma Lǐ, I have to come back here once again before I go to America. Will that be okay?
+C:	Zhèi hǎizi, zěnme bù xíng ne? Zhèr Jiù shi nǐde Jiǎ ya!	Oh, this youngster! How could it not be all right? This is your home!
+A:	Nín yào wǒ gěi nín dài diǎnr shénme dongxi a?	Did you want me to bring you back something?
+C:	Duì le, zhèr you yìzhang dānzi,""" shi yìxiē gōngyìpǐn, qián Jiù zài zhèige xìnfēngrli, nǐ kànzhe mǎi ba!	Yes, here’s a list." ’ It’s some handicrafts. The money is in this envelope. Buy what you can.
+E:	Nǎinai, zánmen Jiǎ you name xiē gōngyìpǐn, hái mǎi tā gàn shénme!	We have so many handicrafts already, why do you want to buy more of them?
+C:	Shǎ haizi, děng dao nǐ Jiēhūnde shihou Jiu you yǒng le.	Silly girl! They’ll come in handy when you get married.
+E:	Name nántǐng!	Ugh! That sounds awful!
+C:	Na you shénme nántǐng, hǎo shir ma!	What’s so awful about that? That (marriage) is a happy event.
+*In other words, they did wake her up with their talking.
+**Grandma is referring to living conditions—it’s not as comfortable on the mainland as in the U.S. or Hong Kong.
+"""This is a natural example of how one who has freely extended favors is not shy to ask a favor in return.
+E:	Nǐmen zài zhèr, wǒ qu kànkan, hǎoxiàng mama huílai le.	Don’t get up.’ I think mom is back, I’m going to go see.
+	(Xiǎo Wen leaves.)	
+A:	Nǎinai, Xiǎo Wen zhēnde yào. jiēhún le?	Is Xiǎo Wén really getting married, grandma?
+B:	Shi zhème huí shì, Xiǎo Wen zài Yǐngguo niàn shūde shihou rènshile yige Rìběn rěn, xiànzài tǎ he Xiǎo Wen zài yige yínhǎngli zuò shì, duì Xiǎo Wen bú cuò. Kǒshi . . .	It’s like this: When Xiǎo Wén was studying in England she met a Japanese guy. Now he works at the same bank as she does. He’s very nice to her, but . . .
+C:	Yuǎnlǎi, wǒ he Xiǎo Wen tǎ bàba dōu bù tóngyì. Nǐ xiǎng ma, Zhōngguo rén he Rìbǒn rén zěnme yě méi bànfar biàncheng yìjiǎzi’ ya! Kěshi Xiǎo Wen hé tǎ mǎma yuànyì, women yě Jiu bù néng shūo shénme le.	Originally, Xiǎo Wén’s father and I were both against it. After all, there’s Just no way that Chinese and Japanese can become part of the same family. But Xiǎo Wén and her mother wanted it, so there wasn’t anything we could say about it.
+A:	Xiǎo Wen mǎma zěnme shuō ne?	What did Xiǎo Wén’s mother say about it?
+C:	Tǎ quànle wo hǎojǐcì. Tǎde huà you dàoli. Tǎ shuo, Zhōngguo rén hé Rìběn rén shì dǎguo zhàng. Kěshi xiànzài, shìqing yǐjīng guòqu Jǐshíniǎn le, wèi-shenme hǎi yào ràng hǎizimen chǐ kǔ ne?	She tried to persuade me many times. What she said makes sense. She said that the Chinese and the Japanese did go to war, but now that it’s all been over for a few decades, why should the children still be made to suffer for it?
+A:	Bómù shuōde duì. Ei, wǒ lai Xiǎnggǎng zenme duo tiǎn le, zěnme hǎi méi kànjian ta ne?	She’s right about that. By the way, I’ve been here in Hong Kong for so many days now, how is it that I haven’t seen him?
+C:	Tǎ huí Rìběn kàn tā mǎma qu le, nèi shi ge xiàoshunde hǎizi. Děng nǐ cong dàlù huílaide shihou, tǎ yě gǎi huílai le.	He went back to Japan to visit his mother. He’s a very filial boy. He should be back by the time you come back from the mainland.
+A:	Zhēn you yìsi!	That’s so interesting!
