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Module 7, Unit 2 finie

Eric Streit 1 year ago
100 changed files with 10423 additions and 300 deletions
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+ 32 - 47
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 02 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
 27.Unable to think of.
 28.Xiaolin and the others.
 29.To apply for.
 30.Now listen to the conversation.
 31.A middle aged man is talking with a young man in Peking.
@@ -52,8 +54,7 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -62,11 +63,11 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -101,7 +104,10 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -115,6 +121,8 @@ You can read French magazines.
@@ -130,63 +138,40 @@ You can read French magazines.
 now here's the conversation for exercise four
 in Hong Kong, a mother talks with her son
+可是我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了 现在他们的生活都不用靠父母 他们都独立了
+但是我想 社会还是需要有知识的人 社会越发达,越需要有知识 你说对不对?

+ 4 - 1
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 03 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -259,7 +259,10 @@ Repeat, as for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decad
 家庭 to earn money to make money,賺錢,all,所有的,to see, to perceive by looking,看到,100 million,已。
-Now, here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. Tom, a graduate student from Georgetown University, and Li Ping, a student from Hong Kong, are now on their China Airlines flight to Hong Kong.
+Now, here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. 
+Tom, a graduate student from Georgetown University, and Li Ping, a student from Hong Kong, are now on their China Airlines flight to Hong Kong.

+ 2 - 4
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 03 - Tape 2.mp3.txt

@@ -47,14 +47,12 @@ After all, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money.
 19.If everyone thought the way you do,
 who knows how many hundreds of millions of people there would be in China now?
 20.Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
 21.Yes, they're living pretty well,
 and my hometown has become quite a bustling place.
 Before going on to Exercise 2,
 read the instructions in your workbook.
 Exercise 2.You'll hear the following dialogue twice,

+ 4 - 8
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 05 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -109,12 +109,10 @@ And answer it yourself, say, that's him alright.
 Now listen to the next exchange.
 What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce?
 It's so dirty everywhere.
 I don't agree with that.
 There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce.
 Repeat industry in commerce.
 Repeat to be flourishing.
@@ -187,8 +185,7 @@ Repeat had to, could only.
 Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her.
 All she could do was get married.
 Now answer the question.
 Why did she get married early yourself?
@@ -229,8 +226,7 @@ Repeat all three generations of their family live together so that they can take
 Now listen to the last exchange.
 I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here.
 Yes, later when industry and commerce developed, customs changed too.
 Repeat custom.

+ 2 - 5
Audio-Transcripts/Standard Chinese/Module 07 SOC/FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Unit 06 - Tape 1.mp3.txt

@@ -275,8 +275,7 @@ Yes, the government is carrying out a policy of protecting people's property.
 Listen to the next sentence.
 Under the leadership of the Communist Party,
 China's position in the world has changed greatly.
 Repeat under the leadership.
@@ -293,9 +292,7 @@ China's position in the world has changed greatly.
 Now listen to the last exchange.
-In the past ten years,
-the industry and commerce in these two cities
-have become more and more developed.
+In the past ten years,the industry and commerce in these two cities have become more and more developed.
 This can't be separated from the government's leadership.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ zuìhòu	最后	last, final (something)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 Běihǎi Gōngyuán	北海公园	a famous park in Běijīng	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 biěde shíhou	别的时候	other times	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 Dōngjīng	东京	Tokyo	5	1	FSI-Chinese
-fàng jià	放假	to closefor a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
+fàng jià	放假	to close for a holiday	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 hǎowán	好玩	to “be fun (lit. , “good for relaxing”)	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 huì	会	will	5	1	FSI-Chinese
 sījī	司机	driver of a hired vehicle	5	1	FSI-Chinese
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ zhāodài	招待	to be hospitable to	6	6	FSI-Chinese
 bìyè	毕业	to graduate	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 bú cuò	不错	not bad, pretty good; that’s right	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 chàbuduō	差不多	almost, about, approximately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
-dǎting	大厅	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
+dǎting	打听 	to inquire about, to ask about	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 jìde	记得	to remember	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 mǎshàng	马上	immediately	6	7	FSI-Chinese
 méi wèntí	没问题	(there’s) no problem	6	7	FSI-Chinese

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文週刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你結婚以前一直都跟父母一起住嗎?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我沒結婚就離開家,獨立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,這兒有一篇關於同居的新聞。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,這種新聞有什麼意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐醫學方面的書越來越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命學醫呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	劉先生的課實在沒意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你聽下去,慢慢會有興趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授這樣的老師真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你說對了。如果不是他幫助我,我真不想學了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不錯。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他寫的幾本小說,現在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那當然,像他那樣有地位有知識的人,寫的小說一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有幫助	to be helpful
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
+13.		zìyóu	寧死	to be free; freedom
+12.		-bèizi	輩子	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新聞週刊	Newsweek
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind

+ 19 - 29
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv

@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
-Dialogue and. Translation for Exercise 2
-Conversation between a middle-aged man (A) and a young man (B) in Běijīng.
-A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?		Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?
-B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.		How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.
-A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?		Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?
-B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!		Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!
-A:	Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**		Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!
-B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.		Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.
-A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.		How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.
-B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?		(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?
-A:	Nǐ huì shénme?		What do you know how to do?
-B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.		I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.
-A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?		Say, can you take photographs?
-B:	Bú huì.		No.
-*Work is assigned, so getting a job is not a matter of personal initiative. Work assignment is done by the work assignment committee of the city district, under coordination of the citywide office.
-**Teachers, while not directly involved in the assignment of work, can be influential in the process. There is a group of teachers in each high school or university who make specific recommendations to city offices which decide whether a student finds work in the city or is sent to the country.
-A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?		Are you interested in photography?
-B:	Yǒu a!		Sure!
-A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.		How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.
-B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!		Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!
-A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?		Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?
-B:	Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?		What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?
-A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.		That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.
+A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?	小名字,今天怎麼有時間在家?	Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?
+B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.	怎麼沒時間?離開學校以後時間多多了?	How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.
+A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?	別胡說,你有工作了沒有?	Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?
+B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!	有工作?有了工作還在這兒坐著,你真有意思。	Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!
+A:	Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**	噢,我知道了,你還沒工作呢?	Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!
+B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.	嗯,老師說我可以等一等。	Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.
+A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.	你這樣等下去怎麼行呢?一天沒工作,一天就得靠父母啊。	How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.
+B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?	嗨,我也知道,這樣下去不行,35.可是我實在想不出什麼好辦法呀,你說我怎麼辦?	(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?
+A:	Nǐ huì shénme?	嗯,你會什麼?	What do you know how to do?
+B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.	我什麼都不會,像小林他們會坐桌子、椅子什麼的,也都有工作了。	I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.
+A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?	你會不會照相?	Say, can you take photographs?
+B:	Bú huì.	不會。	No.
+A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?	你會對照相有沒有興趣?	Are you interested in photography?
+B:	Yǒu a!	有啊。	Sure!
+A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.	這樣吧,我有一個日本照相機,我教你怎樣照相,你就可以有工作了。	How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.
+B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!	算了吧,會照相怎麼會有工作呢?	Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!
+A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?	嗨,你真不聰明,每天都有不少人來北京,誰不想在天門前照照相?35.你再找兩個同學,有管照相的,有管收錢的,不就行了嗎?	Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?
+B:	Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?	.你說的有道理,就這麼辦!對了,要出席照相,還需要申請吧。	What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?
+A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.	.那容易,明天你去找老師,他們會幫助你辦的。	That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.