+*More literally, "You people are here." Notice this simple way of leaving a group. "You’re here" is the functional equivalent of "You stay here," i.e., "I’m going to leave. Please go on talking without me." Another sentence you can use when leaving a group is Nǐmen tántan, wǒ xiǎn zǒu, "You go on talking, I’m going to leave."
+*’yìjiǎzi means yìjiǎ rén (one family).
+C:	You yìsi ba,l Tāngmǔ, nǐ bù zhī-dào, rén lǎo le, guānniàn yě lǎo le, yǒude shíhour zhēnde yào gǎi-gai le.	Oh, it’s interesting all right. You don’t know, Tom, when a person gets old, their ideas get old too. Sometimes one really has to change a bit.
+	(Xiǎo Ping’s mother CF1 comes in	carrying some things.)
+B:	Mā, nǐ huílai le?	Hi mom, you’re back?
+F:	Huílai le.	Hi, yeah, I’m back.
+A:	Bómǔ, wǒ shuō shénme hǎo ne? Nín shízài tài kèqi le.	Auntie, what can I say? This is really too polite of you.
+F:	Zhèidiǎn chide, yòngde, dōu dàiqu, zhèliǎngjiàn yīfu děngyixià chuānchuan kàn, hěshì bu heshì.	This food and these things are for you to take with you. And these two things to wear you can try on later and see if they fit you.
+A:	Bómǔ, nà jiu xièxie le.	Well then, thanks a lot, auntie.
+F:	Name yidiǎndiǎn dongxi xiè shenme. LÙshang hǎohǎo zhàogu zìjǐ, shìqing wánle jiu huílai, xiūxi jītiān zài huí Měiguó.	Why should you thank me for these odds and ends! You just look after yourself very carefully while you’re traveling, and when the job is finished come back here and rest up for a few days before you go back to America.
+A:	Ng, wǒ yídìng huílai.	Okay, I’ll be sure and come back.
+C:	Guò liǎngtiān, Xiao Ping, Xiao Wen yě yào zǒu le. Xiǎo Ping mā,2 jīnr^ wǎnshang zǎm1* bú zuò fan le. Deng huǐr Xiao Ping baba huílai, yíkuàir chūqu chī wǎnfàn, gěi háizimen songsong xíng, hǎo bu hǎo?	In another day or two Xiǎo Ping and Xiao Wen will be leaving too. Mom, let’s not make dinner tonight. When Xiǎo Ping’s father gets back, we’ll all go out to dinner and have a going-away party for the kids, okay?
+F:	Hǎode, hǎode.	All right.
+^■Grandma’s reply intimates that the experience of her granddaughter having a Japanese boyfriend put her through some difficult times and made her reflect deeply on her opinions.
+^Grandma LǏ here addresses her daughter-in-law as Xiao Ping mā, "Xiǎo Ping’s mother." Compare this with the way some grandparents in English-speaking countries call their grandchildren’s parents ’’Mom’’ and ’’Dad" even though they are their own children.
+3jlnr: jIntian (Beijing)
+U	-	/ w	X
+zám: The slurred pronunciation of zanmen used in conversation. (Beijing)

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+1.	A:	"Jīntiān wǒ jièdao yìběn
+hǎo xiǎoshuō."	"Today I borrowed a good
+novel (from someone)."
+	B:	"Shénme xiǎoshuō, rang ni
+zènme gāoxìng?"	"What novel is it that
+makes you so happy?"
+2.	A:	"Zhèiběn xiǎoshuō xiěde shi
+dàlùde qíngkuàng."	"This novel is about the
+situation on the mainland."
+	B:	"Guānyu dàlùde? Jiè gěi wǒ
+kànkan xíng bu xíng?"	"About the mainland? How about
+lending it to me to read?"
+3.	A:	"Xiàge xuéqī ní xiǎng
+yánjiū shénme?"	"What are you going to do
+research on next semester?"
+	B:	"Hái shi lǎo wentí: Zhōng-
+guóde zhèngzhi qíngkuàng."	"It’s still the same old topic: the
+political situation in China."
+h.	A:	"Zuótiān Xiǎo Ming gěi tā
+nùpéngyou xiě xìn, xiěde
+hǎo cháng!"	"Yesterday Xiǎo Ming wrote a
+letter to his girl friend,
+and it was really long!"
+	B:	"Niánqīng rén zǒng shi niánqīng
+rén. Wǒ niánqīngde shihou
+yě shi zhèiyang, nī wàng le?"	"Young people are always young peopl
+When I was young I was like that
+too, have you forgotten?"
+5.	A:	"Shǔ^iàde shihou, nī xiǎng
+dào nǎr qu wánrwanr?"	"Where do you want to go
+over summer vacation?"
+	B:	"Wǒ xiǎng dào Yàzhōu
+Jīge guǒjiā qu kànkan."	"I’d like to go visit a few
+countries in Asia."
+6.	A:	"Zenme, nī xiǎng yánjiū
+Yàzhōude wénhuà chuántǒng?"	"Oh? Do you want to do research
+on Asia’s cultural tradition?"
+	B:	"Bù néng shuō yánjiū. Wǒ
+zhī shi xiǎng qù kànkan
+nàlide shèhuì qíngkuàng."	"It can’t be called research. I
+Just want to go have a look at
+the social situation there."
+7.	A:	"Lǎo Wáng, wǒ Jīntiān gǎnJ ué
+hen bu shūfu."	Lǎo Wáng, I feel awful today.
+	B:	"Kuài zuòxia, wǒ qù gěi ni
+dào bēi chá lai."	"Sit down and I’ll go pour you
+a cup of tea."
+8.	A:	"Nǐ qùde nèige dìfang
+zhèngzhi, jīngji fāngmiànde
+qíngxing zěnmeyàng?"	"What was the political and economic
+situation like where you went?"
+	B:	"Jǐjù huà shuōbuqǐngchu,
+you shíjiān wǒ zài gen
+ni mànmānr shuō ba."	"I can’t explain it clearly in just
+a few sentences; when I have
+time I’ll tell you all about it."
+9-	A:	"Yǎnjiū Zhōngguo xiànzàide
+wèntí yídìng děi dongde
+Zhōngguo lìshǐ."	"To study the problems of China now,
+you have to understand Chinese
+	B:	"Nǐ shuōde zhèiyidiǎn hen
+yàojīn, wǒ kǎolu kǎolu."	"This point of yours is very important;
+I’11 think it over."
+10.	A:	"Nǐ zài Zhōngguo zhù liǎng-
+niǎn, yídìng huì xuéhǎo
+Zhōngwénde."	"If you live in China for two years,
+you’re sure to learn Chinese
+very well."
+	B:	"Shi a, yìfāngmiàn kéyi
+xuéhǎo Zhōngwén, yìfāngmiàn
+yě kéyi duō zhīdao yidiǎnr
+Zhōngguóde shìqing."	"Yes, on the one hand I can learn
+Chinese well, and on the other
+hand I can find out more things
+about China."
+11.	yìbiān(r)...yìbiān(r)	doing...while	doing.
+12.	yímiàn...yímiàn...	doing...while	doing.


+ 22 - 0

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+1.	A:	Jīntiān wǒ jièdao yìběn hǎo xiǎoshuō.	Today I borrowed a good novel (from someone).
+	B:	Shénme xiǎoshuō, rang ni zènme gāoxìng?	What novel is it that makes you so happy?
+2.	A:	Zhèiběn xiǎoshuō xiěde shi dàlùde qíngkuàng.	This novel is about the situation on the mainland.
+	B:	Guānyu dàlùde? Jiè gěi wǒ kànkan xíng bu xíng?	About the mainland? How about lending it to me to read?
+3.	A:	Xiàge xuéqī ní xiǎng yánjiū shénme?	What are you going to do research on next semester?
+	B:	Hái shi lǎo wentí: Zhōng-guóde zhèngzhi qíngkuàng.	It’s still the same old topic: the political situation in China.
+h.	A:	Zuótiān Xiǎo Ming gěi tā nùpéngyou xiě xìn, xiěde hǎo cháng!	Yesterday Xiǎo Ming wrote a letter to his girl friend, and it was really long!
+	B:	Niánqīng rén zǒng shi niánqīng rén. Wǒ niánqīngde shihou yě shi zhèiyang, nī wàng le?	Young people are always young peopl When I was young I was like that too, have you forgotten?
+5.	A:	Shǔ^iàde shihou, nī xiǎng dào nǎr qu wánrwanr?	Where do you want to go over summer vacation?
+	B:	Wǒ xiǎng dào Yàzhōu Jīge guǒjiā qu kànkan.	I’d like to go visit a few countries in Asia.