+ 15 - 19
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 3.csv

@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3
-Conversation between a grandmother (B) and her granddaughter (A) in Běijīng.
-A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?		Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?
-B:	Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!		That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!
-A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?		Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?
-B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?		What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?
-A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.		There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.
-B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?		Why didn’t they get married?
-A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.		The man wanted to go to college.
-B:	Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?		Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?
-A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.		Afterwards, the man really went to college.
-B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ha?		And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?
-A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.		No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.
-B:	Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!		Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!
-A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?		Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!
-B:	Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?		(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?
-A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!		I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!
+A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?	奶奶,您說,新中國男女平等,婦女的地位高多了,對不對?	Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?
+B:	Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!	那還用說,我們年輕的時候,婦女在家裡,在社會上都沒有什麼地位。只有很少的女孩子,就機會念書,不像你們,跟男孩子一樣,念書,做事,多好。	That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!
+A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?	奶奶,那您說,同居這件事,是不是對婦女不好?	Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?
+B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?	你怎麼越說越奇怪了?在新中國,哪兒有同居的事?	What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?
+A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.	怎麼沒有?我剛才看的中國青年上,就有一篇文章。這篇文章說,有一個男孩子和一個女孩子同居了。	There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.
+B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?	他們為什麼不結婚?	Why didn’t they get married?
+A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.	那個男的想上大學?	The man wanted to go to college.
+B:	Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?	哦,對了,結了婚就不能上大學了,那後來呢?	Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?
+A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.	後來,那個男的真上大學了。	Afterwards, the man really went to college.
+B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?	念完書,他們結婚了吧?	And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?
+A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.	沒有,念完書,那個男的想,那女孩子沒地位,也沒錢,他們就算了。	No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.
+B:	Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!	算了,那是什麼話?他還有沒有一點道德觀念?	Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!
+A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?	道德觀念?現在社會上就有這種事兒,您說這是為什麼?	Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!
+B:	Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?	哎,這十幾年奇奇怪怪的新聞,真多,什麼時候才能好一點兒呢?	(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?
+A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!	誰知道,我想快了,快好一點兒了。	I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!

+ 21 - 25
Module-7/FSI-42/Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.csv

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-Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 4
-In Hong Kong, a mother (A) and son (B) have just finished dinner.
-A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!		Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!
-B:	Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.		Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.
-A:	Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.		Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.
-B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.		Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.
-A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.		The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.
-B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.		You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.
-A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?		Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?
-B:	BÙ shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?		A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?
-A:	Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.		This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.
-B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!		Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!
-A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.		Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.
-B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!		Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!
-A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?		Are his articles good?
-B:	Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.		Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.
-A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.		So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.
-B:	Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.		But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.
-A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?		But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?
-B:	Duì!		Right!
-A:	Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?		All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?
-B:	Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.		Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.
-A:	Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.		Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.
+A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!	小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧	Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!
+B:	Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.	好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒	Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.
+A:	Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.	等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的	Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.
+B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.	妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢	Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.
+A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.	天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好.明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服	The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.
+B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.	不用了,我不想上大学了	You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.
+A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?	为什么?你不是要学医吗?	Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?
+B:	Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?	不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?	A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?
+A:	Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.	这种话现在很流行可是我想这话不太对	This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.
+B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!	为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书像我们家对面的周先生对数学那么有研究得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作	Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!
+A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.	周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作	Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.
+B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!	对了,他不喜欢做老师他就喜欢写文章在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢	Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!
+A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?	他的文章,好不好?	Are his articles good?
+B:	Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.	好,可是不容易懂中学生看这样的文章太难了	Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.
+A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.	所以你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形.我想可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作.可是多念一点书对找工作一定有帮助	So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.
+B:	Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.	可是我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了 现在他们的生活都不用靠父母 他们都独立了	But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.
+A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?	但是我想 社会还是需要有知识的人 社会越发达,越需要有知识 你说对不对?	But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?
+B:	Duì!	对	Right!
+A:	Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?	那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?	All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?
+B:	Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.	嗯,我再想一想	Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.
+A:	Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.	好,我们明天再谈谈	Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.