+6.	A:	Zenme, nī xiǎng yánjiū Yàzhōude wénhuà chuántǒng?	Oh? Do you want to do research on Asia’s cultural tradition?
+	B:	Bù néng shuō yánjiū. Wǒ zhī shi xiǎng qù kànkan nàlide shèhuì qíngkuàng.	It can’t be called research. I Just want to go have a look at the social situation there.
+7.	A:	Lǎo Wáng, wǒ Jīntiān gǎnJ ué hen bu shūfu.	Lǎo Wáng, I feel awful today.
+	B:	Kuài zuòxia, wǒ qù gěi ni dào bēi chá lai.	Sit down and I’ll go pour you a cup of tea.
+8.	A:	Nǐ qùde nèige dìfang zhèngzhi, jīngji fāngmiànde qíngxing zěnmeyàng?	What was the political and economic situation like where you went?
+	B:	Jǐjù huà shuōbuqǐngchu, you shíjiān wǒ zài gen ni mànmānr shuō ba.	I can’t explain it clearly in just a few sentences; when I have time I’ll tell you all about it.
+9-	A:	Yǎnjiū Zhōngguo xiànzàide wèntí yídìng děi dongde Zhōngguo lìshǐ.	To study the problems of China now, you have to understand Chinese history.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōde zhèiyidiǎn hen yàojīn, wǒ kǎolu kǎolu.	This point of yours is very important; I’11 think it over.
+10.	A:	Nǐ zài Zhōngguo zhù liǎng-niǎn, yídìng huì xuéhǎo Zhōngwénde.	If you live in China for two years, you’re sure to learn Chinese very well.
+	B:	Shi a, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xuéhǎo Zhōngwén, yìfāngmiàn yě kéyi duō zhīdao yidiǎnr Zhōngguóde shìqing.	Yes, on the one hand I can learn Chinese well, and on the other hand I can find out more things about China.
+11.	yìbiān(r)...yìbiān(r)	doing...while	doing.
+12.	yímiàn...yímiàn...	doing...while	doing.

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+1.	A:	"Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān
+xiāngdāng bú cuò!"	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	"A! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén
+hen you yánjiū le, néng
+kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!"	"Oh! You know a lot about French now;
+you can read French magazines!"
+2.	A:	"Nannú píngdéng shì bu shi
+Zhōngguo rénde kànfǎ?"	"Is equality between men and women
+a Chinese viewpoint?"
+	B:	"Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo
+rénde xīn guānniàn, bú
+shi lǎo guānniàn."	"Yes, but that's a new concept of the
+Chinese, not an old one."
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	"Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng
+bú cuò, jiù shi chángle
+yidiǎnr."	"That wasn’t what I meant. The article
+is pretty good, it’s just that it’s
+a bit long."
+	B:	"Nǐ hái you shénme biéde
+wénzhāng ma?"	Do you have any other articles?
+h.	A:	"Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqiān yìzhí dōu
+gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?"	"Before you got married did you
+live with your parents all along?"
+	B:	"Bú shì, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu
+líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle
+qī-bā nián."	"No, I left home before I got
+married and lived independently for
+seven or eight years."
+5.	A:	"Nǐ kàn, zhèr you yìpiān
+guānyú tongjūde xǐnwén."	"Look, here’s a news article about
+’’living together."""
+	B:	"Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng
+xǐnwén you shénme yìsi?"	"Forget it. What’s interesting about
+that kind of news?"
+6.	A:	"Nǐ jiějie yǐxué fāngmiànde
+shū yuè lai yuè duo le!"	"Your sister is getting more and more
+medical books!"
+	B:	"Shì a, tā zài pǐnmìng xué
+yǐ ne."	"Yes, she’s studying medicine with
+all her energy."
+7.	A:	"Liu Xiānshengde kè shízài
+méi yìsi."	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	"Nǐ tǐngxiaqu, mǎnmānr huì
+you xìngqude."	"If you keep attending it, gradually
+you’ll become interested."
+8.	A:	"Xiang Wang Jiàoshòu zhèi-
+yangde lǎoshī zhēnshi ""bu.
+duo."	"There really aren’t many teachers
+like Professor Wang."
+	B:	"Nǐ shuōduì le. Ruguǒ bú
+shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ
+zhēn bù xiāng xué le."	"You’re right. If it weren’t for
+the help he’s given me, I
+wouldn’t want to study anymore."
+9.	A:	"Sānnián yīqián wǒ jiu bú
+kào fùmǔ shēnghuo le."	"I stopped depending on my parents
+for a living three years ago."
+	B:	"Nǐ néng zìjǐ guan zìjī,
+zhēn bú cuò."	"It’s really great that you can take
+care of yourself Cbe your own bossí'"
+10.	A:	"Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō
+xiànzài dōu hen liúxíng."	"The novels he wrote are all
+very popular now."
+	B:	"Na dāngrān, xiǎng tā
+nèiyang you dìwei you
+zhǐshide rén, xiěde
+xiǎoshuō yídìng you yìsi."	"Of course. Novels written by
+someone with his position and
+knowledge are sure to be
+11.	you bāngzhu	to be helpful
+12.	you dǎolǐ	to make sense
+13.	zìyou	to be free; freedom
+111.	-bèizi	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.	Xǐnwěn Zhōukān	Newsweek
+16.	funu	woman; women, womankind


+ 27 - 0

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+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	A! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hen you yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	Oh! You know a lot about French now; you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nannú píngdéng shì bu shi Zhōngguo rénde kànfǎ?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái you shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	Do you have any other articles?
+h.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqiān yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shì, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr you yìpiān guānyú tongjūde xǐnwén.	Look, here’s a news article about ’’living together."
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xǐnwén you shénme yìsi?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nǐ jiějie yǐxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lai yuè duo le!	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pǐnmìng xué yǐ ne.	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liu Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐngxiaqu, mǎnmānr huì you xìngqude.	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiang Wang Jiàoshòu zhèi-yangde lǎoshī zhēnshi "bu. duo.	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Ruguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiāng xué le.	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yīqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuo le.	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guan zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself Cbe your own bossí'
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hen liúxíng.	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Na dāngrān, xiǎng tā nèiyang you dìwei you zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng you yìsi.	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+11.	you bāngzhu	to be helpful
+12.	you dǎolǐ	to make sense
+13.	zìyou	to be free; freedom
+111.	-bèizi	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.	Xǐnwěn Zhōukān	Newsweek
+16.	funu	woman; women, womankind

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+1.	A:	"Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì
+zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai
+le?"	"How is it that your older sister has
+become so interested and enthu-
+siastic about political questions
+	B:	"Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài,
+tā jīnniān kāishǐ xué
+zhèngzhixué le."	"There’s nothing strange about that,
+she started studying political
+science this year."
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chi le?	Why aren’t you eating?
+	B:	"Wǒde wèi hen nánshòu, chlhu-
+xiàqù le."	"My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t
+eat anymore."
+	A:	"Na wǒ gěi ni nòng dianr tāng
+lai."	I’ll go get you some soup then.
+3.	A:	"Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiao Lan
+liáo tiānr."	"I’m going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to
+have a chat."
+	B:	"Nǐ hie qù le, tā yìtiān dào
+wan yònggōng, méi shíjiān
+péi ni liáo tiānr."	"Don’t go, she works hard all day long
+and doesn’t have the time to chat
+with you."
+U.	A:	"Wang jiā Xiao Lan cónglái
+méiyou nánpéngyou ma?"	"Hasn’t the Wang family’s Xiǎo Lan
+ever had a boy friend?"
+	B:	"Tā cai shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe
+niàn shū, hái méiyou
+xiǎngdào zhèixie shir ne.’"	"She’s only nineteen years old, busy
+studying, and hasn’t thought of
+these things yet.’"
+5-	A:	"Wǒde xiǎo nuér liǎngsānsuìde
+shihou cháng kū, xiànzài
+zhǎngdà le, hú zài kū le."	"My youngest daughter cried a lot
+when she was two or three years
+old, but now she has grown up
+and doesn’t cry anymore."
+6.	A:	"Zuò fùmǔde hù yīnggāi
+zhǒng nan qīng nù."	"Those who are parents shouldn’t
+regard males as superior to"
+			females.
+	B:	"Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi
+xiàoshun fùmū."	"Right. And those who are children
+should show filial obedience to
+their parents."
+7.	A:	Nī dìdi bǎitiān zài Jiā ma?	"Is your younger brother at home
+during the day?"
+	B:	"Bu zài, ní děng dào wǎnshang
+zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba."	"No, wait until the evening and then
+call him."