+ 32 - 0

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+B:	Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 	诶!汤姆,你好啊。	Hey! Hi, Tom!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?	你好,李平,来看书吗。	 Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.	吃了晚饭,出来走走,到图书馆看看新到的杂志。	After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?	你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?	What’s your favorite English magazine?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.	嗯,新闻周刊。	Um, Newsweek.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wèishenme ne?	为什么呢?	Why?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。	Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?	对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?	Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.	有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。	Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Òu, “nánnǚ” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?	哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?	Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?	有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。我可以问几个问题吗?	Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!	当然,请问吧。	Sure. What would you like to know?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...	这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,嗯,对不起。	The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...**The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.*	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.	没什么,你说下去。	Not at all, go on.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnǚde dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.	这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。	It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yíyàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.	我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。	We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?	如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。	If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.	好,这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,你就知道我们怎么想了。我的女朋友她是学医的,学医不是一件容易的事儿。她还要在大学学习六年。	Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?	那你们什么时候结婚呢?	Then when are you getting married?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.	现在我们还不想结婚。	We don’t want to get married just yet.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?	为什么?你们觉得结了婚,有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?	Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.	不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好儿想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的儿人。 这也需要时间。	That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.	可是有人会觉得你们这样做,是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。	But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Yǒu rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shì shénme.	有人这么说,可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。	Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Shì shénme ne?	是什么呢?	What is it, then?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?	美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?	Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hái wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?	你说的有点儿道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?	There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.	不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。	No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì.	对。	That’s right.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?	怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?	So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.	看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。	Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.	好,以后再谈。	Okay, we’ll talk about it later.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 395 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! </foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">诶!汤姆,你好啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Hey! Hi, Tom!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你好,李平,来看书吗。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry> Hi, Lǐ Ping. Did you come here to do some reading?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吃了晚饭,出来走走,到图书馆看看新到的杂志。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>After dinner I went out for a walk and came to the library to read through some of the new magazines.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What’s your favorite English magazine?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,新闻周刊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Um, Newsweek.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishenme ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Newsweek is very good. It’s a big help in learning English.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right. When you read it, you can study English at the same time you learn about conditions in American society; it is good. Are there any interesting articles in it this week?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, there’s an article about equality of the sexes that’s very interesting.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Òu, “nánnǚ” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh, equality of the sexes... My girl friend is an expert on the subject. Don’t tell me, are you interested in that issue too?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。我可以问几个问题吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, I am, and I’d also like to know your views on it. Can I ask a few questions?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">当然,请问吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sure. What would you like to know?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,嗯,对不起。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The article says that in a lot of places, cohabitation is getting more and more common. Uh, excuse me...**The reason Lǐ Píng is being so careful here is that he knows Tom and his girlfriend are living together.*</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没什么,你说下去。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Not at all, go on.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnǚde dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。 这一点我真是不懂了。 中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚, 不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>It also said in the article that this is related to the status of women. I really don’t understand that point. The traditional Chinese idea is that a woman should not live with her boyfriend before they get married.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yíyàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我们的观念不太一样, 一些妇女特别是知识妇女, 他们不要靠先生生活, 他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。 像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。 而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,不只是妇女的地位问题。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>We have a somewhat different concept. Some women, especially women intellectuals, don’t want to depend on their husbands in order to live; they want to have independent economic and social status. Like my girlfriend; that’s the way her view is. But also, I think that living together has to do with a lot of things. It’s not just a question of the status of women.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>If it’s all right to talk about it, would you tell me more?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,你就知道我们怎么想了。我的女朋友她是学医的,学医不是一件容易的事儿。她还要在大学学习六年。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you about my situation, and then you’ll know the way we think. My girlfriend is studying medicine. Studying medicine isn’t the easiest thing. She still has six more years of university.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那你们什么时候结婚呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Then when are you getting married?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">现在我们还不想结婚。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>We don’t want to get married just yet.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?你们觉得结了婚,有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? You think that once you get married and have children it’ll be a lot of trouble, right?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是这个意思。 就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。 重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么, 还没有好好儿想过呢? 应该先想那个问题。 而且我们都愿意在结婚以前, 清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的儿人。 这也需要时间。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s not the point. Even if we get married, we won’t necessarily have children right away The important thing is that we haven’t even thought out well what we want to do in our lives. We should think about that problem first. What’s more, we each want to have a clear idea of of what kind of person the other is before we get married. And that takes time.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可是有人会觉得你们这样做,是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But some people will think you are doing this because you feel that living together is freer than marriage.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shì shénme.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有人这么说,可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Some people say that, but I don’t think they have understood what our freedom is.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì shénme ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是什么呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What is it, then?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活, 是最重要的自由。 如果美国没有这种自由, 就不会有那么多人想来美国了。 你说我说的对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Americans feel that to be able to plan their own life is the most important freedom. If America didn’t have that kind of freedom, there wouldn’t be so many people who want to come here. Don’t you think I’m right?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hái wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说的有点儿道理。 哦,我还忘了问你, 今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There’s something to what you say. Oh! ... I forgot to ask you something else: Will your girlfriend be able to come with you to Hong Kong this summer?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不行。 她计划到德国去念书。 暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。 那对她的德文一定很有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No. She’s planning to go to school in Germany. During summer vacation she’s going to live in Germany for three months. I’m sure that will help her German a lot.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s right.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么样? 你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>So what about it, do you have any other opinions about that article in Newsweek?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">看法有。 这个题目很大, 我们以后慢慢再谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, I have other opinions about it. But it’s a big topic. We can talk all about it later.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,以后再谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, we’ll talk about it later.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+A:	Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?	小名字,今天怎么有时间在家?	Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.	怎么没时间?离开学校以后时间多多了?	How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?	别胡说,你有工作了没有?	Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!	有工作?有了工作还在这儿坐著,你真有意思。	Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Ó! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!** 	噢,我知道了,你还没工作呢?	Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō wǒ kéyi děngyiděng.	嗯,老师说我可以等一等。	Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.	你这样等下去怎么行呢?一天没工作,一天就得靠父母啊。	How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?	嗨,我也知道,这样下去不行,35。可是我实在想不出什么好办法呀,你说我怎么办?	(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ huì shénme?	你会什么?	What do you know how to do?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.	我什么都不会,像小林他们会坐桌子、椅子什么的,也都有工作了。	I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?	欸,你会不会照相?	Say, can you take photographs?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú huì.	不会。	No.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?	你对照相有没有兴趣?	Are you interested in photography?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Yǒu a!	有啊。	Sure!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.	这样吧,我有一个日本照相机,我教你怎样照相,你就可以有工作了。	How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ne!	算了吧,会照相怎么会有工作呢?	Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?	嗨,你真不聪明,每天都有不少人来北京,谁不想在天门前照照相?你再找两个同学,有管照相的,有管收钱的,不就行了吗?	Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nín shuōde yǒu dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?	。你说的有道理,就这么办!对了,要出去照相,还需要申请吧。	What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.	。那容易,明天你去找老师,他们会帮助你办的。	That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 239 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小名字,今天怎么有时间在家?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Xiǎo Míngzi, how is it that you have time to be at home today?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么没时间?离开学校以后时间多多了?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How would I not have time? Since I left school, I’ve had lots more time.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">别胡说,你有工作了没有?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Cut it out. Do you have a job yet?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有工作?有了工作还在这儿坐著,你真有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Have a job! If I had a Job would I still be sitting here! You’re something else!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ó! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!** </foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">噢,我知道了,你还没工作呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh! I see, you still don’t have a job!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō wǒ kéyi děngyiděng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯,老师说我可以等一等。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Uh-huh. My teachers said I can wait a while.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你这样等下去怎么行呢?一天没工作,一天就得靠父母啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How will it do for you to go on waiting like this? Every day you don’t have a job, you have to depend on your parents.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗨,我也知道,这样下去不行,35。可是我实在想不出什么好办法呀,你说我怎么办?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>(Sigh), I know that it won’t do to go on like this, but I really can’t think of any good solution! What do you think I should do?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ huì shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你会什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What do you know how to do?