+8.	A:	"Zhōngguo rěn cōnglǎi bù
+jiǎng nánnū píngděng ma?"	"Didn’t the Chinese ever stress
+equality between men and women?"
+	B:	"Shuōdao nǎnnu píngděng, nà
+shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde
+xín guānniàn."	"As for equality of the sexes, that's
+a new concept of the last few
+9.	A:	Da Jiatíng you shénme hǎo?	What's good about large families?
+	B:	"Zenme bù hǎo? Ren duō,
+zhuàn qiǎnde rěn yě duō ma!"	"What could be bad about them? After
+all, if there are more people,
+there are also more people earning
+	A:	"Yàoshi suǒyǒude rěn dōu
+xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng,
+Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào
+you duōshao yì ren le!"	"If everyone thought the way you do,
+who knows how many hundreds of
+millions of people there would be
+in China now!"
+10.	A:	"Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ
+lǎojiǎde ren le ma?"	"Did you see the people in your
+hometown on this visit back
+to your country?"
+	B:	"Kàndao le. Tāmen shēng-
+huóde bú cuò, wo lǎojiS
+yě biàncheng yíge hěn
+rènaode dìfangr le."	"Yes. They’re living pretty well,
+and my hometown has become quite
+a bustling place."
+11.	you yòng	to be useful
+12.	hěiyè	(darkness of) night, nighttime
+13.	xín	heart


+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?	How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
+	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnniān kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.	There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chi le?	Why aren’t you eating?
+	B:	Wǒde wèi hen nánshòu, chlhu-xiàqù le.	My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.
+	A:	Na wǒ gěi ni nòng dianr tāng lai.	I’ll go get you some soup then.
+3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiao Lan liáo tiānr.	I’m going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.
+	B:	Nǐ hie qù le, tā yìtiān dào wan yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.	Don’t go, she works hard all day long and doesn’t have the time to chat with you.
+U.	A:	Wang jiā Xiao Lan cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?	Hasn’t the Wang family’s Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?
+	B:	Tā cai shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shir ne.’	She’s only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn’t thought of these things yet.’
+5-	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nuér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, hú zài kū le.	My youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn’t cry anymore.
+6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde hù yīnggāi zhǒng nan qīng nù.	Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to
+			females.
+	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmū.	Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
+7.	A:	Nī dìdi bǎitiān zài Jiā ma?	Is your younger brother at home during the day?
+	B:	Bu zài, ní děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.	No, wait until the evening and then call him.
+8.	A:	Zhōngguo rěn cōnglǎi bù jiǎng nánnū píngděng ma?	Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality between men and women?
+	B:	Shuōdao nǎnnu píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xín guānniàn.	As for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decades.
+9.	A:	Da Jiatíng you shénme hǎo?	What's good about large families?
+	B:	Zenme bù hǎo? Ren duō, zhuàn qiǎnde rěn yě duō ma!	What could be bad about them? After all, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!
+	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rěn dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào you duōshao yì ren le!	If everyone thought the way you do, who knows how many hundreds of millions of people there would be in China now!
+10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiǎde ren le ma?	Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
+	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēng-huóde bú cuò, wo lǎojiS yě biàncheng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.	Yes. They’re living pretty well, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place.
+11.	you yòng	to be useful
+12.	hěiyè	(darkness of) night, nighttime
+13.	xín	heart

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+1.	A:	"Nǐ baba zhème zǎo jiu
+qǐlai le!"	Your father got up so early!
+	B:	"Tā nianji dà le, měitiān
+shuìde zǎo."	"He’s getting on in years, and
+he goes to bed early."
+2.	A:	"Xiao Wangde yéye you he
+nèixie xiǎo péngyou
+liáo tiānr ne!"	"Xiǎo Wang’s grandfather is
+talking with those kids
+	B:	"Tā rén hen hǎo, hen
+xǐhuan hāizi."	"He’s a very good person, and
+he likes children a lot."
+3.	A:	"Zhèi liǎngniān nǐ nǎinai
+shēntǐ hǎo ma?"	"Has your grandmother’s health been
+good the past couple of years?"
+	B:	"Hái hǎo, you shihou hái
+néng qǐlai shSushi
+shoushi wūzi."	"Fairly good; sometimes she
+can still get up and straighten
+up the room."
+U.	A:	"Zhāng jiāde érxífu hen
+you guīju."	"The Zhāng family’s daughter-
+in-law is a proper young woman."
+	B:	"Shi a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai
+zhēn you fúqi."	"Yes, the Zhāng family’s grand-
+mother is really blessed with
+good fortune."
+5.	A:	"Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén
+chū guó niàn shū duo
+nan.’"	"In the past how difficult it
+was for Chinese to go abroad
+to study!"
+	B:	"Xiǎnzǎi hǎo le, zǒu dao
+nǎr yě méi rén kǎnbuqǐ
+le."	"Now it’s better, no matter where
+they go, no one looks down on
+them anymore."
+6.	A:	"Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wang
+shi ge hen you lǐmàode
+haizi."	"Everyone feels Xiǎo Wang is a very
+well-mannered child."
+7.	A:	"Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niǎnguo
+bù shǎo shū."	"This whole family has had
+quite a good education."
+	B:	"Tǐngshuō tāmende sūnzi
+sūnnu xiǎnzǎi dōu
+niǎn Sǐ Shū ne!"	"I understand that their grandsons
+and granddaughters are (all)
+studying the Four Books now!"
+8.	A:	"Tāmen Jiā guòqù shi you
+qiǎn rén, you bù shǎo
+cǎichǎn."	"Their family used to be rich.
+They had quite a lot of
+	B:	"Nǐ shuōde cǎichǎn shi
+tǔdǐ ba?"	"The property you’re talking
+about is land, isn’t it?"
+9.	A:	"Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi
+gěi women bang dianr
+mǎng."	"Stay (live) here and you can help
+us a bit."
+	B:	"Wǒ baitian you kè, zhǐ hǎo
+wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shǐ."	"I have classes during the day;
+I can only work at night."
+10.	A:	"Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge
+zǎi wǎibianr chǐ kǔ."	"My mother is always worried
+that my older brother is having
+a rough time away from home."
+	B:	"Tāmen Jǐge xiǎo péngyou
+hùxiāng bang mǎng, bū
+huǐ chǐ kǔde."	"His bunch of friends help
+each other out. They don’t
+have such a rough time."


+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+1.	A:	Nǐ baba zhème zǎo jiu qǐlai le!	Your father got up so early!
+	B:	Tā nianji dà le, měitiān shuìde zǎo.	He’s getting on in years, and he goes to bed early.
+2.	A:	Xiao Wangde yéye you he nèixie xiǎo péngyou liáo tiānr ne!	Xiǎo Wang’s grandfather is talking with those kids again!
+	B:	Tā rén hen hǎo, hen xǐhuan hāizi.	He’s a very good person, and he likes children a lot.
+3.	A:	Zhèi liǎngniān nǐ nǎinai shēntǐ hǎo ma?	Has your grandmother’s health been good the past couple of years?
+	B:	Hái hǎo, you shihou hái néng qǐlai shSushi shoushi wūzi.	Fairly good; sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.
+U.	A:	Zhāng jiāde érxífu hen you guīju.	The Zhāng family’s daughter-in-law is a proper young woman.
+	B:	Shi a, Zhāng jiā nǎinai zhēn you fúqi.	Yes, the Zhāng family’s grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.
+5.	A:	Guòqù, Zhōngguo rén chū guó niàn shū duo nan.’	In the past how difficult it was for Chinese to go abroad to study!
+	B:	Xiǎnzǎi hǎo le, zǒu dao nǎr yě méi rén kǎnbuqǐ le.	Now it’s better, no matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.
+6.	A:	Rénjia dōu juéde Xiǎo Wang shi ge hen you lǐmàode haizi.	Everyone feels Xiǎo Wang is a very well-mannered child.
+7.	A:	Zhèi yìjiā rén dōu niǎnguo bù shǎo shū.	This whole family has had quite a good education.
+	B:	Tǐngshuō tāmende sūnzi sūnnu xiǎnzǎi dōu niǎn Sǐ Shū ne!	I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are (all) studying the Four Books now!
+8.	A:	Tāmen Jiā guòqù shi you qiǎn rén, you bù shǎo cǎichǎn.	Their family used to be rich. They had quite a lot of property.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōde cǎichǎn shi tǔdǐ ba?	The property you’re talking about is land, isn’t it?