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我什么都不会,像小林他们会坐桌子、椅子什么的,也都有工作了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I don’t know how to do anything. Like Xiǎo Lin and the others, who can make tables, chairs, and so on, all have jobs already.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">欸,你会不会照相?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Say, can you take photographs?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú huì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不会。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你对照相有没有兴趣?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are you interested in photography?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yǒu a!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有啊。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sure!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这样吧,我有一个日本照相机,我教你怎样照相,你就可以有工作了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>How about this: I have a Japanese camera. I’ll teach you how to take pictures, and then you can have a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ne!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了吧,会照相怎么会有工作呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Come on! How can I have a job by knowing how to take pictures!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗨,你真不聪明,每天都有不少人来北京,谁不想在天门前照照相?你再找两个同学,有管照相的,有管收钱的,不就行了吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Tsk, you’re really not on the ball. Every day there are lots of people who come to Běijīng; who doesn’t want to get their picture taken in front of Tiān’ānmén! If you find a couple of classmates, and have one in charge of taking the pictures and one in charge of collecting the money then you’re all set, right?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín shuōde yǒu dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。你说的有道理,就这么办!对了,要出去照相,还需要申请吧。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What you say makes sense; that’s just what I’ll do! Oh yes! If you want to go out and take pictures, you have to apply too, don’t you?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">。那容易,明天你去找老师,他们会帮助你办的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That’s easy. Tomorrow, go see your teachers. They’ll help you do it.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+A:	Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnǚ píngděng, fùnǚde dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?	奶奶,您说,新中国男女平等,妇女的地位高多了,对不对?	Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nà hái yòng shuō. Wǒmen niánqīngde shihou, fùnǚ zài jiāli, zài shèhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎode nǚháizi yǒu jīhui niàn shū. Bú xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shì, duó hǎo!	那还用说,我们年轻的时候,妇女在家里,在社会上都没有什么地位。只有很少的女孩子,有机会念书,不像你们,跟男孩子一样,念书,做事,多好!	That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tóngjū zhèijiàn shìr shì bu shi duì fùnǚ bù hǎo?	奶奶,那您说,同居这件事儿,是不是对妇女不好?	Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguó nǎr yǒu tóngjūde shìr?	你怎么越说越奇怪了?在新中国,哪儿有同居的事儿?	What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguó Qīngniánshang jiù yǒu yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, yǒu yíge nánháizi hé yíge nǚháizi tóngjū le.	怎么没有?我刚才看的中国青年上,就有一篇文章。这篇文章说,有一个男孩子和一个女孩子同居了。	There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?	他们为什么不结婚?	Why didn’t they get married?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.	那个男的想上大学?	The man wanted to go to college.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ò , duì le, jiēle hūn jiu bù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulái ne?	哦,对了,结了婚就不能上大学了,那后来呢?	Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.	后来,那个男的真上大学了。	Afterwards, the man really went to college.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?	念完书,他们结婚了吧?	And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nǚháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.	没有,念完书,那个男的想,那女孩子没地位,也没钱,他们就算了。	No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Suàn le?! Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái yǒu méiyou yìdiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!	算了?!那是什么话!他还有没有一点儿道德观念!	Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù yǒu zhèizhǒng shìr! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?	道德观念?!嗯,现在社会上就有这种事儿!您说这是为什么?	Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Ài! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguàiguàide xīnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shíhou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?	哎,这十几年奇奇怪怪的新闻,真多!什么时候才能好一点儿呢?	(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!	谁知道!我想快了!快好一点儿了!	I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnǚ píngděng, fùnǚde dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奶奶,您说,新中国男女平等,妇女的地位高多了,对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà hái yòng shuō. Wǒmen niánqīngde shihou, fùnǚ zài jiāli, zài shèhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎode nǚháizi yǒu jīhui niàn shū. Bú xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shì, duó hǎo!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那还用说,我们年轻的时候,妇女在家里,在社会上都没有什么地位。只有很少的女孩子,有机会念书,不像你们,跟男孩子一样,念书,做事,多好!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tóngjū zhèijiàn shìr shì bu shi duì fùnǚ bù hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">奶奶,那您说,同居这件事儿,是不是对妇女不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguó nǎr yǒu tóngjūde shìr?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你怎么越说越奇怪了?在新中国,哪儿有同居的事儿?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguó Qīngniánshang jiù yǒu yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, yǒu yíge nánháizi hé yíge nǚháizi tóngjū le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">怎么没有?我刚才看的中国青年上,就有一篇文章。这篇文章说,有一个男孩子和一个女孩子同居了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他们为什么不结婚?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why didn’t they get married?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那个男的想上大学?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The man wanted to go to college.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ò , duì le, jiēle hūn jiu bù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulái ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哦,对了,结了婚就不能上大学了,那后来呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">后来,那个男的真上大学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Afterwards, the man really went to college.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">念完书,他们结婚了吧?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>And after he finished school they got married, I suppose?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nǚháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">没有,念完书,那个男的想,那女孩子没地位,也没钱,他们就算了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suàn le?! Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái yǒu méiyou yìdiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了?!那是什么话!他还有没有一点儿道德观念!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù yǒu zhèizhǒng shìr! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">道德观念?!嗯,现在社会上就有这种事儿!您说这是为什么?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ài! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguàiguàide xīnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shíhou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哎,这十几年奇奇怪怪的新闻,真多!什么时候才能好一点儿呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>(Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">谁知道!我想快了!快好一点儿了!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+A:	Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!	小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧!	Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo. Nín yào hē chá ma? Wǒ qù dào.	好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒。	Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Děng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shì bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xīnde.	等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的。	Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Mā, wǒ bú yào xīnde, zhèijiàn hái kéyi chuān ne.	妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢。	Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xīn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbeihǎo. Míngnián nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jǐjiàn xīn yīfu.	天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好。明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服。	The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.	不用了,我不想上大学了。	You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?	为什么?你不是要学医吗?	Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?	不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?	A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhèizhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.	这种话现在很流行,可是我想这话不太对。	This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pīnmìng niàn shū, xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xiansheng, duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū, déle shuòshì, bóshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!	为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书,像我们家对面的周先生,对数学那么有研究,得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作!	Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tóng, suírán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎodào gōngzuò.	周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作。	Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōukānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!	对了,他不喜欢做老师,他就喜欢写文章,在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢!	Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?	他的文章,好不好?	Are his articles good?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Hǎo, kěshi bù rongyì dǒng, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nán le.	好,可是不容易懂,中学生看这样的文章太难了。	Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng yǒu hěn hǎode gōngzuò. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng yǒu bāngzhu.	所以,你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形。我想,可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作。可是多念一点儿书对找工作一定有帮助。	So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Kěshi, wǒde jǐge tóngxué gāozhōng méiyou niànwán jiu zuò shì le, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuó dōu bú yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dúlì le.	可是,我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了,现在他们的生活都不用靠父母了,他们都独立了。	But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì háishi xūyào yǒu zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?	但是我想,社会还是需要有知识的人,社会越发达越需要有知识。你说对不对?	But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Duì!	对!	Right!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Nàme hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?	那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?	All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+B:	Mm... wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.	嗯。。。我再想一想。	Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+A:	Hǎo, wǒmen míngtiān zài tántan.	好,我们明天再谈谈。	Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 263 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="2">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiǎo Lín, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit!</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo. Nín yào hē chá ma? Wǒ qù dào.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Děng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shì bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xīnde.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mā, wǒ bú yào xīnde, zhèijiàn hái kéyi chuān ne.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xīn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbeihǎo. Míngnián nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jǐjiàn xīn yīfu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好。明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不用了,我不想上大学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?你不是要学医吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college?</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèizhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这种话现在很流行,可是我想这话不太对。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pīnmìng niàn shū, xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xiansheng, duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū, déle shuòshì, bóshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书,像我们家对面的周先生,对数学那么有研究,得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tóng, suírán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎodào gōngzuò.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōukānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对了,他不喜欢做老师,他就喜欢写文章,在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他的文章,好不好?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Are his articles good?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, kěshi bù rongyì dǒng, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nán le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,可是不容易懂,中学生看这样的文章太难了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng yǒu hěn hǎode gōngzuò. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng yǒu bāngzhu.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">所以,你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形。我想,可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作。可是多念一点儿书对找工作一定有帮助。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job.</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kěshi, wǒde jǐge tóngxué gāozhōng méiyou niànwán jiu zuò shì le, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuó dōu bú yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dúlì le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">可是,我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了,现在他们的生活都不用靠父母了,他们都独立了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì háishi xūyào yǒu zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">但是我想,社会还是需要有知识的人,社会越发达越需要有知识。你说对不对?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Duì!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">对!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Right!</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nàme hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>All right then, what about the matter of your going to college?</entry>
+	<entry>B:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mm... wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗯。。。我再想一想。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mm . . . I'll think it over some more.</entry>
+	<entry>A:</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo, wǒmen míngtiān zài tántan.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好,我们明天再谈谈。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 27 - 27

@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
-	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
-2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
-	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
-3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
-	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
-	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
-4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
-	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
-5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
-	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
-6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
-	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
-7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
-	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
-8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
-	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
-9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
-	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
-10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
-	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
-11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful
-12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
-13.		zìyóu	宁死	to be free; freedom
-12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime
-15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek
-16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind
+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	这本法文周刊,相当不错。	This French weekly is quite good!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你现在对法文很有研究了,能看法文杂志了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中国人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中国人的新观念,不是老观念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	这篇文章不好吗?	Isn’t this article any good?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是这个意思。文章不错,就是长了一点。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	你还有什么别的巍峨会长吗?	Do you have any other articles?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+13.		zìyóu	自由	to be free; freedom	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek	7	42	FSI-Chinese
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind	7	42	FSI-Chinese

+ 417 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
+  <tgroup cols="3">
+    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
+    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
+    <tbody>
+	<entry>1.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这本法文周刊,相当不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>This French weekly is quite good!</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">啊,你现在对法文很有研究了,能看法文杂志了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!</entry>
+	<entry>2.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">男女平等,是不是中国人的看法?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是,可是那是中国人的新观念,不是老观念。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.</entry>
+	<entry>3.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">这篇文章不好吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Isn’t this article any good?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是这个意思。文章不错,就是长了一点。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你还有什么别的巍峨会长吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Do you have any other articles?</entry>
+	<entry>4.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.</entry>
+	<entry>5.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Look, here’s a news article about living together.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?</entry>
+	<entry>6.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Your sister is getting more and more medical books!</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是啊,她在拼命学医呢。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.</entry>
+	<entry>7.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">刘先生的课实在没意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.</entry>
+	<entry>8.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">像王教授这样的老师真是不多。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.</entry>
+	<entry>9.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你能自己管自己,真不错。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].</entry>
+	<entry>10.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>The novels he wrote are all very popular now.</entry>
+	<entry></entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.</entry>
+	<entry>11.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu bāngzhu</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有帮助</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to be helpful</entry>
+	<entry>12.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu dàolǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">有道理</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to make sense</entry>
+	<entry>13.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zìyóu</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">自由</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>to be free; freedom</entry>
+	<entry>12.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-bèizi</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">辈子</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>all one’s life, lifetime</entry>
+	<entry>15.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnwén Zhōukān</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新闻周刊</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>Newsweek</entry>
+	<entry>16.</entry>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fùnǚ</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">夫女</foreignphrase></entry>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry/>
+	<entry>woman; women, womankind</entry>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Xiǎo Míngzi, jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zài jiā?
+Xiǎo míngzì ,  jīntiān zěnme yǒu shíjiān zàijiā ?
+Zěnme méi shíjiān? Líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu, shíjiān duōduō le.
+Zěnme méi shíjiān ? líkāi xuéxiào yǐhòu shíjiān duōduō le ?
+Bié húshuō. Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le meiyou?
+Biéhúshuō ,  nǐ yǒu gōngzuò le méiyǒu ?
+Yǒu gōngzuò! Yǒule gōngzuò hái zài zhèr zuòzhe! Nǐ zhēn yǒu yìsi!
+Yǒu gōngzuò ? yǒu le gōngzuò huán zài zhèér zuòzhù ,  nǐ zhēn yǒuyìsī .
+Ào! Wǒ zhīdao le, nǐ hái méi gōngzuò na!**
+Ō ,  wǒ zhīdào le ,  nǐ huán méi gōngzuò ní ?
+Ng. Lǎoshī** shuō děngyiděng.
+Èn ,  lǎoshī shuō wǒ kěyǐ děngyīděng .
+Nǐ zhèiyang děngxiaqu zěnme xíng ne? Yìtiān méi gōngzuò, yìtiān jiù děi kào fùmǔ a.
+Nǐ zhèyáng děng xiàqù zěnme xíng ní ? yītiān méi gōngzuò ,  yītiān jiù dé kào fùmǔ a .
+Hài, wǒ yě zhīdao, zhèiyang xiàqu bù xíng, kěshi wǒ shízài xiǎngbuchū shenme hǎo bànfa ya! Nī shuōwǒ zěnme bàn?
+Hāi ,  wǒ yě zhīdào ,  zhèyáng xiàqù bùxíng , kěshì wǒ shízài xiǎngbùchū shénme hǎo bànfǎ yā ,  nǐ shuō wǒ zěnmebàn ?
+Nǐ huì shénme?
+Èn ,  nǐ huì shénme ?
+Wǒ shénme dōu bú huì. Xiàng Xiǎo Lín tamen huì zuò zhuōzi yǐzi shenmede, yě dōu yǒu gōngzuò le.
+Wǒ shénme dū bùhuì ,  xiàng xiǎolín tāmen huì zuò zhuōzǐ 、 yǐzǐ shénme de ,  yě dū yǒu gōngzuò le .
+Éi, nǐ huì bu hui zhào xiàng?
+Nǐ huì bùhuì zhàoxiāng ?
+Bú huì.
+Bùhuì .
+Nǐ duì zhào xiàng yǒu méiyou xìngqu?
+Nǐ huì duì zhàoxiāng yǒuméiyǒu xīngqù ?
+Yǒu a!
+Yǒu a .
+Zhèiyang ba! Wǒ yǒu yíge Rìběn zhàoxiàngjī, wǒ jiāo ni zěnmeyàng zhào xiàng, nǐ jiu kéyi yǒu gōngzuǒ le.
+Zhèyáng ba ,  wǒ yǒu yīgè rìběn zhàoxiāngjī ,  wǒjiào nǐ zěnyáng zhàoxiāng ,  nǐ jiù kěyǐ yǒu gōngzuò le .
+Suàn le ba, huì zhào xiàng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuǒ ne!
+Suànleba ,  huì zhàoxiāng zěnme huì yǒu gōngzuò ní ?
+Hài, nǐ zhēn bù cōngming. Měitiān dōu yǒu bù shǎo rén lái Běijīng, shéi bù xiǎng zài Tiān’ānmén qián zhào zhāng xiàng! Nǐ zài zhǎo liǎngge tóngxué, yǒu guǎn zhàoxiàngde, yǒu guǎn shōu qiánde, bú jiù xíng le ma?
+Hāi ,  nǐ zhēn bù cōngmíng ,  měitiān dū yǒu bùshǎo rénlái běijīng ,  shuí bùxiǎng zài tiānmén qiánzhào zhàoxiāng ? nǐ zài zhǎo liǎnggè tóngxué ,  yǒuguǎn zhàoxiāng de ,  yǒuguǎn shōuqián de ,  bù jiùxíngle ma ?
+Nín shuōde yoǒ dàolǐ, jiù zènme bàn! Duì le, yào chūqu zhào xiàng, hái xūyào shēnqǐng ba?
+. nǐ shuō de yǒu dàolǐ ,  jiù zhème bàn ! duì le ,  yào chūxí zhàoxiāng ,  huán xūyào shēnqǐng ba .
+Nà róngyi. Míngtiān, nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī, tāmen huì bāngzhu ni bànde.
+. nà róngyì ,  míngtiān nǐ qù zhǎo lǎoshī ,  tāmen huì bāngzhù nǐ bàn de .

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnū píngděng, fùnude dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui?
+Nǎinǎi ,  nín shuō ,  xīn zhōngguó nánnǚpíngděng ,  fùnǚ de dìwèi gāoduō le ,  duì bù duì ?
+Nà hái yǒng shuō. Women niánqīngde shihou, fùnū zài jiāli, zài shěhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ you hěn shǎode nūháizi you jǐhui niàn shū. Bu xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shi, duo hǎo!
+Nàhuányòngshuō ,  wǒmen niánqīng de shíhòu ,  fùnǚ zài jiālǐ ,  zài shèhuì shàng dū méiyǒu shénme dìwèi . zhǐyǒu hěnshǎo de nǚháizǐ ,  jiù jīhuì niànshū ,  bùxiàng nǐmen ,  gēn nánháizǐ yīyáng ,  niànshū ,  zuòshì ,  duōhǎo .
+Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tongjū zhèijiàn shir shi bu shi duì fùnù bù hǎo?
+Nǎinǎi ,  nà nín shuō ,  tóngjū zhèjiàn shì ,  shìbùshì duì fùnǚ bùhǎo ?
+Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguo nǎr you tōngjūde shir?
+Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le ? zài xīn zhōngguó ,  nǎér yǒu tóngjū de shì ?
+Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguo Qǐngniánshang jiù you yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, you yíge nánháizi he yíge nùháizi tōngjū le.
+Zěnme méiyǒu ? wǒ gāngcái kàn de zhōngguó qīngnián shàng ,  jiù yǒu yīpiān wénzhāng . zhè piānwénzhāng shuō ,  yǒu yīgè nánháizǐ hé yīgè nǚháizǐ tóngjū le .
+Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn?
+Tāmen wèishénme bù jiéhūn ?
+Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué.
+Nàgè nán de xiǎng shàng dàxué ?
+Ou, duì le, jiēle hūn jiu hù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulǎi ne?
+Ò ,  duì le ,  jiélehūn jiù bùnéng shàng dàxué le ,  nà hòulái ní ?
+Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le.
+Hòulái ,  nàgè nán de zhēnshàng dàxué le .
+Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba?
+Niànwán shū ,  tāmen jiéhūn le ba ?
+Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nuháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le.
+Méiyǒu ,  niànwán shū ,  nàgè nán de xiǎng ,  nà nǚháizǐ méi dìwèi ,  yě méi qián ,  tāmen jiùsuàn le .
+Suàn le?.’ Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái you méiyou yidiǎnr dàodé guānniàn!
+Suànle ,  nà shì shénme huà ? tā huányǒu méiyǒu yīdiǎn dàodéguānniàn ?
+Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù you zhèizhǒng shir! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme?
+Dàodéguānniàn ? xiànzài shèhuì shàng jiù yǒu zhèzhǒng shìér ,  nín shuō zhè shì wèishénme ?
+Ai! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguài- guàide xǐnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shihou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne?
+Āi ,  zhè shíjīnián qíqíguàiguài de xīnwén ,  zhēn duō ,  shénme shíhòu cáinéng hǎo yīdiǎnér ní ?
+Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le!
+Shuí zhīdào ,  wǒ xiǎng kuài le ,  kuài hǎo yīdiǎnér le .