+9.	A:	Nǐ zhùxialai ba, yě kéyi gěi women bang dianr mǎng.	Stay (live) here and you can help us a bit.
+	B:	Wǒ baitian you kè, zhǐ hǎo wǎnshang zuò diǎnr shǐ.	I have classes during the day; I can only work at night.
+10.	A:	Wǒ mǔqin zǒng dānxǐn wǒ gēge zǎi wǎibianr chǐ kǔ.	My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.
+	B:	Tāmen Jǐge xiǎo péngyou hùxiāng bang mǎng, bū huǐ chǐ kǔde.	His bunch of friends help each other out. They don’t have such a rough time.

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+1.	A:	"Zhèi liǎngnián, nǐmende
+shōurù zěnmeyàng?"	"What has your income been like
+the past couple of years?"
+	B:	"Zhèi liǎngnián, nongyè
+shēngchǎn qíngkuàng bú
+cuò, shōurù yě hái hǎo."	"The past couple of years, agricul-
+tural production conditions have
+been pretty good, and our income
+has been all right, too."
+2.	A:	"Tāde shuōfǎ wō méi ting-
+dong, nǐ tīngmíngbai
+le ma?"	"I didn’t understand the way he said
+that. Did you understand it?"
+	B:	"Meiyou, wo yě méi tingmíngbai,
+érqiě zhèige tímu yě tài
+nan le."	"No, I didn’t understand it either.
+Moreover this topic is too hard."
+3.	A:	"Xue pinyin yě hǎo, bù xué
+pinyin yě hǎo, Zhōngguo zì
+zong děi xué."	"Whether you study romanization
+or not, you’ll always have to
+study Chinese characters."
+	B:	"Shi a, zhèiyang Zhōngguo
+wénhuà cái néng bǎochíxiàqù."	"Yes, this is the only way Chinese
+culture can continue to be
+U.	A:	"Jiǎli laodònglì duō, shēnghuo
+yě jiù huì hǎo yìdiǎnr."	"If a family has more manpower,
+then it follows that life will be
+a little better."
+	B:	"Kěshi xiànzài rénkōu duō
+bù yídìng you shénme
+hǎochù."	"But now it’s not necessarily an
+advantage to have a lot of
+5-	A:	"Zài nàr xiě zìde nèige rén
+shì bu shi tǎ zhàngfu?"	"Is that person writing over there
+her husband?"
+	B:	Zheng shi tǎ!	That’s him all right!
+6.	A:	"Gōngshāngyè fādá you shénme
+haochù? Nali dōu name
+zāng!"	"What benefit is there in having a
+flourishing industry and commerce?
+It’s so dirty everywhere!"
+	B:	"Zhèi yìdiǎn wō bù tōngyì,
+gōngshāngyè fādá you bù
+shǎo hǎochù."	"I don’t agree with that. There are
+a lot of benefits to having a
+flourishing industry and commerce."
+7.	"A: Tā weishénme zǎohūn?
+B: Qùnián tā fùqin sǐ le, méi
+rén zhàogu ta, zhǐ hǎo
+jiehūn le."	"Why did she get married early?
+Last year her father died and there
+was no one to take care of her.
+All she could do was get married."
+8.	A: Duōshù rén dōu xǐhuan zìyou.	Most people like freedom.
+	"B: Kěshi, bú shi hěn duō rén néng
+dédao zìyou."	"But not many people can obtain
+9.	"Weile néng hùxiāng zhàogu,
+tāmen yìjiā sāndài zhù zai
+yiqi."	"All three generations live together
+so that they can take care of each
+10.	"A: Tīngshuō congqián, nǐmen
+zhèli you hěn duō you
+yìside fēngsú."	"I’ve heard that in the past you had
+a lot of interesting customs here."
+	"B: Shi a. Hòulāi gōngshāngyè
+fādá le, fēngsú yě gǎibiàn
+le."	"Yes. Later, when industry and
+commerce developed, customs
+changed, too."
+11.	láodòng	to labor; labor
+12.	láolì	labor force, labor
+13.	gōngyè	industry
+1U.	shāngyè	business, commerce
+15.	dàduōshù(r)	the great majority
+16.	huó	"to live; to become alive; to survive;
+to be live/alive/living; to be
+17.	xíguàn	"habit, custom, usual practice; to be
+accustomed to, to be used to"
+18.	ting	to heed, to obey (someone’s orders)