+ 63 - 0

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+Xiǎo Lin, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba!
+Xiǎolín ,  chīlefàn bùyào niànshū le ,  xiūxī xiūxī ba
+Hǎo. Nín yào he chǎ ma? Wǒ qù dào.
+Hǎo ,  nín yào hēchá ma ? wǒ qù dǎo
+Deng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shi bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xínde.
+Děng yīxià ,  ràng wǒ kànkàn ,  nǐ de máoyī shìbùshì pò le ? míngtiān wǒ dé qù gěi nǐ mǎijiàn xīn de
+Mā, wǒ bú yào xinde, zhèijiàn hai kéyi chuān ne.
+Mā ,  wǒ bùyào xīn de ,  zhèjiàn huán kěyǐ chuān ní
+Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xǐn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbei-hǎo. Míngniàn nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jijiàn xǐn yīfu.
+Tiānlěng le ,  nǐ xūyào yījiàn xīn máoyī ,  wǒhuì gěi nǐ yùbèi hǎo . míngnián nǐ shàng dàxué de shíhòu ,  wǒhuì duō gěi nǐ yùbèi jījiàn xīn yīfú
+Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le.
+Bùyòng le ,  wǒ bùxiǎng shàng dàxué le
+Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma?
+Wèishénme ? nǐ bùshì yào xuéyì ma ?
+Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne?
+Bùshǎo rén shuōbùshàng dàxué yě kěyǐ gōngzuò yě yīyáng kěyǐ shēnghuó wèishénme yīdìng yào shàng dàxué ní ?
+Zhèizhōng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì.
+Zhèzhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng kěshì wǒ xiǎng zhèhuà bùtàiduì
+Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pǐnmìng niàn shū, xiàng women Jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xian-sheng, duì shùxué nàme you yān-jiū, déle shuòshì, boshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò!
+Wèishénme ? yǒu de rén zài dàxué lǐ pīnmìng niànshū xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiàn de zhōuxiānshēng duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū dé le shuòshì ,  bóshì ,  huán bùshì zhǎo bùdào gōngzuò
+Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tong, suírǎn tā xiāngdāng you zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎo-dào gōngzuò.
+Zhōuxiānshēng de qíngxíng gēn biérén bùtóng suīrán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshì kěshì tā bù xǐhuān de gōngzuò ,  tā jiù bù zuò nà dāngrán bù róngyì zhǎodào gōngzuò
+Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā Jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōu-kānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne!
+Duì le ,  tā bù xǐhuān zuò lǎoshī tā jiù xǐhuān xiěwénzhāng zài zhōngxuéshēng zhōukān shàng wǒ huán kànjiàn guò tā de wénzhāng ní
+Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo?
+Tā de wénzhāng ,  hǎobùhǎo ?
+Hǎo, kǎshi bù rongyì dong, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nan le.
+Hǎo ,  kěshì bù róngyì dǒng zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèyáng de wénzhāng tàinán le
+Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng you hěn hǎode gōngzuǒ. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng you bāngzhu.
+Suǒyǐ nǐ bùnéng shuō zhōuxiānshēng de qíngxíng jiùshì dàjiā de qíngxíng . wǒ xiǎng kěyǐ zhèyáng shuō : niànguò hěnduō shū de rén bù yīdìng yǒu hěn hǎo de gōngzuò . kěshì duōniàn yīdiǎn shū duì zhǎo gōngzuò yīdìng yǒu bāngzhù
+Kěshi, wǒde jīge tongxué gāozhōng méiyou niǎnwán jiu zuǒ shile, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuo dōu bū yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dūlì le.
+Kěshì wǒ de jīgè tóngxué   gāozhōng méiyǒu niànwán jiù zuòshì le   xiànzài tāmen de shēnghuó dū bùyòng kào fùmǔ   tāmen dū dúlì le
+Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì hǎishi xūyào you zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào you zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui?
+Dànshì wǒ xiǎng   shèhuì huánshì xūyào yǒu zhīshì de rén   shèhuì yuè fādá ,  yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshì   nǐ shuō duì bù duì ?
+Name hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng?
+Nàme hǎo le ,  nǐniàn dàxué de shì zěnmeyáng ?
+Mm . . . wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng.
+Èn ,  wǒ zài xiǎngyīxiǎng
+Hǎo, women míngtiān zài tantan.
+Hǎo ,  wǒmen míngtiān zài tántán

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+Èi! Tāngmǔ, nǐ hǎo a! 
+Āi ! tāngmǔ ,  nǐhǎo a .
+Nǐ hǎo, Lǐ Píng! Lái kàn shū ma?
+Nǐhǎo ,  lǐpíng ,  láikàn shū ma .
+Chīle wǎnfàn, chūlai zǒuzou, dào túshūguǎn kànkan xīn dàode zázhì.
+Chī le wǎnfàn ,  chūlái zǒuzǒu ,  dào túshūguǎn kànkàn xīndào de zázhì .
+Nǐ zuì xǐhuande Yīngwén zázhì shi shénme?
+Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de yīngwén zázhì shì shénme ?
+Ng, Xīnwén Zhōukān.
+Èn ,  xīnwénzhōukān .
+Wèishenme ne?
+Wèishénme ní ?
+Xīnwén Zhōukān hěn hǎo, duì xué Yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhu.
+Xīnwénzhōukān hěn hǎo ,  duìxué yīngwén hěn yǒu bāngzhù .
+Duì, kàn zhèige zázhì, yìfāngmiàn kéyi xué Yīngwén, yìfāngmiàn kéyi zhīdao Měiguo shèhuìde qíngkuāng, shì bu cuò. Zhèige xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒu yìside wénzhāng ma?
+Duì ,  kàn zhègè zázhì ,  yīfāngmiàn kěyǐ xué yīngwén ,  yīfāngmiàn kěyǐ zhīdào měiguó shèhuì de qíngkuàng ,  shì bùcuò . zhègè xīngqī yǒu shénme yǒuyìsī de wénzhāng ma ?
+Yǒu, yǒu yìpiān guānyú nánnǚ píngděngde wénzhāng hěn yǒu yìsi.
+Yǒu ,  yǒu yīpiān guānyú nánnǚpíngděng de wénzhāng hěn yǒuyìsī .
+Òu, “nánnū” píngděng... wǒde  nǚpéngyou duì zhèige tímu**tímu, subject, topic (see Unit 5)* hěn yǒu yánjiū. Zěnme? Nǐ yě duì zhèige wèntí yǒu xìngqu ma?
+Ò ,  nánnǚpíngděng ,  wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu duì zhègè tímù hěn yǒu yánjiū . zěnme ? nǐ yě duì zhègè wèntí yǒu xīngqù ma ?
+Yǒu, wǒ yǒu xìngqu, érqiě xiǎng zhīdao nǐmende kànfǎ. Wǒ kéyi wèn jǐge wèntí ma?
+Yǒu ,  wǒ yǒu xīngqù ,  érqiě xiǎng zhīdào nǐmen de kànfǎ . wǒ kěyǐ wèn jīgè wèntí ma ?
+Dāngrán, qǐng wèn ba!
+Dāngrán ,  qǐngwèn ba .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, zài hěn duō dìfāng yuè lái yuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le. Ēn, duìbuqǐ...
+Zhè piānwénzhāng shuō ,  zài hěnduō dìfāng yuèláiyuè liúxíng nánnǚ tóngjū le ,  èn ,  duìbùqǐ .
+Méi shenme, nǐ shuōxiaqu.
+Méishénme ,  nǐ shuō xiàqù .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng hái shuō zhèizhōng shì hé fùnude dìwei yǒu guānxi. Zhèi yidiǎn wǒ zhēnshi bù dǒng le. Zhōngguo rénde chuántǒng guānniàn shi, fùnǚ méiyou jiēhūn, bù yīnggāi hé tāde nánpéngyou zhù zai yìqǐ.
+Zhè piānwénzhāng huán shuō ,  zhèzhǒng shì hé fùnǚ de dìwèi yǒu guānxì .   zhè yīdiǎn wǒ zhēnshì bù dǒng le .   zhōngguó rén de chuántǒngguānniàn shì ,  fùnǚ méiyǒu jiéhūn ,    bù yìnggāi hé tā de nánpéngyǒu zhùzàiyīqǐ .
+Wǒmende guānniàn bú tài yí yàng. Yìxiē fùnǚ, tèbié shi zhīshi fùnǚ, tāmen bú yào kào xiānsheng shēnghuó, tāmen yào yǒu dúlìde jīngji hé shèhui dìwei. Xiàng wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā jiù yǒu zhèiyangde kànfǎ. Erqiě wǒ xiǎng, tóngjūde wèntí hé hěn duō shìqing yǒu guānxi, bù zhǐ shi fùnǚde dìwei wèntí.
+Wǒmen de guānniàn bùtài yīyáng ,    yīxiē fùnǚ tèbié shì zhīshì fùnǚ ,    tāmen bùyào kào xiānshēng shēnghuó ,    tāmen yào yǒu dúlì de jīngjì hé shèhuì dìwèi .   xiàng wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu ,  tā jiù yǒu zhèyáng de kànfǎ .   érqiě wǒ xiǎng ,  tóngjū de wèntí hé hěnduō shìqíng yǒu guānxì ,  bù zhǐshì fùnǚ de dìwèi wèntí .
+Rúguó kéyi tánde huà, nǐ gěi wo jiǎngjiang zěnmeyàng?
+Rúguǒ kěyǐ tán dehuà ,  nǐ gěi wǒ jiǎngjiǎng zěnmeyáng .
+Hǎo, zhèiyangr ba, wǒ gěi ni tántan wǒde shì, nǐ jiu zhīdao wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le. Wǒde nǚpéngyou, tā shi xué yīde. Xué yī bú shi yíjiàn róngyide shìr. Tā hái yào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián.
+Hǎo ,  zhèyáng ba ,  wǒ gěi nǐ tántán wǒ de shì ,  nǐ jiù zhīdào wǒmen zěnme xiǎng le . nǐ zhīdào ,  wǒ de nǚpéngyǒu tā shì xuéyì de ,  xuéyì bùshì yījiàn róngyì de shì ,  tā huányào zài dàxué xuéxí liùnián .
+Nà nǐmen shénme shíhou jiēhūn ne?
+Nà nǐmen shénme shíhòu jiéhūn ní ?
+Xiànzài wǒmen hái bù xiǎng jiēhūn.
+Xiànzài wǒmen huán bùxiǎng jiéhūn .
+Wèishénme? Nǐmen juéde jiēle hūn, yǒule háizi huì hěn máfan, shì bu shi?
+Wèishénme ? nǐmen juédé jiélehūn ,  yǒu le háizǐ huì bùhuì máfán shìbùshì ?
+Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Jiùshi wǒmen jiēhūnle, yě bù yídìng mǎshàng yào háizi. Zhòngyàode shi wǒmen zhèi yíbèizi yào zuò shénme, hái méiyou hǎohāor xiǎngguo ne, yīnggāi xiān xiǎng nèige wèntí. Érqiě wǒmen dōu yuànyi zài jiēhūn yǐqiān qīngchǔde zhīdao zìjǐ xǐhuande nèige rén shi yíge shénmeyàngrde rén. Zhèi yě xūyào shíjiān.
+Bùshì zhègè yìsī .   jiùshì wǒmen jiéhūn le ,  yě bù yīdìng mǎshàng yào háizǐ .   zhòngyào de shì ,  wǒmen zhè yībèizǐ yào zuò shénme ,    huán méiyǒu hǎohǎo xiǎngguò ní ?   yìnggāi xiānxiǎng nàgè wèntí .   érqiě wǒmen dū yuànyì zài jiéhūn yǐqián ,    qīngchǔ dì zhīdào zìjǐ xǐhuān de nàgè rén shì yīgè shénmeyáng de rén .   zhè yě xūyào shíjiān .
+Kěshi yǒu rén huì juéde nǐmen zhèiyang zuò shi yīnwei nǐmen juéde tóngjū bǐ jiēhūn zìyóu.
+Kěshì yǒurén huì juédé nǐmen zhèyáng zuò ,  shìyīnwèi nǐmen juédé tóngjū bǐ jiéhūn zìyóu .
+You rén zhème shuō, kěshi wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmende zìyóu shi shénme.
+Yǒurén zhème shuō ,  kěshì wǒ xiǎng tāmen méi dǒng wǒmen de zìyóu shì shénme .
+Shì shénme ne?
+Shì shénme ní ?
+Měiguo rén juéde zìjǐ kéyi jìhua zìjǐde shēnghuó shi zuì zhòngyàode zìyóu. Rúguo Měiguo méiyǒu zhèizhǒng zìyóu, jiù bú huì you nàme duō rén xiǎng lái Měiguo le, nǐ shuō wǒ shuōde duì bu dui?
+Měiguó rén juédé zìjǐ kěyǐ jìhuá zìjǐ de shēnghuó ,    shì zuì zhòngyào de zìyóu .   rúguǒ měiguó méiyǒu zhèzhǒng zìyóu ,    jiù bùhuì yǒu nàme duōrén xiǎnglái měiguó le .   nǐ shuō wǒ shuō de duì bù duì ?
+Nǐ shuōde yǒu diǎnr dàoli. Òu... Wǒ hai wàngle wèn ni, jīnnián xiàtiān, nǐde nǚpéngyou néng péi ni dào Xiānggǎng qu ma?
+Nǐ shuō de yǒudiǎn dàolǐ .   ò ,  wǒ huán wàng le wèn nǐ ,    jīnniánxiàtiān nǐ de nǚpéngyǒu néng péinǐdào xiānggǎng qù ma ?
+Bù xíng. Tā jìhua dào Déguo qu niàn shū. Shǔjiàde shihou tā yào zài Déguo zhù sānge yuè, nà duì tāde Déwén yídìng hěn yǒu bāngzhu.
+Bùxíng .   tā jìhuá dào déguó qù niànshū .   shǔjiǎ de shíhòu ,  tā yào zài déguó zhù sāngè yuè .   nà duì tā de déwén yīdìng hěn yǒu bāngzhù .
+Duì .
+Zěnmeyàng, nǐ duì Xīnwén Zhōukān zhèipiān wénzhāng hái yǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma?
+Zěnmeyáng ?   nǐ duì xīnwénzhōukān zhè piānwénzhāng huányǒu shénme biéde kànfǎ ma ?
+Kànfǎ yǒu. Zhèige tímu hěn dà, wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zài tán.
+Kànfǎ yǒu .   zhègè tímù hěndà ,    wǒmen yǐhòu mànmàn zàitán .
+Hǎo, yǐhòu zài tán.
+Hǎo ,  yǐhòu zàitán .

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+1.	A:	Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。	This French weekly is quite good!
+	B:	À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。	Oh! You know a lot about French now you can read French magazines!
+2.	A:	Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
+	B:	Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
+3.	A:	Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Isn’t this article any good?
+	B:	Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.	不是這個意思。文章不錯,就是長了一點。	That wasn’t what I meant. The article is pretty good, it’s just that it’s a bit long.
+	B:	Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?	這篇文章不好嗎?	Do you have any other articles?
+4.	A:	Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?	Before you got married did you live with your parents all along?
+	B:	Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
+5.	A:	Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。	Look, here’s a news article about living together.
+	B:	Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?	Forget it. What’s interesting about that kind of news?
+6.	A:	Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。	Your sister is getting more and more medical books!
+	B:	Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。	Yes, she’s studying medicine with all her energy.
+7.	A:	Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.	刘先生的课实在没意思。	Mr. Liu’s class is really boring.
+	B:	Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。	If you keep attending it, gradually you’ll become interested.
+8.	A:	Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。	There really aren’t many teachers like Professor Wang.
+	B:	Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.	你说对了。如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。	You’re right. If it weren’t for the help he’s given me, I wouldn’t want to study anymore.
+9.	A:	Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
+	B:	Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.	你能自己管自己,真不错。	It’s really great that you can take care of yourself [be your own boss].
+10.	A:	Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
+	B:	Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。	Of course. Novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
+11.		yǒu bāngzhu	有帮助	to be helpful
+12.		yǒu dàolǐ	有道理	to make sense
+13.		zìyóu	宁死	to be free; freedom
+12.		-bèizi	辈子	all one’s life, lifetime
+15.		Xīnwén Zhōukān	新闻周刊	Newsweek
+16.		fùnǚ	夫女	woman; women, womankind

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+Zhèiběn Fǎwén zhōukān xiāngdāng bú cuò!
+Zhèběn fǎwén zhōukān ,  xiāngdāng bùcuò .
+À! Nǐ xiànzài duì Fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le, néng kàn Fǎwén zázhì le!
+A ,  nǐ xiànzài duì fǎwén hěn yǒu yánjiū le ,  néng kànfǎ wén zázhì le .
+Nánnǚ píngděng shì bu shi Zhōngguó rénde kànfǎ?
+Nánnǚpíngděng ,  shìbùshì zhōngguó rén de kànfǎ ?
+Shì, kěshi nèi shi Zhōngguo rénde xīn guānniàn, bú shi lǎo guānniàn.
+Shì ,  kěshì nà shì zhōngguó rén de xīn guānniàn ,  bùshì lǎo guānniàn .
+Zhèipiān wénzhāng bù hǎo ma?
+Zhè piānwénzhāng bùhǎo ma ?
+Bú shi zhèige yìsi. Wénzhāng bú cuò, jiù shi chángle yidiǎnr.
+Bùshì zhègè yìsī . wénzhāng bùcuò ,  jiùshì cháng le yīdiǎn .
+Nǐ hái yǒu shénme biéde wénzhāng ma?
+Nǐ huányǒu shénme biéde wēié huìcháng ma ?
+Nǐ jiēhūn yǐqián yìzhí dōu gēn fùmǔ yìqǐ zhù ma?
+Nǐ jiéhūn yǐqián yīzhí dū gēn fùmǔ yīqǐ zhù ma ?
+Bú shi, wǒ méi jiēhūn jiu líkāi jiā dúlì shēnghuōle qī-bā nián.
+Bùshì ,  wǒ méi jiéhūn jiù líkāi jiā ,  dúlì shēnghuó le qībānián .
+Nǐ kàn, zhèr yǒu yìpiān guānyù tóngjūde xīnwén.
+Nǐ kàn ,  zhèér yǒu yīpiān guānyú tóngjū de xīnwén .
+Suànle ba. Zhèizhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsi?
+Suànleba ,  zhèzhǒng xīnwén yǒu shénme yìsī ?
+Nī jiějie yīxué fāngmiànde shū yuè lái yuè duō le!
+Nǐ jiějiě yìxué fāngmiàn de shū yuèláiyuè duō le .
+Shì a, tā zài pīnmìng xué yī ne.
+Shì a ,  tā zài pīnmìng xuéyì ní .
+Liú Xiānshengde kè shízài méi yìsi.
+Liúxiānshēng de kè shízài méiyìsī .
+Nǐ tǐīgxiaqu, mànmānr huì yǒu xìngqude.
+Nǐ tīng xiàqù ,  mànmàn huì yǒu xīngqù de .
+Xiàng Wáng Jiàoshòu zhèiyangde lǎoshī zhēnshi bù duō.
+Xiàng wáng jiàoshòu zhèyáng de lǎoshī zhēnshì bù duō .
+Nǐ shuōduì le. Rúguǒ bú shi tā bāngzhu wo, wǒ zhēn bù xiǎng xué le.
+Nǐ shuō duì le . rúguǒ bùshì tā bāngzhù wǒ ,  wǒ zhēn bùxiǎng xuéle .
+Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiu bú kào fùmǔ shēnghuó le.
+Sānnián yǐqián wǒ jiù bùkào fùmǔ shēnghuó le .
+Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjī, zhēn bú cuò.
+Nǐ néng zìjǐ guǎn zìjǐ ,  zhēnbùcuò .
+Tā xiěde jǐběn xiǎoshuō xiànzài dōu hěn liúxíng.
+Tā xiě de jīběn xiǎoshuō ,  xiànzài dū hěn liúxíng .
+Nà dāngrān, xiàng tā nèiyang yǒu dìwei yǒu zhǐshide rén, xiěde xiǎoshuō yídìng yǒu yìsi.
+Nà dāngrán ,  xiàng tā nàyáng yǒu dìwèi yǒu zhīshì de rén ,  xiě de xiǎoshuō yīdìng yǒuyìsī .
+yǒu bāngzhu
+Yǒu bāngzhù
+yǒu dàolǐ
+Yǒu dàolǐ
+Xīnwén Zhōukān

+ 24 - 0

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+1.	A:	Nǐ jiějie xiànzài zěnme duì zhèngzhi wèntí rèxīnqilai le?	你姐姐現在怎麼對政治問題熱心起來了?	How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
+	B:	Zhèi méiyou shénme qíguài, tā jīnnián kāishǐ xué zhèngzhixué le.	這沒有什麼奇怪,她今年開始學政治學了。	There’s nothing strange about that, she started studying political science this year.
+2.	A:	Nǐ zěnme bù chī le?	你怎麼不喫了?	Why aren’t you eating?
+	B:	Wǒde wèi hěn nánshòu, chībuxiàqù le.	我的胃很難受,喫不下去了。	My stomach is uncomfortable, I can’t eat anymore.
+	A:	Nà wǒ gěi nǐ nòng dianr tāng lai.	那我去給你弄點湯來。	I’ll go get you some soup then.
+3.	A:	Wǒ qù zhǎo Xiǎo Lán liáo tiānr.	我去找小蘭聊天兒。	I'm going to go look for Xiǎo Lan to have a chat.
+	B:	Nǐ bié qù le, tā yìtiān dào wǎn yònggōng, méi shíjiān péi ni liáo tiānr.	你別去了,她一天到晚用工,沒時間陪你聊天。	Don't go,she works hard all day long and doesn't have the time to chat with you.
+4.	A:	Wáng jiā Xiǎo Lán cónglái méiyou nánpéngyou ma?	王家小藍從來沒有男朋友嗎?	Hasn't the Wang family's Xiǎo Lan ever had a boy friend?
+	B:	Tā cái shíjiǔsuì, mángzhe niàn shū, hái méiyou xiǎngdào zhèixie shìr ne!	她才19歲,忙着唸書,還沒有想到這些事兒呢!	She's only nineteen years old, busy studying, and hasn't thought of these things yet!
+5.	A:	Wǒde xiǎo nǚér liǎngsānsuìde shihou cháng kū, xiànzài zhǎngdà le, bú zài kū le.	我的小女兒兩三歲的時候常哭,現在長大了,不再哭了。	youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old, but now she has grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
+6.	A:	Zuò fùmǔde bù yīnggāi zhòng nán qīng nǚ.	做父母的不應該種男輕女。	Those who are parents shouldn’t regard males as superior to females.
+	B:	Duì. Zuò háizide yě yīnggāi xiàoshun fùmǔ.	對。做孩子的也應該孝順父母。	Right. And those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
+7.	A:	Nǐ dìdi báitiān zài jiā ma?	你弟弟白天在家嗎?	Is your younger brother at home during the day?
+	B:	Bú zài, nǐ děng dào wǎnshang zài dǎ diànhuà lai ba.	不在,你等到晚上再打電話來吧。	No, vait until the evening and then call him.
+8.	A:	Zhōngguo rén cónglái bù jiǎng nánnǚ píngděng ma?	中國人從來不將男女平等嗎?	Didn’t the Chinese ever stress equality betveen men and vomen?
+	B:	Shuōdao nánnǚ píngděng, nà shi zuìjìn jǐshíniánde xīn guānniàn.	說到男女平等,那是最近幾十年的新觀念。	As for equality of the sexes, thatfs a nev concept of the last fev decades.
+9.	A:	Dà jiātíng yǒu shénme hǎo?	大家庭有什麼好?	What's good about large families?
+	B:	Zěnme bù hǎo? Rén duō, zhuàn qiánde rén yě duō ma!	怎麼不好?人多,賺錢的人也多嗎?	What could be bad about them? Afterall, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money!
+	A:	Yàoshi suǒyǒude rén dōu xiàng nín zhèiyang xiǎng, Zhōngguo xiànzài bù zhīdào yǒu duōshao yì rén le!	要是所有的人都像您這麼想,中國現在不知道有多少藝人了。	If everyone thought the way you do, vho knovs hov many hundreds of millions of people there vould be in China nov!
+10.	A:	Nǐ zhèicì huí guó kàndao nǐ lǎojiāde rén le ma?	你這次回國看到你老家的人了嗎?	Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
+	B:	Kàndao le. Tāmen shēnghuóde bú cuò, wǒ lǎojiā yě biànchéng yíge hěn rènaode dìfangr le.	看見了,他們生活得不錯,我老家也變成一個很熱鬧的地方兒了。	Yes. They1re living pretty veil, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place